Abattez ce mur d’apartheid
Abattez ce mur d’apartheid
Cette semaine, le Hamas a fait sauté une partie du mur de séparation construit par Israël. La section donnait sur l’Égypte, et dès l’ouverture de la brèche dans le mur, les palestiniens se sont rués de l’autre côté de la frontière pour faire le plein de vivre et de biens de subsistance. La raison est qu’Israël mène un état de siège médiéval sur la bande de Gaza depuis quelques semaines déjà, et ils ont fermé toutes les frontières, coupé une grande partie des revitaillements de pétrole, d’électricité, de nourriture, et de médicaments.
Jusqu’à date, plus de 56 personnes hospitalisées sont décédées inutilement parce qu’Israël refuse même de laisser passer les patients qui auraient besoin de soins urgents dans une hôpital israélienne, ou bien parce qu’en coupant l’électricité pour une grande partie de la journée, les personnes se trouvant sur les respirateurs artificiels, ou qui ont besoin d’assistance de machine pour vivre, se voient coupé de leur moyen de survie.
Les pompes pour acheminer l’eau potable ne fonctionnent que partiellement, causant des manque d’eau potable par secteur, et les égoût ne fonctionnent pas aussi à plein rendement, ce qui est en train de tourner en catastrophe humanitaire de proportion gigantesque puisque la bande de Gaza est l’une des plus densément populé du monde :
Environ 1,2 millions de Palestiniens vivent dans la bande de Gaza, ce qui la place au rang des régions les plus densément peuplées au monde.
La bande de Gaza s’étale sur environ 360 kilomètres carrés. La frontière terrestre commune avec l’Egypte s’étend sur 11km et celle qui longe Israël fait 51km. Les frontières terrestres et les 40km de littoral sont sous contrôle israélien. Contrairement à la Cisjordanie, la bande de Gaza est entièrement encerclée par une clôture de "securité" contrôlée par Israël.
Donc en somme, nous sommes en face d’une exemple flagrant de punition collective, une crime grave contre l’humanité. L’armée israélienne continue de tuer presqu’à chaque jour des palestiniens, dont beaucoup trop d’enfants. Depuis le 29 septembre 2000, début de la seconde Intifada, le bilan humain de ce conflit complètement asymétrique parle de lui-même : 119 enfants israéliens ont été tués, contre 971 palestiniens ; 1030 israéliens ont perdu la vie, contre 4437 palestiniens ; on compte 6845 blessés du côté israélien, contre 31 815 chez les palestiniens ; Israël détient 10 756 prisonniers politiques, contre 1 par les palestiniens ; Israël a détruit 4 170 maisons en Palestine, contre 0 de la part des palestiniens. Il y a se défendre, et se « défendre » de façon complètement disproportionnée.
Ils rasent des maisons et villages entiers qu’ils effacent ensuite de la carte. Israël a déjà construit 223 colonies sur des terres confisquées aux palestiniens. Les palestiniens ne détiennent plus que 22% du territoire original lors de la création d’Israël en terre palestienne en 1948.
Depuis le tout début Israël n’a jamais reconnu la Palestine ni de frontières fixes, en plus de contrevenir à plus de 65 résolutions de l’ONU, contre 0 pour les palestiniens. Dire qu’on nous casse les oreilles avec le faux programme nucléaire irannien, alors que selon les papiers déclassifiés de Nixon dans les années soixantes et de la CIA la décennie d’après, c’est Israël qui possède clandestinement entre 200 et 400 têtes nucléaires. Pourquoi Dimona n’est jamais inspecté par l’Agence nucléaire de l’ONU ?
D’ailleurs, au cours des dernières semaines, c’est Israël qui a menacé de se servir de bombes nucléaires de façon préventive contre les centrales nucléaires de l’Iran.
Il serait important de noter que la Russie a déjà accompli trois livraisons de combustible nucléaire, ce qui veut dire que dans le cas d’un bombardement des installations nucléaires de l’Iran, il y aurait une zone de contamination radioactive qui engloberait tout le Proche et Moyen-Orient, ensuite le reste du monde avec la dispersion des fines particules par les vents. Sans compter que la Russie a déclaré que toute attaque sur l’Iran serait considéré comme une attaque contre la Russie.
Avec l’armée israélienne qui contrôle toutes les issues de la bande de Gaza et l’annonce d’opérations militaires majeures sous peu, une situation déjà jugée catastrophique par l’ONU et plusieurs groupes d’aide humanitaire pourait rapidement dégénérer en tragédie humanitaire.
Pourtant, les palestiniens ont déjà voulu reconnaître Israël et son territoire, mais Israël refuse obstinément de vouloir reconnaître la Palestine depuis 1948. Encore une fois, l’élite qui contrôle le pouvoir en Israël comme partout ailleurs, joue contre sa propre population car au lieu de promouvoir la paix dans la région, on maintient un climat de tension et de guerre possible avec tous ses voisins, créant de la haine entre les juifs et les arabes qui pourraient très bien co-exister ensemble autrement.
Israël se prépare militairement pour d’autres conflits et ils violent régulièrement l’espace aérien du Liban, de la Syrie en plus de chercher à déstabiliser l’Iran via les Kurdes qu’ils financent et entraînent dans le nord de l’Iraq ainsi qu’en déclarant à chaque semaine sur la scène mondiale qu’il faut partir une nouvelle guerre contre l’Iran. Guerre qu’Israël aimerait bien voir les américains mener pour eux, ce qui ferait bien l’affaire du régime Bush, question de détourner l’attention de leur deux mandats catastrophiques, de la guerre en Iraq qui est une cause perdue, et de leurs responsabilités dans l’écroulement de l’économie et de la chute du dollar américain qui a été causé par l’endettement sans précédent du gouvernement fédéral, du système bancaire pourri et de la FED qui imprime de l’argent comme de l’eau.
Les palestiniens vivent dans les plus grandes prisons à ciel ouvert du monde, entouré de ce mur de la honte, et doivent passer par des centaines de points de contrôle et d’inspection. Les conditions dans lesquelles le peuple palestiniens vit ressemblent grandement à l’apartheid que l’Afrique du Sud a imposé aux noirs. Jimmy Carter a écrit un livre sur ce sujet, et a été attaqué bien sûr par le lobby israélien aux États-Unis et de la part d’Israël.
Comme pour le mur de Berlin, le mur devra être jeté à terre avant que la paix et la réconciliation reviennent. Et les extrémistes religieux et idéologiques devront faire place à de vrais leaders qui ont la paix et le bien-être de tout le région vraiment à coeur.

Informations supplémentaires:
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Israel has a right to respond to security threats but should not collectively punish the Gaza population for rocket attacks from the Palestinian territory, the U.N. humanitarian affairs chief said on Friday.
The United Nations also criticized Israel’s decision to close all border crossings with Gaza, preventing delivery of a U.N. aid shipment to the territory’s 1.5 million people, most of whom depend on foreign aid.
"We all understand the security problems and the need to respond to that but collective punishment of the people of Gaza is not, we believe, the appropriate way to do that," said John Holmes, undersecretary-general for Humanitarian Affairs.
Dugard Slams Israel for its Violation of International law in Gaza Strip
GENEVA, May 30 ,2007, (WAFA)-U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, John Dugard has slammed Israel for its violation of international law in the Gaza Strip and using an equal force and killing of civilians.
In a statement, Dugard said that the extrajudicial killings by Israel is illegal under international humanitarian law and not even seems committed to the minimum requirements set by the Israeli Supreme Court last December.
Dugard said the indiscriminate firing of rockets by the Palestinians at the town of Sderot in southern Israel is also unlawful, adding that more than 50 people were killed and 180 wounded in Israeli air raids during the past two weeks, many of them civilians.
NEW YORK, (PIC)— Jean Ziegler, the UN special rapporteur on right to food, castigated the Israeli occupation and described it as the only "colonial regime" which refuses to abide by any international law, calling on the UN to adopt an effective policy forcing Israel to respect human rights and the Geneva Convention.
"The Israeli occupation is a colonial regime and an illegal military occupation from the UN’s point of view, it continues to annex more Palestinian lands ; and thus the Israeli occupation is the worst in the history of colonialism," Ziegler stated in a TV interview.
Updated : Did you know ? … that non-Jewish Israelis can’t buy or lease land in Israel. … that Palestinian license plates in Israel are color coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews. … that Jerusalem, both East and West, is considered by the entire world community, including the United States, to be occupied territory and NOT part of Israel. … that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the “territories” ? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron’s 120,000 Palestinians. … the United States awards Israel $5 billion in aid each year. Update : Here is a short clip from the documentary “Occupation 101,” exposing US Aid to Israel : … that yearly US aid to Israel exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole African continent.
… that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons. … that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites. … that Israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions. … that Israel has for decades routinely sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies. … that high-ranking military officers in the Israeli Occupation Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IOF. … that Israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war. … that Israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses and land, and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer the confiscation. … that Israel blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors. … that the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, is the Israeli AIPAC. … that Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions. … that today’s Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 now-vanished Palestinian villages, and that the Israeli’s re-named almost every physical site in the country to cover up the traces. … that it was not until 1988 that Israelis were barred from running “Jews Only” job ads. … that four prime ministers of Israel Begin, Shamir, Rabin, and Sharon, have taken part in either bomb attacks on civilians, massacres of civilians, or forced expulsions of civilians from their villages. … that the Israeli Foreign Ministry pays two American public relations firms to promote Israel to Americans. …that Israel’s government includes a party which advocates expelling all Palestinians from the occupied territories. … that Israel’s settlement-building increased rapidly since Oslo. … that settlement building under Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Netanyahu. … that Israel once dedicated a postage stamp to a man who attacked a civilian bus and killed several people.
Racist israeli soldier calling palestinians animals
Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more".... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000
" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988
"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.
"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.
"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"
Au lieu de se battre pour savoir à qui la faute, pourquoi ne pas demander aux Palestiniens EN MÊME TEMPS que les isréliens de cesser toute agression ?
Il semble que la Palestine a déjà démontré sa volonté à entamer un vrai processus de paix, mais pas Israël. Ce n’est pas de mon opinion tordue dont il s’agit, mais bien ce qu’on peut lire partout dans les nouvelles.
Family home demolished as Occupation intensifies settlement of East Jerusalem Posted Dec 31, 2007 A wrecking crew accompanied by Occupation forces arrived at the house of Akram al-Wa’ywiy in East Jerusalem, claiming that the house had been built without permission. Mr al-Wa’ywiy and his family of six were ejected, the forces sealed the area and the house was torn down.
The Israeli government decided earlier this month to permit the Gaza Strip to import industrial diesel — in similar quantities to those permitted prior to the fuel import restrictions imposed in October 2007 — but the impoverished enclave continues to suffer from power cuts. The cuts are affecting daily life, particularly now as the region has been experiencing an uncommonly cold winter. “We went four days without having electricity during the daytime,” said Wajihe, an elderly woman from a refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. “We had power only from midnight until 6am.”
Here’s Brigadier General (res.) Zvika Fogel, former chief of staff of the IDF Southern Command headquarters in the run-up to the second intifada, describing how the ’purest army in the world’ crushed Palestinian resistance in Gaza.
« One has to wonder precisely what BG Fogel really meant when he characterized the IDF as the ’purest army in the world’ . »WRH
WARNING : Graphic images.
Palestinian water authority : 40% of Gazans lack running water
Gaza Strip residents Monday moved from worrying about the electricity cuts of the previous 40 hours to worrying about a water shortage. The municipality needs electricity to bring water to homes and the houses need it to pump water to the roof tanks. Hence 40 percent of Gaza Strip homes - 600,000 people - had no running water Monday, the Palestinian water authority said. Oxfam International said Monday that unless diesel and fuel supplies were resumed immediately, all the Strip’s water pumps could stop working Tuesday. The non-governmental organization also warned of the sewage system’s collapse in the absence of diesel.
Israel hiding settlement facts to protect image
The Israeli Government has told a court that it does not want to reveal the true extent of Jewish settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories because the information would damage its image abroad, a local newspaper has reported.
Israeli ministers demand assassination of Hezbollah head Nasrallah
« Okay, let’s see if I have this correct. When Israel kills their enemy without trial because he opposes Israel’s theft of Palestine, that’s called assassination, but if the other side Kills Israelis for stealing Palestinian lands, that’s called ’terrorism’ ? »WRH
"The best thing is that you’re not obliged to follow any laws or rules. You feel like you are the law. You are the law. You decide. It’s as if the moment you leave Israel and pass through the Erez Checkpoint into the Gaza Strip, you are the law. You are God." (מה שהכי חשוב זה שזה מוריד ממך את העול של החוק. אתה מרגיש שאתה החוק. אתה החוק. אתה הקובע... כאילו מהרגע שאתה יורד מהמקום שנקרא ארץ ישראל ונכנס לתוך מחסום ארז לתוך רצועת עזה, אתה החוק. אתה אלוהים. )
comment by one of the IDF soldiers interviewed by Israeli psychologist Nofer Ishai-Karen. Cited by Dalia Karpel in an article entitled The Person Who Gets People To Talk/המדובבת which was published in Ha’aretz’s Hebrew edition on 21 Sept 2007, but did not appear in the English edition.
IOA sentences Palestinian child to 18 months behind bars
The Israeli Salem military court has sentenced the 13-year-old Palestinian child Ahmed Amarne to one and a half year behind bars for throwing stones at IOF soldiers, a charge which he denied.
« Does Armane and kids like him have any real chance at true representation in situations like this ? Or is this just a kangaroo court, where the inclusion and exclusion of evidence, and all sentencing, and is solely at the whim of the judge ? »WRH
Et puisque plusieurs soutiennent que le Hamas est une organisation terroriste, il faudrait bien savoir qu’il fut supporté et crée par le Mossad israélien !!!!!!!!!
****Israel’s Hamas Hamas is largely an Israeli Creation
by George Szamuely
Global Research, January 27, 2006
This incisive article by George Szamuely was originally pu blished in The New York Press, Volume 15, Issue 17, and the Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), globalresearch.ca , 23 April 2002.
The vitory of Hamas in the January 2006 elections ultimatelty serves Israeli interests. It provides a justification for Israeli military actions directed against the Palestinaian people. It is the culmination of a process initaited in the 1970s
****Hamas is a Creation of Mossad by Hassane Zerouky
Global Outlook, No 2, Summer 2002 www.globalresearch.ca 23 March 2004
The URL of this article is : http://globalresearch.ca/articles/ZER403A.html
Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement. .According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), "The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority" in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. "They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad."
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s "Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)".
The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created : to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State.
****How Israel and the United States Helped to Bolster Hamas
As Hamas wins an upset victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, we take a look at the little-known rise of the militant group with investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss, author of the new book “Devil’s Game : How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam.” In it, Dreyfuss reveals how the U.S. looked the other way when Israel’s secret service supported the creation of Hamas.
Losrque vous aurez terminé de consulter ces articles, ne manquez pas de lire l’excellent article de Paul Craig Roberts :
How Did Western Civilization Get A Monopoly On ’Moral Conscience’ When It Has No Morality ?
Et puis là ce n’est pas le malveillant auteur de cet article qui parle, c’est “Paul Craig Roberts wrote the Kemp-Roth bill and was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is author or coauthor of eight books, including The Supply-Side Revolution (Harvard University Press). He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has contributed to numerous scholarly journals and testified before Congress on 30 occasions. He has been awarded the U.S. Treasury’s Meritorious Service Award and the French Legion of Honor. He was a reviewer for the Journal of Political Economy under editor Robert Mundell. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He is also coauthor with Karen Araujo of Chile : Dos Visiones La Era Allende-Pinochet (Santiago : Universidad Andres Bello, 2000)”
Israël a même annoncé clairement qu’ils mènent des assassinations politiques et enferment plus de 10 000 prisonniers politiques. N’est pas de la répression qu’on condamnerait partout ailleurs ?Et vous allez me dire que c’est de la faute des palestiniens ? Imaginez deux secondes que la moitié de votre pays soit donné à des russes pour avoir souffert dans une guerre dans une autre partie du monde qui n’a rien à voir avec votre pays, et qu’ils refusent de reconnaître votre moitié de territoire depuis le début, et confisquent même par la suite 78% du reste de votre territoire en vous enfermant dans une prison géante, tout en détruisant vos champs d’oliviers et maisons. Resteriez-vous là, les bras croisés ? Je ne cautionnerais pas vos actes de résistance car ils impliqueraient probablement la violence après 60 ans d’oppression, mais comprenez que si la révolution pacifique n’est pas possible, la révolution violente devient inévitable. Ce n’est pas moi qui le dis, c’est l’histoire qui le démontre, et ces mots viennent de John F. Kennedy.
Source : Paul Findley’s Deliberate Deceptions (1998, pages 192-4). This number only covers resolutions passed from 1955 through 1992. UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-1992
1. Resolution 106 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid"
2. Resolution 111 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people"
3. Resolution 127 : "...‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem"
4. Resolution 162 : "...‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions"
5. Resolution 171 : "...determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria"
6. Resolution 228 : "...‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control"
7. Resolution 237 : "...‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees"
8. Resolution 248 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan"
9. Resolution 250 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem"
10. Resolution 251 : "...‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250"
11. Resolution 252 : "...‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital"
12. Resolution 256 : "...‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation"
13. Resolution 259 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation"
14. Resolution 262 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport"
15. Resolution 265 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan"
16. Resolution 267 : "...‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem"
17. Resolution 270 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon"
18. Resolution 271 : "...‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem"
19. Resolution 279 : "...‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon"
20. Resolution 280 : "....‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon"
21. Resolution 285 : "...‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon"
22. Resolution 298 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem"
23. Resolution 313 : "...‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon"
24. Resolution 316 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon"
25. Resolution 317 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon"
26. Resolution 332 : "...‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon"
27. Resolution 337 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty"
28. Resolution 347 : "...‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon"
29. Resolution 425 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
30. Resolution 427 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’
31. Resolution 444 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces"
32. Resolution 446 : "...‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
33. Resolution 450 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon"
34. Resolution 452 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories"
35. Resolution 465 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program"
36. Resolution 467 : "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon"
37. Resolution 468 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return"
38. Resolution 469 : "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians"
39. Resolution 471 : "...‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
40. Resolution 476 : "...‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’
41. Resolution 478 : "...‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’
42. Resolution 484 : "...‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors"
43. Resolution 487 : "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility"
44. Resolution 497 : "...‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith"
45. Resolution 498 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon"
46. Resolution 501 : "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops"
47. Resolution 509 : "...‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon"
48. Resolution 515 : "...‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in"
49. Resolution 517 : "...‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
50. Resolution 518 : "...‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon"
51. Resolution 520 : "...‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut"
52. Resolution 573 : "...‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters
53. Resolution 587 : "...‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw"
54. Resolution 592 : "...‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops"
55. Resolution 605 : "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians
56. Resolution 607 : "...‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention
57. Resolution 608 : "...‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians"
58. Resolution 636 : "...‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians
59. Resolution 641 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians
60. Resolution 672 : "...‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount
61. Resolution 673 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations
62. Resolution 681 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians
63. Resolution 694 : "...‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return
64. Resolution 726 : "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians
65. Resolution 799 : "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.
Le peuple juif est en grand danger car toute la haine qui monte mondialement, au lieu d’être justement dirigé justement vers une petite clique de sionistes extrémistes ultra racistes, est dirigée contre les juifs en général. Il serait dommage qu’ils soient encore faussement accusés de tous les maux que l’élite en contrôle du pouvoir en Israël cause et en deviennent une fois de plus victimes.
D’ailleurs, plusieurs groupes juifs protestent contre le régime sioniste et je les supporte grandement :
Zionism and Anti-Semitism
We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide. The idea that Zionism and the State of “Israel” is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Jewish People. Indeed, where else since 1945 have Jews been in such physical danger as in the Zionist state ?!
The Jewish People are absolutely opposed to any injury against the Arab nation. The Arab nation never harmed the Jewish People until the advent of Zionist nationalism. The Jewish People are commanded by the Torah to seek the peace of the governments where they are citizens, and not to rebel against any nation, G-d forbid, especially when this concerns the Holy Land, to which we are forbidden to engage in mass immigration.
Jews who follow the Torah are not even suspected of murder or any injury against any person, and we are severely prohibited from engaging in any violent action, including in relation to the struggle over Palestine. Judaism is totally opposed to nationalism, and in fact Jews have refused to move to the Zionist state even though the state proclaims itself as the representative of the Jewish People.
Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
"Neturei Karta is an international organization of Orthodox Jews dedicated to the propagation and clarification of Torah Judaism."
Et ceci n’est pas du racisme ???!!!! :
Did you know ? … that non-Jewish Israelis can’t buy or lease land in Israel. … that Palestinian license plates in Israel are color coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews. … that Jerusalem, both East and West, is considered by the entire world community, including the United States, to be occupied territory and NOT part of Israel. … that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the “territories” ? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron’s 120,000 Palestinians.
Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more".... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000
" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988
"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.
"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.
"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"
Chers amis juifs et à tous les autres habitants de cette planète, méfiez-vous de votre élite. Les gens qui parlent en votre nom, ceux qui disent vouloir vous protéger se cachent derrière votre bonne réputation pour mener leur agenda politique qui va à l’encontre de votre bien-être. Ultimement, il n’y a pas de race ni de religion, que des hommes, des femmes et des enfants de l’espèce humaine. Nous sommes tous membres de cet univers et de la puissante création de la vie. Tous avons un droit universel et fondamental à la liberté, la dignité et à l’amour.
Nous ne serons pas gagnant tant qu’il y aura un perdant. Ce n’est pas dans la division qu’on trouve les solutions, mais dans l’union. De toute l’histoire les tyrants de ce monde on utilisé ce vieux stratagème pour diviser les humains en races, religions, nationalités ou autres. Soyons unis, car telle est l’ultime réalité : nous sommes TOUS UN, interconnectés ensemble et tous dépendants les uns des autres.
Ces conflits sont entretenus artificiellement par une clique de criminels internationaux à nos dépends. Qui ne veut pas la paix ???? (Ceux qui profitent de la guerre, évidemment)
Cessons d’écouter nos "leaders" malades de pouvoir et de contrôle, et allons tous se serrer les uns les autres dans nos bras. Un puissant "hug" collectif et planétaire.
Nous sommes prêts pour vivre une ère de paix et de coopération mondiale. L’ancien ordre mondial est en train de s’écrouler, et nous nous devons, en tant que citoyens du monde, de reprendre le contrôle sur notre destinée en tant qu’humain d’une seul race, mais de multitude infinie. Toutes nos cultures, notre histoire, nos différences et nos similitudes nous rassemblent dans cette grande aventure de ce qu’on appelle la vie . Aimons-nous les uns les autres et soyons heureux pardis ! Cessons de tolérer que la guerre et la destruction signifient des profits pour une élite corrompue et dangeureuse.
J’ai voyagé de part le monde, et je peux dire que cette planète est absolument magnifique, et que tous les peuples et cultures sont incroyablement riches et précieuses. Protègeons notre navire spacial au lieu de se battre et de le démolir. Cessons de construire des murs autour de nous. Ne soyons pas imbéciles et naïfs. Connaissons l’histoire, et ne répétons pas les mêmes bêtes erreurs du passé. C’est un appel à chaque être humain, sans distinction.
Et puisqu’on parle d’abolir les doubles standards, si on blâme l’Iran de vouloir produire une bombe nucléaire, que dire du programme nucléaire clandestin qui existe sous Dimona depuis les années 60 ? N’est-ce pas un programme d’armes de destruction massive, mais réel cette fois ? Pourquoi ne pas laisser l’ONU et une équipe internationale inspecter ? Et ceux des États-Unis ? Et pourquoi ne pas enrayer tout programme nucléaire mondialement ?