--> Regard sur le Canada et les USA <--
... et Bush crea la Democratie!
Dans le fond, il faut le remercier Bush! Il nous fait voir plus clair! Il nous montre clairement comment on peut controler un gouvernement et une armee pour des interets personnels, corporatifs et par soif de controle et de pouvoir.
Tout ce systeme est bien a veille de s'ecrouler. Mais avant, on va avoir le temps de comprendre comment nos gouvernements, medias, institutions ont pu etre instruments de controle social, par la desinformation, le mensonge, la manipulation et la propagande.
Tout ca pour detourner notre attention des vrais dossiers urgents planetaires desquels ont devrait tous se preoccuper.
On va aussi comprendre qu'une population qui se laisse prendre en charge par son gouvernement, et qui est trop paresseuse pour etre responsable et informee, en plus d'etre implique dans tout les processus de decision et d'evolution de leur societe, cree aussi ces realites moches que l'on peut connaitre.
Nous avons un probleme de pensee je pense, qui tourne pas mal autour de la notion de separation. On croit que tout est separe alors que tout est UN. On a beaucoup de difficulte a reconnaitre les liens, les connections entre toutes choses, moi inclus.
Ce fondement de la pensee engendre la notion (arbitraire et culturelle) propre a nous de la possession.
L'idee qu'on peut "posseder" quoique ca soit, en dehors de sa propre vie, son esprit et son corps.
Elle est la graine de la discorde et du conflit de l'homme contre l'homme.
C'est dans le chaos que tout devient possible...
La physique quantique nous revele la meme chose que tous ces mythes et vieilles sagesses millenaires: rien n'est separe dans l'univers, tout est UN, ultimement connecte, part d'un TOUT, issue de la meme energie de base.
Ce UN, TOUT, qu'on a aussi symbolise par DIEU, ou la FORCE, l'INTELLIGENCE QUI FAIT QUE TOUT EST ORGANISE, ALLAH, peut importe le nom, on parle toujours de la meme chose.
Les peuples de la planete sont en train de s'unir. La souffrance est le moteur de l'evolution.
Si nous souffrons, c'est que nos motifs sont faux, nos calculs de satisfaction de nos desirs sont faux, base sur de fausses valeurs. Autant au niveau individuel que social et planetaire.
La souffrance nous amene a changer nos faux motifs pour de justes motifs, source de joie de vivre.
Voyons enfin ces nouvelles de chez nous et de nos voisins du sud...
- Tout d'abord, les trucs qui font rire! La caricature en tete du texte et ce video tres drole qui se moque je la "parlure" de Bush. Hilarant!
President Bush "Fool me once?"
- Canada not neutral on Iraq, crowd told
09/18/09 "Toronto Star" --
-- Canada needs to stop fooling itself and pretending that it's not involved in the "illegal" war on Iraq, British MP George Galloway told a boisterous crowd gathered last night to hear him speak at the University of Toronto."There is a certain myopia in countries like Canada about the way in which they are perceived by the victims of this so-called war on terror," said Galloway, an internationally renowned speaker and firebrand who's also a leading figure of the peace movement."You can't send 1,000 Canadian soldiers to join Bush's coalition of the killing and occupy the people of Afghanistan and claim to be neutral," the maverick politician told more than 1,000 people at Convocation Hall.Canada's deployment of soldiers to Afghanistan, thereby freeing Americans to fight in Iraq, and ships to the Persian Gulf are clear evidence that it is not merely a bystander, he said. Also, this country's role in Afghanistan is pretty clear, he said, recalling comments made by Gen. Rick Hillier back in July when he said Canada must take its fight against "scumbags" to the failed states abroad where they are allowed to "spread their venom."
Le Canada participe pleinement dans la pseudo "guerre contre le terrorisme".
En fait, le Canada, non seulement est criminellement militairement present en Afghanistan, mais aussi a participe avec la France et les USA au coup d'etat contre Bertrand Aristide d'Haiti.
On a des choses a regler ici aussi.
Ca fait cinq ans que le mec seche en tole, sans etre charge de rien, juste a cause de d'evidences secretes, pas de procedures judiciaires. Il seche la le mec, vous comprenez...
Il la, il en a marre. Il decide de faire une "greve" de la faim. Ca fait plus de 75 jours. Et les autorites lui refuse l'hospitalisation. Le plusse beau pays du monde a l'oeuvre dans sa guerre contre le terrorisme...
- No regrets, no apologies about Arar deportation, says U.S. ambassador
"OTTAWA (CP) - The new U.S. ambassador to Canada is making no apologies for Maher Arar's deportation to Syria, arguing that it's better to be safe than sorry in the fight against international terrorism.
David Wilkins is also warning that other Canadians with dual citizenship could face a similar fate if they fall under suspicion.
"The United States is committed in its war against terror," Wilkins said in an interview with The Canadian Press.
"We're committed to making sure that our borders are secure and our country is safe. Will there be other deportations in the future? I'd be surprised if there's not."
Arar, a Canadian citizen of Syrian birth, was arrested in New York in September 2002, accused by U.S. authorities of having ties to al-Qaida and deported to Syria."
Arar ete accuse d'avoir des connections avec l'Al Qaida.... la creation de la CIA...qui a encore des liens aujourd'hui avec eux.... enfin, c'est pas presente comme ca dans les mass medias, mais bon...... j'imagine que c'est juste un petit detail insignifiant...
Merci aux USA pour ce traitement exclusif des Canadiens, et en plus de nous prevenir que ca va encore arriver!
- Disaster relief? Call in the Marines.
Bush suggests lifting the ban on using the military domestically.
Vous avez bien lu: Bush suggere d'enlever l'interdiction d'utiliser l'armee a la maison, a l'interieur des USA.
Et oui, etape par etape.. nous .... nous ... dirigons vers... un... etat... militaire...aux.. U..S..A..
Qu'allons nous faire? Rester la en spectateur?
- Leaders Who Won't Choose
In Washington, it's business as usual in the face of a national catastrophe.
La plus belle remarque est celle du blogger du site de What Really Happened qui l'a fait.
Il explique clairement ce qu'est l'inflation et comment elle se produit. C'est une taxe cachee qui rapporte beaucoup d'argent aux banquiers. Je veux dire beaucoup d'argent aux banquiers.
"Indeed we may already be seeing the start of the hyper-inflationary spiral that usually precedes the collapse of a government. Bush has been "borrowing" the money for his Iraq war. That is a fancy name for having the Federal Reserve switch on the printing presses and crank out more fiat currency to give to cronies who then spend it on themselves and their companies and occasionally to actually help the troops out.
But that is pouring tons of extra cash into the economy, at a time when the country cannot produce enough products on which to spend that cash. When you have too much cash chasing after too few goods and services, prices soar.
That is what inflation is. An inflated cash supply and not enough places to spend it. We are seeing skyrocketing prices in real estate and gas, and now the price increases are spreading to all other sectors of the marketplace. We are on our way to seeing the kind of hyper-inflation that struck at Germany where a whole basket of notes was required to buy a loaf of bread, and people stopped buying firewood for their stoves because it was cheaper just to burn the money itself.
Now Bush is promising $200 billion in reconstruction aid to Louisiana with no guarantees it will be spent any more wisely than the money spent on the war in Iraq. The domestic budget has been slashed to the bone. So either Bush will start shutting down vital services, or the printing presses at the Federal Reserve will start working three shifts."
Des tonnes de nourriture donne par les britanniques pour les victimes de Katrina (et de leur gouvernement!!) vont etre brule!!!
- Why Is George W. Bush Above the Law?
"Once again, a massive failure of leaderships has been displayed in Washington. And, once again, George Bush has escaped an independent inquiry into his irresponsible actions. For the fourth time in less than five years, the President of the United States and his cohorts been placed above the law. That, in itself, is a major American disaster."
- Former White House official arrested
Bon, sortez votre pop corn et assoyez vous, le show commence. Il va y en avoir une bonne gang qui va sortir de la Maison Blanche avec des menottes dans les temps a venir....
- County bans parking on roads near President Bush's ranch
Ca c'est dans la section "dictature" de notre journal.....
Ainsi, il est maintenant interdit de stationner sa voiture a moins de 13 miles de chez Bush!!!
- Electricity Turned On In New Orleans Neighborhood For Bush, Turned Off When He Left
Hail the Fuhrer!
To Israel....
- The People with the Blood-Soaked Hands
Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?
"The "cakewalk war" is now two and one-half years old. US casualties (dead and wounded) number 20,000. As 20,000 is the number of Iraqi insurgents according to US military commanders, each insurgent is responsible for one US casualty.
US troops in Iraq number about 150,000. Obviously, US troops have not inflicted 150,000 casualties on the Iraqi insurgents. US troops have perhaps inflicted 150,000 casualties on the Iraqi civilian population, primarily women and children who are the "collateral damage" of the "righteous" and "virtuous" US invasion that is spreading civilian deaths all over Mesopotamia in the name of democracy.
What could the US have possibly done to give America a worse name than to invade Iraq and murder its citizens?
According to the September 1 Manufacturing & Technology News, the Government Accounting Office has reported that over the course of the cakewalk war, the US military's use of small caliber ammunition has risen to 1.8 billion rounds. Think about that number. If there are 20,000 insurgents, it means US troops have fired 90,000 rounds at each insurgent.
Very few have been hit. We don't know how many. To avoid the analogy with Vietnam, until last week the US military studiously avoided body counts. If 2,000 insurgents have been killed, each death required 900,000 rounds of ammunition."
Le calcul est special, mais juste le chiffre de 1.8 milliards de balles tirees depuis le debut de l'aggression de l'Iraqfait franchement delirer. Ca n'a aucun sens!
Ca y est, vous l'avez ce foutu pop corn?? Le show commence!
A bientot!
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