Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

vendredi 11 janvier 2008

Une société secrète chinoise menace l'élite mondiale - Benjamin Fulford

Une société secrète chinoise menace l'élite mondiale - Benjamin Fulford

Probablement une des choses les plus surprenante que vous avez entendu depuis un bon moment. Une société secrète chinoise qui compte 6 000 000 de membres dont 1.8 million de gangsters asiatiques et 100 000 assassins professionnels ont menacé de mort l'élite mondiale, appelée par certains Illuminati, s'ils procèdent avec leur plan de dépopulation mondiale, selon un journaliste canadien basé à Tokyo, Benjamin Fulford, 46 ans.

Ils ont contacté Fulford, un expatrié canadien, après qu'il ait averti que cette élite avant comme plan de réduire la population asiatique à tout juste 500 millions avec les moyens d'armes biologiques qui attaquent des races particulières, selon les gènes. (Ceci existe réellement-LNI). Beaucoup pensent que le SRAS était juste ça.

La société secrète a confirmé les informations de Fulford et lui a demandé conseil. Il leur a alors procuré une liste de 10 000 personnes associées avec les "Illuminati", principalement des membres des Bilderberg, du CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), et des Skull and Bones. Les Néocons sont aussi des cibles de haute priorité. Si cette élite réessayer d'éliminer encore une fois les asiatiques, la société a averti qu'elle mettrait en marche ses 100 000 assassins professionnels et commencerait à exécuter les gens sur la liste, en commençant par le haut de la pyramide, par l'oeil qui voit tout.

Après avoir été personnellement menacé par l'élite pour différentes raison que vous pouvez trouver à travers les documents, vidéo et audio en liens ci-bas, la société nommée "The Green and Red Societies" lui a offert une protection.

Je n'ai pas parlé de cela plus tôt, car j'avais besoin de voir comment les choses se dérouleraient et de vérifier cette histoire incroyable. Depuis le début de cette saga en juillet 2007, plusieurs événements majeurs ont confirmé, dans la majorité, cette histoire. Alors je me sens assez à l'aise de la publier. Plusieurs personnes vont peut-être crier à la théorie de conspiration, mais prenez donc le temps de vérifier ces informations avant de préjuger.

Fulford a aussi rencontré David Rockefeller au Japon depuis, et le vidéo se trouve ici aussi.

Alors explorez ça. Ceci est extrêmement puissant et donne beaucoup d'espoir dans le sens que ça risque de donner un gros coup dans les reins des impérialistes qui voudraient bien se prononcer maîtres du monde et qui causent tant de misère et d'horreur autour du monde.

Profile Benjamin Fulford

Nationality: Canada

Qualifications: 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist. Have sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. Have produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in field ranging from business to yakuza gangsters to high-finance to government corruption. Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Japanese politics, media and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing etc. My goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment.

Native or near native, spoken and written: Japanese, French, Spanish and English. Conversational, reading ability in Mandarin, Portuguese and Italian.


2005-present: Have published 15 books written in Japanese with cumulative sales running at over 500,000 copies. Have weekly 2-hour TV show and appear frequently on numerous other nationally broadcast shows. Have regular columns in a variety of best-selling Japanese magazines.

1998-2005: Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine. Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. If they dispute this, I invite them to sue me, any place, any time.

1997-1998: Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post.

1995-7: Staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper.

1993-1995 Took a sabbatical in Canada. Did research on the link between evolutionary forces and modern world society.

1989-1992 Senior Tokyo correspondent for the International Financing Revue. Created and managed Japan Watch, a news and analysis service available on the Reuters and Telerate news-wires. Created Katana, a Japanese language news service available on the Nikkei Quick news-wire. Triggered several Finance Ministry investigations with articles that uncovered financial industry irregularities.

1986-1989 Correspondent for Knight-Ridder Financial News; covered a broad range of market related news. One particularly market moving story was used by Knight-Ridder in an advertising campaign.

1982-1985 Part time jobs during student years included: work as an editor of Hitachi Review, a science and technology magazine; translation in the fields of business and finance and assorted television, radio and movie appearances.

1978-1982: Sowed my wild oats. Spent the time traveling and avoiding civilization. Spent 1-year studying with a witch doctor along the upper reaches of the Uquyali river in the Peruvian Amazon. Lived with former cannibals. Total time spent sleeping outdoors was 1 year. Lived as wild animal in the Canadian wilderness, catching food with my own hands, etc.

Education: Sophia University, Tokyo Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. BA Asian studies, China area specialty.

Illuminati Threatened
Benjamin Fulford Archive

Benjamin Fulford on
Jeff Rense: Hours 1, 2 & 3

Fulford Interviews David
- Illuminati, Rothschilds, NWO - Video

The Eve Of Destruction

Complete Fulford Archive

Illuminati Threatened

Fulford gave an exclusive six hour interview to the Jeff Rense Show on the subject, which can be found at the following urls (Downloadable MP3s)

Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 2 7-23-7 (MP3)

Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 1 7-5-7 (MP3)

Full Rense-Fulford Reverse Speech Analysis #1

Full Rense-Fulford Reverse Speech Analysis #2

The New Cambrian Explosion

The History Of The Illuminati

Makow - Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati

The Secret History Of The Freemasons In Japan

Fulford/Rense Transcript

Benjamin Fulford On Jeff Rense: Hours 1, 2 & 3

Benjamin Fulford - Interview Transcript #2

David Oates Reverse Speech

Rense-Fulford Reverse Speech Examples - YouTube -Video

Current Reverse Speech News Makers -Video

Fulford Website

Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about illuminati, asian opposition

On November 13, 2007 Fulford received a tip that David Rockefeller was on his turf, and without hesitation Fulford arranged to meet with him to ask some questions. It is not odd for a reporter who's career has been filled with Financial News jobs, to sit down with the former head of Chase Bank, Except when its Benjamin Fulford and David Rockefeller.

Earlier this year Benjamin Fulford interviewed Heizo Takenaka, a former finance minister in Japan and confronted him about "having sold the Japanese financial system over to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds." According to Fulford this interview made a lot of people angry. He says a professional assassin showed up and told him to accept a job of great importance or be killed. The following day Fulford claims to have been contacted by a powerful Asian Secret Society with more than 6 million members that have targeted the Illuminati. They asked Fulford to represent them, negotiate for them, and offered him protection in return.

Benjamin Fulford was Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine for seven years, until 2005 when he quit because of the "extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Thanks a lot for what you do M.Fulford! We are more than 6 billions people against those bunch of guys threatenning our planet! The world belongs to humanity, not to that "elite"!

Now please everyone, close your TV, think it over, inform all your friends, colleagues and your family, and ALWAYS defend your rights and individual liberties!

