Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mardi 3 février 2009

General Motors: La compagnie qui a tué la voiture et les tramways électriques

General Motors: La compagnie qui a tué la voiture et les tramways électriques

GM, la compagnie qu'on a dû subventionner pendant des années. Pathétique. Ils ont tué leur propre voiture électrique, démantelé les systèmes de tramways électriques de l'époque aux États-Unis, ils demandent des milliards en plan de sauvetage qui sera ensuite investi dans leur usine au Brésil et ils demandent de ne pas payer d'impôts.

Que voulez-vous de plus? Rien de plus patriotique et américain!

Killing progress: Why GM is broke

"Who killed the electric car?"
In the late 1990s, General Motors sold an electric car that traveled 300 miles on a charge, could be fully charged in an hour, and could be operated for the equivalent of 60 cents per gallon.

No oil filters, no oil changes, no emissions, no trips to the gas station.

So what did they do?

When it became apparent the marketplace actually wanted these cars, it rounded then all up and destroyed them.

Not a conspiracy theory. This is what actually happened.


The US used to have a well developed electric street car system.

What happened to these street car lines which could be found in every city from Boston to Los Angeles?

General Motors & friends bought them up and destroyed them.

Not a conspiracy theory.

Historical fact, affirmed in court.

General Motors at work
You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if General Motors did go out of business.

What has the destruction of the nation's street car system cost the country? A trillion dollars? Ten trillion dollars?

You'd have to add up all the oil consumed that didn't have to be, all the environmental diseases that didn't need to happen, and all the economic constraints on poor and low income people that didn't need to be. Then there are the quality of life issues which are incalculable.

Go to super-prosperous cities like Basel and Zurich in Switzerland and you'll see they excellent street car systems - just like we used to have in the US.

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations -- Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

Tax Burden Threatens GM Revamp

General Motors Corp. is reaching out to the U.S. Treasury Department and Congress in hopes of avoiding a multibillion-dollar tax burden that could be attached to a new restructuring plan the auto maker is working to create by mid-February, according to people familiar with the effort.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Wait a moment ...
GM gets a multi-billion dollar injection of US taxpayer money, and not satisfied with that wants a break from taxes?!?
How about a tax break for AMERICANS? And I don't mean a $10 per paycheck reduction in withholding of a $100 credit for some obscure rule change, or any other "token" so that politicians can claim they kept their election promises.
I mean a flat out 50% across the board cut for EVERYONE. Right now.

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