Les défis qui attendent Obama; les États-Unis attaque le Pakistan, la Syrie et la Bolivie: la nouvelle doctrine d'agression
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 6 novembre 2008: Les défis qui attendent Obama; les États-Unis attaque le Pakistan, la Syrie et la Bolivie: la nouvelle doctrine d'agression
L'Autre Monde 6 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Europe's secret plan to boost GM crop production
October 26, 2008, The Independent (One of the
Gordon Brown and other European leaders are secretly preparing an unprecedented campaign to spread GM crops and foods in
Note: For an excellent summary of the many health risks posed by genetically modified foods, click here.
Goldman Sachs ready to hand out £7bn salary and bonus package... after its £6bn bail-out
Goldman Sachs is on course to pay its top City bankers multimillion-pound bonuses - despite asking the
The struggling Wall Street bank has set aside £7billion for salaries and 2008 year-end bonuses, it emerged yesterday.
Each of the firm's 443 partners is on course to pocket an average Christmas bonus of more than £3million.
Webmaster's Commentary:
You have been screwed.
Half of Bank Bailout Money Going to Shareholders
Washington Post reports major US banks are on pace to spend more than half their bailout money on rewarding their shareholders. The thirty-three banks are set to receive some $163 billion in government bailouts. Half of that sum would go toward paying off shareholders over the next three years. The Bush administration touted the bank bailout as necessary to resume lending. But Treasury officials say the banks would never accepted loans if they weren’t allowed to redistribute dividends to shareholders.
Using bail-out money for anything other than lending - such as paying bonuses or pensions to Wall Street executives - will be a criminal offence, the powerful chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee has said.
The news comes after reports financial giants owe bosses some $40billion in bonuses and pension promises.
Rescued bank to pay millions in bonuses
Royal Bank of
IMF needs hundreds of billions of dollars more
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needs "hundreds of billions of dollars" to help countries at risk of collapsing amid the world financial crisis.
They are helping BANKS, not sountries.
Wall Street’s Great Heist of 2008
The Wall Street Journal published a front-page article Friday reporting that the nine biggest US banks, which have received a combined $125 billion in taxpayer funds as part of the $700 billion bailout authored by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and passed by the Democratic Congress, owed their executives more than $40 billion for recent years’ compensation and pensions as of the end of 2007.
This means that nearly a third of the public funds given to these banks will ultimately be used to increase the private fortunes of a handful of multimillionaire Wall Street executives.
The Federal Reserve Is Inflating at 341% per Annum. (Don't Look for the Decimal Point.)
Wall Street's red October
The Fed as a central bank to the world
Nicolas Sarkozy may be pushing for a new financial order but Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have beaten him to it.
While the French President dreams of global economic cooperation ahead of the G20 summit in
World Shipping slowly grinding to a halt.
The situation now is that for those shipping companies that can actually get letters of credit are now slowing down their ships to reduce fuel consumption, slashing crew numbers and leaving some of their tonnage in dock with the lights out.
The problem with letters of credit, which are needed before a vessel leaves harbour, is that demands between banks are being denied as banks are not trusting each other
IMF Bailout of the United States Coming?
The World Tires of Dollar Hegemony
What explains the paradox of the dollar's sharp rise in value against other currencies (except the Japanese yen) despite disproportionate
No curbs on Wall Street pay despite meltdown
October 24, 2008,
Despite the Wall Street meltdown, the nation's biggest banks are preparing to pay their workers as much as last year or more, including bonuses tied to personal and company performance. So far this year, nine of the largest U.S. banks, including some that have cut thousands of jobs, have seen total costs for salaries, benefits and bonuses grow by an average of 3 percent from a year ago, according to an Associated Press review. "Taxpayers have lost their life savings, and now they are being asked to bail out corporations," New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said of the AP findings. "It's adding insult to injury to continue to pay outsized bonuses and exorbitant compensation." That there is a rise in pay, or at least not a pronounced dropoff, from 2007 is surprising because many of the same companies were doing some of their best business ever, at least in the first half of last year. In 2008, each quarter has been weaker than the last. "There are, of course, expectations that the payouts should be going down," David Schmidt, a senior compensation consultant at James F. Reda & Associates. "But we haven't seen that show up yet." Some banks are setting aside large amounts. At Citigroup, which has cut 23,000 jobs this year amid the crisis, pay expenses for the first nine months of this year came to $25.9 billion, 4 percent more than the same period last year. Typically, about 60 percent of Wall Street pay goes to salary and benefits, while about 40 percent goes to end-of-the-year cash and stock bonuses that hinge on performance, both for the individual and the company.
Note: For lots more on the Wall Street bailout, click here.
Exxon Mobil posts biggest US quarterly profit ever
Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported income Thursday that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by a
Shell reports 22 percent rise in 3Q profit
In a blog post, Bill Chameides says “global warming” is still happening. It isn’t. As the global temperature graph below shows, all four of the world’s major global surface temperature datasets (NASA GISS; RSS; UAH; and Hadley/University of
Global Cooling is Here
Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades
by Prof. Don J. Easterbrook
Global Research, November 2, 2008
Department of Geology,
NOAA: U.S. breaks or ties 115 cold and sets 63 new snowfall records
Of course many of you that live in this weather already know this, but there is an early start to winter this year, not only in the
So far, no mention of this broadly distributed
Record Low Temperatures in Cuba
Snow blankets London for Global Warming debate
Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday - the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is another report that a group of global warming protesters got caught in a snowstorm and had to take refuge inside the coal-fired plant they were picketing to keep from freezing.
Mother nature has a sense of humor!
Weather isn't climate, of course. But you can still be equally hopeless about predicting both.
7 killed in Tibet's 'worst snowstorm'
At least seven people have been found dead after "the worst snowstorm on record in
About 1,350 people were rescued in
Trees that grew in
Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling
Over the last few years, the evidence that sunspots on our sun are directly related to climate change on earth has been steadily increasing.
I explained the exact proposed mechanism in some detail previously. Great work in this field is being carried out by Dr Henrik Svensmark and coworkers in
Briefly, the mechanism is that cosmic rays impact on the earth from deep space. These cosmic rays penetrate our atmosphere and lead to the formation of cloud cover. The cosmic rays nucleate sites in the atmosphere, from which clouds form from the natural water vapour.
Coastal Maine tide change a mystery
Meteorologists are baffled by rapid tidal changes along the
Witnesses say low tide turned and became high within a matter of minutes on Tuesday afternoon. The changes occurred six or seven times. The National Weather Service says reports from several locations indicated that water levels fell and rose from 4 feet to as much as 12 feet during the event.
In a public information statement, the weather service says the cause "remains a mystery and may never be known."
Major ethanol producer files for bankruptcy
VeraSun Energy, one of the major producers of ethanol in the
Newly discovered footage of Building Seven and North Tower collapse
Astounding new video footage of Building 7 & the
VIDEO: FOX NEWS: " We Need Another 9/11"
Columnist Stu Bykofsky: We need another 9/11
Broadcast on Fox News (August 2007), Columnist Stu Bykofsky claims that
"its going to take a lot of dead people to wake people up."
Kid Killers are Barbarians
There is yet more news from
Millions of Afghans Face Starvation
With a combination of a summer drought, poor irrigation and rising global food prices, a famine is unveiling in Afghanistan with third of Afghans are suffering chronic food insecurity, a British think-tank warned on Friday, October 31.
"While the eyes of the world have focused on violence which is increasingly terrorist in character, an estimated 8.4 million Afghans, perhaps a third of the nation, are now suffering from 'chronic and transitory food insecurity'," Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) analyst Paul Smyth said in a press briefing on its website.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Welcome to yet more of the real "Bush Legacy" in
And anyone who believes that the
Gates: Afghan conflict must not be seen as 'America's war'
US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that
Promoting the expansion of
Webmaster's Commentary:
Forgive me, but has this gentleman gone completely mad?
One has to wonder what koolaid
As reported on 2 May,
"An article appearing in the prestigious German daily Frankfurter Rundschau, in early October 1996, reported that UNOCAL “has been given the go-ahead from the new holders of power in
"It therefore comes as no surprise to see the Wall Street Journal reporting that the main interests of American and other Western elites lie in making Afghanistan “a prime transhipment route for the export of Central Asia’s vast oil, gas and other natural resources”. "
So, there you have it.
One can say, with some degree of certainty, that it is not the sons or daughters of people like Secretary Gates, or other governmental or corporate officials who are fighting, and getting maimed, and dying, in this war for pipelines and oil transportation.
This occupation of
A parallel new Bush doctrine is emerging, in the last days of the soon-to-be-ancien regime, and it needs to be strangled in its crib. Like the original Bush doctrine -- the one that Sarah Palin couldn't name, which called for preventive military action against emerging threats -- this one also casts international law aside by insisting that the United States has an inherent right to cross international borders in "hot pursuit" of anyone it doesn't like.
They're already applying it to
Bolivia alleges US role in violent jungle clash
A top Bolivian official on Friday accused the
Raid américain contre
lundi 3 novembre 2008, par Alain Gresh
Dans l’après-midi du dimanche 26 octobre, les hélicoptères des forces armées américaines ont lancé une attaque à l’intérieur de
Une source officielle syrienne a déclaré que «
« Le vice-ministre syrien des affaires étrangères a convoqué le chargé d’affaires américain et lui a transmis les protestations de
Mardi 28,
La position irakienne a été hésitante. Dans un premier temps, certains responsables ont paru approuver le raid, mais, selon un article du journal libanais The Daily Star (30 octobre) [1], le porte-parole du gouvernement de Bagdad a affirmé que son pays ne permettrait pas l’utilisation de son territoire pour lancer des attaques contre des pays frontaliers, une telle utilisation étant contraire à la constitution. D’autre part, le parlement irakien a aussi deploré l’opération, au moment même où les relations entre
Selon le quotidien The Daily Star du 3 novembre, les ministres des affaires étrangères des deux pays se seraient parlé au téléphone et chercheraient à réduire les tensions [2].
Un point de vue israélien : « Un avertissement avait été lancé par les Etats-Unis. A une conférence de presse la semaine dernière, un commandant américain important dans la région occidentale de l’Irak avait prévenu que la situation empirait à la frontière syrienne, au moment même où
Le journaliste rappelle ensuite différentes actions menées contre
« Israël a précédé les Etats-Unis avec l’attaque contre un site nucléaire en septembre 2007, sans parler de différents incidents mystérieux sur le sol syrien, de l’assassinat d’Imad Moughniye en février dernier à celui du général Mohammed Souleyman il y a environ deux mois. (...)
Le dénominateur commun de toutes ces opérations est que personne ne prend désormais au sérieux
Cette instabilité accroît la situation déjà tendue entre Israël et le Liban. Le chef du renseignement militaire de l’armée, Amos Yadin, a déclaré dimanche que le trafic d’armes clandestin de
Sur son site « Syria Comment », Joshua Landis livre une analyse à chaud le 26 octobre :
« L’administration Bush semble mener des actions d’escalade durant ses derniers jours au pouvoir. Le raid contre
A la fin de l’année 2007, le général David Petreus qui commandait les troupes de la coalition en Irak, avait salué la coopération de
Dans un envoi du 2 novembre, Joshua Landis revient sur les informations qui circulent, relayées notamment par Israël, selon lesquelles ce raid aurait été... coordonné par Washington et Damas. Il ne trouve pas cette information crédible et explique pourquoi.
Il est donc bien difficile d’expliquer les raisons de ce raid américain, mais cette action totalement contraire au droit international, doit nous rappeler que, quel que soit le candidat élu le 4 novembre, l’administration Bush reste au pouvoir jusqu’au 20 janvier...
Sur un tout autre front, celui des droits de la personne, le quotidien syrien Al-Watan annonce le 3 novembre que, selon un avocat de l’opposition, les opposants Michel Kilo et Mahmoud Issa devraient être libérés dans les quarante-huit heures. Nous avons évoqué ici, à plusieurs reprises le cas de Michel Kilo, y compris dans l’entretien avec le président Bachar Al-Assad. Cette bonne nouvelle, si elle était confirmée, arriverait en même temps que la condamnation à plus de 2 ans de prison d’une dizaine d’intellectuels et de membres de l’opposition (le 29 octobre — lire la déclaration de Human Rights Watch, « Syria : Harsh Sentences for Democratic Opposition », 30 octobre).
[1] « Questions swirl over American stonewalling about Syria raid »
[2] « Damascus, Baghdad in talks to ease tensions over deadly American raid »
[3] « U.S. takes page from Israel’s book in Syria strike », par Amos Harel, Haaretz, 27 octobre.
Syria condemns deadly 'US raid'
US Faces International Condemnation in Wake of Syria Strike
While the White House has declined comment and other
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, if the
And to describe this action in any way, shape or form as having been justified under ".....an 'expansive definition of self-defense'" just boggles the mind.
This was not "self-defense"; it was sheer, naked aggression; there's no other logical way to describe it.
US aggression on al-BouKamal unjustified, Ban Ki-Moon says
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Friday expressed regret over the
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Friday expressed regret over the
Syria’s fury is justified — Who can blame Damascus for getting cosy with Moscow?
US shows it is ready to take the war across boundaries
Syria demands US apology and compensation for cross-border raid that killed 8
Analysts Question Timing of Syria Raid
A cross-border raid into
"So the question is: Why?" wrote geo-strategic analyst and journalist Helena Cobban on her blog, wondering if the raid could have been pulled off without explicit permission from the highest levels of the President George W. Bush administration.
U.S. Damascus embassy may close mission following deadly raid
Unforeseen events may cause the U.S. embassy in Damascus to close to the public indefinitely following the Sunday raid on eastern Syria blamed by Damascus on Washington, said the statement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Closing an embassy is usually what happens before a heavy-duty military confrontation is planned to take place.
And note the us of the word "indefinitely" in terms of the length of this embassy closure.
Nine killed in US air strike on Pakistan school
A suspected
It was claimed the school, on the outskirts of Miran Shah, the main town in the
Pakistan To US: Stop Missile Strikes Near Border
A marked uptick in frequency of the missile attacks has badly strained
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is nothing
One has to wonder if the US is continuing these policies in the hope of overthrowing the current elected government, and having it replaced by some strongman (in the mold of Musharraf) who was infinitely more pliable to the will of the US than Zardari appears to be.
Bush Missing Iraq WMD has Been Found in Iraq and One Million U.S. Soldiers are its Victims
No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Bush told us were in
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder, for those in the military claiming that DU is not a health problem, if they would be willing to be exposed to it, or have their kids exposed to this chemical to prove it was safe.
And I'd be willing to bet that NO ONE making this claim would seriously think about doing it for even one second, because they know they are lying through their teeth every time they make the statement that this chemical has utterly no effect on the people who have been exposed to it.
As with the use of Agent Orange in
Millions of Iraqis at risk from polluted water: ICRC
Millions of people in
"Far too many Iraqis still have no choice but to drink dirty water and live in insalubrious conditions," said Juan-Pedro Schaerer, the head of delegation for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in
"This leads to more sick people seeking treatment in a health-care system already stretched to the limit," he said in a statement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Of course, the
And almost any and all reconstruction has reeked of corruption and completely shoddy workmanship.
UN envoy speaks out against resumed Israeli demolitions in West Bank
Israel bans cloths, shoes into Gaza
Ali al-Hayek, head of Industries Federation, said the Israeli occupation prevented these sorts of goods from entering Gaza Strip "since they could be used in producing military uniforms."
Webmaster's Commentary:
"The only good Palestinian is a naked one!"
Lebanon says 12 IAF warplanes violate its airspace
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looks as though
So Easy for Israelis to Shoot to Kill
Israeli soldiers shot and killed three young Palestinians in the Ramallah district of the central
But the circumstances in which the young men were shot, whether they actually did throw or attempt to throw firebombs, and if they actually threatened the lives of any soldiers or settlers, has been questioned.
EU slams Israeli settlers' attacks on Palestinians
The European Union's French presidency called on the Israeli government Friday to take action to halt Jewish settlers from attacking Palestinians near the occupied West Bank city of
Some Israelis feel an urgency to attack Iran
Much of the international community quietly wants
"They will be very happy if we do their dirty work for them," said Efraim Inbar, director of the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Efraim Inbar: one has to wonder about your use of the phrase "They will be very happy if we do their dirty work for them..."
Since when was it the responsibility of any country on earth to "neutralize" all of your perceived existential threats in the region? (and for
As reported, "Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said he does not intend to get involved in another war when he has his hands full with
However, this statement about intention cannot obviate the fact that Bush, even though he is a "lame duck president", has promised Israel that the US will defend it will the full force of the American military (with which the Israeli military is now very fully integrated.)
And that defense will come whether or not
This perhaps puts Secretary Rice's visit to
If Senator Obama does win the presidential election, Bush and Cheney, in their final days in the White House, may well be conjuring the worst possible scenario for Obama to handle just as he assumes the presidency.
A military strike by
Between now and January, I wouldn't bet heavily against just such a scenario being played out.
Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit
Before the child was born, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
The claim being made by McCain's goons is that Barack's mother actually gave birth in
This whole citizenship issue is another hoax, like the "B-girl", by a campaign that cannot win on issues and plans to lie, cheat, and steal its way into the White House.
BOTH newspapers include birth announcements, and BOTH newspapers record the August 4th, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.
Report hike in gun and ammunition sales
Experts say
Data supplied by federal and state government show sales of firearms up 8 to 10 percent in 2008, continuing a trend that began in 2006, The Washington Post reported Monday.
US defense secretary expands pre-emptive war doctrine to include nuclear strikes
In a remarkable speech on nuclear policy delivered October 28 at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), US Defense Secretary Robert Gates painted a dire portrait of international affairs and argued that
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