Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

lundi 24 octobre 2005

Developpements dans plusieurs domaines des nouvelles

Il y a deux moyens principaux par lesquelles les gens sont manipules et controles.

- Le controle de l'information. Si les gens n'ont pas tous les faits dont ils ont besoin, alors nos jugements sont seulement aussi justes que l'information dont on dispose.

- La surabondance d'information.

Dans ce contexte, la television peut etre un outil de controle de la pensee tres puissant, un outil de programmation et aussi un outil de dispersion de la propagande officielle et commerciale, en plus de desinformation. La facon dont la TV est utilise de nos jours, controlee par des empires commerciaux et prives immences, est depressante. Rares sont les bons programmes encore interessants qui stimule la reflexion au lieu de vouloir vendre des produits inutiles a l'humanite et de vouloir controler la pensee par des techniques psychologiques et electroniques, qui ont des effets documentes sur le cerveau.

Je suis convaincu que le potentiel enorme de ce media est gaspille pour l'interet prive des quelques puissants qui peuvent en arriver a vendre des guerres bases sur des mensonges et controler les debats de societe de facon tres efficace.

Ce qui est encourageant, c'est de voir la revolution internet, cet organe electronique vivant, anime de tous ces gens qui se connectent ensemble et echangent de facon dynamique, au lieu d'etre spectateurs d'un programme designe par des megas compagnies qui decident ce qu'on devrait savoir et ne pas savoir, penser ou ne pas penser.

Il y a toujours des bons cotes a tout!

Enfin, voici les nouvelles que j'ai cru bon pousser en ce debut de semaine.
Beaucoup sont le developpement de plusieurs dossiers chauds de l'heure.

Bonne lecture!

- Climate Change and Geoengineering
‘intentional large scale manipulation of the global environment’

by Wayne Hall

October 20, 2005GlobalResearch.ca

Un autre article a consulter dans le dossier des amres et technologie de controle du climat.
N'oubliez pas, si vous etes encore sceptique ou quelqu'un qui l'est avec qui vous parlez de ce sujet, que meme les Nations Unis reconnaissent cet etat de fait, et qu'il y a meme des accords internationaux de l'ONU de signes qui interdisent l'utilisation de ces technologies comme armes insidieuses qui peuvent faire crasher des economies entieres sans deplacer d'armee.

Un extrait:

"Geoengineering is defined as ‘intentional large scale manipulation of the global environment’, e.g. by altering climate with the primary intention of reducing undesired climate change caused by human influences. ‘Geoengineering schemes seek to mitigate the effect of fossil-fuel combustion on the climate without abating fossil fuel use; for example by placing shields in space to reduce the sunlight incident on the Earth.’ (Keith D.W. 1999. Geoengineering, Encyclopedia of Global Change, New York).

In relation to ‘geoengineering’, the ‘Climate Change 2001’
report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirms that it ‘includes the possibility of engineering the earth’s climate system by large-scale manipulation of the global energy balance. It has been estimated, for example, that the mean effect on the earth surface energy balance from a doubling of CO2 could be offset by an increase of 1.5% to 2% in the earth’s albedo, i.e. by reflecting additional incoming solar radiation back into space…. Teller et al. (1997) found that ~107 t of dielectric aerosols of ~100 nm diameter would be sufficient to increase the albedo of the earth by ~1%. They showed that the required mass of a system based on alumina particles would be similar to that of a system based on sulphuric acid aerosol…(They) demonstrate that use of metallic or optically resonant scatterers can, in principle, greatly reduce the required total mass of scattering particles required.”

If, as very many indications suggest, such programmes and such ideas are already under implementation on a very large scale and outside the framework of international law, then they must either be stopped or legalized."

- Natural Disasters and the Militarization of America
by Michel Chossudovsky

October 23, 2005GlobalResearch.ca

La militarisation des USA a travers toutes les excuses dusponibles.

"Both the Avian Flu threat, which has taken on a political twist, and the hurricane disasters are being used by the Bush White House to justify a greater role for the Military in the country's civilian affairs. Bush hinted, offhandedly, at the height of Hurricane Rita that the Military should become the "lead agency" in disaster relief"

- Judith Miller's Dirty Little Secret

Cette histoire est enorme. Cette journaliste du New York Times est une Neocon a fond, et a participe de facon active a passer de la fausse information provenant de l'Office of Special Plans (Pentagone) et de la Maison Blanche aux americains pour les manipuler a soutenir une guerre d'aggression contre un pays sans defence.
Les repercussions vont etre enormes aussi sur l'administration Bush. C'est le debut de la fin de cette cabale de sanglants criminels qui ont pris controle illegalement du gouvernement americain.

- Prosecuting Bush in Canada for Torture

"On Monday, October 17th Gail Davidson and Howard Rubin along with Jason Gratl and Micheal Vonn representing B.C. Civil Liberties stepped into courtroom 55 of the BC Supreme Court in Vancouver with the hopes of lifting the publication ban which, since December of 2004 August, has kept the case out of the public eye. After a relatively short session of 45 minutes they emerged successful. "I don't know that I would call it a victory quite yet," said Ms. Davidson, "but it is at least a step in the right direction. People deserve to know what is happening here." What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers Against the War have laid charges against George Bush Jr; accusing him of aiding, abetting, and counseling the commission of torture. This charge is based on the abuses of the prisoners held at the U.S. prisons in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba and Abu-Ghraib, Iraq including Canadian minor Omar Khadr, who has been held in Cuba since 2001.
"Many Canadians don't realize that we have not only the right but the responsibility to pursue these charges, it is a responsibility that the Canadian government owes not only to the people of Canada, but to the people of the world.

The 1987 Convention Against Torture [And Other Cruel, Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment] binds us to this action." Canada ratified the UN Convention on Torture along with 139 other nations; promising to protect the inalienable right of all the world's citizens to live a life free of torture.

Torture is a unique crime in that it is an act of the state, carried out for the purpose of punishment, extracting information from or compelling the cooperation of its victims. It comes in many forms; starvation, degradation, and most horribly, extreme physical abuses, the likes of which most of us living in the safety of Canada cannot imagine."

- Jumping From the Sinking Ship of Empire: Vermonters Move to Secede From USA

Ce n'est pas la premiere fois que j'entends parler de la cause separatiste du Vermont... C'est ca qui arrive j'imagine quand on fini par avoir un gouvernement qui ne nous represente plus et qui hors de notre controle: les gens n'en veulent plus et cherchent de nouvelles avenues pour retrouver le pouvoir sur leur propres destinees.

- Web snooping vital, spy agency boss says

Le chef le l'agence canadienne d'ecoute electronique a declare qu'il on besoin de posseder l'internet pour combattre le terrorisme.

Une autre belle excuse pour essayer de controler l'internet!


"John Adams, chief of Canada's little-known spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment, stressed in his first interview since taking the job in July that monitoring terrorists through cyberspace is as vital as tracking them on the ground.

That responsibility, plus monitoring all other forms of electronic communications and ensuring the security of the government's communications, falls to the CSE, which has quietly become one of Canada's most powerful agencies.

With the exception of the Mounties, no other federal agency benefited more from the resources or powers doled out after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks crumbled New York's twin towers.By 2007, CSE's budget is expected to grow to $220 million, more than double what it received pre-9/11."

- Europe is hanging by a thread

Les forces controlantes qui veulent unir l'Europe ne le font pas avec la bonne motivation de mettre les forces en commun tout en valorisant la difference et l'unicite des cultures, lois et peuples, mais plutot avec la motivation de controle et de puissance en aneantissant la souverainete des pays en jeu.
Et c'est la raison qu'il y a grande difficulte a faire passer la pillule a bien des europeens...

- Torture valid as it saves lives, says MI5

La torture est un bon outil acceptable pour obtenir de l'information, selon la directrice en chef des services secrets britanniques, le MI5.
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait bon d'avoir des valeurs humaines solides comme ca.... J'aimerais juste que ces gens qui defendent la torture essaient cette technique eux-memes pour bien pouvoir en juger...


Et oui, des guerres d'aggressions, ca doit se preparer longtemps d'avance.....

- Psychological Warfare in Afghanistan Atrocities committed under US Command


"Since September 11, we've all become uncomfortably familiar with names like Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, Fallujah and maybe even Bagram in Afghanistan. They're all places we now associate with human rights violations or worse - military atrocities and possibly potential war crimes. But after our first story tonight, you can add another placename to that list - Gonbaz in southern Afghanistan, about a 100km from the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar. In recent months, the former Muslim extremist Taliban and their al-Qa'ida allies have launched more attacks against US forces than at any time since the Americans first invaded in 2001.

Earlier this month, Dateline's John Martinkus was in Afghanistan to cover their elections, but his story tonight actually starts with some startling footage from another Australian, photojournalist Stephen Dupont, who, while he was embedded with the Americans, managed to record some of the grotesque tactics being used by Australia's allies in that part of the world. Dateline should warn you that this report does include some pretty disturbing scenes, particularly for any Muslim viewers."

VIDEO SBS TV Interview with Photojournalist Steven Dupont

- Huge majority of Iraqis want coalition to go

10/23/05 "The Observer" --
"-- The government has been dealt an embarrassing double blow in its battle to convince the public it is beating insurgency in Iraq and the threat of terrorism at home, according to confidential reports leaked to today's newspapers.One claimed nearly half of all Iraqis sympathised with violent attacks against British and US coalition troops; another said that at home, Tony Blair's high-profile strategy to counter the terrorist threat was proving disjointed and ineffective."

- British military investigator found hung in Basra

"A senior British military police officer in Iraq, Captain Ken Masters, was found hung in his military accommodation in Basra on October 15.
Masters was commander of the Royal Military Police’s Special Investigations Branch (SIB), charged with investigating allegations of mistreatment of Iraqi civilians by British soldiers. According to the Independent newspaper, in this capacity Masters “had examined almost every single serious allegation of abuse of Iraqi civilians by British troops,” including “the cases of the fusiliers convicted of abusing prisoners at Camp Breadbasket near Basra and a paratrooper who has been charged in connection with the death of Baha Mousa, a hotel receptionist.”

In recent weeks, Masters was thought to have been involved in the investigation into the events of September 19, when Iraqi police arrested two British undercover Special Air Service (SAS) officers in Basra."

- The Biological And Toxin Weapons Convention And Iraq

Plus de details dans le dossier des ventes d'armes chimiques et bacteriologiques par les USA a l'Iraq.

- 'We have proof UK bombed us'
TEHRAN: Iran said yesterday it has proof that Britain was involved in a double bomb attack last week that killed six people and injured more than 100 in Ahvaz.

Plus de details dans le dossier des services secrets britanniques impliquer dans les attaques terroristes en Iran...

- A Turning Point in the North Korean Nuclear Dispute
by Gregory Elich

October 20, 2005GlobalResearch.ca

Pour mieux comprendre se qui se passe avec la Koree.

- Dozens of Jewish extremists stormed the esplanade of the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the Palestinian WAFA news agency reported Wednesday.

Des juifs extremistes.... c'est rare que les medias emploient des mots comme ca... il vont surement se faire traiter d'anti-semites....

- The 9-11 short sellers were Israelis

ISRAELIS were 9-11 short stock sellers, betting on WTC terror strikes, story killed.

Before reading the following articles you might want to check out the following URLs:

Israel and 9/11:


Israeli Mossad operatives celebrated 9/11 attack: http://www.itszone.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=3425

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