Économie mondiale: la tempête parfaite (et payer pour les folies des banques privées)
Économie mondiale: la tempête parfaite (et payer pour les folies des banques privées)
Pour faire le point sur la crise financière qui secoue le monde et particulièrement les États-Unis, voici les articles les plus importants qui ont circulé les dernières semaines sur Internet, publiés par les médias de masse et alternatifs.
Voici qui se passe essentiellement:
- On nous dit qu'on vit un problème de diminution du crédit disponible, mais en réalité c'est une crise de repaiement qui sévit.
- Dans le milieu des années `70, un changement de politique s`opéra qui redonna graduellement le contrôle de la création du crédit aux banques privées, un retour à la pratique de déléguer aveuglément avec absolue confiance aux financiers. Celles-ci ont peu à peu, silencieusement, poussé pour qu'on déréglemente le secteur bancaire et y sont parvenu dans le milieu des années 90. À partir de là, elles sont devenues de pures agences jouant dans le grand casino mondial des investissements, des hedge funds et autres placements et comportements douteux, et tout ça avec notre argent. On a déjà eu de très difficiles leçons dans l'histoire, comme le grand crash boursier et la dépression de 1929.
Et pourtant on répète la même chose sans jamais apprendre. Et cette fois, tous les économistes, banques majeures, FMI, Banque Mondiale, financiers vont vous le dire: 1929 va ressembler à une marche dans le parc comparé à ce qui se trame et qui va se développer en une tempête parfaite en 2008.
- À force de créer du crédit on engendre l'inflation. Tout coûte plus cher parce que la valeur de notre argent de papier perd de la sienne à force d'être dilué dans l'océan d'argent qui est crée à travers le crédit aux particuliers et aux gouvernements. On contrôle les boums et les récessions économiques avec la quantité d'argent que les banquiers privés mettent ou enlèvent de la circulation à leur bon gré, en jouant avec les taux d'intérêts et l'inflation qu'ils créent en imprimant de l'argent comme de l'eau ainsi qu'en créant du crédit ou pas.
Le problème est qu'ils ont le pouvoir de créer de l'argent à partir de rien, qu'ils sont devenus des entreprises à profits, pur et simple.
Alors quand ils décident de jouer au grand casino mondial à hauts risques, ils font des montages financiers très complexes et douteux, question d'optimiser leur profits astronomiques, mais ce fesant créent des bulles financières artificielles tout comme fut la bulle immobilier. Quand les bulles crèvent, les banques s'exposent à des pertes catastrophiques tout en ruinant des millions de particuliers en même temps. Mais attention, quand nous fesons des mauvais placements on perd tout, mais quand c'est des banques privées, on les rembourse... avec l'argent des payeurs de taxes!!
Ça fait déjà un bon moment que l'économie américaine est à la banqueroute, et Alan Greenspan a crée de toute pièce la bulle immobilière en baissant les taux d'intérêts directeurs très bas et ainsi créer un vague de crédit sans pareil. Tout ceci avait pour but de retarder la venue de madame récession. Mais en même temps on a coupé dans l'impôt des riches et on a exporté la quasi totalité du secteur manufacturier vers l'asie. Des millions de travailleurs on donc perdu leur gagne pain, et ne peuvent plus repayer leur dettes.
60 millions d`américains vivent avec moins de 7$ par jour. Il y a pression énorme à la baisse des salaires, de la qualité de vie et des acquis sociaux. Les taux de reprises de finance battent des records, le marché de la construction ralenti dangeureusement, les guerres impériales ont coûté aux contribuables américains plus de 500$ milliards (sans compter les frais à long terme estimés à environ 2 trilliards).
Comme si ce n'était pas assez, on a averti il y a quelques semaines que les cartes de crédit sont à veille de présenter un autre problème massif: il y a pour 950 milliards de dollars en dettes non repayables.
Or, l'argent ne disparaît pas, il est massivement transféré de la classe moyenne vers la classe des 0.01% les plus riches. L'écart n'a jamais été aussi grand entre les pauvres et les riches, entre les salaires moyens de la classe moyenne et ceux de la classe des super riche.
Certains dans les milieux financiers et dans la sphère politique voudraient bien nous assurer que la crise financière est déjà en train de se calmer et que le pire est déjà passé. Mais à la lumière de ce qu'est réellement notre système bancaire et financier, il est très improbable qu'on soit déjà sorti du bois. Les gros joueurs font tout pour faire en sorte que le crash soit graduel pour ne pas effrayer le petit peuple, qui ferait juste comme ce qui est arrivé en 1907, 1929 et il y a quelques semaines en Angleterre: vider les banques de leurs épargnes et retirer leurs investissements du stock market, ce qui ferait en sorte que l'économie s'écroulerait quasi instantanément, ruinant les très riches aussi, qui veulent juste tirer leur épingle du jeu avant nous.
La plupart des riches se sont déjà positionnés en conséquence. Le prix de l`or et des métaux précieux sont à la hausse, car bientôt l`argent de papier va perde sa valeur de façon dramatique. Et puisque nous sommes au courant que le projet d`instaurer une Union Nord Américaine d`ici l`an 2010 englobant le Canada, les États-Unis et le Mexique prévoit l`instauration d`une monnaie commune, l`Amero, il n`est pas si surprenant que la destruction du dollars US soit souhaité et entraîné par la caste bancaire-financière-élitiste-corporative.
Il n`y a rien qui arrive par hasard... Toutes les principales decisions politiques sont prises par de puissants intérêts économiques dans des sommets comme ceux des Bilderberg, des rencontres du FMI, de
** The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
** America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
Si vous voulez comprendre dans quel systeme vous vivez, de quelle façon vous êtes de réels esclaves d'un système économique bâtit sur mesure pour voler les richesses du peuple et du monde en vous tenant dans un état de quasi survie permanente, et aussi comment les mégas corporations sont devenues tellement puissantes qu'elles gèrent nos vies, la politique et mêmes nos gouvernements, visionnez ces deux films. The Money Masters va vous faire comprendre clairement comment fonctionne le système bancaire, le tour de magie par lequel des banquiers privés internationaux contrôlent nos banques centrales et la création de notre argent, qu'ils impriment à partir de rien, et créent litéralement de l'argent-credit! Pensez à ça: le pouvoir de créer de l'argent à partir de rien entre les mains de quelques individus particuliers. Pensez-vous vraiment qu'on peut contrôler notre économie de cette façon? La dette internationale qu'on a, c'est à eux qu'on la doit en grande partie. On les appellent Les Maîtres de l'Argent.
Aussi longtemps qu'on ne comprendra pas comment fonctionne le système, on ne va que perdre notre temps à essayer de traiter les sysmptômes alors que le coeur du problème n'est pas traité. Le peuple ne contrôle pas son économie et la création de sa monnaie. Nous ne sommes pas maîtres en notre demeure. Tant que cela perdurera, nous pouvons bien nous bercer d'illusions que nous décidons du cour des événements et que nous vivons dans une réelle démocratie, mais en réalité nous sommes pris dans un engrenage qui nous rend de plus en plus pauvre, dépendant, et impuissant.
Il ne reste qu'un grande guerre à mener chers lecteurs et lectrices, et sera celle du peuple contre les banquiers internationaux, ces requins sans pitié qui n'hésitent pas à ruiner des pays, des populations entières et qui ont financé et fomenté les deux côtés de la plupart des guerres majeures que le monde ait connu.
Je vous laisse sur les mots de Benoit Perron, chargé de cours à l'UQAM et animateur de radio à Zone de Résistance et conférencier:
« La Chine et le Japon détiennent 2700 milliards $ en bonds du trésor mais à cause de la dépréciation du $ US, ils ont décidé d’en investir une partie dans le private equity fund Blackstone Group une créature de
J’ai fait une conférence sur Blackstone et Carlyle il y a un an et en utilisant le FOIA (Freedom of Information Act des USA), j’ai consulté les listes de fonds de pension et de caisse de retraite, il y a des milliers de pages, et j’ai recensé toutes les fois que le nom de Blackstone et Carlyle et Bain Capital et Texas Pacific Group apparaissent et les sommes investies puis la même chose avec le fonds de pension du Canada et la régie des rentes du Québec avec
Le dollar faible sert à financer son déficit commercial, son déficit budgétaire et sa sale guerre en Irak mais rend les pétrodollars US moins alléchants alors l’Asie et le Moyen-Orient veulent être payés en Euros, ce qui irrite les 5 sœurs USA du pétrole alors les services secrets USA ont recours à leurs chevaux de troie hedge funds pour pour réintroduire les Treasuries US dans l’escarcelle de
Would someone taser the Penguin?
The ‘Almighty Dollar’ is really a paper tiger
I'll refer to them as US dollars for simplicity, but you should know that they are anything but - they are Federal Reserve Notes and they are owned and manipulated by private bankers.
Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park'
Twenty billion dollars here, $20bn there, and a lush half-trillion from the European Central Bank at give-away rates for Christmas. Buckets of liquidity are being splashed over the
As the credit paralysis stretches through its fifth month, a chorus of economists has begun to warn that the world's central banks are fighting the wrong war, and perhaps risk a policy error of epochal proportions.
"Liquidity doesn't do anything in this situation," says Anna Schwartz, the doyenne of
"It cannot deal with the underlying fear that lots of firms are going bankrupt. The banks and the hedge funds have not fully acknowledged who is in trouble. That is the critical issue," she adds.
There is no credit crisis. There is a repayment crisis. The leaders of our society were happy to loan out money so we would all buy products, then moved the high paying jobs making those products to other countries. Now they stand around, scratching their heads, and wondering what the hell happened and why didn't the world stay rosy the way Adam Smith promised it would?
Global crash imminent, warns expert
A sharp downward correction is due in the global markets as real estate, stocks and energy soar to record highs, warned a leading expert on the opening day at this year's Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Week.
The worst crisis I've seen in 30 years
Crises have come and gone, but the one unfolding since August and which intensified last week is the most serious. It is not just that its impact is cascading around the world because of the new interconnectedness of global finance, it is that the authorities, particularly in Britain and America, have lost control and do not have the means to regain it as quickly as we might hope.
National borders act like fireproof doors in a building or watertight doors in a ship. Yes, those doors can be inconvenient, but they exist to prevent an accident in one portion of the structure from turning into a complete disaster. Fire doors keep the fire confined to just a few rooms. Watertight doors keep one flooded compartment from flooding others. The building stands, the ship floats.
When idiots decide that removing the fireproof doors and watertight doors will allow people and cargo to move more quickly through the building or ship, well, they are right. Things do speed up, and all is well until that accident. Then, without the fireproof doors, the entire building burns. Without the watertight doors, the entire ship sinks.
Globalism is taking the entire Earth and removing the economic fireproof doors. and as I warned many times over the last several years, an accident (crash) in one region can easily cascade around the globe, dragging the entire system down with it.
Which is what is starting to happen now.
Morgan Stanley issues full US recession alert
Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investment and a "perfect storm" for consumers as the housing slump spreads.
US Federal Reserve eyes rate cut, prepares for economic storm: analysts
Implications of Commercial Real Estate Collapse
Hidden in the headline
"A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions"
Reality has finally caught up to the stock market. The American consumer is underwater, the banks are buried in debt, and the housing market is in terminal distress. The Dow is now below its 200-Day Moving Average -- the first big "sell" signal. Anything below 12,500 could trigger program-trading and crash the market. The increased volatility suggests that we are watching a "real time" meltdown.
Crash is coming, warns top investor
THE man responsible for investing $41 billion of the State's money has warned mum-and-dad investors to prepare for a massive sharemarket crash.
He says a dramatic downturn is inevitable as the rapid rate of investment is unsustainable, and the repercussions of the $300 billion subprime lending crisis in the
Talk of Worst Recession Since the 1930s - November 12, 2007
Balestra Capital, a $350 million
In the 20th century, the
US headed for housing depression
Housing industry looks to Congress for help
I told you, here comes the call for a "bailout", which means YOU the taxpayer will be asked to cover the losses of some reckless business practices by the financial industry, just as happened with the S&L debacle in the 1980s, and every time the government takes your money to save the bankers from their own folly, it just makes it easier for them to repeat the same mistakes allover again ten years down the road.
The crucial elements in the Fed’s move yesterday is not so much the sum of money on offer - $20bn next week, $20bn the week after - but that all depository banks in America can draw from the tap anonymously, without the risk of being found out.
Greenspan Favors Government Bailout for Homeowners
I warned you ..
Taxpayers to foot the Northern Rock bill
Taxpayers could face a multimillion-pound bill for the rescue of Northern Rock, after Alistair Darling refused to give a guarantee that the £24 billion Bank of
Wonder who is going to wind up cleaning up the subprime mess for US banks?
Take a good look in the mirror!
In case you missed this news, the European Central Bank yesterday created 348 billion euros. That's equal to about one-half trillion dollars. Presto! Like magic, one-half trillion dollars of so-called "liquidity" appeared out of thin air.
Citigroup calls emergency board meeting
The Housing Crash, Suburban Sprawl and the Crisis of the American Middle Class
Congress and the White House, state governments, local legislatures and lobbyists are vested to the hilt in denial: that the downgrade by Moody's of at least $50 billion in collateralized debt from AAA to junk is a verdict on an economic model-suburban sprawl-that is torpedoing America's middle class.
Round after round of promises: low inflation, steady job growth, health care, bridges, highways, the promise of public education, social security, the environment: what stares back at the middle class is an almost unrecognizable result.
Cheap goods won't keep stagflation at bay
Bank of America shutting $12 billion cash fund
Bank of America Corp. said Monday that it's shutting a $12 billion a money-market fund of sorts and halting cash withdrawals after losses from complex investments tied to the mortgage crisis.
A run on the bank?
FDIC Shuts Down NetBank Due to Defaults
NetBank Inc., an online bank with $2.5 billion in assets, was shut down by the government on Friday because of an excessive level of mortgage defaults.
Citigroup's financial migraine worsens with asset shift
Citigroup reveals $49 billion subprime blow amid ratings downgrade
Countrywide reports doubling of foreclosures
World stocks plummet after global banks take action in bid to avoid recession
Stocks worldwide have plummeted in the wake of yesterday's unprecedented decision by leading central banks to pump billions into money markets in a bid to avoid a worldwide recession.
Bernanke Met With Vulture Mortgage Operator During Height of Sub-Prime Crisis
Records of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's appointments during the sub-prime crisis don't show him meeting with any sub-prime mortgage homeowners, but he did meet with vulture mortgage player Lewis Ranieri.
Soooooo, the guys setting monetary policy for us all is buddy-buddy with the guys reaping a fortune from people struggling to keep their homes?
BofA money market fund dives 70%
Bank of
Bank of America says closing money market fund
Goldstein denied a CNBC report that the fund had been frozen, saying that clients were being offered the option of cash redemptions or of switching their assets into other Columbia-managed funds.
Is the derivatives bomb about to explode?
A potent inflationary cocktail
'Hedge fund collapse is on the way'
Investors will withdraw $500bn (£245bn, €355bn) – a quarter of the asset base – from hedge funds in the next year, leading to the collapse of a "large number" of hedge funds.
So spredicts Giles Conway-Gordon, managing partner of Cogo Wolf, a San Francisco-based fund of hedge funds, who believes investors are increasingly dissatisfied with industry performance, and that computer-driven quantitative hedge funds now simply run too much money to make healthy returns.
Mortgage Crisis Forces Big Cuts at WaMu
Washington Mutual Inc., the nation's largest savings and loan, said Monday problems in the mortgage and credit markets are forcing it to close offices, lay off more than 3,000 workers and set aside up to $1.6 billion for loan losses in its fourth quarter.
Alex Jones interviews George Humphrey (FearorLove.com) on the state of the economy. They discuss the unbelievably scary numbers behind the derivatives market and the true value of precious metals vs. the federal reserve note.
Alex Jones interviews George Humphrey (FearorLove.com) on the state of the economy. They discuss the unbelievably scary numbers behind the derivatives market and the true value of precious metals vs. the federal reserve note. Click the "Listen Now" link below to listen to this informative interview on the hidden dangers threatening the stability of our economy.
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Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has been in the news lately trying to pretend he's had nothing to do with the slow-motion economic meltdown
At about 39 minutes into this clip, you can hear him say this:
"We ought to be opening up our borders to skilled labor from all parts of the world because if we were to do that we would increase the supply of skilled workers that our schools have been unable to create and as a consequence of that we would lower the average wage of skills and reduce the degree of income inequality in this country."
What is this man thinking?
Well, of course, you've got to know what he's thinking when he makes this kind of statement: anything that is good for corporations trumps anything that might be good for American workers.
Bank of America to lay off 3,000 from investment unit
Bank of
The Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank, the second largest in the country, announced the restructuring of its Global Corporate and Investment Banking (GCIB) division after revealing last week a sharp plunge in earnings in the unit for the third quarter.
Merrill Lynch reveals $7.9bn write-down
A $7.9bn write-down by the investment banking giant Merrill Lynch has reignited controversy over how big the losses from the mortgage market crisis might yet turn out to be.
The figure, disclosed in the bank's quarterly results statement yesterday, was $2.4bn higher than it had predicted less than three weeks earlier, but analysts left a conference call with management still unclear as to why it had ballooned.
It appears that the sub-prime problems are far from over.
Goodbye dollar, hello inflation
The dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency. This is the statement you heard twice in one day if you were checking out the news on Bloomberg over the past 24 hours.
Worst of U.S. subprime troubles are ahead, S&P chief economist says
Stocks battered by mortgage mess
Dow falls over 150 points on news Wachovia will take a $1 billion hit, forecasts for slower growth in
IMF chief warns dollar may suffer 'abrupt fall'
The head of the International Monetary Fund, Rodrigo Rato, warned Monday there are risks of an "abrupt fall" in the dollar, linked to a loss of confidence in dollar assets.
"There are risks that an abrupt fall in the dollar could either be triggered by, or itself trigger, a loss of confidence in dollar assets," Rato told the IMF board of governors.
But ... things look so normal, Martha!
So you look outside and you say that the world looks just like it did yesterday? Take a few minutes to watch the YouTube videos linked below and then ask yourself whether looks can be deceiving.
This proves that the value of American housing now is down about 50% in many parts of the country ... and in just a few months, too.
Housing Meltdown:
Mortgage Meltdown:
Global Market Meltdown:
How Millions of Americans Will Lose Their Homes:
Bill Moyers Housing Market Meltdown (from June):
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q9dC7FQJ1U
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggRyJlD8X4
Barclays and RBS line up Fed for £15bn
Barclays and Royal Bank of
Inflation may prompt food price controls: UN food chief
Some countries may have to implement retail price controls on food in the near future because of rising prices for consumers, the UN's food chief said in an interview published Monday.
Speaking to the Financial Times, Jacques Diouf also said that he would not be surprised if the rising food prices sparked riots in parts of the world, adding that food price inflation had become an "even more serious problem" in recent weeks as the rises have started to hit consumers.
The mystery of the missing $2.9 trillion
Like most people, economists love a mystery – especially if it involves not a missing person but a missing $2.9 trillion in
That's $2.9 with 11 zeros after it.
The obvious answer is that the books are being cooked.
"The last official act of any government is to loot the nation." -- Michael Rivero
You know, there is one thing that the
They could slash taxes.
Not some piddly-assed token drop of a percentage point or two, and not just for the already rich and don't need the tax cut, but a serious slash across the board.
Government accounts for less than 5% of the total population. Do they really need HALF of all of our money?
We kicked out the last government in 1776 over a ten percent aggregate tax rate. Now we are up to fifty percent and rising, and still the government cannot balance their books. We work one hour for the masters for every hour we work for ourselves and by an odd coincidence (meaning it isn't a coincidence) that is the same ratio of work for the masters work for self that the slaves of ancient Rome lived under. It is the same ratio of work for the masters work for self that the slaves of the old South lived under. It is the same ratio of work for the masters work for self that the medieval serfs lived under.
When this nation became a nation we did not have most of the taxes we have today. And we PROSPERED! We, as a nation, became rich. Today, of course, we hear nothing but how we must all make do with less, so that the government can have more.And we are making do with less. We are losing our homes. We are sending our children to ineffective schools. We are having to put off needed medical care. We are facing bleak retirements when we are no longer allowed to work.
Always we give and no matter how much we give, the government always needs more.
We are losing our homes, and the government is perfectly willing to make a somber face and say how sorry they are, but they won't do the one thing that would really improve our lives and that is to GET OFF OUR @#$%ING BACKS!
Fed Intervenes in Financial System: Financial News
Fed Injects $41 Billion Into US Financial System to Help Ease Credit Problems
There is no credit problem: there's a re-payment problem. All the high paying manufacturing jobs have deserted this country, and found new homes overseas, aided and encouraged by US government policies.
This new infusion of 'funny money' is not going to help the situation, because the only people who will be borrowing it are the ones already in over their heads, and unable to meet their current obligations. The smart people have curtailed their borrowing, and will not be lured in again, even with lower interest rates.
At best, this move is holding off disaster until after the holiday shopping season.
Foreclosures jump 30 percent in 3rd quarter
Foreclosure actions were reported on more than 446,000 properties the three months ended Sept. 30, up 30 percent from the second quarter and double last year’s third quarter. That brings the overall foreclosure rate to one in every 196
The rise in foreclosures was widespread, with 45 out of the 50 states reporting higher levels than last year. But the highest concentrations were a handful of housing markets;
US Home Prices Plunged 4.5% in Third Quarter
Prices of existing U.S. single-family homes in the third quarter slumped 4.5 percent from a year earlier, matching a record decline from the previous period as the housing downturn deepened, according to a national home price index on Tuesday.
VIDEO: The Truth About The Economy: Total Collapse
Currency Controls Return as Central Banks Fight Gains
Central banks from
Wall Street tumbles after interest cut
On Wall Street, stocks tumbled, reflecting disappointment among some investors who were hoping for a larger rate cut. The Dow Jones industrial plunged more than 200 points.
Fd cuts prime 1/;4 point, DOW tumbles -294
Gulf funds drift away from dollar
Cashed-up China set to hunt down more US bargains
Fresh from a five-billion-dollar investment in Morgan Stanley,
Japan and China lead flight from the dollar
Data from the
China unleashes cautious giant onto world's financial markets
Dollar falls vs euro as housing starts plunge
The dollar fell broadly on Wednesday after a report showed housing starts dropped to their lowest level in 14 years in September, adding to concerns that the housing market may drag on the
Traders sold dollars after the Commerce Department said home construction starts fell 10.2 percent last month, below Wall Street's consensus forecast.
How China Could Crash the US Dollar on a Whim
I found it appalling that Morgan Stanley would claim to store silver that didn’t exist and even have the chutzpah to charge for the storage. That would appear to be a clear case of fraud. I am even more appalled that the judge in the case, or any government regulator, would look the other way. The important lesson here is not that Morgan Stanley got caught with its hand in the cookie jar, but what silver investors can learn from this episode.
Lennar Reports Biggest Loss in Its 53-Year History
35K state workers get layoff notices
Chrysler CEO: We're 'operationally' bankrupt
Chrysler to cut up to 12,000 jobs
Chrysler LLC said Thursday it plans to cut up to 12,000 jobs, or up to 15 percent of its workforce, as part of an effort to slash costs and match slowing demand for some vehicles.
The automaker will cut 8,500 to 10,000 hourly jobs and 2,100 salaried jobs through 2008. The company already had begun cutting 1,100 temporary workers Wednesday. It will eliminate shifts at five North American assembly plants and cut four vehicle models from its lineup.
You can be sure of one thing: military recruiters will be lined up at the plants where the layoffs are happening, big-time.
The FBI will presumably follow up this assault with the seizure of all poker chips in
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