Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 14 janvier 2010

L'Autre Monde 14 janvier 2010: Entrevue spéciale avec Julie Lemieux: Le nucléaire civil et Gentilly-2, voir au-delà des apparences


L'Autre Monde 14 janvier 2010: Entrevue spéciale avec Julie Lemieux: Le nucléaire civil et Gentilly-2, voir au-delà des apparences

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L'Autre Monde 14 janvier 2010

120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Émission du 14 janvier 2010:

*****Entrevue spéciale avec Julie Lemieux, auteure du livre Avez-vous peur du Nucléaire? Vous devriez peut-être...

Nous discutons du secteur civil nucléaire, de ses dangers méconnus et tout cela, dans le cadre du projet de rénovation de Gentilly-2 par Hydro-Québec. Vous verrez que bien des informations importantes vous on été dissimulées pour éviter d'éveiller une résistance de la population face à ce projet très couteux et potentiellement dangereux pour le Québec. On met en danger votre futur et celui de vos descendants sans vous consulter, écoutez attentivement cette entrevue exclusive pour savoir pourquoi.

- Cyber revue de presse: Le thème traversant l'émission est de voir plus loin que la réalité perçue. Rien n'est tel qu'il apparait réellement, il faut savoir chercher plus loin pour déchirer le voile qui couvre nos yeux et notre conscience. Nous repassons ainsi, avec ce regard, les derniers coups de peur, coups montés de toutes pièces, de véritables scandales, tels que l'hystérie du réchauffement climatique global, la panique sans fondement du A/H1N1 et la grande peur du terrorisme.

Pour la durée du mois de janvier, l'émission durera 2h.

Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

Entrevue avec Julie Lemieux:

Auteure du livre « Avez-vous peur du nucléaire? Vous devriez peut-être... » (ISBN 978-2-89544-162-5) - Éditions MultiMondes, 2009

Excellent livre à acheter et lire. Passez l’information et passez à l’ac
Publish Post
tion, nous pouvons empêcher le projet d’Hydro-Québec de rénover la seule centrale nucléaire du Québec, Gentilly-2, à grand coup de milliards de dollars et aux risques incalculables, tout cela, sans consultation publique.

Il en va de notre futur sur Terre, pourrait-on dire.

Écoutez attentivement cette superbe entrevue avec Julie Lemieux pour comprendre davantage tous les enjeux réels que le nucléaire impliquent pour être capables, collectivement et socialement, de faire de choix de société conscients et lucides, bien éclairés.

Vous êtes conviés à télécharger cette émission et la partager avec le plus de gens possible.

Merci pour votre engagement et votre humanité.

François Marginean

Yémen et terrorisme:

Les terroristes gagnent

Il aura suffit de mettre un présumé terroriste aux explosifs sans passeport sur un avion pour voir s’envoler nos libertés individuelles. Les terroristes ont gagné. Peut importe si la sécurité de l’aéroport d’Amsterdam utilisait déjà les scanners corporels qu’on veut maintenant nous imposer ici, au nom de la sécurité, mais qui n’ont pas su détecter les explosifs. Peu importe que les services du renseignement américain étaient déjà au courant que Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab était fiché sur la liste des terroristes. Personne n’a été assez fiable pour empêcher cette menace de monter à bord du vol 253 de Northwest le jour de Noël dernier.

Peu importe.

C’est vos droits et libertés qui seront brimés, écrasée, encore une fois. Nous descendons plus profondément dans ce qui est déjà un État policier de surveillance où nos libertés individuelles sont anéanties au nom de la sécurité. Les terroristes ont gagné parce qu’ils haïssent qu’on soit libres. Et nous le sommes plus. Au nom de la sécurité. Dommage que l’histoire soit d’un tel ennui pour la population, parce qu’on se souviendrait peut-être que moins de liberté ne correspond jamais à plus de sécurité, mais résulte historiquement et invariablement à davantage de tyrannie.

The Yemen Hidden Agenda: Behind the Al-Qaeda Scenarios, A Strategic Oil Transit Chokepoint

For some months the world has seen a steady escalation of US military involvement in Yemen, a dismally poor land adjacent to Saudi Arabia on its north, the Red Sea on its west, the Gulf of Aden on its south, opening to the Arabian Sea, overlooking another desolate land that has been in the headlines of late, Somalia. The evidence suggests that the Pentagon and US intelligence are moving to militarize a strategic chokepoint for the world’s oil flows, Bab el-Mandab, and using the Somalia piracy incident, together with claims of a new Al Qaeda threat arising from Yemen, to militarize one of the world’s most important oil transport routes. In addition, undeveloped petroleum reserves in the territory between Yemen and Saudi Arabia are reportedly among the world’s largest.

by F. William Engdahl

Global Research, January 5, 2010

U.S., NATO Expand Afghan War To Horn Of Africa And Indian Ocean

In short the officially discarded but in fact revived and expanded "global war on terrorism" is now to be fought in a single theater of war that extends from the Red Sea to Pakistan. A joint endeavor by the Pentagon's Central and Africa Commands and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to build upon the consolidation of almost the entire European continent under NATO and Pentagon control and the ceding of the African continent to the new U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). (Except for Egypt, an individual Pentagon asset and NATO Mediterranean Dialogue partner.)

by Rick Rozoff

Global Research, January 8, 2010


Intelligence sources: Plane incident a false flag involving trinity of CIA, Mossad, and RAW

Intelligence sources: Plane incident a false flag involving trinity of CIA, Mossad, and RAW

Wayne Madsen
Online Journal
Monday, January 4th, 2010

Al Qaeda 'Recruited Bomb Plotter In London'

A Nigerian man charged with attempted murder over the alleged Christmas Day plot was recruited by al Qaeda in London, according to reports.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Or by MI5 posing as Al Qaeda.

National Security Adviser Says Airline Bomber Report Will 'Shock' Americans

James Jones, a retired four-star Marine general, says Americans will feel "a certain shock" when a report is released today detailing the intelligence failures that could have prevented the Christmas Day attack.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Intelligence failures." Now where have we heard THAT one before?

I figure if the intelligence establishment is failing that consistently, let's fire them all and try a new approach to ending terrorism.

Like not screwing around with other peoples' countries.

US lies about Flight 253 "crotch bomber" patsy: summary of the evidence; Yemen attack implication

# Witness on flight 253, attorney Kurt Haskell, reports that there was another suspect handcuffed at the airport after landing that the FBI repeatedly lies and changes their story in explaining. Haskell says the detained passengers were told this man was identified by a bomb-sniffing dog as having explosives in his luggage.
# The Detroit News confirms the FBI has changed their story four times.

CROTCH BOMBER - Another Christmas Arrest Uncovered -Same Route, Same Airline, Same Day, Different Flight

Webmaster's Commentary:

On the day of the Flight 253 incident, reporter Michael Rosenfield of WXYZ in Detroit appeared live on CNN during the evening news and reported that, earlier that day, another passenger was arrested on a different flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Same route, same airline, same day. This report appears to have been corroborated by a woman who was apparently a passenger on that flight in an on-camera interview; an interview which was even played at least once on CNN on December 25. However, the media subsequently blended this separate incident with the widely-reported “failed bombing” incident. Hence, the many media reports of Mutallab “screaming about Afghanistan” despite the fact that the witnesses actually describe him as being amazingly calm and totally silent.

TSA lies exposed: Full-body scanner machines do save and transmit images, secret documents reveal

TSA LIES: Body Scanners CAN Save and Transmit Images

(NaturalNews) The TSA has been lying to the American people about full-body scanners. The agency has insisted that these "digital strip search" machines are incapable of saving, storing or transmitting the images they take. This, we are told, makes it...

“A privacy group says the Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public with claims that full-body scanners at airports cannot store or send their graphic images.

The TSA specified in 2008 documents that the machines must have image storage and sending abilities, the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) said.

In the documents, obtained by the privacy group and provided to CNN, the TSA specifies that the body scanners it purchases must have the ability to store and send images when in “test mode.”

That requirement leaves open the possibility the machines — which can see beneath people’s clothing — can be abused by TSA insiders and hacked by outsiders, said EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg.

EPIC, a public-interest group focused on privacy and civil rights, obtained the technical specifications and vendor contracts through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

If you look at the actual technical specifications and you read the vendor contracts, you come to understand that these machines are capable of doing far more than the TSA has let on”
Source : CNN

Full-body scanners used on air passengers may damage human DNA

(NaturalNews) In researching the biological effects of the millimeter wave scanners used for whole body imaging at airports, NaturalNews has learned that the energy emitted by the machines may damage human DNA. Millimeter wave machines...

Body Scanners Increase Privacy, Says Corporate Media

With the resistance to naked body scanners in airports building, the corporate media is now claiming that technology which allows fat TSA thugs sitting in back rooms to ogle your naked daughter actually “enhances privacy”.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"War is peace"

"Freedom is slavery"

"Ignorance is strength"

"Naked is private"


The mayor acknowledged concerns about privacy and criticism from civil liberties groups but said passengers don't seem to mind and not a single complaint has been received.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The passengers who mind aren't showing up at the ticket counters or tourism venues.

With California's budget in the Al Qaeda, even a slight loss to tourism will be catastrophic.

Obama’s TSA Nominee Targets Anti-Government Christians

President Obama’s nominee to head the TSA and boss the naked body scanners now being installed at airports across the country says that white Christian “anti-government” types will be the primary target of suspicion for authorities.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And you thought this was all about catching "Al Qaeda" terrorists, didn't you?

Obama’s top counterterror official kept skiing after Christmas bomb attempt

Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Michael Leiter didn't cut short a ski trip until several days after alleged Nigerian attempted bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to destroy a commercial jetliner en route to Detroit Christmas day, veteran New York Daily News intelligence correspondent James Meek reports Thursday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If in fact this was a true act of attempted terror, why wasn't this man on a plane back to Washington the moment he was informed of it?!?


H1N1: vaccination massive sous enquête
La corruption au sein de l’OMS et chez les responsables de santé publique sous la loupe des autorités.

L'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe va enquêter sur l’OMS et le scandale « pandémique »

- par F. William Engdahl -

Les membres du Conseil de l'Europe lanceront une enquête en janvier 2010 sur l'influence des compagnies pharmaceutiques dans la campagne mondiale de grippe porcine, en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur l'étendue de l’influence de l'industrie pharmaceutique au sein de l'OMS. Le Comité sur la santé du Parlement européen a adopté à l'unanimité une résolution exigeant une enquête. Cette démarche est une initiative attendue depuis longtemps pour assurer la transparence publique sur un « Triangle d'or » de la corruption thérapeutique entre l'OMS, l'industrie pharmaceutique et les chercheurs universitaires, qui ont compromis à jamais la vie de millions de gens et même provoqué la mort.

La motion du Parlement a été présentée par le Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, ancien membre du SPD au Bundestag allemand et aujourd’hui Président de la subcommission pour la santé du Conseil de l’Europe. Wodarg est médecin et épidémiologiste, spécialiste en maladies pulmonaires et en médecine environnementale. Il considère que la campagne actuelle sur la pandémie de grippe porcine de l'OMS est « l'un des plus grands scandales médicaux du siècle. » [1]

Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold

Was the swine flu pandemic ever a threat? New research reveals the massive deception and manipulation of the truth.

Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold

Posted by: Dr. Mercola
January 02 2010

A new analysis from Harvard University, using H1N1 deaths in the U.S. in the spring and projecting likely outcomes for this fall, suggests that the swine flu “pandemic” has been oversold.

The new paper suggests swine flu was unlikely to create a severe epidemic. In light of this, officials have taken many steps that may have been unnecessary, including mass vaccinations.

It is not clear how H1N1 will act in the coming months, but swine flu cases seem to have already hit their peak.


ABC News December 8, 2009

Swine flu 'false pandemic' claim

A LEADING health expert says the swine flu scare was a "false pandemic" led by drugs companies that stood to make billions from vaccines.

Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, claims major firms organised a "campaign of panic" to put pressure on the World Health Organisation to declare a pandemic.

He believes it is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century" — and has called for an inquiry.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Followed by a first-class hanging.

Dans le journal L'Humanité de ce matin (France), la première page (http://www.humanite.fr/IMG/pdf/10-01-07.pdf ) est consacrée à la dénonciation du président de la Commision santé du Conseil de l'Europe à l'égard de la crise H1N1 et du lobby pharmaceutique :

texte original sur: http://www.humanite.fr/Grippe-A-Ils-ont-organise-la-psychose

Grippe A : « Ils ont organisé la psychose »

Révélation : président de la commission santé du Conseil de l’Europe, l’allemand Wolfgang Wodarg accuse les lobbys pharmaceutiques et les gouvernants.
Il a obtenu le lancement d’une enquête de cette instance sur le rôle joué par les laboratoires dans la campagne de panique autour du virus. Entretien sans détour.

Ex-membre du SPD, Wolfgang Wodarg est médecin et épidémiologiste. Il a obtenu à l’unanimité des membres de la commission santé du Conseil de l’Europe une commission d’enquête sur le rôle des firmes pharmaceutiques dans la gestion de la grippe A par l’OMS et les états..

Qu’est ce qui a attiré vos soupçons dans la prise d’influence des laboratoires sur les décisions prises à l’égard de la grippe A ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Nous sommes confrontés à un échec des grandes institutions nationales, chargées d’alerter sur les risques et d’y répondre au cas où une pandémie survient. En avril quand la première alarme est venue de Mexico j’ai été très surpris des chiffres qu’avançait l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) pour justifier de la proclamation d’une pandémie. J’ai eu tout de suite des soupçons : les chiffres étaient très faibles et le niveau d’alarme très élevé. On en était à même pas mille malades que l’on parlait déjà de pandémie du siècle. Et l’alerte extrême décrétée était fondée sur le fait que le virus était nouveau. Mais la caractéristique des maladies grippales, c’est de se développer très vite avec des virus qui prennent à chaque fois de nouvelles formes, en s’installant chez de nouveaux hôtes, l’animal, l’homme etc. Il n’y avait rien de nouveau en soi à cela. Chaque année apparaît un nouveau virus de ce type « grippal ».
En réalité rien ne justifiait de sonner l’alerte à ce niveau. Cela n’a été possible que parce que l’OMS a changé début mai sa définition de la pandémie. Avant cette date il fallait non seulement que la maladie éclate dans plusieurs pays à la fois mais aussi qu’elle ait des conséquences très graves avec un nombre de cas mortels au dessus des moyennes habituelles. On a rayé cet aspect dans la nouvelle définition pour ne retenir que le critère du rythme de diffusion de la maladie. Et on a prétendu que le virus était dangereux car les populations n’avaient pas pu développer de défense immunitaires contre lui. Ce qui était faux pour ce virus. Car on a pu observer que des gens âgés de plus de 60 ans avaient déjà des anticorps. C’est-à-dire qu’ils avaient déjà été en contact avec des virus analogues. C’est la raison pour laquelle d’ailleurs il n’y a pratiquement pas eu de personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans qui aient développé la maladie. C’est pourtant à celles là qu’on a recommandé de se faire vacciner rapidement.
Dans les choses qui ont suscité mes soupçons il y a donc eu d’un côté cette volonté de sonner l’alerte. Et de l’autre des faits très curieux. Comme par exemple la recommandation par l’OMS de procéder à deux injections pour les vaccins. Ca n’avait jamais été le cas auparavant. Il n’y avait aucune justification scientifique à cela. I y a eu aussi cette recommandation de n’utiliser que des vaccins brevetés particuliers. Il n’existait pourtant aucune raison à ce que l’on n’ajoute pas, comme on le fait chaque années, des particules antivirales spécifiques de ce nouveau virus H1N1, « complétant » les vaccins servant à la grippe saisonnière. On ne l’a pas fait car on a préféré utiliser des matériaux vaccinales brevetés que les grands laboratoires avaient élaborées et fabriqué pour se tenir prêts en cas de développement d’une pandémie. Et en procédant de cette façon on n’a pas hésité à mettre en danger les personnes vaccinées.

Quel danger ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Pour aller vite dans la mise à disposition des produits on a utilisé des adjuvants dans certains vaccins, dont les effets n’ont pas été suffisamment testés. Autrement dit : on a voulu absolument utiliser ces produits brevetés nouveaux au lieu de mettre au point des vaccins selon des méthodes de fabrication traditionnelles bien plus simples, fiables et moins coûteuses. Il n’y avait aucune raison médicale à cela. Uniquement des raisons de marketing.

Comment a-t-on pu justifier de cela ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Pour comprendre il faut en revenir à l’épisode de la grippe aviaire de 2005 - 2006. C’est à cette occasion là qu’ont été définis les nouveaux plans internationaux destinés à faire face à une alarme pandémique. Ces plans ont été élaborés officiellement pour garantir une fabrication rapide de vaccins en cas d’alerte. Cela a donné lieu à une négociation entre les firmes pharmaceutiques et les Etats. D’un côté les labos s’engageaient à se ternir prêts à élaborer les préparations, de l’autre les Etats leur assuraient qu’ils leur achèteraient bien tout cela. Au terme de ce drôle de marché l’industrie pharmaceutique ne prenait aucun risque économique en s’engageant dans les nouvelles fabrications. Et elle était assurée de toucher le jack pot en cas de déclenchement d’une pandémie.

Vous contestez les diagnostics établis et la gravité, même potentielle, de la grippe A ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Oui, c’est une grippe tout ce qu’il y a de plus normale. Elle ne provoque qu’un dixième des décès occasionnés par la grippe saisonnière classique. Tout ce qui importait et tout ce qui a conduit à la formidable campagne de panique à laquelle on a assisté, c’est qu’elle constituait une occasion en or pour les représentants des labos qui savaient qu’ils toucheraient le gros lot en cas de proclamation de pandémie.

Ce sont de très graves accusations que vous portez là. Comment un tel processus a-t-il été rendu possible au sein de l’OMS ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Un groupe de personnes à l’OMS est associé de manière très étroite à l’industrie pharmaceutique.

L’enquête du conseil de l’Europe va travailler aussi dans cette direction ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Nous voulons faire la lumière sur tout ce qui a pu rendre cette formidable opération d’intox. Nous voulons savoir qui a décidé, sur la base de quelles preuves scientifiques, et comment s’est exercé précisément l’influence de l’industrie pharmaceutique dans la prise de décision. Et nous devons enfin présenter des revendications aux gouvernements. L’objectif de la commission d’enquête est qu’il n’y ait plus à l’avenir de fausses alertes de ce genre. Que la population puisse se reposer sur l’analyse, l’expertise des instituions publiques nationales et internationales. Celles ci sont aujourd’hui discréditées car des millions de personnes ont été vaccinés avec des produits présentant d’éventuelles risques pour leur santé. Cela n’était pas nécessaire. Tout cela a débouché aussi sur une gabegie d’argent public considérable.

Avez-vous des chiffres concrets sur l’ampleur de cette gabegie ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. En Allemagne ce sont 700 millions d’euros. Mais il est très difficile de connaître les chiffres précis car on parle maintenant d’un côté de reventes de vaccins à des pays étrangers et surtout les firmes ne communiquent pas, au nom du principe du respect du « secret des affaires » les chiffres des contrats passés avec les Etats et les éventuelles clauses de dédommagements qui y figurent.

Le travail de « lobying » des labos sur les instituts de santé nationaux sera-t-il aussi traité par l’enquête du conseil de l’Europe ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Oui nous nous pencherons sur l’attitude des instituts comme le Robert Koch en Allemagne ou Pasteur en France qui auraientt dû en réalité conseiller leurs gouvernements de façon critique. Dans certains pays des institutions l’ont fait. En Finlande ou en Pologne, par exemple, des voix critiques se sont élevées pour dire : « nous n’avons pas besoin de cela ».

La formidable opération d’intox planétaire n’a-t-elle pas été possible aussi parce que l’industrie pharmaceutique avait « ses représentants » jusque dans les gouvernements des pays les plus puissants ?
Wolgang Wodarg. Dans les ministères cela me paraît évident. Je ne peux pas m’expliquer comment des spécialistes , des gens très intelligents qui connaissent par cœur la problématique des maladies grippales, n’aient pas remarqué ce qui était en train de se produire.

Que s’est-il passé alors ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Sans aller jusqu’à la corruption directe qui j’en suis certain existe, il y a eu mille manières pour les labos d’exercer leur influence sur les décisions. J’ai pu constater très concrètement par exemple comment Klaus Stöhr qui était le chef du département épidémiologique de l’OMS à l’époque de la grippe aviaire, et qui donc a préparé les plans destinés à faire face à une pandémie que j’évoquais plus haut, était devenu entre temps un haut cadre de la société Novartis. Et des liens semblables existent entre Glaxo ou Baxter, etc. et des membres influents de l’OMS. Ces grandes firmes ont « leurs gens » dans les appareils et se débrouillent ensuite pour que les bonnes décisions politiques soient prises. C’est à dire celles qui leur permettent de pomper le maximum d’argent des contribuables.

Mais si votre enquête aboutit, ne sera-t-elle pas un appui pour les citoyens d’exiger de leurs gouvernements qu’ils demandent des comptes à ces grands groupes ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Oui, vous avez raison, c’est l’un des grands enjeux lié à cette enquête. Les Etats pourraient en effet se saisir de cela pour contester des contrats passés dans des conditions, disons, pas très propres. S’il peut être prouvé que c’est la prise d’influence des firmes qui a conduit au déclenchement du processus alors ils faudra les pousser à ce qu’ils demandent à être remboursés. Mais ça c’est uniquement le côté financier, il y a aussi le côté humain, celui des personnes qui ont été vaccinés avec des produits qui ont été insuffisamment testés.

Quel type de risque ont donc pris, sans qu’ils le sachent, ces gens en bonne santé en se faisant vacciner ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Je le répète les vaccins ont été élaborés trop rapidement, certains adjuvants insuffisamment testés. Mais il y a plus grave. Le vaccin élaboré par la société Novartis a été produit dans un bioréacteur à partir de cellules cancéreuses. Une technique qui n’avait jamais été utilisée jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Pourquoi, je ne suis évidemment pas un spécialiste, mais comment peut-on prétendre faire un vaccin à partir de cellules malades ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Normalement on utilise des œufs de poules sur lesquels les virus sont cultivés. On a besoin en effet de travailler sur des cellules vivantes. Car les virus ne peuvent se multiplier que de cette manière et donc, par définition, les préparations antivirus qui vont avec. Mais ce procédé présente un gros défaut, il est lent, il faut beaucoup d’œufs. Et il est long et complexe sur le plan technique. Une autre technique au potentiel remarquable consiste à cultiver les virus sur des cellules vivantes dans des bio-réacteurs. Pour cela il faut des cellules qui croissent et se divisent très vite. C’est un peu le procédé que l’on utilise pour la culture du yaourt que l’on réalise d’ailleurs aussi dans un bio-réacteur. mais dans ce contexte la cellule a été tellement bouleversée dans son environnement et sa croissance qu’elle croît comme une cellule cancéreuse. Et c’est sur ces cellules au rendement très élevé que l’on cultive les virus. Seulement pour fabriquer le vaccin il faut extraire à nouveau les virus de ces cellules sur lesquelles ils ont été implantés. Et il peut donc se produire que durant le processus de fabrication du vaccin des restes de cellule cancéreuse demeurent dans la préparation. Comme cela se produit dans la fabrication classique avec les œufs. On sait ainsi que dans le cas d’une vaccination de la grippe classique des effets secondaires peuvent apparaître chez les personnes qui sont allergiques à l’ovalbumine que l’on trouve dans le blanc d’oeuf. Il ne peut donc pas être exclu que des protéines, restes d’une cellule cancéreuse présentes dans un vaccin fabriqué par bio-réacteur, engendrent une tumeur sur la personne vaccinée. Selon un vrai principe de précaution il faudrait donc, avant qu’un tel produit ne soit autorisé sur le marché, avoir la certitude à 100% que de tels effets sont réellement exclus.

Et cela n’a pas été fait ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. On ne l’a pas fait. L’AME ( Agence Européenne du Médicament), une institution sous la responsabilité du commissaire européen à l’économie, basée à Londres, qui donne les autorisations de mise sur le marché des vaccins en Europe, a donné son feu vert à la commercialisation de ce produit en arguant, en l’occurrence, que ce mode de fabrication ne constituait pas un risque « significatif ». Cela a été très différemment apprécié par de nombreux spécialistes ici en Allemagne et une institution indépendante sur le médicament, qui ont au contraire alerté et fait part de leurs objections. J’ai pris ces avertissements au sérieux. J’ai étudié le dossier et suis intervenu dans le cadre de la commission santé du Bundestag dont j’étais alors membre pour que le vaccin ne soit pas utilisé en Allemagne. J’ai fait savoir que je n’étais certainement pas opposé à l’élaboration de vaccins avec cette technique. Mais qu’il fallait d’abord avoir une garantie totale d’innocuité. Le produit n’a donc pas été utilisé en Allemagne où le gouvernement a résilié le contrat avec Novartis.

Quel est le nom de ce vaccin ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Obta flu.

Mais cela veut dire que dans d’autres pays européens comme la France le produit peut être commercialisé sans problème ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Oui , il a obtenu l’autorisation de l’AME et peut donc être utilisé partout dans l’Union Européenne.

Quelle alternative entendez vous faire avancer pour que l’on échappe à de nouveaux scandales de ce type ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Il faudrait que l’OMS soit plus transparente, que l’on sache clairement qui décide et quelle type de relation existe entre les participants dans l’organisation. Il conviendrait aussi qu’elle soit au moins flanquée d’une chambre d’élue, capable de réagir de façon très critique où chacun puisse s’exprimer. Ce renforcement du contrôle par le public est indispensable.

N’est ce pas la question d’un autre système capable de traiter une question qui relève en fait d’un bien commun aux citoyens de toute la planète qui affleure ?
Wolfgang Wodarg. Pouvons nous encore laisser la production de vaccins et la conduite de ces productions à des organisations dont l’objectif est de gagner le plus possible d’argent ? Ou bien la production de vaccins n’est-elle pas quelque chose du domaine par excellence , que les Etats doivent contrôler et mettre en œuvre eux même ? C’est la raison pour laquelle je pense qu’il faut abandonner le système des brevets sur les vaccins. C’est à dire la possibilité d’une monopolisation de la production de vaccin par un grand groupe. Car cette possibilité suppose que l’on sacrifie des milliers de vies humaines, simplement au nom du respect de ces droits monopolistiques. Vous avez raison , cette revendication là a pris en tout cas pour moi l’aspect de l’évidence.

Entretien réalisé par Bruno Odent


CLIMATEGATE - Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming

Climategate has already affected Russia. On Tuesday, the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) issued a report claiming that the Hadley Center for Climate Change based at the headquarters of the British Meteorological Office in Exeter (Devon, England) had probably tampered with Russian-climate data.

Non-Binding "Sham Agreement" Reached At Copenhagen. “Rich Countries ... Sought to Bribe and Bully Developing Nations"


The Copenhagen Accord is not legally binding and - apparently - does not specify either target emission reductions or monetary contributions of various countries. Here is a copy of the actual Copenhagen Accord (notice that the Appendices for target emissions and monetary contributions are blank).

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is a face-save. They need to be able to say they arrived at an agreement, even though it lacks substance.

Copenhagen Accord Establishes Global Government Framework


“They are going to take from the western countries the very large financial resources required to do that.” Monckton said, adding “They will disguise it by saying they are setting up a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries, but actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.”

The final text of the accord states that funds obtained from climate financing will be controlled by a “governance structure,” and that a “High Level Panel” will be appointed to decide where the money will come from. In effect, this means that a UN-controlled structure of global governance will override the sovereignty of nation states in collecting and doling out funds obtained under the justification of climate change.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Tar: $22.

Feathers: $147.

Guillotine: $2760.

Reminding the leaders that We The People still run things: PRICELESS!

If any of your idiot friends still believe in AGW, make them read this letter

Your speech mentioned my remarks about the proposal for world “government” in the early drafts of what had been intended as a binding Copenhagen Treaty. These proposals were not, as you suggested, a “conspiracy theory” from the “far right” with “zero basis in evidence”. Your staff will find them in paragraphs 36-38 of the main text of Annex 1 to the 15 September draft of the Treaty. The word “government” appears twice at paragraph 38. After much adverse publicity in democratic countries, including Australia, the proposals were reluctantly dropped before Copenhagen.

and – most damningly of all, I think – on just how little effect the Copenhagen Accord would have on “climate”, even in the impossible event that everyone bothered complying:

We determine the warming forestalled over the coming decade by comparing the business-as-usual warming that would occur between now and 2020 if we made no cuts in CO2 emissions with the lesser warming that would follow full compliance with the Copenhagen Accord. Where today’s CO2 concentration is 388 ppmv –

Business as usual: ΔT = 5.7 ln(408.0/388) = 0.29

Copenhagen Accord: ΔT = 5.7 ln(406.5/388) = 0.27

= “Global warming” forestalled, 2010-2020: 0.02

One-fiftieth of a Celsius degree of warming forestalled is all that complete, global compliance with the Copenhagen Accord for an entire decade would achieve. Yet the cost of achieving this result – an outcome so small that our instruments would not be able to measure it – would run into trillions of dollars.

Yes, that’s right. If every country in the world went to the vast trouble and expense of implementing every last detail of the Copenhagen Accord, it would put off the rise in global warming over the course of one decade by one fiftieth of a degree.

CLIMATEGATE - Protecting Big Carbon

In 2004, it was less than $300 million. But in 2005, the trade really started to soar, ending the year with $10.8 billion-worth of transactions. A year later, in 2006, the "carbon" market had grown to $31 billion. In 2007, again it more than doubled its turnover, to $64 billion. Last year, it did it again, reaching a colossal $126 billion. By 2020, some estimates suggest the annual value will reach $2 trillion.

Not only does this represent a very significant business volume, its stunning growth rate makes carbon trading the hottest item in town, with banks, financial houses and independent brokers piling in to make a killing.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The source for all this cash is YOU, paying higher costs for everything because of "Global Warming".

Look at the numbers. The Carbon Bubble dwarfs the subprine and credit default swap bubbles, and when this one pops, it will take the entire global economy down with it.

CLIMATEGATE - Saved - the trillion-pound trade in carbon


This is the biggest heist in history. As they poured carbon over snow-covered Denmark from their gas-guzzling jets, world leaders were congratulating themselves on securing a deal which will make their backers and financiers a trillion pounds a year. These riches will come from buying and selling permits, the so-called 'carbon credits' which allow industry and electricity generators in developed countries to emit carbon dioxide.

The frenzied negotiations we have just seen were never about 'saving the planet'. They were always about money.

CLIMATEGATE - Carbon prices drop sharply after Copenhagen

Carbon prices dropped sharply on Monday in response to disappointment at the outcome of the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen, which ended with an agreement that fell well short of its goals for significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

European Union allowances for December 2010 delivery, the benchmark contract for pricing European carbon emissions, dropped 8.7 per cent to €12.40 a tonne in early trading before recovering slightly to trade 5.7 per cent lower at €12.80 a tonne.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

It's all about the money.

Minnesota Introduces World's First Carbon Tariff

Minnesota plans to add a carbon fee of between $4 and $34 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions to the cost of coal-fired electricity, to begin in 2012

Webmaster's Commentary:

I told you; it is all about the money and nothing at all about the environment.

Three Britons charged over €3m carbon-trading 'carousel fraud'

Belgian prosecutors highlighted the massive losses faced by EU governments from VAT fraud today after they charged three Britons and a Dutchman with money-laundering following an investigation into a multimillion-pound scam involving carbon emissions permits.

CLIMATEGATE - All Expenses Paid for 20 Congressmen in Copenhagen

“They’re going because it’s the biggest party of the year,” Sen. Inhofe said. “The worst thing that happened there is they ran out of caviar.”

'Climate science' is an oxymoron. Time for Zero Tolerance of Green agendas

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city, town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past week. This is the “exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax

The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.

The final agreement may not force countries to meet CO2 emission targets, but it will grease the skids for the biggest tax hike in human history, a fact that establishment media outlets have completely failed to emphasize.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Copenhagen isn't even dealing with CO2; they are just justifying new global taxes and hoping nobody has the balls to kick down the doors of the Tuileries and toss their asses in a tumbrel.

If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I warned you; the ultra-rich are addicted to your money and they are not about to walk away form their "investment" in Global Warming.

They are already hard at work crafting a new set of lies to use next year to get what they want; a global government and a global tax.

Meanwhile, I have started contacting wineries around the world to ask if they keep temperature records for their wine caves. For those of you who do not know what I mean, most wineries store their aging casks in underground tunnels to protect them from the extremes of surface temperatures. Short term changes in temperature do not penetrate very deeply into the Earth, so temperatures inside the caves represent a good measure of long term trends.

Wineries keep a close eye on the temperatures of those caves/tunnels. Many wineries keep very good records.

I have not received enough replies yet to represent a sufficient statistical sampling but what replies I have received all indicate a downward trend over the last 9 years.

One wonders why Hadley CRU. NOAA, NASA, and IPCC overlooked such an obviously simple method to get at the truth of the matter.

Analysis, including excerpts from and links to the key CLIMATEGATE emails

CNN & Former Microsoft Head Talk Of Geo Engineering The Planet

Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable

CLIMATEGATE - The Climategate code

Now, as computer scientists and programmers have had more time to analyse the code as well as the comments, programming errors that would change calculations or even cause the program to skip data are coming to light.

John Graham-Cumming is one of the software engineers doing this analysis, and he has found at least five errors in the code. When interviewed by the BBC two weeks ago, Graham-Cumming specifically said he wouldn't trust it. (He's not the only one--Chief Io has been working on it as well.)

However, Real Climate, defender of the consensus and home to some of the scientists involved in the leak, have said that the code in the leaks was not the code actually used by the CRU. If this is true, then a lot of people trying to replicate the work of the climate scientists are wasting their time.

It is certainly not too early for CRU to release the actual code for inspection. Some would say it is long past time. As Real Climate is currently demanding code and data from a skeptical scientist so they can replicate his work, a bit of reciprocity would not be unwelcome.


Maybe this explains the committees on 'Sudden Climate Change' that have popped up funded by many State Legislatures - or why the DOE FY 2008 Report to Congress documented $69,849 for "Understanding Adaptation to Sudden Climate Change Impacts"...in the following excerpt, emphasis is mine.

over the last few years, The threat of man made global warming is a myth, the threat we face is a new ice age caused by a drop in sunspot activity that leads to a change in the Gulf stream....


It took just six months for a warm and sunny Europe to be engulfed in ice, according to new research.

Previous studies have suggested the arrival of the last Ice Age nearly 13,000 years ago took about a decade - but now scientists believe the process was up to 20 times as fast.

Now Gordon Brown wants to police the entire world – how controlling can a freak get?


Quasimodo in Number 10, hunched, scowling over his desk, has devised yet another plan to police, to increase surveillance, to indulge his obsession with extending his short-lived control over as many people as possible. Gordon Brown, who now seems to have lost his last tenuous grip on reality, wants the European Union to police the carbon emissions of the whole world. That is the leitmotif of New Labour – and, by extension, all Westminster – government: control, bans, observation, intrusion, diktat.

Balked of a legal agreement on imaginary manmade global warming at Copenhagen, Quasimodo and Nicolas Sarkozy are working on plans to create a “European monitoring organisation” to oversee different countries’ actions on carbon emissions. Barack Obama – the leading control freak in the liberal pantheon – has suggested spy satellites could be used.

Quasimodo told reporters: “We’re in favour of transparency; we’re in favour of looking at what’s happening not just in our country and our own continent, but around the world.” That isn’t transparency: that is snooping. “We’re in favour of transparency” – from a New Labour Prime Minister! Goebbels, who always favoured the Big Lie, would have loved it.

Were Quasimodo and his colleagues in favour of transparency about weapons of mass destruction? Even now, are they in favour of transparency at the Iraq inquiry, where Tony Blair will give evidence in secret? Were they in favour of transparency when they voted to keep MPs’ expenses under wraps, until the courts overruled them?

CLIMATEGATE - Unprecedented warming? Are you sure???

Super animation à propos du “hockey stick”


Arctic Sea Ice Decline In Past Far Exceeded Modern Sea Ice Retreat (Multiple Times), Peer-Research Discovers


McKay, J.L., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Polyak, L. and Darby, D. 2008. Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cover: dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern
Chuckchi Sea. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45: 1377-1397.

"Since the change in sea-ice cover observed at the end of the 20th century (which climate alarmists claim to be unnatural) was far exceeded by changes observed multiple times over the past several thousand years of relatively stable atmospheric CO2 concentrations (when values never strayed much below 250 ppm or much above 275 ppm), there is no compelling reason to believe that the increase in the air's CO2 content that has occurred since the start of the Industrial Revolution has had anything at all to do with the declining sea-ice cover of the recent past..."


Maybe this explains the committees on 'Sudden Climate Change' that have popped up funded by many State Legislatures - or why the DOE FY 2008 Report to Congress documented $69,849 for "Understanding Adaptation to Sudden Climate Change Impacts"...in the following excerpt, emphasis is mine.

over the last few years, The threat of man made global warming is a myth, the threat we face is a new ice age caused by a drop in sunspot activity that leads to a change in the Gulf stream....


It took just six months for a warm and sunny Europe to be engulfed in ice, according to new research.

Previous studies have suggested the arrival of the last Ice Age nearly 13,000 years ago took about a decade - but now scientists believe the process was up to 20 times as fast.

Britain facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict


Britain is bracing itself for one of the coldest winters for a century with temperatures hitting minus 16 degrees Celsius, forecasters have warned.

Icebreakers do battle with Swedish waters

With meteorological agency SMHI forecasting more cold weather for the coming weeks, the big freeze seems set to stay.

Winter freeze kills 13 in Poland

Thirteen people died of cold in Poland over the New Year long weekend as temperatures plunged to minus 25 degrees Celsius, taking this winter's toll to 122, police said.

More than 40 die in India's cold wave: officials

More than 40 people have died in a cold snap gripping northern India which prompted the authorities on Monday to shut thousands of schools and dole out firewood, officials said.

India's most populous state Uttar Pradesh has recorded 30 cold-related deaths since Saturday, police spokesman Soren Srivastava said in the state capital Lucknow.

Deep freeze across nation to get colder


Much of the nation awoke to frigid weather Monday as below-freezing temperatures threatened to shatter records across the South.

"We're seeing freeze warnings not just into Central Florida, but down into the Everglades," CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano said.

Record Cold Temperatures -- Still Believe in Global Warming?

Still believe in an impending "global warming" disaster? It should be apparent by now that the AGW hysteria has been a fraud all along....

Webmaster's Commentary:

Actually, it was apparent that it was a fraud long ago!

Global Cooling in 2009

2009 was another year of global cooling, which saw numerous low temperature and high snowfall records smashed. The Dutch canals froze over for the first time in 12 years, record cold came to Al Gore's home town and ironically a blizzard dumped snow on the Copenhagen convention where world leaders met to try and stop global warming. It was so cold that even the BBC was forced to ask, what happened to global warming? As Climategate would reveal, IPCC scientists had been hard at work hiding evidence of global cooling. Yet the observational evidence cannot be ignored.

Village records one of lowest overnight temperatures

The temperature in Benson fell to as low as 14F (-18C). Nikki Hamilton, a spokeswoman for RAF Benson, said: "It was absolutely freezing and felt really, really cold.

"We haven't been flying while we've had the heavy snow, because as soon as we've cleared the snow, more has fallen again."

Global warming is COOL!

Wet snow hits Tasmpa Bay area.

December was coldest month in 28 years


Last month was the coldest December for almost 30 years over most of the country, Met Éireann has said.

In its monthly summary, the forecaster said December was the coldest month for 28 years for most of the country and the coldest of any month since February 1986 at a few stations.

The forecaster said there was a total of between 22 and 27 ground frosts during the month at inland stations, compared with the normal range for December of between 13 and 17.

Still trying to sell global warming in the middle of a cold snap


Webmaster's Commentary:

The article says over 50% of Canadians think that the world is about to burn up in a decade, but the poll to the left says only 26% believe this. So who's telling the truth?

Briton pulled alive from Swiss avalanche as record freezing weather grips Europe, north America and Asia

"If it wasn't for global warming it would be really cold!" - Al Bore

BBC swaps “coldest December since 1981? headline

Beijing disrupted by record snowfall

The authorities in Beijing have closed schools and mobilised thousands of people to help clear roads after the heaviest snowfall for nearly 60 years.

Up to 30cm (12 inches) of snow fell in China's capital and its neighbouring port city of Tianjin over the weekend.

Vermont snowstorm breaks record

Burlington’s largest ever recorded snowstorm buried Vermont’s Champlain Valley region over the weekend.

Cold Arctic Pressure Pattern Nearly Off Chart

Ice delays morning flights at Tamps, Florida!

No let-up expected in Arctic weather conditions

THE ARCTIC conditions which caused severe disruptions to air and road transport yesterday are to continue for the foreseeable future.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Nature's way of saying "Screw you, Al Gore!"

CLIMATEGATE - Hokkaido snowfall breaks records for January

Problems caused by low temperatures

The low temperatures over south eastern Norway over the past week have resulted in a series of problems in the region. In Nedre Romerike, north of Oslo, 40 buses failed to start Wednesday morning.

This affected all bus transport in the area, and the company was busy in the morning trying to find alternative tranport for its passengers.

Private drivers are also experiencing problems, and motorist organisations are advicing people to leave their cars at home during the cold spell, rather than draining their start batteries.

2010 How Long Will the Cold-Snap Last?

The following stories from the past year show that much of the world has been experiencing a cold spell:

How the big freeze fits theories of global warming

David Shukman reports on how one of the longest cold snaps for a generation, fits in with theories of a warming planet.

Fourth man freezes to death in Chicago.


Extreme weather warning as Met Office forecasts 16 INCHES of snow across southern England tonight

Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across the planet

Arctic air and record snow falls gripped the northern hemisphere yesterday, inflicting hardship and havoc from China, across Russia to Western Europe and over the US plains.

There were few precedents for the global sweep of extreme cold and ice that killed dozens in India, paralysed life in Beijing and threatened the Florida orange crop. Chicagoans sheltered from a potentially killer freeze, Paris endured sunny Siberian cold, Italy dug itself out of snowdrifts and Poland counted at least 13 deaths in record low temperatures of about minus 25C (-13F).

The heaviest snow yesterday hit northeastern Asia, which is suffering its worst winter weather for 60 years.

Winter of 2009-2010 Could Be Worst in 25 Years

The cold air currently streaming across the Upper Midwest into the East and South will only compound the winter problems of the nation, especially since these depths have not been experienced across such a wide area simultaneously in decades.

UK gas supply dwindles as country experiences sub-zero weather

The UK faces the possibility of gas supply crisis as the worst cold season in 30 years hit the country.

The National Grid earlier issued a warning that this winter season’s energy demand is threatening to exceed the current available gas supply. The organization advised big companies to reduce their consumption and requested to purchase more gas from abroad.

Record cold, snow envelop Japan Sea coast


In Memuro, central Hokkaido, temperatures dipped to minus 25, the lowest reading ever recorded in December. A number of cities saw the lowest temperatures of the season, including Sapporo at minus 7.1, Tokyo at 4.6, and the cities of Niigata and Miyazaki, where the mercury fell to 0.2.

Winter snows cause travel chaos in Europe


Eurostar traffic between Paris and London has been suspended until noon Saturday because of the snow, the company announced, after 2,000 people spent the night blocked in trains in the Channel Tunnel.

Record-breaking snowfalls paralyse US cities


A SNOWSTORM described as one of the worst in a decade has blanketed much of the eastern United States, grounding flights and bringing traffic to a standstill on the last weekend of the holiday shopping season.

In the eye of the storm, the cities of Baltimore and Washington set a December snowfall record of 40 centimetres, shattering a 1932 record.

And with more snow forecast to fall on Washington today, the enormous snowstorm stretching some 800 kilometres across a dozen states is set to become one of the biggest in the capital since record-keeping began in 1885.

"Up yours, Al!" - Booming voice from the clouds

Out Of Control Crowd At JFK

The weekend snowstorm has left many people stranded in New York. Some people had flights rescheduled days later than their original itinerary, forcing them to miss cruises and other vacations.

A winter's worth of snow in 24 hours

With an official 23.2 inches – the second biggest snowfall ever in Philadelphia – the area incredibly has exceeded the amount of snow it ordinarily gets in an entire winter.

And winter is still 24 hours away.

It was far and away the biggest December storm – surpassing the 21.0 inches of Dec. 25-26 in 1909 – and second all-time only to the 30.7 of Jan. 6-8, 1996. On average, the city gets about 20 inches a season at the official airport measuring system.

Record snow continues to fall as deadly East Coast storm lingers


A major snowstorm slammed the East Coast and snarled the busy holiday travel season Saturday as airports shut down runways, rail service slowed and bus routes were suspended on the last weekend before Christmas.

Record snowfall totals were reported Saturday afternoon at Washington Dulles and Reagan National airports -- and snow was still falling. Accumulation at Dulles reached 16 inches, breaking the old record of 10.6 inches set December, 12, 1964; 13.3 inches was reported at Reagan. The old record there was 11.5 inches set December 17, 1932.

CLIMATEGATE - Coldest winter in China in six decades

Trains stopped in their tracks

By Xin Dingding and Wang Qian (China Daily)

Update: A train from Ulanhot to Hohhot started up again after a 12-hour delay due to heavy snow on Monday.

Falling mercury causes power shortages; cold spell to continue

The heaviest snowfall to hit northern China in nearly six decades continued to snarl traffic yesterday, stranding thousands of passengers on railways and at airports.

The unusually harsh winter weather also caused coal shortages, forcing some provinces to cut power supplies.

Though snow stopped in most parts in the north by yesterday morning, heavy snowfall and biting cold continued in parts of Inner Mongolia, Hebei and Shandong.

Combien ça prend d'exemples pour considérer qu'on vit un grand refroidissement global?

Il reste qu'on ne peut pas faire grand chose pour ceux qui ne voient même pas ce qui est juste là sous leurs yeux, bien en évidence...


-Newfoundland digs out from record snow
-Record setting cold grips Southwest Saskatchewan
-Record cold, snow envelop Japan Sea coast
-Health Ministry: 27 people froze to death in Ukraine due to current cold wave
-Three people freeze to death in Bosnia
-Record cold conditions kill nine people in Czech Republic
-Record snowfall blankets Moscow
-Winter freeze kills 79 in Poland
-Deadly Cold Across Europe and Russia
-Record Levels Of Snowfall Hit St. Petersburg
-4 more die of cold in Uttar Pradesh; toll reaches 18
-Peru's mountain people face fight for survival as bitterly cold winter follows bitterly cold summer
-2008 was China's "coldest winter in 100 years"
-Soul-destroying cold and snow brings China to standstill: lowest temperatures in 50 years
-Heaviest snowfall in 60 years hits China
-Record snow brings travel chaos to China and Korea
-Snow paralyses Beijing as China braces for big chill
-Heavy snow, cold temperatures hit many parts of Japan
-Cold weather kills scores in India
-Extreme weather batters Poland
-Heavy snow brings travel chaos in Germany
-No end in sight as freeze tightens grip on Ireland
-Airport chaos as icy weather grips northern Europe
-European weather deaths pass 100

-Rare self-rolling giant snow balls found in UK
-Snow covers Britain from head to toe
-Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across the planet (Times of London)
-Britain Freezes Over: 'No end in sight'
-Britain facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict
-Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50 years
-Britain facing coldest winter for 30 years and temperatures could reach -18
-UK Snow Chaos: And they still claim it's global warming
-Death toll rises to 22 as Britain braces for coldest night yet Times Online, 07 Jan 2010
The death toll from Britain's biggest freeze for decades reached 22 today as the country prepared for its coldest night so far, bringing the promise of even more treacherous conditions.

-Record cold hits Sacramento
-Enormous winter storm over US
-Epic blizzard wreaks havoc: Blizzard forces school and road closures throughout Midwest
-Fruits freeze, iguanas drop from trees in Freezing Florida
-Record cold in Florida strains power grid, sets usage record
-Cold stuns Floridians, causes deaths elsewhere
-Cold May Hurt Crops in Florida (NY Times)
-U.S. East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened
-US braced for more heavy snow, wind chills as low as 50 below zero (AP)
-It's Even Cold in Key West (CNN)
-Cold Grips Nation as Crash in Snowy Ohio Kills 4
-Frigid weather hits Midwest, -52 wind chill in North Dakota
-U.S. Shivers as Temps Head Lower
-USA: Cold weather: winter is coldest in peoples' memories
-Ocean Storm Brings Deep Snow To New England
Et ça c'est juste des nouvelles de la même semaine...

How Long Will the Cold-Snap Last?

The Washington's Blog
07 Jan 2010

The following sample of stories from the past year show that much of the world has been experiencing a cold spell:

  • Across the South, Midwest, and Eastern seaboard [of the United States], a stubborn “arctic outbreak," tacked onto an already cold return to work for many Americans, augurs what meteorologist at AccuWeather.com are calling “the coldest winter in many people’s memory.”

The mini ice age starts here - David Rose, for the UK Daily Mail, 10 Jan 2010

Ocean drift disruption may chill Europe

China's stonewalling at Copenhagen: Is its leadership aware that the planet is actually cooling?

The Coming Ice Age

Climate Change: Science Scandal of the Century

Climategate: Michael Mann's very unhappy New Year

Scientific American's Climate Lies

Climate Change Is Natural & Cyclical: Time for Discernment

A True Inquiry Into Climate And Weather, Parts 1 & 2

Our Global Climate is Now Actually Cooling, Says Metereologist

CLIMATEGATE - Climate claim falls foul of advertising regulator

Climate claim falls foul of advertising regulator The Times has withdrawn an advert that aimed to boost its environmental credentials after complaints to the UK Advertising Standards Agency.

The advert claimed "climate change has allowed the Northeast Passage to be used as a commercial shipping route for the first time," according to The Register.

The Northeast Passage - a trade route linking North European and Siberian ports to Asia in summer months - has been open since 1934, according to The Register, and was made available as a route for international traffic after the fall of the Soviet Union.

FLASHBACK - UN Chief: We Will Impose Global Governance


United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has again publicly admitted that the agenda behind the Copenhagen summit and the climate change fraud is the imposition of a global government and the end of national sovereignty.

Speaking about the agenda to impose targets on CO2 emissions, as well as a global tax on financial transactions and a direct tax on GDP, Ban Ki-moon told the Los Angeles Times in an interview, “We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this.”

“We need to have a very strong, robust, binding political deal that will have an immediate operational effect. This is not going to be a political declaration, just for the sake of declaration. It is going to be a binding political deal, which will lead to a legally binding treaty next year,” he told the Times’ Bruce Wallace, adding that a formal treaty would be signed by mid-2010.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is the real significance of
Copenhagen. The propaganda machinery supporting the New World Order failed. Not only did it fail, it exposed itself to the people of thew world. Now everybody knows that human-caused global warming was just a lie, a lie in which government, tenured professors, universities, and the corporate media were all complicit in.

Yes, Virginia, there really are conspiracies, and Climategate revealed a whopper; a huge pile of propaganda poo, which would stink to high heaven if it wasn't mercifully frozen into an inert lump by the current blizzard.

CLIMATEGATE - Harshest winter in 15 years shuts down Channel Tunnel

Eurostar trains modified to better cope with snow are being tested, as services were suspended for a third day.

More than 55,000 travellers had journeys cancelled after six trains broke down in the tunnel.

Eurostar said the reason was unprecedented winter weather in France.

CNN & Former Microsoft Head Talk Of Geo Engineering The Planet

Relationship between CO2 and global warming hardly measurable

More CO2 in the atmosphere leads to accelerated growth of certain tree species

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Minnesota at Morris have found that increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have led to the rapid growth of certain tree species. The quaking aspen, a popular North America deciduous tree, has seen a 50 percent acceleration in growth over the past 50 years due to increased CO2 levels.

Snowing on Copenhagen’s warmist parade

We’re not talking about your ordinary little dump here. That was in Copenhagen, where world leaders were meeting to discuss what to do about global warming and the Bloomberg news service was warning that Barack Obama and the rest would “face freezing weather as a blizzard dumped 10 centimeters (4 inches) of snow on the Danish capital overnight.’’

Four inches overnight? Valdez got more than four inches per hour...

Webmaster's Commentary:

Mother Nature gives Al Gore the finger!


How marvellous a punchline for this farce of a summit, as snow settles on the globes erected to publicise our warming world:

...a Washington snowstorm is forcing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, to make an early departure from a global warming summit here in Denmark.

In fact, there’s an endless supply of regional varieties of the same joke. Here’s one about Barack Obama at the same global warming summit:

The president had arrived in the Danish capital hours earlier, amid stiff winds and driving snow, and headed toward the convention center, where delegates had worked through the night trying to draft a climate document the world could agree to.

Or there’s the Scottish version:

Copenhagen isn’t only place having climate problems… Scotland was in the grip of a big freeze last night that disrupted travel plans and threatened the weekend’s sports fixtures… But heavy snow showers forecast for the weekend have raised hopes of a bumper start to the week for Scotland’s ski centres.

Or you can tell the Alaskan one:

All the experts says the effects of climate change will be felt most in Alaska, home of the ex-governor who contends climate change is no big deal. Good thing she wasn’t in Valdez this week when the citizenry got buried under a record snowfall

We’re not talking about your ordinary little dump here. That was in Copenhagen, where world leaders were meeting to discuss what to do about global warming and the Bloomberg news service was warning that Barack Obama and the rest would “face freezing weather as a blizzard dumped 10 centimeters (4 inches) of snow on the Danish capital overnight.’’

Four inches overnight? Valdez got more than four inches per hour...

Spy Drones To Enforce CO2 Regulations

Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance-- as evidenced by quotes directly from the mouths of Al Gore, UN Head Ban Ki-Moon and bankster heir David de Rothschild.

Though new taxes have been levied and mechanisms for world regulation have been layed down, the Climate Change agenda has taken a lot of political damage. The beginnings of Climategate with the East Anglia CRU email leaks were just the beginning of a chain reaction of revelations that has fueled anger, doubt, denial and speculation worldwide. Compromised or fudged data have been identified from research centers in Russia, New Zealand, Australia and beyond.

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