Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mercredi 31 mars 2010

Vidéo: Alex Jones blast CNN et leur dit leurs quatre vérités!


Vidéo: Alex Jones blast CNN et leur dit leurs quatre vérités!

Je salue la fougue et le courage de dire les choses telles qu'elles sont alors que l'élite et les médias tentent tout pour démoniser le mouvement pour la vérité et de dissidence politique en les associant faussement à des violents extrémistes et terroristes qui incitent à la violence. Qui a vendu les mensonges menant aux guerres du Moyen-Orient? L'élite et les médias. Avec quel résultat? La mort de centaines de milliers, sinon de millions de personnes innocentes, de gens comme vous et moi.

Pas besoin de vous dire que la pièce d'entrevue n'a jamais été mise en onde par CNN!!!

Alex Jones Behind the Scenes of CNN’s Attack Piece

Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYE5hcS_x5M&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukWGnph1PIs http://www.infowars.com/ In this important interview, Alex Jones shows us what goes on behind the scenes of the CNN attack piece apparently set on demonizing tea parties and pro-Constitutional movements as "violent". Alex instantly recognize the attempt to demonize him personally, as well as to discredit other grassroots political movements by the tone of the producers questions. The interview, filmed on Friday, was set-up by Anderson Cooper's producers, but so far hasn't aired. Was Alex too controversial, or will excerpts of the footage be used in a future segment? We don't know for sure, but all that Anderson Cooper's program showed on Friday in connection with the alleged "violent" tendencies was Sarah Palin and John McCain. Regardless of what CNN chooses to air in the future, or how they might distort Alex's responses, here is a record of what really happened. It was filmed on a pocket camera, and no audio of CNN's questions is available, but Alex Jones' responses are all here, as he denies their attempt to frame his influence over talk radio and in documentary films as connected with "violence" "anarchy" or other such demonized terms. Alex calls out CNN for their complicity in "violence" through the promotion of the Iraq War-- which resulted in more than 1 million dead Iraqi civilians, including women and children. Alex dares CNN to mention over the airwaves the fact that Anderson Cooper was admittedly in the CIA and is part of the elite Astor family, or the fact that CNN reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 more than an hour ahead of attempt, likely in response to an early Reuters wire report. Yet, no retraction has been made. Whether or not Alex's strong response to the attempts at painting political dissent as "violent" terrorism will ever be aired or not remains to be seen.

CNN Attempt To Portray Patriots As Terrorists Backfires, Segment Fails To Air

A CNN Anderson Cooper segment which was set to demonize critics of big government and Obamacare as violent extremists backfired after radio host Alex Jones pointed out that corporate media outlets like CNN were responsible for killing over a million Iraqis as a consequence of their repeated lies about weapons of mass destruction.

Jones was invited for an interview on Friday to appear later that evening on Anderson Cooper 360, but the segment never aired, presumably because CNN program chiefs were so embarrassed at Jones’ proficiency in exposing how corporate news networks owned by the military-industrial complex were a far deadlier threat than any of the menagerie of domestic “extremists” CNN has sought to demonize in recent weeks.

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings


CNN continued what has become a precipitous decline in ratings for its prime-time programs in the first quarter of 2010, with its main hosts losing almost half their viewers in a year.

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