Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 13 décembre 2007

Lindsey Williams- La crise non-existante du pétrole et de l'énergie

Lindsey Williams- La crise non-existante du pétrole et de l'énergie

Voici une lecture d'un homme qui a véecu avec les hommes du pétrole pendant trois ans en Alaska. Il raconte ce qu'il a vu et appris. Le tout est tellement documenté et précis que personne ne peut le contredire. Il n'y a pas de crise du pétrole, il y a des réserves immenses même en amérique du nord. Mais tout est orchestré pour profiter aux vrais contrôleurs du système. On penserait que les compagnies pétrolières sont celles, avec les pays producteurs, qui empochent la plus grande partie des énormes profits. (Il en coûte 5$ pour extraire un baril de pétrole en Arabie Saoudite) Il est vrai qu'ils encaissent de l'argent comme c'est pas possible, mais les vrais profiteurs, ceux qui sont dans l'ombre mais qui ramassent (taxe) une cote astronomique, c'est le FMI (Fonds Monétaire International) et la Banque Mondiale. Surpris???

C'est en fait une taxe cachée que l'on paie à la pompe et qui sert à financer les projets du FMI et de la BM. Quels projets? Prendre contrôle et extorquer des dizaines de pays du monde. Sceptique? Lisez The Economic Hit Men de John Perkins ou La mondialisation de la pauvreté de Michel Chossudovsky, professeur en science économique à l'Université d'Ottawa.

Élucider le fonctionnement du système dans lequel on vit sera notre salut et le début de notre véritable liberté.

Lindsey Williams Videos on the Nonexistent Oil/Energy 'Crisis'

I mention Lindsey Williams' revelations in a few articles on the phony "Peak Oil" scam promoted by CIA agent Michael Ruppert and the Highway Robber Barrons known as American Oil companies. Lindsey discovered from top oil company executives in the early 1970s, that there is enough oil under Gull Island alone (Prudhoe Bay, Alasaka) to meet all of the energy needs of the United States for the next 200 years. American oil companies had drilled and tapped Gull Island in 1973, yet they have not pumped one drop of oil out of those vast oil fields to send down the Alaskan pipeline to American consummers. It is one of the best kept secrets in the oil industry. There is no Energy Crisis. There are only government liars and oil company robber barrons deceiving us at every turn..


Here is a collection of videos about the "The Energy Non Crisis" by Lindsey Williams. He also has a book out by the same name. Feel free to send this to friends and family.

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbakN7SLdbk

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGGjbDjnNzw&mode=related&search=

3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q39ic04vhNo&mode=related&search=

4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKCyCYz_aHY&mode=related&search=

5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TYmSGwAumk&mode=related&search=

6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbwMOvV6ctg&mode=related&search=

7) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5HGHsy3H_0&mode=related&search=

8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC61X78-OI0&mode=related&search=

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

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