Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 21 janvier 2010

L'Autre Monde 21 janvier 2010: Occupation militaire US en Haïti & quelques clarifications


L'Autre Monde 21 janvier 2010: Occupation militaire US en Haïti & quelques clarifications

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L'Autre Monde 21 janvier 2010

120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Émission du 21 janvier 2010:

- Cyber revue de presse: Nous discutons d'Haïti et les raisons pour lesquelles elle est en si mauvais état, de l'occupation militaire de l'ile déguisée en aide humanitaire, du Moyen-Orient et les derniers développements, d'Israël, du refroidissement climatique global et de la fraude entourant la manipulations des données climatiques

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?

- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-15

Twenty thousand foreign troops will be present in the country.

An Unwelcome Katrina Redux

Therefore, we note here the writings of Ms. Marguerite Laurent, whom I met in her capacity as attorney for ousted President of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Ms. Laurent reminds us of Haiti’s offshore oil and other mineral riches and recent revival of an old idea to use Haiti and an oil refinery to be built there as a transshipment terminal for U.S. supertankers. Ms. Laurent, also known as Ezili Danto of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN), writes:

“There is evidence that the
United States found oil in Haiti decades ago and due to the geopolitical circumstances and big business interests of that era made the decision to keep Haitian oil in reserve for when Middle Eastern oil had dried up. This is detailed by Dr. Georges Michel in an article dated March 27, 2004, outlining the history of oil explorations and oil reserves in Haiti and in the research of Dr. Ginette and Daniel Mathurin.

“There is also good evidence that these very same big U.S. oil companies and their inter-related monopolies of engineering and defense contractors made plans, decades ago, to use Haiti’s deep water ports either for oil refineries or to develop oil tank farm sites or depots where crude oil could be stored and later transferred to small tankers to serve U.S. and Caribbean ports. This is detailed in a paper about the Dunn Plantation at
Fort Liberte in Haiti.

“Ezili’s HLLN underlines these two papers on Haiti’s oil resources and the works of Dr. Ginette and Daniel Mathurin in order to provide a view one will not find in the mainstream media nor anywhere else as to the economic and strategic reasons the U.S. has constructed its fifth largest embassy in the world – fifth only beside the U.S. embassies in China, Iraq, Iran and Germany – in tiny Haiti, post the 2004 Haiti Bush regime change.”

Mixed Feelings For Haitians as US Troops Ramp Up Operations

Desperate though they are in the wake of last week’s devastating earthquake, many in Haiti are expressing disquiet at the growing American military presence in the nation, ostensibly there for humanitarian purposes.

“It’s an occupation. The palace is our power, our face, our pride,” as one Haitian was quoted by AFP. Some 50,000 homeless Haitians are camping in a square near the palace, which was taken over by American troops earlier today.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Unfortunately, given the history of US military intervention in Haiti, Haitians have every reason to be concerned.

Haiti Has Larger Oil Reserves Than Venezuela Says Scientists (An Olympic Pool Compared to a Glass of Water)

Haiti Has Huge Resources of Gold and Iridium Says Former Dominican Petroleum Refinery President Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita, it is ironic that Bill Clinton and George Soros have been talking about rebuilding Haiti's infrastructure and starting business ventures in the country. Perhaps Clinton, Soros and many other globalists have confirmed that these oil, gold, uranium, zyconium and iridium deposits DO exist in the Haiti and they want to gain control at the expense of the Haitian people.

Profiting From Haiti's Crisis: Disaster Capitalism in Washington's Backyard

US corporations, private mercenaries, Washington and the International Monetary fund are using the crisis in Haiti to make a profit, promote unpopular neoliberal policies, and extend military and economic control over the Haitian people.

Militarization is already underway. This week the US is sending thousands of troops and soldiers to the country. The Haitian government has signed over control of its capital airport to the US. Brazil and France have already lodged complaints that US military planes are now being given priority over other flights at the international airport.

US Security Company Offers to Perform "High Threat Terminations" and to Confront "Worker Unrest" in Haiti

We saw this type of Iraq-style disaster profiteering in New Orleans and you can expect to see a lot more of this in Haiti over the coming days, weeks and months. Private security companies are seeing big dollar signs in Haiti thanks in no small part to the media hype about “looters.” After Katrina, the number of private security companies registered (and unregistered) multiplied overnight. Banks, wealthy individuals, the US government all hired private security. I even encountered Israeli mercenaries operating an armed check-point outside of an elite gated community in New Orleans. They worked for a company called Instinctive Shooting International. (That is not a joke).

Haiti Has Larger Oil Reserves Than Venezuela Says Scientists (An Olympic Pool Compared to a Glass of Water)

Haiti Has Huge Resources of Gold and Iridium Says Former Dominican Petroleum Refinery President Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita, it is ironic that Bill Clinton and George Soros have been talking about rebuilding Haiti's infrastructure and starting business ventures in the country. Perhaps Clinton, Soros and many other globalists have confirmed that these oil, gold, uranium, zyconium and iridium deposits DO exist in the Haiti and they want to gain control at the expense of the Haitian people.

FLASHBACIK - US, IMF role in Haiti’s food riots

There’s another reason for the food riots in Haiti -- highly subsidized US rice that flooded the country in exchange for loans from the International Monetary Fund. The US cereal put Haitian rice farmers out of business and destroyed the ability of the poor country to feed itself with domestically grown food.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Pills Limbaugh can rant and rave about Haitian poverty, but it isn't the Haitians' fault!

FLASHBACK - Haiti’s hunger made in USA

Thirty years ago Haiti supplied nearly all its own food, including rice and sugar. But in 1986, when it went to the International Monetary Fund for emergency money after the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier collapsed under mass pressure and a U.S. plane flew him to the French Riviera, the IMF insisted Haiti open its markets to foreign rice.

Since the late 1980s, through a cycle of coups, economic pressure and enticements, along with free food from time to time amply distributed by all sorts of NGOs, the market for food produced in Haiti has been destroyed.

Haïti-États-Unis: prend mon dentier et mange…

« L’un des derniers massacres infâmes eut lieu en avril 1994 à Raboteau, un bidonville côtier à quelque 150 km au nord de la capitale. Raboteau compte environ 6.000 habitants, la plupart sont pêcheurs ou sauniers, mais il a la réputation d’être un bastion de l’opposition où des dissidents politiques viennent souvent se cacher. (…) Le 18 avril [1994], une centaine de soldats et une trentaine de paramilitaires débarquèrent à Raboteau pour ce que les enquêteurs allaient appeler plus tard une ’répétition générale’. Ils allaient sortir des gens de chez eux, leur demandant où se cachait Amiot ’Cubain’ Metayer, un partisan bien connu d’Aristide. Ils tabassèrent de nombreuses personnes, dont une femme enceinte qui en fit une fausse couche, et ils forcèrent d’autres personne à boire à même les égouts à ciel ouvert. Des soldats torturèrent un vieil aveugle de 65 ans jusqu’à ce qu’il vomisse du sang. L’homme mourut le lendemain.

« Le 22 avril avant l’aube, les soldats réapparaissaient. Ils mirent des maisons à sac et abattèrent des gens en rue et lorsque les habitants s’enfuyèrentt vers l’eau, d’autres soldats leur tirèrent dessus depuis des embarcations qu’ils avaient réquisitionnées. La mer allait rejeter des corps durant plusieurs jours. D’autres ne furent jamais retrouvés. Le nombre des victimes a été estimé entre deux douzaines et une trentaine. Des centaines d’autres allaient fuir la ville, craignant de nouvelles représailles. » (St Petersburg Times, Floride, 1er septembre 2002)

Durant le pouvoir militaire (1991-1994), le FRAPH passa (non officiellement) sous la juridiction des forces armées, prenant ses ordres chez le commandant en chef, le général Raoul Cedras. Selon un rapport de la Commission des Droits de l’Homme des Nations unies, daté de 1996, le FRAPH avait bénéficié du soutien de la CIA.

Sous la dictature militaire, le trafic de drogue fut protégé par la junte militaire qui, de son côté, était également soutenue par la CIA. Les dirigeants du coup d’Etat de 1991, y compris les commandants paramilitaires du FRAPH, figuraient sur les feuilles de paie de la CIA. (Voir Paul DeRienzo, http://globalresearch.ca/articles/R… , Voir également Jim Lobe, IPS, 11 oct. 1996).

A ce propos, Emmanuel Constant, alias « Toto », confirma, dans l’émission « 60 Minutes » de la CBS, en 1995, que la CIA le payait environ 700 dollars par mois et qu’il avait créé le FRAPH alors qu’il était sur les feuilles de paie de l’agence. (Voir Miami Herald, 1er août 2001). Selon Constant, le FRAPH avait été constitué « avec les encouragements et le soutien financier de la Defense Intelligence Agency [la DIA] américaine et de la CIA » (Miami New Times, 26 février 2004). Michel Chossudovsky, Haïti, un coup d’État financé et orchestré par les États-Unis



Un sismologue haïtien accuse : «On savait que ça arriverait»

M.L. | 18.01.2010

Alors qu'Haïti continue à enterrer ses morts après le séisme de mardi dernier, la polémique commence à monter autour de la prévention de la catastrophe et du rôle des Etats-Unis dans les opérations de secours. Un spécialiste en sismologie haïtien, le docteur Daniel Mathurin, accuse le gouvernement de son pays de ne pas avoir pris en compte les mises en garde répétées sur un risque de tremblement de terre en 2010.

«On savait que ça devait arriver», a-t-il asséné lundi matin sur Europe 1. Le chercheur, qui avait lui même prédit de forts risques sismiques pour cette année, assure que des universitaires américains avaient placé des capteurs tout au long de la ligne de faille et qu'ils auraient averti les autorités dominicaines et haitiennes des risques. «En République dominicaine, ils ont pris 20 des 22 dispositions préconisées : informer la population, renforcer les bâtiments.... Il n'y a eu aucun mort, indique le scientifique. Haïti n'a pris aucune de ces dispositions. Ils n'ont rien fait»

Réserves en hydrocarbures

Cela fait vingt ans que Daniel avertit les autorités du risque sismique en Haïti, des dangers posés par les constructions anarchique et par la déforestation.

Avec sa femme Ginette, il a également étudié les gisements en hydrocarbures et en combustibles fossibles du sous-sol haïtien. «Nous avons relevé 20 sites pétrolifères», expliquait-il en 2008, assurant que les réserves pétrolifères d’Haïti étaient plus importantes que celles du Vénézuela. Une richesse qui augmente l'intérêt stratégique du pays. Pourquoi, dans ce cas, ces réserves ne sont-elles pas exploitées ? Pour Ginette Mathurin, «ces gisements sont déclarés réserves stratégiques des Etats-Unis d’Amérique».

L'aide américaine en question

Bien que saluée, l'aide massive des Américains envers Haïti - où la secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton s'est rendue samedi - a suscité de nombreuses questions. Lundi, Alain Joyandet a demandé à ce que le rôle des Etats-Unis soit précisé par l'ONU. «Il s'agit d'aider d'Haïti, il ne s'agit pas d'occuper Haïti, il s'agit de faire en sorte qu'Haïti puisse reprendre vie», a estimé le secrétaire d'Etat à la coopération sur Europe 1. De son côté, le président sandiniste du Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, connu pour ses positions anti-américaines, n'a pas hésité à déclarer : «On est en train de profiter d'un drame pour installer en Haïti des troupes américaines qui ont déjà pris le contrôle militaire de l'aéroport».

Les Etats-Unis assument de facto la coordination des secours sur place et contrôlent l'aéroport de Port-au-Prince. Ils ont déployé une aide massive après le séisme : 48 millions de dollars apportés au fonds du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) de l'ONU, un projet de pont aérien entre Haïti et les Etats-Unis et des centaines de spécialistes sur le terrain. Un navire commercial est attendu lundi au port des Cayes avec une cargaison de farine et d'huile végétale susceptible de nourrir 130.000 personnes pendant 30 jours. Enfin, le porte-avions nucléaire Carl Vinson, avec 19 hélicoptères à bord, et plusieurs autres navires militaires amarrés à proximité de Port-au-Prince, servent de base logistique.

Tous les articles de la rubrique


Why Did the FDA Implement Tanning Tax?

The next thing you know they will tax you for sun tanning outside. How on earth could this ridiculous law ever get passed?

Cargo firms delivering aid also involved in arms trafficking, says report

Air cargo companies involved in illicit arms and drug trafficking have been repeatedly contracted by the UN and other aid agencies to deliver humanitarian aid, a leading thinktank reveals today.


Cargo firms delivering aid also involved in arms trafficking, says report

Use in peacekeeping missions of air carriers that have supplied arms and drugs is 'dirty secret of the humanitarian aid world'

Air cargo companies involved in illicit arms and drug trafficking have been repeatedly contracted by the UN and other aid agencies to deliver humanitarian aid, a leading thinktank reveals today.

Evidence that arms dealers have comprehensively penetrated the world market in aid, peacekeeping and stability operations is disclosed in a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri). At least 90% of international air cargo carriers named in UN security council and other arms trafficking-related reports have also supplied UN agencies, EU and Nato governments, and non-government organisations, as well as private contractors in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, it says.

The report, Air Transport and Destabilising Commodity Flows, shows how air cargo carriers involved in humanitarian aid and peacekeeping operations have also transported a range of other "conflict-sensitive" goods such as cocaine, diamonds and precious minerals.

It cites as an example how UN peacekeeping missions in Sudan continued to use aircraft operated by Badr Airlines even after the UN security council said the company should be banned for allegedly breaking arms embargos. Unicef used Juba Air Cargo, also based in Sudan, even though the UN said it had documented evidence showing the company violated an arms embargo, the Sipri report says.

It says DynCorp, a large US private military company which supplies the US army, contracted Aerolift, a company described in a UN sanctions committee report as illicitly supplying arms to al-Shabab, the Islamist group in Somalia.

The report also shows how individuals involved in organised international criminal networks have penetrated legal government-to-government trade in arms.

"The use of companies involved in arms trafficking and other destabilising commodity transfers is the dirty secret of the humanitarian aid world," said Hugh Griffiths, co-author of the report.

He added: "Government officials are aware of the problem but, until now, no viable measures have been put forward to solve the problem.

"The report and our database document many instances of aircraft belonging to these companies crashing in Afghanistan, Iraq and a number of African countries. In the case of Africa, these crashes have killed peacekeepers and compromised humanitarian aid delivery."

We're Executing Gitmo Prisoners and Calling It Suicide


It’s hard to know where to begin with this profoundly important story by Scott Horton, for next month's Harper’s Magazine (available on the web here), but let's try this: The three "suicides" at Guantánamo in June 2006 were not suicides at all. The men in question were killed during interrogations in a secretive block in Guantánamo, conducted by an unknown agency, and the murders were then disguised to look like suicides. Everyone at Guantánamo knew about it. Everyone covered it up. Everyone is still covering it up.

Israeli hand in Iraq's Abu Ghraib exposed

The former American military chief of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq reiterates the Israeli involvement in the US-run facility, where hundreds of Iraqi suspects were tortured and sexually abused by US soldiers and interrogators.

Shedding further light on the scandal that has served as a controversy-magnet for Washington ever since its emergence in 2004, the retired US army colonel Janis Karpinski says that Israeli agents were recruited by the US military at Abu Ghraib to interrogate the prisoners suspected of attacking US forces in Iraq.

Shot in the foot: Propaganda fear as our troops in Afghanistan are given U.S. guns carrying secret Bible codes

British soldiers in Afghanistan are to be issued with guns inscribed with references to passages from the Bible - risking handing a propaganda victory to Muslim extremists.

The sights for the Sharpshooter assault rifle, bought this week to boost the fight against the Taliban, are etched with the characters JN8:12.

This is a reference to chapter 8 verse 12 in the book of John, which reads: 'When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life".'


Shot in the foot: Propaganda fear as our troops in Afghanistan are given U.S. guns carrying secret Bible codes

By Paul Thompson and Ian Drury
20th January 2010

British soldiers in Afghanistan are to be issued with guns inscribed with references to passages from the Bible - risking handing a propaganda victory to Muslim extremists.

The sights for the Sharpshooter assault rifle, bought this week to boost the fight against the Taliban, are etched with the characters JN8:12.

This is a reference to chapter 8 verse 12 in the book of John, which reads: 'When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life".'

Controversial equipment: U.S. forces already use the gunsight

The Ministry of Defence said last night it was 'not aware' of the biblical markings on the 400 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights, bought as part of a £1.5million package.

Critics said references to New Testament scriptures could be used by extremists to persuade Afghans that UK forces see their work as a crusade.

LibDem defence spokesman Willie Rennie said: 'It's pretty shoddy that the MoD missed this.

'It may be used by some of our enemies as evidence to convince its followers that we are engaged in a religious war between Christianity and Islam.'

The equipment was produced by U.S.-based Trijicon, which was founded by a devout Christian.

The inscription JN8:12 on the Army's new gunsights is a reference to John, chapter 8, verse 12, which says: 'When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"

Former U.S. air force officer Michael Weinstein, who is now a lawyer and secular campaigner, said the inscriptions played into the hands of those who claimed the U.S.-led coalition was a religious war against Islam.

However, Inayat Bunglawala, of the Muslim Council of Britain, said the religious inscriptions were 'fairly harmless'.

Andrew Burgin, of the Stop The War Coalition campaign group, said: 'It is rather bizarre to have any kind of religious inscription on a weapon. Maybe the MoD should have been aware of this.'

Bible inscriptions: One of the military sights in use with the code of 2COR4:6, which refers to the New Testament's Second Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 6, which says: 'For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ'

An MoD spokesman insisted the biblical references were not a 'dealbreaker'.

'Our priority is to buy the best-performing equipment available on the market,' he said.

The Sharpshooter rifles provide a greater range than the Army's current SA80s, and also than the AK47s used by insurgents, reducing the danger to marksmen.

Read more:

Monsanto GM Corn Causing Organ Failure In Rats Study: Everything You Need To Know

Three types of Monsanto genetically modified corn are under scrutiny in the wake of a new study published by the International Journal Of Biological Sciences which found that rats ingesting the corn were subject to statistically significant amounts of organ toxicity. These three types -- Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 -- have been approved for consumption in the US and several countries in Europe.

Webmaster's Commentary:

... by the same governments that assured you there would be a swine flu pandemic and that you personally are the cause of global warming.

OGM: trois variétés de maïs Monsanto cultivées au Canada montrent des «signes de toxicité inquiétants»


OGM: trois variétés de maïs Monsanto cultivées au Canada montrent des «signes de toxicité inquiétants»

Fabien Deglise 14 décembre 2009 Consommation

Photo : Pedro Ruiz - Le Devoir

Toxiques, mais cultivés. Trois variétés de maïs génétiquement modifié largement répandues sur la planète, y compris au Canada, comportent d'importants risques de toxicité. C'est du moins ce qu'indique une étude menée par le Comité de recherche et d'information indépendant sur le génie génétique (CRIIGEN) en France. Les résultats de l'analyse viennent d'être publiés dans la dernière livraison de l'International Journal of Biological Sciences.

La révélation est d'autant plus percutante qu'elle a été faite par les scientifiques après une réévaluation des résultats d'études en laboratoire sur des rats, études fournies par la multinationale Monsanto pour l'approbation dans plusieurs pays européens des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) désormais sur la sellette: le MON 810, MON 863 et le NK 603.

Or, assure le CRIIGEN, ces OGM ne sont pas sains et surtout pas assez sécuritaires «pour être commercialisés», a commenté Gilles-Éric Séralini, coauteur de l'étude et expert du Groupe d'évaluation des biotechnologies de l'Union européenne.

«Notre analyse révèle clairement, pour ces trois OGM, de nouveaux effets secondaires liés à [leur] consommation», peut-on lire dans l'étude qui évoque une toxicité perceptible sur le foie et les reins des animaux alimentés avec ces nouvelles formes de maïs. L'analyse met également en lumière d'autres effets délétères sur le coeur, les glandes surrénales, les cellules sanguines et la rate des mammifères exposés à ces organismes.

L'équipe de scientifiques s'est basée sur les études toxicologiques que Monsanto a fournies dans les dernières années aux autorités sanitaires de Suède, du Danemark et de l'Allemagne afin de démontrer l'innocuité de ces transgènes et obtenir du coup le droit de les commercialiser. Les données de ces expériences en laboratoire conduites sur les trois variétés de maïs ont été rendues publiques dans la foulée de démarches juridiques amorcées dans ces trois pays par des groupes environnementaux, dont Greenpeace. Le CRIIGEN a toujours prétendu que la méthodologie utilisée par la multinationale n'était pas la bonne.

Un recadrage méthodologique

Ces récentes découvertes, révélées aujourd'hui dans une publication scientifique reconnue, sont finalement le fait d'un recadrage méthodologique qui vient affiner «le niveau de précision» des effets sur les mammifères, précise le document. Au total, l'équipe a passé au crible 60 paramètres biochimiques mesurés sur plusieurs organes des rats nourris avec ces OGM pendant 14 semaines.

Par ailleurs, le comité de recherche estime que les «signes de toxicité inquiétants» livrés par cette contre-expertise des études de Monsanto démontrent «avec force» l'importance de poursuivre l'analyse toxicologique de ces organismes sur les êtres vivants, et ce, pendant une période plus longue, de plus de deux ans, peut-on lire dans l'étude.

À l'image de la plupart des OGM en circulation dans le monde, deux des trois maïs au coeur de cette étude ont été génétiquement améliorés afin de produire leur propre pesticide, et ce, pour se protéger seuls des parasites. Le MON 863 s'attaque par exemple à la chrysomèle, un prédateur qui s'attaque aux racines de la plante. Le MON 810, pour sa part, a été conçu pour éradiquer la pyrale du maïs. Quant au NK 603, il a été pensé pour résister au Roundup, le pesticide chimique vendu par Monsanto.

Malgré nos appels, il n'a pas été possible de parler à un représentant de la multinationale hier. Toutefois, dans un communiqué diffusé en novembre 2008, Monsanto réitère l'innocuité des maïs transgéniques MON 810 et NK 603, régulièrement montrés du doigt par des groupes opposés aux biotechnologies. Des groupes qui, «depuis des années, remettent en question la sécurité des cultures» d'OGM en faisant beaucoup d'allégations «fondées sur des données scientifiques prises hors contexte et des revues scientifiques qui manquent de rigueur», écrit l'entreprise américaine.

Le maïs MON 810 a obtenu le droit d'être commercialisé au Canada en 1997. Par la suite, en 2001 et 2003, les variétés MON 863 et NK 603 ont également reçu ce feu vert des autorités sanitaires. Cultivées un peu partout au pays, ces plantes se retrouvent principalement dans l'alimentation du bétail. Les nombreuses remises en question de leur innocuité n'ont, pour le moment, pas incité Santé Canada à revoir sa position sur ces trois transgènes commercialisés.

Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law
January 4, 2010,
Washington Post

Of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States -- from flame retardants in furniture to household cleaners -- nearly 20 percent are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all public officials under a little-known federal provision. Under the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act, manufacturers must report to the federal government new chemicals they intend to market. But the law exempts from public disclosure any information that could harm their bottom line. Government officials, scientists and environmental groups say that manufacturers have exploited weaknesses in the law to claim secrecy for an ever-increasing number of chemicals. In the past several years, 95 percent of the notices for new chemicals sent to the government requested some secrecy, according to the Government Accountability Office. About 700 chemicals are introduced annually. Some companies have successfully argued that the federal government should not only keep the names of their chemicals secret but also hide from public view the identities and addresses of the manufacturers.

Note: So according to this law, the bottom line (profits) trumps public health. For lots more on corporate and government secrecy, click here.

Federal appeals court sets limits on police use of Tasers
December 29, 2009, McClatchy News

A federal appeals court [has] issued one of the most comprehensive rulings yet limiting police use of Tasers against low-level offenders who seem to pose little threat and may be mentally ill. In a case out of San Diego County, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals criticized an officer who, without warning, shot an emotionally troubled man with a Taser when he was unarmed, yards away, and neither fleeing nor advancing on the officer. Sold as a nonlethal alternative to guns, Tasers deliver an electrical jolt meant to subdue a subject. The stun guns have become a common and increasingly controversial tool used by law enforcement. As lawsuits have proliferated against police and Taser International, which manufactures the weapons, the nation's appellate courts have been trying to define what constitutes appropriate Taser use. "Officer McPherson's desire to quickly and decisively end an unusual and tense situation is understandable," Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw wrote for the court. "His chosen method for doing so violated Bryan's constitutional right to be free from excessive force." Some lawyers called it a landmark decision.

Note: For lots more from major media sources on the dangers of supposedly "non-lethal" weapons, click here.

UPDATED: Don't tase me, bro! U.N.-cited torture tool coming to Philadelphia!

TASER electronic stun guns are a form of torture that can kill, a UN committee has declared after several recent deaths in North America.

"The use of these weapons causes acute pain, constituting a form of torture,'' the UN's Committee against Torture said.

"In certain cases, they can even cause death, as has been shown by reliable studies and recent real-life events,'' the committee of 10 experts said.

And so now the cash-strapped city is spending on the order of a million bucks or so to bring them to the streets of Philadelphia! This means that after blogging frequently about torture over the last five years, it's now a local issue.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Unflipping believable.

Yes, It Was Torture, and Illegal
January 4, 2010, New York Times

Bush administration officials came up with all kinds of ridiculously offensive rationalizations for torturing prisoners. It’s not torture if you don’t mean it to be. It’s not torture if you don’t nearly kill the victim. It’s not torture if the president says it’s not torture. It was deeply distressing to watch the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sink to that standard in April when it dismissed a civil case brought by four former Guantánamo detainees never charged with any offense. The court said former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the senior military officers charged in the complaint could not be held responsible for violating the plaintiffs’ rights because at the time of their detention ... it was not “clearly established” that torture was illegal. The Supreme Court could have corrected that outlandish reading of the Constitution, legal precedent, and domestic and international statutes and treaties. Instead, last month, the justices abdicated their legal and moral duty and declined to review the case. The justices surely understood that their failure to accept the case would further undermine the rule of law. In effect, the Supreme Court has granted the government immunity for subjecting people in its custody to terrible mistreatment. It has deprived victims of a remedy and Americans of government accountability, while further damaging the country’s standing in the world.

Note: For many reliable reports on the torture used by governments pursuing the "war on terror", click here.

Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times

A blogger has released audio of Sprint's Electronic Surveillance Manager describing the carrier's cooperation with law enforcement. Among the revelations are that Sprint has so far filled over 8 million requests from LEOs for customer GPS data.

Webmaster's Commentary:

See How To Block A GPS Tracker Using GPS Jammers

The future of brain-controlled devices
January 4, 2010, CNN

Researchers are already using brain-computer interfaces to aid the disabled, treat diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and provide therapy for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Work is under way on devices that may eventually let you communicate with friends telepathically, give you superhuman hearing and vision or even let you download data directly into your brain, a la "The Matrix." Researchers are practically giddy over the prospects. "We don't know what the limits are yet," says Melody Moore Jackson, director of Georgia Tech University's BrainLab. At the root of all this technology is the 3-pound generator we all carry in our head. It produces electricity at the microvolt level. But the signals are strong enough to move robots, wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs -- with the help of an external processor. One of the more controversial uses under development is telepathy. It would require at least two people to be implanted with electrodes that send and receive signals. DARPA, the Pentagon's technology research division, is currently working on an initiative called "Silent Talk," which would let soldiers on secret missions communicate with their thoughts alone. This stealth component is attractive, but naysayers fear that such soldiers could become manipulated for evil means.

Note: Remember that secret military research such as that undertaken by DARPA is often years ahead of capabilities publicly acknowledged.

Google face à la grande muraille informatique

par Philippe Rivière

Google a annoncé la semaine dernière ne plus vouloir censurer les résultats des recherches sur son portail chinois, Google.cn, renversant ainsi la stratégie adoptée en 2006. Cette annonce a surpris par son ton, et par les raisons invoquées : une série de tentatives de vol de code informatique et de piratage de comptes email d'opposants chinois.

A l'échelle planétaire, Google traite plus de la moitié des recherches sur Internet. Mais ses parts de marché en Asie restent très faibles, voire, dans certains pays comme la Corée du Sud, inexistantes. Ce n'est donc pas un pion d'une valeur économique majeure que la firme vient de sacrifier en déclarant qu'elle n'appliquerait désormais plus, à son portail Google.cn, les critères de censure de la législation chinoise, et qu'elle y diffuserait désormais le même index que celui qu'on peut trouver sur Google.com. Cependant, cette action revêt un caractère symbolique fort.

Pour la liberté d'expression tout d'abord, bien entendu. L'Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ne pouvait que se réjouir : « pour avoir été l'un des premiers à critiquer » la censure politique sur le portail chinois de Google, lancé en janvier 2006, l'EFF « espère être parmi les premiers à féliciter Google pour son engagement courageux et franc à ne plus fournir qu'une unique version chinoise, non censurée, de son moteur de recherche »

La société américaine, dont le célèbre slogan « Don't be evil » (« Ne soyez pas méchants ») commence à sentir le moisi à force de critiques concernant ses multiples activités, trouve ainsi une manière de redorer son blason de chevalier blanc d'Internet. D'autant qu'elle apparaît bien seule dans cette décision. Les termes employés pour décrire ce retrait - car sa décision l'expose à un blocage total - sont quant à eux particulièrement intéressants.

Sur son blog officiel, Google évoque, d'une part, une sombre histoire de cyber-attaque « ciblée de [son] infrastructure d'entreprise », ainsi que de celle de nombreuses sociétés occidentales en Chine, qui l'aurait exposée à un « vol de propriété intellectuelle » ; d'autre part, des « activités » suspectes tentant de prendre le contrôle de comptes de courrier électronique (hébergés par Google Mail), de « douzaines de militants chinois des droits humains basés aux Etats-Unis, en Chine et en Europe [dont les emails étaient] consultés régulièrement par des tierces parties ». Google accuse, en substance et sans le nommer, l'E tat chinois d'avoir piraté des comptes de dissidents. Plusieurs indices laissent penser que la cible de ce piratage est l'infrastructure qui permet à Google de répondre aux requêtes des autorités américaines, dans le cadre de la lutte anti-terroriste.

La décision de Google a provoqué les commentaires du gouvernement chinois, dont la porte-parole du ministère des affaires étrangères Jiang Yu déclare : « Nous administrons l'Internet selon la loi, et nous avons des stipulations explicites sur l'information et les contenus qui peuvent être diffusés (...)». Ce à quoi la secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton rétorque qu'« il est de plus en plus clair que la censure est une barrière au commerce, et que la Chine ne peut pas limiter le libre flux des informations tout en respectant ses obligations en matière de commerce international » (...)

Lire la suite de cet article de Philippe Rivière.

Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech

The controversy surrounding White House information czar and Harvard Professor Cass Sunstein’s blueprint for the government to infiltrate political activist groups has deepened, with the revelation that in the same 2008 dossier he also called for the government to tax or even ban outright political opinions of which it disapproved.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Look, when we gave you freedom of speech, we didn't expect you would actually USE it!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Russia Bans U.S. Poultry Over Chlorine

With as much as 30,000 tons of American poultry in the pipeline to Russia, the government in Moscow imposed a ban on future U.S. poultry imports on New Year's Day.

Russia joins the European Union in prohibiting the use of chlorine as an anti-microbial treatment in poultry production, which is commonly used in the United States.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Why is it that Russian citizens can expect better food safety in their food chain supply than US citizens can?!?

What's wrong with this picture?!?


Al Qaeda planning new attack on the U.S.: report

U.S. Federal officials have credible new intelligence of plans for another al Qaeda attack on the U.S., NBC reported.

Ron Paul Powerful Speech - A Call for Revolution?


Codex Alimentarius will NOT go into Global Implementation on December 31, 2001. But it is far from dead.


NASA Caught in Climate Data Manipulation; New Revelations Headlined on KUSI-TV Climate Special

Climate researchers have discovered that NASA researchers improperly manipulated data in order to claim 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD."

Webmaster's Commentary:

NASA = Never A Straight Answer!

On a more serious note, who has the power to order NASA to compromise science like that?

Hint: Same people able to swing both an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize for Al Gore.

NASA Caught in Climate Data Manipulation; New Revelations Headlined on KUSI-TV Climate Special

Date Released:
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Climate researchers have discovered that NASA researchers improperly manipulated data in order to claim 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD." KUSI-TV meteorologist, Weather Channel founder, and iconic weatherman John Coleman will present these findings in a one-hour special airing on KUSI-TV on Jan.14 at
9 p.m. A related report will be made available on the Internet at 6 p.m. EST on January 14th at www.kusi.com.

In a new report,
computer expert E. Michael Smith and Certified Consulting Meteorologist Joseph D'Aleo discovered extensive manipulation of the temperature data by the U.S. Government's two primary climate centers: the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Ashville, North Carolina and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University in New York City. Smith and D'Aleo accuse these centers of manipulating temperature data to give the appearance of warmer temperatures than actually occurred by trimming the number and location of weather observation stations. The report is available online at http://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf.

The report reveals that there were no actual temperatures left in the computer database when NASA/NCDC proclaimed 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD." The NCDC deleted actual temperatures at thousands of locations throughout the world as it changed to a system of global grid points, each of which is determined by averaging the temperatures of two or more adjacent weather observation stations. So the NCDC grid map contains only averaged, not real temperatures, giving rise to significant doubt that the result is a valid representation of Earth temperatures.

The number of actual weather observation points used as a starting point for world average temperatures was reduced from about
6,000 in the 1970s to about 1,000 now. "That leaves much of the world unaccounted for," says D'Aleo.

The NCDC data are regularly used by the National
Weather Service to declare a given month or year as setting a record for warmth. Such pronouncements are typically made in support of the global warming alarmism agenda. Researchers who support the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also regularly use the NASA/NCDC data, including researchers associated with the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that is now at the center of the "Climategate" controversy.

This problem is only the tip of the iceberg with NCDC data. "For one thing, it is clear that comparing data from previous years, when the final figure was produced by averaging a large number of temperatures, with those of later years, produced from a small temperature base and the grid method, is like comparing

and oranges," says Smith. "When the differences between the warmest year in history and the tenth warmest year is less than three quarters of a degree, it becomes silly to rely on such comparisons," added D'Aleo who asserts that the data manipulation is "scientific travesty" that was committed by activist scientists to advance the global warming agenda.

Smith and D'Aleo are both interviewed as part of a report on this study on the television special, "Global Warming: The Other Side" seen at
9 PM on January 14th on KUSI-TV, channel 9/51, San Diego, California. That program can now be viewed via computer at the website http://www.kusi.com/. The detailed report is available at http://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf.

For more information, contact:

E. Michael Smith
E-mail: pub4all@aol.com
Blog: http://chiefio.wordpress.com/gistemp/

For Joseph D'Aleo
Telephone: 603-689-5646
E-mail: Jsdaleo6331@aol.com

For call KUSI TV
Telephone: 858-571-5151, ask for the News Director
E-mail: news@kusi.com

Source: KUSI-TV

CONTACT: E. Michael Smith, pub4all@aol.com; Joseph D'Aleo,
+1-603-689-5646, Jsdaleo6331@aol.com; KUSI TV, +1-858-571-5151, ask for the
News Director, news@kusi.com

Web Site: http://www.kusi.com/

CLIMATEGATE - The U.S. Military is One of the World's Largest Sources of C02

By every measure, the Pentagon is the largest institutional user of petroleum products and energy in general. Yet the Pentagon has a blanket exemption in all international climate agreements.

Pentagon's Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes

In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen -- with more than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads of state, as well as 100,000 demonstrators in the streets -- it is important to ask: How is it possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions?

By every measure, the Pentagon is the largest institutional user of petroleum products and energy in general. Yet the Pentagon has a blanket exemption in all international climate agreements.

The Pentagon wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; its secret operations in Pakistan; its equipment on more than 1,000 U.S. bases around the world; its 6,000 facilities in the U.S.; all NATO operations; its aircraft carriers, jet aircraft, weapons testing, training and sales will not be counted against U.S. greenhouse gas limits or included in any count.

The Feb. 17, 2007, Energy Bulletin detailed the oil consumption just for the Pentagon's aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and facilities that made it the single-largest oil consumer in the world. At the time, the U.S. Navy had 285 combat and support ships and around 4,000 operational aircraft. The U.S. Army had 28,000 armored vehicles, 140,000 High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, more than 4,000 combat helicopters, several hundred fixed-wing aircraft and 187,493 fleet vehicles. Except for 80 nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, which spread radioactive pollution, all their other vehicles run on oil.

Even according to rankings in the 2006 CIA World Factbook, only 35 countries (out of 210 in the world) consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.

The U.S. military officially uses 320,000 barrels of oil a day. However, this total does not include fuel consumed by contractors or fuel consumed in leased and privatized facilities. Nor does it include the enormous energy and resources used to produce and maintain their death-dealing equipment or the bombs, grenades or missiles they fire.

Steve Kretzmann, director of Oil Change International, reports: "The Iraq war was responsible for at least 141 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) from March 2003 through December 2007. ... The war emits more than 60 percent of all countries. ... This information is not readily available ... because military emissions abroad are exempt from national reporting requirements under U.S. law and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change." (www.naomiklein.org, Dec. 10) Most scientists blame carbon dioxide emissions for greenhouse gases and climate change.

Although the U.S. had already received these assurances in the negotiations, the U.S. Congress passed an explicit provision guaranteeing U.S. military exemption. Inter Press Service reported on May 21, 1998: "U.S. law makers, in the latest blow to international efforts to halt global warming, today exempted U.S. military operations from the Kyoto agreement which lays out binding commitments to reduce 'greenhouse gas' emissions. The House of Representatives passed an amendment to next year's military authorization bill that 'prohibits the restriction of armed forces under the Kyoto Protocol.'"

Today in Copenhagen the same agreements and guidelines on greenhouse gases still hold. Yet it is extremely difficult to find even a mention of this glaring omission.

According to environmental journalist Johanna Peace, military activities will continue to be exempt from an executive order signed by President Barack Obama that calls for federal agencies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Peace states, "The military accounts for a full 80 percent of the federal government's energy demand." (solveclimate.com, Sept. 1)

More than Emissions

Besides emitting carbon dioxide, U.S. military operations release other highly toxic and radioactive materials into the air, water and soil.

U.S. weapons made with depleted uranium have spread tens of thousands of pounds of microparticles of radioactive and highly toxic waste throughout the Middle East, Central Asia and the Balkans.

The U.S. sells land mines and cluster bombs that are a major cause of delayed explosives, maiming and disabling especially peasant farmers and rural peoples in Africa, Asia and Latin America . For example, Israel dropped more than 1 million U.S.-provided cluster bombs on Lebanon during its 2006 invasion.

The U.S. war in Vietnam left large areas so contaminated with the Agent Orange herbicide that today, more than 35 years later, dioxin contamination is 300 to 400 times higher than "safe" levels. Severe birth defects and high rates of cancer resulting from environmental contamination are continuing into a third generation.

The 1991 U.S. war in Iraq , followed by 13 years of starvation sanctions, the 2003 U.S. invasion and continuing occupation, has transformed the region -- which has a 5,000-year history as a Middle East breadbasket -- into an environmental catastrophe. Iraq 's arable and fertile land has become a desert wasteland where the slightest wind whips up a dust storm. A former food exporter, Iraq now imports 80 percent of its food. The Iraqi Agriculture Ministry estimates that 90 percent of the land has severe desertification.

Environmental War at Home

Moreover, the Defense Department has routinely resisted orders from the Environmental Protection Agency to clean up contaminated U.S. bases. ( Washington Post, June 30, 2008) Pentagon military bases top the Superfund list of the most polluted places, as contaminants seep into drinking water aquifers and soil.

The Pentagon has also fought EPA efforts to set new pollution standards on two toxic chemicals widely found on military sites: perchlorate, found in propellant for rockets and missiles; and trichloroethylene, a degreaser for metal parts.

Trichloroethylene is the most widespread water contaminant in the country, seeping into aquifers across California , New York , Texas , Florida and elsewhere. More than 1,000 military sites in the U.S. are contaminated with the chemical. The poorest communities, especially communities of color, are the most severely impacted by this poisoning.

U.S. testing of nuclear weapons in the U.S. Southwest and on South Pacific islands has contaminated millions of areas of land and water with radiation. Mountains of radioactive and toxic uranium tailings have been left on Indigenous land in the Southwest. More than 1,000 uranium mines have been abandoned on Navajo reservations in Arizona and New Mexico .

Around the world, on past and still operating bases in Puerto Rico, the Philippines , South Korea , Vietnam , Laos , Cambodia , Japan , Nicaragua , Panama and the former Yugoslavia , rusting barrels of chemicals and solvents and millions of rounds of ammunition are criminally abandoned by the Pentagon.

The best way to dramatically clean up the environment is to shut down the Pentagon. What is needed to combat climate change is a thoroughgoing system change.

Just 16 Ships Expel as Much Pollution as All the Cars in the World

(NaturalNews) Large shipping vessels have become commonplace in today's global marketplace as goods are imported and exported across the world. While the high levels of pollution they create are something that most people don't think too much about, some...

Just 16 Ships Expel as Much Pollution as All the Cars in the World

Saturday, December 26, 2009 by: E. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Large shipping vessels have become commonplace in today's global marketplace as goods are imported and exported across the world. While the high levels of pollution they create are something that most people don't think too much about, some scientists are beginning to evaluate their environmental effect. One of the most disturbing facts discovered about these giant ships is that a mere 16 of them emit as much sulfur as do all the cars in the world combined.

Fred Pearce, a science writer and environmental consultant for New Scientist, has been studying the shipping industry for quite some time. He has focused particularly on their use of filthy, toxic fuel that is polluting the air at a staggering pace. According to his assessment, thousands of people die every year from the toxic fumes that are emitted from their smokestacks, lingering in the air as a brown haze for many days. If current practices continue, he estimates that upwards of a million people will die in the next decade due to ship

The type of fuel typically used in large ocean craft is composed of the dirty leftovers from the refined fuel that is used in cars, trucks, and other land vehicles. It is thicker than land fuel and high in
sulfur. It is essentially a cheap, filthy form of fuel that would never be permitted for use on the mainland but that are tolerated on international waters. The chemicals found in the smoke trails of this "bunker fuel" are known to cause severe inflammation, cancer, breathing problems and heart disease.

The sheer size of these ships is astounding, measuring a quarter of a mile long on average. Each one holds approximately 14,000 full-size shipping containers, typically carrying goods from Asia to Europe and
North America. There are over 100,000 ships and counting on the seas today.

The reason why reckless ship pollution is allowed to continue is due to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) policy that permits bunker fuel containing up to 4.5 percent sulfur to be used in international waters. This number is 4,500 times higher than the sulfur amount permitted in vehicle fuel in the European Union.

The IMO has reluctantly agreed to reduce the sulfur limit to 3.5 percent by 2012 and, eventually, to 0.5 percent. The biggest barrier to enacting stricter pollution guidelines is the increased cost of cleaner fuel. Bunker fuel is inexpensive and plentiful, allowing shippers to make use of the leftover byproducts of clean fuel production.

Sources for this story include:

Quality of U.S. Temperature Data

In April 1978 there were over 6,000 surface stations, and now we have dropped down to around 1,200. Of these stations, there are two main types. There are stations that are found in urban areas, which are more likely to be contaminated by local heat sources (see the photos above), and then there are stations in rural areas, which are less likely to be contaminated by local heat sources.

So, we know somewhere around 4,800 surface stations dropped out of monitoring temperatures. The vast majority of the stations that dropped out were rural stations. This is unfortunate because the rural stations are the ones that tend to give the most accurate data (because of less urban heat contamination.)

U.N. climate chiefs apologize for glacier error

Despite the admission, the IPCC reiterated its concern about the dangers melting glaciers present in a region that is home to more than one-sixth of the world's population.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: "Even though we've been exposed as fraud, the politically correct thing to do is give us a your money and let us run the entire world ... for you own benefit, of course!"

(CNN) -- The U.N.'s leading panel on climate change has apologized for misleading data published in a 2007 report that warned Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.

In a statement released Wednesday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said estimates relating to the rate of recession of the Himalayan glaciers in its Fourth Assessment Report were "poorly substantiated" adding that "well-established standards of evidence were not applied properly."

Despite the admission, the IPCC reiterated its concern about the dangers melting glaciers present in a region that is home to more than one-sixth of the world's population.

First Climategate, now Glaciergate

Nonetheless, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — the UN’s official climate research branch — picked up on the WWF’s untested claim and, apparently without doing any further checking of its own, stated in its 2007 report that “glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world and ... the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high,” above 90%.

This is the report that helped secure the IPCC its Nobel Prize.

Commuter chaos expected as freezing winds from Continent bring MORE snow

The return of the snow comes as figures showed more than 11,000 pensioners died in just one week during the Big Chill earlier this month.

Britain was hit by some of the heaviest snowfalls for decades two weeks ago, causing widespread transport problems.

Florida Freeze Kills Estimated 70% of Southwest Vegetable Crop

At least 70 percent of southwest Florida’s winter crop of vegetables, including tomatoes and peppers, were destroyed by freezing weather, said Gene McAvoy, the director of the Hendry County extension office for the University of Florida.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Tell us again about that hockey stick, Al, we just LOVE that one!

CLIMATEGATE - Climate change NOT ‘ forcing polar bears to become cannibals’

However, a local Inuit leader dismissed the idea of any link between cannibalism and climate change. Jose Kusugak, the president of the Kivalliq Inuit Association, told reporters: “A male polar bear eating a cub becomes a big story and they try to marry it with climate change and so on. It becomes absurd — when it’s a normal, normal occurrence.”

NASA reveals first-ever photo of liquid on another world


NASA scientists revealed Friday a first-of-its-kind image from space showing reflecting sunlight from a lake on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A liquid medium, dynamic weather system, and a source of energy; all that is needed for a truly alien form of life to evolve.

This is very interesting!

Frankly, if it were up to me, I would spend the NASA budget on going back to Titan to find a truly alien life form than going to Europa, and boring down through the ice to what we hope is liquid water to find what we hope is life similar to what we find here on Earth.

Energy-efficient traffic lights can't melt snow

Cities around the country that have installed energy-efficient traffic lights are discovering a hazardous downside: The bulbs don't burn hot enough to melt snow and can become crusted over in a storm — a problem blamed for dozens of accidents and at least one death.

"I've never had to put up with this in the past," said Duane Kassens, a driver from West Bend who got into a fender-bender recently because he couldn't see the lights. "The police officer told me the new lights weren't melting the snow. How is that safe?"

AP – In this photo provided by the Oswego Police, was taken after a fatal crash in Oswego, Ill. on April 6, …

Israël et son financement:

Netanyahu: Israel will never share Jerusalem with Palestinians

Webmaster's Commentary:

Netanyahu just told the United Nations to go fuck itself.

And as long as the United Nations fails to respond, then they lack credibility to be the foundation of a future world government.

Israel leveled More than 23,000 Homes Since 1967

The Palestinian Ministry of Information issued a report stating that Israel leveled more than 23,000 homes in the occupied territories since its occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem in the 1967 six-day war.

Israël va bombarder les terroristes de Gaza

Oui, bon, il va les bombarder. Mais attention : en prévenant d’abord au moyen de tracts la population civile afin qu’elle puisse se planquer. La nouvelle vient d’être publiée par la presse israélienne qui parle d’un lâcher de dizaines de milliers de tracts écrits en arabe.

Quant on vous dit que Tsahal est l’armée la plus morale du monde ! Et après ça, il y en a encore qui viendront se plaindre !!!

Source : www.juif.org

Reprise de la campagne de destruction systématique de Gaza par l'IDF:

capture d'écran de haaretz.com

'Israel to compensate UN for Gaza war damages'


Israel has agreed in principle to reimburse losses the United Nations suffered during Israel's three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip last winter,a UN spokesman said on Thursday.

Spokesman Martin Nesirky declined to give a figure or other details of the accord. A UN inquiry last year put the cost of damage to UN property in
Gaza during the conflict at over $11 million, almost all of it caused by Israeli forces.

Israel said damage to UN premises was caused unintentionally when its troops responded to Palestinian fire and argued that Hamas operatives fought in, or near UN-protected buildings during the fighting.

Israel To Pay 10 M. In Compensation To The UN

In an unofficial admission of targeting United Nations facilities, the Israeli government decided to pay the United Nations 10 Million USD in compensation for targeting its facilities during the war on Gaza one year ago.

Eyewitness account during the war reported that the Israeli army directly pounded UN school, facilities and warehouses.

Resistance fighters engage advancing IOF troops in northern Gaza

BEIT HANUN, (PIC)– Palestinian resistance fighters engaged special Israeli forces east of Beit Hanun town in northern Gaza Strip at dawn Monday, local sources told the PIC reporter.
They added that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) infiltrated late Sunday night near the Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing amidst intensified over flights of warplanes.

The PIC reporter said that more than 20 IOF armored vehicles infiltrated into the area while similar moves were reported in eastern Gaza city.

Local sources noted that IOF tanks east of Gaza fired three shells at civilian homes that fell in cultivated land lots and inflicted only material damage.

Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace, fire at areas near borders

Israeli military aircraft flew over Lebanese airspace and fired at areas near the southern borders between Israel and Lebanon, a Lebanese security source said on Thursday.

FM: Building will resume in 10 months


Israel is willing to sit down for talks with the Palestinians, but with no preconditions or further gestures, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Thursday evening, stressing that the most recent overture was a tactical and temporary move.

The foreign minister proceeded to expound on the need to downplay the conflict with the Palestinians, which "must not be a central topic, neither [in Israel] nor [in the international arena]. Not everyone in the world is troubled by this problem, and our task is to diminish it, and not make it a central topic.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman: you don't get to decide for the rest of the world what we think is important, or not important.

You don't get to decide for the world what is "central" or not.

It is precisely the arrogant intransigence of Israel which is at the core of the the Middle East conflict with the Palestinians which must be corrected, in order for there to be a just and lasting peace.

Every time a Palestinian kid gets attacked by settlers on the way home from school, every time a Palestinian's olive grove gets plowed under by the IDF or settlers, every time an East Jerusalem Palestinian gets kicked out of their home, and/or their homes are demolished, Israel again delegitimises itself as the "democracy" it purports to be.

And regarding what the Israeli government has done, and continues to do, to the Palestinians living with the siege of Gaza; Mr. Lieberman, the entire world is watching what you are doing in absolute horror and disbelief.

There will be a point in the history of Israel where that suffering of Gazan Palestinians will no longer be allowed to continue.

The only question is, when.

MK aims to keep Palestinians married to Israelis from gaining citizenship


The ministerial committee on legislation is to vote Sunday on an amendment proposed by MK David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu) to the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Freedom, intended to bring it into line with the controversial Citizenship and Entry to Israel Law.

Rotem believes the Knesset must keep the High Court of Justice from annulling a controversial law that denies citizenship to Palestinians married to Israelis.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Not that MK Rotem is possibly being overtly racist or anything like that, right?!?

And the officials of this country still have the chutzpah to characterize Israel as "the only democracy in the Middle East"?!?

Yesh Din: Ofra uses dogs to keep Palestinians off their own farmland

Settlers in Ofra are using attack dogs to keep Palestinians from cultivating land they own near the settlement, the human rights organization Yesh Din charged in a petition filed in the High Court of Justice earlier this week.

Yesh Din attorneys Michael Sfard, Shlomi Zachary and Avisar Lev filed the petition on behalf of the head of the Silwad village council, Nael Hamad, and three village residents.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This Israeli human rights organization deserves respect and support, and demonstrates very clearly that there are a number of hard-working Israelis with a conscience, volunteering in the cause of Palestinian justice.

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