Le système de santé maladie; Moyen-Orient: aventures militaires et occupation sanglante
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 13 novembre 2008: Le système de santé maladie; Moyen-Orient: aventures militaires et occupation sanglante
L'Autre Monde 13 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Sur L'Autre Monde cette semaine, nous attaquons le dossier de la santé: danger des mammographies, les médicaments qui tuent trois fois plus que les drogues illégales, les vaccins dangeureux et l'immunité pour la FDA.
Nous effectuons aussi un tour de l'actualité mondiale en nous penchant particulièrement sur la situation au Moyen-Orient où l'OTAN et l'armée US continuent de faire beaucoup de victimes innocentes, autant en Afghanistan, au Pakistan qu'en Irak. L'Irak a d'ailleurs officiellement demandé à Obama de retirer les troupes américaines le plus tôt possible. Regard aussi sur les dernières nouvelles de l'économie. Écoutez pour entendre tout le reste des informations!
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Obama: le vrai changement?
Le changement. Voilà un terme vague et large. Changement pour qui, où, quand, comment et pourquoi? Illusion de changement ou vrai changement? Pour le mieux ou pour le pire? Voilà une notion très relative qui pourtant électrise tant de monde.
Essayons de comprendre qui est Barack Obama, ses influences et ce qu’il entend par “changement”. Le prochain président des États-Unis commence déjà à choisir les personnes qui vont occuper les plus hautes fonctions dans son administration.
Dans sa publicité de 30 minutes diffusée partout en Amérique le 29 octobre dernier, Obama déclarait “Président, je reconstruirai notre potentiel militaire de manière à affronter les défis du XXIe siècle”. Voilà qui est plutôt bizarre, car il est difficile de comprendre dans quelle mesure “reconstruire” le potentiel des États-Unis est une urgence et un besoin de changement alors que ce pays consacre déjà à son armée presque autant que tous les autres pays du monde réunis!
Ceci est peut-être plus facile à comprendre lorsqu’on connait Zbigniew Brzezinski, son mentor et maître à penser. Cet homme est membre du Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), participe au sommet des Bilderbergs, et est un protégé du clan des Rockefellers. Il est aussi l’architecte de la création de l’Al Qaïda et est un fervent partisan à l’encerclement militaire de
- Ensuite, il y a Joseph Biden, le futur vice-président. Il était l’un des premiers à qualifier le président serbe Slobodan Milosević de criminel de guerre. Il fut le co-auteur en 1999, avec le sénateur John McCain, d’une résolution du Congrès autorisant le président Bill Clinton à utiliser toute la force nécessaire pour faire cesser les violences contre les droits de l’Homme au Kosovo. Pour vous rappeler quelques faits importants, les forces de l’OTAN ont bombardé moins de dix installations militaires alors qu’environ 300 infrastructures publiques comme des écoles, ponts, stations d’épurations et stations de télévision furent détruites. Mais ce qui est bien méconnu, c’est que l’OTAN, dont nous avons fait partie, a utilisé de l’armement à l’uranium appauvri. Il est admis qu’environ 31 000 munitions pour un poids total de 9,3 tonnes ont été répandues sur 112 sites au Kosovo, contaminant ces endroits avec de l’uranium appauvri radioactif pour 4,5 milliards d’années. La question est à savoir qui sont les véritables criminels de guerre ici.
Après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, Joe Biden avait organisé les auditions sur l’Irak et il en concluait alors que les États-Unis « n’ont d’autre choix que d’éliminer Saddam Hussein ». En octobre 2002, il vote en faveur de la résolution autorisant le président George W. Bush à mener des opérations militaires contre l’Irak en épeurant le reste du monde avec l’autre mensonge des armes de destruction massive que nous n’avons jamais trouvé. Nous savons maintenant que ceci était un mensonge et que l’Irak n’avait rien à voir avec les attentats du 9/11. De plus, les seules armes de destruction massive qui ont été trouvées sont celles que les États-Unis ont utilisées contre les populations civiles, telle que l’uranium appauvri (plus de 3000 tonnes), du phosphore blanc qui brûle la chaire jusqu’aux os ainsi qu’une nouvelle version du napalm, une bombe incendiaire qui colle à la peau. Elles sont pourtant toutes interdites par l’ONU et classées comme étant des armes de destruction massive constituant un crime de guerre si utilisées.
Biden a voté en faveur du Patriot Act qui n’est rien de moins qu’une agressive atteinte aux droits et libertés des Américains.
Patriot Act - The War on Civil Liberties
A brief history of the Patriot Act, showing the many deceptions brought in by the Bush Administration, including: requesting total secrecy form public input and swapping at the last moment, the original Bill that Congress agreed to sign, with one manipulated by the Administration. The Administration's version of the Bill contained unconstitutional provisions that had been rejected earlier by Congress.
Webmaster's Commentary:
You need to watch this.
Wikipedia deletes page on Rahm Emanuel's father
The Chosen: Jewish members in the 111th U.S. Congress
The following is a list of the 45 Jewish members —13 senators and 32 representatives — who will serve in the 111th U.S. Congress that convenes in January:
***Je vous invite à signer cette pétition qui sera remise à Barack Obama le 20 janvier 2009 lors de sa prise de pouvoir:
Pétition contre l'utilisation d'armes radioactives - Petition against the use of radioactive weapons
(Pétition à compléter avant le 20 janvier 2008 pour qu’elle puisse être remise au futur Président des États-Unis, Barack Obama ainsi qu’au reste des pays du monde.)
by Dmitry Orlov
Hello, everyone! The talk you are about to hear is the result of a lengthy process on my part. My specialty is in thinking about and, unfortunately, predicting collapse. My method is based on comparison: I watched the Soviet Union collapse, and, since I am also familiar with the details of the situation in the
Canada buys up mortgages, central bank lends more
Brown calls for new world order
Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes the world financial crisis offers the opportunity to establish a "truly global society".
3 ‘superbanks’ now dominate industry
Several of the nation's biggest banks have failed or been absorbed by healthier institutions, leaving three giant "superbanks" with an unprecedented concentration of market power: Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.
The Royal Bank of
Bankers and their partners enjoyed the lavish party to mark their 'success' after a year in which the collapse of the banking industry led to global financial meltdown.
The supposedly stricken bank laid on the celebration amid extraordinary secrecy to try to prevent details reaching the public, even cancelling the original venue, a top hotel in Hampshire, and transferring the party 350 miles north to
US jobs market in 'full recession mode'
This is the 10th month in a row that jobs have declined, pushing total job losses for the year to
Webmaster's Commentary:
The country may not last long enough for Obama to start his new job!
The mother of all insider trades was pulled off in 1815, when
The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am going to speculate that some of this went to Goldman Sachs to cover losses from all the plunge protection team work they have been doing these last several years.
Officials Refuse to Provide Details on Secret Previous Bailout
Top government officials are refusing to provide details on a secretive deal it made to manage billions in assets from an earlier bailout.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has been pressing top officials for months to provide details on a deal the Federal Reserve made for a private firm to manage $30 billion in financial assets from the collapsed investment bank Bear Stearns, as part of an arrangement to facilitate J.P. Morgan Chase's purchase of the bank in March.
GM shares plunge after analyst sees them hitting zero
General Motors shares plunged more than 30 percent Monday after an analyst forecast their price would fall to zero, saying that even if there is a government bailout of the auto giant, shareholders would not benefit.
"We are lowering our target on GM equity to zero dollars," the Deutsche Bank report said.
Credit crunch is a good thing says bishop
Thousands have lost their jobs and had their homes repossessed but an Anglican bishop says the credit crunch is a gift from God.
The Bishop of Lewes, the Right Reverend Wallace Benn, believes the economic slump is God’s way of shaking Britain from its materialism.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Russian companies will drill for oil and natural gas on and off the island of Cuba
Russian companies will drill for oil and natural gas on and off the island of Cuba. A standing Russian credit line to Cuba for buying Russian wheat and cars is now extended to until 2011. Russia will build new rail lines on Cuban territory. There will also be joint projects in aircraft- and shipbuilding.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If the US had lifted the embargo years ago, it would be American oil companies drilling off of Cuba.
Chalk up another foreign policy disaster for the pig-headed US Government and its obsolete cold-war mentality.
40 Afghan civilians killed as U.S.-led air strike hits wedding party
At least 40 Afghan civilians have been killed and 28 more injured as an airstrike of the U.S.-led Coalition forces hit a wedding gathering in southern Afghanistan's Kandahar province, officials and local villagers said Wednesday.
The War in Afghanistan Is Unwinnable
Veteran journalist Tariq Ali said this morning that the war in Afghanistan is lost.
Specifically, he said that British intelligence has concluded that - no matter how many troops are sent in - the war is already lost and is unwinnable in the future.
Ali also said that, should Obama follow through on his campaign promise to send more troops into Afghanistan, it would be a foreign policy blunder as big as Bush getting us into Iraq.
No one since Alexander the Great has conquered Afghanistan. America and England will not break that losing streak.
(Iraqi) Lawmakers call on Obama to pull out troops from Iraq
Fawzai Akram, parliamentarian for the Sadr bloc, told Aswat al-Iraq “We demand Obama to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq, to achieve sovereignty and independence for Iraqis.”
“I hope that major changes would occur in the U.S. policy, especially after the promises made by Obama, stressing his attempts to impose peace worldwide,” he said.
Saddam Trial Documents
Why was Saddam hanged BEFORE the conclusion of the trial,. . . because he had issued orders NOT to use gas? These are the translations made by the US Military, and which the UN had access to only AFTER 29 December 2006 after Saddam had been hanged. Tony Blair knew and George Bush knew about this, as these translations were made by the RCLO Office US Military.
Bombings raise spectre of al-Qaeda
The triple bombing during Baghdad's morning rush hour may have come as a surprise to many in the outside world, who now have the idea that Iraq is on the path to stability.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Why would Al Qaeda set off bombs right NOW when the US is about to get kicked out? Al Qaeda gets what it wants by NOT doing anything. The US, on the other hand, wants to stay, so the bombings clearly serve US interests.
Le Pentagone a facilité les attaques contre Al-Qaida partout dans le monde
Les forces spéciales de l'armée américaine ont mené depuis 2004 une dizaine d'opérations secrètes contre Al-Qaida et d'autres groupes islamistes au Pakistan, en Syrie, en Somalie ainsi que dans d'autres pays, avec l'accord de l'administration du président George Bush, révèle le site Internet du New York Times, dimanche 9 novembre.
Vidéo Après le raid américain meurtrier, la Syrie dans l'incompréhension
Les faits Pakistan : des missiles américains tuent une dizaine d'insurgés, selon les autorités
Une directive classée confidentielle, signée au printemps 2004 par le secrétaire à la défense, Donald Rumsfeld, avec l'approbation du chef de l'Etat, autorisait à attaquer Al-Qaida et d'autres cibles hostiles n'importe où dans le monde, y compris dans des pays n'étant pas en guerre avec les Etats-Unis, selon des officiers supérieurs américains cités par le journal, sous le couvert de l'anonymat.
'US missiles' hit Pakistan village
A suspected US drone has launched a missile strike into northwest Pakistan, reportedly killing at least 10 people.
The attack on Friday targeted a town in North Waziristan, a tribal region on the Afghan border, security officials said.
Sovereignity violated
At least 18 such attacks by unmanned US aircraft have occured since September.
Pakistan militants seize Humvees
Militants in Pakistan have looted 12 trucks carrying supplies for Western forces in Afghanistan, officials say.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And JUST in time to counter Pakistan's demand that western forces stay the heck out of their country!!!!!!!
National Intelligence Estimate: Iran Intentions and Capabilities
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is the official US Government analysis of what Iran is doing with regards to developing nuclear weapons. It is NOT what you were being told by ABCNNBBCBS!
PDF Document
Bush administration delays release of prisoner abuse photos
The Bush administration is doing everything it can to delay compliance with a court's order that the Pentagon turn over pictures of prisoners abused in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new court filing.
A three-judge appeals court panel in September ordered the administration to turn over 87 photographs depicting abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and other sites. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the photos in 2005.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Let's hope that these photos get released as quickly as possible, per the ruling of the 12 appeals court judges. US taxpayers should see precisely what has been done with their tax dollars, and in their names.
There are some real, gritty problems with the use of torture, not the least of which is, by doing it, the Bush administration has, de facto, removed the US as a signatory from any human human rights treaty it has ever signed, including the Geneva Conventions.
Second, as we know from the times of the Inquisition, torture isn't about getting the truth: it's about getting the person tortured to say precisely what the torturers want them to say.
And thirdly, torturing prisoners under American control means that if our soldiers are captured in a military confrontation, there will be no qualms from their capturers about torturing them.
Let that one sink in for a moment.
FBI staff silenced over torture
Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire, assassinates six
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing of six Palestinians carried out by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip yesterday evening and this morning. The victims were all killed by air strikes. This escalation is the first of its kind since the tahdia (the Egyptian-brokered truce between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel) entered into force on 19 June 2008.
Student detained after refusing to shake hands with Israeli President
Peres was visiting the university as part of a public relations tour.
When the President approached Bahar to shake his hand, the student refused, stating QUOTE "I will not shake hands with a murderer of children."
Israel's Livini blasts Obama's Iran plan
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni attacked U.S. president-elect Barack Obama on Thursday for declaring a willingness to talk with Iran about its nuclear program.
"We live in a neighbourhood in which sometimes dialogue . . . is liable to be interpreted as weakness," Livni told Israeli Radio, expressing a view held by many of her countrymen.
Asked if she supported discussions between the U.S. and Iran, Livni said: "No."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Livni wants war between the US and Iran. But then, that seems a permanent feature of Israel; sending young AMERICANS off to die in Israel's wars.
Not the arrogant assumption on Livni's part that the is in a position to dictate how the US should deal with Iran.
Who is sending your children off to die in war?
Israeli best seller breaks national taboo: Idea of Jewish people invented, says historian
No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list – and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s biggest taboo.
Dr. Sand argues that the idea of a Jewish nation – whose need for a safe haven was originally used to justify the founding of the state of Israel – is a myth invented little more than a century ago.
Webmaster's Commentary:
See Did the Red Sea Part? No Evidence, Archaeologists Say
Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
"Australian PM Kevin Rudd - “Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant” and other weird warnings"
"Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Warning of new bin Laden attack
OSAMA bin Laden is planning an attack against the United States that will "outdo by far" September 11, an Arab newspaper in London has reported.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The post-election booga booga!
Obviously the dead guy isn't such a big fan of Obama! :)
Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama
Coffin mishap kills wife headed to bury husband
By The Associated Press
SAO PAULO, Brazil - Police say a woman has died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident hurled her husband's coffin against the back of her neck.
Police say 67-year old Marciana Barcelos was in the front passenger seat of the hearse when the accident occurred Monday in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Barcelos died instantly.
Her 76-year-old husband Josi Coimbra died Sunday of a heart attack while dancing at a party.
The driver of hearse and Barcelos' son suffered minor injuries.
How to entertain your pet: barmy advice from the British!
Under a new government-issued code of practice, British cat and dog owners are now obliged to provide “entertainment” and "mental stimulation" for their pets.
The 26 page document on cat welfare begins with a warning to owners: "It is your responsibility to read the complete Code of Practice to fully understand your cat's welfare needs and what the law requires you to do."
"You should ensure that your cat has enough mental stimulation from you and from its environment to avoid boredom and frustration,” the document proceeds to point out.
U.S. ambassador tells Cdns: You'll miss George W. Bush
Thu Nov 6, 2008
OTTAWA - The U.S. ambassador to this country offers an audacious prediction to Canadians who might be eager to see the back of the White House's exiting occupant: You'll miss George W. Bush.
David Wilkins says he'll return home to South Carolina soon after the current president hands over the reins of power to Barack Obama on Jan. 20.
Regional war fear as 50,000 homeless in Congo in two days
Congolese government forces are fleeing the eastern capital of Goma as Rwandan-backed rebels press towards the town, threatening a lethal confrontation with United Nations peacekeepers and the prospect of all out regional war.
Western aid workers in Goma, with a population of 600,000, described scenes of mayhem in the streets as columns of government tanks and military vehicles streamed out of the city and panicking civilians fled for cover, fearing an imminent rebel onslaught.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is about to get very ugly very quickly.
Safest plastics for food and beverages
Some plastics are safer to eat and drink from than others. Here's a quick guide to help you make informed choices.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The recycling numbers tell you what the bottle is made out of. 1, 2, 4, and 5 are safe. The rest are not.
The beauty creams with nanoparticles that could poison your body
Tiny particles that may be toxic are being used in beauty creams without proper safety testing, a consumer group has warned.
Nanoparticles, which are 80 times thinner than a human hair, are used by firms including Boots, The Body Shop, Avon, Nivea and Unilever.
Life Expectancy Drops To 69.3 Years In The US
Webmaster's Commentary:
The most expensive medical care in the world, and the least effective.
Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans than Illegal Drugs
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.
The Biggest Breast Cancer Risk Factor That No One Is Talking About
While the media sound alarms about breast cancer's links to lifestyle choices and genetics, a much more likely risk factor is going undiscussed.
The most deafening silence, however, is about radiation, which is a 100 percent known cause of cancer. We are exposed to radiation in a variety of ways, through X-rays, CT scans and mammograms, but also by living near a nuclear power plant or having been exposed to weaponry that uses depleted uranium.
Before 1945, cancer mortality was very rare. Large increases in cancer mortality in the past 100 years begin with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A Japanese government map of the major causes of death in Japan from 1899 to 2004 shows that cancer mortality increased rapidly after 1945. With the introduction of each new nuclear technology since 1945 -- atmospheric testing, nuclear power plants, depleted uranium -- it is obvious that ionizing radiation is a major cause of cancer globally, and uranium is a major radioactive component of nuclear weapons, including depleted uranium weapons systems introduced to the battlefield in
This breast cancer map from Centers for Disease Control data (see below illustration) identifies that within a 100-mile radius of nuclear reactors is where two-thirds of all U.S. breast cancer deaths occurred between 1985 and 1989.
Marshall: It strikes me as quite peculiar that since genetic damage caused by radiation is cumulative over a lifetime that the medical community advocates that women, particularly those with no risk factors, get routine yearly mammograms. I'm also wondering about the use of radiation as a treatment for breast cancer. According to Breast Cancer Fund's "State of the Evidence 2008, "Women older than age 55 derive less benefit from radiation therapy in terms of reduced rate of local recurrence and may face increased risks of radiation-induced cardiovascular complications, as well as secondary cancers such as leukemias and cancers of the lung, esophagus, stomach and breast. Using SEER data from the National Cancer Institute, researchers showed a 16-fold increased relative risk of angiosarcoma of the breast and chest wall following irradiation to a primary breast cancer. That seems like an awfully dangerous "cure" to me.
He told me that for every case of breast cancer identified through mammograms, five new cases of breast cancer are caused by the diagnostic use of radiation in mammograms. It sounds like a good way, for the medical industry, to generate repeat business and large profits.
Marshall: I also want to ask you what your thoughts are on the new molecular breast imaging (MBI) test, which is reportedly more effective than mammograms at finding breast cancers in dense breast tissue, but exposes women to 8 to 10 times more radiation than they receive with mammograms.
Moret: If the molecular breast imaging test exposes a woman to 8 to 10 times more radiation than mammograms, and mammograms are known to create five new cases of breast cancer for every case they identify, then it is not an option. I think the best option for women is to regularly practice breast self-exams.
Marshall: It seems to me that if we really want to "cure" breast cancer, we need to work toward preventing it by limiting our exposure to known carcinogens, especially radiation.
If you Google Video my name, Leuren Moret, there are many interviews and presentations of mine on the Internet providing the information people need to understand more about this issue.
Reverse osmosis filters should be in every home to purify the drinking water and remove radioactive isotopes from the water. The filter systems are about $500, which is very cheap compared to the cost of radiation-caused illnesses. The global atmospheric pollution of Planet Earth with depleted uranium from our radioactive battlefields in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan is contaminating drinking water globally. Each day as the depleted uranium bombing continues in faraway countries, the need for an effective water filter system is more important because the uranium is here in two weeks. Uranium levels in Los Angeles drinking water doubled in 2007 alone -- in just one year.
There are two remarkable things about the painkiller Vioxx. One was its disastrous impact on those who took it. Before it was pulled from the market in September 2004, Vioxx probably did more harm than any other modern prescription medicine. Critics of the drug have estimated that up to 140,000 Americans suffered heart attacks or strokes and about a third died as a result of taking it—and that is not counting those who died in the other countries where the drug was sold. It was as if a full jumbo jet dropped from the sky every week for five years, yet no one noticed.
Copper door handles and taps kill 95% of superbugs in hospitals
Making door handles, taps and light switches from copper could help the country beat superbugs, scientists say.
A study found that copper fittings rapidly killed bugs on hospital wards, succeeding where other infection control measures failed.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The ancient Romans wore copper ornaments in the belief that they cured many common ailments.
New flu shot fears emerge
Why healthcare workers avoid the shot
Canadians still urged to get flu shots
B.C. man paralyzed after flu shot warns of risks
Wed Oct 22, 2008
SASKATCHEWAN (CBC) - A New Westminster man is raising a warning flag after he contracted a rare and debilitating condition linked to the flu shot that left him paralyzed for almost five months.
Hospitals Push Tdap Vaccine On New Mothers
As with all vaccines, people who have received this vaccine have experienced numerous adverse reactions. While some health officials tend to sugar-coat the severity of side effects, an article on a Canadian government site notes that some of the possible reactions to this shot include severe swelling and pain at the injection site; a lump at the injection site that “usually” disappears in two months; serum sickness (a disease that affects various organs of the body); tingling, numbness, or weakness in the arm and chest; and serious allergic reactions (i.e.
Webmaster's Commentary:
For all mothers to be, new mothers, and the men who love them, please take time to be an informed consumer when it comes to vaccinations.
Do the research on your own, so if you are confronted with a doctor or medical staff person attempting to steer you in a particular direction, you have the info to either concur, or decline.
Big Pharma May be Handed Blanket Immunity for All Drug Side Effects, Deaths
The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.
The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.
Under a legal argument known as “pre-emption,” the FDA’s approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process.
Bush administration has been actively urging the courts to apply the same principle to drugs. The administration argues that only the FDA is equipped to regulate drugs and decide whether a product is safe, and that judges or juries are not able to make informed decisions on those matters.
Drug companies are using the pre-emption argument as a legal defense in a wide variety of lawsuits, and the Supreme Court is expected to hear such a case, concerning the company Wyeth, in the fall. Before that, however, a lower federal court is expected to rule on whether pre-emption can be used to dismiss lawsuits by more than 3,000 women who claim that they were injured by using Johnson & Johnson’s OrthoEvra birth control patch according to the instructions on the label.
FDA Conspired with Chemical Industry to Declare Bisphenol-A Harmless
The FDA has been caught red-handed conspiring with the chemical industry to conclude that Bisphenol-A, the plastics chemical, is harmless to human health. As revealed by the Environmental Working Group (see below), the FDA based its evaluation of BPA on a report authored by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a trade group that represents chemical companies and plastics manufacturers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yet another reason to never trust anything the FDA has to say about product safety.
The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops
Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead.
Prince Charles
Beguiled by the promise of future riches, he borrowed money in order to buy the GM seeds. But when the harvests failed, he was left with spiralling debts - and no income.
So Shankara became one of an estimated 125,000 farmers to take their own life as a result of the ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops.
Hell Freezes Over: White House Drug Czar Backs Decriminalization
The Marijuana Policy Project today congratulated White House “drug czar” John Walters for backing a Mexican government proposal that would remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Watch the booze companies get all pissed off now!
Plea for more research cash as two billion bees die from rampant disease
Webmaster's Commentary:
I still think that more research needs to be done on the effects of genetic modification of the plants bees use for food.
They accused the Government of failing to invest in the research needed to stem diseases and parasites which are now thought to have destroyed one in three bee colonies over the past year.
The British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA) has calculated that up to two billion bees succumbed to sickness between November 2007 and April 2008, with a similar number expected to be wiped out by the end of this winter.
Doctor says an oil lessened Alzheimer's effects on her husband
"And then it hit me," she said. "Why don't we just try coconut oil as a dietary supplement? What have we got to lose? If the MCT oil in it worked for them, why couldn't it work for us?"
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