Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

samedi 24 mars 2007



Voici les dernières nouvelles à propos de l`Afghanistan. Pour le moins qu`on puisse dire, ça ne va pas bien du tout. Les seigneurs de la guerre et de la drogue contrôlent tout le pays à l`exception de la capitale Kaboul, la terreur reigne, nos soldats sont vus comme des envahisseurs et participants à l`occupation de leur pays, la sécurité et la liberté sont en pire état qu`il y a six ans avant le début de l`aggression, les Talibans reprennent le pouvoir dans le sud, l`uranium appauvri continu de ravager l`ADN de toute forme de vie, la torture est pratique normale et quotidienne dans les prisons des "sauveurs occidentaux", les attaques ont triplé depuis l`année dernière, l`opium cultivé atteint des sommets records (plus de 90% de la production mondiale) et l`ancien consultant de la pétrolière Unocal, Karzaï, qui est à la tête du gouvernement afghan, a nommé 13 commandants des différents groupes reliés aux seigneurs de la guerre et de la drogue à des postes de haut niveau au sein du gouvernement.

Et qui paie pour ça? Les canadiens, qui sont en grande majorité contre notre participation en Afghanistan, ont été forcé de déboursé 4 000 000 000$ jusqu`à maintenant; et dès cet été, c`est les 1900 soldats québécois qui seront déployés qui vont constituer la majeure partie des 2500 soldats canadiens présents là-bas.

Pour connaître tous les détails sur le sujet de notre présence en Afghanistan ainsi que sur cette guerre d`occupation criminelle et immorale, veuillez consulter l`excellent site de:

Collectif Échec à la guerre

Collectif Échec à la guerre

Table des matières

Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?

by Michel Chossudovsky

September 21, 2006 GlobalResearch.ca

The United Nations has announced that opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has soared and is expected to increase by 59% in 2006. The production of opium is estimated to have increased by 49% in relation to 2005.

The Western media in chorus blame the Taliban and the warlords. The Bush administration is said to be committed to curbing the Afghan drug trade: "The US is the main backer of a huge drive to rid Afghanistan of opium... "

Yet in a bitter irony, US military presence has served to restore rather than eradicate the drug trade.

What the reports fail to acknowledge is that the Taliban government was instrumental in implementing a successful drug eradication program, with the support and collaboration of the UN.

Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban's drug eradication program led to a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.

The Vienna based UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that the 2006 harvest will be of the order of 6,100 tonnes, 33 times its production levels in 2001 under the Taliban government (3200 % increase in 5 years).

Cultivation in 2006 reached a record 165,000 hectares compared with 104,000 in 2005 and 7,606 in 2001 under the Taliban (See table below).

Multibillion dollar trade

According to the UN, Afghanistan supplies in 2006 some 92 percent of the world's supply of opium, which is used to make heroin.

The UN estimates that for 2006, the contribution of the drug trade to the Afghan economy is of the order of 2.7 billion. What it fails to mention is the fact that more than 95 percent of the revenues generated by this lucrative contraband accrues to business syndicates, organized crime and banking and financial institutions. A very small percentage accrues to farmers and traders in the producing country.

(See also UNODC, The Opium Economy in Afghanistan, http://www.unodc.org/pdf/publications/afg_opium_economy_www.pdf , Vienna, 2003, p. 7-8)

Strikes on U.S., Afghan forces up fourfoldr

U.S. and Afghan officials say the results to date have been very disappointing, predicting 2007 and 2008 would be the most violent years in battling the insurgency since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled the Taliban in early 2002.

"We do have a problem," said Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Thanks, Lt. General Eikenberry, for your magnificent grasp of the obvious.

And if Musharraf in Pakistan loses the army to very fundamentalist elements in his country, it's all over.

Remember: Pakistan does have nuclear warheads.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) estimates that Pakistan has built 24-48 HEU-based nuclear warheads, and Carnegie reports that they have produced 585-800 kg of HEU, enough for 30-55 weapons. Pakistan's nuclear warheads are based on an implosion design that uses a solid core of highly enriched uranium around a plutonium trigger, and requires an estimated 15-20 kg of material per warhead. According to Carnegie, Pakistan has also produced a small but unknown quantity of weapons grade plutonium, which is sufficient for an estimated 3-5 nuclear weapons.

US military: Afghan leaders steal half of all aid

And this is why the US is determined to be sending another 10.6 billion tax dollars to these folks with absolutely no oversight as to how is is spent??

Forgive me, folks, but there seems to be more than a little disconnect here.

Bombings triple in Afghanistan in 2006

Someone please tell me again how magnificently things are going in Afghanistan, so many years after the original invasion.

'Smart' rebels outstrip US

In a bleak analysis, senior officers described the fighters they were facing in Iraq and Afghanistan 'as smart, agile and cunning'.

The world's only superpower is in danger of being driven back by a few tens of thousands of lightly armed irregulars, who have developed tactics capable of destroying multimillion-dollar vehicles and aircraft.

NATO forces shoot Afghan child, run over another

Afghan children die as US drops one-tonne bombs

Don't Go!

The Ballad Of Ho Chang

An animation a classic anti-war story


Wulf Zendik wrote Don’t Go, a moving and graphic anti-war tale, in 1969 during the Vietnam War. When it was first released, it was published in newspaper form by both the Los Angeles Free Press and the London International Times. Arol also published Don't Go as a booklet, which was distributed nationally by Doubleday Press. In New York City, radio stations played readings of it over the air on Moratorium Day, with the Doors’ "The End" behind it.

Don’t Go has had a huge impact. Anti-war activists across the U.S. and the world xeroxed and distributed it throughout the underground press, and Wulf received letters from all over—from soldiers in Vietnam, and from those who stayed out of the war—thanking him for understanding what they were up against. Wulf also sent a copy of Don't Go to Erich Maria Remarque, author of All Quiet on the Western Front, thanking him for his tough inspirational book, which turned Wulf against the insanity of war at a very young age. Remarque replied with a warm letter of gratitude, citing the power of Don't Go.

Don’t Go has been translated into 5 languages and has won several international awards. Revel and Kyro have now animated this classic work of art, making its message all the more immediate and powerful.

10/13/06 - Video - Runtime 10 Minutes

Thanks To Zendik for the production of this video

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