Émission de L'Autre Monde du 7 février 2008: Primaires aux É-U et fraude électorale
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 7 février 2008: Primaires aux É-U et fraude électorale
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L'Autre Monde 7 février 2008
60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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- Tour du monde avec Les Nouvelles Internationales.
- Criminalisation de la pensée: loi H.R. 1955 aux États-Unis, et dossier élections et fraude électorale.
- Sabotage des câbles de communications sous-marins au Moyen et Proche-Orient, explication de la situation.
Sources des informations discutées lors de l'émission:
American Conservative magazine endorses Ron Paul
The presidential fields of both parties have narrowed, and the arguments about how we should move forward are now familiar. TAC believes that only one candidate has put forth a diagnosis of
Alabama Republican Assembly Endorses Ron Paul for President
The ALRA is an affiliate of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), known as the Republican Wing of the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan once referred to the NFRA as “the conscience of the Republican Party.”
"Congressman Paul best represents the Republican platform and the conservative values of limited government and personal freedom"
National Presidential Caucus Announces Results From First-Ever National Caucus
Washington, DC (December 12, 2007) -- On December 7,
Barack Obama wins over Democrat voters generating 40% of Democrat Caucus voter preferences. Obama was followed by a three-way tie for second, with John Edwards, Bill Richardson and "Undecided" each generating 20% of Democratic Caucus preferences.
On the Republican side, Ron Paul obliterated the field for the GOP generating the preference of 50% of GOP Caucuses. Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson follow, generating 33.3% and 16.6% of Republican Caucus preferences, respectively.
Among votes in Open Caucuses, Ron Paul wins with 62.5% of Open Caucus votes, followed by Barack Obama (18.75%), Fred Thompson (12.5%), and Hilary Clinton (6.25%).
Results were tallied from 19 independently formed Caucus groups (Republican, Democrat, and Open) that met on Friday, December 7th,
Bypassing the networks, bypassing VNS, bypassing the riggers; blogger to blogger. Stay tuned!
Kick Them All OUT! - Nothing will change until WE do!
An idea whose time has come!
For Candidates, Web Is Power And Poison
"The pool of negativity is much bigger, and it spreads virally," said Mindy Finn, chief online strategist for former
Only if we hate your ideas.
The Voice of the White House for June 7th 2008
Nearly all of these polls are up for hire
“You all have read about the various opinion polls being taken on a regular basis. Nearly all of these polls are up for hire. If someone wants to prove that dogs are wonderful, the pollsters go through their files, locate the names and other data on pet owners, members of the SPCA or animal rights groups and poll them. Naturally, a massive support for animals, and dogs, is the predictable result. "
We in the White House have a special poll that comes in via the DISA system. It is not designed for propaganda purposes but for realistic and very accurate input. These polls are ongoing and appear to be devastatingly accurate.
I have gotten the results from the last eight polls and am consolidating them here for your interest.
Support for the President’s policies 32%
Support for the President as a person 12%
Support for Christian values 65%
Belief in the Rapture 5%
Support for creative design 11%
Support for science/evolution 72%
Support for the Iraqi war 22%
Support for
Belief in the Holocaust 15%
Note: The last figures are very interesting, considering the tidal waves of fictive propaganda daily dumped on the American public. It is obvious that most Americans do not like Jews and really don’t stay awake at night, frantic to protect and defend

How Big Corporations Choose 'Your' Candidates
Take a look at the faces of those who prefer to play ball, who profess change while offering no new or original or bold thinking. Look at those who want to continue to bomb (spend), invade (spend), sanction (spend) or otherwise occupy foreign countries (spend & spend some more). These happy shape-shifters have the official Tribune sanction and it doesn't really matter who wins among them, whether Democrat or Republican.
Unfortunately at this time in
The only possible exception to this is Ron Paul, which is why he is being ostracized and marginalized out of the process.
By John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
Fraude électorale:
YouTube - New Hampshire Primary - Sham Chain of Custody
We are going to keep pounding on this. The elections are rigged. The recounts are rigged. The government has not been legally elected, but has stolen their offices so that now they s\can steal our money and our children.
Election Officials Confrim that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor, and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day.
From The Programmer's Mouth: How The 2000 Election Was Fixed
Clinton E. Curtis, ex-programmer tells all during a Congressional hearing on voting fraud. In October 2000, Curtis was asked by Tom Feeney (R), then Speaker of the House in
The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus
National Election Survey Reveals Interesting Stats
National Election Survey Reveals 3.2 Million Uncounted Ballots in 2006 Elections
The report provides a table showing the number of ballots that went uncounted by state (see the middle column in the table at right). For example, in
California's testing cracks ES&S evoting system wide open
Previous Red Team tests commissioned by the state of
Vote Fraud in
by James J. Condit, Jr.(published in the November 1996 edition of Chronicles Magazine)
James J. Condit, Jr. is the director of the Cincinnatus Political Action Committee and Precinct Project Institute in Cincinnati,
Bev Harris: Iowa Caucus Had Vote Fraud
I received numerous emails from Iowans who had participated in the Caucus, and they were reporting Ron Paul wins in the rooms they voted in.
There is only one cure for vote fraud. Tar and feathers!
Republicans form a new plot to rig the 2008 election
In the long, hot autumn of 2000, the world was shocked by the contempt for democracy shown by the Republican Party. They knew their man had lost the popular vote to Al Gore by half a million votes. They knew the majority of voters in
Today, that contempt for democracy is on display again. In
New England voting machine firm has executive criminal record
Hajjar doesn't limit his involvement in the voting machine business to sales. According to an interview conducted by Dori Smith, as reported here: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=5320, Hajjar totes memory cards around in the trunk of his car and defends the boggling concept of swapping out memory cards during the middle of elections.
NEW: YouTube Video : LHS Associates
Destruction of Evidence - Ohio's 2004 Presidential Ballots
Overall this blatant destruction of evidence only reinforces the widespread belief that the 2004 election was stolen.
The "Granny Warriors" held a Press Conference today at 1:30 PM to declare they had raised enough money from Ron Paul supporters to pay for the NH Recount.
This means BOTH the Republican and Democratic votes will be recounted. Of course, there will be an attempt to rig the recount, like they did in
So, total visibility at all points in the process. None of this "You wait here and we'll bring you a random sample of the ballots to check the totals with" crap they pulled in
Tar and feather the first vote counter you catch cheating. The rest will suddenly discover that honesty really is the way to go.
Help Defend the Integrity of Our Voting System
Dennis Kucinich is trying to get a recount of the Democratic primary votes in
Who won the ABC Republican Debate in New Hampshire?
Who won the ABC Republican Debate in
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
You voted: Ron Paul
This is not a scientific survey, click here to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to rounding and voting descrepencies.
Kucinich Asks for New Hampshire Recount in the Interest of Election Integrity
If he puts it THAT way then I would be worried that the people who rigged the election will also rig the recount (as they did in
It amazes me to see the abject cowardice on display by the mainstream media as they scratch their heads and wonder why the exit polls were so far out of skew in
Demand Corporate Media Cover Vote Fraud Story
If there were ever a time to chase corporate media people down the streets with tar, feathers, and ropes, now is the time to do it. The talking heads openly admit that the exit polls in New Hampshire don;t match the official results, but even though it was the mismatched exit polls in Ohio in 2004 that exposed massive vote fraud there (and fraud in the recount as well), the talking heads are too timid to make the obvious connection here. They are more afraid of their corporate and political masters than of their audience and that is a state of affairs guaranteed to bury the truth of what is going on.
Exec at NH's Diebold Vote Counting Firm Convicted of Narcotics Trafficking
Does the Secretary of State of
Okay, a convicted drug trafficker counts 80% of the NH vote, and here ...
... we see Hillary posed before the White House Christmas tree with
Any questions?
Votefraud Obama and Paul in New Hampshire? - It would only be history repeating
The world is puzzled by the sudden surge of Hillary Clinton in
Media Struggles To Whitewash Clinton Vote Fraud Suspicions
Professor offers new excuse - claims Hillary overturned a 13 point deficit because her name was higher on the ballot
"and, and, and, there was a full moon! And, and, her hair style won over the undecided, and, and, and, and ... people like a crying candidate... yeah, yeah, sure, sure, that's it. There was no vote fraud. Honest!"
Brentwood - Diebold location - had the Dem results, but no Republican results as of 11:53 pm (polls closed at 7)
Chesterfield - Hand count location - no results as of 11:00 pm
Derry - Diebold location - no results in as of 11:42 pm
Fremont - Diebold location - no results in as of 11:48 pm
Greenfield - Hand count location - no results in as of 11:52 pm
Hampton - Diebold location - results in on time, but I flagged this because every Dem candidate had a result divisible by 5 and for Republicans, Huckabee 217, McCain 1217, Romney 1217, it just looked weird. So much for my statistical capabilities.
Hollis - Diebold location - results not in as of 11:54 pm
New Ipswich - Diebold location - results not in as of 10:52 pm
Newton - Diebold location - results not in as of 10:58 pm
Pelham - Diebold location - results not in as of 10:56 pm
Temple - Hand count location - results not in as of 11:26 pm
Winchester - Diebold location - results not in as of 10:46 pm
McCain was declared the winner by several networks 17 MINUTES after the polls closed. Same thing I wrote about in my last column. With a few precincts "reporting" or "projected," it's all over - even before the bulk of ballots are "counted" by the machines. What a farce.
Fox News - Media Control over election process
Fox News - Media Control over election process Good thing we still have PBS.... Fox News Corp... (more)
Added: January 05, 2008
Good thing we still have PBS.... Fox News Corp - this may be the best explaination as to why Ron Paul was excluded from their debate, even after beating Rudy in

"Word Has It" - Dennis Kucinich Will Be Filing For A Recount In NH
Remind the recounters that the recounters in
YouTube - "Ron Paul left out of CNN pie chart" 08 Jan 08
Chris Matthews: Raw EXIT POLL Data 'Indicated Significant Victory' for Obama in NH
MATTHEWS: So what accounts for Hillary Clinton's victory in
Okay folks, write MSNBC an email and tell them exactly what is going in here. They already know it, they just need to understand that We The People know exactly what happened in
... and that we are royally pissed off about it.
NH Race: The OSCE consider an exit poll discrepancy to be prima facie evidence of tampering
Recount Efforts For New Hampshire - Paul Must Act
It would appear that only Dr. Paul can make this request to the Secretary of State and there's a short time frame.
All those extra Democratic ballots?
This stinks to high heaven!
Ron Paul Votes Not Counted In New Hampshire District
Major allegations of vote fraud in
Keep in mind that We The People do NOT have to prove the election is a fraud. The burden is on the government to PROVE to us all that the election by which they claim lawful authority over the people is honest, accurate, and fair. Absent such proof, We The People are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's dictates, fight its wars, or pay its bills.
And as far as I am concerned, the credibility of the 2008 elections is already in the toilet.
I believe that there's a line attributed to Joseph Stalin, which I'm paraphrasing here; it's not the voters who count, it's the people (and/or the machines) who count the votes that matter.
The American people have to wake up and demand a paper trail for every vote, at every level of the political process in this country.
Otherwise, there will never be such a thing as an honest voting system in this country again, period, end of discussion.
Ok, so by now we all know vote fraud has been confirmed in Sutton, NH. They recorded zero votes, but now they've admitted that Ron Paul received 31. Also, there was a ton of suspicious activity last night. How about Hillary's lawyers intimidating Obama and Ron Paul poll workers, and kicking some of them out, or how about the "other" category for the dems in one of the precincts having a ridiculous number of votes dumped into it, very suspicious!! I mean NO ONE thought Hillary was going to win, and she comes back and BEATS Obama in
As far as I am concerned, the election of 2008 is already discredited.
If a government cannot PROVE the honesty and accuracy of the elections by which they claim authority over the people, then the people are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's dictates, fight its wars, nor pay its bills.
John Silvestro and his small private business, LHS Associates www.lhsassociates.com , has exclusive programming contracts for ALL New Hampshire voting machines, which combined will count about 81 percent of the vote in the primary. And as to Super Tuesday and beyond: Silvestro also has the programming contracts for the states of
Clear Evidence Of Widespread Vote Fraud In New Hampshire
There were several major vote fraud issues to arise out of the New Hampshire primary revolving mainly around Ron Paul and Barack Obama, who were both seemingly cheated out of third and first places respectively as a result of rigged Diebold voting machines and deliberate malfeasance in the counting of hand-written paper ballots.
Table Comparing Machine vs Hand Counts
As was the case in 2000, 2004, and 2006, hand counted precincts match the polls, while electronic voting machines are showing a clear skew.
NH Primary: Giuliani Gets 9.11% In Three Towns
Ooooooh, spooky! 9-11 9-11 9-11! Betcha ABCNNBBCBS doesn't mention THIS!
New Hampshire Primary - ALL Diebold, ALL the Time
“…The actual computer voting machines were introduced on a grand scale in
How New Hampshire Patriots Will Expose the election Fraud
I can smell it all the way out here in
Reddit corners election fraud market
Do NH Primary Statistics Show Election Fraud?: Clinton Received A 4.5% Boost In "Diebold" Towns
Some more statistics from the data shows that Obama in non-Diebold towns garnering 38.7% of the vote to
Republicans Rumble in N.H. Debate
Dr. Ron Paul
***** Ron Paul Rising
Here is the Alexa graph showing traffic to the official websites of the two candidates.
Ron Paul's traffic is the blue line.
Rudy's is the red line. It may be hard to see it because it's sort of merged with the black line at the bottom of the chart.
RON PAUL 4409 -- ( BUSTED ) -- Proof the polls are rigged!
More people going to Ron Paul's website than to CBS News
Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
Click here to listen to the MP3 interview with Daniel Estulin.
Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Investigative reporter Daniel Estulin has gone further with his bombshell revelation first voiced last week that political insiders are considering a plot to assassinate Ron Paul, today identifying the Neo-Con camp as being behind the potential hit.
See Israel to kill on U.S., allies'' soil.
Glenn Beck Show Scrolls Paul Is Dead Message During Interview
Ron Paul, muffled by Fox, wows Jay Leno
Introducing his guest as "a long-shot maverick," Leno said, "I'm trying to figure out why Fox News chose not to put you on."
"You know," Paul replied, "we tried to find that out. But they didn't return our call."
Ron Paul has been categorized with the Ku Klux Klan, brothel owners, and Skin Heads. He has been called practically every name in the book. Conservatives and liberals alike rail against Dr. Paul in a manner never seen before in modern politics. Again, why does the Establishment hate him so much? I'll tell you why.
The Establishment hates Ron Paul because his honesty and integrity expose the rest of them for the moral reprobates they are. Their own conscience cannot bear the sight of him. His very presence condemns them. Their personal greed and ambition cringe at the very thought of Ron Paul. If Dr. Paul became President, the Gig would be up! It would be Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday at
Was Ron Paul Threatened Or Warned???
To the ruling Zionists Ron Paul is the devil and must NEVER see the Oval Office. But what concerns me is how this "interview" ended and I quote Tim Russert, "Be safe on the campaign trail". Was this a veiled threat? Knowing how Zionists operate, I would say so for they will attempt anything to achieve their goals.
Ron Paul supporters protest his exclusion from FAUX NEWS forum
Ron Paul supporters on
Sean Hannity Flees Angry Ron Paul Supporters
A group of Ron Paul supporters gave Sean Hannity a piece of their minds about FOX News' exclusion of Paul from its forum. Just as I've always suspected he would, bullyboy Sean Hannity turned chicken and fled.
Has The Ron Paul Effect Sunk Rudy & Hillary?
Ron Paul supporters have mixed views on whether the Congressman's 10% showing was a success or not, but the larger issue in the aftermath of the Iowa caucus has to be the question of whether the Ron Paul effect has sunk the presidential aspirations of the top two Neo-Cons in the race - Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton.
Ron Paul's 10% In Iowa Shocks Establishment Media
Ron Paul's double digit support in
Ron Paul on Larry King 1-3-08 (UNAIRED VIDEO)
Who would you vote for in the
Joe Biden | 1% | 70 |
Rudy Giuliani | 1% | 81 |
Hillary Rodham Clinton | 6% | 524 |
Mike Huckabee | 2% | 141 |
Chris Dodd | 0% | 13 |
Duncan Hunter | 0% | 7 |
John Edwards | 3% | 267 |
Alan Keyes | 0% | 14 |
Mike Gravel | 0% | 25 |
John McCain | 1% | 68 |
Dennis Kucinich | 2% | 200 |
Ron Paul | 79% | 7067 |
Barack Obama | 4% | 382 |
Mitt Romney | 1% | 64 |
Bill Richardson | 0% | 25 |
Fred Thompson | 0% | 34 |
Total Votes: 8982 |
This is not a scientific poll
Posted January 3rd, 2008
YouTube - Ron Paul TV Special for Iowa - pt. 1
Ron Paul TV Special for
Ron Paul TV Special for
The Web Takes Ron Paul for a Ride
The Mainstream Media finally realizes that they do not have a lock on choosing the candidates.
YouTube - Donate Today! Dec.16thRon Paul on Mad Money w/Cramer
Paul campaign balloons as cash keeps rolling in
Ron Paul, the GOP presidential contender from Lake Jackson, used to be a low-budget kind of guy, flying commercially to reach campaign stops and buying campaign supplies at Sam's Club.
But now, flush with cash from an impressive online fundraising operation, the maverick Paul has upgraded his operation. He now crisscrosses the country on private charter jets. And avid supporters have even rented a blimp to spread the word about the "Ron Paul Revolution."
Ron Paul hits $15 million mark for 4th quarter
Ron Paul's Realtime Donation Graphs and Statistics for Q4
Today, we face a greater enemy than that confronting the Sons of
If the elections are rigged, if the people demand peace and yet are taxed to pay for war, then once again we have taxation without representation.
City going after Ron Paul signs
Ron Paul collectin fans, big money
Those who dismissed Rep. Ron Paul as a joke in the Republican presidential primary campaign aren't laughing so hard these days.
His name is scrawled in colored chalk on sidewalks across campus. You can hardly walk through the MUB without passing somebody wearing a button or t-shirt with "Ron Paul '08" on it. Some are afraid he'll be the next Ralph Nader, leaking votes from other major candidates; or claim he is this generation's Ross Perot. Others say he's the only "real" candidate, one who truly speaks his mind and votes his conscience.
Complaints Flood CNN After Beck Smears Ron Paul Supporters As Terrorists
Neo-Con and ex-Marxist demonize founding fathers, Ron Paul supporters as terrorists in outrageous attack on free speech, urge use of U.S. military against domestic enemies, anti-war left, libertarians, talking points have roots in September 2006 White House strategy document, demands for retraction flood CNN, sponsors boycotted
At around 3:00 Susan Estrich states "...Ron Paul, on that theory, is not going to be president." to which Shepard Smith replies "How do we know he's not going to be president?" and Susan then replies "Yeah, we'll fix that one."
You may have to listen a couple times to pick it up, because Smith keeps talking right over Susan, but she does in fact say "We'll fix that one" in response to Shepherd's "How do we know he's not going to be president?"
Re: treason
Paul Rivals Clinton, Raising Almost $20 Million for Campaign
Presidential candidate Ron Paul raised almost $20 million for his campaign in the last three months, potentially outpacing every one of his Republican rivals and putting his fundraising in league with Hillary Clinton's.
The Ron Paul (Fundraising) Revolution
Move over John Kerry, the best single-day primary fundraising record no longer belongs to the prodigious money-collecting machine of the man who won the 2004 nomination.
Ron Paul is now the champ.
Kerry collected $5.7 million on one day in 2004.
Paul collected more than $6 million Sunday. And, unlike Kerry who raised his money from big donors on the day after he won the key primaries that secured him the Democratic nod, Paul is raising his money when it could actually help his quest for the Republican nomination.
The way to get big money corruption out of government is for the little money to band together with one purpose in mind.
And it looks like it just did.
Columnist: Paul exposes 'over-hype' of Internet's place in politics
Despite Paul's record one-day $4 million fundraising haul and a spate of recent media attention, the congressman's online triumphs won't mean much when real world primary ballots are tallied, according to a column in Roll Call by political insider Stuart Rothenberg.
Just keep telling yourself that, bub.
There are two things going on with Rothenburg's article. First, of course, he is "Pre-selling" the rigging of the primaries to get Paul out of the race in time to allow other manufactured issues to replace the war in the voters' minds. But in order for the vote fraud to be less obvious, Rothenburg has to convince you that Ron Paul doesn't really have the support he appears to. Fat chance.
Behind that is another agenda, which is that the mainstream media has arrogated to itself the role of king maker in our society. No candidate can rise to power without the blessing of the mainstream corporate media, and the media rests its power and wealth on that foundation. But the longer Ron Paul survives and the higher he moves, the more obvious it becomes that the mainstream corporate media is no longer the master of the gates to power. A Ron Paul victory means an end to the days when the mainstream media picks our candidates for us.
Of course, the fly in the ointment is that the mainstream media also gets to count the votes in the elections. The key newspapers and TV networks OWN THE COMPANY THAT ACTUALLY TALLIES THE VOTES. It used to be called Voter's News Service, now it has another name, but it's the same old scam. And this is a key point about our national elections most Americans still do not understand. There is no government or civilian oversight over this privately-owned company that counts the votes for Congress and the President. None.
The good news is that while vote fraud can swing results a few percentage points (as we saw in 2000 and 2004) but it cannot reverse a landslide, especially with the voters being as suspicious of vote fraud as American voters currently are. If Ron Paul wins big, all the vote fraud in the world cannot change that without making it too obvious. Vote fraud was not able to help John Howard.
We have a chance to really change things in this country; maybe the last chance to do so peacefully.
Paul: Iran attack on Israel, illusion
The 72-year-old politician made the remarks as Israeli officials are stepping up their war rhetoric against
Ron Paul also made it clear that he would cut the 'billions of dollars' in annual aid
He gets my vote.
Ron Paul Dismantles the Establishment
There was a time when smears from a Bill Kristol or the New York Times could destroy someone, but that time is long gone. Today, Ron Paul supporters and potential supporters--and all young people--get their information from the internet, and not from a mouldering sheet like the Times, let alone a neocon talking head.
La censure des médias et attaques vicieuses sur Ron Paul :
The Official MSM Guide To Attacking Ron Paul
We in the main stream media all know that Ron Paul cannot win the presidency because of his extremist views. Given this fact, it is important we don't allow him the same media coverage as our preferred candidates. It is true that we must give him some coverage, but it isalso true that we must adhere to the 'Mass Media Ron Paul Rule' when giving him coverage during this campaign season. Generally, the 'Mass Media Ron Paul Rule' can be summed up in two words:
Marginalize him.
Here are some wonderful tactics to utilize when applying the 'Mass Media Ron Paul Rule:
Fox News Editing Ron Paul out of AP News Stories
It is getting that blatant out there, people!
5. Except as provided in this agreement, you may not copy, reproduce, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, rent, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, repost, perform, display, or in any way commercially exploit the Materials carried on this site, nor may you infringe upon any of the copyrights or other intellectual property rights contained in the Materials. You may not remove or alter, nor cause to be removed or altered, any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices or visual marks and logos from the Materials.
Did FOX TV violate the AP terms of use when it edited the story to remove Ron Paul's name?
New York Times apologizes for article claiming Ron Paul is a White Supremacist
New York Times apologizes for article claiming Ron Paul is a White
Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack on Ron Paul.
First and foremost I think it’s important to point out to the reader that Bill White isn’t considered to be a real “white supremacist,” by most white nationalists, in fact, most white nationalists think he’s a Jew and openly refer to him as William Weiss, agent provocateur.
Tara Thai, Ron Paul and White Supremacists: FEC Report Data
Look, this business about Ron Paul meeting with white supremacists at the Tara Thai restaurant of Arlington,
Closer examination of Ron Paul's visits to the Tara Thai restaurant show that his visits fall evenly on all days of the week, not the Wednesdays claimed by Bill White.
In addition, others have confirmed that it is the Sala Thai, not the Tara Thai, where the supposed white supremacists meet on Wednesdays.
Bill White's smear job crumbles, and leaves in its wake a new public awareness of the forces arrayed against Ron Paul and the depths they will sink to in order to subvert democracy.
FLASHBACK: Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant
Posted in light of the Bill White smear of Ron Paul.
Reports are that Bill White, who is mentioned briefly in this story, was the original organizer of the rally, then handed it off to David Gletty.
Given the apparent link from members of White's organization to Megaphone, the Israeli propaganda network, I felt it was worth reminding people that this is hardly the first time the people the government tells us we are supposed to be afraid of turn out to work for the government.
Member of so-called Nazi group accidentally reveals his connection to known Israeli propaganda network.
Commander of American Nazi Party says Ron Paul is secret white supremicist
Desperation on the cusp of madness.
Let's see what they do about the fact that The Clintons accepted a $20,000 donation from a known cocaine smuggler.
What with the pathetic and desperate attempt to link Ron Paul to White Supremicists on the basis of a $100 donation, I figured it's time to dish up some real dirt, like the $20,000 the
When all else fails start name calling.
Folks, here is what is happening, as seen from the point of view of the mainstream media. The mainstream media (and the CIA assets running it) has for decades arrogated the selection of political candidates to itself. The mainstream media, not satisfied with owning the company that actually counts the votes in national elections, also chooses who will and will not be allowed on the ballot. From this power, the mainstream media extorts from the government its prestige and wealth.
Just one example is the way in which the government has removed all the former laws banning any one media company from owning a majority of the media in any given market. Those laws existed to preserve a diversity of opinion in our culture, but prevented the formation of gargantuan media empires. So, the word went out that the media would not view as a "serious candidate" any politician who opposed repeal of those laws.
So, on its ability to pick and choose the candidates long before We The People ever enter a voting booth rests the power and influence of the mainstream media.
Until Ron Paul came along.
Ron Paul's ascendancy, powered by the internet, is a full-on broadside into the core of the mainstream media's power. The longer Ron Paul lasts and the higher he moves, the more it becomes obvious that the mainstream media does NOT have a lock on who will or will not be a candidate. If Ron Paul gets to the convention, the mainstream media will have lost control of the American electoral process. No longer will they be able to go to candidates and say "play ball with us or you don't get out of the starting gate, bub!"
It is for this reason, even more than concern over who gets to be President, that lies behind obvious attempts to destroy Ron Paul such as this article. Ron Paul is a direct threat to their self-anointed role as king makers in our nation.
Of course, the same is also true of AIPAC. Their power is based on the illusion that no candidate can move forward without their blessing, which is why we see Congress so willing to sell out We The People for
Re-read this article.
Smell the fear?
Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters
“The quotations in The
Vicious Ron Paul Hit Piece Scrapes The Barrel Of Yellow Journalism
On Tucker Carlson's MSNBC show yesterday, The
Paul Supporters Out-Shout Clinton’s
YouTube - Ron Paul on Jay Leno (Jan. 7 2008) - Part 1 of 2
Ron Paul on Jay Leno
Ron Paul on Jay Leno (Jan. 7 2008) - Part 1 of 2
Hillary Clinton:
The Fraudulent Senator: A Seven Part Series
Hillary in her Senate campaign committed one of the biggest fund raising frauds in
So Hillary lied to the FEC (in several filings) and vastly under reported the amount of SOFT money that Peter Paul had spent, even after being provided exact documentation from Peter Paul on how much massive money he spent to throw the fundraiser. If Hillary had been honest, she could not have spent perhaps $400,000-500,000 dollars of HARD money in the final days of her 2000 Senate campaign, which definitely would have hurt her efforts to GOTV on things like mailers, TV and radio ads and phone calls.
Hillary Clinton Whitewater & the Chinese
Hillary 'smoking gun' video released
Hillary - Blood money - Arkansas scandals dating back
Hillary - Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (1of2)
Hillary - Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (2 of 2)
Hillary - The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See!
Hillary and Bill are street criminals.
Hillary Campaign Frauds Exposed
Hillary Clinton Exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary Clinton's views on going to war, Saddam, & WMD
Hillary Clinton....BACKGROUND... YOUTUBE - 01/05/07
Hillary Uncensored Rough Cut Trailer
Hillary, a misogynist "feminist,"
Hillary Clinton Voted to Continue Cluster Bombing Civilians
Obama loves his Republicans. He makes an open pitch for GOP voters in his stump speeches, even as he calls them out in his stump speeches, saying he can beat Mitt and Rudy and Huckabee. At a town hall in
"They don't poll Ron Paul, but I can beat him too."
"They don't poll Ron Paul, but I can beat him too."
"They don't poll Ron Paul, but I can beat him too."
"They don't poll Ron Paul, but I can beat him too."
FLASHBACK: Obama see, Obama do!
And in recent speeches, Obama tweaked his pro-Israel rhetoric to echo the recent drive by the Israeli government and pro-Israel groups to insist on recognition of
This article, posted on the Canadian Jewish News website, offers some illuminating insight on Obama, his relationship with AIPAC, and his relationship with
It is interesting that he supports the notion of
Voters in this country need to take a very hard look not at which candidate for President will be the best for
Rudy Giuliani:
Rudy Giuliani TV Ad "Ready"
Giuliani, the Manhattan Institute, and Eugenics
There's a fundamental question about the Giuliani as Hitler controversy nobody seems willing to ask let alone answer. Does comparing Giuliani to Hitler demean the Holocaust if Giuliani is in fact a modern day exponent of Nazi-like ideas on race?
Giuliani Snuck 2,000 Boxes of Records Out of New York's City Hall
Let's see how his campaign responds to this. The AP reports that, while NY government only allows a former mayor to keep a few token gifts when they clean out their desks, Rudy Giuliani would have needed several U-Hauls to remove all the paperwork he whisked out of City Hall, Gracie Mansion and other offices. That doesn't square with his claim that he believes in "open government." Or maybe it depends on the meaning of the word "open."
John McCain:
Scottsdale AZ Straw Poll 80% for Ron Paul!! Votes were almost stolen!!
Suddenly, a group of McCain supporters took the box to count the votes without anyone noticing but us! My Husband John followed them. They went to a corner to count the votes and John jumped in to help count. They informed him that they did not need his help. He pushed his way into the group and let them know that he too would be assisting with the counting. They chose reluctantly not to argue! My husband is a cowboy and was not taking no for an answer. The pile of votes for Ron Paul was so high, that the pile kept falling over onto the John McCain pile. Of course no one was going to recount them but John. He had to keep grabing the McCain pile to separate all the Ron Paul votes from it! It was obvious that they did not intend for him to be there helping! Thank goodness he was there.
To my mind, this disqualifies McCain as a candidate. If he cannot keep his own people in line, he sure as hell can't run an entire country!
McCain no friend to POW families and has backstabbed them every step
"Larry was shot down on September 30, 1968. They closed his case in 1978. In fact, John McCain, who is a very dangerous and violent man, was the driving force behind closing all the POW files, classifying records in order to keep the truth from the families and the American people," said Van Rensaleer this week from her home in
McCain: I would have started Iraq war regardless of WMD
"It's not American presence that bothers the American people, it's American causalities," said McCain in an interview with Tim Russert on NBC's "Meet The Press" on Sunday.
The validity of this conjecture is questionable, as fifty-nine percent of Americans say the
Read this.
McCaine should have been kicked out of Congress, not be running for President.
That Huey Long of Arkansas -- Now He's Going Down, Too?
One almost pities them. Every time Republicans start narrowing their choice of presidential candidates, they get the head handed to them by the vulturous press or some antagonistic, oppo-research operation. So they move on to the next Great White Savior, only to witness another beheading.
And it's starting to look like when all is said and done, they'll be left, through a savage attrition process and by sheer default, with the one candidate they largely like the least: John McCain.
OK, the media and AIPAC have apparently decided they want you to want McCain. Here comes the giant shove down your throat (or into some other orifice).
McCain Online Fundraising Up 500 Percent This Week
Lieberman and Kissinger sign on, and the cash starts flowing? I wonder if it is lots of little donations, or just a few big ones?
Mike Huckabee:
Huckabee Exposed as New World Order Puppet
Mike Huckabee recently named Richard Haas (the President of the CFR) as his advisor on foreign policy. CNN's WOLF BLITZER asked "Who are your principal foreign policy advisers, Governor?" Mike Huckabee responded: "Well, I have a number of people from whom I get policy. I'm talking to Frank Gaffney, I talk to Richard Haas"
In the weeks leading up to the well-publicized Huckabomb, I saw multiple newscasters mention/promote Mike Huckabee's "independent grassroots" money raising day of December 27th. This, in response to Congressman Ron Paul's 2 (two) outrageously successful MoneyBombs of Nov. 5th and December 16th in which he raised more than $10 million dollars in 2(two) days. Mike Huckabee's money day was termed a "huckabomb" by the Dept. of Originality of the Huckabee campaign staff.
Unlike Huckabee's, soon to be called, Huckabust, Dr. Paul's first MoneyBomb was never discussed by the Main Stream Media (MSM). Yet, he raised nearly $4.4 million that day by the internet savvy of his grassroots supporters.
Dr. Paul's 2nd moneybomb of December 16th, only mentioned a slight bit more in the MSM, netted $6 million dollars. Once again, from a growing group of nationwide supporters who mainly found out about Dr. Paul on the web.
In the 4th Quarter, Dr. Paul, to date has raised $18.8 MILLION DOLLARS. That is an average of $189,000 per day.
The Hucka "FAILURE" Raised a WHOPPING $95,000. That is: Ninety Five Thousand Dollars.
Romney :
Romney Won't Spill the Beans on His Mormon Faith
Many evangelicals believe and have said publicly that Mormonism -- contrary to Romney's assertions -- is not a Christian religion but an abomination of Christianity. Here's a sampling of why: Mormons believe that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri; that Jews were the first people in America; that Indians descended from Jews and are a lost tribe of Israel.
How long 'til "the wall" starts getting built here in the
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