Émission de L'Autre Monde du 16 décembre 2007:
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 16 décembre 2007: Économie/ Finances, Torture, Israël, Palestine, Vaccination forcée, Iran
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- Réchauffement du climat ou réchauffement des océans? De nouvelles découvertes très intéressantes: les volcans sous les océans.
- Dossier santé: aspartame vs sucres naturels, Big Pharma et les vaccins- manipulations et corruption, le lien entre les tueries aux É-U et les anti-depresseurs. Ceci met fin à la saison automne 2007, on se retrouve le 13 janvier 2008!
Les pharmacies et Big Pharma sont parmis les plus gros dealers de drogues et celles-ci sont aussi néfastes, sinon pires que les drogues dites «illégales». Ils tuent litéralement des dizaines de milliers de déces par année en amérique. Ils attaquent la concurence de façon aussi sale que la mafia peut le faire. FM
How Scientific Is Modern Medicine?
Conventional medicine adherents have consistently asserted that its methods are scientifically verified, and they have ridiculed other methods that are suggested to have therapeutic or curative effects. In fact, conventional physicians have consistently worked to disallow competitors, even viciously attacking those in their own profession who have questioned conventional treatments or provided alternative modalities.
And yet, strangely enough, whatever has been in vogue in conventional medicine in one decade has been declared ineffective, dangerous, and sometimes barbaric in the ensuing decades. Surprisingly, despite this pattern in history, proponents and defenders of "scientific medicine" tend to have little or no humility, continually asserting that today's cure is truly effective.
Voici une synthèse de notre enquête, commencée en juin, telle qu’elle résulte de l’analyse des commentaires des internautes sur Agoravox et des vérifications et compléments apportés par mes soins ensuite. L’enquête est téléchargeable au format PDF en fin d’article.
L’enquête a révélé l’extrême complexité du dossier “obligation vaccinale” ainsi qu’une très vive opposition entre les partisans et les opposants, non pas à la vaccination (ceux-là sont rares) mais à la politique vaccinale de
1) Les autorités et les médias prennent généralement les Français pour des enfants immatures et irresponsables à qui on refuse l’information contradictoire au sujet de la vaccination : ils préfèrent « sensibiliser » plutôt qu’informer pour éviter à tous prix les interrogations, les réticences vis-à-vis de la vaccination et, par suite, le rétrécissement de la couverture vaccinale. Pour « protéger la collectivité », il faut obliger ceux qui doutent et punir ceux qui refusent. Or, cette attitude dogmatique, paternaliste et militaire, quasi unique au monde, produit directement, à mon avis, l’effet inverse au but poursuivi : elle déstabilise et radicalise ceux qui souffrent des effets indésirables des vaccins et augmente la méfiance dans la population qui devient dès lors perméable aux propos contestataires répandus hors des circuits officiels.
2) Le discours virulent de quelques opposants à la vaccination (ils sont rares), individuellement ou en associations, rend leur message critique quasi inaudible par la société. Ne voyant dans les vaccins que des poisons, voire un outil conçu par un complot mondial dans un objectif génocidaire, ces contestataires dramatisent le débat, ce qui ne facilite pas la recherche de la vérité par tous ceux qui s’interrogent sincèrement. Précisons que la plupart des contradicteurs ne sont pas des sectes ni des opposants systématiques mais généralement des personnes qui pensent souffrir des effets indésirables des vaccins et qui se positionnent seulement sur le souhait de la liberté de choix.
Conclusions de l’enquête
La vaccination pouvant induire des effets indésirables (et ces effets étant trop peu notifiés cliniquement et épidémiologiquement parlant), l’occurrence des maladies couvertes par les vaccins anciens étant rare et la vaccination n’étant pas le facteur unique de la baisse ou de la disparition de maladies infectieuses, la criminalisation de l’insoumission vaccinale, telle qu’elle est imposée en France, nous semble abusive - et contreproductive.
Elle serait peut-être acceptable si une totale transparence était apportée sur les ratios bénéfices/risques, si une communication authentique était menée sur les effets indésirables, si les autorités recherchaient systématiquement à recenser ces effets contraires et si elles acceptaient d’indemniser les victimes sur présomption raisonnable de lien (et non en présence de preuve) entre maladie et vaccin, du moins lorsque la vaccination est obligatoire (DTP et HB pour les professionnels de santé).
Il faudrait en effet inverser la charge de la preuve de l’innocuité de chaque acte vaccinal, charge qui devrait incomber totalement à celui qui l’impose. Le doute doit bénéficier à celui qui subit, non à celui qui impose comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui.
L’autorité, parce qu’elle ordonne le vaccin, ne doit pas se contenter de déclarer une absence de preuve entre la maladie d’une victime et un vaccin pour se dédouaner de sa responsabilité. Elle ne doit pas demander au malade de prouver le lien entre sa maladie et le vaccin pour prendre son cas en considération.
Le bénéfice pour la collectivité (des vaccins obligatoires) n’est pas si certain. Un nouveau bilan comparé des risques et des bénéfices nous paraît donc indispensable à établir, avec des scientifiques indépendants et intégrant (pour les infirmer ou les confirmer) les arguments de tous y compris des contestataires.
La liberté de vaccination devrait être laissée aux parents, dans des conditions de lucidité et de responsabilité à définir. De plus en plus de voix, y compris dans le monde médical et administratif (voir nos interviews), soit questionnent, soit souhaitent la levée de l’obligation vaccinale.
De même, la perspective d’un dialogue loyal, rigoureux, transparent, contradictoire et arbitré de façon impartiale, basé sur une grande enquête scientifique indépendante, détendrait certainement les acteurs de cette controverse et nous permettrait, à nous citoyens, d’y voir plus clair. Cela donnerait par la suite plus de légitimité et de force aux décisions des autorités. Et rassurerait nombre de parents soucieux de la santé de leurs enfants et qui ne veulent pas les engager malgré eux dans des voies qui pourraient leur être dommageables, parfois à vie.
Here we go - mandatory flu shots for pre-school kids. Imagine a place and time where your child's health is not your business, but that of some government and its perceived panel of experts. That place and time is wherever you are and it is now. The government owns your body, your children, and controls your choices.
Dare I mention Merck's contaminated (and soon to be mandatory in
US-made child meningitis vaccine recalled in China: government
Over 100,000 doses of US-made vaccines for childhood meningitis have been recalled in
Given the incestuous relationship between big pharma and this administration one has to wonder if this product has also been pulled from doctors' , hospitals and clinics' shelves as well.
My bet would be, probably not.
Merk drug company vaccines admits injecting cancer viruses
This stunning censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its huge liability--the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.
Maryland Schools Have Huge Financial Stake in Coerced Vaccinations of Schoolchildren
According to this government website, in the 2006-2007 school year,
Why is this important information? If the
Parents Kept In Dark About Vaccine Waiver
Parents of children in
State Attorney Glenn Ivey, who admitted during a radio interview last week that no law mandated the shots and also that he had chosen not to give his kids the vaccines, confirmed that exemption forms were available from the back of the room. However, when asked if they were aware of the right to opt out, parents were miffed. News reports failed to cite any cases where parents had opted out as a result of signing waiver forms.
Apparently, "some animals are more equal than others" regarding forced immunizations, without any legal justification, in
Note the delicious irony in the fact that "State Attorney Glenn Ivey, who admitted during a radio interview last week that no law mandated the shots and also that he had chosen not to give his kids the vaccines,....." made these injections mandatory for other people's kids.
Parents who did not comply were threatened with jail, fines, or both.l
Welcome to
Senators who protected Big Pharma received millions of dollars from drug companies
Senators who received substantial donations from pharmaceutical companies were instrumental in making a new drug bill more industry-friendly, according to studies by nonprofit groups and remarks by some of the senators themselves.
The bill, which passed the Senate 93-1 and now goes before the House of Representatives, was introduced in order to correct the errors in FDA procedure that allowed Merck's painkiller Vioxx to remain on the market for years, even after evidence began to amass that it led to potentially fatal heart attacks. It was based on recommendations by the
While the institute's recommendation to allow the FDA to monitor the safety of products after approval was included in the final bill, it was significantly weakened at the instigation of Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H.. Gregg has received $168,500 from the pharmaceutical industry since 2001.
It appears that there are very few congress members who are not, absolutely, acquisitions of large corporations: this is yet another example.
The great lack of trust is evident even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 per cent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the entire human organism.
This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:“The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.” (Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, “The Healing of Cancer”, Marcus Books, 1990).
“If I were to contract cancer, I would never turn to a certain standard for the therapy of this disease. Cancer patients who stay away from these centers have some chance to make it.” (Prof. Gorge Mathe, “Scientific Medicine Stymied”, Medicines Nouvelles, Paris, 1989)
“Dr. Hardin Jones, lecturer at the University of California, after having analyzed for many decades statistics on cancer survival, has come to this conclusion: ‘… when not treated, the patients do not get worse or they even get better’. The unsettling conclusions of Dr. Jones have never been refuted”. (Walter Last, “The Ecologist”, Vol. 28, no. 2, March-April 1998)
“Many oncologists recommend chemotherapy for almost any type of cancer, with a faith that is unshaken by the almost constant failures”.(Albert Braverman, MD, “Medical Oncology in the 90s”, Lancet, 1991, Vol. 337, p. 901)
“Our most efficacious regimens are loaded with risks, side effects and practical problems; and after all the patients we have treated have paid the toll, only a miniscule percentage of them is paid off with an ephemeral period of tumoral regression and generally a partial one” (Edward G. Griffin “World Without Cancer”, American Media Publications, 1996)
“After all, and for the overwhelming majority of the cases, there is no proof whatsoever that chemotherapy prolongs survival expectations. And this is the great lie about this therapy, that there is a correlation between the reduction of cancer and the extension of the life of the patient”. (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)
“Several full-time scientists at the McGill Cancer Center sent to 118 doctors, all experts on lung cancer, a questionnaire to determine the level of trust they had in the therapies they were applying; they were asked to imagine that they themselves had contracted the disease and which of the six current experimental therapies they would choose. 79 doctors answered, 64 of them said that they would not consent to undergo any treatment containing cis-platinum – one of the common chemotherapy drugs they used – while 58 out of 79 believed that all the experimental therapies above were not accepted because of the ineffectiveness and the elevated level of toxicity of chemotherapy.” (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)
“Doctor Ulrich Able, a German epidemiologist of the Heidelberg Mannheim Tumor Clinic, has exhaustively analyzed and reviewed all the main studies and clinical experiments ever performed on chemotherapy .... Able discovered that the comprehensive world rate of positive outcomes because of chemotherapy was frightening, because, simply, nowhere was scientific evidence available demonstrating that chemotherapy is able to ‘prolong in any appreciable way the life of patients affected by the most common type of organ cancer.’ Able highlights that rarely can chemotherapy improve the quality of life, and he describes it as a scientific squalor while maintaining that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered in the world is worthless. Even if there is no scientific proof whatsoever that chemotherapy works, neither doctors nor patients are prepared to give it up (Lancet, Aug. 10, 1991). None of the main media has ever mentioned this exhaustive study: it has been completely buried” (Tim O’Shea, “Chemotherapy – An Unproven Procedure”)
“According to medical associations, the notorious and dangerous side effects of drugs have become the fourth main cause of death after infarction, cancer, and apoplexy” ( Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998)
Study: CT scans raise cancer risk
Millions of Americans, especially children, are needlessly getting dangerous radiation from "super X-rays" that raise the risk of cancer and are increasingly used to diagnose medical problems, a new report warns.
Sweet Misery is available for free viewing on Google at:
Investigative Aspartame report never shown beyond the local FOX network affiliate that produced it in
Stevia: The FDA's Attack On A Beneficial Supplement
It would at least be understandable if the regulators played with a fair deck and applied equal standards to all alternative sweeteners. But they do not.
The Stevia situation illustrates something I have been saying about Pharmaceutical policy in this country for some time now. Stevia is a natural plant, and cannot be patented. There is no high profit in the product, and it is a threat to the patented molecules like Aspartame, which are high-profit. So Stevia must go. And we see the same thing in drugs, in which naturally occurring or simple treatments which cannot be patented are suppressed in order to force the market towards the patented and high profit products.
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Omaha Shooter Robert Hawkins Had Been "Treated" For ADHD, Depression
Those lacking keen observation skills are quick to blame guns for this tragedy, but others who are familiar with the history of such violent acts by young males instantly recognize a more sinister connection: A history of treatment with psychiatric drugs for depression and ADHD.
Psychotropic Drug Prescriptions to Children Skyrocket 400 Percent in Ten Years
(NewsTarget) Prescriptions of psychiatric drugs in the
FDA: Flu drugs affecting kids behavior
FDA began reviewing Tamiflu's safety in 2005 after receiving reports of children experiencing neurological problems, including hallucinations and convulsions.
Twenty-five patients under age 21 have died while taking the drug, most of them in
Tamiflu was created by the American pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, Inc.. Don Rumsfeld was appointed as Chairman of Gilead Sciences in 1997, a position held prior to becoming Bush's Secretary of Defense.
The unsavory health history of this product was suspect almost from the beginning
As reported by by the website Global Research on 26 October, 2005, pointing to the research done by Joseph Mercola ( www.mercola.com):
"Finally, the pieces of the puzzle start to add up. Not long ago, President Bush sought to instill panic in this country by telling us a minimum of 200,000 people will die from the avian flu pandemic, but it could be as bad as 2 million deaths in this country alone.
This hoax is then used to justify the immediate purchase of 80 million doses of Tamiflu, a worthless drug that in no way shape or form treats the avian flu, but only decreases the amount of days one is sick and can actually contribute to the virus having more lethal mutations.
So the
Since Rumsfeld holds major portions of stock in
Many drugs out there on the market today are not about really making people better: they are simply about making profits.
Virus starts like a cold — but can be a killer
"This virus has the capability of causing severe respiratory illness in people of all ages, regardless of their medical condition," said John Su, a disease investigator for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Texas, where the largest outbreak is tapering off at an Air Force base after 10 months. Other outbreaks have been reported in
It's interesting to note that the largest outbreak documented took place at an Air Force base in
Dow Contamination Site Could Be Worst Ever In U.S.
A dioxin find at the bottom of
Dioxin is forever!
Encore plus de nouvelles dans le domaine de la santé:
Check out all 16 images and captions.
Superfast Laser Turns Virus Into Rubble
A physicist and his biologist son destroyed a common virus using a superfast pulsing laser, without harming healthy cells. The discovery could lead to new treatments for viruses like HIV that have no cure.
"We have demonstrated a technique of using a laser to excite vibrations on the shield of a virus and damage it, so that it's no longer functional," said Kong-Thon Tsen, a professor of physics at
Volcanic clay found to kill 99 per cent of MRSA superbugs
Dirt that originated in French volcanoes has the potential to kill up to 99 per cent of colonies of bugs like MRSA and E coli within 24 hours, say scientists.
So deadly, it single handedly gave rise to the FDA in 1938. But the self appointed watch-dog has failed miserably at protecting the public from this perfect “organic” poison. The New York Times recently showed that “Over the years, the poison has been loaded into all varieties of medicine.”
Cosmetics With Banned and Unsafe Ingredients: Table 1 - Banned in other countries
Cosmetics With Banned and Unsafe Ingredients: Table 1 - Banned in other countries
Cosmetics With Banned and Unsafe Ingredients
- Executive Summary
- Table 1 - Banned in other countries
- Table 2 - Unsafe for use in cosmetics, according to industry
- Table 3 - Violates industry safety standards, when used as directed
- Table 4 – Untested ingredients
- Table 5 – Not assessed for safety
- News Release
475 products contain ingredients banned in other countries †
Study: Sleep deficit may be impossible to make up
Secret Report On Cell Phone Dangers And TetraConfidential Report On TETRA Strictly For
The Police Federation Of England and Wales
It is a country where the president has asked people to stop shaking hands, where MPs have called for an end to public gatherings, market vendors wear gloves and Roman Catholic priests no longer give the communion wafers and wine by hand.
This new strain is feared to kill more slowly than previously, leaving more time for the disease to spread. There is no vaccine and no cure. The only hope is to contain the lethal virus, but Ebola moves fast and is hard to track. If just one infected person boards a plane, this could become a global outbreak.
New foot-and-mouth virus leak at source of summer outbreak
A new leak of live foot-and-mouth virus has occurred at the facility run by the pharmaceutical firm Merial Animal Health at the Pirbright scientific research establishment, source of the foot-and-mouth outbreak this summer.
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