Amérique du Sud
Amérique du Sud
Voici un gros pot-pourri des développements qui ont eu lieu en Amérique du Sud au courant de l'année 2007 et touchant même à la fin de 2006.
Il est sans conteste que silencieusement mais sûrement, elle est en profond changement, en révolution, et pour le mieux dans la plupart des cas. Les sud-américains sont en train de reprendre le pouvoir chez eux: plusieurs ont renationalisé leurs industries pétrolières, redistribué les terres aux pauvres, mis en place des gouvernements de la gauche, jeté le FMI dehors et plus. Alors suivez ce fil des événements et laissez-vous inspirez par la renaissance de ce beau coin du monde et ces habitants si joyeux et heureux et humains dans leurs coeurs!
Amérique du Sud
Amérique du Sud : la puissance économique et écologique du XXIe siècle ?
Après un demi-millénaire de pillage des ressources naturelles du sous-continent américain par les puissances coloniales et néo-coloniales, les jeunes républiques de la région (qui n’ont pas encore 200 ans de vie indépendante) ont l’occasion de consolider un bloc géopolitique qui pourrait être la grande puissance économique et écologique du nouveau siècle.
South America: Toward An Alternative Future
Venezuela quiting the IMF and World Bank
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced on Monday that his country had decided to withdraw from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
Chavez made the announcement at an event to celebrate workers' rights.
"I want to formalize our exit from the World Bank and the IMF," Chavez said, adding that "We will no longer have to go to Washington, neither to the IMF nor the World Bank, not to anyone."
Chavez signs decree to nationalize foreign oil companies
The decree allows
The companies affected by the decree are Exxon Mobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips from the US, Total SA from
Chavez threatens to cut Venezuelan oil supply to US
"President Bush is not the boss over there, he is just a small figure," he said. "The big corporations make the decisions, those unscrupulous ones that start wars to sell and win billions of dollars."
"We've gotta invade NOW!
It just may distract people from the horrendous messes we've made of
Chavez cancels opposition TV station's license
I think these guys hit the nail on the head -- it ain't "censorship" to stop well-funded probably CIA-backed liars from polluting the public discourse by piping bullshit into everyone's living rooms ...
The Guardian, Cuba Solidarity Project
En mai 2004, Washington avait rendu public un énorme rapport de 454 pages, élaboré par
Les Etats-Unis accusés de vouloir renverser Chavez avec des fonds secrets
Le désespoir de l’opposition vénézuelienne
Bush Orders More CIA Activity in Venezuela
During a briefing before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence, current CIA chief General Michael V. Hayden revealed President George W. Bush had requested his agency “pay more attention” to the activities of President Hugo Chávez and his government in Venezuela.
Great: as though we don't have enough problems with
What is Bush planning, another invasion for oil?
Venezuela Preparing for 'Asymmetrical' Showdown With U.S.
MIAMI -- Venezuela is beefing up its military capabilities by land, sea and air in preparation for what one senior official called a possible "asymmetrical conflict" with the
Venezuelan Ambassador to the
Viva Chavez
"We are facing the threat of global challenges stemming from the genocidal, immoral, sick, and corrupt elite currently governing the United States, which appear to have no limits" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Venezuela: Between Ballots And Bullets
Venezuela Halts Issuing Visas to Israelis
AL-QUDS, Oct. 23--
I just finished reading an important new book the author's publisher sent me, which I'll shortly be reviewing for publication. The book is investigative journalist (and in his words "forensic economist") Greg Palast's latest foray into exposing the hidden from view crimes and wrongdoings of the Bush administration. I'm very familiar with Palast's important work and can only wish many others of his profession did the same sort of it he does - his job. Sadly most don't, but luckily we have some who do, and we should pay close heed to what they tell us. They're our window to the dangerous world around us, and the information they provide is our protection from it.
Venezuela Backs Plan to Sell Oil in Euros:
Venezuela supports the idea of selling oil in euros instead of U.S. dollars, a proposal also supported by fellow OPEC member Iran, the country's oil minister said.
US names spy operations 'manager' for Cuba, Venezuela
We're facing 'challenges' from
I mean, in
But of course, the two countries have one thing in common: an understanding that the
Venezuela Accuses U.S. DEA of Being a “Drug Cartel”
The Venezuelan government responded yesterday to United States Drug Czar John Walters' criticisms that Venezuela is not cooperating with the United States in the fight against drugs by saying that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is a "drug cartel." The Venezuelan government rejected Walters' statements, saying that the
John Walters, who is the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington, made the statement in an interview with the Colombian magazine Semana last week. And today in
Dans le flot de désinformation qui nous a accablé, les journalistes ont eu du mal à expliquer qui était Raoul Castro. L’inévitable "expert" Machover, et d’autres du même acabit, sont venus expliquer que Raoul ne "tiendrait" rien, parce qu’il n’avait pas le charisme de son frère, que personne ne le connaissait quasiment à Cuba. Machover, enterrant avant le temps Fidel, pour la première fois lui rendait un hommage détourné : il reconnaissait implicitement que Fidel ne tenait pas son peuple par la terreur mais par "le charisme". Mais c’était pour mieux, une fois de plus, nous asséner quelques contre vérités.
Un acharnement cruel et irrationnel contre Cuba
L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies s’apprête à condamner, le 7 novembre 2006, pour la quinzième fois consécutive, les sanctions économiques inhumaines que les Etats-Unis imposent à Cuba depuis le 6 juillet 1960. De son côté, Washington ne cesse d’accroître la pression sur
En effet, le 10 octobre 2006, un nouveau groupe destiné à renforcer les restrictions contre Cuba a été créé, avec comme objectif de pourchasser les agences de voyages, les entreprises et les citoyens qui transgresseraient la loi en vigueur. Le procureur fédéral du sud de
Would Somebody Finally Tell Me Why Cuba Is My Enemy?
For the younger readers, here is a bit of background on why the mighty United States still "fears" tiny little Cuba.
In 1940, Fulgencio Batista won the Presidency of
Batista lost the election of 1944 because of his unpopular policies, but ran again in 1952. Polls showed him in last place. With the backing of his American supporters, Batista staged a coup and took over the government. He held elections in 1954 and easily won, being the only candidate on the ballot.
Batista continued to impose tighter and tighter controls on the increasingly angry Cuban people until finally forced to leave office, and fleeing
Cuba came under control of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, a former lawyer. Having studied in the
So, the
Working with the remnant's of Batista's regime, now holed up in
Kennedy fired CIA director Allen Dulles for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and shortly thereafter, Dulles sat on the
Since that time, the
And it is an antiquity the world can live without.
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 29 (NNN) -- United Nations agencies voiced their opposition to the US blockade on Cuba, asserting that it is a "unilateral policy" that thwarts social and economic cooperation with the island.
Some 20 UN agencies, on record in an official report issued at UN Headquarters on Friday, asserted their disapproval of
The report, compiled by the Office of the Secretary General, includes the perspectives of close to 100 nations opposed to the blockade and points to the nearly universal consensus against the hostile practice.
The report is being circulated among UN members as part of the activities leading up to the annual debate in the General Assembly on the "Necessity of Putting an End to the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade against Cuba."
According to the 61st General Assembly’s official agenda, the debate will take place on November 8, with this being the 15th consecutive year the issue has been raised.
-- NNN
Mexico becoming one of world's more dangerous countries
The report, made public last week, said that major federal crimes, which include homicides, kidnappings and arms trafficking, rose 25 percent in the first half of 2007 over the same period last year. In 2006, the same crimes had risen 22 percent over the previous year.
Gangland style executions have risen 155 percent since 2001, according to the congressional report.
Drug cartels declare war on Mexican government
The war between
Pro-Government forces shoot and kill INdymedia photographer in Oaxaca, Maxico
This is another story the
Concerns about
They come against a backdrop of social unrest, including a summer presidential election that bitterly divided the country and ongoing strife in
The election in question was exposed as fraudulent. That is why the Mexicans are rebelling against the government. The Mexicans have Democracy cajones Americans only dream of.
Colombia military in bomb scandal
Army officers in
Bolivia orders troops to seize gas and oil supplies
· President tells foreign firms to give up ownership
· Analysts say move is part of contract renegotiation
Bolivia Nationalizes Natural Gas Industry
Bolivia returns land to Indians
Préparatifs de coup d'État en Bolivie
Les militaires ne font jamais un coup d'État en l'air, m'a dit il y a sept ans mon ami le Général Alberto Mueller Rojas, aujourd'hui membre de l'État-major présidentiel de Hugo Chávez. C'est cette logique dont on observe actuellement le déroulement en Bolivie. Tout un bloc de conspiration, composé de différentes forces sociales et de l'État, travaille de manière accélérée pour en finir avec le Président Evo Morales.
Les préfets (gouverneurs) des États producteurs d'énergie et séparatistes de Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz de
Une renationalisation en trompe l’œil qui suscite des espoirs…
C’est avec un sens aigu de la mise en scène qu’Evo Morales a annoncé, le 1er mai dernier, la renationalisation des hydrocarbures. L’annonce a eu l’effet d’un coup de tonnerre d’autant que, chorégraphie oblige, au moment même où le président s’exprimait depuis Carapari, un site pétrolier de la région du Chaco, au sud de
C’est par un décret, le «décret suprême 28701» intitulé «heroes del Chaco» – s’identifiant ainsi à la guerre menée contre le Paraguay pour le contrôle de cette riche région durant les années trente du siècle passé – que les privatisations et les largesses concédées par le gouvernement de Sanchez de Lozada (1993-1997) aux compagnies pétrolières transnationales ont été annulées. Celles-ci accordaient en particulier 82 % des revenus de l’exploitation du sous-sol aux multinationales, les 18 % restants allant renflouer le Trésor national.
L’Equateur expulse la Banque mondiale : Ultralibéralisme non grata !
30 avril 2007. Le courant grandissant en faveur d’une annulation effective de la dette du tiers-monde, dette odieuse, inique et jeu d’écriture cynique enregistre avec satisfaction le divorce de la république d’Equateur avec
Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
The US Military Descends on Paraguay
On May 26, 2005, the Paraguayan Senate allowed US troops to train their Paraguayan counterparts until December 2006, when the Paraguayan Senate can vote to extend the troops' stay. The
Some activists, military analysts and politicians in the region believe the operations could be part of a plan to overthrow the left-leaning government of Evo Morales in neighboring
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