Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

dimanche 16 novembre 2008

VIDÉO: Empires, religions malades-Palin-Enfants Africains, mariages gay en Californie, Payante guerre contre le terrorisme

VIDÉO: Empires, Religions malades-Palin-enfants Africains, Mariages gay en Californie, Payante guerre contre le terrorisme

Voilà de quoi vous divertir en réfléchissant sur les absurdités sidérantes de notre époque. Ce sont les vidéo les plus frappantes de la semaine qui circulent sur Internet.

Chalmers Johnson - Imperial Overreach

Historian and ex-Navy man Chalmers Johnson was interviewed for his new book, Nemesis and if you have ever read his book called Blowback, you will definitely want to see this. If you are new to Johnson's analysis, here is a chance to get acquainted.

Keith Olbermann Speaks Out On Prop 8

George Carlin: Religion is bullshit


Killing kids for Christ

Warning: Contains disturbing images


Palin and "Spiritual Warfare"

An African holocaust

Freedom of religion, sure.

But freedom FROM religion too.

The Founding Fathers were equally interested in both.

Here's an example of why it's so important.

Source: "Saving Africa's Witch Children"

In some of the poorest parts of Nigeria, where evangelical religious fervor is combined with a belief in sorcery and black magic, many thousands of children are being blamed for catastrophes, death and famine: and branded witches.

Denounced as Satan made flesh by powerful pastors and prophetesses, these children are abandoned, tortured, starved and murdered: all in the name of Jesus Christ.

This Dispatches Special follows the work of one Englishman, 29-year-old Gary Foxcroft, who has devoted his life to helping these desperate and vulnerable children. Gary's charity, Stepping Stones Nigeria, raises funds to help Sam Itauma, who five years ago, rescued four children accused of witchcraft. He now struggles to care for over 150 in a makeshift shelter and school in the Niger Delta region called CRARN (Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network).

Gary and Sam introduce Dispatches to some of the rescued children who have been through unimaginable horrors, such as Ekemeni, aged 13, who was tied up with chicken wire and starved and beaten for two weeks, and Mary, aged 14, who was burnt with acid before her mother attempted to bury her alive. Other children display the hallmarks of witch-branding - acid burns and machete scars. Uma Eke, aged 17, has been left brain-damaged after having a three-inch nail driven into her skull.

Hospitals refuse to treat children associated with sorcery, so Sam's centre does its best to provide medical aid.

Influential preachers from the more extreme churches brand the children witches or wizards and exploit their desperate parents by charging them exorbitant amounts of money in return for exorcising the spirits.

The film features extraordinary access to some of the preachers who openly discuss their work.

One preacher who calls himself 'The Bishop,' says he has made a fortune by carrying out 'deliverances' on children. He admits having killed 110 people in the past. Dispatches films him as he administers a mixture of pure alcohol, a substance known as 'African mercury' and his own blood to one child accused of witchcraft.

Exorcism is big business. Preachers can charge as much as a year's salary for an average Nigerian to treat children. They often hold the child captive until the parents can pay up. The Niger Delta area is oil rich - but very few have access to oil wealth; the average life expectancy is around 47.

Shocking and tragic, Dispatches reveals the plight of the thousands of innocent children who suffer intolerable cruelty at the hands of so-called Christian pastors. As Gary, Director of UK Charity Stepping Stones Nigeria, says:

"It's an absolute scandal. Any Christian would look at the situation that is going on here and just be absolutely outraged that they were using the teachings of Jesus Christ to exploit and abuse innocent children."

You can find out more about the work of Stepping Stones Nigeria at http://www.steppingstonesnigeria.org

Site was down the last time I checked.

War on Terror = A cash cow

The only growth area left in the economy

A ferry somewhere in god-only-knows-where North Carolina is
threatened by terrorist bomb attack?

Give me a break.

How much does this thing cost?

How much will it cost to place it everywhere some Homeland Security ninny thinks there might be a threat?

Someone is getting rich off this nonsense and with the money made you can bet they can buy a lot of public officials to approve this hyper-expensive junk security.

Peter Dale Scott & former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg on Continuity of Government


Recorded August 8, 2008, Peter Dale Scott and former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg discuss Continuity of Government, the upcoming election, and Deep Politics. Thanks to John Bertucci, for making the video available.

Also, Scott's remarks from the Making Sense of the 60s conference have been published at 911truth.org;

The Assassinations of the 1960s as “Deep Events”

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