Documentaire: War Promises - Par NuoViso
Documentaire: War Promises - Par NuoVisoUn superbe documentaire sur le 9/11 qui discute des évidences démontrant l'implication des services secrets dans les attaques. Ensuite, le documentaire explique les conséquences mondiales en terme de guerres entrainées, d'Iran, Israël, des politiques étrangères des États-Unis, de la Palestine, des armes à uranium appauvri. On y survole aussi le sujet des armes nucléaires, de l'armement et encore plus.
NuoViso: "War Promises" (Full lenth documentary)
Millions of people believe that evidence proves that Western intelligence services organized the hideous attacks on
Distrust in Western governments grows as the wars of aggression waged by the
911-War Promises
Millions of people believe that evidence proves that Western intelligence services organized the hideous attacks on
Distrust in Western governments grows as the wars of aggression waged by the
That morality and ethics long ago stopped playing a part in political decision-making is shown by the use of internationally outlawed weapons in all the wars NATO has started. At best, one has heard of “depleted uranium” after seeing the film “Deadly Dust” by award-winning Frieder Wagner. But even that film is systemically blocked out and banished, although, or perhaps because, it shows the horrific consequences of the use of these uranium weapons.
Among those aghast at the actions of NATO and the complicity of
What they don’t know is explained in the film “War promises” by insiders and whistleblowers. Annie Machon was a spy with the British MI5 and reports on false flag operations, as do Andreas von Bülow and Jürgen Elsässer, who possess enormous insider knowledge from their membership of the parliamentary committee supervising the secret services, and want to bring it to the public.
Eight years after 9/11 millions of people have linked up through the Internet to jointly rebel against this criminal system. What was still dismissed as a wild conspiracy theory until just a few month ago is now regarded as proven, raising the question how we, the people, handle this situation, in which those who govern us have on their minds anything but our well-being.
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