LM: La colère: Où est passé le bon sens, les lois et le jugement moral? (Corée du Nord, Israël et la barbarie, les armes nucléaires et le G8/G20)

L'Autre Monde 3 juin 2010: La colère: Où est passé le bon sens, les lois et le jugement moral? (Corée du Nord, Israël et la barbarie, les armes nucléaires et le G8/G20)
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L'Autre Monde 3 juin 2010
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 3 juin 2010:
Émission spéciale de 2h: Actualité; pétrole, Corée du nord et armes nucléaires, Israël et les actes barbares hors-la-loi, l'humanité perd le nord, la folie du G8/G20. Le monde ne va pas bien...
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer
Almost half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives, according to an evaluation of those products released today.
Le cirque du G8/G20 sera en ville, avec toute la cavalerie
François Marginean [Article mis à jour le 28 mai 2010] On est reconnu pour ce à quoi on est bon. Les Japonais sont reconnus pour leurs sushis, leurs robots et leurs sumos parce qu’ils sont bons dans ces domaines. Les Français font de grands vins et sont reconnus pour cela, ainsi que pour leur cuisine. [...]
Toronto police prepare for G20 urban warfare
Alex Jones: Canadian conspiracy
The next time you struggle to comprehend how someone could spend their time trolling the internet in order to defend and downplay whatever government cover-up or abuse is in the news this week, consider the fact that they may be on a government payroll. The Canadian government has been caught paying a media group to monitor online political discussion and respond to misinformation, in order words to spread state-sanctioned propaganda, in the latest scandal to hit the Harper administration.
Riotous protesters marching at the G20 summit next month may be greeted with ear-splitting “sound cannons,” the latest
Le criminel de guerre NETANYAHU
à Ottawa le 31.05.2010.
Les autobus partiront devant le Hall Building of Concordia University
(Coin Maisonneuve O et Mackay) à 13:00 pour la démonstration à 17:00. Bienvenue à tous. Réservez
Nuremberg: It’s Lessons For Today! The Film The Pentagon Doesn’t Want You To See!
Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps
Depending on which feature you use, Google Maps offers a satellite view or a street-level view of tons of locations around the world. You can look up landmarks like the Pyramids of Egypt or the
Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video
Two former CIA officials have admitted to creating a fake video in which intelligence officers dressed up as Osama Bin Laden and his cronies in an effort to defame the terrorist leader throughout the middle east.
The details are outlined in a Washington Post article by investigative reporter and former Army Intelligence case officer Jeff Stein.
The details are outlined in a Washington Post article by investigative reporter and former Army Intelligence case officer Jeff Stein.
Stein’s sources told him that during planning for the 2003 invasion of
That idea, along with faking Iraqi news bulletins, never came to fruition according to the former CIA officials, because agreement on the projects could not be reached between the Iraq Group and CIA’s Office of Technical Services.
However, the two sources reveal that the agency did previously concoct at least one fake Bin Laden video:
The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said.
The former officials told Stein that the project was taken over by the military after it ground to a halt:
The reality, the former officials said, was that the agency really didn’t have enough money and expertise to carry out the projects.
“The military took them over,” said one. “They had assets in psy-war down at
This latest revelation bolsters evidence that the intelligence agencies, and perhaps more significantly, the military have been engaged in creating fake Bin Laden videos in the past.
Crazy: Some in CIA wanted to create fake Saddam Hussein sex video, report asserts
Stein notes, however, that the CIA did make a video in which a fake Osama Bin Laden enjoys a campfire and the company of his associates while bragging about their juvenile paramours.
The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I hate to say I told you so .... no, actually I rather like it. But I did tell you so! Neener, neener, neener!!!! :)
Which brings us back to Osama bin Laden:
A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
Japan party quits coalition over US base
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama's bullying (and using that false flag attack n the South Korean warship) to force
In diplomatic circles this is known as a "whoopsie!"
The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Deja' vu!!! June 13th 1979
Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill
The Deepwater Horizon disaster reminds us what can happen -- and will continue to happen -- when corporate malfeasance and neglect meet governmental regulatory failure.
The corporate media is tracking the disaster with front-page articles and nightly news headlines every day (if it bleeds, or spills, it leads!), but the under-reported aspects to this nightmarish tale paint the most chilling picture of the actors and actions behind the catastrophe. In no particular order, here are 10 things about the BP spill you may not know and may not want to know -- but you should.
Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill
by Daniela Perdomo
Global Research, May 29, 2010
AlterNet -
How the owner of the exploded oil rig has made $270 million off the disaster, and nine other shocking, depressing facts about the oil spill.
It's been 37 days since BP's offshore oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the
Though BP officially admits to only a few thousand barrels spilled each day, expert estimates peg the damage at 60,000 barrels or over 2.5 million gallons daily. (Perhaps we'd know more if BP hadn't barred independent engineers from inspecting the breach.) Measures to quell the gusher have proved lackluster at best, and unlike the country's last big oil spill -- Exxon-Valdez in 1989 -- the oil is coming from the ground, not a tanker, so we have no idea how much more oil could continue to pollute the Gulf's waters.
The Deepwater Horizon disaster reminds us what can happen -- and will continue to happen -- when corporate malfeasance and neglect meet governmental regulatory failure.
The corporate media is tracking the disaster with front-page articles and nightly news headlines every day (if it bleeds, or spills, it leads!), but the under-reported aspects to this nightmarish tale paint the most chilling picture of the actors and actions behind the catastrophe. In no particular order, here are 10 things about the BP spill you may not know and may not want to know -- but you should.
1. Oil rig owner has made $270 million off the oil leak
Transocean Ltd., the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig leased by BP, has been flying under the radar in the mainstream blame game. The world's largest offshore drilling contractor, the company is conveniently headquartered in corporate-friendly
This experience undoubtedly influenced Transocean's decision to insure theDeepwater Horizon rig for about twice what it was worth. In a conference call to analysts earlier this month, Transocean reported making a $270 million profit from insurance payouts after the disaster. It's not hard to bet on failure when you know it's somewhat assured.
2. BP has a terrible safety record
BP has a long record of oil-related disasters in the
With Deepwater Horizon, BP didn't break its dismal trend. In addition to choosing a cheaper -- and less safe -- casing to outfit the well that eventually burst, the company chose not to equip Deepwater Horizon with an acoustic trigger, a last-resort option that could have shut down the well even if it was damaged badly, and which is required in most developed countries that allow offshore drilling. In fact, BP employs these devices in its rigs located near
SeizeBP.org estimates that BP makes $
3. Oil spills are just a cost of doing business for BP
According to the Harte Research Institute for
BP's chief executive, Tony Hayward, has solemnly promised that the company will cover more than the required $75 million. On May 10, BP announced it had already spent $350 million. How fantastically generous of a company valued at $152.6 billion, and which makes $93 million each day.
The reality of the matter is that BP will not be deterred by the liability cap and pity payments doled out to a handful of victims of this disaster because they pale in comparison to its ghastly profits. Indeed, oil spills are just a cost of doing business for BP.
This is especially evident in a recent Citigroup analyst report prepared for BP investors: "Reaction to the
4. The Interior Department was at best, neglectful, and at worst, complicit
It's no surprise BP is always looking out for its bottom line -- but it's at least slightly more surprising that the Interior Department, the executive department charged with regulating the oil industry, has done such a shoddy job of preventing this from happening.
Ten years ago, there were already warnings that the backup systems on oil rigs that failed on Deepwater Horizon would be a problem. The Interior Department issued a "safety alert" but then left it up to oil companies to decide what kind of backup system to use. And in 2007, a government regulator from the same department downplayed the chances and impact of a spill like the one that occurred last month: "[B]lowouts are rare events and of short duration, potential impact to marine water quality are not expected to be significant."
The Interior Department's
Is it any wonder that Deepwater Horizon was given a regulatory exclusion by MMS?
It gets worse. Since April 20, when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, the Interior Department has approved 27 new permits for offshore drilling sites. Here's the kicker: Two of these permits are for BP.
But it gets better still: 26 of the 27 new drilling sites have been granted regulatory exemptions, including those issued to BP.
5. Clean-up prospects are dismal
The media makes a lot of noise about all the different methods BP is using to clean up the oil spill. Massive steel containment domes were popular a few weeks ago. Now everyone is touting the "top kill" method, which involves injecting heavy drilling fluids into the damaged well.
But here's the reality. Even if BP eventually finds a method that works, experts say the best cleanup scenario is to recover 20 percent of the spilled oil. And let's be realistic: only 8 percent of the crude oil deposited in the ocean and coastlines off
Millions of gallons of oil will remain in the ocean, ravaging the underwater ecosystem, and 100 miles of
6. BP has no real cleanup plan
Perhaps because it knows the possibility of remedying the situation is practically impossible, BP has made publicly available its laughable "Oil Spill Response Plan" which is, in fact, no plan at all.
Most emblematic of this farcical plan, BP mentions protecting Arctic wildlife like sea lions, otters and walruses (perhaps executives simply lifted the language from Exxon's plan for its oil spill off the coast of
The whole thing totals 600 pages -- a waste of paper that only adds insult to the environmental injury BP is inflicting upon the world with Deepwater Horizon.
7. Both Transocean and BP are trying to take away survivors' right to sue
With each hour, the economic damage caused by Deepwater Horizon continues to grow. And BP knows this.
So while it outwardly is putting on a nice face, even pledging $500 million to assess the impacts of the spill, it has all the while been trying to ensure that it won't be held liable for those same impacts.
Just after the Deepwater explosion, surviving employees were held in solitary confinement, while Transocean flacks made them waive their rights to sue. BP then did the same with fishermen it contracted to help clean up the spill though the company now says that was nothing more than a legal mix-up.
If there's anything to learn from this disaster, it's that companies like BP don't make mistakes at the expense of others. They are exceedingly deliberate.
8. BP bets on risk to employees to save money -- and doesn't care if they get sick
When BP unleashed its "Beyond Petroleum" re-branding/greenwashing campaign, the snazzy ads featured smiley oil rig workers. But the truth of the matter is that BP consistently and knowingly puts its employees at risk.
An internal BP document shows that just before the prior fatal disaster -- the 2005 Texas City explosion that killed 15 workers and injured 170 -- when BP had to choose between cost-savings and greater safety, it went with its bottom line.
A BP Risk Management memo showed that although steel trailers would be safer in the case of an explosion, the company went with less expensive options that offered protection but were not "blast resistant." In the
Although BP has responded to this memo by saying the company culture has changed since
Reports this week stated that fishermen hired by BP for oil cleanup weren't provided protective equipment and have now fallen ill. Hopefully they didn't sign waivers.
9. Environmental damage could even include a climatological catastrophe
It's hard to know where to start discussing the environmental damage caused byDeepwater Horizon. Each day will give us a clearer picture of the short-term ecological destruction, but environmental experts believe the damage to the
In the short-term, environmentalists are up in arms about the dispersants being used to clean up the oil slick in the Gulf. Apparently, the types BP is using aren't all that effective in dispersing oil, and are pretty high in toxicity to marine fauna such as fish and shrimp. The fear is that what BP may be using to clean up the mess could, in the long-term, make it worse.
On the longer-term side of things, there are signs that this largest oil drilling catastrophe could also become the worst natural gas and climate disaster. The explosion has released tremendous amounts of methane from deep in the ocean, and research shows that methane, when mixed with air, is the most powerful (read: terrible) greenhouse gas -- 26 times worse than carbon-dioxide.
Our warming planet just got a lot hotter.
10. No one knows what to do and it will happen again
The very worst part about the Deepwater Horizon calamity is that nobody knows what to do. We don't know how bad it really is because we can't measure what's going on. We don't know how to stop it -- and once we do, we won't know how to clean it up.
BP is at the helm of the recovery process, but given its corporate track record, its efforts will only go so far -- it has a board of directors and shareholders to answer to, after all. The
Here's the reality of the matter -- for as long as offshore drilling is legal, oil spills will happen. Coastlines will be decimated, oceans destroyed, economies ruined, lives lost. Oil companies have little to no incentive to prevent such disasters from happening, and they use their money to buy government regulators' integrity.
Deepwater Horizon is not an anomaly -- it's the norm.
Daniela Perdomo is a staff writer and editor at AlterNet. Follow Daniela on Twitter. Write her at danielaalternet [at] gmail [dot] com.
Global Research Articles by Daniela Perdomo
© Copyright Daniela Perdomo, AlterNet, 2010
The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19408
Gulf of Mexico oil spill called worst in U.S. history
The Gulf of Mexico undersea gusher has already spilled more oil than the Exxon Valdez disaster -- possibly more than twice as much, making it the largest oil spill in
Webmaster's Commentary:
And I expect that even this admission is a severe understatement.
Gulf Spill Put at 25,000 Barrels A Day, Passing Exxon Valdez
The US government now estimates that up to 25,000 barrels of oil a day are spewing from BP's Gulf of Mexico well, meaning the spill has already far eclipsed the previous worst U.S. oil spill, the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster.
Coast Guard Tells Louisiana Residents Oil Spill is not an Environmental Disaster
Two days before the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) announced that the Deepwater Horizon accident had easily eclipsed the Exxon Valdez disaster as the nation’s worst-ever oil spill, U.S. Coast Guard representative Edward Stanton downplayed the seriousness of the matter at a town hall meeting in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.
“I don’t consider this an environmental disaster,”
BP's Photo Blockade of the Gulf Oil Spill
As BP makes its latest attempt to plug its gushing oil well, news photographers are complaining that their efforts to document the slow-motion disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are being thwarted by local and federal officials—working with BP—who are blocking access to the sites where the effects of the spill are most visible. More than a month into the disaster, a host of anecdotal evidence is emerging from reporters, photographers, and TV crews in which BP and Coast Guard officials explicitly target members of the media, restricting and denying them access to oil-covered beaches, staging areas for clean-up efforts, and even flyovers.
Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists
When a photographer from The Times-Picayune earlier this week tried to hire a plane to fly over Grand Isle, the charter plane company was told that the flight could not descend below 3,000 feet.
Southern Seaplane owner Rhonda Panepinto said her husband called the BP Command Center on Tuesday for permission to fly photographer Ted Jackson over Grand Isle, so that he could take pictures of the impact of the spreading oil from the Deepwater Horizon well. But the plane company was told by a BP contractor that media flights weren't allowed in the restricted air space established by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I just sent the following to my local papers. You should do the same.
Some observers have claimed that the BP Gulf Oil Disaster is Obama’s “Katrina.” Sadly, this is far worse. The Gulf Oil Disaster and scandal has reached the point of being
It was known from a similar disaster in 1979 (involving many of the same players) that gulf blowouts were possible. Yet the US Government issued waivers for environmental impact studies for gulf drillers to free those drillers from the costs. Acoustic Preventers, mandated in every other oil-producing nation, are optional in the
Energy Expert: Nuking Oil Leak Only Thing we Can Do
Youve Got to be Kidding me!!!
"The best expert estimates I have seen are that minimally we have 2.9 MILLION GALLONS of Oil escaping into the Gulf each day. The volume of methane is about treble that. BP, in an effort to camouflage its true scale is pumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of even more toxic oil dispersant into the volcano. To get an idea of the scale think of the largest stadium you know, fill it with oil every day, dump it on the surrounding landscape, and then refill it TWICE each day. Then you begin to get an approximation of the volume of oil escaping."
"So, why the lecture on the ocean ecosystem? Because the Gulf produces as much or more oxygen than the entire
Hearings: Rig's blowout preventer last inspected in 2005
"...The chief mechanic on the Deepwater Horizon testified Wednesday that he was at a planning meeting 11 hours before the rig exploded at which the BP company man overruled drillers from rig owner Transocean and insisted on displacing protective drilling mud from the riser that connected the rig to the oil well.
"..."I recall a skirmish between the company man, the OIM (offshore installation manager), the tool-pusher and the driller," said Doug Brown, one of 115 rig workers who survived the April 20 disaster. "The driller was outlining what would be taking place, whereupon the company man stood up and said, 'No, we'll be having some changes to that.' It had to do with displacing the riser for later on. The OIM, tool-pusher and driller disagreed with that, but the company man said, 'Well, this is how it's gonna be,' and the tool-pusher, driller and OIM reluctantly agreed."
"...The implication was that the Transocean employees expected they might have to take emergency action because of BP's push to remove the drilling mud.
"...Before Brown came to the witness stand at the hearings in Kenner, a ship captain with 15 years of drilling experience told the joint investigative panel that he doesn't know why a rig would displace the protective column of heavy mud with light seawater before closing off a well.
Deliberate sabotage the reason for the Gulf oil disaster?
CARL SAFINA: Well, that this is not just a regional disaster, although it certainly is, but that the Gulf of Mexico is a tremendous engine of life and also a tremendous concentration zone, where animals from the whole open Atlantic Ocean funnel into the Gulf for breeding and millions of animals cross the Gulf and concentrate there on their northward migration and then fan out to populate much of North America and the Canadian Arctic, the East Coast, the Canadian Maritimes. So it’s a real hotspot, and it’s a terrible place to foul.
We are FUCKED!
Obama administration blocked efforts to stop BP oil drilling before explosion
"In 2009, the Obama administration intervened to support the reversal of a court order that would have halted offshore oil drilling in the
A Washington DC Appeals Court ruled in April 2009 that the Bush administration’s five-year plan for offshore oil and gas drilling (covering 2007 to 2012) was not based on a proper review of the environmental impact of the drilling. Only days before the ruling, the Obama administration had granted BP a “categorical exclusion,” exempting it from an environmental impact study for the Deepwater Horizon project."
BP CEO disputes claims of underwater oil plumes
Oil spill creates huge undersea 'dead zones'
The world's most damaging oil spill – now in its 41st continuously gushing day – is creating huge unseen "dead zones" in the
'It has the smell of death': Experts warn BP could fall after shares tumble another 16%
Analysts today warned BP could collapse as its shares tumbled yet further after the latest bid to plug the oil well leak in the
More than £15billion was wiped off the British oil giant's market value, with its share price down by as much as 16 per cent on the FTSE-100 index.
The company has so far spent almost £690million trying to cap the well. It could also be hit with huge fines from the
Such is the damage to its reputation, experts fear it may not survive and with its share price in a downward spiral, it is increasingly likely it could be taken over.
BP Shares Plunge 20% in one day
I was waiting for this, But I actually thought it might fall even farther. Ah well the week isn't over yet.
Shares in BP plunged as much as 20% at one stage this morning – wiping another £14bn off the company's market value – after the oil producer failed over the weekend to stop its catastrophic oil leak in the
BP has now lost £44bn of its market capitalisation since 20 April, when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded. By 10am the shares had staged a partial recovery from early lows of 420p, after their biggest fall in 18 years, but were still trading 14% lower, at 427p.
The company said a containment cap will be connected towards the end of the week, although the spill could worsen in the meantime. BP has spent almost $1bn (£
The new strategy is the company's "best option", BP chief executive Tony Hayward said in a statement today.
The company has received as many as 30,000 claims, mostly from businesses in the
BP: ‘We’re not blaming anyone yet’
General manager says relief well expected to be completed in August is 'end point' for efforts to stop spill
Oil giant BP has said it is responsible for the Gulf oil spill, but now the company seems to be reserving the right to blame someone else.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After the most complete remediations possible have done in the Gulf by BP (an acronym which, by now, should stand for "biohazard provocateurs"), this company should be forbidden from ever doing any offshore drilling anywhere near the
Ocean Circulation Group
BP reported on May 17 that a tube it had inserted into a broken pipe was gathering more than one-fifth of the oil gushing from the Gulf of Mexico spill, but that sliver of good news was offset when scientists reported that the spill had found its way into the Gulf of Mexico's powerful loop current, and that oil could be headed for Florida and the East Coast of the United States. Here, a chart from the Ocean Circulation Group shows the spill (in black) dipping down into the loop current (orange and red).
BP's 'top kill' mission halts the oil gush – but is it stable?
Experts warn that leak is far from being permanently fixed as weather service predicts unusually strong hurricane season
BP’s renewed efforts at plugging the flow of oil from its runaway well in the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Watch for the White House to try to throw Rahm Emmanual to the wolves (over Sestek) to distract the suckers from the oil and the DOW.
BP top kill halted due to "snag," another giant underwater plume of oil discovered
The New York Times reported today that BP's "top kill" effort has been halted due to a snag.
A "snag?" Perhaps that is a reference to the estimated 165 to 170 thousand pounds per square inch of pressure that is blowing oil and natural gas from the floor of the Gulf like a volcano, and now also blowing out the drilling "mud" that BP is attempting to inject in the opening to seal it.
TOP KILL Fails - Gulf oil spill BOP Blown A Huge Hole
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is the sudden increase in visible debris and oil I referred to further down the page4.
GULF-OIL DISASTER - Spring-loaded camming device
Webmaster's Commentary:
It occurs to me that after they cut the ruins of the old riser away from the top of the Blowout Preventer, snugging that new riser down onto the pipe against that oil flow is going to be like trying to screw the nozzle into your garden hose while it is turned on full blast.
An oversized version of a rather common mountaineering device might provide a much-needed anchor to allow a winch down or downhaul line to pull the new pipe into position rather thjan attempt to push it against the oi flow with those ROVs.
Just a suggestion for any BP people checking this site out...
Louisiana oil spill in photos
Here's the scoop: BP's attempt to stop the oil spill using the "Top Kill" method has failed.
How do I know?
Well, as the New York Times notes:
BP officials, who along with government officials created the impression early in the day that the strategy was working, disclosed later that they had stopped pumping the night before when engineers saw that too much of the drilling fluid was escaping along with the oil.
Indeed, BP stopped pumping "mud" for more than 16 hours (the material gushing out of the leaking riser didn't stop during that time).
Basically, BP has failed in trying to drive enough "mud" down the well to provide enough weight to tamp down the oil gushing out. It didn't work.
Prominent Oil Industry Insider : "There’s Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away
Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide
Marine scientists have discovered a massive new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico, stretching 22 miles (35 kilometers) from the leaking wellhead northeast toward
The discovery by researchers on the University of South Florida College of Marine Science's Weatherbird II vessel is the second significant undersea plume recorded since the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20.
The thick plume was detected just beneath the surface down to about 3,300 feet (1,000 meters), and is more than 6 miles (9.6 kilometers) wide, said David Hollander, associate professor of chemical oceanography at the school.
Scientists find evidence of large underwater oil plume in gulf
Scientists have found evidence of a large underwater "plume" of oil in the
The scientists, aboard a
Hollander said that he believed the plume might have stretched more than 20 miles from the site of a leak on the floor of the
Third Giant Underwater Oil Plume Discovered
Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the
US House votes quadrupling of per-barrel oil tax
The US House of Representatives on Friday voted to more than quadruple a per-barrel oil tax that fills a special trust fund to pay for damages from major spills like the
The measure called for raising the eight-cent-per-barrel tax to 34 cents, raising nearly 12 billion dollars over 10 years for the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, which currently holds about 1.5 billion dollars.
The legislation, which passed by a 215-204 margin, also aimed to raise the cap on per-incident trust fund expenditures from one billion dollars to five billion dollars.
BP Admits Oil Could Flow For Months (Years?)
A great way to track what's really going on in the Gulf:
The Gulf Oil Spill Tracker.
Third Giant Underwater Oil Plume Discovered
Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the
Something odd happening at the BP well head.
Webmaster's Commentary:
All of a sudden there is a huge plume of oil and debris coming up from much lower down on the blowout protector!
Halliburton to Buy Boots & Coots for $232 Million
Oil giant Halliburton (HAL: 26.66, 0.8, 3.09%) announced late Friday that it will purchase emergency response oil control company Boots & Coots (WEL: 2.95, 0.01, 0.34%) in a deal valued at around $232 million.
Pretty nice how that worked out for Halliburton, huh? Buying an oil clean-up company a week before a rig disaster...
BP used cheaper casing on oil well to save money, Congress papers show
The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that precipitated the vast
The decision to use the riskier method to finish its Macondo well was taken partly on cost grounds, according to the document.
In the days before the blast, the oil giant selected a casing that provided only a single layer of protection to prevent gas from leaking into the well, according the details obtained by The New York Times from a Congressional investigator.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There are, apparently, no standards and practices which must be rigorously observed by any oil company operating in the
When the regulatory agencies are "in bed" with the corporations they are supposed to be policing, it is an absolute recipe for the kind of disaster we are seeing unfolding right now.
BP didn't test mud prior to critical pipeline procedure, driller testifies
BP decided not to perform a test on the mud at the bottom of the well before starting to place the final cement lining that may have been the source of gas that eventually blew out the well, according to testimony at investigative hearings in
The top drilling supervisor on the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, Offshore Installation Manager Jimmy Harrell, testified Thursday that BP decided to forego a "bottoms-up" test that would have examined the condition of drilling mud sitting in the zone where a casing shoe was about to be placed to protect the well from natural gas or oil pressing in against the hole.
Oil spreading much farther than thought; Obama returns to Gulf Coast
New evidence emerged Friday that the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico was spreading more broadly than previously thought as BP continued its fitful efforts to stop the worst oil spill in
Obama halts drilling at deep-water Gulf rigs
Obama announces a halt to drilling operations at all 33 deep-water rigs in the
Public opinion turning against Obama on oil spill
The American public is losing its patience with President Obama over his handling of the
In the five weeks since an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig sent hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil spilling into the
Webmaster's Commentary:
If "TOP KILL" fails to stop the Gulf Oil volcano, I think we can count on attacking, well, anybody next week as a distraction.
And while Obama bears a share of the blame for his handing out of waivers and exemptions to BP, the fact is that the entire government has failed in their role of caring for the national infrastructure, which is what WE THE PEOPLE pay them to do. The Federal Government is so totally subverted by Israeli dual nationals that they spend all their time screaming about who is a better friend to
So, what do we hear from the White House? That Obama will invite Benjamin Netanyahu to a meeting next week to discuss
Far from being just Obama's Katrina, the oil disaster is the Federal Government's
If you are not angry, there is something seriously wrong with you.
Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf
If the final cement plug wasn't in place yet, removing the mud would be at odds with "good oil-field practice" outlined in 2003 by the federal Minerals Management Service. The MMS report, prepared by WEST Engineering Services, warns against single-point failures -- counting on one mode of protection -- by saying that "mud weight is the first round of defense against a kick, followed up by" the blowout preventer. Removing the mud left the blowout preventer as the only failsafe.
"To displace mud above the position of the upper plug with water before setting the upper plug means that you are relying on one barrier for the duration; this is not good," said a deepwater drilling expert who did not want to be identified because he does business with BP. The expert is not involved in the Deepwater Horizon project.
The DEEPWATER HORIZON sinking caused twisted 21 inch riser piping to start leaking in three places at 5,000 feet in the Gulf Seabed. Sadly the proven methods to STOP THE LEAK still have not been used since 042010 until today at 052010 for reasons unknown. BP, Governor of Florida and Governor of LA were all given, along with the President, the Counter Pressure Plug information from a UK inventor Branko R. Babic as he invented same in 1991 for Kuwait Oil Fires above the ground and they will work underwater with ROV welding special thick steel tubes with washers to be welded to the interior while the tubes allow full flow of gas, oil, water through tubes into the gulf.
Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing? (opinion)
(NaturalNews) Today, I spent my time interviewing people on the
Classified info reveals extent of spills in Cdn. Arctic
The Canadian Press
A classified government database reveals the alarming extent to which
This never-before released information comes to light as the Harper government reviews its Arctic environmental-protection rules in the wake of a catastrophic oil spill in the
Corée du Nord:
North Korea: We're Heading To 'The Brink Of War'
North Korea's most powerful state organ said Friday that South Korea faked the sinking of one of its own warships and warned that the Korean peninsula was edging ever closer to war.
This time, though, the comments were delivered at an extremely rare press conference in the North Korean capital presided over by a uniformed official with the secretive country's National Defense Commission, which is headed by leader Kim Jong Il.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I would like to hope that some adults in the room of international diplomacy (read:
This is a tinderbox situation, which could be ignited by any spark right now, and neither the citizens of North or
Unfortunately, however, there are certain people in the leadership of the
Who is staging a War between North and South Korea?
Tensions between North and
Russian experts disagree and claim it would be incredibly simple for dozens of countries to obtain a Soviet Made torpedo, use it against a ship and claim afterwards it was fired from
Clinton Calls for ‘Retaliatory’ Acts Against North Korea
Tensions continued to rise on the
Moreover, while
Webmaster's Commentary:
Once again, Secretary of State Clinton has demonstrated that she has absolutely no grasp of international diplomacy whatsoever. Her near-pathological stridency attempts to mask the reality that she has been able to get very much of any real value accomplished for the
Letter to Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of state
There was no Explosion. There was No Torpedo.
13. What is the 2nd accident that caused the serious damage after getting out of 'Grounding' ?
(1) Rock crash (2) Explosion (3) Fatigue Fracture (4) Collision
Anything else? Those might be enough ..
(1) There was no rocks in that area torn down. - Rock Excluded !
(2) Couldn't find a slight sign of explosion - Explosion Excluded !
(3) The crack started from the bottom - Fatigue Fx. Excluded !
The rest one is ' Case (4) - It's Collision '.
That's why I get to the conclusion - The 1st accident is 'Grounding' and the 2nd one is 'Collision' - with every knowledge, experience and analysis.
14. Collision with what ?
(1) Might be a military vessel. - The rule of military government prohibits fishing at night and required to be back before 1 hour earlier the time of sun-set in that area.
(2) Maybe, of course, one of 'Above-water vessel' or 'Under-water vessel'
(3) Who knows? Only God knows?
15. Brief of my opinion
(1) The most important thing is there were two series of accidents not one.
(2) The 1st accident was 'Grounding' with the evidences above.
(3) The 'Grounding on a sand' made some damages and led flooding but itself didn't make those serious situation torn down in two.
(4) The 2nd accident hit a count-blow to sink.
(5) I couldn't find even a slight sign of 'Explosion'.
(6) The 2nd accident was 'Collision' with my analysis above.
Analysts question Korea torpedo incident
How is it that a submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to penetrate a U.S.-South Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was designed for anti-submarine warfare?
Such questions are being fueled by suggestions in the South Korean and Japanese media that the naval exercise was intended to provoke the North to attack. The resulting public outcry in the South, according to this analysis, would bolster support for a conservative government in
As fanciful as it may sound to Western ears, the case that Operation Foal Eagle was designed to provoke the North has been underscored by constant references in regional media to charts showing the location where the ship was sunk -- in waters close to, and claimed by,
"Baengnyeong Island is only 20 kilometers from
He called the sinking of the ship “an enigma.”
"The Cheonan was a patrol boat whose mission was to survey with radar and sonar the enemy’s submarines, torpedoes, and aircraft ... "
"If North Korean submarines and torpedoes were approaching, the Cheonan should have been able to sense it quickly and take measures to counterattack or evade. Moreover, on the day the Cheonan sank, US and ROK military exercises were under way, so it could be anticipated that North Korean submarines would move south to conduct surveillance. It is hard to imagine that the Cheonan sonar forces were not on alert."
The liberal Hankyoreh newspaper in
“A joint South Korean-U.S. naval exercise involving several Aegis warships was underway at the time, and the Cheonan was a patrol combat corvette (PCC) that specialized in anti-submarine warfare. The question remains whether it would be possible for a North Korean submarine to infiltrate the maritime cordon at a time when security reached its tightest level and without detection by the Cheonan,” it reported.
American spy satellites were also monitoring the exercise, “so the
“The route the North Korean submarines apparently took was from the
But Bruce Klingner, chief of the CIA’s Korea Branch in the 1990s, said “anti-submarine operations are far more difficult than is often realized.
“Beyond the obvious difficulty in tracking something that is designed to operate quietly, navies are confronted with natural acoustical phenomena as shallow, noisy littoral waters and layers of water salinity which can provide cover for submarines.”
Moreover, says Terence Roehrig, a professor at the
“Satellite and communications coverage of sub bases can tell when subs have left base…” adds Bruce Bechtol, Jr., professor of international relations at the Marine Corps Command and
“A mini-submarine like the type that is assessed to have penetrated the NLL is designed specifically for covert maneuvering in shallow waters like those that exist off of the west coast of the
“It appears from the reports that [the South Korean Ministry of Defense] has released that a submarine departed port off the west coast of
Suspicions about what happened, Bechtol said, are unwarranted.
“The fact of the matter is, a submarine did infiltrate into South Korean waters -- and they have done so in the past fairly frequently," he said.
"It is their mission.”
Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?
Hardly any of the relevant facts that counter the official verdict have made headline news in either
The first telltale sign of an official smokescreen involves the location of the Choenan sinking -
There’s yet another possibility, that a
In the recent U.S.-China strategic talks in
Hardly any of the relevant facts that counter the official verdict have made headline news in either
The first telltale sign of an official smokescreen involves the location of the Choenan sinking -
Anti-sub warfare is based on sonar and acoustic detection of underwater craft. Since civilian traffic is not routed through the channel, the noiseless conditions are near-perfect for picking up the slightest agitation, for example from a torpedo and any submarine that might fire it.
The Cheonan sinking occurred in the aftermath of the March 11-18 Foal Eagle Exercise, which included anti-submarine maneuvers by a joint U.S.-South Korean squadron of five missile ships. A mystery surrounds the continued presence of the
Only one reporter, Joohee Cho of ABC News, picked up the key fact that the Foal Eagle flotilla curiously included the USNS Salvor, a diving-support ship with a crew of 12 Navy divers. The lack of any minesweepers during the exercise leaves only one possibility: the Salvor was laying bottom mines.
North Korea Warns UN to Be Wary of False Evidence of Sinking
May 29 (Bloomberg) --
We didn’t sink South Korean warship: North Korea
In the first press statement two months after the sinking of the South Korean warship “Cheonan” in March, North Korea Friday said it was not involved in the incident, and asked Seoul to conduct an “objective and fair” probe.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East
Flagships of three Russian fleets have united in
The flagship of the Black Sea fleet, the Moskva missile cruiser, arrived at a naval base near
Webmaster's Commentary:
Take a look at the following map:
The Sea of Japan borders both North and
Russia wants '100% proof' N.Korea sunk ship
"We need to receive 100 percent proof of
"Our specialists are currently studying the materials of the investigation. We need to draw our own conclusions about what happened. Everything will depend on the situation and the body of evidence."
Beijing suspects false flag attack on South Korean corvette
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
(WMR) -- WMR's intelligence sources in Asia suspect that the March attack on the South Korean Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette, the Cheonan, was a false flag attack designed to appear as coming from
One of the main purposes for increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula was to apply pressure on Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to reverse course on moving the U.S. Marine Corps base off
The Cheonan was sunk near
The Cheonan, an ASW corvette, was decked out with state-of-the-art sonar, plus it was operating in waters with extensive hydrophone sonar arrays and acoustic underwater sensors. There is no South Korean sonar or audio evidence of a torpedo, submarine or mini-sub in the area. Since there is next to no shipping in the channel, the sea was silent at the time of the sinking.
The presence of the USNS Salvor, one of the participants in Foal Eagle, so close to
The Salvor, a civilian Navy salvage ship, which participated in mine laying activities for the Thai Marines in the
Beijing, satisfied with North Korea's Kim Jong Il's claim of innocence after a hurried train trip from Pyongyang to Beijing, suspects the U.S. Navy's role in the Cheonan's sinking, with particular suspicion on the role of the Salvor. The suspicions are as follows:
1. The Salvor engaged in a seabed mine-installation operation, in other words, attaching horizontally fired anti-submarine mines on the sea floor in the channel.
2. The Salvor was doing routine inspection and maintenance on seabed mines, and put them into an electronic active mode (hair trigger release) as part of the inspection program.
3. A SEALS diver attached a magnetic mine to the Cheonan, as part of a covert program aimed at influencing public opinion in
The Korean peninsula tensions have conveniently overshadowed all other agenda items on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visits to
In 1965, President Johnson commented privately: "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there."
In 1981, Captain Herrick and journalist Robert Scheer re-examined Herrick's ship's log and determined that the first torpedo report from August 4, which Herrick had maintained had occurred—the "apparent ambush"—was in fact unfounded.
Nuclear War Between Koreas: Brought To You By The U.S. Government
Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear belligerency was a creation of Uncle Sam
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Kim Jong-Il has put North Korean troops on combat alert and threatened military action if the South trespasses in its waters as global stock markets freak out at the prospect of a war which, if it occurs, can be blamed on the U.S. government’s history of arming the Stalinist dictator with nuclear weapons.
Korean markets plunged 3.3 per cent overnight as investors were spooked at escalating tensions between the two countries following South Korea’s allegation that the North was responsible for the March 26 torpedoing of one of its warships
Kim Jong-il responded to the charge by putting his military on combat alert, telling them to “prepare for war,” and threatening action if South Korea trespasses in its waters off the peninsula’s west coast.
On Monday, President Obama also told the
As we have documented,
Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong-Il develop
Just as with Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons program, it was Donald Rumsfeld who played a key role in arming Kim-Jong-Il.
Rumsfeld was man who presided over a $200 million dollar contract to deliver equipment and services to build two light water reactor stations in
Rumsfeld was merely picking up the baton from the
“These reactors are like all reactors, they have the potential to make weapons. So you might end up supplying the worst nuclear violator with the means to acquire the very weapons we’re trying to prevent it acquiring,” said Sokolski.
The U.S. State Department claimed that the light water reactors could not be used to produce bomb grade material and yet in 2002 urged
In April 2002, the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer’s dollars to begin construction of the ‘harmless’ light water reactors in
Bush released the funds despite the startling revelation, reported by South Korean newspapers, that a North Korean missile warhead had been found in
Construction of the reactors was eventually suspended, but
In 2004, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of
Khan’s collaborator B.S.A. Tahir ran a front company out of
Despite Dutch authorities being deeply suspicious of Khan’s activities as far back as 1975, the CIA prevented them from arresting him on two occasions.
“The man was followed for almost ten years and obviously he was a serious problem. But again I was told that the secret services could handle it more effectively,” former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers said. “
Lubbers stated that Khan was allowed to slip in and out of the
“Lubbers suspects that
In September 2005 it emerged that the
In 2005, Pakistani President Pervez Musharaf acknowledged that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to
Through their policies in aiding North Korea to build light water reactors, and via the CIA asset AQ Khan who was protected at every step of the way while he helped provide North Korea with the means to build a nuclear arsenal, the U.S. government itself is directly complicit in providing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il with the nuclear weapons he now threatens to use against U.S. ally South Korea.
S. Korea's military reviewing further measures against North
"Following the rhetoric of threats, we expect that North Korea could actually carry out a military, non-military provocation," Major Gen. Ryu Je-seung, a senior official at the South Korean defense ministry's policy and planning division, told retired generals and admirals.
Ryu confirmed that
On Saturday,
The meeting agenda is expected to include
Webmaster's Commentary:
Neither the people of North or
But one has to wonder which country on the planet believes that this war would be beneficial to them as a distraction from their own domestic woes, including the worst oil spill in their history, a growing, angry army of unemployed who have had their jobs offshored, and an economy which is sinking like a stone?!?
North Korea Severs All Ties With South Korea
U.S. troops in South Korea put on alert as tensions rise over sinking ship
Barack Obama yesterday ordered that the 28,000
South Korea dials back tough talk over Cheonan sinking
One day after
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: The frame-up has collapsed.
Rand: 400,000 troops needed to secure N. Korea and its 'loose nukes'
If there's one sure way to infuriate the North Koreans, it's to talk of "regime collapse" and "contingency planning". As far as
Against this background, one should not be surprised if the North Koreans see a study conducted by Rand Corporation analyst Bruce Bennett and
Lind offers specific estimates of what it would take to seize
South Korea South Korean navy starts military exercises
The navy said 10 vessels, including a destroyer, fired guns and launched anti-submarine bombs south of the capital, Seoul, in a one-day exercise.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Note that this exercise is only one day in duration, not a week, not two weeks.
I would like to think that cooler heads in
S. Korea on alert as N. Korean subs disappear in East Sea
South Korea's military was tracking four North Korean submarines which disappeared from their east coast base after conducting naval training in the East Sea earlier this week, a military official in Seoul said Wednesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This, coupled with a
North Korea 'is exporting nuclear technology'
Leaked UN report says
International efforts to avert a full-blown crisis on the Korean peninsula were given greater urgency today after a leaked UN report claimed that
The 47-page report contains a long list of sanctions violations reported by UN member states, including four cases of arms exports.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One cannot possibly look at the timing of this alleged "leaked report" as coincidence, because"Yukio Hatoyama A spokesman for Lee said
While I have absolutely zero love for the North Korean government, there are several compelling questions which must be raised, and raised immediately, if there is any possible chance to ratchet down tensions in the region: just where is this 47-page report, to whom at the UN is it actually attributed, and - if this actually exists - why do the people controlling its contents not want this actual document to be seen by the world?!?
This claim that
L’arsenal nucléaire d’Israël et la prolifération:
The memos and minutes that confirm Israel's nuclear stockpile
Documents reveal how then-defence minister Shimon Perez tried to sell
This is the secret memo by South Africa's military chief of staff, General RF Armstrong, asking for nukes on the
• Declassified memo from General RF Armstrong
• Minutes of third ISSA meeting, 30/6/1975
• Minutes from further ISSA meeting
• Israel-South Africa agreement
• Letter from Shimon Peres, 11/11/1974
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no longer any "ambiguity" about
The US Government can no longer continue to pretend it does not know
At the very least, the US Congress must immediately halt all funding to
Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons
Secret South African documents reveal that
Israel's Bomb out of the Shadows
The revelations are deeply embarrassing to
Webmaster's Commentary:
The mere fact that
So now the truth is out there and the US Government, if it continues to pretend
What the US Government should be doing (besides a stop payment on all checks to
Russia-China Warn US That Israeli Attack On Iran Means “World War”
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.
'It has the smell of death': Experts warn BP could fall after shares tumble another 16%
Analysts today warned BP could collapse as its shares tumbled yet further after the latest bid to plug the oil well leak in the
More than £15billion was wiped off the British oil giant's market value, with its share price down by as much as 16 per cent on the FTSE-100 index.
The company has so far spent almost £690million trying to cap the well. It could also be hit with huge fines from the
Such is the damage to its reputation, experts fear it may not survive and with its share price in a downward spiral, it is increasingly likely it could be taken over.
BP: ‘We’re not blaming anyone yet’
General manager says relief well expected to be completed in August is 'end point' for efforts to stop spill
Oil giant BP has said it is responsible for the Gulf oil spill, but now the company seems to be reserving the right to blame someone else.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After the most complete remediations possible have done in the Gulf by BP (an acronym which, by now, should stand for "biohazard provocateurs"), this company should be forbidden from ever doing any offshore drilling anywhere near the
Attaque de la flottille de la liberté:
UN aid group: Israel deliberately hampering West Bank, Gaza relief efforts
According to the group's report,
Israel: "We Control America"
Israeli Foreign Minister Peres warned Israeli Prime Minister Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us.
"Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."
"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."
-- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".
"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"
-----Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff
The madness of arrogance: Israel's attack on the Gaza aid flotilla
Alan Sabrosky argues that Israel may have overreached itself by murdering international aid workers bound for beleaguered Gaza, and that this act of wanton savagery provides the civilized world with an opportunity to rein in the rogue Jewish state once and for all.
By Alan Sabrosky
2 June 2010
Alan Sabrosky argues that Israel may have overreached itself by murdering international aid workers bound for beleaguered Gaza, and that this act of wanton savagery provides the civilized world with an opportunity to rein in the rogue Jewish state once and for all.
It wasn't just that foreigners as well as Palestinians, flying flags other than that of
The attack reprised
Not this time. An attack on the open seas, in acknowledged international waters, against unarmed ships carrying humanitarian aid with passengers and crews from many countries – especially a direct attack against a Turkish ship – is a different matter, and potentially an explosive one. The number of shipboard casualties indicates that once fighting started, the Israeli commandoes simply sprayed automatic weapons fire into the people around them – another of their long-standing habits.
No weapons on stormed Turkish ship: Report
A Turkish customs official on Monday denied Israeli allegations that activists aboard a Turkish aid ship for
"Allegations that there were weapons aboard the Turkish ship are baseless," Fevzi Gulcan, the head of customs at the Mediterranean port city of
Pro-Palestinian aid flotilla sets sail for Gaza
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists on Sunday set sail for the Gaza Strip from international waters off the coast of
Huwaida Arraf, one of the organizers, said the six-ship flotilla began the journey toward
Israeli warships make contact with Gaza aid flotilla
Israeli warships have made contact with a six-ship aid flotilla headed toward
Webmaster's Commentary:
Screenshots of Israel assault on Turkish ship
Webmaster's Commentary:
This incident happened in international waters. If the reports about fatalities are accurate, then
Israeli Navy Approaches Gaza Flotilla
The Israeli navy made its first contact with a flotilla carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists and thousands of tons of supplies for
Webmaster's Commentary:
Emphasis on "International waters."
By now
Israeli ships attack aid flotilla
Two TV networks are reporting that Israeli warships have attacked the six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists and aid for blockaded
The Israeli military refused to comment on the report.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I'll bet
Israel Navy takes control of Gaza aid flotilla; 2 activists killed
Israel Navy troops clashed with pro-Palestinian activists aboard a six-ship aid flotilla sailing for the Gaza Strip after the activists ignored Israeli orders to turn back, Turkey's NTV early Monday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The aid ships were in international waters.
At least 10 killed as Israel storms aid convoy: Israeli TV
At least 10 passengers were killed as Israeli forces stormed a boat carrying pro-Palestinian activisists bound for
Up to 16 people were killed and more than 30 people injured when Israeli troops stormed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, the Israeli Army Radio said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"I am shocked by reports of killings and injuries of people on the boats carrying supplies for
Webmaster's Commentary:
Actually, we do know the facts, Mr. Moon.
When one nation seizes the ships of another nation and kills the passengers and crew of said ship in international waters this is an act of war. And inasmuch as
Frankly, the credibility of the United Nations as a global governance body is on the line here. If they do not show the world they can stand up to
Protests erupt across the world after Israeli raid
Tens of thousands of people joined angry protests across the world Monday after a deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, demanding retaliation and showing support for the Palestinians.
Middle East Fury: Angry Protests as Israel Attacks Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Webmaster's Commentary:
And all those who screamed for war on nations that had NOT attacked us, such as
Israel should lead investigation into attack on Gaza flotilla, says US
A compromise statement instead calls for an impartial investigation which
Webmaster's Commentary:
A US-flagged vessel has been attacked in international waters and nine kidnapped Americans are in Israeli jails and the official
This means there will be no honest investigation, and that is actually okay because the world will not be free to form their own opinion about what happened, because nobody will believe any official claims made by
Netanyahu: I regret Gaza flotilla deaths, but Israeli troops had right to self-defense
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that he regretted the loss of life sustained by international activists after Israel Navy commandos stormed a flotilla bringing aid to the Gaza Strip, but said the Israeli troops who opened fire were justified for defending themselves.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Self-defense", my astrolabe!
So, Prime Minister Netanyahu, let me get this straight: the people on those boats, with desperately needed supplies bound for
Sir, you have managed to make a colossally bad political decision magnitudes worse by pathetically attempting to blame the victims.
Thinking people in the world that this is a standard Israeli ploy, but this time, the world won't fall for it.
This is simply desperation on the cusp of madness in an attempt to defend the indefensible.
The Israeli government, yet again, has managed to allow its paranoid hubris to control its political/military decision making, and the unintended consequences of these actions are going to have the absolute opposite outcome to whatever
Erdogan: Aid ship raid is Israeli state terrorism
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Monday accused
"This action, totally contrary to the principles of international law, is inhumane state terrorism. Nobody should think we will keep quiet in the face of this," Erdogan told reporters from
Webmaster's Commentary:
The world cannot just close a collective blind eye this time, and pretend it never happened.
And just how badly was this aid needed?
As reported on 15 November, 2008 at:
"The Israeli blockade of
It chronicles the "devastating" effect of the siege that
The 46-page report from the International Committee of the Red Cross – seen by The Independent – is the most authoritative yet on the impact that
As reported earlier this year at:
"The number of children under five years of age suffering from acute malnutrition in
Malnutrition destroys future generations; the Israelis are quite well aware of this, and this preventing of the foods coming into
Israel Prime Minister Gives 'Full Support' to Military in Gaza Flotilla Raid
Webmaster's Commentary:
The American media is trying to spin this as hard as they can in favor of Israel, but here are the facts in defiance of FOX News latest broadcast..
HAMAS did not "seize control" of the
The blockade of basic supplies to
The attack on the aid convoy took place in international waters.
The aid convoy did not "attack" the IDF. The aid convoy, being in international waters, attempted to defend themselves from an act of piracy by a nation with no legal authority over those ships.
The Israelis attacked with helicopters, machine guns, and tear gas. The ships' defenders had axes and a few knives AND EVERY LEGAL RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM AN ACT OF PIRACY.
Obama's choice now will be to react as he did to the last incredibly ill-timed news — the settlement construction during the Biden visit — and criticize the Israeli action, a move which might upend his recent charm offensive with Jewish groups; or he can, even by remaining silent, tacitly endorse it, and disappoint Arab allies who see the friction with Israel as a sign of progress.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama is a pussy!
Obama should have been the one to cancel tomorrow's meeting.
If Obama were a real man of principles, like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, or John Kennedy, he would stop being such a pussy with
Setting aside the recent revelation that
The longer limp-dick Obama wimps out and "studies the situation" the more obvious it becomes that
Obama is a pussy!
Arab world condemns Gaza aid attack
The Arab world has united to condemn the Israeli forces' attack on a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.
Arab League (AL) Secretary General Amr Moussa slammed the Monday's deadly raid against the humanitarian mission as a "crime."
"We condemn this crime, taken against a humanitarian mission and people. They were trying to help people. They were not on a military mission. Everyone should condemn this," Moussa told AFP. The
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder just what the "next step" the Arab League might be contemplating.
News Agencies Call On Israel To Lift Media Blackout On Gaza Flotilla Attack
The Israeli Navy has jammed all communications aboard the ships of the Freedom Flotilla, blocking cell phone signals and internet connections aboard humanitarian aid ships. Scrambling the signals preceding the Israeli raid on the Flotilla, which involved special forces troops and the mobilization of one third of the Israeli Navy.
Israel storms Gaza-bound aid ships
At least 10 people are dead and dozens are wounded after Israeli commandos stormed a flotilla of six ships trying to deliver aid to
The pre-dawn raid happened more than 60 kilometres out to sea in international waters and the two sides are offering conflicting accounts of what happened on the ships.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think this is the vital clue to what happened.
Israel seems to have this arrogant attitude that because they are Israel, they can issue orders to foreign-flagged ships in international waters, and if those orders are not obeyed Israel has a "right" to board and seize those foreign-flagged ships in international waters , and that the people on board those foreign-flagged ships in international waters will not resist such an act of piracy because after all, the attackers are Israelis and therefore not confined by the laws of nations and men.
We saw the same attitude when Israel invaded Lebanon and ran into a brick wall, leaving the Israelis looking at each in puzzlement as if to say, "They are fighting back; are they allowed to do that?!?"
Mavi Marmara VIDEO: Footage From Israeli Raid On Gaza Flotilla
UPDATE: The Israeli Defense Force has released more video from the flotilla allegedly showing IDF naval personnel being attacked after they had boarded the flotilla.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Any ship at sea in international waters, when confronted with an act of piracy or an act of war, has a right to try to defend themselves.
In raw video, reporters claim Israelis fired on activists before boarding ship
In what could be a serious blow to
Official: As many as 9 Americans on Gaza relief flotilla
As many as nine Americans may have been aboard the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Nine American citizens have been kidnapped from international waters by
World Watches Raid on Relief Flotilla as Israel’s PR Machine Flails
Of course,
Turkish Sources - Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla
Picture of the assassination list lost in the fray by an Israeli soldier
"Turkish sources and media revealed a document which shows that a death list had been prepared in advance by the Israelis, showing names and pictures of people on board of the ships to be murdered, who, according to Israel, were “involved in the International humanitarian aid for Gaza”. According to the Turkish sources, hundreds of Israeli soldiers stormed the blue Turkish ship “Marmara” flotilla and they had copies of the death list. The list included the names of civilians on the fleet who should be killed”. The document was apparently recovered after one of the Israeli soldiers lost it during the piracy act."
(CNN) -- As many as nine Americans may have been aboard the
The official, who had no details about their identities, conditions or whereabouts, said
Separately, Jonathan Slevin, a spokesman for the activist group Free Palestine Movement, said a group of five Americans participated in the flotilla, including former U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck.
One Australian shot in Israeli boat raid
One Australian has been wounded during a deadly commando raid on ships taking humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip.
This video image released by the Turkish Aid group IHH Monday May 31, 2010 purports to show Israeli soldiers aiming a gun on the deck of a Turkish ship, part of an aid convoy heading to the Gaza Strip, after Israeli soldiers boarded the vessel in international waters off the Gaza coast. Israeli commandos on Monday stormed six ships carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists on an aid mission to the blockaded Gaza Strip, killing at least 10 people and wounding dozens after encountering unexpected resistance as the forces boarded the vessels.
The Legal Position on the Israeli Attack
I think that anybody with any fairness is bound to admit that the statement William Hague came out with is much better than anything on
"This news underlines the need to lift the restrictions on access to
I call on the Government of Israel to open the crossings to allow unfettered access for aid to
But as I told this afternoon's tremendous spontaneous demonstration on
A word on the legal position, which is very plain. To attack a foreign flagged vessel in international waters is illegal. It is not piracy, as the Israeli vessels carried a military commission. It is rather an act of illegal warfare.
Because the incident took place on the high seas does not mean however that international law is the only applicable law. The Law of the Sea is quite plain that, when an incident takes place
on a ship on the high seas (outside anybody's territorial waters) the applicable law is that of the flag state of the ship on which the incident occurred. In legal terms, the Turkish ship was Turkish territory.
There are therefore two clear legal possibilities.
Possibility one is that the Israeli commandos were acting on behalf of the government of
Possibility two is that, if the killings were not authorised Israeli military action, they were acts of murder under Turkish jurisdiction. If
In brief, if
MK Zoabi: Israel carried out provocative military operation
Knesset Member Hanin Zoabi (Balad) who participated in the international flotilla to the Gaza Strip said, "It was clear from the size of the force that boarded the ship that the purpose was not only to stop this sail, but to cause the largest possible number of fatalities in order to stop such initiatives in the future."
At a press conference in
UN Security Council condemns Israeli raid, urges investigation
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US Government just delegitimized itself. 9 Americans have been kidnapped in international waters by
I have never been so disgusted with this government in my entire life.
Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?
The Al Jazeera journalist describes the scenes as they unfold live, clearly stating that an activist has been shot and killed before Israeli troops board the vessel. He also says that a white flag has been raised in surrender to the Israeli army. On separate videos, messages broadcast to the passengers by loudspeaker can clearly be heard stating, “stop your resistance,” referring to the fact that the soldiers had guns.
Before the troops board the ship, the journalists report that the passengers are being pelted with tear gas and stun grenades. Booms and cracks echo in the background as the reporter states that one person has been killed.
Turkey: Future Gaza Aid Ships Will Have Military Escorts
The attacked ship was Turkish in origin and at least two of the slain aid workers were Turkish citizens.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the attack on the
Webmaster's Commentary:
If that is true, then Obama has conspired with a foreign power against the citizens of the nation he rules, as Americans were among the victims of
Aid ship Rachel Corrie, with 6 M’sians, presses on to Gaza
The humanitarian aid ship Rachel Corrie, which has six Malaysians on board, is pressing ahead in rough seas to breach the Israeli blockade of
Two other ships are also going ahead to deliver aid despite fresh news reports on Tuesday that the Israeli Navy was standing ready to intercept the ships.
7 troops killed in terrorist attack
Seven Turkish soldiers were killed and six others were injured early Monday morning when terrorists launched a rocket at a naval reinforcement command in ?skenderun, in the southern
Webmaster's Commentary:
It is only assumed that terrorists attacked this Turkish naval facility, but interestingly enough, this attack took place just before
Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently these members of Congress think it is perfectly okay for
No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves
When a candidate gets up and starts screaming about what a good friend they are of Israel, VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!You owe it to the 34 Americans murdered by Israel on the USS Liberty. You owe it to the 9 Americans kidnapped by
Obama gives Israel all-out support
After the United Nations ratified a resolution calling for a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
I don't care if he does have a birth certificate; this man is NOT an American and by this betrayal of those 9 Americans kidnapped by
U.S. blocks Security Council criticism of Israeli raid
Webmaster's Commentary:
People of the United States; gaze upon the betrayal by the government which stands silent while Israel kidnaps US Citizens from international waters (or murders 34 young Americans on the USS Liberty), yet will not hesitate to act to save Israel from embarrassment.
Are these the actions of a government whose top priority is to protect and serve the people of this nation?
If you are not enraged by this outright treason, there is something wrong with you.
Witness: No one armed on Gaza flotilla
Three visibly shaken Germans, who experienced a deadly raid by the Israeli military on an aid flotilla bound for Gaza, denied on Tuesday that anyone on board was armed.
"The Israeli government justifies the raid because they were attacked. This is absolutely not the case," former member of parliament Norman Paech, 72, wrapped in a blue blanket, told reporters in
"This was not an act of self-defence"
Israel planning massive attack on Gaza: Ahmadinejad
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that
"We have precise information it has planned a massive attack against
The "Death List" dropped by one of the attacking Israelis.
Death toll from Gaza aid attack hits 20
The death toll from the Israeli navy's takeover of a
Gaza Freedom Flotilla came under fire early on Monday by Israeli navy forces in international waters more than
The six-ship aid fleet was soon stormed by commandos descending from helicopters.
At least 20 people were killed in the takeover of the
Two ships still heading towards Gaza
Organizers of flotilla say Irish 'Rachel Corrie', American ship await news on those killed in raid.
One journalist beats Israeli censorship on the Gaza flotilla attack
It was difficult, if not impossible, for journalists to report freely on the attack by Israeli forces on the aid ships attempting to break the
Webmaster's Commentary:
That live feed probably saved a lot of lives. Had
Gaza aid flotilla attack: several Britons detained
Several British nationals have been detained by Israeli authorities following the assault on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, the Foreign Office said.
Attack Timeline: How Gaza Freedom Flotilla was raided by Israeli commandos
Strong condemnation is growing around the world after the Israeli military attacked a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid to
Video at link.
Many dead, many injured:
This will count. A flotilla of relief boats attacked in international waters. Armed commandos boarding a vessel carrying supplies for a besieged civilian population. More than 10 peace activists reported killed. This has to be made to count.
Israeli Navy: 'Next time we'll use more force"
srael will use more aggressive force in the future to prevent ships from breaking the sea blockade on the Gaza Strip, a top Navy commander told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
"We boarded the ship and were attacked as if it was a war," the officer said. "That will mean that we will have to come preparedin the future as if it was a war."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Every foreign national volunteering on these aid ships can expect now that there will be a "shoot to kill" order for every man and woman on every aid ship.
The question is, what will the governments of the countries from which those people are traveling on these aid ships do if their citizens are killed or wounded.
What does Israel fear from media coverage?
Reuters reported that
Webmaster's Commentary:
What is
Egypt Lifts Its Side Of Gaza Blockade
The governor of northern Sinai, Murad Muwafi, says President Hosni Mubarak ordered the opening of the border crossing to
Muwafi says the opening of the crossing – which Egypt sealed after Gaza was taken over by Hamas militants in 2007 – is an effort to "alleviate the suffering of our Palestinian brothers after the Israeli attack" on the flotilla.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Good on Mubarak; but let's make open border to
Turkish PM: Israeli Raid A 'Bloody Massacre'
The Turkish prime minister furiously blamed
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told lawmakers in Parliament that the boarding of the Mediterranean flotilla and killing of at least four Turkish activists was an attack "on international law, the conscience of humanity and world peace."
'The ship turned into a lake of blood,' says activist on Gaza flotilla
Pro-Palestinian activists returning to Europe said Israeli commandos used stun guns on passengers and beat them during the deadly raid on an aid flotilla that was trying to break
Five Germans, six Greeks and several others - among them a Turkish woman and her 1-year-old baby - were released Tuesday, but Israel barred access to hundreds of other activists seized during the raid Monday that killed at least nine people and wounded dozens.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Please note that
Turkish fleet will sail to the eastern Mediterranean
Moira tourkikou the Navy, consisting of four frigates previously participated in an exercise to the west and south of Crete and had been subsequently for the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Although the translation from the Greek is more than a little less than perfect, the gist of this is that Turkish warships are reported on the move toward
Israel says Free Gaza Movement poses threat to Jewish state
Once viewed only as a political nuisance by
Webmaster's Commentary:
Desperately needed aid for
Israel Murders Human Rights Workers Delivering Humanitarian Aid
On Sunday,
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder; by whom and how will
US should condemn Israeli raid, push for immediate talks
THE ISRAELI raid that killed at least nine activists who sought to break the blockade of
1. Mavi Marmara passenger Flagged in
3. Gazza 1 cargo ship Flagged in
4. Gazza 2 cargo ship Flagged in
5. Spendoni passenger Flagged in
6. Challenger 1 Flagged in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Okay, this is a confirm.
We are all Palestinians now.
Detained flotilla activists denied lawyer
Rights groups have expressed concern over the continued detention of 480 passengers from the six Freedom Flotilla ships, reportedly moved to the Ela Prison in
Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz said Tuesday that so far 50 of the Flotilla passengers had been voluntarily repatriated to their home countries, while some 629 had refused to be deported and would remain in Israeli prison until the nation decided what, if any, legal action would be taken.
Witnesses cast doubt on Israel's convoy raid account
Eyewitness accounts from ships raided by Israeli commandos have cast doubt on
German pro-Palestinian activist Norman Paech said he had only seen wooden sticks being brandished as troops abseiled on to the deck of the ship.
Gaza flotilla raid draws furious response from Turkey's prime minister
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We are studying the situation." -- Obama
Flotilla raid passengers tell of violent attacks
Most of those killed were aboard the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara, and there have been conflicting accounts of what happened during the assault.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This means there was killing by the IDF on other ships.
Cowen: Israel faces 'serious consequences' if Irish are harmed
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We are studying the situation." -- Obama
Eyewitnesses recount Israel flotilla raid
Hanin Zoabi, a member of the Israeli parliament, was on board the Miva Marmara, the ship that was the scene of a confrontation between activists and Israeli soldiers. That clash left at least nine people dead.
The Israeli Navy fired on the ships five minutes before commandos descended from ropes that dangled from helicopters, Zoabi said during a press conference in
U.S. considering strike on Pakistan for NYC bomb attempt
Pentagon Gets Around Troop Ban in Pakistan by Outsourcing Weapons Transport
Unable to deploy troops in Pakistan, but still in need of ways to transport weapons across it and into Afghanistan, the
The Nation has reported that
“Perhaps most striking about this US military contract solicitation is the admission by the military that contractors are being used for shipping and guarding military hardware as a run-around to the current official policy of the US and Pakistan governments that the US military does not conduct operations in Pakistan,” writes Jeremy Scahill in The Nation.
Among those interested in the job are an Afghan firm connected to the CIA and run by the son of
Lebanon boosts defense near S border
The Lebanese army has beefed up defenses along the country's southern border, launching a military exercise against a backdrop of
Security officials in
The officials also said the army was ready to counter any possible Israeli incursion.
The deployment came two days after Israeli forces, backed by military vehicles, took up combat positions near Fatmeh Gate and in the groves adjacent to Kfar Kila, prompting Lebanese troops and UN peacekeepers in the area to go on alert.
The Lebanese army said earlier on Wednesday its anti-aircraft artillery opened fire at two intruding Israeli warplanes flying at medium altitude over the Lebanese territory.
The UN Interim Force in
The development comes amid ongoing Israeli military drills codenamed "Turning Point 4" in 68 different towns and cities - which is widely viewed as an indication of another Israeli war in the region.
Hezbollah's Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah vowed on Tuesday that the Lebanese resistance movement would respond to any renewed Israeli offensive against the country.
The National News Agency (NNA) reported on Wednesday that the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) fired anti-aircraft artillery from the town of
Nuclear Fuel Swap Deal: US Sabotages ‘Unique Opportunity’ for Peaceful Resolution with Iran
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder precisely what the
Because if the IAEA accepts this, there is nothing, for all intents and purposes, that the
If the US and/or Israel attack Iran for doing precisely what the UN and the IAEA wanted it to do, it will absolutely underline the utter hypocrisy and illegitimacy of US and Israeli foreign policy.
Iran won`t ratify nuclear exchange deal unless approved by UN Security Council
Iran won`t ratify a nuclear exchange deal unless the paper is approved by all members of the UN Security Council, and the latter abandon their plans to impose new sanctions against Tehran, a spokesman for the Iranian parliament, Ali Larijani, said. On Monday
Webmaster's Commentary:
Of course the
Iran sanctions face opposition at UN
Webmaster's Commentary:
I told you Hillary was jumping the gun!
Obama tells Erdogan he will pursue sanctions against Iran
In telephone conversation with Turkish prime minister,
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama just told
U.S. Has 'Very Serious' Disagreement With Brazil Over Iran, Clinton Says
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the
Webmaster's Commentary:
"You're ... you're ... you're ... just ruining ... everything!!!!" -- Hillarity
Israel impatient with international effort to thwart Iran's nuclear ambition
A fourth round of potential sanctions unveiled by the Obama administration on Tuesday did little to allay
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to
"Iran is committed to the vows that it made and wants to make them operational and will submit its letter to International Atomic Energy Agency," Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of parliament's Foreign Affairs and National Security Committee, was quoted as saying by semi-official news agency ISNA."
If the IAEA accepts this proposal, there is nothing you can do to stop it.
The rogue nation here is not
US House approves Iran sanction
The US House of Representatives on Friday voted to bar companies that do business with
"It's time to present a simple choice: Companies can prop up the dangerous rouge regime in
Lawmakers voted 416-1 to attach the measure to an annual military spending bill, which passed later by a 229-186 margin.
Webmaster's Commentary:
These sanctions are yet one more step on the road to a military confrontation with
"Signs of Practical Preparations for a Possible US Military Operation against Iran"
Excerpt from The Jerusalem Post, which suggest that the
Reports that the Pentagon has okayed reconnaissance missions over
Although it is obvious that the Pentagon has contingency plans for all possible scenarios, one Israeli official said this was “the first time that the public is getting word of practical preparations of military activity.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is hardly "... “the first time that the public is getting word of practical preparations of military activity.”
This drive for war, orchestrated by Tel Aviv, in which American kids will fight, get killed, or maimed for life, has absolutely nothing to do with
Just as happened in
The bottom line here is, no country in the Middle East is safe until
Unfortunately, Israel's near-pathological national paranoia, fueled by hubristic delusions of religious supremacy and coupled with demands that it should always get everything it wants, may well create the conditions of its own demise.
It is simply a question of what form those consequences will take.
Petraeus orders US spies to prepare for anti-nuclear strike on Iran
Teams of American special forces have been authorised to conduct spying missions intended to pave the way for a military strike on
The military units would penetrate Iranian territory to reconnoitre potential nuclear targets and make contact with friendly dissident groups, according to a secret directive written by General David Petraeus. The document’s existence was disclosed for the first time yesterday.
It authorises an expansion in the use of US special forces throughout the
General Petraeus, the most senior American commander in the Middle East and Central Asia, relied on special forces to ensure the success of the
The seven-page document, seen by The New York Times, remained classified yesterday, though it was written in September. Since then US military specialists working with Yemeni armed forces have killed 6 out of 15 leaders of al-Qaeda in the
The number of US special operations teams in
Sending special forces into
Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran
Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline.
The first has been sent in response to Israeli fears that ballistic missiles developed by
The submarines of Flotilla 7 — Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan — have visited the Gulf before. But the decision has now been taken to ensure a permanent presence of at least one of the vessels.
Each of the submarines has a crew of 35 to 50, commanded by a colonel capable of launching a nuclear cruise missile.
The vessels can remain at sea for about 50 days and stay submerged up to
The deployment is designed to act as a deterrent, gather intelligence and potentially to land Mossad agents. “We’re a solid base for collecting sensitive information, as we can stay for a long time in one place,” said a flotilla officer.
The submarines could be used if
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles ..."
"Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles ..."
"Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles ..."
The news that Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the
This has left
The only chance the Israelis have of beginning their final confrontation with
Hence the submarines.
But let’s not be fooled by this ruse. If
The four-phase, 580 million dollar project will massively increase the military capabilities of the
Webmaster's Commentary:
More power projection in the
Russia Warns US, EU Against Unilateral Sanctions On Iran
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who spoke to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on phone was quoted as saying in the Russian media that the
"There is information that the
Russia: We'll sell advanced missile system to Iran
Harsher sanctions on
Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Mikhail Margelov said the latest sanctions proposal does not pertain to agreements signed with
Iran sanctions won't stop missiles: Russian senator
The head of a parliamentary foreign affairs committee was quoted on Friday as saying that sanctions on
Russia frustrated with Iran but unlikely to fully support sanctions
Webmaster's Commentary:
Hillary spoke way too soon!
Brazil wants Iran sanctions dropped
Webmaster's Commentary:
That is precisely why Hillary is doing it!
President Ahmadinejad: Rest assured that Osama Bin Laden is in Washington D.C.
(small) excerpt from: Transcript: George Stephanopoulos Interviews Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
ABC News website, 5 May 2010
"Good Morning
The following is an excerpt from the transcript of the interview, which took place on Tuesday, May 4, 2010.
STEPHANOPOULOS: One final question. There's a new documentary out that says that Osama Bin Laden is living in
AHMADINEJAD: Your question is laughable.
STEPHANOPOULOS: I think if they knew, they would find him. They would get him.
AHMADINEJAD: First they should have tried to find his location, then invade, those who did not know about his location first they invaded and then they tried to find out where he is, is that logical? Do you think this is logical?
STEPHANOPOULOS: What I think is that you didn't answer my question. Is he in
AHMADINEJAD: Our position is quite clear. Some journalists have said Bin Laden is in
STEPHANOPOULOS: Is it true or not?
AHMADINEJAD: Maybe you know, but I don't know.
STEPHANOPOULOS: I'm asking you. You're the President of Iran.
AHMADINEJAD: I don't know such a thing, you are giving news which is very strange.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, let me ask it a different way. If you did know that Osama bin Laden was in
AHMADINEJAD: I heard that Osama bin Laden is in the
STEPHANOPOULOS: No, you didn't.
AHMADINEJAD: Yes, I did. He's there. Because he was a previous partner of Mr. Bush. They were colleagues in fact in the old days. You know that. They were in the oil business together. They worked together. Mr. Bin Laden never cooperated with
STEPHANOPOULOS: I'll ask one more time and then I'll let you go. If you knew that Osama bin Laden was in
AHMADINEJAD: Our borders, our borders are closed to the illegal entry of anyone. Anyone who that may be. Whether it's the three American mountaineers, Mr. Bin Laden or anyone else. The borders are closed. Our position is clear.
I'm quite surprised, to see that you adjust your daily lives based on the news that is being broadcast. I'm concerned that the government of the
STEPHANOPOULOS: They lost the trail.
AHMADINEJAD: --to find out they have invaded
STEPHANOPOULOS: But you deny categorically that he's in
AHMADINEJAD: Rest assured that he's in
STEPHANOPOULOS: I don't agree.
Thank you for your time, Mr. President.
Zimbabwe denies uranium deal with Iran
A report by the UK-based Daily Telegraph claimed on Saturday that a deal had been reached between the two countries under which
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a replay of the infamous and equally mythical deal claimed between
Clearly the Daily Telegraph hopes you are either too stupid or too forgetful to realize this trick has been played on you before.
U.S., Israeli attack on Iran would be 'unacceptable' - Russia military
Any airstrike against
UK vows to back US against Iran
Days after the establishment of a new British government, Foreign Secretary William Hague vows to work with the
In his first official visit to the
Webmaster's Commentary:
We are hearing the drumbeats for war pound harder and faster as it becomes more apparent that there will most probably be no sanctions against
Gen McChrystal: No Proof Iran Sending Fighters or Weapons to Afghanistan
Despite several claims made to the contrary over the past several months,
Webmaster's Commentary:
I'm glad that McChrystal had that (albeit brief) moment of candor.
The accusations of this nature made by SecDef Gates are getting no traction with the American people at all, nor should they.
Why would
US official: Iran military strike 'off the table'
"Military force is an option of last resort," Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy said during a press briefing in
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if
US Vows New Sanctions Against Iran in ‘Weeks’
Much as they did several times last week, and several times the week before that, and indeed innumerable times this year, last year, and the year before that, the US today vowed that there would be new sanctions against Iran in a matter of weeks.
This time the pledge came in the form of comments by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D – MD) who promised that the United States would act “sooner, rather than later” in more harsh sanctions against Iran for its civilian nuclear program.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Steny Hoyer: you know full well that the
Blockading the Gulf, which will be (rightly) interpreted as an act of war, a war which may well have
Iran's military begins large-scale war games
Iranian plane buzzes carrier in Middle East
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yeah, well, when you park a carrier off the coast of
Freedom Flotilla: Separating Truth from Zionist Bullshit
“It was clear from the size of the force that boarded the ship that the purpose was not only to stop this sail, but to cause the largest possible number of fatalities in order to stop such initiatives in the future.”
Eyewitness accounts demolish Israeli lies
Eyewitness accounts demolish Israeli lies: Commandos opened fire before boarding
Dorian Jones & Helena Smith
The Guardian
If Iran had attacked the Gaza aid ships instead of Israel, can you imagine US corporate media spin?
*hyperlinks and video live at source*
In violation of international law,
Kourosh Ziabari wrote a brilliant factual article and analysis asking this question: What if
For my comprehensive resources that includes US/Israel lies to foment war with
The madness of arrogance: Israel's attack on the Gaza aid flotilla
Alan Sabrosky argues that Israel may have overreached itself by murdering international aid workers bound for beleaguered Gaza, and that this act of wanton savagery provides the civilized world with an opportunity to rein in the rogue Jewish state once and for all.
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