Documentaire: Le monde selon Monsanto
Documentaire: Le monde selon Monsanto
Ne manquez pas ce documentaire choc sur les OGM et Monsanto à la conquête du monde avant que leurs avocats ne finissent par le retirer de la circulation. Ensuite, visionnez le très instructif vidéo sur le processus de la consommation des ressources naturelles et de la religion de la consommation en général. Génial!
~The World According to Monsanto
"The world according to Monsanto"
Monsanto is siccing their lawyers on every web page that has shown this movie. YouTube has already yanked it under threat of lawsuit. This link may be one of the last places you can see this movie before it is banned.
bande annonce film Monsanto
by rue89
Our whole economy depends on ripping raw materials out of the Earth, shaping into cheap junk, and then burying it all again in landfills as soon as it becomes unfashionable.
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