Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

lundi 31 mai 2010

Le 11 septembre est l'oeuvre du Mossad, selon un ancien correspondant de la BBC


Le 11 septembre est l'oeuvre du Mossad, selon un ancien correspondant de la BBC

Alan Hart est écrivain, ancien correspondant en chef d’Independent Television News au Moyen-Orient, et ancien présentateur de BBC Panorama spécialisé dans le Moyen-Orient. Il a écrit plusieurs livres dont une biographie de Yasser Arafat, "Terrorism or Freedom Fighters : Yasser Arafat and the PLO". Il a récemment achevé la trilogie Zionism : The Real Enemy of the Jews. Dans un article récent discutant du livre, Hart a affirmé que "tant que les américains ne seront pas suffisamment au courant de la vérité de l’histoire, aucun président américain ne sera en mesure de briser l’emprise du lobby sioniste sur le Congrès."

YOUTUBE - Extrait d'entrevue à l'émission de Kevin Barrett


Extrait d’une interview de l’ex-correspondant de la BBC et spécialiste du Moyen-Orient Alan Hart, invité le 25 mai à l’émission de Kevin Barrett. Hart a déclaré que le Mossad était responsable du 11 septembre et que l’effondrement des tours du WTC avait été causé par une démolition contrôlée, entre autres révélations.

On peut écouter l’interview en entier ici (en anglais).

Alan explique la prise de pouvoir des sionistes en Amérique et évoque l’attaque au napalm « false flag » manquée du USS Liberty par Israël, en 1967.

Retranscription de la vidéo:

Alan Hart: Je vais briser un tabou maintenant. Je veux dire, vous avez mentionné le 11 septembre. En principe, en public, je n’en parle pas parce que cela fait de vous une cible pour des attaques et de fausses accusations d’antisémitisme et tout le reste, n’est-ce pas?

Kevin Barrett: Je l’ai certainement remarqué.

Hart: Donc, d’entrée de jeu, j’ai gardé mes distances par rapport à ça, car cela leur donne le focus qui leur permet de détourner l’attention de votre message principal. Mais, puisque vous l’avez mentionné, je vais vous dire ce que je crois sincèrement. Je pense que cela a probablement commencé comme une opération d’un groupe musulman, d’accord? Mais je pense que cela fut très rapidement infiltré par des agents du Mossad. Je l’explique en détail dans mon livre. Dès l’instant qu’Israël est né, ou presque, il avait ses agents infiltrateurs dans tous les gouvernements arabes, dans chaque organisation militaire arabe et chaque groupe terroriste arabe, quel qu’il soit. Donc, ils ont certainement infiltré celui-là (les terroristes du 11 septembre). Et à un certain moment ils ont dit aux méchants de la CIA, “ce complot est en cours d’exécution, que devons-nous faire?” Et les néo-conservateurs ont déclaré: “nous allons l’utiliser”.

Les tours jumelles ont été abattues par une explosion au sol contrôlé, pas par les avions. Maintenant, je vais vous le dire en passant que l’un de mes amis est un consultant pour l’une des plus importantes firme d’ingénieur au monde. Je ne vais pas la nommer. Ils ont étudié les films et ils ont conclu qu’il n’y a aucun doute que les avions ont été abattus … Désolé, que les tours ont été abattues par une explosion contrôlée au sol. Et puis nous avons le film de ce qu’on appelle souvent les cinq Israéliens dansants. Saviez-vous cela Kevin?

Barrett: Je le sais certainement. Ils célébraient les attentats. Ils avaient mis en place des caméras avant les attentats et ils se claquaient dans leurs mains en l’air ["high five"] et allumaient leur briquet en étant placés juste devant les tours jumelles.

Hart: C’est exact. Mais le fait est qu’ils avaient tous les téléphones portables. N’est-ce pas?

Barrett: C’est exact.

Hart: Maintenant, ils ont d’abord été signalé comme étant musulmans. Saviez-vous cela?

Barrett: Euh … Moyen-Orientaux est le code pour les Israéliens …

Hart: Bon, Moyen-Orientaux. Mais on a eu l’impression qu’ils étaient musulmans – ils étaient les méchants.

Barrett: C’est exact.

Hart: Donc, le FBI les a pourchassé, et ces cinq gars ont fui pour éviter d’être arrêtés. Mais ils ont finalement été capturés et ont été arrêtés. Et devinez quoi. Ils étaient tous des agents du Mossad.

Barrett: Cela a été confirmé par The Forward.

Hart: C’est exact. C’est un fait établi. Cela débouche sur la question : que faisaient-ils là? Cela indique qu’ils savaient, ou à tout le moins, qu’ils savaient que cela allait se produire. Ce n’est pas impossible – et c’est Alan Hart qui spécule ici – que les avions aient été équipés de transpondeurs, et que ces gars-là étaient ont dirigés les avions vers leur cible avec leur portable. Ce n’est pas impossible.

Barrett: Je suppose que ça n’est pas impossible. Il y a certainement toutes sortes d’autres possibilités, mais la possibilité d’avions guidés à distance est très probable, considérant que, si l’on avait prévu une démolition très complexe de trois gratte-ciel qui se trouvent à être les trois plus grands bâtiments au monde à être détruits par démolition contrôlée, il fallait bien s’assurer qu’ils soient percutés [par un objet quelconque] pour justifier leur destruction.

Hart: Et n’est-ce pas le cas, Kevin, que plusieurs de vos meilleurs pilotes ont effectivement dit que cela aurait été une tâche extrêmement difficile que de diriger ces avions pour qu’ils percutent ces bâtiments.

Barrett: Eh bien, c’est vrai. J’ai reçu un certain nombre de pilotes qui sont membres des Pilotes pour la vérité sur le 11 septembre à mon émission, et ils ont dit que la vitesse mesurée de l’avion, lorsqu’il a heurté la tour Sud, était proche de 600 miles à l’heure au niveau de la mer. Et c’est une vitesse à laquelle… enfin certains d’entre eux disent que ces Boeing 767 ne pouvaient nullement atteindre cette vitesse au niveau du sol. Ils se seraient défaits en pièces à une vitesse sensiblement inférieure à celle de la pression de l’air au niveau de la mer, qui est beaucoup plus épais. Mais que, en tout cas, nulle personne saine d’esprit pourrait prétendre qu’il soit possible de guider un avion à cette vitesse au niveau de la mer et de percuter ces objectifs de la façon qu’ils l’ont fait.

Hart: Donc, la spéculation qu’ils ont été équipés d’une sorte de transpondeur et qu’ils ont été appelés vers leur cible par voie électronique n’est pas totalement irrationnelle?

Barrett: Euh … Eh bien non, ça ne l’est pas, en fait, c’est même un peu douteux que des avions de passagers normaux soient capables de le faire aussi systématiquement à ce genre de vitesse. Dans tous les cas, il semble très douteux que les pilotes qui ne pouvaient même pas piloter en solo un Cessna aient pu accomplir ces prouesses incroyables pour atteindre leurs cibles.

Hart: Eh bien, cela et deux autres choses Kevin. Nous savons qu’en fait au moins six, voire neuf pirates de l’air présumés qui sont prétendument morts sont en fait bien en vie et habitent quelque part...

Barrett [l'interrompt]: Eh bien, c’est vrai. Et c’est confirmé par l’article de Jay Kolar “What we now know about the 9/11 hijackers” (“Ce que nous savons maintenant sur les pirates de l’air du 11 septembre”), qui a été publié, en fait, dans un volume d’une revue scientifique européen de premier plan (nom inaudible). Il est étonnant que toute la littérature académique soit tellement à sens unique. Il n’y a pas de contre-littérature de niveau académique à l’exception de …

Hart [l'interrompt]: Sauf pour dire “comment osez-vous être à ce point antisémite”. C’est la seule contre-littérature.

Barrett: Exact, exact. Et puis il y a aussi la contre-littérature de Cass Sunstein publiée dans la [revue] Harvard Law Review. C’est ce diplômé de Harvard qui est conseiller d’Obama, qui a écrit un article sur la façon de traiter avec ces terribles théories du complot et il a défendu l’idée que le gouvernement devrait infiltrer ces groupes et diffuser de la diversité cognitive dans ces groupes et, à terme, qu’il pourrait être nécessaire d’interdire les théories du complot.

Hart: Oui, bien sûr, mais un autre indicateur très effrayant, [est que] nous savons que Wolfowitz et Perle ont écrit ce document, dont le nom m’échappe pour le moment…

Barrett: “Rebuilding America’s Defense” [PNAC]? [Reconstruire la défense de l'Amérique, document du Projet pour le nouveau siècle américain]?

Hart: Oui… mais quand ils étaient conseillers de Netanyahu ….

Barrett: C’est le document Clean Break.

Hart: C’est celui-là, le document Clean Break. Et la stratégie était de se débarrasser de Saddam Hussein, de faire reculer la Syrie et d’attaquer l’Iran. Tout cela est du domaine public, mais nous savons aussi que M. Wolfowitz, à un moment parlait de la nécessité d’un incident à la Pearl Harbor.

Barrett: Eh bien c’est vrai, Wolfowitz était obsédé par la valeur stratégique de Pearl Harbor. Il avait parlé de la façon dont les nazis croyaient qu’ils auraient gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale s’ils avaient eu un tel incident à la Pearl Harbor pour rallier la population.
Hart: Oui, tu vois, je crois que la guerre en Irak — j’ai écrit cela dans mon livre –, je crois que les deux principaux moteurs de la guerre ont été Wolfowitz et Perle. Je crois qu’ils ont ensuite été supportés et approuvés par celui que j’ai appelé Dr Strangelove (Dr Folamour), vous devinerez de qui il s'agit, il s'agit du vice-président Dick Cheney, et l’ensemble des néo-conservateurs. Vous voyez, ce n’était pas une guerre pour le pétrole. Les gens disent que c’était une guerre du pétrole. J’ai parlé avec les dirigeants des pétrolières — puisque je connais bien certains d’entre eux — et ils m’ont dit: “Alan, ne soyez pas fou: l’industrie pétrolière a besoin de stabilité! Elle n’a pas besoin de ce genre de bouleversements”. Et je pense que c’est exact.

Barrett: Ça l’est. James Petras a fait valoir cet argument de façon tout à fait convaincante. Je pense que le seul contre-argument valide est que ce n’est pas tant le pétrole mais la géostratégie à long terme basée sur le pétrole qui rendait cela important d’occuper ces régions du monde.

Hart: Israël avait un autre objectif stratégique à plus long terme. Il fallait se débarrasser de Saddam Hussein parce qu’il représentait la seule menace potentielle — je répète potentielle — pour la domination complète de la région par Israël.

Barrett: C’est un très bon point. Et maintenant, il a été éliminé, l’Irak a été décimée et empoisonnée et les intellectuels, scientifiques et techniciens ont été pourchassés et tués par le Mossad…

Hart [l'interrompt]: Et se dirige sans doute vers la guerre civile.

Barrett: L’Irak a été identifié comme un antagoniste potentiel par Israël il y a très longtemps. Et maintenant, ils veulent utiliser le militaire américain pour aller après que l’Iran.

Hart: Vous voyez, c’est fascinant, Kevin. Je crois vraiment — et je crois vraiment — que l’Iran n’est pas intéressé à se procurer des bombes nucléaires. Mais imaginez qu’ils en ont 4, 5 ou 6 ou peu importe, pensez-vous qu’il est possible qu’ils lancent une première attaque contre Israël? Bien sûr qu’ils ne le feraient pas! Parce que s’ils le faisaient, l’ensemble de l’Iran serait dévasté et anéanti, et ils ne sont pas stupides. Et la raison pour laquelle les Israéliens font tout un cinéma en Iran est afin de détourner l’attention – publique et politique – de la colonisation sioniste et du génocide en cours en Palestine.

Barrett: C’est exactement ce que certains de mes invités récents ont dit. Gordon Duff qui était à mon émission il y a une semaine ou deux, fait partie de ce groupe de militaires américains à la retraite qui ont lancé l’avertissement selon quoi les Israéliens veulent fuir en avant en provoquant une plus grande guerre au Moyen-Orient en vue justement de masquer leurs traces non seulement en ce qui concerne le nettoyage ethnique de la Palestine mais aussi en ce qui concerne le 11 septembre. Alan Sabrosky, qui est un ami de Gordon Duff, est très respecté et accompli…

Hart [l'interrompt]: Ouais je connais Alan, je le respecte, oui.

Barrett: Il a déclaré carrément que c’est juste une simple évidence, comme vous le savez, qui saute aux yeux, que le Mossad est derrière le 11 septembre. Et donc ces gens nous avertissent qu’Israël est susceptible de lancer une nouvelle attaque à grand déploiement contre les États-Unis, encore une fois pour provoquer une autre plus grande guerre au Moyen-Orient …

Hart [l'interrompt]: une attaque sous faux pavillon …

Barrett: Exact, pour être absous de leur responsabilité dans le 11 septembre… [inaudible]

Hart: Je pense que la théorie de conspiration est: Israël ne peut attaquer l’Iran tout seul. Donc, il serait nécessaire d’orchestrer une opération sous fausse bannière de manière à forcer et entraîner les États-Unis dans cette guerre.

Barrett: Exactement.(…)


À voir aussi:

Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition

Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition.

Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA, adding that since its formation, Israel has penetrated every Arab government and terrorist organization.

Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart - 2/5 - Has Broken His Silence on 9/11 - Infowars.com

The 911 Conspiracy revealed

dimanche 30 mai 2010

Les documents qui prouvent l'existence de l'arsenal nucléaire israélien

Les documents qui prouvent l'existence de l'arsenal nucléaire israélien

Article crucial dans lequel on peut trouver les documents officiels qui confirment sans l'ombre d'un doute qu'Israël possède un arsenal nucléaire. Non seulement possèdent-ils de nombreuses bombes nucléaires depuis des décennies, mais Israël participe activement à la prolifération des armes nucléaires, tel que le prouvent ces documents détaillant comment Israël a essayé de vendre des armes nucléaires au régime d'apartheid de l'Afrique du Sud par l'ancien ministre de la défense Shimon Perez.

Il n'y a plus d’ambiguïté. Israël possède des armes nucléaires et en a tellement qu'ils veulent en vendre.

Israël est une puissance nucléaire.

Passez le mot.

The memos and minutes that confirm Israel's nuclear stockpile

Documents reveal how then-defence minister Shimon Perez tried to sell South Africa's apartheid government the bomb

Israel documents: South African general says country should get  nukes on Jericho missiles

This is the secret memo by South Africa's military chief of staff, General RF Armstrong, asking for nukes on the Jericho missiles. It has been revealed before, but its context was not understood. We now know the memo was the direct result of a meeting between PW Botha and Shimon Peres, and the basis of Botha's demand for nukes. This memo was uncovered by Peter Liberman and published in the Nonproliferation Review.

• Declassified memo from General RF Armstrong

Israel documents: Cover page of memo revealing secret nuclear  agreement with South Afric

This cover page of an ISSA (ISrael-South Africa agreement) meeting in Pretoria between Israeli and South African officials on 30 June 1975 establishes the presence of General Armstrong, who wrote the nuclear memo.

• Minutes of third ISSA meeting, 30/6/1975

Israel documents: Memo showing secret nuclear agreement with South  Africa

This document details the another ISSA meeting during which Botha says he needs the 'right payload' and Peres offers it in 'three sizes' (paragraph 10).

• Minutes from further ISSA meeting

Israel documents: Page 2 states existence of agreement with South  Africa is secret

This is the cover page and two other pages from the secret military agreement between Israel and South Africa, signed by both Shimon Peres and Botha. Note on page two there is a clause that says the very existence of the agreement is secret. Both men have signed the agreement on page three.

• Israel-South Africa agreement

Israel documents: Peres letter to South Africa's apartheid  government

In this letter, dated 11 November 1974, Peres says Israel and the South African apartheid government share a "common hatred of injustice" and urges a "close identity of aspirations and interests".

• Letter from Shimon Peres, 11/11/1974

Webmaster's Commentary:

There is no longer any "ambiguity" about Israel's nuclear weapons. They have them, and indeed have so many they are looking to sell some of them off!

Israel is a nuclear power. They do not need a constant influx of American tax dollars and weapons to defend themselves, and indeed every single military adventure by Israel has been offensive in nature!

The US Government can no longer continue to pretend it does not know Israel has nuclear weapons. And that means that every single penny of American taxpayer money sent to Israel since 1976 is a theft from the American people because under both the 1976 Symington Amendment to the 1961 Foreign Appropriations act and the Glenn Act, the US Government may not send foreign aide to any nations that possess and traffic in nuclear weapons that have not signed the NNPT and submit to IAEA inspections.

At the very least, the US Congress must immediately halt all funding to Israel until Israel is in compliance with the NNPT and IAEA or answer just whose interests they serve sitting in those US Taxpayer funded offices!

Meanwhile, there is one aspect of this story that the Guardian neglected. Israel has been caught trying to sell nuclear weapons to the Apartheid regime in South Africa. The obvious question that must be asked now is, who else did Israel sell nuclear weapons to? And given that the US Nuclear secrets stolen by Jonathon Pollard and given to Israel were then given by Israel to US ENEMIES, has Israel sold nuclear weapons to nations that do not like the United States?

samedi 29 mai 2010

Énergies diverses et alternatives pour maintenant et le futur

Énergies diverses et alternatives pour maintenant et le futur

De l'énergie libre de Tesla en passant par le solaire, énergie tirée des microbes, de l'alcool ou d'autres sources, ce n'est pas les avenues qui manquent pour nous sortir de l'ère du cartel et monopole du pétrole et de l'énergie nucléaire. Des énergies propres et libres sont disponibles dès aujourd'hui. C'est un manque de volonté de la part des contrôleurs qui nous ralenti. Il est temps que cela cesse.


And when, in the late 1930's, President Roosevelt asked Tesla for his fabled and mysterious Death Ray, to be added to the arsenal of democracy, Tesla claimed that it did not exist. He did not think the world was ready for it, nor for an unknown number of other inventions which he kept hidden away.

[Another version is that Tesla offered this technology to FDR, and FDR replied back, "No. We're going to war!" -- ts]

Solar Power Lightens Up with Thin-Film Technology

Cheap, durable, efficient devices are needed to generate a significant amount of electricity from the sun. So-called thin-film photovoltaic cells may be just the ticket


Scientists discover Patagonian diesel that grows on trees

A tree fungus could provide green fuel that can be pumped directly into vehicle tanks, US scientists say. The organism, found in the Patagonian rainforest, naturally produces a mixture of chemicals that is remarkably similar to diesel.

"This is the only organism that has ever been shown to produce such an important combination of fuel substances," said Gary Strobel, a plant scientist from Montana State University, who led the work. "We were totally surprised to learn that it was making a plethora of hydrocarbons."

Salt Water As A Fuel...


This may be the most revolutionary invention or discovery since
fire. A man was trying to cure cancer using radio waves and
discovered that these radio waves could be used to unlock hydrogen
form oxygen in salt water. Amazing!


FREE ENERGY Home Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid

Okay, here is my challenge. Build a tower and put one of these magic power generators on top, running a motor that spins around a brightly colored wheel that can be seen for miles and just let it sit there running for six months. The public is allowed to visit the tower base and satisfy themselves that there is no additional power being sent up to the top by covert means.

After that machine has spun that wheel without fail 24/7 for six months, THEN I will take a closer look.


Is this the end of the internal combustion engine? Will we
finally be able to drive past gas stations with a friendly wave
and a honking horn? Will we be disconnecting from the power grid or even selling power back to the electric company? We're about to find out.

Caltech Researchers Create Highly Absorbing, Flexible Solar Cells with Silicon Wire Arrays

Using arrays of long, thin silicon wires embedded in a polymer substrate, a team of scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has created a new type of flexible solar cell that enhances the absorption of sunlight and efficiently converts its photons into electrons. The solar cell does all this using only a fraction of the expensive semiconductor materials required by conventional solar cells.

"These solar cells have, for the first time, surpassed the conventional light-trapping limit for absorbing materials," says Harry Atwater, Howard Hughes Professor, professor of applied physics and materials science, and director of Caltech's Resnick Institute, which focuses on sustainability research.

Microbes: Fuel of the Future?

A reddish microbe found on the inside of a tree at a secret location in the rain forests of northern Patagonia could unlock the biofuel of the future, say scientists.

Its potential is so startling that the discoverers have coined the term "myco-diesel" -- a derivation of the word for fungus -- to describe the bouquet of hydrocarbons that it breathes.

"This is the only organism that has ever been shown to produce such an important combination of fuel substances," said Gary Strobel, a professor of biology at Montana State University.

"The fungus can even make these diesel compounds from cellulose, which would make it a better source of biofuel that anything we use at the moment."

"The Environmental Protection Agency reported that the average performance of new, 2008 model cars and trucks was 20.8 miles per gallon in 2008." -- Boston Globe, 9/19/08

"Ford's Model T, which went 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline, was more fuel efficient than the current Ford Explorer sport-utility vehicle -- which manages just 16 miles per gallon." -- Detroit News, 6/4/03

"The Prius is the first significant departure from the combustion engine to make any major inroads in the auto industry since Henry Ford invented the Model T in 1908." -- Newsweek, 9/6/04

Dear friends,

What happens when we compare technological advances in various fields over the last 50 to 100 years? In communications, we've gone from the basic telephone of 50 years ago to answering machines, faxes, instant messaging, and wireless cell phones packed with cameras, GPS, and more. Just 50 years ago computers were huge, multi-million dollar monsters capable of only rudimentary mathematical problems. Today, the portable laptop on which I'm typing can perform functions literally millions of times faster and more complex than its ancestors, and connect me instantly to anyone in the world with Internet access.

In engineering and materials science, we have gone from basic woods and metals to sophisticated plastics, fiber optics, nanotechnology, and other high-tech manmade materials and technologies that perform all kinds of functions which would have been considered miraculous 100 years ago. Television, movies, microwave ovens, air conditioning, radar, and gameboys didn't even exist then. In astronomy, biology, medicine, agriculture, genetics, electronics, and most any other field you can think of, we are not only generations, but light years ahead in both knowledge and applications of what was available 100, and sometimes even 50 years ago.

Now consider the areas of energy and transportation, and the oil and automobile industries in particular. Technological progress in these sectors has moved at a snail's pace compared to the fields mentioned above. Most cars and trucks still use the same internal combustion engine on which the Model T depended 100 years ago. And while the Model T boasted gas mileage of 25 MPG in 1908, average fuel economy for 2008 according to the EPA was only 20.8 MPG! The Detroit News admits that even this EPA figure is inflated, as "most drivers achieve only about 75 percent of the [EPA gas mileage] figures."

And when it comes to energy, most of the world still depends largely on huge, polluting coal and oil generation plants not much more efficient than those of 100 years ago. How can it be that we've had such dramatic, almost miraculous advances in so many fields, while the energy and transportation sectors have made so little progress? Could it be that greed and the desire for economic and political control by the power elite of the world have kept the profit-rich energy and transportation sectors from developing as rapidly as they might have in a more open climate, where big money and political clout did not suppress technological breakthroughs?

Genius inventors for the past 100 years have made remarkable discoveries of new, more efficient energy sources, only to find their inventions either suppressed or not given the attention and funding needed to break us free of our dependence on archaic coal and oil-based technologies. Consider Nikola Tesla, the genius inventor of AC current, fluorescent light, and laser beams, who has over 700 patents to his name. Tesla proved in 1900 that the Earth itself could be used as a very cheap conductor of electricity. He successfully lighted 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 25 miles.

Why wasn't Tesla's wireless electricity developed and spread around the world? His main financial supporter, banking tycoon J.P. Morgan, withdrew funding with the classic comment, "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?" For more on Tesla and his amazing inventions, see PBS's voluminous tribute available here, or the Tesla Society website. A Google search will turn up lots more. Hundreds of other inventions and inventors (including a personal friend of mine) have suffered a similar or worse fate.

Below are short excerpts from a number of major media articles which suggest major suppression of technological advances in the fields of energy and transportation. For an excellent two-page summary of this vital topic, click here. You can also find a wealth of reliable, verifiable information at our New Energy Information Center. By educating ourselves and our friends and colleagues on this crucial topic, we can build a critical mass of informed citizens who demand the release of suppressed inventions and technologies that will pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for us, for our children, and for our beautiful planet. Thanks for caring.

With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and the WantToKnow.info Team
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Brazil's alcohol cars hit 2m mark
August 18, 2006, BBC News

Brazil's new generation of cars and trucks adapted to run on alcohol has just hit the two-million mark. "Flex-fuel" vehicles, which run on any combination of ethanol and petrol, now make up 77% of the Brazilian market. Brazil has pioneered the use of ethanol derived from sugar-cane as motor fuel. Ethanol-driven cars have been on sale there for 25 years, but they have been enjoying a revival since flex-fuel models first appeared in March 2003. Just 48,200 flex-fuel cars were sold in Brazil in 2003, but the total had reached 1.2 million by the end of last year and had since topped two million.

Note: With recent sky-high gasoline prices and the fear of depletion of global oil supplies, why aren't such cars being mass produced and promoted in the U.S.? And why are the trains of almost every other developed nation far advanced from trains in the U.S.? For possible answers, click here.

Blame the feds for fuel economy figures that don't match real world
May 19, 2004, Detroit News


Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Co. are probably wishing they’d never put those fun fuel economy monitors in their gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles. The displays are causing angst among some owners who aren’t getting the miles-per-gallon performance posted on their window sticker. Frustrated consumers are asking dealerships to “fix” their vehicles. Pete Blackshaw of Cincinnati is chronicling his dismay publicly in his own Internet blog. He says Honda is ignoring his claim that he’s never gotten more than 33 mpg in his Civic Hybrid. The combined city/highway rating from the car’s window sticker is 47. Don’t blame Honda. It’s the government that for decades has required carmakers to publish fuel economy ratings derived not from real world driving, but from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emission testing procedures. The numbers — displayed prominently on every vehicle’s window sticker — have always been a fraud of sorts, a quick-and-easy way to help car and truck buyers comparison shop on fuel economy. Most drivers achieve only about 75 percent of the laboratory-generated figures.

Note: As this article has been removed from Detroit News website, we have published a copy of the article in its entirety available here. To learn how to convert a Toyota Prius to get gas mileage of 100 mpg, click here. Why isn't this being highly promoted by Toyota and the media? Could powerful interests not want us to know?

Toyota smashes fuel economy record
October 20, 2002, Times of London


Tucked away on the Toyota stand you will find a cheeky little coupé that looks sporty but whose raison d’être is fuel economy, the lowest exhaust emissions and ease of recycling. The ES3 — the initials stand for Eco Spirit — achieves 104mpg in the official European fuel consumption tests, a record for a four-seat car. Some months ago I drove this prototype and not only is it even more economical than the special “3 litre” (three litres of fuel for every 100km travelled, or 94mpg) versions of the Audi A2 and VW Lupo that sell in Germany, but the Toyota is more lively and responsive and would be very acceptable as an everyday car.

Note: The Toyota Eco Spirit was the talk of the fuel economy car industry in 2002, when this article was published. At over 100 MPG and with the lowest exhaust emissions and a very reasonable sticker price, the Eco Spirit's debut was widely anticipated. What happened to it? This article reveals that Toyota nixed the car. Why in these times of soaring oil prices would they not rush this car into mass production?

Car achieves almost 10,000 miles per gallon
July 16, 1999, BBC News

A car driven by a 10-year-old and built at a French school has set a new world record for fuel efficiency. The Microjoule team managed the equivalent of 9,845 miles per gallon while driving for 10 miles around Silverstone race track in the UK. More than 100 teams competed in the Shell Eco-Marathon. Their one goal was to see how far they can get these amazing machines to travel on a minuscule amount of fuel. While we might be delirious if we managed 40 miles (64 kilometres) to the gallon (4.5 litres) pottering about town in our super minis, these people are not happy until they have seen the mileometer click through the thousands. The entries come from all over Europe. Some teams use advanced materials like titanium and carbon fibre. Some of the machines built by schoolchildren are made from parts of old sewing and washing machines.

Note: Some of these amazing vehicles made in 1999 were "built by schoolchildren," yet the auto industry still can't make a car that get's 100 mpg? Granted these cars are slow and small, but if they can get almost 10,000 mpg, don't you think similar technology could be used to get at least several hundred mpg in regular cars?

Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car
February 17, 2006, CBS News

The star at last week's Philadelphia Auto Show wasn't a sports car or an economy car. It was a sports-economy car — one that combines performance and practicality under one hood. But as CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman reports in this week's Assignment America, the car that buyers have been waiting decades [for] comes from an unexpected source and runs on soybean bio-diesel fuel to boot. A car that can go from zero to 60 in four seconds and get more than 50 miles to the gallon would be enough to pique any driver's interest. So who do we have to thank for it. Ford? GM? Toyota? No – just ... five kids from the auto shop program at West Philadelphia High School.

Freezing gas prices
May 25 , 2005, NBC Oklahoma City


There is a man who fills up his tank once every two months. One tank of gas, literally, lasts him two months. He is freezing the price of gas by freezing something else. David Hutchison is a Cryogenics expert. He built this Cryo-Process himself. A few years ago he began an experiment on his hybrid Honda, freezing the engine components. The results were a fuel-efficiency dream. A hybrid Honda typically gets really great gas mileage anyway, around 50 miles to the gallon, but David Hutchison's cryogenically tempered engine has been known to get close to 120 miles a gallon. Racers have picked up on David's trick of cryogenically freezing car parts. It is now widely accepted among NASCAR and Indy-car racers.

Note: Why isn't this amazing news front-page headlines with rapid development for use by us all?

Refiners Maintain a Firm but Legal Grip on Supplies
June 18, 2005, Los Angeles Times


California refiners are simply cashing in on a system that allows a handful of players to keep prices high by carefully controlling supplies. The result is a kind of miracle market in which profits abound, outsiders can't compete and a dwindling cadre of gas station operators has little choice but go along. Refiners "not only control how much supply is in the marketplace, they control who gets it and at what price," said Dennis DeCota, executive director of the California Service Station and Automotive Repair Assn. The recent history of California's fuel industry is a textbook case of how a once-competitive business can become skewed to the advantage of a few, all with the federal government's blessing. Refiners acknowledge their California businesses have become the most profitable in the nation. The rest of the country isn't far behind. Characteristics once unique to California — specialty fuels, a refinery shortage, the growing dominance of a few companies — have begun to plague other gasoline markets.

Note: To understand why all of this isn't being reported in headline news around the country, click here.

Michigan solar car team wins 2,400-mile race
July 25, 2008, CNN News


In the world of higher education, summer is usually the off-season. But for some students, this summer was the culmination of years of hard work in a 2,400-mile solar car race from Plano, Texas to Calgary, Alberta. Fifteen teams of students drove photovoltaic-powered cars across the North American Solar Challenge finish line in Calgary Tuesday, led by the University of Michigan Solar Car Team and its vehicle, Continuum. Michigan's victory, which took about 51 hours and 42 minutes on the road, is its fifth NASC championship. The school also won the last NASC, in 2005. Jeff Ferman, the race manager for Michigan, talked about how rewarding it was to enter Calgary and be greeted by 40,000 people."The streets were lined with people," he said. "There were people on overpasses with tripods taking pictures." The Michigan team led almost the entire race from Texas, trailing only on the first day of driving when it had to stop to fix a minor electrical problem. But that 20-minute stop was the only time it had to pull over to make repairs, which team members said was one reason they did so well.

Note: If you do the math, this amazing solar powered car built by college students averaged 46.5 mph over a 2,400 mile course! Why didn't this make news headlines? Try doing a Google search on "Solar Challenge" (the annual solar car race). You will find that almost no major media cover this amazing event at all. The few who have (including the CNN article) usually fail to mention anything about the speeds attained by these cars. Why is the media not covering these incredible breakthroughs?

Enron Schemes Caught On Tape
February 3, 2005, CBS News


During the West Coast Power crisis homes went dark and streetlights were out in California — causing injuries and accidents. But the danger didn't stop Enron's energy traders from having a good laugh. CBS ... reports on the Enron scheme, as caught on new audio tape. The traders and plant operator laugh and plot in a display that seems to prove the theory that years before the energy crisis, Enron manipulated markets. "They had to do a rolling blackout through the town and there was a red light there he didn't see," one Enron trader says on tape. "That's beautiful," a second voice responds. Enron secretly shut power plants down so they could cause, and then cash in on, the crisis. Enron also pulled power out of states like California, causing emergency conditions to worsen. "Sorry California," an Enron trader says. "I'm bringing all our power out of state today." Plant operators were coached on how to lie to officials. "We want you guys to get a little creative..." one voice says on the tape, "and come up with a reason to go down." The "shut downs" and "pull outs" triggered sky high power prices. "We're just making money hand over fist!" one voice is heard saying on the tape. And when states complained, the guys at Enron seemed to have a response. "Get a f****** clue," one says. "Yeah," another chimes in. "Leave us alone. Let us make a little bit of money."

Note: For an eye-opening two-minute video clip on CBS, click on "Enron Schemers on Tape" at this link. And a New York Times article states "Company officials had long denied that they illegally shut down plants to create artificial shortages. Two months after the recording showed how the Nevada plant was shut down, [Enron CEO Kenneth] Lay called any claims of market manipulation 'conspiracy theories.'"

Researcher sets saltwater on fire
November 14, 2007, CNN News


Last winter, inventor John Kanzius was already attempting one seemingly impossible feat -- building a machine to cure cancer with radio waves -- when his device inadvertently succeeded in another: He made saltwater catch fire. TV footage of his bizarre discovery has been burning up the blogosphere ever since, drawing crackpots and Ph.D.s alike into a raging debate. Skeptics say Kanzius's radio generator is sucking up far more energy than it's creating, making it a carnival trick at best. For now, Kanzius is tuning out the hubbub. Diagnosed with leukemia in 2002, he began building his radio-wave blaster the next year, soon after a relapse. If he could seed a person's cancerous cells with nanoscopic metal particles and blast them with radio waves, perhaps he could kill off the cancer while sparing healthy tissue. The saltwater phenomenon happened by accident when an assistant was bombarding a saline-filled test tube with radio waves and bumped the tube, causing a small flash. Curious, Kanzius struck a match. "The water lit like a propane flame," he recalls. "People said, 'It's a crock. Look for hidden electrodes in the water,' " says Penn State University materials scientist Rustum Roy, who visited [Kanzius] in his lab in August after seeing the feat on Google Video. A demo made Roy a believer. "This is discovery science in the best tradition," he says. Meanwhile, researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have made progress using Kanzius's technology to fight cancer in animals. They published their findings last month in the journal Cancer.

Note: For other compelling articles on this fascinating invention, see recent articles in the Los Angeles Times, ABC News, and especially Medical News Today. And for amazing news on cancer cures, click here. Why aren't millions of dollars being poured into this with researchers across the nation perfecting it? Why haven't you heard about this in headline news? For possible answers, explore the revealing WantToKnow.info website.

vendredi 28 mai 2010

Dossiers spéciaux: Réduction de la population, Démocratie VS République, Uranium appauvri, CERN, Espace

Dossiers spéciaux: Réduction de la population, Démocratie VS République, Uranium appauvri, CERN, Espace

Dossiers spéciaux:

Fabianism - An essay by G.D.H. Cole

"The society first became famous with the publication of the Fabian Essays in 1889 by Shaw, Webb, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas and others. ..."


Dans les entrailles du monde réel (partie 1)

lundi 22 mars 2010 par

Dans ces quelques articles explicatifs, nous nous baserons sur des sources essentiellement maçonniques et rosicruciennes. Les informations apportées vous aideront peut-être à éclaircir quelques questions épineuses ou à confirmer ce que vous soupçonniez déjà, à savoir, la gouvernance du Système de ceux qui ne pensent pas par ceux qui pensent. Certaines des informations que vous trouverez ici n’existent nulle part ailleurs, dès lors veuillez aiguiser votre esprit critique et, comme le disait feu William Cooper, ne rien accepter si votre propre recherche ne vous permet pas de le confirmer !

Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale By Mark Baard


Réduction de la population:

Vaccines to Reduce Population

By F. William Engdahl, 4 March 2010

Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty. In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy―population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.

Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."1 (author’s emphasis).

Genocide in the name of the environment is still genocide


In order to confirm their pre-conceived notions of their own self-worth, Galton and his friends started a new field of inquiry called eugenics. Unsurprisingly, it concluded that the rich and powerful were rich and powerful because they were genetically superior, and it offered a simple solution for improving the lot of humanity: make sure that the affluent upper classes breed as much as possible (preferably within their own families, in order to preserve their superior stock), and make sure the lower classes breed as little as possible.

Démocracie VS République:

The Government Hoax

The government hoax is probably the oldest, most pervasive and stubborn of hoaxes. It’s the belief in non-existent "states" and "nations" and that "government" is both legitimate and necessary. In the geographic area of the North American continent commonly referred to as the "United States," it’s claimed only "government" can provide the service of protecting "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." This is nonsense if only for the reason "government" has no duty to protect anyone and their property.

Democracy, the Worst Form of Government Ever Tried

Given the Founding Fathers' fully warranted fear and loathing of democracy, we should not be surprised that the Constitution of the United States does not contain a single solitary reference to the word "democracy," but instead stipulates that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government."

We’re a Republic, NOT a Democracy

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
- Thomas Jefferson

The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!

We celebrate this day in honor of our “independence”. We call ourselves a free people in a land of liberty. Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song — but how many Americans realize they are not free? This is a myth perpetuated by the powers-that-be in order to avoid any major civil unrest, and to keep us all living under the thumb of a militaristic corporate Big Brother within the illusions that have been created for us. The truth of the matter is this: what freedom has not been stolen from us, we have surrendered willingly through our silence and ignorance. As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained — or lost. Apparently, our ancestors didn’t have a good grasp of this either.

Uranium appauvri:

"The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium and the Dying Children"

"The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children", an award winning (ÖKOMEDIA 2004) documentary film produced for German television by Freider Wagner and Valentin Thurn, and released by Ochoa-Wagner Produktion in 2004 in Germany, exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the current war against Iraq.

Half Life of a Toxic War Iraq's Wrecked Environment

The ecological effects of war, like its horrific toll on human life, are exponential. When the Bush administration (parts one and two) and its congressional allies sent troops to Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein?s regime, they not only ordered these men and women to commit crimes against humanity, they also commanded them to perpetrate crimes against nature. Former Chief United Nations Weapons Inspector Hans Blix, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, said the environmental consequences of the Iraq war could be more ominous than the issue of war and peace itself. Blix was right.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Warning: very graphic photo of a kid whose parents were affected by depleted uranium when the mom conceived.

But please don't turn away; imagine, for one second, that this was your kid. What would you be thinking about the powers who believed that using these weapons, knowing full well the consequences of their use, was an absolutely terrific idea??


Depleted Uranium is WMD

Depleted uranium (DU) weaponry meets the definition of weapon of mass destruction in two out of three categories under U.S. Federal Code Title 50 Chapter 40 Section 2302.


Countdown to doomsday


By Douglas Birch, The Associated Press

MEYRIN, Switzerland - The most powerful atom-smasher ever built could make some bizarre discoveries, such as invisible matter or extra dimensions in space, after it is switched on in August.

But some critics fear the Large Hadron Collider could exceed physicists' wildest conjectures: Will it spawn a black hole that could swallow Earth? Or spit out particles that could turn the planet into a hot dead clump?

Ridiculous, say scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its French initials CERN - some of whom have been working for a generation on the $5.8-billion collider, or LHC.

Scientists puzzled by absence of foreshocks and other typical precursors prior to China Earthquake

Global Research, May 31, 2008

Xinhua - 2008-05-20

Scientists puzzled by foreshock-less SW China earthquake

BEIJING, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Some scientists were puzzled by the unusual quiet period of quakes before the 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck southwest China. But others believe there had been precursors, which stood as warnings for a major quake.

"There were no foreshocks and the activity level of minor quakes around the epicenter was low for quite a long time before the earthquake," said Xiu Jigang, deputy director of the China Seismological Bureau (CSB).

He said there were no short-term anomaly of animals, underground water and other typical precursors, which can lead to a prediction of a major earthquake.

Critics Fear Collider Could Doom Earth

I doubt it. This sort of scare-mongering sounds like early worries that nuclear bomb tests would set the atmosphere of Earth on fire.


CERN ‘Nailed Heart Of Earth’ With China Quake, Chilean Volcano

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)


Incredible pictures of Mars - and they look surprisingly like some parts of Earth


By David Derbyshire
16th July 2008

Ever since Victorian astronomers pointed their telescopes towards Mars and wrongly believed they had discovered canals, mankind has been obsessed by the red planet.

Now these astonishing new images - captured by a European spacecraft in orbit around Mars - are helping to fuel that fascination.

They show in astonishing detail a network of giant valleys, vast plains and towering waterfalls carved into the surface of our neighbouring planet, millions of miles away.

High-Resolution Image of the Sun's Jets

Sun Induces Strange 'Breathing' of Earth's Atmosphere

New satellite observations have revealed a previously unknown rhythmic expansion and contraction of Earth's atmosphere on a nine-day cycle.

This "breathing" corresponds to changes in the sun's magnetic fields as it completes rotations once every 27 days, NASA and University of Colorado, Boulder, scientists said Monday at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting.

Phoenix Mars Mission - Gallery - Images


Mercury as You've Never Seen It Before

New pictures of never-before-seen parts of Mercury taken by NASA's Messenger spacecraft are revealing surprises about the solar system's innermost planet.

Massive frozen water reservoirs discovered on Mars

NASA scientists have discovered enormous underground reservoirs of frozen water on Mars, away from its polar caps, in the latest sign that life might be sustainable on the Red planet.

Ground-penetrating radar used by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveals numerous huge glaciers up to one half-mile thick buried beneath layers of rock and debris. Researchers said one glacier is three time the size of Los Angeles in area.

Magnetic shield for spacefarers

Future astronauts could benefit from a magnetic "umbrella" that deflects harmful space radiation around their crew capsule, scientists say.

The super-fast charged particles that stream away from the Sun pose a significant threat to any long-duration mission, such as to the Moon or Mars.

But the research team says a spaceship equipped with a magnetic field generator could protect its occupants.

Lab tests are reported in the journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

The approach mimics the protective field that envelops the Earth, known as the magnetosphere.

Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth

During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.

"It's called a flux transfer event or 'FTE,'" says space physicist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible."

Intelligent life could be thriving on 40,000 planets

Astrophysicist Duncan Forgan created a computer programme that collated all the data on the 330 or so planets known to man and worked out what proportion would have conditions suitable for life.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Forgan's equations (and Drake's/Greenbank's before) all operate on the definition of life as that which we know, carbon based, water as the mixing medium, and a defined temperature range based on the properties of water and carbon.

But what about life that uses methane as the mixing medium? Or life based on silicon rather than carbon?

The problem is that there may be modes of life so totally alien to us that we might not even recognize them, which means we cannot factor them into our calculations.

Scientists talk about how "lucky" we are that Earth is in the "right" place for life to develop, but they have it backwards. We are the life that evolves on a planet in these conditions. We find Earth comfortable because we evolved here. We see the so-called visible spectrum because that is the light that gets through the atmosphere to illuminate the world.

But this does not mean that other worlds quite different from Earth do not evolve life forms which find those conditions. deadly to us, to be quite comfortable. Life that evolved on a cloud covered world and living in darkness may not have eyes as we do, but if their environment is awash with radio waves (as is Jupiter) they may see in radio frequencies.

We know from the methane results that Mars may well indeed have life on it (in which case I am owed several bets from Viking co-workers). We may yet find Titan harbors a life form which, based on methane instead of water, finds the Titan climate quite balmy!

So, in my estimate, the 40,000 figure is probably way too low!

And we should not place too much emphasis on picking up broadcasts from alien planets, as our own current trend of moving from open-air broadcast to cable distribution suggests that the window of time when an alien civilization "leaks" vast amounts of radio energy into the cosmos may be brief indeed!

And, we should not assume that merely because radio waves are a major means of communications for Earth, that other civilizations, especially space-faring ones, are not using some other means of communications, such as modulated gravity waves.

Indian, US scientists question Big Bang theory

An Indian and an American scientist have questioned the Big Bang theory, saying it does not serve as a viable explanation for the origin of the universe.

The research papers of Ashwini Kumar Lal of India's Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and Rhawn Joseph of Northern California's Brain Research Laboratory have been accepted for publication in the April issue of the peer-reviewed Harvard journal, Journal of Cosmology.

The research papers come even as scientists at Geneva's European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) are in the midst of experiments on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recreating conditions of the beginning of the universe.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Giant black hole found at galaxy's core

Study leader Professor Reinhard Genzel, from the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, near Munich, Germany, said: "Undoubtedly the most spectacular aspect of our long term study is that it has delivered what is now considered to be the best empirical evidence that super-massive black holes do really exist.

Evidence of 'hospitable' water on Mars

New evidence found by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows carbonate minerals that portray a former 'hospitable' planet with water.

The orbiter has spotted deposits of carbonate, which forms through contact with neutral or alkaline water, inside rocks on the red surface of mars, reports said on Friday.

Addressing a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, scientists concluded that the "exciting" new discovery could support the theory of former Martians.

Did Mars' Magnetic Field Die With a Whimper or a Bang?

Giant asteroids may have wiped out Mars's magnetic field. The energy released by massive collisions upset the heat flow in the planet's iron core that produced the magnetism, according to a new study. The finding offers a solution to the mystery of the disappearing magnetic field and sheds light on early Earth conditions.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Even during the Viking Missions, the subjective consensus was that we were looking at the remains of a dead world, one that had once had, water, once had more atmosphere, once had life.

The Hella Planitia region is an obvious impact feature, and what is interesting is the antipode of that monster impact is the obviously elevated and fractured Tharsis/Valles Marineris region, suggesting that the impact almost punched its way completely through the planet! Such a deep impact would disrupt the normal internal convection currants that generate a magnetic field, and without that field, the solar wind would over millions of years strip away whatever was left of the atmosphere of Mars after the impact.

Cassini Tastes Organic Material At Saturn's Geyser Moon

NASA's Cassini spacecraft tasted and sampled a surprising organic brew erupting in geyser-like fashion from Saturn's moon Enceladus during a close flyby on March 12. Scientists are amazed that this tiny moon is so active, "hot" and brimming with water vapor and organic chemicals.


The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang

Earlier, we presented a simple list of the top ten problems with the Big Bang. [[1]] Since that publication, we have had many requests for citations and additional details, which we provide here. We also respond to a few rebuttal arguments to the earlier list. Then we supplement the list based on the last four years of developments - with another 20 problems for the theory.


Big-Bang Bunk

As Arp points out, if the quasars are really at the claimed Big-Bang distances, then they should have a random distribution in the sky relative to the distribution of Seyfert galaxies, but they do not: The actual distribution of quasars is not random relative to the distribution of Seyferts. Instead, quasars tend to be clustered close around Seyferts--a situation that, according to Arp, Big-Bang astronomers simply brush-off as coincidence.

I am not the only heretic.

The entire Big Bang theory rests on the ASSUMPTION that relative velocity alone accounts for the observed red shift and that there is no other cause for spectrum shift. We already know this to be false, because under the intense magnetic fields of sunspots, we can see the solar spectrum lines split, showing both blue and red shifting.

The quasars and Seyfert galaxies have very different red shifts. Yet in the sky they appear to be associated. Big Bang supporters dismiss this as a fantastic coincidence, claiming that for every Seyfert galaxy seen near to Earth, there is a quasar lying much further away (because of the Red Shift) coincidentally in nearly the same direction.

The far more logical conclusion is that some aspect of the quasar, such as an intense gravity field, is red shifting the quasar's spectrum.

But like the quantized red shift observed in the sky (something the Big Bang theory does not explain) the possibility that gravity (something the universe is full of) affects spectrum is being ignored, because if gravity acting over vast distances does indeed shift spectra towards the red end, then red shift is still a fairly accurate indicator of an object's distance (which is what Hubble claimed in the first place) but cannot be used to make any assumptions about the object's motion relative to Earth. And that means the theory of the expanding cosmos, and the Big Bang, are no longer supportable.

One final point. Here we have a photo of the "Deep Field", the farthest known objects from Earth. These are objects so far away from Earth that we are seeing them as thy appeared to be 15 billion years ago. Under the theory of the Big Bang, these should just be amorphous coalescing clouds of brand new stars, only just starting their life cycles as galaxies, and yet in this photo, we are seeing well defined and mature galactic structures identical to those we see much closer to Earth in our immediate galactic neighborhood.



Water vapour discovered on Saturn's moon

Huge plumes of water vapour and ice particles are bursting out from Saturn's moon Enceladus at supersonic speeds in a way that strongly suggests they come from liquid water down below the icy surface, scientists have said.

The research, published in the journal Nature, offers new evidence that the moon may harbor an underground ocean of water, meaning conditions might exist that could support life, even if only microbial organisms.

Night Sky Highlights in 2009

Here are some of the more noteworthy sky events that will take place this year.

Top 10 Star Mysteries

For many stargazers, the night sky might look like a backdrop of very similar twinkling lights. But actually the billions of stars that make up the universe are varied and full of tantalizing marvels. From stellar fireworks caused by supernova explosions to invisible black holes, astronomers are gradually figuring out how stars work and what makes each variety unique. Many mysteries remain, however.

Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens HAVE made contact - but it has been covered up for 60 years

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.


Exclusive: NASA Researchers Claim Evidence of Present Life on Mars

A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here Sunday that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water.

The scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, told the group that they have submitted their findings to the journal Nature for publication in May, and their paper currently is being peer reviewed.

What Stoker and Lemke have found, according to several attendees of the private meeting, is not direct proof of life on Mars, but methane signatures and other signs of possible biological activity remarkably similar to those recently discovered in caves here on Earth.

LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle make the modules' locations evident.

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC, was able to image five of the six Apollo sites, with the remaining Apollo 12 site expected to be photographed in the coming weeks.


Incorrect Assumptions in Astrophysics

Halton Arp has amassed a collection of strong evidence (published in peer reviewed journals) that the Hubble relation (redshift ~= recessional velocity ~= distance), which Hubble himself admitted may not be the only viable explanation, is not the only interpretation of redshift and is not necessarily mutually exclusive with other interpretations (there may be both an intrinsic and a cosmological component to redshift, with the intrinsic component being dominant).

Arp's assertion is that redshift is primarily a measure of the youth of an object with relation to other nearby less-redshifted objects, rather than a measure of its cosmological distance.

If the underpinning assumption of ultra-luminous astronomy (and much of the Big Bang model) is found to be incorrect, then it may be necessary for astronomers to radically revise their understanding of the universe. Objects currently assumed to be "extremely distant," "super- massive," "ultra-luminous," or " extraordinarily fast" based upon Hubble relation distance assumptions may in fact be found to be far more local, small, dim, and slow.



Telescope snaps most distant object

Astronomers tracking a mysterious blast of energy called a gamma ray burst said on Tuesday they had snapped a photograph of the most distant object in the universe -- a smudge 13 billion light-years away.

Hawaii's Gemini Observatory caught the image earlier this month after a satellite first detected the burst.

Webmaster's Commentary:

We are seeing that object 13 billion light-years distant not as it is today and where it is today but as it was and where it was, 13 billion years ago, 13 billion light-years distant from earth.

In other words, for this galaxy to lie 13 billion light-years away from Earth only 750 million years after the Big Bang, it would have had to travel 13 billion light years in just 750 million years' time. That requires the galaxy in question to travel more than 17 times faster than the speed of light, a speed limit which according to the Big Bang supporters was in effect from the moment the universe was 3 seconds old.

How Old is the Universe?

If we compare the two age determinations, there is a potential crisis. If the universe is flat, and dominated by ordinary or dark matter, the age of the universe as inferred from the Hubble constant would be about 9 billion years. The age of the universe would be shorter than the age of oldest stars. This contradiction implies that either 1) our measurement of the Hubble constant is incorrect, 2) the Big Bang theory is incorrect or 3) that we need a form of matter like a cosmological constant that implies an older age for a given observed expansion rate.

Webmaster's Commentary:

At least NASA is now willing to consider that the Big Bang theory is incorrect.

But again, looking at the farthest detectable object (lower down on this page), we reach a paradox which strongly suggests that the Big Bang theory is flat-out wrong.

Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy?

“Phil Abelson, editor of Science magazine, was sitting next to Dean Cowie, a nuclear physicist,” Levin told me. “He grabbed Dean by the arm and audibly said, “Dean, let’s get out of here. The Bible says there can be no life on Mars.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

I was on the Viking Flight Team, and I can confirm that there was immense pressure from religious wackos for NASA to declare that there was no life on Mars. We did not get kicked around the way Galileo and Bruno did, of course, but the pressure was definitely there.

The bottom line is that NASA had one positive result and one negative result, and like the botched Hubble telescope in which NASA simply ignored the one test result saying the system was not focusing correctly because of political pressure ( not to mention bad decision making on both Challenger and Columbia), NASA allowed public pressure from the bible-bangers to steer it away from the results which indicated life on Mars. After the drubbing we had taken from the White House for "failing" to set down Viking 1 on July 4th, 1976, NASA management was probably feeling a bit bruised and unready for another controversy.

But those of us working on the project were for the most part convinced that we had indeed found traces of life. and it is nice to see a small vindication after all these years.

NASA needs to remember that it is supposed to be first and foremost a scientific endeavor, and science is not supposed to be swayed by public outcry.