90 articles et vidéo reliés au domaine de la santé
90 articles et vidéo reliés au domaine de la santé
Vous trouverez dans ce billet 90 articles et vidéo reliés au domaine de la santé. Vous y découvrirez une tonne d'informations à propos de l'effondrement des colonies d'abeilles, de la santé et des remèdes, du sida, du glutamate monosodique (MSG) , de l'Aspartame, des additifs alimentaires dangereux, des produits chimiques, du fluorure, des bienfaits du cannabis dans la médecine, des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM), des dangers des crèmes solaires et quelques alternatives, des vaccins, du cancer et de cures possibles, de la maladie de la vache folle qui tue au moins 300 personnes aux États-Unis seulement par année, et finalement des informations sur le pernicieux et criminel secteur des compagnies pharmaceutiques et de leur néfastes médicaments.
Who should MDs let die in a pandemic? Report offers answers
Thirty-Six U.S. States to Face Water Shortages in the Next Five Years
At least 36 states are expected to face water shortages within the next five years, according to
The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy
The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy
by Michel Chossudovsky
India's Rice Farmers Abandon Paddies, Deepening Global Shortage
Monsanto strikes again. Indian rice farmers quit growing rice because they can't afford seed, fertilizer, etc.
Porous Defenses
Congressional investigators have found alarming weaknesses in security procedures at two top laboratories that work with the world’s most dangerous biological agents and diseases.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I ... don't ... feel ... so ... good ...
Nanotech: Why Something So Small Can Be So Dangerous
Environmentalists, scientists, and policymakers increasingly worry that nanotech development is outrunning our understanding of how to use it safely. Consider these examples from last month alone:
* An animal study from the
* A coalition of consumer groups petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban the sale of products that contain germ-killing nanosilver particles, from stuffed animals to clothing, arguing that the silver could harm human health, poison aquatic life, and contribute to the rise of antibiotic resistance.
Compagnies pharmaceutiques et médicaments:
The Military-Medical Complex
AP: Drugs show up in Americans' water
In the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP discovered that drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas -- from Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville
This article reports that Meprobamate, a tranquilizer, has been detected in water in Concord, CA, Las Vegas NV, Long Beach, CA, Los Angeles, Riverside County, CA, and San Diego!
Drug Makers Near Old Goal: A Legal Shield
The Bush administration has argued strongly in favor of the doctrine, which holds that the F.D.A. is the only agency with enough expertise to regulate drug makers and that its decisions should not be second-guessed by courts. The Supreme Court is to rule on a case next term that could make pre-emption a legal standard for drug cases. The court already ruled in February that many suits against the makers of medical devices like pacemakers are pre-empted.
Mussolini (who should know) described Fascism as "corporatism", or the teaming up of government and business against the common people. This is a clear example of how far we have gone down that path as a nation.
Here we have a medical product which was MISLABELED, yet a lawsuit against the maker may be blocked because the FDA declared the product safe by fiat (and despite the fact that deaths have been traced to the excessive dosage the product delivered.)
This is good for you because the government says it is, is hardly a reassuring guideline.
Merck Wrote Drug Studies For Doctors
The drug maker Merck drafted dozens of research studies for a best-selling drug, then lined up prestigious doctors to put their names on the reports before publication, according to an article to be published Wednesday in a leading medical journal.
The article, based on documents unearthed in lawsuits over the pain drug Vioxx, provides a rare, detailed look in the industry practice of ghostwriting medical research studies that are then published in academic journals.
Drug giant Merck has been caught red-handed in a scheme to deceive the FDA and the public over the integrity of its scientific studies, say top medical authorities. According to reports that were (amazingly!) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and detailed in the Washington Post, Merck waged a "campaign of deception" to disguise its in-house study authors as independent scientists working for universities. This scheme made the studies appear independent and unbiased, allowing them to carry more apparent credibility to FDA officials, doctors and other scientists.
I pray for the day that Merck is put out of business, shut down by law enforcement authorities who finally decide to apply existing federal law and prosecute this dangerous, destructive corporation for its organized-crime-like operations. Americans would be far safer if Merck were shut down. In fact, the threat to Americans' health from Merck far outweighs any threat to national security by terrorists. Think about it: The current war in Iraq has killed 4,000 Americans. Just one drug from Merck has killed over 50,000 (and that's a conservative estimate). That's more than ten times the number of Americans killed in our current war!
Can you think of any other corporation that, if caught engaging in widespread fraud that resulted in the death of over 50,000 Americans, wouldn't be hung out to dry by Congressional investigations and Justice Dept. arrests? It is flatly unbelievable to me that a corporation engaged in such massive campaigns of deception and death could be allowed to continue conducting business as usual in the United States. It's far worse than what Enron engaged in.
FDA Finds Contaminated Vaccines At Merck
Federal inspectors documented unwanted "fibers" on the stoppers of vaccine vials at Merck & Co. Inc.'s vast vaccine plant in Montgomery County.
They also found instances of contaminated children's vaccines and complaints that were not always investigated at the West Point plant.
With 3,480 pages of fine print, the Physicians' Desk Reference (a.k.a. PDR) is not a quick read. That's because it contains every iota of information on more than 4,000 prescription medications. Heck, the PDR is medication -- a humongous sleeping pill.
Of course, plenty of M.D.'s do know which prescription and over-the-counter drugs are duds, dangers, or both. So we asked them, "Which medications would you skip?" Their list is your second opinion. If you're on any of these meds, talk to your doctor. Maybe he or she will finally open that big red book with all the dust on it.
Popular Impotence Drugs May Cause Sudden Deafness
The FDA has announced an immediate change to the labeling of drugs in a family that includes popular impotence drugs, warning that they may lead to sudden, severe and potentially permanent hearing loss.
Former Shill for Big Pharma Tells the Truth About Drug Testing
Erick Turner, a psychiatry professor at the Oregon State Health and Sciences University, woke up one day and realized that he was acting as a shill for pharmaceutical corporations. Worse, he was promoting drugs that not only provide very little benefit, but also do great harm. In spite of the benefits paid to him, including accommodations and thousands of dollars, and the ego satisfaction of being recognized as a "Very Important Person" by his fellow physicians, his conscience wouldn't let him continue.
Heparin Contamination Fiasco Reveals Dirty Secret of Drug Industry: Their Pills are Made in China!
Remember a couple of years ago how the FDA warned Americans not to buy prescription drugs from Canada because they might be "contaminated by terrorists?" I'm not making that up: That was the official announcement of an FDA spokesperson, and it was part of their fear strategy for enforcing a monopoly on U.S. consumers so that Big Pharma could continue engaging in rampant price fixing.
The implication in that warning is that drugs purchased in the United States are therefore safer, correct? What the FDA didn't tell anyone, however, is that most pharmaceuticals purchased in the United States are manufactured outside the U.S.; many from China or Puerto Rico. So they're not even made in the U.S. anyway, and drug companies are simply importing them from other countries just like a consumer might do if she drove across the border and bought her medications in Canada or Mexico.
Sooooooooooooooooo lemme see if I have this. We are not allowed to drive up to Canada to buy cheap prescription medicines because they might not be as safe as the far more expensive medicines sold in US pharmacies ... which turn out to be contaminated imports?
Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Pfizer Officials After Drug Experiments Conducted on Children
Life-threatening Pneumonia Caused by Pneumonia Vaccine
Prevnar, an anti-pneumonia vaccination given in the United Kingdom, likely causes a significantly worse form of pneumonia to develop. This life-threatening lung disease, called Serotype 1, has become ten times more prevalent in ten years.
Serotype 1 pneumonia causes the pleura, the lining of the lungs, to become infected. The disease is suffered primarily by children, who experience fear from difficulty breathing and severe pain. Treatment consists of surgical debridement, that is, scraping, of the pleura to remove the noxious material.
You have to wonder how twisted the testing protocol had to be to let this drug ever get on the market.
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret'
It's a far piece from the horse-and-buggies of Lancaster County, Pa., to the cars and freeways of Cook County, Ill.
But thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don't have autism.
The real danger here is that the companies that make (and test) the vaccines only test for immediate negative effects of the individual vaccines. There is no long-term testing, and worse, no testing at all as to what interactions may happen when multiple vaccines are introduced inside the body at the exact same time.
CNN Helps Autism Debacle Blow Up in Government's Face; Vaccine-Autism Link No Longer in Question
Emergency declarations smooth way for vaccine makers
Sure, the economy is causing a crisis, but what about anthrax? How about smallpox?
In a little noticed move, federal officials this month have declared a series of public health emergencies relating to potential weapons of biological terror.
Merck Dumps Vaccine Waste Into Water Supply
Merck, the maker of the very controversial Gardasil vaccine, has a pharmaceutical plant located in West Point, Pennsylvania, that discards pollutants from this facility into the Upper Gwynedd Township Publicly Owned Treatment Works (UGT POTW), according to a press release by the U.S. Department of Justice. The treated wastewater is released into the Wissahickon Creek, a tributary of the Schuylkill River. A federal court complaint was filed alleging that Merck violated the Clean Water Act with various discharges that caused numerous pass through and interference violations at the UGT POTW.
Breast Cancer Rates Soar after Mammograms and Some Cancers may Heal Naturally
A report just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Archives of Internal Medicine (Arch Intern Med. 2008;168[21]:2302-2303) reaches a startling conclusion. Breast cancer rates increased significantly in four Norwegian counties after women there began getting mammograms every two years. In fact, according to background information in the study, the start of screening mammography programs throughout Europe has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer.
Researchers Detail Chemotherapy's Damage to the Brain
A commonly used chemotherapy drug causes healthy brain cells to die off long after treatment has ended and may be one of the underlying biological causes of the cognitive side effects - or "chemo brain" - that many cancer patients experience. That is the conclusion of a study published today in the Journal of Biology.
Study Suggests Some Cancers May Go Away
Researchers say they have found a situation in Norway that has let them ask that question about breast cancer. And their new study, to be published Tuesday in The Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that even invasive cancers may sometimes go away without treatment and in larger numbers than anyone ever believed.
Vitamin E Linked to Lung Cancer
Taking high doses of vitamin E supplements can actually increase the risk of lung cancer.
A study of 77,000 people found consuming 400 milligrams of vitamin E per day increased cancer risk by 28 percent. Smokers were at particular risk.
Vitamin D deficiency linked to breast cancer: study
Now that you read this article, I beg you to read this one about the myth of sunscreens:
This is a disaster for big pharma: the best cure for cancer is plain sun exposure, no sunscreen. VITAMIN D!!!!
Cancer victim's invention could kill tumours
Cloned immune cells cleared patient's cancer
A patient whose skin cancer had spread throughout his body has been given the all-clear after being injected with billions of his own immune cells.
Tests revealed that the 52-year-old man's tumours, which spread from his skin to his lung and groin, vanished within two months of having the treatment, and had not returned two years later.
Fresh scent may hide toxic secret
The scented fabric sheet makes your shirts and socks smell flowery fresh and clean. That plug-in air freshener fills your home with inviting fragrances of apple and cinnamon or a country garden.
But those common household items are potentially exposing your family and friends to dangerous chemicals, a University of Washington study has found.
The problem is simple. These chemicals are legally considered "external" even though you breath them into your lungs, sinuses and potentially absorb them through your skin. Because they are legally "external" companies are free from legal requirements to list all ingredients or to test the chemicals for toxicity. There are some 400 different artificial scent chemicals, of which less than 50 have actually been tested for toxic effects on humans.
Maladies de la vache folle:
Cape Cod patient test for mad cow disease
Public health officials in Massachusetts are investigating whether a patient in a Cape Cod hospital has the human form of mad cow disease.
DeMaria says it will take a few more days before the test results are available. He said there are about a half-dozen cases reported every year in Massachusetts and about 300 nationwide.
Do excuse me, but where are the FDA and CDC, and what the flip are they doing to prevent this?
It is obvious that the answer is absolutely nothing.
Quebec court OK's mad cow lawsuit against Ottawa
The Quebec suit alleges government officials lost track of 80 British cattle which were judged to be at a high risk of contracting BSE.
Pallett said he has unearthed government documents that illustrate officials failed to properly inform the public in 1993 that the British cattle entered the Canadian food supply.
Santé et remèdes:
Health tip to defy death
Homemade Superfood: Sprouting Seeds and Saving Seeds
(NaturalNews) With food prices rising, the dollar falling, and the economy reeling, it is becoming increasing important that we learn to grow a portion of our own food. The first steps are obtaining and sprouting seeds, so we'll explore those topics here.
Scientists Find Blueberries Reverse Age Related Memory Deficits
The researchers (from the Schools of Food Biosciences and Psychology in Reading and the Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter) supplemented a regular diet with blueberries over a three month period. Within three weeks, they discovered improvements in spatial working tasks and the improvements continued throughout the course of the study.
Cup Of Black Tea Could Defend Against Anthrax Threat, Research Suggests
A new study by an international team of researchers from Cardiff University and University of Maryland has revealed how the humble cup of tea could well be an antidote to Bacillus anthracis --more commonly know as anthrax.
Oil Of Oregano Rivals Modern Antibiotic Drugs
Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be efficacious against Staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, pencillin and vancomycin. [Science Daily
Histatin: Why 'Licking Your Wounds' Actually Works
A report by scientists from The Netherlands published in The FASEB Journal identifies a compound in human saliva that greatly speeds wound healing.
Clay May Help Fight Drug-Resistant Germs, Researchers Find
Mud clay, used as a folk remedy to heal wounds, soothe indigestion and beautify the complexion, may help doctors fight drug-resistant infections.
In tests of more than 30 clay samples from around the world, researchers found clays from Oregon and Nevada that killed almost all the cells of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus auereus, a staph infection that can be fatal, according to Arizona State University researchers. The results are being presented today at the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans.
Breastfeeding 'helps to boost IQ'
Now even scientists say broccoli can cure cancer, not just prevent it
Canada Likely to Label Plastic Ingredient 'Toxic'
The Canadian government is said to be ready to declare as toxic a chemical widely used in plastics for baby bottles, beverage and food containers as well as linings in food cans.
Bill C-51 (Canadian) is Dead...For Now!
In a surprising about-face, Health Minister Tony Clement has agreed to key demands of the natural health products industry after the sector launched a grassroots campaign against restrictions on homeopathic medicines and herbal remedies in new legislation.
Mumps found to have made alarming comeback in U.S.
Mumps made an alarming comeback in the United States in 2006 and may take years to completely eradicate, federal health experts reported on Wednesday.
The outbreak of the viral disease came despite the widespread use of a second dose of a mumps vaccine, produced by Merck, beginning in 1990.
Eighty-four percent of the people between the ages of 18 and 24 who became ill in the outbreak had received the second recommended dose, the researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.
In other words, the vaccine at best had no effect at all, or worse, actually infected people with the virus!
UK's neo-con Brown now blames us for the Food price rises
The current UK prime minister, is totally ignoring the leaked Internal World Bank study which said that it is biofuels that is causing the food crisis. The reason for the food price rises is the out of control speculators pilling into Crude Oil, which has a DIRECT knock-on effect on the price of corn (as seen if you chart the "market" price, as quoted on the future exchanges, of Crude Oil versus corn). The British government mouth piece, called the BBC, of-course doesn't mention any of these other reasons for the food prise rise, and thus is just following the government supplied story uncritically. Furthermore, the BBC doesn't mention that in times of threatened nuclear war, and reliability of food supply concerns, stock piling of food is natural AND LOGICAL, and if that means some of the food is eventually wasted (e.g. spoilage), then that is a logical cost to pay. Another issue the BBC doesn't mention is that when inflation is running wild around the world, then stockpiling of food could be a profitable place to place your savings (returning a better than return that placing money in a bank which had lent too much money to people who can never pay it back).
MSG/ Aspartame/ Additifs alimentaires/ Produits chimiques:
Chemical Dumbing Down of America
Why do we care more about American Idol and sports games than being poisoned with mercury in our vaccinations and sodium fluoride in our water supply? America needs to wake up and get the facts about our chemical manipulation before it's too late.
Diet Coke to drop additive in DNA damage fear
Coca-Cola is phasing out a controversial additive that has been linked to damage to DNA and hyperactivity in children.
Sodium benzoate, also known as E211, is used to stop fizzy drinks going mouldy.
Coca-Cola said it had begun withdrawing the additive from Diet Coke in January in response to consumer demand for more natural products.
But the Aspartame stays.
whatreallyhappened.com: MSG and ASPARTAME- A PERSONAL STORY
MSG was a hard one. It is in everything. I am a vegetarian and I used to cook with a powered vegetable broth that I purchased at my local “health food” store. The main ingredient was “hydrolyzed protein.” I looked that one up and discovered it is MSG. MSG has many hidden names. (Do an Internet search for “HIDDEN MSG”) Those bastards!
"In any such study of even a few hundred test animals, it takes no more than a dozen or so of them to exhibit a particular lesion... to associate with the test agent, i.e., aspartame or its related chemicals." Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist in a letter to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Oct. 30, 1986.
Artificial sweeteners linked to weight gain
Researchers have laboratory evidence that the widespread use of no-calorie sweeteners may actually make it harder for people to control their intake and body weight. The findings appear in the February issue of Behavioral Neuroscience, which is published by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Artificial Sweeteners Confound the Brain; May Lead to Diet Disaster
If that theory plays out, there could be implications for those who use artificial sweeteners as a weight-control aid. Recent research indeed suggests a correlation between artificial sweetener intake and compromised health. In one large survey, diet soda consumption was found to be associated with elevated cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. A different study reveals a possible mechanism behind this effect: rats that were fed artificially sweetened yogurt in addition to their regular feed ended up eating more and gaining more weight than rats that ate yogurt with real sugar. The study's authors suggest that exposure to an artificial sweetener may undermine the brain's ability to track calories and to determine when to stop eating.
George Carlin, Diet Coke With Aspartame & Cardiac Death
Food additives 'could be as damaging as lead in petrol'
Academics at Southampton University, who carried out an official study into seven additives for the Food Standards Agency (FSA), said children's intelligence was being significantly damaged by E-numbers. After receiving the advice last month, officials at the FSA have advised their directors to call for the food industry to remove six additives named in the study by the end of next year.
Low Sperm Counts and Deformed Penises: The Chemical Industry Has a Hold on Your Reproductive Future
Known as endocrine disruption, chemicals found in computer screens and car seats, shower curtains and shampoo, plastic water bottles and prophylactics are skewing our odds against cancers and causing developmental delays and reproductive roadblocks, including declining sperm counts.
Hairspray linked to birth defect
Health Staff Writer BBC
Boys born to women exposed to hairspray in the workplace may have a higher risk of being born with a genital defect.
Imperial College London scientists talked to women who had babies with hypospadias, where the urinary tract is found away from the penis.
They reported that hairspray exposure more than doubled the risk.
"My advice has long been that women who are planning a pregnancy should avoid (or at least minimise) use of cosmetics, body creams/lotions etc, especially in the first three months of pregnancy.
Cities, States Questioning Wisdom of Adding Fluoride Chemicals to Public Water Supplies
Grand Rapids, Mich. has become the most recent city to question the practice of fluoridating public water, as part of a growing tendency for local governments to question the use of many chemicals that formerly been taken for granted.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Waterloo Watch Says Fluoride In Our Tap Water Is Unnecessary
We're finding out now that adding fluoride to drinking water to prevent cavities simply doesn't make sense.
Recent research demonstrates clearly that drinking fluoridated water does not prevent cavities. The same research shows a growing list of harmful effects. In a recent Globe and Mail article (Nov 28, 2007) Warren Bell, former head of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment stated; "The days of wholesale deliberate fluoridation ... are numbered."
There have been significant developments in policy and in the research which are worth noting. For example, Health Canada now states that prescribing controlled doses of pharmaceutical grade fluoride under the care of a doctor is no longer recommended: "Health Canada does not recommend the use of fluoride supplements (drops or tablets).”
Fluoride is a toxic chemical. Read the government warnings regarding toothpaste and mouthwash:
- “Keep out of reach of children under 6 yrs of age.”
- “If you swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a PoisonControlCenter right away.”
- "If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Centre right away."
- “Never give fluoridated mouthwash or mouth rinses to children under six years of age, as they may swallow it.”
- “Use non-fluoridated toothpaste or no toothpaste for young children.”
A pea-size amount of fluoridated toothpaste contains about 0.25mg of fluoride. One glass of fluoridated water contains the same amount of fluoride. We are told not to ingest the pharmaceutical grade fluoride in toothpaste. We are told to ingest the industrial grade fluoride in drinking water.
We are paying companies to put their hazardous waste into our drinking water, hence source water.
Ingesting Fluoride is not Effective – Use Topically
What is clearly emerging in the research literature is that fluoride is a toxic substance which should not be ingested, but should be applied topically, on the surface of the teeth. We apply sunscreen on our skin, where it is effective. We do not swallow it because it is toxic.
98% of Europe does not use water fluoridation. Many countries have banned it outright. Quebec City discontinued water fluoridation on April 1, 2008; Niagara Region passed a by-law in February 2008 prohibiting water fluoridation. Thunder Bay recently said no thanks to water fluoridation. The number of citizens drinking fluoridated water in British Columbia and the province of Quebec has dropped to about 4%.
A recent review in The Lancet describes fluoride as "an emerging neurotoxic substance" that may damage the developing brain.
The National Research Council has identified fluoride as an "endocrine disruptor" while recent research from Harvard University has found a connection between fluoride and bone cancer that is “remarkably robust”.
According to Dr. Kathy Thiessen, co-author of the National Research Council 2006 Report on Fluorides in Drinking Water: “A carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effect of fluoride cannot be ruled out from the available data, and at the very least, a cancer-promoting effect is likely. For carcinogenic substances, the risk of cancer increases with the amount of exposure, such that even a very low exposure carries with it some cancer risk.”
According to the US National Research Council 2006 Report on Fluorides in Drinking Water, fluorides in drinking water are the largest source of fluorides (representing approximately 60% of our daily consumption).
How can anyone claim that water fluoridation provides a SAFE dose when the dose cannot be controlled?
In response to the above comment, Dr. Hirzy, Senior Vice-President of one of the EPA Headquarters Union wrote; "If this stuff gets out into the air, it's a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it's a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, it's a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system, it's not a pollutant. That's amazing!"
>99% is returned to our environment and our source water.
Is this an efficient or effective method for delivering this drug?
According to investigative reporter, Christopher Bryson, in his new book "The Fluoride Deception", fluoride is an essential component of atomic bomb production and was declared a 'strategic and critical' material by the government after World War II, With fluospar, the usual fluoride source, in short supply, they turned to Florida's phosphate industry to recover the industry's captured fluoride. Florida held the world's largest geological deposits of natural phosphate which contain 3 - 4% fluoride.
"In a sweetheart deal these phosphate companies are spared the expense of disposing of this 'fluosilicic acid' in a toxic waste dump. Instead, the acid is sold to municipalities, shipped in rubber-lined tanker trucks to reservoirs across North America and injected into drinking water for the reduction of cavities in children. (So toxic are the contents of the fluoride trucks that, in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, authorities were alerted to keep a watchful eye on road shipments of the children's tooth-decay reducer.)" writes Bryson in his heavily referenced book. In return, U.S. strategic planners would have a nearly inexhaustible potential supply of domestic fluoride.
Marijuana : les grands espoirs de la recherche médicale
What Your Government Knows About Cannabis And Cancer -- And Isn't Telling You
Senator Ted Kennedy is putting forward a brave face following his recent surgery but the sad reality remains. Even with successful surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy treatment, gliomas -- a highly aggressive form of brain cancer that strikes approximately 10,000 Americans annually -- tragically claim the lives of 75 percent of its victims within two years and virtually all within five years.
But what if there was an alternative treatment for gliomas that could selectively target the cancer while leaving healthy cells intact? And what if federal bureaucrats were aware of this treatment, but deliberately withheld this information from the public?
Sadly, the questions posed above are not entirely hypothetical.
Congressman introduces bill to decriminalize personal marijuana use
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has made good on his promise to introduce what he called the "Make Room for the Serious Criminals Bill" on a March 21, 2008 appearance on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. Co-sponsoring the bill are Reps. Ron Paul (R-TX), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sam Farr (D-CA)
California to Legalize Weed for Everyone
Cal-If-Fornia, here I come,
right back where I started from ...
Big Pharma Is in a Frenzy to Bring Cannabis-Based Medicines to Market
Big Pharma is busily applying for -- and has already received -- multiple patents for the medical properties of pot. These include patents for synthetic pot derivatives (such as the oral THC pill Marinol), cannabinoid agonists (synthetic agents that bind to the brain's endocannabinoid receptors) like HU-210 and cannabis antagonists such as Rimonabant. This trend was most recently summarized in the NIH paper (pdf), "The endocannabinoid system as an emerging target of pharmacotherapy," which concluded, "The growing interest in the underlying science has been matched by a growth in the number of cannabinoid drugs in pharmaceutical development from two in 1995 to
Genetically Modified Crops Reach 9 Percent of Global Primary Crop Production
Genetically modified crops reached 9 percent of global primary crop production in 2007, bringing the total GM land area up to 114.3 million hectares, according to Worldwatch Institute estimates published in the latest Vital Signs Update. The United States continues to be the global leader in production, accounting for half of all GM crop area.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, given wind and wildlife, figure 100% contamination of all natural species within 20 years.
Monsanto Whistleblower Says Genetically Engineered Crops May Cause Disease
The other variety was Roundup Ready® cotton. It contains another bacterial gene that enables the plant to survive an otherwise toxic dose of Monsanto's Roundup® herbicide. Since the patent on Roundup's main active ingredient, glyphosate, was due to expire in 2000, the company was planning to sell Roundup Ready seeds that were bundled with their Roundup herbicide, effectively extending their brand's dominance in the herbicide market.
In the summer of 1997, Kirk spoke with a Monsanto scientist who was doing some tests on Roundup Ready cotton. Using a "Western blot" analysis, the scientist was able to identify different proteins by their molecular weight. He told Kirk that the GM cotton not only contained the intended protein produced by the Roundup Ready gene, but also extra proteins that were not normally produced in the plant. These unknown proteins had been created during the gene insertion process.
And therein lies the real danger. The GM plants not only produce the intended proteins but also addition proteins unplanned and untested for.
Which brings us back to the bees ...
I just finished reading Michael Chrichton's book, "NEXT." as is always the case with Crichton's books, it is a well thought out examination of the dangers of runaway science paired with ill-considered legal maneuvering, all in service to profitability.
Long time readers/listeners know that I view our current economic troubles as a combination of far too few people making far too few products in this country and far too many lawyers suing each other over those products. As a result, when we purchase an $8 bottle of cleaner, we get 35 cents worth of cleaner, 12 cents worth of bottle, and $7.53 worth of lawyering. No wonder nobody wants to buy American products any more.
I do not think this latest book will translate into a movie, and if it does, the really important portions of the book will get cut before it reaches the screen (not unlike "State of Fear"). I am not in the business of reviewing and recommending books, but you should at least read this article, then "NEXT", because the very real mindset illustrated in the book is one of the reasons Americans have the most expensive but lowest quality medical care in the industrialized world.
Des "fissures" dans la Caverne : l’inauguration de Svalbard ne fait pas l’unanimité.
Voir aussi une mise au point de GRAIN
Après des mois d'extraordinaire publicité, et avec le soutien apparemment unanime de la communauté scientifique internationale, la "Global Seed Vault" a été officiellement inaugurée aujourd'hui sur l'île de Svalbard, en Norvège. Nichée au cœur d'une montagne, cette Caverne est en fait un morceau de glace géant capable de contenir 4,5 millions d'échantillons de semences entreposées dans le froid pour les besoins futures de l'humanité. L'idée est que si une catastrophe majeure frappait l'agriculture mondiale, comme les retombées d'une guerre atomique par exemple, les pays pourraient se tourner vers
French lawmakers pass bill on GM crops
Life-threatening Pneumonia Caused by Pneumonia Vaccine
Prevnar, an anti-pneumonia vaccination given in the United Kingdom, likely causes a significantly worse form of pneumonia to develop. This life-threatening lung disease, called Serotype 1, has become ten times more prevalent in ten years.
Serotype 1 pneumonia causes the pleura, the lining of the lungs, to become infected. The disease is suffered primarily by children, who experience fear from difficulty breathing and severe pain. Treatment consists of surgical debridement, that is, scraping, of the pleura to remove the noxious material.
You have to wonder how twisted the testing protocol had to be to let this drug ever get on the market.
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret'
It's a far piece from the horse-and-buggies of Lancaster County, Pa., to the cars and freeways of Cook County, Ill.
But thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don't have autism.
The real danger here is that the companies that make (and test) the vaccines only test for immediate negative effects of the individual vaccines. There is no long-term testing, and worse, no testing at all as to what interactions may happen when multiple vaccines are introduced inside the body at the exact same time.
CNN Helps Autism Debacle Blow Up in Government's Face; Vaccine-Autism Link No Longer in Question
Emergency declarations smooth way for vaccine makers
Sure, the economy is causing a crisis, but what about anthrax? How about smallpox?
In a little noticed move, federal officials this month have declared a series of public health emergencies relating to potential weapons of biological terror.
Merck Dumps Vaccine Waste Into Water Supply
Merck, the maker of the very controversial Gardasil vaccine, has a pharmaceutical plant located in West Point, Pennsylvania, that discards pollutants from this facility into the Upper Gwynedd Township Publicly Owned Treatment Works (UGT POTW), according to a press release by the U.S. Department of Justice. The treated wastewater is released into the Wissahickon Creek, a tributary of the Schuylkill River. A federal court complaint was filed alleging that Merck violated the Clean Water Act with various discharges that caused numerous pass through and interference violations at the UGT POTW.
Breast Cancer Rates Soar after Mammograms and Some Cancers may Heal Naturally
A report just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Archives of Internal Medicine (Arch Intern Med. 2008;168[21]:2302-2303) reaches a startling conclusion. Breast cancer rates increased significantly in four Norwegian counties after women there began getting mammograms every two years. In fact, according to background information in the study, the start of screening mammography programs throughout Europe has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer.
Researchers Detail Chemotherapy's Damage to the Brain
A commonly used chemotherapy drug causes healthy brain cells to die off long after treatment has ended and may be one of the underlying biological causes of the cognitive side effects - or "chemo brain" - that many cancer patients experience. That is the conclusion of a study published today in the Journal of Biology.
Study Suggests Some Cancers May Go Away
Researchers say they have found a situation in Norway that has let them ask that question about breast cancer. And their new study, to be published Tuesday in The Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that even invasive cancers may sometimes go away without treatment and in larger numbers than anyone ever believed.
Vitamin E Linked to Lung Cancer
Taking high doses of vitamin E supplements can actually increase the risk of lung cancer.
A study of 77,000 people found consuming 400 milligrams of vitamin E per day increased cancer risk by 28 percent. Smokers were at particular risk.
Vitamin D deficiency linked to breast cancer: study
Now that you read this article, I beg you to read this one about the myth of sunscreens:
This is a disaster for big pharma: the best cure for cancer is plain sun exposure, no sunscreen. VITAMIN D!!!!
Cancer victim's invention could kill tumours
Cloned immune cells cleared patient's cancer
A patient whose skin cancer had spread throughout his body has been given the all-clear after being injected with billions of his own immune cells.
Tests revealed that the 52-year-old man's tumours, which spread from his skin to his lung and groin, vanished within two months of having the treatment, and had not returned two years later.
Fresh scent may hide toxic secret
The scented fabric sheet makes your shirts and socks smell flowery fresh and clean. That plug-in air freshener fills your home with inviting fragrances of apple and cinnamon or a country garden.
But those common household items are potentially exposing your family and friends to dangerous chemicals, a University of Washington study has found.
The problem is simple. These chemicals are legally considered "external" even though you breath them into your lungs, sinuses and potentially absorb them through your skin. Because they are legally "external" companies are free from legal requirements to list all ingredients or to test the chemicals for toxicity. There are some 400 different artificial scent chemicals, of which less than 50 have actually been tested for toxic effects on humans.
Maladies de la vache folle:
Cape Cod patient test for mad cow disease
Public health officials in Massachusetts are investigating whether a patient in a Cape Cod hospital has the human form of mad cow disease.
DeMaria says it will take a few more days before the test results are available. He said there are about a half-dozen cases reported every year in Massachusetts and about 300 nationwide.
Do excuse me, but where are the FDA and CDC, and what the flip are they doing to prevent this?
It is obvious that the answer is absolutely nothing.
Quebec court OK's mad cow lawsuit against Ottawa
The Quebec suit alleges government officials lost track of 80 British cattle which were judged to be at a high risk of contracting BSE.
Pallett said he has unearthed government documents that illustrate officials failed to properly inform the public in 1993 that the British cattle entered the Canadian food supply.
L’effondrement des colonies d’abeilles:
Honey Bee Collapse Now Worse on West Coast
Yes, that's certainly being looked at. In fact, I read an article the other day talking about some genetically modified crops that had the BT toxin in it (genetically modified crops with built-in pesticide) and they found that with the BT toxin, there are a couple of different toxins involved, and one toxin they found was actually opening up the cell walls of insects and animals to allow this second toxin in to affect it. So, we don't understand what we do - and places such as Monsanto.
So, we're going down a precarious path and we don't know everything. Unfortunately, we will make mistakes as human beings, but the repercussions as things grow and become more global and widespread is that the repercussions will be more severe and more dramatic.
Yes, but there again, if the seed companies can develop plants that don't need insect pollinators, and keep selling seed to the farmers, maybe that's the goal.
... if the seed companies can develop plants that don't need insect pollinators, and keep selling seed to the farmers, maybe that's the goal.
Along with the latest tests by French scientists where lab-rats and mice developed cancer symptomes and liver and kidney problems after being fed with Monsanto (Mon863) corn - the shit seems to have hit the fan already.
Researchers find key to deadly bee disease
Bacteria of American foulbrood, a widespread disease capable of wiping out entire bee colonies, is held in the digestive tract of bee larvae for several days before it explodes through the wall of the digestive tract and kills the larvae, researchers from the
Saving the Honeybee Through Organic Farming
In conclusion, sub-lethal levels of pesticides, including the Bt biopesticides produced in genetically modified (GM) crops covering some 30 percent of the global area, disorientate the bees, making them behave abnormally, and compromise their immunity to infections.
Pesticides: Germany bans chemicals linked to honeybee devastation
Tests on dead bees showed that 99% of those examined had a build-up of clothianidin. The chemical, produced by Bayer CropScience, a subsidiary of the German chemical giant Bayer, is sold in

Dangers des crèmes solaire:
Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits
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