Émission de L'Autre Monde du 16 décembre 2007: La campagne pour attaquer l'Iran
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 16 décembre 2007: La campagne pour attaquer l'Iran
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- Réchauffement du climat ou réchauffement des océans? De nouvelles découvertes très intéressantes: les volcans sous les océans.
- Dossier santé: aspartame vs sucres naturels, Big Pharma et les vaccins- manipulations et corruption, le lien entre les tueries aux É-U et les anti-depresseurs. Ceci met fin à la saison automne 2007, on se retrouve le 13 janvier 2008!
Voici une liste de liens d'articles publiés dans les médias de masse et alternatifs depuis les dernières semaines concernat l'Iran. Maintenant que le rapport des 16 agences américaines du renseignement a été rendu public il y a deux semaines, le NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) à propos des activités des iranniens dans le dossier nucléaire, il a été révélé qu'on savait à la Maison Blanche et à Tel Aviv depuis au moins un an que l'Iran avait complètement arrêté son programme nucléaire en vue de produire une bombe nucléaire (La Russie et l'Iran vont plus loin en affirmant qu'il n'y a jamais eu de volonté ni programme nucléaire militaire même avant 2003). Ce que ceci signifie c'est qu'on nous a menacé depuis un an avec un prospect d'holocauste nucléaire, de 3e guerre mondiale et de catastrophe totale tout en démonisant encore plus les arabes et islamiques dans le processus... et c'était un autre mensonge. Tout comme celui utilisé pour nous vendre la guerre contre l'Iraq, avec la menace de bombe nucléaire et d'armes de destruction massive.
On manipule politiquement les renseignements des agences secrètes pour justifier les agendas guerriers qui profitent au complexe militaro-industriel, les banquiers et les compagnies de pétrole et quelques politiciens verreux qui n'hésitent pas à massacrer plus de 1 000 000 d'iraquiens depuis mars 2003 tout en polluant le pays de radioactivité (contaminé pour 4.5 milliards d'années) causé par les armes à uranium appauvri. Et on veut remettre ça avec l'Iran. Mais le rapport du NIE vient de saper toute la base et la campagne de terrorisation de la population par les gouvernements et les médias de masse qui s'en sont donné tout l'honneur d'en faire la propagande pour faire augmenter ses cotes d'écoutes avec des nouvelles sensationnelles.. mais fausses.
Faites juste vous promener et lire les titres des articles présentés ici et vous allez constater à quel point on nous a poussé encore une fois une guerre inutile et meurtrière contre un autre pays, l'Iran. Tout ça en sachant que c'était des mensonges. Ça fait au moins 4 ans qu'on sait que l'Iran ne cherche pas à produire une bombe nucléaire, alors que les papiers de Nixon montrent qu'on sait qu'Israël possède clandestinement des armes nucléaires depuis au moins les années soixantes. L'Iran est totalement en conformité avec toutes les exigences internationales et a signé l'accord de non prolifération nucléaire alors qu'Israël n'est pas signataire et n'est pas conforme avec les exigences internationales.
Et qui est le principal avocat pour la guerre contre l'Iran, qui a annoncé publiquement qu'ils ont déjà des plans de préparés pour attaquer, avec des bombes nucléaires s'il le faut, créant un vacarme de par le monde que l'Iran est une menace globale? Israël. Qui pousse les États-Unis à attaquer l'Iran en son nom et qui a fourni des données faussées au sujet de l'Iraq? Israël. Si Israël veut tant attaquer l'Iran, pourquoi ne pas le faire eux-mêmes? Qu'ils le fassent eux-mêmes, s'ils se sentent si menacé que ça. Mais ils feraient mieux de prendre note que la Russie a annoncé publiquement qu'une attaque contre l'Iran serait considérée comme une attaque sur la Rusie même. Oui, vous avez bien lu. Et les premières livraisons russes d'uranium enrichi pour activer la première centrale nucléaire pour produire de l'électricité sont arrivées en Iran cette semaine. Donc une attaque sur les installations de l'Iran serait vraiment désastreuse maintenant, en terme de pollution radioactive et dévastation sur la population civile du Moyen-Orient.
Alors voilà, à vous de jouer maintenant. N'embarquez plus dans ces campagnes de peur. Soyez informés!
La plus importante concentration navale de l’histoire contemporaine au large du Golfe arabo-persique
Neocons Told to Look for Reasons to Attack Iran
British newspaper the Sunday Telegraph claims that Members of the
We know precisely what the "cherry-picking" of intelligence created in
Gov't official: No 'smoking gun' on Iran
"Okay, you got us; we were just making it all up. Sorry. Won't happen again. Honest!"
IAEA in full control of Iran's nuclear program: Russia
Israel Still Pushing US to War on Iran
As for propaganda, it was decided during this meeting that a relentless campaign would be waged against the American report, but not by official Israeli agencies. It was agreed during the meeting that on official military and political levels in
The Israel Lobby and the War Party
Why should the Israelis be interested in peace, when war has been so good to them? War gave them their country to begin with: first against the British, then against the indigenous Arabs, then against the entire Arab world – all of whom they beat handily.
Israel, Cheney and Bush – What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
The information provided by McGovern citing yet another attempt by Cheney to involve US in yet another unjust, unnecessary and unconstitutional war is a monumental revelation in and of itself; but much more enlightening is the fact he points out that Cheney was aware of this impending NIE “very early this year.” What this implies is that Cheney knew this adverse, truthful and factual intelligence was being gathered and established, yet we are to believe the other members of the Cheney-Bush regime didn’t. Question: Did they or didn’t they know of this impending NIE so opposed to the administration’s foreign policy direction? It is more than likely that ALL in the administration knew about this coming NIE! Either they intended to squash and spike the report via the help of the MSM, or they figured Cheney’s arm twisting would succeed in the same manner as it did with
Israel fails to talk round U.S. on Iran - Minister
If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again!
Israel PM warns Iran can develop nuclear bomb by 2010
"There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE." -- Tell a Veev
Bush Demands Iran Explain Nuke Program
"There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE. There is no NIE." -- Official White Horse Souse
Global > Redress Information & Analysis">Israel and the USA plotting to attack Iran
US: Iran seeks nuclear weapons
US trains Gulf air forces for war with Iran
The American air force is working with military leaders from the Gulf to train and prepare Arab air forces for a possible war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.
An air warfare conference in
The question here is "when", not "if".
These morons in
And this time in history, it will be the
Report: Cheney may have mulled pushing Israel to hit Iran
Newsweek Magazine reported Sunday that Vice President Richard Cheney may have considered a plan for Israeli missile strikes against an Iranian nuclear site in an effort to draw a military response from
CNN: The war with Iran has begun
Discussion on CNN with Col. Sam Gardiner who clearly states that the war in
- 650,000 civilians killed in Iraq since the US invasion (6:25)
- Three things about the Middle East you'll never see on US TV (short clips)
- Galloway on Iraq and Lebanon (short clips)
- The nuclear threat in the Middle East (short clips)
- Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land (1:19:14)
- Sands of Sorrow - 1950 (28:32)
- Americans have no idea (1:00:09)
- Israel's secret weapons program (44:45)
- Wayne Madsen on the US/Israeli attack on Lebanon (39:24)
- The Easiest Targets (12:49)
Jimmy Carter on Israel (3:29)
AFP: Israel on offensive against IAEA over Iran
Campaigning for tougher sanctions on
"Unfortunately there are foreign officials playing the Iranians' game by contributing to the Iranian strategy of foot-dragging," Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev told AFP.
Memo to Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman Regev: if you and your government and military colleagues believe that
You go in solo with a military strike against
Bush may bypass UN with tough sanctions against Iran
President Bush is prepared to bypass the United Nations and instead work with European allies on imposing tougher sanctions against
Now let's see: didn't the UN become "irrelevant" just before we bombed the heck out of
Mainstream Media is Selling Another War
Most people are are relying on the mainstream media to learn what is going on in the world. Most people rely on TV news and TV news is not telling them what they need to know. Most people don't hunt around the internet for vital information, most people aren't learning about Dr. ElBaradi's recent statements. Dr. ElBaradei is the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and he recently said "we have not seen any undeclared facilities operating in
'All the news that's fit to print'.... that is, if it's in agreement with George W. Bush.... is this the new policy of the New York Times?
The Iran War is on the Front Burner
The real script being prepared to justify a new war in the eyes of public opinion, however, is in the making, namely that
The eerie familiarity of these preparations for war
Have we learnt nothing from the shameful and shameless run-up to the invasion of
So here we are, nearly five years later, and exactly the same is happening over
The question appears to be, not "if" but "when" a strike will occur against
Israël veut attaquer l’Iran

Israel Divulges Plan to Nuke Iran
Israel unveils new strategy on Iran
Israel is working together with the United States administration and the British and French governments to counter the effect caused by the US National Intelligence Estimate report last week, which stated that
ISRAEL STILL PUSHING FOR WAR ON IRAN - rec.aviation.military ...
… The Israeli dilemma is how to prove
The new Israeli strategy is based on four main elements:
· actively pushing for stiffer international sanctions on Iran, despite the U.S. report;
· working quietly behind the scenes to convince others through Israel’s own intelligence material that Iran is intent on producing nuclear weapons;
· refraining from arguing with the U.S. assessment in public, lest Israel be seen to be trying to push the United States into military action against Iran;
· and Israel keeping open its own military options. ….
"Israel unhappy with U.S. plan for Iran"
We the people of the
Olmert tells Cabinet to mute criticism of US report on Iran
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's instructions Sunday came after one of his ministers warned that the
Memo to Prime Minister Olmert; in the immortal words of my wife's late grandmother, "the horse is already out of the barn."
In a coming election year, the likelihood for a US-led strike on
Of course, understanding completely that Russia has declared that an attack on Iran will be construed as an attack on Russia, Israel is welcome to go ahead solo, and just see what happens, while the US waits this one out on the sidelines.
Israel, U.S. to meet to discuss differing assessments on Iran
These people don't have to meet to "discuss differing assessments on
Even with every analysis of every election scenario here next November, they are unsure as to precisely how carnage-prone his successor will be on this issue, and to what lengths the
Key Olmert ally vows to nullify Annapolis
Strategic-Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman threw down a clear challenge to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday when he said that his Yisrael Beiteinu party’s mission was to “make sure that nothing comes out of the
Mr Lieberman announced his position during a tour of Har Homa in
Memo to Minister Lieberman: having stated so clearly that your party would put the cabosh on any possible rapprochement for peace, I have a wonderful suggestion: the
And hey, if
But remember:
So if
Israel is trying to back away from this today, but like Olmert's admission that Israel has nuclear weapons, retractions are likely to have little effect.
Middle East">Military strike is only way to stop Iran, says top Israeli strategist
A top Israeli strategic analyst says armed force is the only way to stop
Ignoring the inconvenient fact that there is no more proof that
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!
It is insulting that
Israel urges ElBaradei removal
"Put in someone who will give us what we want; an excuse to send the Americans into
Olmert: ElBaradei 'no fan of Israel'
Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who previously served as IDF chief of staff and minister of defense and who is currently charged with leading strategic coordination efforts with the
Memo to Prime Minister Olmert: the only thing for which the Head of the IAEA, Mohamed El Baradei should be "a fan" is simply this: the truth.
What is happening here is, as Yogi Berra used to say. "deja vu all over again". We are again witnessing the personal smearing and crafted innuendos against the man who has stated very clearly that
Does anyone remember what happened, right before the run-up to the invasion of
This is precisely the same thing.
Now, we can only wait to find out precisely when the
US fears Israeli strike against Iran over latest nuclear claim
A claim by President Ahmadinejad that
Military sources in
The "fear" about such a strike has little to do with a potential Israeli strike against
So if
This will, in fact, trigger World War III.
Sections 821 and 824 mandate sanctions against any person determined to have helped a non-nuclear-weapon state acquire nuclear material or devices. The sanctions prohibit any such person from bidding on
Section 825 prohibits the Export-Import Bank of the
The law also amends the Arms Export Control Act in a number of ways. It prohibits
In other words, between Olmert's admission that
FLASHBACK: Israeli Arms Sales to Iran
Although secrecy is the first principle in the netherworld of arms trading, details of several subsequent major Israeli arms sales to
On July 24, 1984, Radio
On September 15, 1985, a DC-8 cargo plane returning from
Poll: Most Israelis support using nukes
Approximately 72 percent of Israelis support the use of nuclear weapons in certain circumstances, according to a Canadian survey released recently.
Nearly 72% also agreed that "nuclear weapons place
You have to laugh at that phrase "purported nuclear arsenal".
But if
And unfortunately, courtesy of the
Iran Issues Warning to Israel Over Reported Nuke Threat
He said "any measure against
Israel denies planning attack on Iran's nuclear facilities
israel denies the obvious yet again
Citing multiple unidentified Israeli military sources, The Sunday Times said the proposals involved using so-called "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons to attack nuclear facilities at three sites south of the Iranian capital.
Side note: Nuclear "Bunker busters" did not exist prior to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Therefore, for
Take your pick.
US to speed up stealth fighter delivery to Israel
During meetings Defense Minister Ehud Barak held at the Pentagon last week, US defense officials agreed to allow Israel to begin receiving the aircraft as early as 2012, when delivery to the United States Air Force is set to begin.
"We asked that for every two jets manufactured for the
This has nothing to do with
How do we know that?
Because Israel admits Iran is not really a threat!
Campagne de mensonges pour vendre la guerre contre l’Iran de la part du gouvernement et des médias (pour le profit de ces derniers et du complexe militaro-industriel)
Sarkozy calls for UN-led 'new world order'
The United Nations should avail itself as an instrument for a "new world order of the 21st century," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday.
Sarkozy calls for UN-led 'new world order'
Wednesday September 26, 2007
New York - The United Nations should avail itself as an instrument for a "new world order of the 21st century," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday in his first address to the General Assembly. Sarkozy, who won the presidency this year on a strong reform platform to modernize France, urged the world body to embark on programmes ranging from equal wealth distribution to fighting corruption in his speech full of references to
Sarkozy says letting Iran go nuclear could cause war
In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: "Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war."
The reason that Bush did not come out directly with a verbal attack on
Looks like Bush has found his new "poodle", now that Tony Blair is off "creating peace in the
No evidence of Iranian nuclear bomb plan: Putin
IAEA: Iran generally truthful on nukes
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Iran nuclear report 'mixed'
UN watchdog gives Iran mixed report
War clouds loom ever more menacingly over Iran
FROM this week, it emerged that
Defence Secretary Robert Gates is believed to be pushing hardest against war, and is working with the directors of National Intelligence and the CIA to advise Bush against attacking
The only force appearing to be countering this mad rush to war in the
However, it's anyone's guess how effective he will be against the likes of Cheney, et al.
Iran, the Decider, and the Enablers
The heart of the Bush philosophy, "The rules don't apply to me," could never have been put into practice without the Cheney corollary: "Tear up the rules, do what you want, and hide it."
The dates can only be guessed. November for the triggering incident, December for the trip to the U.N., February for the ultimatum, perhaps March again for the strikes. The repetition would suit his taste for boyish acts of defiance.
To the military of this country, statesmen and stateswomen, and congress members who have somehow not had their conscience surgically removed, and who love this country, We The People implore you: please do everything humanly possible to prevent this.
This conflict will not be regional: it will be global, and this time, the
USA prepares 14-ton super bomb to blow up Iran's nuclear objects
I think this is a cover story being created to hide the use of nuclear weapons in the coming attack on
Jewish community in Iran slams US protest against Ahmadinejad's visit
One has to note that, in spite of all kinds of inducements from
Israel lobby slams Ahmadinejad's UN visit
According to
The hate-propaganda has gone totally over the top.
Rabbis Say Iran Seeks Peace, Respects Judaism - Calls for True Dialogue With Ahmadinejad
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, spokesman of Neturei Karta International, issued the following statement on the eve of the group's meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"It is always our pleasure to visit with President Ahmadinejad. This will be the third such meeting, in addition to our many visits to
Iran's Ahmadinejad: No attack on Israel
History bears this out. Despite the pro-war rhetoric, the reality is that
As for nuclear threat, one and only one nation has ever actually used nuclear weapons against the civilians of another country, and that nation is the
Explosive charge blows up in US's face
When the
The record also shows that the
Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN today.
Don’t let the talking heads tell you what he said, read it all the away through for yourself.
Syrian 'research station' says shocked to hear of attack on its facility
Apparently the research facility
Will the Military Halt an Iran Attack?
With little reason to have hope in Congress, peace activists are calling on the military to restrain Bush.
Iran 'has played pivotal role' in Shiite peace deal
Iran shuts border with northern Iraq
"All five entry points on the border between
Putin warns against sanctions on Iran
"Why worsen the situation and bring it to a dead end by threatening sanctions or military action," Putin said in a veiled reference to the
"Running around like a madman with a razor blade, waving it around, is not the best way to resolve the situation," the Russian leader said.
Putin's observations are statesmanly, rational, and sane: which is why
Request to fit B-2 bombers with bunker busting bombs raises questions on Iran
Buried in the White House's $196 billion emergency funding request for
US to order sanctions against Iran military
It is also the first the United States has directly sanctioned another country's military, the Post said.
Russia to Resume Iranian Nuclear Plant Construction
Sergei Shnatko, the head of the Russian state contractor Atomstroiexport building the plant says difficulties with
Iran indicates it is building another nuclear plant
Iran to use "all means" to defend itself if attacked
There is no dispute.
Rice swipes at IAEA, urges bold action on Iran
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice scolded the U.N.'s atomic watchdog agency on Wednesday over its
We saw this prior to the conquest of
As a reminder, only one nation in history has ever actually used nuclear weapons against the civilians of another country, and that nation is the
... and why does it prove
Powell: Iran is a long way from having nuclear weapon
Presidency of The Islamic Republic of Iran News Service
Ahmadinejad's web page.
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