Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

lundi 17 septembre 2007

États-Unis: bombes nucléaires,B-52 et assassinats; tensions violentes naissantes; Iran et Syrie

États-Unis: bombes nucléaires,B-52 et assassinats; tensions violentes naissantes; Iran et Syrie

Wow, les choses prennent une tournure plutôt macabre aux États-Unis, suite à cette histoire de têtes nucléaires qui ont été misent sur un B-52, du jamais vu depuis 50 ans et contre toutes procédures militaires et en pleine violation des protocoles de déplacement d'armement nucléaire aux USA. Ces 6 têtes, car rassurez vous, il n'en pas une manquante finalement, après confirmation et vérifications, font partie des 34 bombes nucléaires les plus avancées de l'arsenal nucléaire américain de 25 000 têtes nucléaires. Et là, il se trouve qu'au moins deux soldats mêlés à cette histoire, un de Minot et un de Barksdale ont trouvé la mort cette semaine.

Il se pourrait fort bien que nous aillons juste échappé de justesse à un événement grave.

Quoi qu'il en soit, mêmes les journaux de masse rapportent que les cercles intimes à Bush et Cheney prévoient être en guerre direct avec l'Iran d'ici 6 mois, le temps de faire changer l'opinion publique et de s'allier à certaines factions aux Moyen-Orient.

Whoops! Apocalypse

Remember those six nuclear missiles "accidentally" shipped from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale, Louisiana? Conspiracy buffs have pounced on the revelation that one soldier (and possibly two compatriots) who might have witnessed this "accident" met with a mysterious end.

Nuke mystery. Remember those six nuclear missiles "accidentally" shipped from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale, Louisiana? Conspiracy buffs have pounced on the revelation that one soldier (and possibly two compatriots) who might have witnessed this "accident" met with a mysterious end. From cryptogon:

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released.

Blue protected nuclear storage facilities.

Meanwhile, a Minot Air Force Base B-52 pilot named Weston Kissel died on leave in Tennessee, in a motorcycle accident.

The third death seems the least "hinkey" (as cops used to say): A 20 year old Minot AFB man named Adam Barrs died in a vehicle crash. Barrs was the passenger; his driver survived.

I'm sure the Air Force will have explanations for all three deaths that clear away any hint of mystery. On the other hand -- remember Pat Tillman?

Iran. Another Guardian story suggests that war is imminent. Yes, I know we have heard this forecast before. Look at it this way: There was talk of a widespread European war for some twenty years before World War I. Then as now, those predicting the worst hoped that they were wrong. I certainly do. But how can one ignore this...?

Vincent Cannistraro, a former CIA counter-terrorism chief who is now a security analyst, said: "The decision to attack was made some time ago. It will be in two stages. If a smoking gun is found in terms of Iranian interference in Iraq, the US will retaliate on a tactical level, and they will strike against military targets. The second part of this is: Bush has made the decision to launch a strategic attack against Iranian nuclear facilities, although not before next year. He has been lining up some Sunni countries for tacit support for his actions."

Predators. Since ground troops are over-extended, military commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan now rely on bombing runs conducted with unmanned aircraft. That'll win hearts and minds!

Are the banks shot? There's an old-fashioned run on the bank in England. The institution in question is Northern Rock:

Queues snaked round the block at branches of Britain's fifth-biggest mortgage provider for a second day after customers were reported to have withdrawn one billion pounds on Friday...

One branch manager was forced to ring the police when a couple barricaded her in her office after they were unable to withdraw one million pounds of savings, according to a report in the Sun newspaper.

Also see here.

Meanwhile, in the USA: If those Brits think they have it bad, they should be glad they don't live in Baltimore, Maryland. There, the American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation has been issuing bounced checks.

Homeowners who have mortgages with that firm send in money each month intended to be used to pay property taxes. The money was supposed to be held in an escrow account. Looks like someone at AHM has dipped into that account, because checks drawn against those accounts have a certain rubbery quality.

Foreclosures gain on sales. That's the headline in a Sacramento Bee story which comes to us by way of Marc Parent.

It's come to this: For roughly every two homes sold in August in the capital region, one house went into foreclosure, according to the newest sales statistics released Thursday.

That said, I have to note that prices in California have not dropped as sharply as I would have predicted. #by Joseph : 1:02 PM 0 comments posted


Updated 15 September 2007 at 1933 HRS EDT



I am working on confirming the details but at this time I can tell you I have information indicating these military members have been killed. Check back later. . . . more details to follow

UPDATE 2028 HRS: Death of 1 Airman from Minot AFB CONFIRMED Here

UPDATE 2034 HRS: Death of Husband & wife from Barksdale AFB in "accident" confirmed Here

Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave

Caddo deputies work double-fatality accident

Bush setting America up for war with Iran

Senior American intelligence and defence officials believe that President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place America on the path to war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

In a chilling scenario of how war might come, a senior intelligence officer warned that public denunciation of Iranian meddling in Iraq - arming and training militants - would lead to cross border raids on Iranian training camps and bomb factories.

Under the theory - which is gaining credence in Washington security circles - US action would provoke a major Iranian response, perhaps in the form of moves to cut off Gulf oil supplies, providing a trigger for air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities and even its armed forces.

Memo to Mr. Bush's "inner circle"; if we attack Iran, just how are China and Russia going to respond?

And do we really want to go to war with Russia and/or China?

And what happens to our troops in Iraq who become sitting ducks for Iranian retaliation?

Syria warns of US 'lies' over Israel air violation

An official Syrian daily warned on Sunday that US "lies" over nuclear cooperation with North Korea could serve as a pretext for an attack on Syria following an Israeli violation of its airspace.

Maintenant, c'est avec hésitation que je mets en lien ces derniers titres et je mets en garde mes lecteurs des propos violents qui y sont tenus, et LNI ne s'associe d'aucune façon avec Hal Turner et ne reflète pas l'opinion de LNI. Si j'ai quand même décidé de le mettre en lien, c'est pour démontrer que de l'intérieur des États-Unis, certains groupes de gens, de tout horizons, pensée, ou de religions commencent à en avoir raz-le-bol de leur président dictateur et de la direction que prend leur pays vers un fachisme totalitaire, société à la Big Brother et des gens qui sont sensé les représenter mais qui ne font que les trahir. Hal Turner est un type très radical et pro-blanc. Il choque énormément, mais ce qui me fait penser, c'est que le mec a des chiffres de visiteurs de l'ordre de 21 437 522 de personnes. Donc ce n'est pas le genre de gars qui prêche dans le désert.... et les américains commencent à être à bout de leur patience et sortent de leur ignorance...

Ne vous demandez pas pourquoi le gouvernement US cherche tant à vouloir désarmer la population américaine. Le crime organisé financier gère le gouvernement et lorsque suffisamment d'américains en auront eu assez, ça risque de virer au vinaigre, pour ne pas dire au sang, assez radicalement. Alors la question qui me tourne dans la tête, c'est qui si nos élus n'en ont rien à cirer de nous, se rencontrent en secrets pour nous trahir comme dans les sommets des Bilderberg, PSP, pour instituer l'Union Nord-Américaine, s'ils sont prêts à tuer 3000 personnes de leur propre pays comme durant le 9/11, et s'amusent à massacrer plus de 2 millions d'iraquiens de façon toute à fait criminelle et immorale, pourquoi devrions-nous verser des larmes si des gens veulent les zigouiller sur la place publique??? Qu'est-ce que le vrai patriotisme, ou le vrai sens des responsabilités des citoyens devant des gouvernements criminels et dangeureux comme les nôtres qui s'amusent à faire la loi dans le monde au nom de la démocratie et de belles fausses valeurs humanitaires, et à ruiner des vies par millions, à détruire, tout ça pour leur propre pouvoir et soif vaniteuse de contrôle et de richesses.

Pourquoi ne pas les envoyer eux-mêmes à leurs propres camps de torture comme à Guantanamo pour leur faire essayer l'équipement neuf que les américains ont payé eux-mêmes avec leurs taxes?

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy

Updated 14 September 2007 at 2053 HRS EDT

I'll be a son of a bitch!


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