Émission de L'Autre Monde du 25 novembre 2007: Taser, changement de paradigme de pensée et la révolution intérieure, Action de grâce et actualité
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 25 novembre 2007: Taser, changement de paradigme de pensée et la révolution intérieure, Action de grâce et actualité
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Pour comprendre la situation avec les Tasers, imaginons que la police aurait descendu 18 personnes par balles depuis 2001, et plus de 150 juste l'année dernière aux États-Unis. Méchant scandale que vous vous dites?
Le truc, c'est que c'est les mêmes chiffres, mais avec une nouvelle arme obscure, nouvel outil de répression/ torture qui est possiblement mortel. C’est la deuxieme arme après le fusil dans l’échelle graduée de l’arsenal policier. Ça devrait être une arme employée en dernier recours, lorsque toutes les autres possibilitées d’intervention ont été épuisé, mais le Taser est utilisé par la police comme si c'était un tue-mouche ou un jouet. On n'hésite pas à électrocuter la victime à plusieurs reprises juste pour montrer qui est le boss, sans être physiquement menacé, on électrifie femmes, hommes, vieux et enfants, paraplégique et personnes en fauteuil roulant ou avec les menottes et des personnes déjà maîtrisées, alors que cette arme devrait être traitée comme un fusil réel qui est juste la classe sous le fusil dans l'échelle des méthodes policières pour gérer et maîtriser une situation ou un suspect.
Ceci couplé à la militarisation matérielle et psychologique de la police (état policier), ceci n'est vraiment pas de bonne augure. On enseigne à la police que les civils doivent être contrôlé de façon de plus en plus physique et brutale. D'ailleurs, une quantité assez déconcertante de corps policier reçoivent des formations privées de firmes comme Blackwater par exemple, qui travaille avec le Pentagone en fournissant des services de sécurité, de mercenaires privés autant en Iraq qu'en amérique et le reste du monde, et qui est au coeur d'un scandal pour massacrer des civils iraquiens sans raisons. On abat par prévention. Nous sommes, dans leur vision cauchemardesque, l'ennemi à maîtriser, à soumettre, dociliser devant l'autorité fachiste de ceux qui GÈRE.
Il faut aussi considerer le fait que c’est une évolution de la poussée technologique et de son adaptation aux desseins des maniaques du pouvoir et du contrôle. Elle est une nouvelle façon technologique de torturer, mais améliorée: On vante les bienfaits du Taser; il ne laisse pas de traces! C’est une porte d’entrée pour les prochaines formes de technologie qui peuvent être utilisé contre la population, c’est-à-dire, nous.
Un cas notable et celui de l’Active Denial System. C’est une genre d’antenne satellite comme les soucoupes de Bell Express Vu, mais en plus grand et monté sur un véhicule, et qui a une porté de 750 mètres. Si on se trouve dans le champs d’action du rayon émis, qui est en fait un puissant jet de micro-ondes ayant le même effet que votre four à micro-onde traditionnel: l’eau et le sang se trouvant juste quelques millimètres sous votre peau commencent à bouillir instantannément, créant la sensation intolérable d’être en feu ou en train de bouillir et pousse la victime à vouloir arrêter la sensation immédiatement et se disperser. Il y a des vidéos disponibles qui montrent des gens qui ont essayé l’ADS et il est évident que la sensation semble assez violente par la façon dont les gens se propulsent sans délais hors du champs d’action.
Mais maintenant, qu’arrive t-il si la personne ne peut pas physiquement, pour une raison ou une autre, s’enlever du champs d’action? Ou pire encore, si elle est utilisée comme arme de torture sur une personne attachée? Sachant que la torture est maintenant légale aux États-Unis, et qui est pratiquée par une panoplie d’autres états dictatoriaux et répressifs dans le monde, n’y a t-il pas lieu de s’inquiéter sérieusement sur l’introduction de ces nouvelles armes technogiques dans notre société, mise entre les mains de gens qui ne semble plus avoir de sens moral et éthique, vu la façon elles sont utilisées et, et se révélant clairement à travers les événements de Montebello où l’on a constaté concrètement que la police semble devenir un outil de contrôle social tourné contre la population qui la finance et qui est sensé recevoir sa «protection»; avec une mentalité policière militarisée de plus en plus évidente dans la vie quotidienne qui prône non pas l’idée de protéger le publique et d’être un agent de la paix au service de la population, mais plutôt de maîtriser rapidement l’ennemi par tout les moyens nécessaires.
Pensez à ça deux secondes: les gens qui voulaient manifester leur mécontentement à l’élite corporative et financière, qui elle était réunie avec nos chers politiciens cet été à Montebello pour faire avancer leur projet d’unification nord américaine sous le couvert du PSP, ont vu le déroulement de troublants événements quand on a pris des agents de la police déguisés en manifestants pour faire de la casse et utiliser la violence (en concert avec le traitement de cette fausse histoire dans les médias de masse qui a pour but de démoniser et discréditer les manifestants et leur message dans la population) pour discréditer les manifestants dans l'esprit de la population. On paie ces gens pour nous protéger mais en fait ils nous infiltrent pour causer du trouble et ensuite justifier la violence policière et les arrestations de masse. N’y a t-il pas là un problème majeur, un menace très sérieuse à nos libertés, notre sécurité et démocracie???
Un autre problème est le fait qu’on a pris la police à nous mentir en pleine face. À propos des événements de Montebello, ils nous disaient qu’ils n’avaient rien fait d'inapproprié et ensuite, grâce aux manifestants et les gens sur Internet, on a nous-mêmes, gens du peuple, démasqué les trois policers de la SQ et
Ensuite le cas du polonais abattu à l’aéroport de Vancouver qui a fait scandal dans le monde entier où on a pris
Non seulement ils utilisent cette arme de façon criminelle, mais ils mentent en plus au peuple qui payent leur salaires.
Alors voilà qu’on a la compagnie Taser International et les corps de police qui nous disent que le Taser n’est pas dangeureux et même utile, alors que c’est que c’est eux qui font de l’argent avec le Taser et qui s’en serve contre le public, qui lui ne semble pas être d’accord avec cette pratique. Mais on ne nous écoute pas alors que c’est nous qui payons et nous qui recevons les chocs électriques.
D’ailleur un comité des Nation Unies a déclaré que le Taser cause une douleur aigüe et constitue une forme de torture. Et n’oubliez pas que 3 hommes dans la vingtaine ont ainsi été tué aux É-U la semaine dernière et 3 au Canada durant les 5 dernières semaines.
Three-quarters of people hit with RCMP Tasers were unarmed
Sun Nov 18, 2007
A Canadian Press analysis of Taser incidents reported by the Mounties reveals that more than 79 per cent of those zapped were not brandishing a weapon.
In just over one-fifth of cases, the suspect had a knife, bottle, club or other weapon.
The figures, compiled from hundreds of partially censored pages filed by RCMP officers, highlight police preference for the 50,000-volt tool that helps them control dangerous situations with usually minimal injury.
Fox Host Says Dissenters Should Be Tased
Kilmead laments that people who confront politicians aren't "beaten to a pulp," as establishment continues to sell war on anyone who disagrees with authority.
At the very least this moron is arguing that people who don't agree with the government should be tortured, as tasers use pain as a tool, and given that some 150 people have died from this so-called harmless weapon, Kilmead is saying in effect that dissenters ought to be killed.
Tasers a form of torture, says UN |
The company that makes the weapons has said that similar deaths have been shown by "medical science and forensic analysis'' to be "attributable to other factors and not the low-energy electrical discharge of the Taser".
This will not stop
L'onde de choc du Taser
La video
BC man dies following altercation with police
Another death by taser
Inquiry launched into Taser death
Driver Tased For Asking Officer Why He Was Stopped
Man who refused to sign speeding ticket because he did not understand what it was is tased and arrested by officer who then refused to read him his rights.
Fox Host Says Dissenters Should Be Tased
Kilmead laments that people who confront politicians aren't "beaten to a pulp," as establishment continues to sell war on anyone who disagrees with authority.
At the very least this moron is arguing that people who don't agree with the government should be tortured, as tasers use pain as a tool, and given that some 150 people have died from this so-called harmless weapon, Kilmead is saying in effect that dissenters ought to be killed.
New High Tech Weapon to be used in Iraq! (microwave gun boils blood)
This is the same device claimed to be "harmless" but which in a recent demonstration inflicted $17,000 worth of injuries on one of the test subjects.
This is a torture device by any definition of the word. It is built to do one thing; inflict pain. It is no different in intent than the iron maiden or the rack.
The Constitution grants the right to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. This device is specifically designed to disperse assembled crowds by a government intending to ignore the will of the people as they plunge us into unending wars of conquest across the globe.
Brother Torquemada would have loved this thing! So would have Hitler.
http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2007/11/21/hi-tech-... /
American commanders in
But the plea for what senior army officers believe could prove a valuable alternative to traditional firepower in dangerous trouble-spots has so far gone unanswered.
The ADS can target crowds from 750 metres away
Advice: "How to be a better slave and avoid being Tased"
Of course, the problem with submission is that as the police learn that they CAN tase you with impunity, they will do so from time to time just because they CAN!
The bottom line was that the reason the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment was to hold tyrannical government at bay. And I think a police force wandering around randomly shocking people to death is the face of tyranny.
Ally of Bush Is Defeated in Australia
"I kept telling him; go with Diebold. They guarantee the results!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Liberal Party Pro-Terrorism Leaflet Scandal Grows And Grows As Federal Election Dawns
Controversy Linking
Red faces for Howard's party over fake leaflets
Australian prime minister John Howard's faltering re-election campaign was badly damaged yesterday by a last-minute scandal in which supporters were accused of a dirty tricks campaign that sought to show the opposition as terrorist sympathisers.
Latest word is that Howard has lost his own seat. The days of "Terror = votes" are OVER!
Another Prime Bush Ally Dumped-- Aussie Howard "Suffers Humiliating Defeat"
Mondialiser sans globaliser
Bush More Emphatic In Backing Musharraf
President Bush yesterday offered his strongest support of embattled Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, saying the general "hasn't crossed the line" and "truly is somebody who believes in democracy."
So let me get this straight: because Musharraf "truly is somebody who believes in democracy," he's done what, now?
Oh yes, he has demonstrated his belief in democracy by the following actions:
"Musharraf declared emergency rule, sacked members of the Supreme Court and began a roundup of journalists, lawyers and human rights activists. Musharraf's government yesterday released about 3,000 political prisoners, although 2,000 remain in custody, according to the Interior Ministry."
If this is what Bush truly means when he says that Musharraf "truly is somebody who believes in democracy", is this the kind of "democracy" Bush would love to see instituted in the
Be afraid: be very afraid.
Bush press man: we lied, and lied, and lied
Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan (right) is ready to blow the lid off the Bush administration with an astonishing admission that not only did he lie for his masters, but was told to do so by President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Bush chief of staff Andrew Card, chief political adviser Karl Rove and Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby. That's a potential Royal Flush in terms of
"Natalie Holloway, O.J., Paris Hilton, Natalie Holloway, O.J., Paris Hilton, Natalie Holloway, O.J., Paris Hilton, Natalie Holloway, O.J., Paris Hilton, and, and, and, Dog Chapman says the N-word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -- ABCNNBBCBS
What is worth noting is that this story is getting wide press coverage in the foreign press, and virtually none (outside the blogs) inside the
What is Happening to the NY Times? Not One Single Word About McClellen's Bush Bombshell
Former White House Press Secretary Scott McLellan caused quite a ruckus Tuesday with the startling (but certainly not surprising) revelation that his former bosses instructed him to outright lie to the American public over the Valerie Plame CIA leak case.
But where the hell is the NY Times on this story? Nowhere. Incredibly, not one solitary word in Wednesday's newspaper. This is a huge bombshell with monumental ramifications--criminal behavior on the part of Bush, Cheney, Rove, Libby, Card-- which could and should finally take down this corrupt, disgraceful administration. Could be the biggest political scandal since Watergate. And how is it covered by the Times? It's not.
Folks, the mainstream media stood by Bush while he told his lies to start a war. And now they are stuck. They cannot report on those lies now without condemning themselves as liars, because NOBODY is going to believe that news media corporations with budgets in the hundred-millions and staffs in the thousands all missed the obvious signs of deceptions that the spare-change-budget blogs all pointed out.
And this is why the New York Times won't report on anything negative about Bush (or Clinton). They can't. They cannot tell the truth now after so many lies because it will make the lies even more obvious.
Cancel your NY Times subscriptions. Avoid it at the news-stand. We learned only a few days ago that the New York Times doesn't print anything without White House permission.
The so-called liberal Mainstream Media? Try to find the McClellan revelation in todays liberal bastions, Washington Post or the New York Times.
As I pointed out below, the mainstream media cannot report on the fact that the Bush White House lied without admitting they were party to that lie. But there is another aspect at work here.
It is impossible to report on any aspect of the Valerie Plame case without getting back to those forged documents used to claim that Saddam was buying uranium from
Amnesty Warns ISAF Over Afghan Torture Report
NATO forces in
It said the fact that the torture and mistreatment reports were now so widely circulated made the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) members in effect complicit when they handed over detainees.
Afghan prisons: What Ottawa knew
Although large sections of the more than 1,000 pages of documents and messages between
First, that despite working hard to create the impression of careful follow-up in monitoring of detainees, efforts have been hampered by a chaotic and unreliable Afghan system in which scores, perhaps hundreds, of detainees have vanished.
Second, in the months prior to public allegations of abuse and torture, there was compelling evidence of terrible conditions in Afghan prisons. In addition to routine reports by diplomats citing widespread torture and abuse, Canadian officials were also delivering first-hand accounts showing how grim the prisons were.
If Baker's meticulous account is to be believed, what happened on that gentle English hillside was murder most foul, carelessly dressed up to look like suicide.
Refuse to Comply with the National ID card
This week's story about the loss of financial information for millions of British taxpayers underscores that government cannot be trusted with your personal data. It isn't that the data was stolen, but that the government wasn't even taking basic precautions with it. The disks were unencrypted, and sent by regular mail!
Now passengers need ID to travel within Britain
The move will effectively establish a highly controversial internal border within the
Watch for such a system to become championed by the current
Military Asks Wounded Soldiers To Return Portions Of Signing Bonuses
The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their commitments.
To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $
Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back.
You have to wonder where, in the enlistment paperwork, it is explicitly stated that if you cannot fulfill your time of service due to injury due to military service, you have to return your enlistment bonus.
This is unconscionable and despicable, adding insult to the injuries these men and women have experienced in their service to their country.
Meet the women who won't have babies - because they're not eco friendly
There will always be a population problem because sex is so MUCH more fun than dying, no matter what the video games show to the contrary.
French prosecutors throw out Rumsfeld torture case
Sarkozy delivers
Zogby Analyst Says Ron Paul Strongest Contender to Beat Hillary
Observez bien la popularité en hausse fulgurante de popularité de Ron Paul par rapport aux autres candidats dans la course à la cheferie aux États-Unis.
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