Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

samedi 31 janvier 2009

Gaza & Israël: Tous les articles importants - Série no.6

Gaza & Israël: Tous les articles importants - Série no.6

Voici la dernière série d'articles sur l'agression de Gaza par Israël. Les premiers articles relatent l'histoire du premier ministre de la Turquie qui n'a pas mâché ses mots par rapport à la tuerie des Palestiniens. Il a même quitté la conférence de Davos, où cela s'est produit, en disant qu'il n'y reviendrait plus!

Plusieurs autres articles relatent le fait maintenant admis par Israël même, que du phosphore blanc et de l'uranium appauvri ont été utilisés contre la population, des centaines d'enfants tués, plus de 1300 victimes et autour de 6000 blessés. N'oubliez pas que c'est Israël qui a brisé le cessez-le-feu en premier le 4 novembre dernier et qui a déjà brisé le nouveau à plusieurs reprises. Les Palestiniens sont sous occupation militaire depuis 60 ans et plus de 80% de leur territoire a été volé.

Turkish PM storms off in Gaza row

Turkey's prime minister has stormed off the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos after a heated debate on Gaza with Israel's president.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan clashed with Shimon Peres, whose voice had risen as he made an impassioned defence of Israel's actions, jabbing his finger.

Mr Erdogan said Mr Peres had spoken so loudly to conceal his "guilt".

He accused the moderator of not allowing him to speak and said he did not think he would return to Davos.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In the debate, Mr Erdogan was cut off as he attempted to reply to Mr Peres

Davos - Furious Turkish PM Erdogan leaves the stage after being interrupted by the moderator who favours Perez

First, Erdogan has instrumentalized the BBC-shame on the supressed charity ad for Palestine. Watch what happened since the thematization of the Armenian genozide by the end of 2007! The boosting of the Ergenekon plot and rising tensions between the two ol´ "allies" Isreal and Turkey not at last over the Kurds who are supported by Isreal.

Davos - Erdogan vs. Peres

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation of Erdogan:
One minute! One minute! Mr.Peres, you're older than me. Your voice is coming too loud. I know that the reason of your voice's coming this loud is a guiltiness psychology. My voice won't come this loud, know that so. When it comes to kill, you know how to kill very well. I know how you shot, how you killed the children on plages, very well. Two people who had been prime minister in your country made important statements to me. You have prime ministers who said that "When i get in to Palestine on tanks, i feel myself a different kind of happy." And you're giving me numbers. I can give you names. You may be wonder. I also condemn who acclaims to this grimness. Because i suppose acclaiming the people who killed those children, those people, is another humanity crime. Look, we can not edge out a reality here. I keep a lot of notes here, but i don't have a chance to reply all here. But i only say two words from here. First, - Please don't interrupt me!
First, The Torah says in the sixth topic that "You are not going to kill!". There is killing here.
This is also interesting too - Gilad Atzmon: Israel barbarism is on the further side of fiendishness - a Jewish. Oxford University International Communications Proffessor who is soldiering in Israil army, Avi Shalom give a talk to the English newspaper Guardian that - (The Davos moderator wants to interrupt Erdogan) I thank you too. From now on Davos is done to me. I don't come Davos again. Know that so! You don't let me talk. He talked about 25 minutes, you gave me 12 minutes.

Turkish PM returns to hero's welcome after Gaza row

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan was given a hero's welcome on his return to Istanbul on Friday after accusing Israel of "knowing very well how to kill" during a heated debate at the World Economic Forum.


Israeli gunboat targets Gaza civilians

A Palestinian medical official says an Israeli gunboat off the shores of Gaza City has opened fire on Gazans, wounding a man and a girl.

Dr. Moaiya Hassanain said Thursday that a shell fired by the gunboat hit a house in a beachside refugee camp. He said the wounded were passersby in the street, AP reported.

Gunboats off Gaza have been firing for several days despite a cease-fire, which ended a three-week Israeli offensive, being in place.

WANTED For war crimes and crimes against humanity

Take note of wanted posters of additional war criminals at the bottom of the page (at link). Notify the appropriate authorities if any of these dangerous psychopathic war criminals are spotted in your neighborhood.

The Prosecutor
POBox 19519
2500 Hague
Fax +31 70 515 8 555

Israel says Gaza pull-out completed

"The last soldier left the Gaza Strip this morning," an army spokesman said. "However the army remains deployed all around the Gaza Strip to meet any eventuality."

The army later issued a statement saying the troops had returned to Israeli territory, ending its so-called Operation Cast Lead.

But Al Jazeera's Ayman Mohyeldin, reporting from Gaza City, said: "We can still see Israeli naval vessels still very much in territorial waters, and [they] have been heard firing through the course of the morning."

UN official suggests Israel pay for destroyed aid

The U.N.'s humanitarian chief suggested Thursday that Israel should pay for the hundreds of tons of food and other supplies destroyed when Israeli shells struck the main United Nations compound in Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Hey, no problem; send the bill to the Americans."

Israel wanted a humanitarian crisis

The scale of Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip, and the almost daily reports of war crimes over the last three weeks, has drawn criticism from even longstanding friends and sympathizers. Despite the Israeli government's long-planned and comprehensive PR campaign, hundreds of dead children is a hard sell. As a former Israeli government press adviser put it, in a wonderful bit of unintentional irony, "When you have a Palestinian kid facing an Israeli tank, how do you explain that the tank is actually David and the kid is Goliath?

Fighting stopped, Gaza's tunnels reopen

Supplies flow again, possibly threatening cease-fire with Israel

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel wants the tunnels closed, but won't open the border crossings to allow food and fuel into Gaza. Is Israel's goal the forced starvation of the entire Gaza population (a war crime)? Or are they simply too dumb to see the logical contradiction here?

How to Inflame the Entire Muslim World

How will history describe the Israeli war against the Palestinians in Gaza? Another Holocaust, this time perpetrated by the descendants of the victims? An election ploy by ambitious Israeli politicians to win votes in the February 10 elections? A test range for new American weapons? An effort to lock the new Obama Administration into an anti-Iranian position? An attempt to establish its military "credibility" after its disastrous defeat in the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006? Perhaps all of these…and more.

Officials: U.S. Intercepts Iranian Arms-Smuggling Ship

U.S. defense officials say the military intercepted and searched an Iranian-owned ship that officials feared was carrying arms to Hamas. It's unclear whether those suspicions were founded.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Note the disconnect between the headline, which makes it sound like the ship did contain smuggled weapons, and the actual story, in which they sorta kinda admit that nothing incriminating was actually found.

Israel Deploys Lawyers to Head Off War-Crimes Charges

The Israeli army deployed more than military force in its Gaza Strip campaign: Along with tanks and soldiers, it used lawyers and leaflets in what it says was an effort to save civilian lives and bolster its case against accusations of war crimes.

Gideon Levy / Gaza war ended in utter failure for Israel

On the morrow of the return of the last Israeli soldier from Gaza, we can determine with certainty that they had all gone out there in vain. This war ended in utter failure for Israel.

23 proofs of Israel's defeat in the 23-day war

The plan, however, blew up in the face of its masterminds; everything spiraled out of control and the Israeli Army found itself stuck in a quagmire. Subsequently, the leaders of the Kadima Party who were on the brink of political bankruptcy and had resorted to the plan to save themselves ahead of the general elections, had to hastily find a way to clean up the mess.

They unilaterally declared a truce to break the deadlock while disguising their military failure as a humanitarian act.

Lloyds TSB bank blocks aid to Gaza

On 8 October 2008 Lloyds TSB wrote to the Islamic Bank of Britain (IBB), giving them 60 days notice of withdrawal of their services as a clearing bank, unless they agreed they would no longer process transactions for Interpal, a charity sending aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Outcry over Israel's reported use of phosphorus in Gaza

Although there has been no independent confirmation, Palestinian officials say her family was hit by white phosphorus, a weapon that militaries use widely to obscure the battlefield but that is also limited under an international convention that bans its use against civilians.

Obama urges Israel, Hamas to keep peace in Gaza

Webmaster's Commentary:


Broadcasters refuse to air Gaza charity appeal

BBC declines to show DEC appeal under agreement dating back to 1963, leading to other outlets following suit.

Webmaster's Commentary:

... thereby proving once and for all that the British media is just as controlled by Israeli supporters as the US media.


Webmaster's Commentary:

These photos were sent to me by a supporter of Israel who was openly bragging about how much ruin Israel had brought down onto the heads of the Palestinians, along with the usual "They should all leave because God gave us this land" drivel.

One of this clown's arguments was that Jews had lived on that land for 4000 of the last 5000 years (debatable in the case of the Ashkenazi) while the Arabs had only been there 22 years (left unsaid:Since Israel kicked them out of their homes), and that this justified removing the current inhabitants to restore the land to the "original inhabitants".

This is a flawed piece of logic because humans have lived on that piece of land for only 100,000 years at most, while the dinosaurs lived for 1-00 million years, so according to this thinking all humans should be killed off so that the dinosaurs can come back.

Prez Obama STILL silent on Gaza slaughter, destruction

Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic group, criticized President Barack Obama for not speaking out during Israel's three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip, where more than 1,300 people were killed.
''The wave of hope that met your election was heavily dampened by your silence on the Gaza massacre,'' Mussa Abu Marzuk, the deputy leader of the political bureau of Hamas, wrote in a column published in the London-based Guardian newspaper.

Obama urges Israel to open Gaza border

Israeli claim: Iran elite forces killed in Gaza War

"We believe there were dozens of IRGC personnel in the Gaza Strip during the war," an Israeli source said. "Some were killed; others went into hiding, and others escaped."

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No, really, that's what we believe. Iranians. Honest. You should go kill them for us!"

Israel, scared of Iran, chastised by Hizbullah, that leaves the Palestinians

We’ve been here before. It’s a ritual. Every two or three years, our military mounts another bloody expedition. The enemy is always smaller, weaker; our military is always larger, technologically more sophisticated, prepared for full-scale war against a full-scale army. But Iran is too scary, and even the relatively small Hizbullah gave us a hard time. That leaves the Palestinians.

The extent of the cruelty, the lack of shame and the refusal of self-restraint are striking, both in anthropological terms and historically. The worldwide Jewish support for this vandal offensive makes one wonder if this isn’t the moment Zionism is taking over the Jewish people.

JetA Project - For the Dead

UN Expert: Compelling Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

UN human rights expert and retired Princeton law professor Richard Falk said today that there is compelling evidence that Israel violated the laws of war by “conducting a large-scale military operation against an essentially defenseless population.”

Class interview Mark Regev On The Ropes (War Crimes)

Jon Snow questions Mark Regev about Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip. The news report which preceeded this interview can be seen here: Phosphorus controversy in Gaza

Gaza tunnels back in business

"I fixed the damage in three days, we're functional since this morning," he said, overseeing the winch that hurled a large pack of potato chips 15 yards up from his tunnel.

While both traffickers insisted they had never considered bringing weapons for Hamas, Abu Bilal, another colleague repairing his own tunnel, said he wouldn't mind doing so.

"But frankly, the resistance never asks us to," he said.

Israel names justice minister to fight war crime charges

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has put the justice minister in charge of defending Israel against charges of war crimes during its 22-day Gaza assault, a government source said Friday.

Daniel Friedman will lead an inter-ministerial team to coordinate a legal defence for civilians and the military, the source said.

Amnesty probes Israel's use of white phosphorus in Gaza

White phosphorus is an incendiary weapon, but in civilian areas it is banned under an international convention.

Amnesty is investigating its use by the Israeli military during a 22-day assault against the Islamist movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Zionism; a Disease of the Mind

To virtually incarcerate the Palestinian people inside degrading cages, destroying their livelihoods, confiscating their lands, stealing their water and uprooting their trees, and then to condemn their legitimate resistance as terrorism is a disease of the mind, notes Zaid Nabulsi.

In Gaza, Alarm Spreads Over Use of Lethal New Weapons

Eighteen-year-old Mona al-Ashkar says she did not immediately know the first explosion at the United Nations (UN) school in Beit Lahiya had blown her left leg off. There was smoke, then chaos, then the pain and disbelief set in once she realized it was gone – completely severed by the weapon that hit her.

Mona is one of the many patients among the 5,500 injured that have international and Palestinian doctors baffled by the type of weaponry used in the Israeli operation. High-profile human rights organizations like Amnesty International are accusing Israel of war crimes.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Remember how Israel insisted that they were only targeting HAMAS?

Take a look at this next picture.

Now, does this look like targeted strikes against individuals, or an attempt to erase an entire village; to "wipe it from the map?"

Gaza: With crossings still closed, limited capacity to repair hospitals

BBC bans aid to Gaza: Convoy needed more than ever, Galloway

George Galloway, who is organizing an aid convoy to Gaza leaving London on St Valentine’s Day, 14 February, says:

BBC Stops Aid To Gaza: Protest 24 January

If the BBC had not already been tarnished enough by its coverage of Israel’s attack on Gaza – often looking like, in the words of Tony Benn, “a propaganda wing of the Zionist lobby” – its decision yesterday to block an appeal for emergency aid to Gaza would be reason enough for making the BBC a focus of our demonstration on Saturday 24 January.

Let the BBC know your concern over their blocking of a charity fundraiser for the Gaza survivors.

BBC faces protest for blocking Gaza appeal

Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather outside Broadcasting House in London today after the BBC defended its decision not to broadcast a public appeal to raise funds for Gaza.

The corporation said the decision was taken with other broadcasters not to show the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) crisis appeal because of impartiality concerns.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is BBC's "impartiality" which is on display here.

The BBC Takes Sides In A Human Disaster

This is a not a political issue and does not involve taking sides.

It's about helping thousands of wounded people and millions displaced. It's helping "Katrina"-type victims but on a much larger scale.

By BBC not participating, it proves the power of Israel is not just over George Bush, the US Congress and America but also over the UK.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, this is where Israeli arrogance kicks in. They are in a bad position, but their pride will not let them back down. They are going to fight this PR war harder and harder and harder in the hope they can simply browbeat the world into seeing things their way and all that will really happen is that Israel's true subversion of western nations will become more visible.

"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the

target="_blank">Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

BBC spurns Gaza appeal

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Hey, we're owned, and we KNOW we are owned, and more to the point we know WHO owns us, so hand me my knee pads and get the hell out of here; I have work to do!" -- ABCNNBBCBS

ITV and Channel 4 to air Gaza appeal as pressure mounts on BBC

Agreement reached between majority of commercial networks to show appeal as protesters picket BBC.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Apparently "impartial" in the British media (especially BBC) actually means "Not offensive to Israel."

BBC attacked by Ben Bradshaw for refusal to broadcast emergency fund appeal for Gaza

Ben Bradshaw urged the BBC to "stand up" to the Israeli authorities and broadcast the appeal.

A former BBC journalist himself, Mr Bradshaw said the broadcasters' decision not to carry the appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) was "inexplicable".

Webmaster's Commentary:

No, you explained it very well. Israel demands the BBC not carry the appeal and BBC obeys and bows and kisses Israel's feet (or other bodily part).

Shake up at BBC - new Director General in Charge

Benn accuses BBC over Gaza appeal

Veteran politician Tony Benn will accuse the BBC of a "betrayal" of its public service obligations following its decision not to broadcast a public appeal for funds for Gaza.

He will address a pro-Palestine rally called by the Stop the War coalition outside Broadcasting House in central London.

Israel’s stooges in Britain flex their muscles in government and the BBC

Urgent call to expose “Friends of Israel” in Britain

BBC crisis over refusal to broadcast Gaza appeal

The BBC was in crisis tonight as politicians including government ministers, religious leaders and senior members of its own staff condemned the decision not to broadcast a charity appeal to help the stricken people of Gaza rebuild their homes.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The BBC has decided to kowtow to Israel, and unfortunately has done so in a manner which makes it obvious to all what is going on!

BBC (America) is banned in this household and I suggest you all do the same. Drop BBC a message to tell them that you will not watch their channerl any longer.

BBC left isolated as rival channels back aid appeal

The BBC was engaged in a war of words with ministers last night over its refusal to broadcast an urgent appeal for humanitarian aid to Gaza. Government figures, aid workers and BBC staff expressed outrage that the corporation has not backed down, as some of its rivals did yesterday, and broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Any pretense to impartiality was lost by BBC when it became Israel's whore. and the damage is done. Even if BBC airs the program now, nobody will ever trust it as a Mideast news source ever again.

Crisis at BBC escalates as 11,000 complain over refusal to broadcast Gaza appeal

The crisis at the BBC over its refusal to screen an appeal for Gaza gained momentum today as complaints flooded in.

The corporation said it has so far received 'approximately' 1,000 telephone complaints and a further 10,000 by e-mail.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Check out the comments. The Israeli shills are very obvious.

Israeli Right Set to Win Elections on Back of War

Israel’s 22-day war in the Gaza Strip may have saved the Labor Party of Defense Minister Ehud Barak from the indignity of falling to single-digit representation in the Knesset in next month’s elections, but recent polls suggest it has also assured that the next coalition government will have no need of Labor as a partner.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Well, THERE'S a good reason to burn up a few hundred kids!

Israeli commanders in crosshairs for war crimes

Israel has taken measures to protect the identity of Gaza war commanders as the case for war crimes in the populated area gains momentum.

Israeli authorities have issued an order banning the publication of the full name and photographs of the field commanders of the Gaza war, the Haaretz reported.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Well then let’s go right to the top and charge Israel's government with the war crimes.

U.N. investigator: Evidence of Israeli war crimes

There is evidence that Israel committed war crimes during its operation in the Gaza Strip, a United Nations official said.

U.N. investigator Richard Falk, whose official title is U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, called for an independent inquiry into the issue on Thursday, Reuters reported.

Obama urges Israel to open Gaza border

US President Barack Obama yesterday called on Israel to open Gaza border crossings to aid and commerce, as part of a lasting ceasefire following the conflict with Hamas.

Webmaster's Commentary:

That was the promise Israel made during the LAST cease fire ... which they did not keep.

Lebanon may claim gas deposit found off Israel's coast

Beirut's Ministry for Energy and Water says part of natural gas field found near Haifa may be on Lebanese territorial water, plans to lobby for drill site's registration with UN authorities

Israeli forces arrest seven children in West Bank

Seven children from Toura al-Gharbeiah village (near the West Bank city of Jenin) were arrested on Tuesday by the Israeli authorities; they are currently detained in Salim detention and interrogation center, in the northern West Bank. Two of the children are only 12 years old; two are 13; another two are aged 15; and the seventh is 17.

Waqf Minister: Israel used Gaza invasion as chance to confiscate West Bank lands

Land confiscations in the West Bank are continuing, said Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs Jamal Bawatneh, and soon there will be no land to hold a Palestinian state.

In a Tuesday letter the minister expressed his concern over the continued confiscations while "whole world was preoccupied with Gaza," and accused Israel of using the attacks as a free-ticket to act in the West Bank.

New evidence of Gaza child deaths

The women and children - mother, grandmother and three little girls - came out waving a white flag and then, he said, an Israeli soldier came out of the tank and opened fire on the terrified procession.

Saudi prince says U.S. ties at risk over Mideast

A member of Saudi Arabia's royal family warned U.S. President Barack Obama Friday the Middle East peace process and U.S.-Saudi ties were at risk unless Washington changed tack on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel had come close to "killing the prospect of peace" with its offensive in Gaza, Prince Turki al-Faisal wrote in an article published on the Financial Times's website.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Here is a reality to consider.

The Mideast Arab nations sell us mush of the oil we need. These nations then invest that money for the most part back in the United States.

Contrast that with Israel, which takes billions out of the US economy (and not counting bribes to US Congresscritters) puts very little back in other than to buy key infrastructure and then transfer it back to Israel.

Shelling of Gaza coast injures four Palestinians

ISRAEL’S ROUTINE shelling of the Gaza coast was heavier and louder than usual yesterday. It began at precisely 7.35am and ended at 9.25am. Four Palestinians were wounded – two little girls (4 and 5), a boy of 15 who was shot in the head, and a man.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Some cease fire!

Gaza family says Israeli soldier shot children

"They were standing there just looking at us, and they were eating chips and one had chocolate and they were talking to each other," Husam said.

"We were waiting for about 10 minutes for directions on where we should go."

Husam and another son, Ahmed, said a third soldier rose from inside the tank, holding his rifle.

Gaza in Ruins: A news special

Hamas heads to Cairo for indirect talks; Israel says no chance on crossing openings

The delegation follows close on the heels of an Israeli delegation, which appears to have ruled out the total opening of Gaza crossings – one of the conditions for a long term ceasefire – “as long as Hamas is ruling Gaza or might benefit from easing the restrictions.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

"You will STARVE until you vote in the government WE want you to have!"

Gun foes hopeful as Gary suit allowed to proceed

The Indiana Supreme Court won't review an appellate court ruling allowing the city of Gary to take its lawsuit against gun manufacturers to trial.

Gary has 1 of the nation's highest homicide rates and claims in its lawuit that manufacturers and dealers have sold guns they knew would end up in the hands of criminals. Similar lawsuits filed by Boston and Cincinnati have been dropped.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Then the citizens of Gaza now have a right to sue the United States government for giving Israel weapons they knew would wind up in the hands of war criminals.

Paul V. Rafferty: Gaza, Israel and International Law

Cogent legal arguments MAY be made, however, based upon the Geneva Conventions, since everyone is bound to observe International Humanitarian Law. The ICC MAY find a way to indict Israel, based upon the Geneva Conventions.

In the meantime, based upon the Geneva Conventions, ANY National Government may institute proceedings, within its own legal system.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A system which allows any one nation to terrorize another with impunity is deeply flawed.

Israel And The Logic of Being Untouchable

Of course, over-propagandized people (and particularly those of the “Judeo-Christian” flavor) coming into contact with such an outlandish theory as this for the first time will no doubt ask how a “peace-loving/God-fearing religion” such as Judaism could find any moral justification for going in an slaughtering entire towns and cities of people, men women and children.

The self-defence defence

This has been a central theme of the war in Gaza: not that hundreds of innocent people were killed, not that over 5,000 were horribly injured and not the sky-high human and monetary cost of wrecking homes or razing infrastructure.

Belgian court petitioned to arrest Livni upon arrival in Brussels

European attorneys have reportedly petitioned a Belgian court to arrest Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni upon her arrival in Brussels later Wednesday, according to the Jawalan.com Web Site.

The complaints was apparently lodged on behalf of Belgian and French nationals with relatives who were either wounded or killed in Gaza, and calls for Livni to be arrested for war crimes.

Finkelstein to face more US teaching restrictions?

Outspoken academic Norman Finkelstein has stepped up his criticism of Israel in spite of being banned by the US freedom of speech system.

Finkelstein's sharp criticism of the Zionist occupation of the native lands of the Palestinians has left him without tenure in the DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois despite his exemplary academic record.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I tagged this one under "dictatorship" because what kind of a society do you have when only teachers that see one particular point of view are allowed to teach?

The Simon Weisenthal Center Hits Back Against "Luridly Hyped Details" Emerging on Gaza

A mass e-mail from the Simon Weisenthal Center is warning of a wave of anti-Semitic incidents in France. But that's not all. The comment from Bruce Rattner (producer of the 'Rush Hour' movies) adds a bitter complaint

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel's actions in Gaza, first collective punishment, then breaking the cease fire, then attacking with banned weapons, then a few more war crimes for garnishment, has cost Israel it's mantle of world's most-to-be-pitied victim.

So now Israel is desperate to return to status quo ante where Israel, despite having nuclear weapons, clings to survival by their fingernails (not to mention billions of dollars on weapons and taxpayer money sent to them by the US Government).

But the world, no freed from the mental chains of the corporate ministry-for-truth, understands that Israel is the aggressor against a nearly helpless people whose land Israel covets, and this last 22 days was Israel's 7th in a row war of choice.

Israel has badly miscalculated public response to the Gaza operation., The mask of permanent victimhood has slipped, revealing the twisted monster beneath, and Israel is desperate to tie the mask back on before more people see the reality of what has been going on for the last 60 years.

Hence, a sudden flurry of highly suspicious "Anti-Semitic" attacks, and when those do not gain traction, and outright demand that the world's media stop looking at Gaza and instead focus on the poor Jewish people's suffering in France.

But far from rebuilding Israel's political cover, such cynical stunts; such WHINING, only serve to accelerate the rot in Israel's propaganda cover. The world has seen the card up Israel's sleeve and will not go back to believing in magic.

Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza

After weeks of denying that it used white phosphorus in the heavily populated Gaza Strip, Israel finally admitted yesterday that the weapon was deployed in its offensive.


January 5 The Times reports that telltale smoke has appeared from areas of shelling. Israel denies using phosphorus

January 8 The Times reports photographic evidence showing stockpiles of white phosphorus (WP) shells. Israel Defence Forces spokesman says: “This is what we call a quiet shell – it has no explosives and no white phosphorus”

January 12 The Times reports that more than 50 phosphorus burns victims are taken into Nasser Hospital. An Israeli military spokesman “categorically” denies the use of white phosphorus

January 15 Remnants of white phosphorus shells are found in western Gaza. The IDF refuses to comment on specific weaponry but insists ammunition is “within the scope of international law”

January 16 The United Nations Relief and Works Agency headquarters are hit with phosphorus munitions. The Israeli military continues to deny its use

January 21 Avital Leibovich, Israel’s military spokeswoman, admits white phosphorus munitions were employed in a manner “according to international law”

January 23 Israel says it is launching an investigation into white phosphorus munitions, which hit a UN school on January 17. “Some practices could be illegal but we are going into that. The IDF is holding an investigation concerning one specific unit and one incident” Source: Times database

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But we only admit it Saturday when we figure most Americans (who paid for it) won't read about it!"

Rabbi Weiss, Outside Annapolis Peace Confab, Rips Zionism

Does Israel fear its friends more than its enemies?

The real question that confronts Israel is not, what can advance the peace process? The question is much starker: does Israel still believe in the possibility of peace or has it become resigned to existing in a perpetual state of war?

Webmaster's Commentary:

... or ... Israel has no intentions of peace, because the real agenda is conquest?

After all, Hitler talked of peace.

Right up until he staged a fake terror attack on Gliewitz to kick off war with Poland!

Baroness Tonge: "Israel stands accused of war crimes witnessed by the whole world"

Israeli will attack Gaza again in coming months, says Najjar

"Certain reports indicate that Israel will in the coming months launch an attack on Gaza again. Israel's rejection of the UN Security Council resolution can be an indication of this," Najjar told reporters after signing a deal with his Tanzanian counterpart, Hussein Ali Mwinyi at the end of the second round of talks here on Wednesday.

Zionist Propaganda Machine

As in past Mideast conflicts, both the media story line and political commentary in the US have closely followed Israel's talking points on the war. This has been an essential component in Israel's early success and in its ability to prolong fighting without US pushback.

Israel readies for fight against war crime charges

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Okay, the Americans sent us more money; who do we have to bribe?"

Children of Gaza: stories of those who died and the trauma for those who survived

Rory McCarthy reports from Gaza City on the individual stories of some victims and the physical and psychological toll on an estimated 350,000 youngsters

Iran Is the Terrorist 'Mother Regime'

(video/audio)Noam Chomsky: Obama’s Stance on Gaza Crisis “Approximately the Bush Position”

In a visit to the State Department Thursday, President Obama made his first substantive comments on the Middle East conflict since Israel’s attack on Gaza. Obama first mentioned his commitment to Israel’s security, without affirming his commitment to Palestinian security.

UN Official Exposes the Israeli human shield lie

Israel must be judged at the International Criminal Court - Universal petition

Waghorn: 'They kept us out of Gaza and Israeli officials spun the war'

Gaza is entirely surrounded by a security fence; Israel was able to enforce its ban with ease. It also declared the neighbouring area a closed military zone. Military police repeatedly moved us back from the border; those who flouted the rules were detained. There were only one or two places where we were allowed to film live that had a view of Gaza.

A shameful war: Israel in the dock over assault on Gaza

By the time the shooting stopped, more than 100 Palestinians had been killed for every Israeli who died. Was every death lawful? And, if not, where does the fault lie?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Remember that it was Israel that broke the cease fire on November 4th.




After an unexpected winter ‘vacation’, hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza returned to school yesterday. In some cases, the buildings were gone, completely destroyed by Israeli bombs. In most cases, classmates were missing, murdered by Israeli forces.

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 1 of 6

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 2 of 6

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 3 of 6

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 4 of 6

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 5 of 6

Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 6 of 6

Israel’s Lies

Middle East peacemaking has been smothered in deceptive euphemisms, so let me state bluntly that each of these claims is a lie. Israel, not Hamas, violated the truce: Hamas undertook to stop firing rockets into Israel; in return, Israel was to ease its throttlehold on Gaza. In fact, during the truce, it tightened it further.

WAR CRIME: Yonatan Schapira, a former Captain in the Israeli Air Force, speaks out against the Israeli invasion of Gaza

Charges Filed Against 15 Israeli Officials

International attorneys have filed war crime charges against 15 Israeli political and military officials including Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak.

Palestinian and international efforts continue to institute legal proceedings for the prosecution of Israeli officials in the commission of war crimes.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Weapons are smuggled into Gaza from Israel, says Egyptian human rights official

Egypt has proof that the majority of weapons that are smuggled into the Gaza Strip come from Israel, said the general secretary of Egypt’s National Council for Human Rights Mukhlis Qutb.

In an interview with the state owned Al-Ahram newspaper, Qutb said Egypt has the necessary documentation and confessions proving that weapons are smuggled into Gaza by people possessing Israeli citizenship.

He also alleged that some members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are involved in the smuggling and selling of Israeli weapons to the Strip. Qutb added that the deals and payment for the weapons are struck inside Israel.

Al-Jazeera coverage of Gaza widely watched

American viewership of Al-Jazeera English rose drastically during the Israel-Hamas war, partly because the channel had what other networks didn't: reporters inside Gaza.

Israel admits using white phosphorus. (again)

Israel recently used White Phosphorus again in its attack on Gaza. This is a chemical weapon, which kill indiscriminately. Chemical weapons were used as a pretext to invade Iraq. It was a line repeated by William Safire and Judith Miller of the the New York Times. As it turns out Iraq didn’t have any chemical weapons. But the US media had a frenzy trying to claim that they did.

Israel uses them freely and the press doesn’t even mention t in the US.

In Pictures: Israel’s Brutal Attack on UNRWA School in Beit Lahia

Strong Criticism of Israel's Violent Incursion Into Gaza all over the Internet

(Has Israel finally jumped the shark? It's clear that the attack on the Palestinians has resulted in a massive amount of civilian casualties that can't be merely explained away by claiming that Hamas is using all of these people as human shields. The civilian populace was targeted and murdered with the same casual disregard as the militants. Schools, mosques and the infrastructure in Gaza generally, has been smashed, and the IDF has rolled out experimental weaponry to try out on the Palestinians as if they were lab rats. The Palestinians are certainly captive, but although the U.S. mainstream media is absolutely uncritical of Israel's atrocities, the web is alive with criticism. Here are 6 very useful articles that I found with a quick look on the web over the last couple of days.

Israel Screwed Itself Over with Its Gaza Assault; the World Sees It as a 'Blood-Stained Monster'

In this powerful essay, Uri Avnery writes that Israel's latest assault on Gaza has backfired spectacularly for the country's long-term interests. He writes, "Seared into the consciousness of the world will be the image of Israel as a bloodstained monster, ready at any moment to commit war crimes and not prepared to abide by any moral restraints. This will have severe consequences for [Israel's] long-term future, our standing in the world, our chance of achieving peace and quiet."

Israeli PM in war crimes pledge

Any Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will be given state protection from prosecution overseas, the country's PM has said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I would make a joke here about "We are above the law", but Ariel Sharon beat me to it.

"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial." - Ariel Sharon

PM: Terrrorists turn aggressor into victim

"Following the operation, terror groups have been trying to hurt us in other ways and the legal arena is one of them," he said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In short, Ehud Olmert, the same guy who was caught stealing from Jewish holocaust survivors is now trying to claim that prosecution for war crimes is an act of terror.

Ehud, your biggest problem is that you do not know when to quit.

Israeli Professor - 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue state.

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."

Breaking Gaza’s Will

The hapless inhabitants of the strip have been disowned. The power of the media, political coercion, intimidation and manipulation have demonised this imprisoned nation fighting for its life in the tiny spaces left of its land.

No wonder Israel refused to allow foreign journalists into the tiny enclave and brazenly bombed the remaining international presence in Gaza.

As long as there are no witnesses to the war crimes committed in Gaza, Israel is confident that it can sell a fabricated story to the world that it is, as always, the victim, one that has been terrorised and, strangely enough, demonised as well.

Gaza zoo destroyed

Follow link to see video.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Ooooh, big manly Israelis; proving their courage by shooting animals in cages!

Long term soil devastation in Gaza due to use of white phosphorus and depleted uranium

Has Israel committed crimes against humanity? You decide.

Gaza faces failed harvests after the bombardment by Israel

Samir Sawafiri pointed at several dozen hungry chickens scavenging for food between the crushed bodies of nearly 65,000 other birds strewn across a destroyed farm in Zeitoun in Gaza City.

“They are all that is left and I have nowhere to put them,” he said. The poultry farms around Zeitoun used to be the Gaza Strip's main provider of eggs, according to Oxfam. Little but twisted metal and crumbling concrete now remains of the poor suburb on the eastern outskirts of Gaza, one of the areas hit hardest during the war.

Israel devastated Gaza's production capacity as well as destroying homes

Israeli forces used aerial bombing, tank shelling and armoured bulldozers to eliminate the productive capacity of some of Gaza's most important manufacturing plants during their 22 days of military action in the Gaza Strip. The attacks – like those which destroyed at least 4,000 homes, left some residential areas resembling an earthquake zone and more than 50,000 people in temporary shelters at their peak – destroyed or severely damaged 219 factories, Palestinian industrialists say.

Peres: Obama's New Envoy Won't Pressure Israel

New US Envoy George Mitchell will be arriving in the Middle East by Wednesday, but Israeli President Shimon Peres sees no reason for the Israeli government to be concerned.
“These are mere overtures by the new US administration in order to learn more about the situation,” Peres insisted, saying that Mitchell would not be pressuring Israel on policy or introducing any sort of new US policies for the Obama Administration.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So much for change.

International law and Israel's war on Gaza

Even if Oslo had succeeded, it would have resulted in the imposition of a bantustan upon the Palestinian people. But Oslo has run its course! Therefore, it is my purpose here today to chart a new direction for the Palestinian people to consider.

Endless pain for Gaza burn victims

While most girls her age elsewhere in the world are worrying about boys, acne and exams, Samin has to deal with an excruciating pain after being doused in white phosphorus, as well as the knowledge that the long-term effects are going to be even worse.

Names and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza

I have decided to publish some names and photos of the Israeli military personnel who participated in the so-called "Operation Cast war-criminals_barak_eisenbergLead", the offensive launched by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on the Gaza Strip between 27 December and 18 January 2009. The names of these criminals called my attention since the first day of their criminal attack against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza. I consider each person who took part in this IOF and each one whose name appears in this report as a war criminal who should be requested by an international court of justice, just like all other war criminals who were persecuted before…

UN 'shocked' by Gaza destruction

The UN's humanitarian chief has told the BBC the situation in Gaza after a three-week Israeli offensive against Hamas was worse than he anticipated.

Sir John Holmes, who visited Gaza on Thursday, said he was shocked by "the systematic nature of the destruction".


Webmaster's Commentary:

And the reason the Palestinians are homeless.

Don’t get taken alive, Israeli soldiers told

Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza this month were ordered to kill themselves rather than be captured, according to the Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot. Troops were also told to kill any Israeli soldier they saw being taken by Hamas.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The "friendly fire" shootings now make sense!

Israeli Massacres: Details and Numbers

Webmaster's Commentary:

Unfortunately the list stops in 1999, so many recent massacres, including Qana 2 and Jenin, are not included:

Palestine - Center Of A Gathering Storm

In the past few years, both friends and critics have predicted that Palestine eventually would be Israel's undoing. The first thing that had to happen, however, was for the world to open its eyes to Israel's systematic murder, imprisonment, selective assassination, and repression of the Palestinians as they took the lands they wanted build the Jewish national home. That process began long before communications with the world outside the Middle East were adequate to exposing the tactics of Israeli state building.

Help bring Israeli war criminals to justice

Please support this scheme which is designed to provide a platform for the victims of war crimes in Gaza to seek some sort of legal redress and to make those in the UK who supplied weapons to Israel, knowing that the weapons were being used to indiscriminately bomb a civilian population, accountable for their actions.

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

Webmaster's Commentary:

Frankly, I am stunned that CBS would be this honest about what is going on in Israel and Palestine. I sort of quit watching the show back when EP Don Hewitt admitted biasing the show's segment on Gennifer Flowers to help Bill Clinton get into the White House.


Remember your first days back to school after summer vacation? Remember hearing the stories from your classmates about what they did during those days?

This is not so in Gaza these days… children are not talking about the summer camps they attended or the family outings they participated in….. they are talking about the horrors they experienced during the Israeli bombardment of their schools and homes.


Can you think of a better way to honour the memory of Rachel Corrie? I’m not talking about writing a check…. I’m talkng about going to Gaza as a part of a team that will rebuild the hundreds of homes destroyed during the Israeli blitzkrieg. I’m talking about honouring the blessed memory of Rachel Corrie who was murdered on March 16, 2003 by the same monsters that destroyed those homes. I am proposing an ‘army’ of volunteers to contact the International Solidarity Committee to see what you can do….

Let’s call it the Rachel Corrie Solidarity Brigade. What better way is there to spend your winter breaks?

US envoy to strengthen Abbas

The United States' new envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, will be working to secure a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, as part of an attempt to bolster Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. He does not intend to meet with Hamas representatives.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama is clearly not a supporter of Democracy; not when he refuses to deal with the legally elected government of Gaza. Obama's administration is a continuation of America's policy of forcing governments onto other nations regardless of what the people of those nations vote for.

Israel’s Gaza Massacre: We Will Never Forget

Israel to face 'catastrophe' without Palestinian state, says Jimmy Carter

Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday that Israel will face a "catastrophe" unless it revives the Mideast peace process and establishes an independent Palestinian state.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Peace will come when Israel grants to Palestine only that which Israel demands for itself; a right to exist and a nation of their own.

60 years of misery and death have resulted from Israel's basic hypocrisy of demanding recognition while refusing to give it.

Erdogan: Israel broke 6-month truce

Iran moves to hold war crimes tribunal

The Iranian cabinet introduces a bill to take action on individuals accused of war crimes amid a seeming ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Israel launches new attacks on Gaza

Earlier, Defense Minister Ehud Barak had threatened to attack the strip in retaliation to the death of an Israeli soldier who was killed in a bomb blast at the Kissufim crossing near the Israel-Gaza border.

The military forces responded immediately to the incident by killing a Palestinian farmer near the border crossing.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A very convenient bomb for the Israelis.

IDF: Hamas didn't carry out attack – but is responsible

Ambush on IDF patrol near Kissufim crossing executed by pro-Iranian militant group whose extremism outstrips even Hamas. Army stresses that even if Hamas didn't carry out the attack, it authorized it

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: Someone blew cover on the false flag bombing and this is the spin to keep the excuse to attack Gaza.

Israeli troops reported back in Gaza

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel created HAMAS to prevent Yassir Arafat's PLO from uniting Palestine against the Israeli occupation. After Arafat's assassination, Israel abandoned HAMAS and in order to keep Palestine divided, created Fatah. What Fatah does not realize is that if HAMAS falls, Israel will drop all support to Fatah and create yet another front group to keep Palestine divided and fighting amongst themselves.

Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civilians

An anti-personnel weapon designed to penetrate dense vegetation, flechettes should never be used in built-up civilian areas. The Israeli army has used them in Gaza periodically for several years. In most cases their use has resulted in civilians being killed or injured.

Amnesty International's fact-finding team in Gaza first heard about the use of flechettes in the most recent conflict some ten days ago. The father of one of the victims showed the team a flechette which had been taken out of his son's body.


Abu Ahmed al-Sawafari, an owner of a chicken farms owners, was sitting amidst the rubble of his destroyed farm. He explained that “I have been working on that profession for long years. I have been growing my business by all efforts. Israelis came then left causing an earthquake in the area. They have killed these chickens, they are equal to human souls. They were suffocated and died due to hunger. I wonder why the Israelis killed these chickens? Were they firing rockets into Israel?”

Israel Continues Gaza Attacks: Insists It Isn’t Violating Ceasefire

The Israeli military attacked what it described as a “weapons manufacturing facility” in Rafah today, and continued to strike tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border, in what it said was retaliation for an apparent Qassam launch by militants in the Gaza Strip.

The Qassam launch was likewise claimed to be in retaliation for Israeli attacks on Hamas targets, which were themselves claimed to be retaliation for a bombing by a group which was unrelated to Hamas. The authenticity of the attack was put somewhat in doubt by Israeli military officials saying they had not found the location which the rocket was supposed to have hit.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You can't make this stuff up!

Spanish court to probe Israeli officials for alleged 'crimes against humanity'

Madrid Court grants motion by Palestinian group to probe several senior defense officials for their involvement in 2002 hit on Hamas operative Salah Shehade; which left 14 dead, 100 wounded. Defense minister calls announcement 'delusional', says he will do all in his power to have charges dropped.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh yes, I can just hear "The Toilet" cranking up a big one for Spain!

Spain court in 2002 Israel 'war crime' probe

A Spanish court says it is investigating an alleged "crime against humanity" involving Israel for its 2002 bombing in Gaza that killed 15 people and wounded 150 others.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I predict an "Al Qaeda" attack on Spain.

Spain caves into Israel, says it will amend war crimes law so that it does not apply to Israelis.

"I was just told by the Spanish foreign minister that Spain decided to change the legislation," Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told journalists after a telephone conversation with her Spanish counterpart Miguel Angel Moratinos.

"In order to change the possibility of different organisations, political organisations, to abuse the legal system in Spain in order to put charges against Israelis and others that are fighting terror."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Dropping white phosphorus on kids is fighting terror?

Israeli officials say State will protect them from Spanish lawsuit

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We are above the law!"


Whole streets lie in ruins, many thousands of Palestinians are homeless after weeks of Israeli bombing and foreign aid cash is piling up. As a builder in the Gaza Strip, this should be Anwar al-Sahabani's big moment.

Instead, though, he sits at home, angry and sad, not just at the wounds he suffered on the first day of bombardment, but with frustration at being denied the basic supplies he needs to start rebuilding. Israel will not let in cement, steel pipes and other materials it says its Hamas enemies might use to make war.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"You will live in the rubble, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!"

Coming out of the Closet - Anti-Zionist and Proud!

"Rethinking Zionism" by Philip Weiss is a refreshing piece, but as far as I'm concerned, zionism doesn't need to be "rethought" it needs to be dismantled and driven from humanity's lexicon...

Until then however, it's good to count Weiss among the growing numbers of people around the world who are unabashedly Anti-Zionist and Proud!


‘The struggle now is to come to terms with what physically happened here.’

Yesterday saw the first canvas tents go up in the Gaza strip to house internally displaced people. The UN estimates 50,000 people have been made homeless due to the bombing and bulldozing of homes and properties by Israeli occupation forces in Israel’s 21 day offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Apartheid Israel - CBS: Is Peace out of Reach

What is this? I am shocked! I am stunned! I am amazed!
Will wonders never cease?
CBS, yes CBS does an honest bit of journalism.

Doctors Spooked by Israel's Mystery Weapon

Critics continue to press the case that Israel committed "war crimes" in its war with Hamas, because of the civilian casualties in Gaza. Ironically, many of these wounds may have been caused by a weapon designed to reduce collateral damage. Not that the Israelis admit they have the thing.

Pro-Israel media: Bloggers join media war

Some 1,000 new immigrants and foreign-language-speaking Jews volunteer to army of bloggers set up by Absorption Ministry and Foreign Ministry with the stated objective of flooding blogs with pro-Israel opinions.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Hitler had a huge propaganda operation, too.

It didn't work.

Israel will contiunue to defy United Nations Resolution 242

The leader of Israel's right-wing Likud party, Binyamin Netanyahu, says he would continue to expand settlements in the West Bank, but not build new ones.

The remarks to Mid-East envoy Tony Blair come in the run-up to Israel's general election next month which Likud is favourite to win, polls suggest.

Settlements in the West Bank and Golan are considered illegal in international law, though Israel disputes this.

Past Israeli governments have backed "natural growth" of settlements.

Correspondents say the statement may be an attempt to placate the international community before the arrival of George Mitchell, the newly appointed US envoy to the Middle East.

"I have no intention of building new settlements in the West Bank," Netanyahu told Mr Blair in quotes carried by Haaretz newspaper.

"But like all the governments there have been until now, I will have to meet the needs of natural growth in the population. I will not be able to choke the settlements."

For first time, U.S. professors call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel

In the wake of Operation Cast Lead, a group of American university professors has for the first time launched a national campaign calling for an academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

Webmaster's Commentary:

First step: Time to dump those mandatory studies of the Holocaust. This obsessive focus on the first half of the previous century, about which we can do nothing, is being used to distract us from the present-day genocides and atrocities, which we are morally obligated to stop.

Effacez le nom de mon grand-père à Yad Vashem, par Jean-Moïse Braitberg

Webmaster's Commentary:

This letter asks the President of Israel to erase the name of the writer's grandfather, a prisoner at Treblinka, from the memorial at Yad Vashem, out of shame for what present-day Israel is doing in Gaza.

Gaza Aid Stuck at Sealed Crossings

Israeli Channel: Anti-Israeli Hezbollah attack thwarted in Europe

The channel affirmed that the attack was linked to Hezbollah and was foiled due to intelligence cooperation between Israel and an undisclosed European country.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No, really, there was! There are some really scary people out there hate Israel, and want to do really bad things to us. THAT'S why we gotta kill those children in Gaza because they will all grow up wanting to be just like Osama bin Laden. Really! So you should go kill them all for us! Or send us money. Or send us more bombs. Actually, all three would be good."

No choice but to speak out - Israeli musician

"I was born in a place that happens to be very strategically crucial to quite a few empires, and I was indoctrinated to take part in these idiotic wars and I managed to escape eventually. When I was there I started to see the scale of the atrocities that are committed on my behalf by the Israelis in the name of the Israeli state, with the support of the Jewish people around the world.

"Now and then you hear about one Jew here and one Jew there who is against it, but institutionally this war is supported by world Jewry inside-out."

LA Jews Shut Down Israeli Consulate to Protest Siege on Gaza

Report: Gaza detainees held bound for days

Seven Israeli human rights groups file complaint with military advocate general chief, attorney general regarding what they describe as IDF's 'inhumane, appalling treatment' of Palestinian detainees during Gaza op

Israeli warplanes hit Gaza tunnels

But a flare-up of violence underscored the more immediate priority — shoring up the 10-day-old ceasefire. Hours before Mr. Mitchell arrived in Jerusalem, Israeli warplanes pounded Gaza smuggling tunnels in retaliation for a Palestinian bombing Tuesday that killed an Israeli soldier.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Except that the , who are RIVALS of HAMAS.

Here we see a blatent attempt to re-write the story to justify Israel's actions.

Gaza family says Israeli troops killed children waving white headscarves

More than 70 members of his family crowded into one apartment for days. On Jan. 7, Abed Rabbo said, the shelling intensified, and they heard an Israeli soldier calling for people to come out of their homes.

Abed Rabbo said he gathered his wife, their three daughters and his mother, Souad. Souad Abed Rabbo said that she tied a white robe around a mop handle and two of her granddaughters waved white headscarves as they walked outside.

When they opened the door, they saw an Israeli tank parked in their garden about 10 yards away.

"We were waiting for them to give us an order," Khaled said last week as he stood in the ruins of his home. "Then one came out of the tank and started to shoot."

Israeli strikes leave Blair project with major repairs

One of Tony Blair's flagship projects as international Middle East envoy – and one of his most concrete achievements to date – was emergency work on a sewage plant in northern Gaza to stop it overflowing and endangering the lives of some 10,000 people.

Now, it has emerged that Israeli forces severely damaged parts of the plant during their 22-day offensive and the project – which was due for completion at the end of this week – has been delayed for two months, with repairs expected to cost $200,000 (£140,000).

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We bombed the sewage plant because terrorists go to the bathroom!"

Amnesty - Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civilians

Israel planned Gaza attack nearly one year ago, says academic

Finkelstein dismissed claims that Hamas was responsible for the onslaught, saying that there was no evidence that supported the "misconceptions".

"There is no evidence in my opinion to support this claim. The records show very clearly that, as Israeli newspapers themselves reported, the attack on Gaza had been planned as early as March 2007," said Finkelstein, ahead of two lectures he is delivering in Manama on "the real motives behind Israel's massacre in Gaza" and on the power of the Israeli lobby in the US.

Israel accused of using farmers as human shields

METHODS used by the Israel Defence Forces in their assault on the Gaza Strip have raised questions about whether Israeli military commanders authorised the use of Palestinians as human shields - a charge Israel has repeatedly made against Hamas.


Israeli warplanes strike Rafah border area

"This was in response to the attack against an IDF [Israel Defense Forces] force in the area of Kissufim,” an Israeli military spokesperson said in a statement to Ma'an.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, the attack carried out inside Israel by the Jihad and Tawhid Brigades, who are a rival faction to HAMAS? But Israel will use any flimsy excuse to keep on committing war crimes in Gaza.

Former Justice Dept Lawyer Says UNRWA Should Stop Treating Palestinians Like Refugees

But the paper, which is to be submitted to President Obama, urges the US to demand fundamental changes to the organization, saying it has “often clashed with US policies.” To that end, it should be, in Lindsay’s opinion, compelled to “halt its one-sided political statements.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Like complaining when Israel bombs its headquarters and schools. That sort of thing is HIGHLY one-sided!

Border Closes, Israel Promises More Gaza Strikes

Credit for the roadside bombing which killed an Israeli soldier along the Gaza border earlier today has been claimed by the Jihad and Tawhid Brigades, an al-Qaeda linked group which has repeatedly clashed with Hamas. Still, the Israeli military says that even though Hamas didn’t carry out the attack, it is still responsible for it because they guess they may have given consent to the group.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel has hit new heights (or depths) of absurdity.

This is like Canada attacking the US and the US responds by invading Mexico.

Clinton: Israel has right to respond to Gaza rocket attacks

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that Israel had a right to defend itself and that Palestinian rocket attacks on the Jewish territory could not go unanswered.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Well, it's official; our new Secretary of State is either a liar, a whore, or an idiot. Maybe all three.

HAMAS had stopped firing rockets into Israel. It was Israel that broke the cease fire November 4th when it attacked Gaza and killed six people without provocation. Then Israel closed all the border crossings, and ONLY then did HAMAS state the obvious; that the cease fire had ended!

At a Border Crossing, Drivers and Truckloads of Aid for Gaza Go Nowhere

Since the cease-fire, Israel has allowed some humanitarian supplies into Gaza, but the territory is still desperately short of the necessities. Israel closed all the crossings into Gaza on Tuesday after an Israeli soldier was killed in a bombing on the Israeli side of the border. But that changed nothing at this crossing, where the flow has been stalled for days.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The collective punishment continues.

UN nuclear chief boycotts BBC over Gaza appeal

Israel plans to build up West Bank corridor on contentious land

Webmaster's Commentary:

And the land grab goes on in defiance of UN Resolution 242.


The stories now emerging depict a deliberately planned attempt by the Israelis to sow the seeds of the destruction of the Palestinian peoples in the Gaza Strip. Apart from destroying homes and buildings and indiscriminately murder and maim innocent civilians including hundreds of children, Israel has also methodically set out to destroy both the Gazans ability to feed themselves and also to destroy the last remnants of an economy based on horticultural and agricultural production within the Strip.


Webmaster's Commentary:

A pathetic ploy to distract us all from today's genocides by waving the history of the first half of the last century in front of us.

Israeli clinic closes after treating five Palestinians

The Israeli emergency clinic at the Erez crossing, which opened on the day Israel declared a ceasefire in Gaza (18 January), has closed after treating only five wounded Palestinians.

Foreign press and aid workers said the clinic was merely a publicity stunt.

Two Gazans killed 'in cold blood', say witnesses

THREE witnesses have claimed that Israeli soldiers shot in cold blood two civilians who had their hands in the air on the second day of the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

Israeli soldiers recall Gaza attack orders

“Fire on anything that moves in Zeitoun” – that was the order handed down to Israeli troops in the Givati Shaked battalion, who reduced the eastern Gaza City suburb to little more than rubble in a matter of days.

Were chickens firing rockets?

A number of chicken farms are located only a few meters away from the Samouni house. These farms came under fire by Israeli forces and were totally bulldozed. Thousands of chickens were caught in their sheds, as the bulldozing destroyed their cages. Some died immediately, others slowly without food or water for four days.

Video: Gaza farmers devastated by war

The scale of the damage caused by Israel's war on Gaza continues to emerge.
Palestinian agriculture officials estimate the cost to the strip's farming sector will be more than 200 million dollars.

How to Kill a Palestinian

Robert Fisk’s World: When did we stop caring about civilian deaths during wartime?

It's not just that Israel has yet again got away with the killing of hundreds of children in Gaza.

Mohamed Khodr - They Shoot Children from Womb to Cradle to Grave

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
–Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

Black Flag

A SPANISH JUDGE has instituted a judicial inquiry against seven Israeli political and military personalities on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The case: the 2002 dropping of a one ton bomb on the home of Hamas leader Salah Shehade. Apart from the intended victim, 14 people, most of them children, were killed.

For those who have forgotten: the then commander of the Israeli Air Force, Dan Halutz, was asked at the time what he feels when he drops a bomb on a residential building. His unforgettable answer: "A slight bump to the wing."

Israeli soldiers recall Gaza attack orders

“Fire on anything that moves in Zeitoun” – that was the order handed down to Israeli troops in the Givati Shaked battalion, who reduced the eastern Gaza City suburb to little more than rubble in a matter of days.

The stories that have emerged from Zeitoun have been some of the most shocking of the war. The Samuni family said they lost 29 members after soldiers forced them all into one building that subsequently came under fire. Survivors said that the initial shelling killed 22 people, while others slowly bled to death after being denied medical care for nearly three days.

Others, including the Helw and Abu Zohar families, have similar accounts of watching loved ones dying of their wounds and coming under fire after emerging from their homes carrying white flags.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Remember, particularly at tax time, when the Feds and the States get ready to take an even bigger bite out of your hard-earned money, every cent that goes to Israel supports this kind of behavior against Palestinians.

A country which gives shoot to kill orders on civilians who were very clearly trying to surrender, a country using white phosphorus as a weapon, and a country whose military kill children in cold blood, has completely lost its moral compass.

Ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing, no matter who's doing it to whom. This is precisely the situation we have in Gaza at this point.

And when the Israel guns and aircraft are silent, guess what is going to happen to Gaza?

I wouldn't bet against Israel claiming the land of Gaza by military fiat. For Israel, it's always about more land, and never about real peace with its neighbors.

Hamas Official Blames Rockets On Collaborators

The rockets being fired from Gaza into Israel is the work of Israeli collaborators, says Ahmed Yusuf, political adviser to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. He says Hamas was willing to agree to a new cease-fire with Israel, but Israel hadn't lived up to its end of the bargain.

Gaza Dozens believed dead in reprisal attacks as Hamas retakes control

Evidence is emerging of a wave of reprisal attacks and killings inside Gaza that have left dozens dead and more wounded in the wake of Israel's war.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation of the phrase "Evidence is emerging": Israel is doing its level best, in the propaganda war concerning Gaza, to dump some of the blame on Hamas for the continued violence and death in Gaza.

Hard evidence is either present or not, and there is no middle ground.

And about that bit concerning Hamas "taking over Gaza"; this cannot and will not happen without Israel's blessing. Unfortunately, Abbas continues to carry Israel's water, with no end in sight.

If Hamas and Fatah don't start to unite politically against Israel, the whole dream of a functioning Palestinian state will come to nothing.

Of course, that's precisely the outcome Israel wants.

Israeli War Criminals in Patagonia

If you are a lawyer and aware to catch some of these criminals to bring them before the justice, then you should speak with the authorities in order to make them aware and if possible to arrest these Israeli war criminals, and provide their names to the Interpol or to the local police in order to catch them during their stay in Patagonia in Chile and Argentina stealing, selling drugs, doing military and scientific research, spying, and who knows what other military missions in the wilderness, possibly training and preparing to invade their neighboring countries, which have a vegetation and geography similar to Patagonia.

Groups review Gaza conflict for war crimes

While Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute and, therefore, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, nearly all European courts have claimed authority to investigate and prosecute war crimes of other countries. It was a Spanish magistrate who prosecuted the case of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and, just Friday, another Spanish court announced it was investigating several Israeli officials for their alleged role in a 2002 military assault on Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Except that as noted below, the government of Spain, as infected with Israelis as our own, has announced it will change the laws to allow Israel immunity from charges under the theory that dropping flaming white phosphorus on children is fighting terror.

The paradox of Israel’s cruel war

Israel’s claim that it is fighting in retaliation against Hamas’ rockets is running out of steam and the lies it has been feeding the media and Western governments have instead opened up the truth about Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel has exhausted the public relations boost it acquired from 9-11.

Are they planning another to take its place?

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the
Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

FLASHBACK - Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

Webmaster's Commentary:

What will happen now that American opinion is swinging away from Israel?

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the
Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Israel mulling over more Gaza raids

Citing Israeli officials, the daily Haaretz reported Friday that Tel Aviv would continue strikes on the populated territory after violating a unilateral ceasefire it declared on a three-week long offensive in the tiny sliver.

Consent and advise

On the first day of Operation Cast Lead, the air force bombed the graduation ceremony of a police course, killing dozens of policemen. Months earlier, an operational and legal controversy was already swirling around the planned attack. According to a military source who was involved in the planning, bombing the site of the ceremony was authorized with no difficulty, but questions were raised about the intent to strike at the graduates of the course. Military Intelligence, convinced the attack was justified, pressed for its implementation. Representatives of the international law division (ILD) in the Military Advocate General's Office at first objected, fearing a possible violation of international law.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Implicit in this report is the admission that Israel planned to break the cease fire all along.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Okay folks, stop what you are doing and follow this link to send an automated email to Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice.


Israel admits: "No Hamas rockets were fired during ceasefire"

CNN Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First

Israel broke the cease-fire

Erdogan: Israel broke 6-month truce

The Torah Position on the Current Conflict in Gaza

May it be clear to every nation, to every person in the entire world: JEWS ARE NOT ZIONISTS!

Killing Palestinians Doesn't Count

On January 27th media headlines trumpeted that Palestinians had broken the latest cease-fire: a bomb had killed one Israeli soldier and injured two or three.

Virtually every media outlet reported this action as a major breach in the ceasefire that had begun on January 18th: CNN, AP, NPR, the New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, ABC, CBS, the Christian Science Monitor, the LA Times, the McClatchy Newspapers, etc, all pinned the resumption of violence on Palestinians.

There’s just one problem. Israeli forces had already violated the ceasefire at least seven times:

Israeli forces killed a Palestinian farmer in Khuza'a east of Khan Yunis on Jan 18

Israeli forces killed a Palestinian farmer east of Jabalia on Jan. 19

Webmaster's Commentary:

The bombing on the 27th was later claimed by the Jihadist and Tawhid Brigades; a rival faction unconnected to HAMAS.

No Happy Ending

As I write, Israel is using a military designed to fight hostile countries to fight a hostile population. In the modern world, this has seldom worked. To defeat a country you destroy its military and capture its territory. But Gaza has little military to destroy, no tanks or aircraft, and Israel already owns its territory. The IDF can invade but, afterward, the population will still be there, and still be hostile. Stabbing jello doesn’t buy you much.

Fresh Israeli airstrike injures 8 amid fragile Gaza truce

The Israel Air Force rocketed a motorcyclist in the southern Gaza Strip late Thursday morning, injuring the rider, a Hamas militant, as well as seven passersby, hospital officials said.

The motor cyclist was in critical condition, the officials at Nasser Hospital in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis said.

All the wounded seven bystanders were children, they said.

Israeli raid injures Gaza children

At least nine people, seven of them schoolgirls, have been injured by an Israeli air attack in the southern Gaza Strip, sources tell Al Jazeera.

The raid on Thursday in Khan Yunis also injured a police officer, the AFP news agency reported, quoting witnesses and medics.

Gaza truce under fire as Israel continues offensive

Israeli warplane bombs Gaza-Egypt border as Abbas accuses Israel of not wanting peace.

Hamas wants new leadership for Palestinians

Claiming victory in a devastating 22-day war with Israel in which 100 Palestinians were killed for every Israeli who died, the militant group is reasserting control over the enclave and resuming its central political challenge to the moderate Abbas.

Several thousand Hamas supporters rallied in Gaza on Friday in support of the call to abolish the PLO, made two days ago by the group's exiled leader, Khaled Meshaal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Recall that during the 22 day war, Abbas was providing information to Israel that aided in the attacks on HAMAS.

Payback will be a bitch.