ISRAEL - Tueries, destruction et crimes continuent
ISRAEL - Tueries, destruction et crimes continuent
Recognizing Israel for what it is
Condi Rice a visite quelques pays du Moyen-Orient pour essayer de les convaincre d'isoler le Hamas qui fut democratiquement elu par les palestiniens qui en ont marre de se faire detruire par Israel.
Le but d'Israel, des Etats-Unis et maintenant du Canada et de l'europe est de punir collectivement les palestiniens pour avoir voter democratiquement en coupant les fonds monetaires, et Israel va meme plus loin en coupant l'approvisionnement en nourriture dans la Bande de Gaza.
C'est une tentative deliberee, au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme (mon oeil), d'affamer des civiles, ce qui constitue un crime international grave.
Condi Rice spent the better part of her recent visit to the Middle East trying to persuade Egyptians and Gulf Arabs to join the American-Israeli efforts to isolate Hamas and impose economic sanctions on the Palestinians. To put it mildly, she was told to take a hike.
After democratic elections in the occupied territories resulted in a massive shift to the Palestinian right, Washington joined Tel Aviv in formulating a policy geared to starving the Palestinians as collective punishment for their bad voting habits. In trying to market her obscene scheme to an unreceptive audience in Cairo and Saudi Arabia, Condi once again demonstrated her total allegiance to the Israeli agenda.
Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?
Cet article est laisse a votre jugement. Je l'ai annexe ici car je pense que certaines personnes pensent que les juifs sont a la tete d'organisations de pouvoir et qui controlent aux plus aux echelons. Il est un fait remarquable que plusieurs postes de hauts calibres sont occupes par des juifs, comme des banquiers internationaux, dans les medias et l'industrie du cinema americain et dans le gouvernement aux USA. Ce qui est particulier en soi.
Mais en realite, il se trouvent aussi certaines personnes qui se cachent sous le couvert de juif mais sont en fait tres loin de l'etre, ne suivant pas du tout la religion judaique, mais en fait etant des suivants du Talmud, qui se resume a l'inverse total du Torah, que les vrais juifs pratiquent.
Il est tres interessant de savoir que ce sont des sionnistes (posant en juifs) qui haient les juifs qui ont finance les Nazis pour les eliminer et avancer leur agenda.
Beaucoup de vrais juifs sont contre l'etat d'Israel et les dirigeants qui la controlent.
"I read too much out there that falls for the lie that the conspiracy is Jewish at its highest levels. Granted, it appears that way, and a lot of data is hard to argue with, but I have first-hand knowledge of the depth of Jew-hatred among people who are the real thing. These people (at least the ones I knew) are not Zionist Bankers, but totally Gentile."
To all appearances Jews have a disproportionate role in the Illuminati New World Order. How do we account for this apparent contradiction?
Illuminati defector Svali offers a clue. Illuminati Jews have renounced their Jewish beliefs and background. She says the Illuminati hate Israel.
"The Illuminati are racist in the extreme... Yes, there are some very powerful Jewish people in this group. For instance, the Rothschild family literally runs the financial empire in Europe (and indirectly the States), and are a well-known Jewish family...But to rise to power in the Illuminati, a Jewish person would be forced to renounce their faith, and to give their first allegiance to Lucifer and the beliefs of the Illuminati."
Following the research of Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Barry Chamish has exposed the heresies of Sabbatai Zvi and Jacob Frank that created a schism in European Jewry in 17th and 18th century respectively. This was essentially a satanic movement that turned Jewish teaching on its ear. Everything that was forbidden by God was now permitted. Sin and not righteousness was the way to salvation. Sexual depravity (especially wife swapping orgies) was encouraged as a means to destroy the family and the social fabric. They wanted a clean slate on which to redesign society.
A fierce hatred developed between satanic Jews and the rabbis who tried to expel the heretics from the community. This schism was partially reflected in the divide between western Jews who shed their religion for "secular humanism and reason" and eastern Jews who largely remained Orthodox. Many secular Jews became radicals as they tried to replace religion with belief in a worldly utopia. The Illuminati duped them with their fraudulent Communist/Socialist dream. "Change the world" was and is their deceptive motto.
The satanic leader Jacob Frank (1726-91) formed an alliance with the Rothschilds, the power behind the Illuminati. They started the Reform and Conservative schools of Judaism, which posed as "liberation from the confines of Jewish inner law and ghetto." They encouraged Jews to assimilate, inter-marry, change their names and even convert to Christianity. They tapped selected followers to advance their satanic agenda by subverting Christian civilization from within.
easily brainwashed
Cet article soutient que les juifs sont facilement "lavable du cerveau" a cause du contexte dans lequel ils evoluent. Voici la traduction de l'extrait que j'ai mis ci-bas:
Les enfants juifs apprennent dans leur enseignement que les juifs ne sont pas aime a cause de mauvaises choses ou des choses qu'ils auraient fait par eux-meme et qu'ils sont persecute parce que les gens sont irrationels, anti-semites. Les explications pour ces etranges comportements incluent l'envie, rejet de faute sur eux ou a cause de la Crucification du Christ.
L'enfant juif grandit pensant qui est un etranger et que la societe est deficiente. Comme un idealiste, il veut "changer le monde" pour que ce genre d'injustice ne puisse se produire. Ainsi il devient a son insu un instrument facilement manipulable par l'elite globaliste.
En fait, je dirais qu'ils sont victimes de campagnes de desinformation et de propagande depuis le jeune age, tout comme nous le sommes. A croire une histoire distortionnee ainsi qu'en des ennemis illusoirs.
The Jewish child naturally grows up feeling that he is an outsider and society is flawed. An idealist, he wants to "change the world" so this type of injustice cannot occur. Thus unwittingly he becomes a pliant instrument of the Jewish power elite's "revolutionary" or globalist agenda.
Why Orthodox Jews are opposed to the Zionist "State
Pourquoi les juifs orthodox sont contre l'etat sionniste.
Dans un effort calamiteux de reduire au silence les medias palestiniens, l'armee israelienne a simplement detruit la station de television et de radio de l'autorite palestinienne. Voila tout, pas plus complique que ca. Maintenant imaginez si ca se produisait dans un autre pays, le monde entier serait indigne. Mais quand ca arrive en Palestine, a cause d'Israel, tout les medias et le monde n'en ont rien a cirer.
After having refused to renew the press cards of Palestinian journalists working for the foreign press, the Israeli government is reducing to silence the media of the Palestinian authority", affirmed Robert Ménard, RSF General secretary. Further to these mass violations of press freedom by the Israeli government, Reporters Sans Frontières has decided to produce a document listing these acts unworthy of a democracy to the Commission of human rights at the United Nations in Geneva.According to the information collected by RSF, on 19 January 2001 at dawn, the Israeli army exploded the television and radio building in Ramallah.
A column of tanks belonging to Tsahal encircled the seven-storey building sheltering the Voice of Palestine. The Palestinian employees had gone out of the building a few minutes before. The Israeli army seized some materials. Then, the soldiers blew up studios and premises. The explosion destroyed most of the building that was still ablaze in the morning.
Le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations -unies demande la fin de l’occupation et rejette le plan unilatéral d’Israël.
Maintenant, remarquez bien la quantite phenomenale d'articles plublies par les medias divers, juste en une couple de semaines sur l'etat de la situation en Israel et la Pelestine. Quand toutes ces informations la sont mises ensemble, comme tous les articles que vous trouverez dans cette edition sur Israel, il est stupefiant de se rendre compte la quantite incroyable de crimes, crimes de guerres et contre l'humanite qu'Israel est responsable a chaque semaine, en pleine face du monde entier, et en toute impunite.
A toute les fois qu'une resolution de l'ONU est en chemin, tous les pays du monde la supportent, mais les USA sont toujours la, le seul pays du monde, a imposer leur veto contre. A ce jour, Israel a defie ainsi plus de 65 resolutions de l'ONU, et vous trouverez d'autres exemple frais de ceci plus bas.
Les intervenants ont insisté sur la nécessité de mettre fin à l’occupation israélienne, du retrait israélien de tous les territoires palestiniens occupés en 1967 y compris Jérusalem -est, et de trouver une solution à la question des réfugiés basée sur la résolution 194 des Nations -unies afin d’ouvrir la voie à l’établissement d’un état palestinien indépendant avec Jérusalem pour capitale.
Tous les orateurs ( sauf Israël) ont affirmé leur refus des actions israéliennes unilatérales menées dans le but de définir les frontières finales d’Israël.
Ils ont aussi déclaré que le peuple palestinien ne doit pas être puni pour ses choix démocratiques et qu’il fallait lui tendre la main et l’aider.
U.N. Report: Jews are Terrorists, Not Palestinians
Rapport de l'ONU: Les Juifs sont les terroristes, non pas les Palestiniens. Ouch..
John Dugard, a South African lawyer, called the withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip last summer a positive step. But the Jewish state effectively controls Gaza through targeted killings and sonic booms from warplanes flying over the region, Dugard said in a report prepared ahead of next week's annual meeting of the 53-member U.N. Human Rights Commission.
Amnesty International Calls On Israel to End Settlements and Constructing Apartheid Wall
Amnestie Internationale demande a Israel d'arreter les colonies illegales (occupation) et la construction du Mur de l'Apartheid la Bande Ouest et Jerusalem Est. Ils demandent aussi l'arret de mesures de represaille contre les palestiniens a cause de l'election du Hamas, car ceci se somme a etre une punition collective, crime de guerre pour la force d'occupation israelienne.
- Amnesty International called on Israel to end expanding settlements and constructing the Apartheid Wall in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The amnesty, in a letter sent to all the Israeli candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections said," these practices are regarded as a violation of human and international laws and that settlements and the Wall are against international law and a violation for the Palestinians' basic human rights."
They also pointed out that these practices affect Palestinians' life as well as all their accommodation, health, education, and employment rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.Furthermore, it called for ending all these measures at once, calling on Israel not to impose punitive measures against the Palestinian people as a reply to Hamas victory in the latest parliamentary elections, pointing out that the international law prevents Israel, as an occupation authority, from using collective punishment against Palestinians.
Israeli Wall in the West Bank: Post-Occupation Strategy to Deny Sovereignty to the Palestinian State
Plus ce ce mur debile qu'Israel est en train de finir de construire autour de la Palestine, ayant pour but d'annexer encore plus de terres illegalement et fixant ainsi unilateralement ses frontieres, en pleine defiance des lois internationales.
"The basic purpose of international law is to protect the sovereignty of state and self-determination of occupied nation. Israeli Wall is the product of Israeli defiance of international law and benign neglect of liberal democracies to its crime against humanity."
Constructive discussions or academic talks on Israel need an unbiased attitude, juridical approach and humanist values towards the Arabs particularly the Palestinians who have been losing their campaign for freedom and sovereignty despite the expansion of the United Nations and assertive world community guided by the US, European Union and their liberal partners—Canada and Australia. It is undeniable that the UN has failed over five decades to rescue the Palestinians from the Israeli occupation and related crimes committed on the pretext of security for Israel.
It is tragic to note that nations and states claiming to be key partners against war on terrorism have always maintained ‘benign neglect’ attitude towards terrorism against the occupied Palestinians since 1948. What is quite disturbing in the Third Millennium is that post-1989 shift in international relations and post-9/11 world order, which seem to institutionalize the phenomenon of giving ‘free hands’ to those countries who possess unconventional war machines, influence globalized corporate sectors and members of the UN Security Council.
Nazlet Isa, au nord-ouest de la Cisjordanie, est traversé par le « mur » israélien. Le bourg palestinien est construit sur l’aquifère ouest, l’une des ressources en eau les plus riches de la région. Pour les Palestiniens, il ne s’agit pas d’une coïncidence.
A poignant atlas of Palestinian dispossession and exile
Pour comprendre ce qu'ils se sont fait voler comme terres et l'exile du peuple palestinien.
Israel starts work on new settlement
Mais coute que coute, Israel continue de batir des developpements domiciliaires sur des terres confisquees aux palestiniens, les chassant de leurs terres ancestrales et leurs maison et les donnant a des colons israeliens. Ca c'est a facon dont ils fonctionnent en immobilier, en Israel. Assez drastique et criminel merci.
On Monday, Israeli officials confirmed that Israel was building a police headquarters and "other facilities" in what it calls the E-1 area, extending from East Jerusalem to the settlement of Maali Adomim, the largest in the West Bank.
In addition to 3550 settler units, the planned development would include a road network, six hotels and a park.
Non-Jews would not be allowed to live or buy land in the settlement.
Israeli Defense Minister: Israel will take 20% of remaining Palestinian land
Et les plans d'expension ne se terminent pas ici. Les projets d'annexions du terrotoire palestinien continue en grand. Le plan etant d'empecher toute nation palestinienne possible. La Grande Israel.
"When we talk about Israel's permanent or future borders it includes the Jordan Valley, Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion, Ariel, Kedumim-Karnei Shomron and Rehan-Shaked", said Israeli Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz in a speech this week in Jerusalem. The areas he mentioned comprise 20% of the West Bank, home to 3.5 million Palestinians, many of them refugees from what is now Israel.Settlements have expanded exponentially in the West Bank since 1993, when the 'Camp David' accord was supposed to bring 'peace' to the region.
250,000 Israeli settlers now live illegally (according to international law) in settlements in the West Bank, an area occupied militarily by Israeli forces since 1967. Those West Bank settlements are what Mofaz was referring to in his speech, defining what 'Israel' will look like when 'final borders' are decided upon.
With Israeli forces going ahead with Annexation Wall construction in an accelerated mode since the Palestinian elections January 25th, the Wall is now surrounding many parts of Palestinian land.
Instead of being built upon the 'green line' armistice border of 1967 between Israel and the West Bank, the Wall snakes through Palestinian land, protecting 'settler-only' roads and highways, cutting apart Palestinian communities, and completely surrounding some towns and cities, like Qalqilia in the northern West Bank.
Comme des politiques d'aggressions pareilles ne manquent pas de creer de la resistance, il faut l'ecraser. Alors Israel vient de lever toutes restrictions que l'armee avait pour intensifier la lutte contre les mechants "terroristes". Maintenant tous les coups sont permis. Assez vicieux...
Israel says it has lifted all restrictions on its military and that it is intensifying its war against alleged terrorists, including al-Qaida.
Donc ils leur refusent le droits d'exister, leur volent leurs terres et maisons ou les detruisent, lache l'armee lousse dans le tas, les enferment dans une prison geante, et un coup qu'ils sont cernes, ils leurs coupent les vivres, les rapaces, question de les affamer, ces palestiniens nuisibles.
A "PUNITIVE" shortage of basic foodstuffs in Gaza overshadowed a meeting last night in which the Hamas movement was due to present its cabinet list to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president.
Posted Mar 20, 2006 08:14 AM PSTCategory: ISRAEL
Israel's actions are a war crime under international law. -M.R. WRH
Les Palestiniens subissent de la part de l’Europe une punition collective inacceptable
Alors que le gouvernement Hamas fait des ouvertures au monde, la Commission de l’Union Européenne vient de décider de geler les fonds qu’elle apporte en aide à l’Autorité Nationale Palestinienne.
Après les décisions iniques du Canada et des Etats unis de rompre les liens avec le gouvernement palestinien et de ne plus le financer, cette position indigne de l’Europe révèle encore la politique de deux poids deux mesures qui la caractérise en ce qui concerne la Palestine.
UN aid workers: Gaza on verge of disaster
Meme les organisations d'aide de l'ONU avertissent que la Bande de Gaza est sur le bord de connaitre une catastrophe humanitaire a cause du manque d'argent (coupe par nos gouvernements et Israel) et de nourriture car Israel ferme le point de transition entre la Bande de Gaza et l'Egypte, amenant la nourriture.
United Nations aid organizations are warning that the Gaza Strip is on the verge of a humanitarian disaster due to a lack of money and food.
David Shearer, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told Foreign Ministry officials that if there is no significant change in the situation, Gaza will face a humanitarian crisis as bad as the one in Kosovo.
A report by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) warns of a lack of basic food supplies due to the frequent closures of the Karni crossing that are preventing goods from reaching Gaza from Egypt. The report also said there has been a significant increase in the number of hungry people since financial aid has been halted.
World Bank statistics show that if there is no dramatic change, 75 percent of Palestinians will be below the poverty line within two years. The current rate is 56 percent, compared to 22 percent in 2000.
Israel launches triple air strike on Gaza Strip
Cet article et les deux suivants documentent comment Israel a comme simple politique de lancer des attaques militaires dans des zones civiles contre des civiles tout comme sur les lieux presidentiels palestiniens. Une nation pour la paix quoi.
Israeli military stands by its policy on shelling populated areas
There has been no change in policy," an Israeli military spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity. "We will continue to fight them (the rocket launchers) intensely, while trying to avoid hurting innocent civilians." Hadil Ghraben was killed and 13 other people were wounded when two shells blew huge holes in a concrete block house in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon.
Israel Fires Missiles into Abbas' Compound
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli warplanes fired three missiles into the presidential compound of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, wounding two people and leaving deep craters in the ground. Abbas was not there at the time.
Hamas terms Israel's death threat to Haneya as terrorism
Ces trois textes suivants documentent les menaces de morts d'Israel contre les gens du gouvernement palestinien, le Hamas. Des menaces de morts mes amis.
Mike Wwhitney: Gangland violence is making us safer.
GAZA, March 7 (Xinhuanet) -- The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Tuesday that Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz's targeted killing threat to Palestinian prime minister-designate Ismail Haneya was terrorism.
"Mofaz statements represent a clear and formal terrorism," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told reporters in Gaza.
Gangland violence is making us safer.
That's the message we hear today from Israel's Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, who not only defended the practice of "targeted assassination" but threatened to use the controversial tactic against Palestine's new Prime Minister-designate, Ismail Haniya.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz stated. "No one will be immune."
Mofaz's comments were made in response to Israel's air-strike against two Palestinian suspects yesterday in Gaza City. The attack killed three bystanders"one child and two teenagers.The Defense Minister used the attack to warn the new Hamas cabinet that the same strategy will be applied to leading members of the government if suicide-bombings in Israel resume.
Israeli: Hamas PM Should Fear for His Life
Israeli Official: Incoming Hamas PM Should Fear for His Life; Olmert Vows Settlement Spending Cut
Israel's defense minister warned Tuesday the incoming Hamas prime minister would be assassinated if the Islamic militant group resumes attacks, but the acting Israeli premier also pledged a drastic cut in spending on Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy
Maintenant, les 9 articles suivants rapportent tous des evenements recents ou des enfants palestiniens ont trouve la mort a cause de l'armee israelienne. Et ou est le scandal dans les medias? Silence total, meme de nos propres gouvernements. Personnes n'osent agie contre Israel, car si on critique Israel, ont est traite d'anti-semites.... Pourtant, les enfants sont la cible des balles. Beaucoup d'enfants palestiniens sont retrouve avec une balle non pas perdu dans le corps, mais dans la tete. Il y a meme des fois ou les soldats israeliens vont vider leur chargeur a munition dans le corps de l'enfant. Mais ils ne sont jamais reprimende pour ca. C'est business as usual...
We discovered that an AP cameraman had filmed the entire incident. This cameraman had then followed what apparently is the usual routine. "The trend toward secrecy is the greatest threat to democracy." - Associated Press CEO, in a speech about the importance of openness “The official response is we decline to respond." - Associated Press Director of Media Relations, replying to questions about AP
Palestinian Teen Shot For Throwing Stones
Sixteen year old Kamal Khalili was shot in his chest with live ammunition at 11:00 this morning in Balata Camp while throwing a stone at Israeli soldiers. He is now brain dead.
Hospital probed over baby release
Israel's justice ministry is investigating a hospital that allegedly held a newborn baby as a "guarantee" until a bill was paid.
UNICEF: "Sad day for children of Gaza
GAZA CITY –UNICEF said Monday was a sad day for the children of Gaza, after five were killed in conflict-related incidents. In the first incident, two brothers, aged 14 and 15, were killed instantly when they were exposed to an unexploded device in a pond in Bereij, south of Gaza City.
Later in the day, two brothers, aged 11 and 15, and a 14-year-old boy were killed as bystanders during an air attack. Monday's tragic incidents bring the year's death toll of Palestinian children to conflict-related violence to 11.
Britain condemns Israel over fatal shooting of a child
The Foreign Office condemned Israel yesterday after a young Palestinian girl was killed in a what her family describe as a hail of bullets in the northern West Bank on Friday.
Girl, 8, is killed in Israeli raid
Two Palestinian Teenagers Killed By Israeli Occupation Forces
Two killed, including a child, in Israeli re-invasion of Balata Refugee Camp
Ibrahim Al Sheikh Issa, 16, and Mohammad Ahmad Al Natour, both sixteen, were killed early this morning in their home, Balata Refugee Camp. The boys were defending their home with rocks.
11 enfants palestiniens otages des soldats israéliens à Naplouse
Une des pratiques courantes de l’occupant israélien est d’envahir des habitations, d’en prendre les habitants en otages, de les garder emprisonnés à l’intérieur et de transformer les lieux en base militaire.
Palestinian Health Care Conditions Under Occupation
Lisez ces chiffres a propos du nombre de personnes agressees ou tuees qui sont pourtant des gens de la sante comme des docteurs, le nombres de centres hospitaliers attaques, de personnes mortes aux "checkpoints" imposes aux palestiniens, au nombre de femmes enceintes qui ont accouche a ces "checkpoints" car on leur refuse passage en ambulance vers l'hopital et le nombres de bebes morts ainsi. Ils tirent meme sur les ambulances ces gens-la vous savez. C'est arrive souvent.
Y'a t'il une seule autre nation au monde qui puisse faire de telles horreurs sans se faire sanctionner et sermoner????? Y'a t-il quelque justification possible pour ca?
Members of the Ibdaa Health Committee are on tour in the US. They are educating Americans on the devastating health conditions of Palestinians and health care workers in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.
The facts on the ground are shocking, yet the international community ignores Israel’s widespread violence and warfare against the Palestinians. The violence against health care workers, the health care system and the Palestinian infrastructure are equally appalling.
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 36 health care workers have been killed, 447 health providers have been wounded and 129 patients have died at Israeli checkpoints. How? There have been 375 attacks on health care centers, 383 attacks on ambulances, with 38 ambulances destroyed altogether.
Palestinian women in labor have not been left out of the equation of military occupation. Since September 28, 2000, at least 67 women have given birth at Israeli checkpoints. As a result, 39 newborns died or they were delivered stillborn.
According to a map from the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem there are over 100 established checkpoints throughout the West Bank, an area totaling 5,970 sq. km, and this figure does not include flying checkpoints and barriers, such as roadblocks, razed roads, dirt mounds, etc. When Israel completes construction of the wall, approximately 33 per cent of villages within the West Bank will be denied “…free and open access to their health care system,” per the IHC. Moreover, 81 per cent “…of people living in isolated zones and enclaves cannot access primary health clinics, medical centers, and hospitals as needed.”
There are instances where Palestinians need access to urgent medical care, but Israeli forces will not allow Palestinian ambulances to cross the checkpoint. When this happens Palestinians are forced to transfer to an Israeli ambulance, which costs anywhere from 350 New Israeli Shekels (NIS) – 650 NIS ($80 USD – 150 USD).
Keep in mind that an estimated 50 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank live below the poverty line ($2 USD per person/day). The average unemployment rate for Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza combined is over 60 per cent.
La justice britannique accuse l'armée israélienne de crimes de guerre
La justice bitannique qualifie de crimes de guerre l'assassinat par l'armée israélienne de James Miller et Tom Hundrall.
Chicago court hears chilling tales of torture
Et bien oui, c'est parce que ca s'adonne a la torture comme passe temps, ces soldats israeliens la. C'est politique gouvernementale, business as usual.
URGENT : L’armée israélienne encercle la prison de Jéricho
La loi s'est pour les autres. Quand les dirigeants israeliens veulent attraper leurs "suspects", meme s'ils sont emprisonne dans une prison etrangere, c'est pas grave. Pas besoin de demander a ce qu'ils soient livre, ils encerclent la prison avec l'armee, et apres avoir blesse beaucoup de monde avec leur niaiseries, ils defonsent les murs avec des bulldozers!
Ou il y a de la gene, il n'y a pas de plaisir...
Les forces israéliennes ont encerclé mardi 14 mars la prison de Jéricho en Cisjordanie et exigent la reddition de six détenus palestiniens dont Ahmed Saadat, incarcéré dans la prison de Jéricho pour son implication dans l’assassinat d’un ministre israélien en 2001. Saadat est le secrétaire général du Front populaire de libération de la Palestine (FPLP) et député au Conseil Législatif Palestinien. Quatre autres membres du FPLP sont également détenus dans cette prison.
Selon un accord conclu entre Israéliens et Palestiniens, Saadat ainsi que ces autres détenus sont placés sous la responsabilité internationale des Etats-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne.
Selon des déclarations de responsables palestiniens, les gardiens britanniques et américains avaient quitté l’établissement un peu plus tôt dans la journée ce qui confirme une opération concertée.
Le bâtiment pénitentiaire est encerclé par des blindés et plusieurs dizaines de jeeps tandis que deux hélicoptères survolent le site.
L’opération a été lancée à la suite d’informations faisant état du projet de Mahmoud Abbas de libérer Ahmad Saadat et ses complices, selon la radio israélienne.
Un Palestinien, un membre des services de sécurité de la prison, Abou Al-Amine, a été tué par balles dans l’opération, a-t-on appris de source sécuritaire palestinienne. Dix-huit autres Palestiniens ont été blessés.
Les militaires ont appelé par haut-parleurs les détenus palestiniens à se rendre. Des bulldozers de l’armée ont commencé à démolir les murs d’enceinte du complexe où se trouve la prison.
Euro Parliament Criticizes Israel
Brussels, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) The European Parliament, legislature for the European Union, Wednesday criticized the "useless and unequal" Israeli attack on a Palestinian prison in Jericho after US and British inspectors had left.
U.S. may veto bid for UN condemnation of jail siege
Mais c'est correct, l'oncle Sam va utiliser son veto pour eviter une condamnation de l'ONU contre le siege de la prison.
U.S. blocks UN draft pressing Israel to end attacks
Et l'oncle Sam va encore bloquer d'autres initiatives de l'ONU pour forcer Israel a arreter ses attaques militaires sur des cibles palestiniennes. Laissez les donc les massacrer, on aime ca comme ca nous, le gouvernement americain.
By Irwin Arieff
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday blocked a U.N. Security Council statement drafted by Arab nations and aimed at putting pressure on Israel to stop military strikes on Palestinian targets.
Israeli Elections: What Happened?
Olmert: Hamas is not a threat to Israel
Report: Hamas will recognize Israel
Ces trois articles ci-haut sont en rapport avec les elections recentes qui ont ete tenues en Israel, donnant pour vainqueur le parti Kadima, cree par le maintenant commateux et mort cervical Ariel Sharon, qui est officiellement dirige par Olmert maintenant.
Ce dernier a declare que le Hamas n'etait pas une menace pour Israel, mais ils coupent quand meme l'argent et les vivres.
Le plus interessant c'est de voir que le Hamas a declare qu'il reconnaitrait Israel, si Israel retournait a ses frontieres orginales de 1967, chose qu'Israel ne fera jamais, tout en continuant de reconaitre la Palestine comme etat. Imagine...
Pas facile de negocier avec ces gens la....
According to a Thursday report on Al-Jazeera, the Hamas government will recognize Israel if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders. Hamas officials close to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh expect Haniyeh to announce the change in the organization's platform in the next few days, Army Radio reported.
Back when the UN created Israel, the very same resolution also created a Palestinian state. Israel immediately refused to recognize Palestine since it sat on land Israel coveted, namely Jerusalem. Arab nations (and the Palestinians) responded by refusing to recognize Israel. Israel made it easier by refusing to officially draw their own borders, and that's been the root cause of all the unrest ever since.
Israel wants to be recognized but refuses the same right to the Palestinians. So, with HAMAS now willing to recognize Israel, the burden shifts to Israel to recognize the right of the Palestinians to also have their own nation. And I fully expect we will see Israel continue to act like the suggestion of a Palestinian state is the most ridiculous idea in the world. - M. Rivero WRH
Israeli Sub fleet chief: We can hit targets overseas
Israel declare dans les medias: on a les moyens de frapper des cibles outre-mer... c'est tellement rassurant.
In exclusive interview with Ynet, commander of army's most advanced, secret war machine fleet says submarines may be used in missions abroad; there's no room for women in unit, he states.
The debate over Free Speech and the holocaust rages on
Le debat sur l'Holocauste et la libre expression fait rage. Cet evenement historique est le seul au monde qui soit illegal et criminel d'investiguer et de rechercher. Si vous avez le malheur de poser des questions, vous pouvez etre enferme en prison.
Truth needs to laws to support it. Throughout history, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma. As it was in Galileo's time, laws that forbid asking questions protect not the truth, but vested interests.
Nobody jails people who claim to have seen bigfoot. Nobody arrests people who think Elvis is still alive. Only in this one area is the mere asking of a question or the performance of a laboratory test grounds for imprisonment for a crime deemed so evil that even the truth is not allowable as a defense.
History is full of atrocities. And for all those atrocities save one, the victims themselves cry out for more examination, more study, more research. Only in this one area do the victims work so hard to punish anyone who wishes to take a closer look. We are all asked to buy the used car of Holocaust politics without being allowed to check out just what kind of engine is under that hood.
Like most Americans, I grew up believing the orthodox accounts of the history of WW2. But more than anything else, it is the manner in which historians, chemists, and researchers are punished for asking a question that has caused me to suspect some dark and terrible secret is being hidden from the general public, and in an age where we were all lied to about Iraq's mythical weapons of mass destruction, the idea that we can be lied to on such a grand and horrific scale has become mainstream. - Michael Rivero WRH
Holocaust Denial In Court Again
You don't see people who claim Elvis is still alive arrested and locked up. People who claim to have seen Bigfoot are not hauled before the courts. Folks who claim to have been taken for a ride in a UFO are not subject to media smear campaigns. Only on this one topic are those who refuse to accept the orthodox accounts subject to political repression. - M.Rivero WRH
Christian Radio Host Fired For Criticizing Israel
Un animateur de radio aux USA est renvoye parce qu'il a commis le haut crime de critiquer Israel!!!!!
The unAmerican thought police operating on American soil have struck once again. This time their victim is veteran Christian evangelist Dale Crowley, Jr. who has been the host of two popular radio programs broadcast over WFAX 1220-AM radio in the Washington area for the last 20 years.
Crowley was told by Doris Newcomb, president and general manager of WFAX, that his Saturday morning broadcast, "Focus on Israel," was terminated immediately. He was not even given an opportunity to bid farewell to his longtime listeners.
The program was canceled by the WFAX management because supporters of Israel had complained to the radio station about Crowley's criticisms of Israel.
Over the years Crowley has been critical of Israel. He has dared to broadcast facts about efforts by the Israeli government to curtail the work of Christian missionaries in the Holy Land.
IDF officer cancels UK studies leave for fear of arrest:
The IDF commander of the Gaza division, Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi, has cancelled plans to study in the U.K. after warnings from the military that he could be arrested for war crimes.
Britain's dirty secret
Des documents revelent que la Grande Bretagne a aide Israel a faire la bombe atomique dans les annees 60, lui fournissant le materiel necessaire.
Exculsive - Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s, supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and uranium. And it looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew nothing about it. By Meirion Jones
Purim 5766 - And Still Going Strong
Evenement historique sanglant celebre a chaque annee par des juifs, alors qu'ils ont ete victimes eux-memes de violentes politiques. Pourquoi si peu de cas lorsque ce sont eux qui commettent les massacres?
Doubles standards ou hypocrisie?
Some weeks ago, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, while denying that a Holocaust against the Jews took place during World War II, stated that there was indeed a "holocaust" that took place in Iran some 2,000 years ago, in which the Jews killed thousands of people.
To this day, it is still celebrated year in and year out with singing and drinking. He was, of course, talking about the story of Purim.Some might indeed mistakenly come to the conclusion that all killing is a bad thing. In fact, we find even among fellow liberal Jews that the holiday of Purim can make them blush and feel uncomfortable, for here we find the Jews celebrating the downfall of their enemies after killing some 75,000 of them. Now how un-Jewish is that?
-- Je prend encore le soin ici de mentionner que je n'ai aucun sentiment anti-semite ou anti-americain ni contre aucun autre peuple sur terre. Mais je suis entierement tres critique de la nation qu'on appelle Israel (particulierement les gens qui en sont au pouvoir) et ses politiques tres aggressives et violentes contre un peuple qui en est victime depuis plus de 50 ans.
Peu importe la race, un criminel est un criminel. Ce n'est pas la race qui fait un criminel nuisible, mais bien ses actions.
Ultimement, ce sont les juifs qui en seront les victimes aussi, car les represailles seront dirige vers eux, meme si ce ne sont pas les vrais responsables, car le pouvoir en Israel est controle par les sionnistes, qui ne sont pas des juifs, mais se servent de ce couvert pour agir et condamner toute critique comme etant anti-semite.
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