Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

dimanche 6 avril 2008

Ex-Pharma représentante parle / Environne-mentalisme, nouvelle religion d'un nouvel âge

Ex-Pharma représentante parle / Environne-mentalisme, nouvelle religion d'un nouvel âge

VIDEO - Ex-Pharma Sales Reps blows whistle

Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age


This video highlights the connection between the environmental movement and those who are striving to bring about a new system of control to the world.

Also be sure to check out part II of this video, titled 'Environ-Mentalism II: Means to an End'.

The Global Warming Myth - Dr Noah Robinson - Telecosm 2007


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