L'Autre Monde 1er avril 2010: Nous connaissons des victoires, mais il reste du chemin à faire

L'Autre Monde 1er avril 2010: Nous connaissons des victoires, mais il reste du chemin à faire
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L'Autre Monde 1er avril 2010
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 1er avril 2010:
- Quelques victoires pour la populations et les activistes, le Québec ne se respecte pas, troupes canadiennes en Afghanistan après 2011, conférence à Montréal de Griffin et Richard Gage sur le 9/11.
- Actualité: Opérations du Mossad, Iran, guerre US en Somalie et futurs fronts en Amérique du sud, Haïti est devenue une plateforme d'entrainement militaire pour l'Afghanistan, NASA et l'espace.
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
L'opération de «damage control» lancée par Rabaska et Gaz Métro (Le Soleil, le mardi 9...
Une influence disproportionnée
Par JP, 24 mars 2010
Une face que seule une mère pourrait aimer.
Cette nouvelle ne va pas surprendre les gens qui suivent les blogues Québécois depuis au moins quelques semaines, encore moins ceux qui écoutent nos émissions (particulièrement l’épisode 9), mais on ne devrait pas être moins outrés pour autant (emphase rajoutée):
Noël, Pâques, l’Action de grâce et cinq autres jours fériés disparaîtront du calendrier scolaire dès l’an prochain, en vertu du controversé décret de la ministre de l’Éducation, Michelle Courchesne, déposé le 3 février.
La disparition des fêtes religieuses chrétiennes et de jours fériés comme la fête des Patriotes,
Et non! Ce n’est malheureusement pas un canular. D’ou vient cette décision de
La réforme du calendrier scolaire annoncée le mois dernier reflète le contenu de lettres envoyées quelques mois plus tôt par des écoles juives privées au gouvernement Charest.
Obtenues par Radio-Canada et
Les documents suggèrent que la réforme a été taillée sur mesure pour répondre à leurs revendications. Les comptes rendus des entretiens font largement état des « exigences » religieuses des écoles juives, reliées au calendrier scolaire.
Modification du calendrier scolaire
Ministre accommodante, lettres compromettantes
Mise à jour le mercredi 24 mars 2010
La réforme du calendrier scolaire annoncée le mois dernier reflète le contenu de lettres envoyées quelques mois plus tôt par des écoles juives privées au gouvernement Charest.
Obtenues par Radio-Canada et
Les documents suggèrent que la réforme a été taillée sur mesure pour répondre à leurs revendications. Les comptes rendus des entretiens font largement état des « exigences » religieuses des écoles juives, reliées au calendrier scolaire.
« Compte tenu des exigences imposées par la religion des personnes fréquentant nos établissements », les matières obligatoires seront enseignées le dimanche ou au cours de l'été « tel que discuté » lors de notre rencontre, écrivent les directeurs d'écoles.
Une réforme annoncée en catimini
Mme Courchesne a fait publier, en février, dans
D'après un reportage de Martine Biron
Radio-Canada.ca avec Presse canadienne
Le reportage de Martine Biron Anne-Marie Dussault s'entretient avec Chantal Longpré, présidente de la Fédération québécoise des directions d'établissement d'enseignement. L'entretien de Christine Fournier avec Manon Bernard, présidente de la Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement, sur le projet de loi modifiant le calendrier scolaire La ministre de la Justice du Québec, Kathleen Veil, déposera mercredi un projet de loi pour encadrer les demandes d'accommodements dans l'administration publique, explique Jean Dussault.
Calendrier scolaire: exit Noël, Pâques et la Saint-Jean
Photo: André Tremblay, archives
Noël, Pâques, l'Action de grâce et cinq autres jours fériés disparaîtront du calendrier scolaire dès l'an prochain, en vertu du controversé décret de la ministre de l'Éducation, Michelle Courchesne, déposé le 3 février.
Cette disposition, largement dénoncée par les milieux catholiques au Québec mais qui a eu peu d'échos dans les médias, fait partie de mesures annoncées pour «assouplir» le calendrier scolaire. Cet hiver, la controverse a surtout été alimentée par la possibilité d'ouvrir les écoles le week-end, un accommodement destiné aux écoles privées juives qualifié de «déraisonnable». La réforme a été encore une fois dénoncée mardi à Québec, alors qu'une pétition signée par 25 000 enseignants a été présentée à l'Assemble nationale.
«En agissant en catimini comme elle l'a fait, la ministre fragilise le lien de confiance entre elle et son réseau, a déclaré Réjean Parent, président de
L'élimination des fêtes du calendrier scolaire a en outre suscité le mécontentement de nombreux organismes, dont l'Association des parents catholiques du Québec, qui a recueilli «quelques milliers» de signatures sur sa pétition. Dans une lettre envoyée à la ministre Courchesne le 12 mars dernier, l'Assemblée des évêques catholiques du Québec a quant à elle rappelé que ces fêtes «s'enracinent dans une profonde tradition religieuse et culturelle dont on ne saurait sous-estimer la valeur».
«Un des problèmes de notre société, c'est la perte d'enracinement. Noël et Pâques, ce ne sont pas que des fêtes religieuses, elles font partie de notre héritage, dit Bertrand Ouellet, secrétaire général. Dans le calendrier scolaire, certaines fêtes sont religieuses, d'autres ne le sont pas, mais elles font partie de notre identité, de notre culture.»
Courchesne a revu le calendrier pour accommoder les écoles juives
La religion a été au coeur des discussions ayant justifié des modifications au calendrier scolaire, contrairement à ce que prétend la ministre... »
CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings
CNN continued what has become a precipitous decline in ratings for its prime-time programs in the first quarter of 2010, with its main hosts losing almost half their viewers in a year.
Hillary slams Canada, leaves Arctic summit
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slammed
Attended by foreign ministers of Canada, Denmark, Russia, the US and Norway, the summit was organized to discuss the future of the resource-rich Arctic region which contains one fourth of the world's oil and gas reserves as well as unfathomed mineral wealth.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Mar 30
Associated Press Writer
But Dimitri Soudas, a spokesman for Harper, says Harper told
Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon also ruled out any form of a military mission post-2011 at a news conference late Monday night following
Harper and Clinton met for 20 minutes on the sidelines of the Group of Eight foreign ministers meeting.
U.S. to press Canada to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2011
The daily, citing unnamed sources, said the
But Jay Paxton, spokesman for Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay, denied any such request had been made, saying the "question is speculative."
"As per the parliamentary motion,
In March 2008,
The parliamentary resolution, however, leaves open the possibility for
The Globe and Mail said Canadian troops would be asked to take on a non-combat role, training the Afghan military in
Vatican prelates oppose move to report priests
Four senior Catholic leaders, including two
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We are above the law! Jesus told us so. Honest! We're allowed to murder, torture, screw the little boys. I mean seriously, look at history; we've been getting away with this stuff for centuries!"
Austrian church abuse hot lines log 566 reports
The head of the abuse reporting center linked to the
The statistics carried by the Kathpress Catholic news agency also show that 115 were received by the
Vatican axes trial for alleged sex abuse priest
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We didn't commit any crimes! It's all an evil plot to defame us!"
The UN-Holy See is starting to sound like the government of
Germans abandon Catholic Church
Trust in the Catholic Church in
Barely one in six Germans now say they have confidence in the church. This is accompanied by government statistics showing that people in dioceses affected by paedophile priests are leaving in record numbers.
There is also anger directed at the German-born Pope Benedict. Fewer than one in four say they trust him, according to a poll carried out by Stern magazine published yesterday.
Hutaree - MSNBC Admits Group was Co-Opted
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yep, this is another "
Militia Probe Included Undercover FBI Agent
Wall Street Journal
Evidence presented to the grand jury in federal court in
The grand-jury exhibit included sworn testimony of a law-enforcement officer that Mr. Piatek "is the person known by a Cooperating Witness and an undercover FBI agent to be the person who participated in the criminal violations" detailed in the indictment.
Webmaster's Commentary:
In other words, the FBI informant suckered these patsies into whatever it was they are accused of doing.
4 NATO jets trail 2 Russian bombers over Arctic, Atlantic
A similar patrol mission on September 29, 2009, was shadowed by an F-22 Raptor, reportedly the first time the world's only fifth-generation fighter aircraft, which uses stealth technology, was sent out to keep an eye on Russian planes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder, at what point, Nato is going to wind up turning this "shadowing" into a full-on military confrontation.
Why all this media manipulation being directed against Hugo Chavez?
Webmaster's Commentary:
Because the
Amérique du sud: Prochaine cible de l’Empire
Un conflit militaire n’est pas initié du jour au lendemain. Il s’agit d’un processus qui implique en premier lieu d’influencer la perception et l’opinion publique – la diabolisation de la personne ciblée ou d’un gouvernement dans le but de justifier une agression. Subséquemment, des forces armées sont déployées dans la région pour assurer une action militaire efficace. Des tactiques, telles que les opérations de subversion et de contre-insurrection, sont utilisées afin d’affaiblir et de déstabiliser la nation visée de l’intérieur, augmentant sa vulnérabilité et causant un affaiblissement de ses défenses. (Source)
Une méthode qui a fait ses preuves
Cette méthode a été utilisée pour vendre la guerre d’agression contre l’Irak dans les mois avant mars 2003. On a diabolisé L’Irak et Saddam Hussein, pourtant arrivé au pouvoir à l’aide de
Identique application de la méthode qui avait aussi servit à diaboliser les Talibans de l’Afghanistan qui, eux aussi, avaient pris le pouvoir avec le consentement de Washington. Mais avec le 9/11 en poche, les néocons ont simplement eu à accuser les Talibans de protéger Ossama Bin Laden (Tim Osman), de maltraiter leurs femmes et d’être des radicaux extrémiste pour arriver à justifier l’invasion d’un des pays les plus pauvres de la planète.
Ensuite de cela, comme la méthode le prévoit, des forces armées sont déployées dans la région. Ces équipements lourds et la grande quantité de troupes impliquent une soigneuse préparation de longue date. On ne déplace pas porte-avions, chasseurs, missiles, chars d’assaut, soldats en 24 heures. Cela prend des mois, sinon des années de planification et de mise en place. Pour le cas de ces deux derniers pays, le tout était planifié depuis au moins le premier jour du premier mandat de Bush, en l’an 2000. D’autres évidences montrent que cela remontait même à des années plus tôt. Le Pakistan avait été averti en juillet 2001 que des opérations militaires étaient pour avoir lieu en Afghanistan vers le mois d’octobre 2001 et les forces militaires se trouvaient déjà dans le Golfe Persique un mois avant le 9/11. Nous connaissons tous la suite.
Scénario identique dans le cas de l’Iran
L’Amérique du sud est dans la mire de l’Oncle Sam
Haïti, la nouvelle base des opérations américaines
U.S. Directs Large-Scale Offensive In Somalia
March 11, 2010 --
In addition to using such a multinational regional force in Somalia, the U.S. can also deploy it against Uganda’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in Uganda, Congo and Sudan, and could even employ it against Eritrea, Zimbabwe and Sudan, the only nations on the African continent not to some degree enmeshed in military partnerships with Washington and NATO. (
Over 43 people have been killed in the Somali capital of
The last ambassador of the United States to Somalia (1994-1995), Daniel H. Simpson, penned a column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on March
He answered it in stating “Part of the reason is because the
“Flush with money, in spite of the expensive wars in
Fulfilling its appointed role, the New York Times leaked
US says base needed to defend Japan
Under the agreement, Futenma would move from the crowded urban hub of Ginowan to a quiet village.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Not to put too fine a point on it, but who was the last country to actually attack
Argentina threatens to ban firms operating in the Falklands as Royal Navy sends attack submarine
Companies were warned they face having to choose between the Falklands and
The US-NATO Conquest of Africa
NATO has now joined AFRICOM’s first war, in
The bloc’s Allied Command Operations website announced on March 18 that from March 5-16 the North Atlantic military alliance had airlifted 1,700 Ugandan troops from their homeland to the Somali capital of
The Pentagon supplied the transport planes “under the NATO banner” and the operation was “undertaken by
As with the government of Hamid Karzai in
Webmaster's Commentary:
This has nothing to do with freedom, democracy, human rights, or desperately needed aid for the Somalian people; this has everything to do with
N.B. Premier calls off $3.2B power deal with Hydro-Quebec
New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham said the tentative $3.2-billion agreement collapsed after the
Right-winger Ann Coulter silenced by angry protesters at ...
Organizers for the American's tour of
"It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event," said conservative political activist Ezra Levant inside Marion Hall.
"This is an embarrassing day for the
About 10
Coulter expressed her outrage at the unfolding of events in
"This has never happened before," she told The Washington Times Tuesday night.
"I go to the best schools, Harvard, the Ivy League and those kids are too intellectually proud to threaten speakers."
Calling the
Coulter was in the middle of a three-city tour of
The event in
CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah
Michael Springman on Alex Jones TV: CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah
U.S. Schoolchildren Don’t Know The Difference Between A Tomato and a Potato
Watch as kids in an elementary school class in
World911Truth Presents Richard Gage and David Ray Griffin in Montreal on May 3rd
Posted on 24 February 2010 |
World for 9/11 Truth presents:
Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of nine books on 9/11 and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2008 &
This is the first public conference organized by World for 9/11 Truth.
Note: David Ray Griffin and Richard Gage will also speak in Toronto on May 2nd.
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie (730 seats)
405 Ste-Catherine E., Downtown Montreal
Metro: Berri-UQAM
Find on Google Maps
May 3rd, 2010 @ 6:30 pm
Conference in English only
BUY ONLINE NOW @ Admission.com
General admission: $10
Students: $5 (discount at any admission counter)
Don’t wait to buy your tickets for the most important conference in
About Richard Gage, AIA
Recently interviewed by CBC’s The Fifth Estate (the documentary also aired in French on Radio-Canada’s Enquete) Richard Gage, AIA, architect and founder of the non-profit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), announced a decisive milestone in February 2010 at a press conference in San Francisco, as more than 1,100 worldwide architects and engineers now support the call for a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World
“First, let the technical truths emerge. Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable conspiracies and other questions.”
— Richard Gage, AIA
After careful examination of the official explanation, along with the forensic data omitted from official reports, these professionals have concluded that a new independent investigation into these mysterious collapses is needed. The petition was delivered to every congressional representative by AE911Truth petition signers throughout the
AE911Truth’s conclusions are shared by thousands of scientists; senior-level military, intelligence and government officials; pilots and aviation professionals; firefighters; scholars and university professors; and 9/11 survivors and their family members. The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial.
The 9/11 Truth Movement, which Time magazine in 2006 called “a mainstream political reality,” continues to gain momentum. As AE911Truth’s own influence grows, Gage has embarked on well over 130 speaking events, covering 20 states and 13 countries, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany and France.
He has been interviewed by media around the world – including the BBC, CBC, NatGeo, and Fox TV.
Official Website: AE911Truth.org
Richard Gage, AIA will be in
Richard Gage, AIA on New Zealand National Television
About Dr. David Ray Griffin
Dr. David Ray Griffin, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (2008 and 2009), and ranked in September 2009 by Britain’s venerated New Statesman as #41 of “the 50 people who matter today,” is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University, and a co-director of the Center for Process Studies.
He is the author of 36 books, nine of which are on 9/11. His most complete statement about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, was a Publishers Weekly “Pick of the Week” in November 2008. His most recent book is The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 Is Unscientific and False.
Recently featured in major documentaries on
In his own words:
“Whereas it is widely recognized that the US-led war in Afghanistan is illegal under international law, because it was never authorized by the UN Security Council, most Americans have believed that it was morally justified as a response to the 9/11 attacks, and many believe it is still justified as a necessary means to prevent another attack originating from that region.
“My lecture will present evidence showing that both of these beliefs are untrue, so that the 9/11 Truth Movement and more traditional Peace and Anti-War groups should be able to combine forces to oppose this illegal and immoral war.”
Due to the carefulness and sweep of his writings,
Russia Today Interviews David Ray Griffin
Official Website: davidraygriffin.com
We are planning to broadcast this conference live on the internet. To be confirmed.
Press Release (upcoming)
Interview requests
If you wish to interview Richard Gage, AIA or Dr. David Ray Griffin, please use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. All types of media are welcome (TV, Radio, News Papers, student journals, etc).
Our posters and fliers will be available shortly on this page.
If you are in the
We would like to thank Michel Chossudovsky from GlobalResearch.ca to help us make this event possible.
Although Global Research has kindly agreed to sponsor a part of the conference, this will be a very expensive operation and event. Hence, if you could support this historic conference in
Help us make this conference a huge success that will resonate throughout the beautiful city of
To donate now (via credit card or PayPal), simply click the “ChipIn” button below:
Lights out as cities worldwide vow to fight global warming
CLIMATEGATE - Earth Hour falls flat even before it happens
Webmaster's Commentary:
Read the comments.
Oregon's monster mushroom is world's biggest living thing
The largest living organism ever found has been discovered in an ancient American forest.
The Armillaria ostoyae, popularly known as the honey mushroom, started from a single spore too small to see without a microscope. It has been spreading its black shoestring filaments, called rhizomorphs, through the forest for an estimated 2,400 years, killing trees as it grows. It now covers 2,200 acres (880 hectares) of the
The outline of the giant fungus stretches 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometres) across, and it extends an average of three feet (one metre) into the ground. It covers an area as big as 1,665 football fields.
Using aerial photos, Ms Parks staked out an area of dying trees and collected root samples from 112. She identified the fungus through DNA testing. Then, by comparing cultures of the fungus grown from the 112 samples, she determined that 61 were from the same organism, meaning a single fungus had grown bigger than anything anyone had ever described before.
Freak waves spotted from space
As part of a project called MaxWave - which was set up to test the rumours - two Esa satellites surveyed the oceans.
During a three week period they detected 10 giant waves, all of which were over
Over the last two decades more than 200 super-carriers - cargo ships over
But for years these tales of towering beasts were written off as fantasy; and many marine scientists clung to statistical models stating monstrous deviations from the normal sea state occur once every 1,000 years.
"Two large ships sink every week on average," said Wolfgang Rosenthal, of the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht,
Back to National Geographic:
The find adds to the case that chunks of matter got pushed outside the known universe shortly after the big bang —which in turn hints that our universe is part of something larger: a multiverse.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Or ...
The Big Bang is just religion disguised as science, and there really is no border to the universe.
What the evidence reported in the story is showing is that there is enough matter to create a gravity field detectable in the motions of the galaxies we can see from Earth, but the gravity field points to a source well outside the presumed edge of the universe which has been calculated from the observed red shift, which is assumed to be caused solely by relative velocity. But since the prime assumption is that our "banged" universe cannot reach that far, that there simply must be a wholly separate universe out there. Of curse, since "universe" means "all that there is", whatever is out there creating this gravity field is by definition part of this universe, which creates a paradox for the Big Bangers.
But here is another one that I postulated some time back for which no banger has yet had an answer.
When we gaze out into the night sky, we see galaxies extending into the distance as far as we can see, in every direction. The presumed size of the universe (and its age) keep getting revised as more distant objects get detected, but here it the problem. If the universe is finite, it should appear lopsided. In one direction we should see the end of the universe much more closely than the opposite direction, unless the Earth just happened to be in the exact center of that universe, and of course the odds against that are (pardon the expression) astronomical!
Climategate has proven that "scientists" are just normal folk subject to political pressure, and religion is the oldest political body in the world.
The fact is that this latest discovery puts the final nail in the Big Bang model, even though the die-hard bangers will refuse to see it.
le CERN tentera la collision frontale de protons le 30 mars
Après une période d’essai et l’envoi de faisceaux de particules de plus en plus puissants, les chercheurs sont parvenus vendredi à accélérer deux faisceaux jusqu’à 3,5 TeV, soit 3,5 teraelectron volts ou 3.500 milliards d’électron volts. Les deux faisceaux ont été propulsés séparément mais le CERN tentera d’opérer leur collision frontale le 30 mars.
"Il nous reste beaucoup de travail avant les collisions", a déclaré Steve Myers, directeur du CERN pour les accélérateurs et la technologie. "Le simple alignement des faisceaux est un défi en soi. C’est un peu comme envoyer des aiguilles au-dessus de l’Océan atlantique et tenter de les faire entrer en collision à mi-chemin".
Une fois que les collisions de faisceaux de protons auront débuté, le CERN envisage d’opérer le LHC de façon continue pendant 18 à 24 mois.
Le LHC, un anneau de
Le plus grand accélérateur de particules jamais construit a été remis en service le 28 février, après plusieurs interruptions pour des vérifications et des améliorations.
Le LHC est conçu pour propulser de faisceaux de particules de la famille des "hadrons" (protons ou ions de plomb) à une vitesse proche de la lumière et à de très hautes énergies, grâce notamment à ses 9.300 aimants supraconducteurs, fonctionnant à très basse température.
Les deux faisceaux circulent en sens inverse à l’intérieur de l’accélérateur circulaire, emmagasinant de l’énergie à chaque tour. La collision frontale des deux faisceaux a pour but de recréer les conditions qui existaient juste après le Big Bang, considéré par les scientifiques comme étant à l’origine de la création de l’univers il y a quelque 14 milliards d’années.
Grâce au LHC, les chercheurs espèrent parvenir à une plus grande connaissance du fonctionnement de l’univers, détecter des traces de l’invisible "matière noire", censée composer plus de 96% de l’univers, et percer le mystère du "boson de Higgs", particule jusqu’ici théorique qui donnerait sa masse à la matière.
Nasa searching for 'Nemesis,' Sun's Deadly Twin, Blamed for Comets on Collision Course
La terre attaquée par une étoile de la mort ? Une étoile invisible pourrait orbiter le Soleil et bombarder
Une étoile invisible pourrait orbiter le Soleil et bombarder
L’étoile – surnommée Nemesis par les scientifitiques de
On croit que Nemesis orbite le système solaire à 25000 fois la distance de
Ces “balles de neige” sont lancées en direction de
En ce moment,
Le “Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer”, duquel on prévoit la découverte d’un millier de naine brune dans les 25 années-lumière environnantes, a déjà retourné la photo d’une comète possiblement extraite du nuage d’Oort.
Le premier indice de l’existence de Nemesis est l’orbite inhabituel d’une planète naine appelée Sedna. Son orbite inhabituel devrait être expliquée par un corps céleste massif. Mike Brown, qui a découvert Sedna en 2003, dit que Sedna ne devrait pas être là et que c’est un très étrange objet. Il dit aussi que la seule façon d’avoir un tel orbite est d’avoir un corps géant qui le pousse… “Alors, qu’est-ce qu’il y a là-bas ?”
Le professeur John Matesse de l’Université de Louisiane à Lafayette, dit que la plupart des comètes viennent du nuage d’Oort. Il ajoute qu’il est statistiquement possible que la concentration de comètes peuvent être envoyées vers
Primetime Panic: Spoof report sparks fear and protests in Georgia
Poll: 73% of Russians view US as aggressor
Almost three-quarters of Russians view the
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Russians bore the brunt of stopping the last power-mad global empire, so they are paying close attention.
Chile quake moved entire city 3 metres to west: study
The massive earthquake which struck the west coast of Chile last month moved the entire city of Concepcion more than three metres to the west.
New data: Mega-quake could strike near Seattle
Using sophisticated seismometers and GPS devices, scientists have been able to track minute movements along two massive tectonic plates colliding 25 miles or so underneath
The deep tremors, which humans can't feel, occur routinely every 15 months or so and can continue for more than two weeks before they die back to undetectable levels.
The instruments are detecting an inch or two of movement -- known as "episodic tremor and slip" -- as the Juan de Fuca plate grinds and sinks beneath the North American plate. Closer to the surface, the two plates are locked together. When they snap, scientists say, it could produce a massive 9.0 or greater earthquake and a tsunami.
6.8 Quake hits off shore of Sumatra
Webmaster's Commentary:
Whole lotta shakin' going on!
6.0 ) continue for Chile. No tsunami warning this morning.">Major aftershocks ( > 6.0 ) continue for Chile. No tsunami warning this morning.
Powerful Quakes: 7.0 hits Indonesia and 6.6 hits Japan
North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux
December 24, 2009, National Geographic
Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward
So far that is roughly 14,000,000+ guns bought last year!
The total is probably more as many NICS background checks cover the purchase of more than one gun at a time by individuals.
To put it in perspective that is more guns than the combined active armies of the top 21 countries in the world. countries by number of troops
Of the NICS background checks preformed less than and average .005% were denied, showing, overwhelmingly, that law abiding American citizens are the ones buying guns and that criminals are getting their guns elsewhere.
14,033,824,000 billions rounds of Ammo
Assuming each gun buyer bought 1000 rounds of ammo for each purchase, and you and I know that it is way, way more than that, that would be easily 14,033,824,000+ billions rounds of ammo fired by
What percent of people were killed or injured by this ammo…it is just to infinitesimally small for me to calculate?
Crime At Record Lows
This record year in firearms background checks show that Americans are solidly in-favor of exercising their civil right to Keep and Bear Arms.
In a year were crime has reached an all time record low what is plainly clear is that more guns equal LESS CRIME!
With his decision to boost defense spending, President Obama is continuing the process of re-inflating the Pentagon that began in late 1998 — fully three years before the 9/11 attacks on America. The FY 2011 budget marks a milestone, however: The inflation-adjusted rise in spending since 1998 will probably exceed 100 percent in real terms by the end of the fiscal year. Taking the new budget into account, the Defense Department has been granted about $7.2 trillion since 1998, when the post-Cold War decline in defense spending ended.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Wake up and smell the napalm - the
FLASHBACK - U.S. Once Deployed 12,000 Atom Arms In 2 Dozen Nations
The document, a secret study written by the Defense Department and titled ''History of the Custody and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons: July 1945 through September 1977,'' is described in the November/December issue of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Altogether, it says, the
While other declassified documents have made it clear that the United States deployed nuclear weapons and materials overseas, the document confirms how widespread the deployments were, and highlights America's overriding dependence at the time on a worldwide network of weapons of mass destruction.
The magazine article emphasizes the extent to which the Pentagon made special nuclear weapons in which the plutonium or uranium could be removed and stored elsewhere. This was in order to evade the issue of whether nuclear weapons or materials were stored in countries where there was intense antinuclear fervor.
''The Pentagon document fundamentally revises some aspects of postwar nuclear history,'' said William M. Arkin, a nuclear weapons analyst and one of the article's three co-authors. It reveals, for instance, that the first American nuclear weapons placed overseas were sent not to
But Mr. Arkin and his co-authors concluded that the declassified study and an annex listing the countries where nuclear weapons were placed contains some errors. For instance, the annex fails to list Portugal's Azores Islands or Libya, places where Mr. Arkin says other declassified documents show that the Strategic Air Command stored nuclear weapons in the 1950's and 1960's.
The article says American nuclear weapons or materials were once deployed in such sensitive places as
The deployment of nuclear weapons domestically and overseas remains among the most closely held military secrets. Mr. Arkin said his research indicated that the United States, the only country known to have placed nuclear weapons abroad, still keeps such weapons in at least seven places -- Belgium, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey and Britain.
The document and its annex, coupled with other declassified information obtained by the article's authors, show that during the height of the cold war in the 1970's, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US has the brass balls to complain about Iran's shambolic efforts to build one civilian nuclear power plant -something they've tried to start up for 35 Years with little success ..The rest of the world has been handed nukes like candy bars -handed out by Uncle Sam
UK tabloid: Israel 'forged thousands of IDs'
MI6 suspects that airline staff working for Mossad may have copied passports of Britons flying to
Identification of agents by Dubai police embarrasses Mossad
To have a dozen of your agents identified in police tapes after an extrajudicial killing is embarrassing. To have almost 30 operatives left with their covers blown — as appears to have happened after Dubai police released fresh details of the Hamas assassination last month — might be considered reckless.
On the official website of Mossad,
Unfortunately, so many of its “counsellors” seem to have been caught on CCTV, wearing wigs and other disguises, that it was as if an early Purim carnival was being held in Dubai’s hotels and airports.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Whom the gods would destroy they first make arrogant!
This is going to turn out as bad as the Lavon affair.
More Details Emerge on Assassination of Hamas Leader in Dubai
More details are emerging on the murder of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who was killed in
Dubai Police Chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim claims to be “99 percent, if not 100 percent” certain that Mossad, the Israeli secret service organisation, was responsible for the assassination.
The authorities in
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think this Israeli "Charlie Foxtrot" may be one reason the "Al Qaeda Terrorists" (nudge-nudge, wink-wink, Say no more!) did not attack the Olympics!
Lethal drug killed Hamas commander: Police
According to the report by the General Department of Forensic sciences, this drug is very hard to trace within the system and in broken down by enzymes in the body making it virtually impossible to detect during postmortem.
Al Mazeina said that the department was able to reach the conclusion that the drug was used because they found traces of the drug on the skin of the victim. He also said that killers first injected Mahboub’s thigh with the drug and then once it began to take effect on him, they strangulated him to death.
Israelis no longer allowed in Dubai after Hamas hit
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel now accuses Dubai police chief of anti-Semitism.
According to a report by the Associated Press, Dubai police Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim vowed on Monday that his police would "develop skills" to recognize Israeli dual nationals trying to enter the United Arab Emirates by discerning "physical features and the way they speak."
The reported statement, which followed allegations that Israeli Mossad agents infiltrated the country to kill Hamas figure Mahmoud Mabhouh last month, immediately raised eyebrows.
Israeli officials condemned the threat as anti-Semitic and dismissed Tamim as “out of control.”
Mais Israël se permet de faire du profilage racial, d’avoir deux sortes de plaque d’immatriculation, une couleur pour les arabes et une autre pour les isaréliens juifs, des centaines de checkpoints, assassiner un Hamas, etc!
Dubai police chief says to seek Netanyahu arrest
DUBAI (Reuters) - Dubai's police chief plans to seek the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of Israel's spy agency over the killing of a Hamas leader in the emirate, Al Jazeera television reported.
Ex-Mossad agent: Israel uses 'false flag' in most ops to avoid suspicion in Arab states.
Mossad Agents with Fake Pass in Malta
The assassination of Mohammed Mabhouh in
Webmaster's Commentary:
I hate the word "Assassination" because it implies some kind or arcane acceptability even though the killing is extra-judicial. I think we need to call these crimes what they are; murders.
Known Israeli murders in
Wael Adel Zuaiter was assassinated in
Hussein Ali Abu al-Khmer was assassinated in
Bassel Rauf al-Kais was assassinated in
Mahmoud Abu Daieh was assassinated in
Mahmoud Walad Saleh was assassinated in
Said Hamami was assassinated in
Ezz al-Din al-Kalak was assassinated in
Ibrahim Abed al-Aziz was assassinated in
Samir Tokan was assassinated in
Zuheir Mohsen was assassinated in
Josef Mubarak was assassinated in
Majed Abu Sharar was assassinated in
Naim Khader was assassinated in
Mohammad Taha was assassinated in
Kmal Hasan abu Dalo and Nazeh Matar were assassinated in
Fadel Sad Anani was assassinated in
Ma’amon Imresh al-Sghaier was assassinated on Aug. 20
Jamel Abed al-Khader Abu al-Rob was assassinated on Dec. 22
Report: Current Knesset most racist of all time
The current Knesset is the most racist Knesset since the establishment of the State, according to the
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 13 November,
"The system of separating and mistreating Palestinians has been described by Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter in his book ‘Peace not Apartheid’ as “worse even than those that once held sway in
'Israeli spy planes flew over Budapest'
Two Israeli aircraft appearing to be spy planes flew near
According to the reports, the planes were on a "spy mission" that may be connected to the assassination of a Syrian national in his vehicle Wednesday in the Hungarian capital.
Netanyahu to Ask Obama for Bunker Buster Bombs against Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will press the American administration during his upcoming visit to
Paul Craig Roberts: US pushing for nuclear war; “leadership” treasonous for duping US into wars
*hyperlinks and video live at source*
“The morons in
“Some other agenda is being served that we are not being told.” – Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts is one of the most respected conservative voices in the nation. He is the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies,
U.S. Interceptors Will Target Russian Nuclear Capability: Commander
- 2010-03-23
Bill Moyers: Israeli Commandos on U.S. Soil during Katrina
AUDIO: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/rss/media/BMJ-1128.mp3
I don't want Israelis on
Israël pointe ses têtes nucléaires contre l’Europe
March 12th, 2010
La septième chaine israélienne a diffusé un entretien exceptionnel avec le professeur Martin Van-Crevel, spécialiste mondial de référence des guerres de basse intensité. Le professeur émérite de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem y a développé publiquement les propos qu’il tient depuis une dizaine d’années dans les cénacles fermés des académies militaires israéliennes et états-uniennes.
Selon lui, la continuation sur une longue période de la guérilla palestinienne aboutira inévitablement à l’effondrement de l’Etat d’Israël. C’est pourquoi, à terme, Tel-Aviv n’a d’autre choix que de « transférer » les arabes Israéliens et les Palestiniens apatrides hors de frontières sûres (c’est-à-dire non seulement hors des frontières de 1948, mais aussi des territoires occupés depuis 1967 et idéalement de Cisjordanie et de la bande de Gaza). Dans la cas où les Européens s’opposeraient à une telle déportation, Tel-Aviv n’aura d’autre choix pour survivre que de détruire des capitales européennes sous le feu atomique, étant entendu que les Européens ne pourront pas riposter sans tuer leurs amis Palestiniens.
L’auteur de The Transformation of War [1] a insisté en soulignant que, d’ores et déjà, des têtes nucléaires israéliennes sont pointées vers Rome et d’autres capitales européennes pour rendre la menace crédible et le « transfert » des Palestiniens possible.
Le professeur Martin Van-Crevel aime à se référer à la devise du général Moshe Dayan, dont il est le biographe officiel : « Israël doit toujours apparaître comme un chien enragé, trop dangereux pour les autres »
[1] Version française :
Respected Danish journalist admits 'I was a Mossad agent'
There have presumably always been journalists whose work serves as a cover for clandestine work, but only a few are willing to admit it. One such person is Herbert Pundik (Nahum Pundak), a veteran Israeli-Danish journalist with an international reputation who a week ago in an interview with the Danish daily Dagbladet Information said that for about 10 years, he worked for the Mossad while doing his journalism job. His admission sent a shock wave through the serene Scandinavian country and aroused considerable media interest.
"Yes, I was a Mossad Agent," said the headline of the comprehensive interview with Pundik by journalist Lasse Ellegaard. The newspaper is identified with the left, and its origins lie in the Danish resistance to the Nazis. And this is how the reporter introduces him:
Pundik admitted to his interviewer, in response to a question, that during his travels and his assignments in the 1960s in Africa, he provided information to the Mossad
"I traveled all over
Is that intelligence work? the interviewer pressured him. "Yes, in large part it was intelligence work, and I did it on one condition, which I was glad was fulfilled, that my reports be transferred to
Hamas founder’s son once top Israel spy, report says
The son of one of Hamas’ founders served as a top informant for
Mosab Hassan Yousef, dubbed as “the Green Prince” by his handlers, was one of the Shin Bet security service’s most valuable sources,
C'est le dernier aspect d'une vieille histoire. Le Hamas a été CRÉÉ par le Shin Bet pour contrer l'OLP de Yasser Arafat, pour empêcher
Puis Arafat
(et furent plus tard élus démocratiquement par les Palestiniens)
En réponse, Israël a de nouveau mis en place un groupe d'opposition de marionnettes, celui de M. Abbas de l'Autorité palestinienne, pour continuer à jouer le même jeu de diviser et conquérir le peuple palestinien.
The Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week 2010
Solidarity in Action: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
March 2010
Mark your calendars - the 6th International Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will take place across the globe from from the 1st to the 14th of March 2010!
Since it was first launched in 2005, IAW has grown to become one of the most important global events in the
Jewish Groups Geared to Fight 'Apartheid Week'
Jewish and human rights groups are gearing up to counter “Israel Apartheid Week” events next week. “Apartheid Week” is an annual event organized on college campuses in the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Was being anti-Apartheid extreme when it was
Bad word banned
Apartheid is an ugly word that just shouldn’t be used, Progressive Conservative MPP Peter Shurman said Thursday.
And he got all of Queen’s Park to agree.
Shurman, the member from Thornhill, moved a resolution to condemn the now annual event on Canadian campuses known as Israeli Apartheid Week,
Webmaster's Commentary:
Right out of George Orwell's "Newspeak"; if the masses don't have a word for it, they won't be able to think it! If the masses are forbidden to call
Britain Expels Israel Diplomat Over Fake Passports
Israeli Politician Compares British To “Dogs” For Israeli Diplomat Expulsion
Eldad, Ben-Ari: Britons are dogs
Israeli officials and MKs sharply criticized the announced intention of the UK government to expel an unnamed Israeli diplomat in response to its passports being used in the
"I think [the] British are behaving hypocritically and I don't want to offend dogs on this issue, since some dogs are utterly loyal," MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) told Sky News. "Who are they to judge us on the war on terror?"
Eldad added that Israel's "natural reaction should be to expel one of the senior diplomats in the British Embassy, maybe the military attache or someone on his level."
Eldad's party colleague, MK Michael Ben-Ari, responded: "The British may be dogs, but they are not loyal to us, but rather to an anti-Semitic system, and Israeli diplomacy partially plays into their hands. This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism".
In contrast, Foreign Affairs and Defense committee chairman MK Tzahi Hanegbi (Kadima) recommended not to respond to the crisis with
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable; talk about a "blame the victims" mentality!
I would like to hope that
British warning: Watch your passports
Watch your passports in
"Your passport details could be captured for improper uses while your passport is out of your control. The risk applies in particular to passports without biometric security features," the Foreign Office's online advisory warns. "We recommend that you only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary."
Webmaster's Commentary:
After the Mossad hit in
US troops to stay in Haiti for time being: envoy
American troops will remain in
"There are about 6,500 soldiers in
"What is planned for the moment is more and more staff from USAID on the ground and fewer and fewer troops. Gradually, they'll leave. In my opinion, we will need some American troops to stay here for the foreseeable future."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looks like any pretensions that
Should the United States Annex The Sudetenland?
Commentary: Should the United States Annex Haiti ?
By: Paul Toscano
Producer, CNBC.com
The devastating earthquake that rocked
But what sort of role should the
Paul S. Adams, Assistant Professor of Political Science at
Haitian president at White House: US military occupation to continue
Obama indicated during the press conference that the
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is about arranging "sweetheart deals" for
And the actual horrendous living conditions which most of the Haitian people endure will never improve: this is by design.
The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan
by Michel Chossudovsky
A recent report in Stars and Stripes reveals the nature of the
According to the Stars and Stripes report (March 14, 2010): "Marines deployed to
The Role of The Canadian Military
The Canadian military has adopted a similar pattern.
Canadian troops initially dispatched to
Webmaster's Commentary:
How convenient for the
Haiti death toll could reach 300,000: Preval
- 2010-03-26
George W. Bush shakes hands with Haitians, then wipes his hand on Bill Clinton’s shirt...
Continuez d'aller acheter chez Walmart...
Il y a des fois ou la réalité est tellement triste et décevante que les mots manquent pour la décrire. Est-ce que notre humanité est en train de mourir?
Walmart takes out Life insurance policies on its own employees called "Dead Peasant Policies" but then refuses to pay one of it's own employee's health benefits when she needed it the most. (Deborah Shank)
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