Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

lundi 24 décembre 2007

Réchauffement climatique? L'autre côté de la médaille

Émission de L'Autre Monde du 16 décembre 2007

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Il a aussi question du réchauffement climatique sur l'émission du 28 octobre 2008, et la section de l'émission s'y rapportant commence à 38min 30sec.

- 28 octobre 2007: Cette semaine, on fait notre tour du monde habituel de l'actualité mondiale, on touche au dossier de la santé, et plus particulièrement d'une nouvelle cure pour le cancer qui semble être prometteuse, et ensuite on débale rapidement le sujet de la torture utilisée par les États-Unis et ses tortionnaires alliés. On fait aussi un retour sur le réchauffement climatique, question de tout mettre en perspective.


Voilà le dossier tant attendu sur le réchauffement climatique. J'en ai souvent discuté ici sur LNI et sur l'émission L'Autre Monde, alors je vais me passer de longs commentaires. Tout ce que j'ai à dire c'est que dans le corps de ce texte vous trouverez des articles qui sont écrits par environ 500 scientifiques, météorologistes, climatologistes, géologues, la NASA, des tonnes d'études et d'analyses, des explications sur les phénomènes naturels comme le réchauffement des autres planètes du système solaire et les 3 millions de volcans sous-marins qu'on a découvert tout récemment, sur le changement des pôles magnétiques, des articles qui expliquent comment les ères glacières commencent et les très sérieux indices qui nous indiquent que nous nous dirigeons en fait vers cela, des articles scientifiques qui expliquent pourquoi le CO2 n'est pas une forme de pollution et ne cause surtout pas le réchauffement climatique (il est en fait un bloc essentiel constituant la vie sur Terre et augmente en quantité dans l'atmosphère après qu'il y ai eu un réchauffement du climat; plus il y a de CO2, plus il y a de plantes et d'arbres et plus il y a d'oxygène, ce qui est très bénéfique pour la santé) et beaucoup plus.

Cet article LNI sur le réchauffement climatique contient plus de 20 pages de références solides pour mieux comprendre le phénomène objectivement, en dehors du traitement catastrophiquement biaisé des médias de masse. La guerre contre le terrorisme est l'idéologie (outil de contrôle) utilisée par l'élite nord-américaine (Rockefellers, CFR, CT, Bilderberg) et le réchauffement climatique est utilisé par l'élite européenne (Rothschilds, Bilderberg, royautés, etc). Les deux sont des outils de contrôle social puissants pour concentrer plus de pouvoir et de contrôle dans leur mains et maintenir l'ordre établi, tout en nous taxant
plus (on a déjà proposé publiquement de taxer le CO2 et de lever des taxes pour financer la guerre contre la terrorisme) et contrôlant plus nos vies personnelles.

La bonne nouvelle, car il faut dire que dans les médias de masse aucun débat n'est permis à propos de ces deux sujets, en dépit de fait que des gens à la pensée critique ont des informations, données scientifiques, climatologiques et géologiques contraires à l'idéologie dominante sur la scène médiatique, c'est qu'une quantité de gens grandissante se réveille et ils commencent à chercher la vérité
par eux-mêmes et trouvent une toute autre réalité que celle qu'on voulait leur faire croire.
La pollution et le réchauffement climatique sont deux sujets différents. Il n'y pas de consensus dans la communauté scientifique. Vous n'êtes pas les seuls à vous poser des questions. Ne vous sentez pas isolés, vous ne l'êtes pas du tout. Le débat et la pensée critique sont sains et important, pas la censure et la ridiculisation de tout argument contraire à l'idéologie dominante.

J'ai personnellement fait un sondage ici sur Les Nouvelles Internationales et les répondants ont répondu ceci:

**Que pensez-vous du réchauffement climatique?

(Les gens pouvaient voter pour plus qu'une réponse)

-Nous en sommes la cause principale

-C'est surtout dû aux cycles naturels et solaires

-C'est une combinaison des deux

-Il n'y a pas de réchauffement climatique

-Ce n'est qu'une tactique de peur pour imposer plus de taxes et de contrôle sur nos vies


Intéressant non?!!

YouTube - Another Global Warming Hoax exposed

Another Global Warming Hoax exposed


World's Top Scientists 'Manmade Warming' Is A Dangerous Lie

"One of the penalties for not taking an interest in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors". --Plato 400BC

U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

Over 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries recently voiced significant objections to major aspects of the so-called "consensus" on man-made global warming. These scientists, many of whom are current and former participants in the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), criticized the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.

Year of global cooling

Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world.

De-Facto One Child Policy Urged in Australia

COUPLES who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions, a medical expert says.

What did I tell you? The "Global warming is caused by humans" hoax is all about tricking you into surrendering more of your money and freedoms "to save the planet."

De-Facto One Child Policy Urged in Australia

Tamara McLean
Monday December 10, 2007

COUPLES who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions, a medical expert says.

The report in an Australian medical journal called for parents to be charged $5000 a head for every child after their second, and an annual tax of up to $800.

And couples who were sterilised would be eligible for carbon credits under the controversial proposal.

Bloomberg Calls for Tax on Carbon Emissions

I noted below in the article The deceit behind global warming that "global warming is just the latest scare mongering to trick you out of your freedoms and your money" and sure enough, along comes the current article to prove my point.

See also The Global Warming Scam

Green tax puts extra £1,000 on family cars

I told you; it's all a scam to justify taking more money from you.

From The Times

More Weather Station Shenanigans Media Won’t Report

Imagine that: the weather station in the hottest part of America is actually on a roof. Shouldn’t this be a wonderful feature in a potentially award-winning television exposé?

NASA Debunks Part of Global Warming Myth, Will Media Report It?

Is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration filled with climate change deniers?

Such seems likely to be alleged by hysterical alarmists in the press when and if they read a new study out of NASA which determined that "not all the large changes seen in Arctic climate in recent years are a result of long-term trends associated with global warming."

The distribution and size of the decrease suggest that Arctic Ocean circulation changed from the counterclockwise pattern it exhibited in the 1990s to the clockwise pattern that was dominant prior to 1990.

Reporting in Geophysical Research Letters, the authors attribute the reversal to a weakened Arctic Oscillation, a major atmospheric circulation pattern in the northern hemisphere. The weakening reduced the salinity of the upper ocean near the North Pole, decreasing its weight and changing its circulation.

"Our study confirms many changes seen in upper Arctic Ocean circulation in the 1990s were mostly decadal in nature, rather than trends caused by global warming," said [James Morison of the University of Washington's Polar Science Center Applied Physics Laboratory].

research conducted using the European Space Agency's satellites in November 2005 concluded

Satellite shows Greenland's ice sheets getting thicker

All down to more snow falling, it seems

While the edges of the glaciers are melting, the ice sheets in Greenland's interior are getting thicker, according to satellite data collected over the last 11 years. On average the ice sheets have got thicker by about six centimetres each year, the researchers say.

The researchers, based at Norway's Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), say that this is probably because snowfall in the region has increased, due to a weather pattern known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

The research was conducted using the European Space Agency's ERS satellites. These carry radar altimeters that send 1800 radar pulses to Earth each second, and record how long they take to return to the satellite. The sensor can time this journey down to the nanosecond, ESA says, meaning that the instrument is accurate to within two centimetres.

Magma May Be Melting Greenland Ice

Clues to a new natural contribution to the melt arose when scientists discovered a thin spot in the Earth’s crust under the northeast corner of the Greenland Ice Sheet where heat from Earth’s insides could seep through, scientists will report here this week at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

Over 100 Prominent Scientists Challenge UN Move For Global Carbon Tax

Consensus Shattered As Major Scientific Study Says Global Warming Is Natural

The so-called scientific consensus that global warming is man-made has been shattered with the release of a major new study backed by three universities which concludes that climate change over the past thirty years is explained by natural factors and that attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are irrelevant.

Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that temperature fluctuations over the past three decades are not consistent with greenhouse model predictions and more closely correlate with solar activity.

The report dismisses attempts to reverse global warming by reducing carbon emissions as ineffective and pointless.

Authored by Prof. David H. Douglass (Univ. of Rochester), Prof. John R. Christy (Univ. of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson (graduate student), and Prof. S. Fred Singer (Univ. of Virginia), the study appears in this month's International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Press Release Dec 10, 2007

Press Release from

Science & Environmental Policy Project

10 December 2007

Contact: Dr S Fred Singer, President, SEPP singer@SEPP.org 703-920-2744

Climate warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant.

Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that observed patterns of temperature changes (‘fingerprints’) over the last thirty years are not in accord with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability. Therefore, climate change is ‘unstoppable’ and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.

These results are in conflict with the conclusions of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and also with some recent research publications based on essentially the same data. However, they are supported by the results of the US-sponsored Climate Change Science Program (CCSP).

The report is published in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society [DOI: 10.1002/joc.1651]. The authors are Prof. David H. Douglass (Univ. of Rochester), Prof. John R. Christy (Univ. of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson (graduate student), and Prof. S. Fred Singer (Univ. of Virginia).

The fundamental question is whether the observed warming is natural or anthropogenic (human-caused). Lead author David Douglass said: “The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.”

Skeptical Scientists Urge World To ‘Have the Courage to Do Nothing' At UN Conference

"Climate change is a non problem. The right answer to a non problem is to have the courage to do nothing," Monckton told participants.

The climate is ALWAYS changing. It is never static. The Earth just came out of an ice age; of COURSE it's getting warmer. But snake-oil politicians have taken a natural phenomenon and turned it into a man-made disaster curable ONLY if you surrender your freedoms and your money to them.

Climate change hits Mars

Scientists from Nasa say that Mars has warmed by about 0.5C since the 1970s. This is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period.

Since there is no known life on Mars it suggests rapid changes in planetary climates could be natural phenomena.

Le réchauffement électrique de Saturne

Earth has had several cooling-warming periods

Recent recorded history has documented these warming-cooling periods: 600 to 200 B.C., cold period; 200 B.C. to A.D. 600, Roman Warming period; 600 to 900, the Dark Ages-cold; 900 to 1300, Medievel warming period; 1300 to 1850, Little Ice Age; 1850 to present, warming period.

These swings in the Earth's temperature can hardly be blamed on CO2 from coal-fired power plants and automobiles since during most of the above listed periods they didn't exist!

The Global Warming Scam

Global warming and melting polar ice caps are not just problems here on Earth. Mars is facing similar global changes, researchers say, with temperatures across the red planet rising by around 0.65 degrees over the last few decades. [Register] Neptune has been getting brighter since around 1980; furthermore, infrared measurements of the planet since 1980 show that the planet has been warming steadily from 1980 to 2004. As they say on Neptune, global warming has become an inconvenient truth. [World Climate Report]

NOAA Inflating Storm Numbers & Aiding Political Campaign for Carbon Restrictions

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is inflating the count of tropical storms and aiding a political campaign to regulate energy use in the process, according to The National Center for Public Policy Research.

Folks, this is all about tricking you into making do with less, so that the government and the rich can have that much more.

Ah, global warming!

Not since the grunge era and Brian Mulroney's days as prime minister has Canada experienced a winter quite as bitter as the one expected to creep in this December, Environment Canada forecasted on Friday.

We are having a very cool (for Hawaii) winter this year as well.

Goddard Space Flight CenterScience Question of the Week

How do underwater volcanoes affect marine life?

An exception to deep waters being cold are areas just above hydrothermal vents. These are fountains on the ocean floor that spout water as warm as 400 degrees Celsius (750 F). They form when seawater seeps into the Earth's crust and mixes with magma or lava from an underwater volcano.

Thousand of new volcanoes revealed beneath the waves

09 July 2007

NewScientist.com news service

Catherine Brahic

The true extent to which the ocean bed is dotted with volcanoes has been revealed by researchers who have counted 201,055 underwater cones. This is over 10 times more than have been found before.

The team estimates that in total there could be about 3 million submarine volcanoes, 39,000 of which rise more than 1000 metres over the sea bed.

Science et société -Allons-nous perdre le Nord?

Le géologue français Jean-Jacques Orgeval traque le pôle Nord depuis 10 ans. Il constate que le nord magnétique se déplace de plus en plus rapidement, ce qui lui fait croire que les pôles Nord et Sud pourraient s’inverser plus rapidement que prévu.

Is a New Solar Cycle Beginning?

extrait vidéo
[L'entrevue de Chantal Srivastava]
Ce lien s'ouvre dans un autre navigateur Perdre le Nord
Article du Devoir

Who Is Hoaxing The Global Warming Skeptics?

Someone is writing up fake reports claiming global warming is a fraud solely to sucker in global warming skeptics and discredit them.

Which means that the global warming cult is agenda driven rather than science driven.

World Must Fix Climate In Less Than 10 Years: UN

"But we'll fix it FOR you if you just give us your money and control over your life! Doesn't that sound nice"

An inconvenient Peace Prize

THIS YEAR'S Nobel Peace Prize justly rewards the thousands of scientists of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These scientists are engaged in excellent, painstaking work that establishes exactly what the world should expect from climate change.

The other award winner, former US vice president Al Gore, has spent much more time telling us what to fear. While the IPCC's estimates and conclusions are grounded in careful study, Gore doesn't seem to be similarly restrained.

The politician-turned-moviemaker loses sleep over a predicted rise in heat-related deaths. There's another side of the story that's inconvenient to mention: rising temperatures will reduce the number of cold spells, which are a much bigger killer than heat. The best study shows that by 2050, heat will claim 400,000 more lives, but 1.8 million fewer will die because of cold. Indeed, according to the first complete survey of the economic effects of climate change for the world, global warming will actually save lives.

Likewise, global warming will probably slightly increase malaria, but CO2 reductions will be far less effective at fighting this disease than mosquito nets and medication, which can cheaply save 850,000 lives every year. By contrast, the expensive Kyoto Protocol will prevent just 1,400 deaths from malaria each year.

While we worry about the far-off effects of climate change, we do nothing to deal with issues facing the planet today. This year, malnutrition will kill almost 4 million people. About 3 million lives will be lost to HIV/AIDS, and 2 1/2 million people will die because of indoor and outdoor air pollution. A lack of micronutrients and clean drinking water will claim 2 million lives each.

It IS a Peace Prize, not a science prize, that Gore was given.

Green Living">Demand for palm oil 'is damaging the planet'

Growing demand for Asian palm oil by some of the world's largest companies, such as Unilever, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble, is now one of the principal drivers of climate change, the environmental pressure group Greenpeace says.

"Ooooh, you icky humans; I just wish you would all die and leave the Earth in peace!"


Ever stop to think that changing the Earth is our NATURAL behavior? Beavers build dams, and so do we. Bees build hives, termites build mounds, ants build tunnels, and so do we. Why is it a bad thing for us to do, but not the other animals?

And don't start in that the animals do not damage the environment as much as man. Termites create methane, a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and the total biomass of termites is ten times that of humans.

Change IS the natural order of things.

The Carbon Credit Enslavement System

The push towards a global carbon credit mechanism continues to be one of the top agendas of the world elite. Despite the fact that numerous scientific studies have concluded that the entire solar system is getting warmer as part of a natural cycle, non-stop propaganda from the major corporate news networks continue to blame man made carbon emissions for planetary warming. In addition, the establishment media pushes unfounded claims that global warming will result in a myriad of environmental disasters. Despite the fact that man made global warming is a complete fraud, the world elite are selling fear as a way for them to bring in a world carbon credit enslavement system. This carbon credit system will be used as a funding mechanism to consolidate wealth into the hands of the big global corporations and to potentially fund regional and global governmental institutions.

The deceit behind global warming

No one can deny that in recent years the need to "save the planet" from global warming has become one of the most pervasive issues of our time. As Tony Blair's chief scientific adviser, Sir David King, claimed in 2004, it poses "a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism", warning that by the end of this century the only habitable continent left will be Antarctica.

Inevitably, many people have been bemused by this somewhat one-sided debate, imagining that if so many experts are agreed, then there must be something in it. But if we set the story of how this fear was promoted in the context of other scares before it, the parallels which emerge might leave any honest believer in global warming feeling uncomfortable.

I keep telling you folks; global warming is just the latest scare mongering to trick you out of your freedoms and your money.

The fossil and geological record is clear. The Earth is ALWAYS getting warmer and colder, in cycles. Earth just came out of an ice age. Of COURSE it is getting warmer. Right now we are warmer than the ice ages and colder than the Cretaceous period.

It is this idea that the planet can be locked into the current temperature that is UNnatural! One may as well flog the oceans to try to keep the tide from rising (and yes, some hare-brained King in ancient times did just that).

Gore: Ignoring Climate Crisis Akin to Appeasing Hitler

Comments like this underscore that the science has collapsed out from under Gore's "platform", and he has to resort to this kind of jingoisms to keep people scared and willing to fork over their "carbon tax."

Oceans’ Growing Acidity Alarms Scientists

Global warming is fizzling, so let's start hyping ACID OCEANS! And, and, and, we can charge an ACID TAX on all the people!!!!!!!!

Oil Doesn’t Come from Squashed Ferns and Fish??

In his later years, Gold challenged the belief, deeply held by American and British geoscientists, that oil is fluid concentrated from huge amounts of vegetation and animal remains that have been buried in the sediments over hundreds of million of years. Instead, he and many other geophysicists, most notably in Russia and China (5), for decades have been providing evidence that oil and natural gas are generated from hydrocarbon substances in the Earth’s crust that were “brought in from space when the Earth was formed.”



It's not Global Warming,
it's Ocean Warming

Warming Deep-Sea Temperatures Ended Last Ice Age
Study Validates My Theories
See Warming Deep-Sea Temperatures Ended Last Ice Age
Unrecognized Underwater Volcanic Activity

13 Jul 07 - Transform faults are not developing or behaving as
theories of plate tectonics say they should. The faults are often
segmented and show signs of recent or ongoing volcanism.
See Unrecognized Underwater Volcanic Activity
Three Million Underwater Volcanoes
9 Jul 07 - Researchers estimate that in total there could be about 3 million submarine
volcanoes, 39,000 of which rise more than 1000 meters over the sea bed.
See Three Million Underwater Volcanoes

Rivers of lava pouring into the seas at 2,150 degrees
- and we wonder why the world's oceans are warming?
18 Jun 07 - See Kiluaea rumbles with 260 quakes
Ocean around Japan warming fast -15 May 07
The ocean around Japan has warmed up faster than elsewhere in the world
over the last hundred years, Japan's Meteorological Agency said on Tuesday.
(More proof of underwater volcanoes heating the seas)
See Ocean Around Japan Warming Fast

Japanese scientists discover huge undersea lava plateau
9 Jan 07 - See Underwater Lava Plateau

Pacific Ocean gives birth to new volcanic island

9 Nov 06 - See New Volcanic Island Near Tonga
Underwater volcanic activity in the Atlantic stronger than anyone realized
(Guess what’s heating the oceans)

Underwater Volcanoes Heating the Pacific Ocean
27 Jul 06 - "A new type of volcano may be heating up the floor of the western
Pacific Ocean," says this article posted on National Geographic News and on Yahoo.
See Underwater Volcanoes Heating Pacific Ocean
Record hotspot found underwater - 26 May 06
Scientists working in the southern Atlantic Ocean have found a 407 °C hydrothermal
vent, the hottest yet known on an ocean floor.
See Record Hotspot
Underwater volcanic activity in Arctic Ocean
far stronger than anyone imagined

See Volcanoes in Arctic Ocean

Scientists Discover Major Underwater
Volcano Off Antarctic Peninsula

And we wonder why the ice around the Antarctic Peninsula is melting?
See Active Antarctic Volcano

Hydrothermal vents pumping 500-degree
water into Arctic Ocean

20 Aug 05 - See 500-Degree Water
Heat-loving bug found deep beneath the ice in Antarctic
lake provides evidence of underwater volcanic activity
- 30 Mar 06 –
See Lake Vostok
Enormous Hydrothermal Megaplume
Found in Indian Ocean

12 Dec 05 - The plume, pumping 760°F water into the ocean, is 43.5 miles long.
See Megaplume
Hot springs found in Norwegian Sea
11 Aug 05 – See Hot Springs

Underwater volcano grows 1,000 feet in five years
12 Apr 06 - See Nafanua

Volcanic eruption under ice sheet - 23 Nov 05 -
See Montagu Island

Popping rocks reveal multiple underwater
volcanoes off northern Mexico

27 Oct 2005 - See Popping Rocks
Underwater volcanoes pose tsunami threat
July 28, 2005 – See Tsunami Threat

Warmer oceans may be killing West Coast marine life
13 July 2005 - See Marine Life Threatened

Underwater volcano erupting 700 miles SE of Tokyo

July 3, 2005 - See Tokyo Underwater Volcano
Sea levels change faster than thought

20 April 2005 - See Sea Levels Change Fast

Underwater Volcanoes Erupting Simultaneously
All Over the World

14 Mar 05 - See Volcanoes Erupting Around World

More than 4,300 undersea earthquakes in five days

7 Mar 05 – See 4300 Undersea Earthquakes
Naturally occurring bubbles of liquid
carbon dioxide rising from ocean floor
8 Jun 04 – See Liquid Carbon Dioxide
Underwater volcano found off Antarctic coast

21 May 04 - See Antarctic Underwater Volcano
NASA confirms changing Atlantic currents

15 Apr 04 - "Whether the trend is part of a natural cycle
or the result of other factors related to global warming is unknown."
Rapid heating in the deepest waters of the Pacific Ocean
Underwater volcanic activity may be the culprit
See Rapid Warming in Pacific

Undersea eruptions killing billions of fish

4 Feb 04 - See Undersea Eruptions Killing Fish

Ice ages looked like El Niño
12 Jul 02 - See Ice Ages Looked Like El Niño

Here's an important study showing that
El Niño activity correlates with ice ages.
(Meyerson, Mayewski, et al., Annals of Glaciology 35: 430-436.)

The authors found that a shift toward cooler conditions during the Little Ice Age was concurrent with an increase in the frequency of El Niño events. This is contrary to what is generally predicted by climate models, where cooling leads to less El Niño activity and warming leads to more.

The findings were harmonious with the historical El Niño chronology of both South America and the Nile region, which depict "increased El Niño activity during the period of the Little Ice Age and decreased El Niño activity during the Medieval Warm Period.

This goes along with what I have been saying for years - that today's increase in El Niño activity is the precursor to an ice age.

We’ve forgotten that this isn’t the first time our seas have warmed. Sea temperatures also shot upward 10º to 18ºF just prior to the last ice age.

As the oceans warmed, evaporation increased. The excess moisture then fell to the ground as giant blizzards, giant storms and floods (Noah's Deluge type floods), and a new ice age began.

The same thing is happening today.

It’s not global warming, it’s ocean warming, and humans have nothing to do with it. Our seas are being heated, I believe, by underwater volcanism. Here’s why:

  • We are living in a period of vastly increased volcanism, said Dixy Lee Ray in her 1993 book Environmental Overkill, the greatest in 500 years.
  • Eighty percent of all volcanism (say experts at NOAA) occurs underwater.
  • Therefore, underwater volcanism should also be the greatest in 500 years.
  • Our seas, heated by underwater volcanism, are leading us directly into the next ice age . . . and we don’t even know it.
  • That's what El Niño is all about. Warmer seas send excess moisture into the sky, leading to increased precipitation.
  • Worldwide flood activity is the worst since before Christopher Columbus. In Poland, it's the worst in several thousand years. In the U.S., precipitation has increased 20 percent just since 1970. This is no coincidence.
When that precipitation begins falling in the winter, you have the makings of an ice age.

  • See "Global climate: no change" in the July 12 issued of Nature. Global climate 50,000 years ago was rather like that of today, the article says. Studies of fossilized trees in southern Chile reveal that the climate between the last two ice ages varied much as it does now. "Climate fluctuations closely resemble those we are experiencing now, including the 2--5--year spell of El Niño oscillations." http://www.nature.com/nsu/010329/010329-13.html

"Fiery birth of a new Pacific island!"

Lava and ash blasted through the surface of the Pacific Ocean and
plumes of steam and smoke rose thousands of feet above the ocean's surface.
See Kavachi Island
Carbon dioxide
If today's rising carbon dioxide are caused by humans, what
caused the dramatic rise in CO2 levels at the dinosaur extinction?
See Carbon Dioxide
No Global Warming
"Even with needed corrections, data still don't show the expected signature of global warming,"
says Dr. Roy Spencer, Senior Scientist for Climate Studies NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.
See http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/notebook/essd13aug98_1.htm

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