L'Autre Monde 22 avril 2010: Organisateur de la plus grande conférence sur le 9/11 à Montréal en entrevue - Jean-François Ranger

L'Autre Monde 22 avril 2010: Organisateur de la plus grande conférence sur le 9/11 à Montréal en entrevue - Jean-François Ranger
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L'Autre Monde 22 avril 2010
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 22 avril 2010:
- Invité spéciale en entrevue: Jean-François Ranger qui va nous parler de la conférence sur le 9/11 avec Richard Gage de Architectes & Ingénieurs pour la vérité sur le 9/11 et David R.Griffin à Montréal ce 3&4 mai 2010; et qui va aussi nous parler des dernières informations sur ce dossier. Nous allons en profiter pour démonter l'émission sur le 9/11 des Grands reportages de RDI. Il y a aussi une paire de billet à gagner, gracieuseté de Jean-François!!
Écoutez l'émission pour connaitre les modalités du concours!
- Nous compléterons cette émission avec le dossier du 9/11 et de l'Afghanistan.
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Au gagnant ou à la gagnante: il devra se présenter aux locaux entre 9h et 17, et ce, du lundi au vendredi.
En entrevue cette semaine : Jean-François Ranger, un des organisateurs de la plus grosse conférence sur le 9/11 à Montréal vient discuter avec nous à propos du 9/11 et pour aussi analyser le documentaire des Grands Reportages de RDI qui a été diffusé un peu plus tôt cette année.
Voici le lien pour le site de la conférence:
Pour les films: w9t.org/top911films
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: ae911truth.org
David Ray Griffin: davidraygriffin.com
NYC CAN: nyccan.org
'Osama bin Laden' threatens revenge for 9/11 trial
Osama bin Laden has warned that Americans would be killed in retaliation if a
8-1 Ben Laden menace l'Amérique si le cerveau du 11-Septembre est exécuté.
Nb : Ndlr : La publication des articles ou analyse ne signifie nullement que la rédaction partage toutes les analyses des auteurs mais doit être vu comme information.
Le chef d'Al-Qaïda, Oussama ben Laden, a menacé de tuer tout Américain capturé par son réseau si Khaled Cheikh Mohammed, le cerveau des attentats du 11-Septembre, et ses compagnons sont exécutés, dans un message audio diffusé jeudi par la chaîne Al-Jazira.
Dans son message, adressé au peuple américain, ben Laden affirme que le président Barack Obama "suit la même politique que son prédécesseur (...) notamment par une escalade en Afghanistan et le traitement injuste de nos prisonniers, et en premier lieu du héros Khaled Cheikh Mohammed".
"Le jour où les Etats-Unis prendront cette décision, ils auront pris la décision de faire exécuter tout Américain que nous ferons prisonnier", a averti le chef d'Al-Qaïda dans une brève séquence diffusée par la chaîne du Qatar.
Il a dénoncé aussi la politique américaine au Proche-Orient: "les politiciens de
Forensic experts to reexamine WTC rubble
New York forensic experts will start a major new search Monday through debris from the World Trade Center for remains of people killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack, officials said.
"That material is going to be sifted to see if there are any human remains," said Jason Post, a spokesman for Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "We're taking every step we can to recover the remains of 9/11 victims."
Experts, including anthropologists, will hand check the material in the 1.4-million-dollar operation, which could go on as long as three months at a closed location at a landfill on Staten Island
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder about the timing of this operation, and the "real reason" for doing this now, almost 9 years after the event.
Is this really about finding human remains
ABC interviews FBI 911 Whistleblower Coleen Rowley
ABC interviews FBI 911 Whistleblower Coleen Rowley
Chris Bury of ABC News interviews Coleen Rowley at the Treason in America Conference in Valley Forge, PA.,
New poll: About 1 in 3 Americans thinks 9/11 was "a big fabrication"
A new poll has shown that about
100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story
Though 12 per cent of respondents reject the commission's findings, one-in-five Americans (21 percent) are undecided. In particular, 35 percent of Independents and 34 percent of Democrats do not accept the official version, compared to just 20 percent of Republicans.
These figures translate to about 100 million Americans that question or find fault with the official 9/11 story, far from a trivial number and far too many to dismiss as conspiracy nuts and part of the lunatic fringe. This is the important message that merits public appreciation.
F-16s scrambled to escort plane into Denver
The North American Aerospace Defense Command says two F-16 jets were scrambled from a
A North American Aerospace spokesman, John Cornelio, says the jets from Buckley Air Force Base escorted the plane to
Webmaster's Commentary:
Wow! Those F-16s got to that plane really fast. Just about as fast as the jets that intercepted Payne Stewart's runaway Learjet!
What a shame the F-16s were not that fast on 9-11!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U.S. gets Kyrgyzstan air base lease extended
The ousted ruler said he is willing to step down but he also wants immunity for his family and close circle as a condition to resign - an argument that could block a deal to transfer power and increase the turmoil gripping the Central Asian nation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That bit about the lease extension must be having the folks in the Pentagon heaving a collective sigh of relief, but things here could still get dicey.
A Kyrgyz interim leader says US base unjustified
A top official in Kyrgyzstan's interim government told The Associated Press on Saturday that a U.S. air base supporting operations in Afghanistan is "not justified," the first sign of significant divisions over the facility.
Since a bloody uprising that culminated in the toppling of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the interim government's leader has announced the Manas air base can remain open for a year after the lease expires in July.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This situation could still get dicey in a heartbeat, with the
Suicides dans l'armée canadienne: plus meurtriers que les combats
Plus de soldats tués au pays qu'au combat
Mission en Afghanistan: 178 millions en médicaments
Torture: Peter MacKay réfute les propos d'un interprète
Détenus afghans torturés: Colvin en remet
Détenus afghans - Colvin persiste et signe dans le moindre détail
Afghanistan : tortures de mineurs détenus
NATO Kills At Least Four Civilians in Helmand Air Strike
The NATO problems with civilian killings in
Afghan fury after Nato troops open fire on bus full of civilians, killing four people
International troops opened fire on a bus carrying Afghan civilians today, killing four people and setting off anti-American protests by furious locals.
Witnesses said the bus, which was travelling in
The shooting left another 18 people wounded, 12 of whom were taken to a military hospital.
Contractor Deaths Accelerating in Afghanistan as They Outnumber Soldiers
Of the 289 civilians killed since the war began more than eight years ago, 100 have died in just the last six months. That's a reflection of both growing violence and the importance of the civilians flooding into the country along with troops in response to President Obama's decision to boost the American presence in
The latest U.S. Department of Defense numbers show there are actually more civilian contractors on the ground in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unfortunately, we are probably looking at the number of both civilian and military deaths accelerate in
'No guarantee' British troops in Afghanistan will able to have their say in UK election
British soldiers serving in
Justice minister Michael Wills has admitted there is 'no guarantee' ballot papers filled out on the battlefield will reach the
Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, threatens to block Nato offensive
The president of
Karzai threatened to delay or even cancel the operation — one of the biggest of the nine-year war — after being confronted in Kandahar by elders who said it would bring strife, not security, to his home province.
Webmaster's Commentary:
How Karzai intends to delay or cancel the operation is a really good question, but the fact that he even made that statement is a very clear indication that Karzai has perhaps had a moment of clarity about the long-term effects of the US/NATO occupation.
This was is, and has always been, unwinnable militarily, 9 horrendously bloody years on.
At the end of the day, the
That potential early exit of US and NATO troops may very well have to be before the pipelines can be installed with which to control Eurasian oil.
This scenario has the
If Karzai has gotten it into his head that foreign troops must leave sooner rather than later (unless he gets "neutralized" by the West, which is a very definite possibility at this point), he will do that to achieve the best reconciliation possible with all factions of Afghan society, including the Taliban.
At that point, the
That administration thought that the price demanded by the Taliban was "too high". Then, we had 9/11, followed by the invasion and occupation of this country, which has left the actual installation of those pipelines no closer to reality than it was in August of 2001.
Afghan president Hamid Karzai 'mental stability' questioned
Afghan president Hamid Karzai's "mental stability" is in doubt,
In an interview with a US cable television network Peter Galbraith, the former UN deputy head of mission in Afghanistan described Mr Karzai as "emotional" and "off balance," and called for President Obama vastly to limit his power to appoint officials until he proved himself a reliable partner to the US.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It didn't take long for that to happen!
The question is, however, just what Obama can actually do about Karzai at this point, other than attempt to have him "neutralized", which is a distinct possibility at this juncture.
As Tensions Grow, US Alleges Karzai ‘Drug Abuse’
Tit-for-tat mean spirited allegations seem to be the order of the day as the relationship between the Obama Administration and Afghan President Hamid Karzai continues to worsen. The latest allegation, coming from former
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if Karzai is on track to get "neutralized" by the
Such a move may well mean a renewed Afghan government insistence on a rapid draw-down of foreign troops in
Perhaps the best example of such CIA influence via drug traffickers today is in Afghanistan itself, where those accused of drug trafficking include President Karzai’s brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai (an active CIA asset), and Abdul Rashid Dostum (a former CIA asset).4 The drug corruption of the Afghan government must be attributed at least in part to the U.S. and CIA decision in 2001 to launch an invasion with the support of the Northern Alliance, a movement that Washington knew to be drug-corrupted.
In this way the
White House Won’t Say if Karzai Is Still an Ally
Speaking today on the growing rift with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, White House Press Secretary refused to answer direct questions of whether or not the
Webmaster's Commentary:
"..democratically elected leader of
One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at that statement, given the horrendous amount of fraud which took place in this "election" in order to keep Karzai in office.
However, that no one in the
Karzai could well demand a withdrawal of US and NATO troops way before Afghanistan can be "pacified" to the point where the pipelines can be installed with which to control Eurasian oil, and that's a very scary thought for the people who would, theoretically, have profited from this.
Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians
(Uruknet) – Remember this from May of last year?
Wikileaks, the scourge of governments from
Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, threatens to block Nato offensive
The president of
Karzai threatened to delay or even cancel the operation — one of the biggest of the nine-year war — after being confronted in Kandahar by elders who said it would bring strife, not security, to his home province.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Between Karzai's reluctance and the potential loss of the Manas air base in
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