Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

vendredi 14 octobre 2005

Matiere a reflechir...

Voici quelques articles qui franchement meritent attention et reflexion. De la bonne nourriture pour le cerveau et l'esprit!

- The Myth Of Peak Oil

J'avoue qu'au debut la these du peak oil me semblait vraiment credible et convaincante. Un des grand tenant de la these etait Michael C. Ruppert. Mais il s'est avere il y a presque 2 ans que Ruppert etait un desinformateur et fesait de la diversion.

Avec la somme d'information que j'ai passe sur le sujet depuis, je doute que nous sommes a veille de manquer de petrole.

Il semble de plus en plus evident que le cartel petrolier joue la carte de la rarete pour justifier un vol de nos argents en echange de rien, si ce n'est plus de misere. C'est un monopoly.

Les petrolieres font en ce moment, en plus des subventions gouvernementales ( notre argent!!!), des records de profits, alors que le prix de tout produit de consommation de base augmente.

Pourquoi ne pas cesser simplement d'utiliser des produits petroliers et changer le fondement de notre apport energetique planetaire en reclamant la verite sur les puissants travaux de Nicolas Tesla et la technologie actuellement presente a propos de l'energie libre.

En cessant de dependre du cartel petrolier ( 5 compagnies dans le monde controle 95% des ressources petrolieres), on pourrait arreter la degradation de l'environnement et retrouver notre liberte, arreter la majorite des guerres dans le monde et retrouver le controle de notre destine.

Un extrait du texte:

"Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones October 12 2005
Peak oil is a scam designed to create artificial scarcity and jack up prices while giving the state an excuse to invade our lives and order us to sacrifice our hard-earned living standards.
Publicly available CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from 30 years ago say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-feudalism by creating artificial scarcity.

Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States, they are going to blame our economic disintegration on lack of energy supplies.
Globalization is all about consolidation.

Now that the world economy has become so centralized through the Globalists operations, they are going to continue to consolidate and blame it on the West's "evil" overconsumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time blocking the development and integration of renewable clean technologies.
In other words, Peak oil is a scam to create artificial scarcity and drive prices up. Meanwhile, alternative fuel technologies which have been around for decades are intentionally suppressed."

Enfin, si vous voulez en savoir plus, il y a ici une banque d'information importante sur le sujet qui se trouve aussi dans le texte mis en lien plus haut:

Evidence of the Creation of Artificial Scarcity by the Oil Industry
Group: Internal memos show oil companies limited refineries to drive up prices
Internal Mobil Memo Showing Effort to Reduce Refining Capacity
Internal Texaco Memo Showing Effort to Reduce Refining Capacity
Internal Chevron Memo Showing Effort to Reduce Refining Capacity
Information from LA Times report on Shell deliberately creating artificial scarcity at Bakersfield California refinery
Shell Oil, Price Manipulation, and the Fleecing of Americans
The Mystery of Eugene Island 330 and Abiotic Oil
Wall Street Journal: Odd Reservoir Off Louisiana ProdsOil Experts to Seek a Deeper Meaning
Sustainable oil?
The mystery of eugene island 330
Further Information on Abiotic, Self-Renewing Oil
Scientific Evidence Debunks Peak Oil Hoax
Russian Scientific Papers on Abiotic Origins of Oil & Related Research
Russia's Oil Boom After Discovering Abiotic Oil
Sustainable Oil? -- v. Peak Oil
Colonel Fletcher Prouty said oil as fossil fuel "Right out of the Rockefeller bible."
Who Is Promoting Peak Oil? The Global Elite
The ultra-elite Bilderberg Group expressed their desire that peak oil would provide a justification for a UN global tax on the oil pump.
The ultra-elite Bilderberg Group stated in May that oil prices would double.
The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part II
How Long Will the Oil Age Last? The Club of Rome, a nonprofit global think tank, said in the 1970s that we'd hit peak oil in 2003. It didn't happen.
The Club of Rome consulted with Kissinger before he issued his 1974 depopulation manifesto to President Carter. The plan calls for creating artificial food scarcity in order to depopulate the third world.
Colonel Fletcher Prouty said oil as fossil fuel "Right out of the Rockefeller bible."
Commentary on the Myth of Peak Oil
Peak Oil is a Corrupt Globalist Scam
Is 'Peak Oil' a put on?
Russia Proves 'Peak Oil' is a Misleading Zionist Scam
The Myth of "Peak Oil"
'Peak Oil' Scam Unravels, Oil Reserves Increasing
Oil Company Profits Increasing as Peak Oil Theory Spreads
Some calling profits obscene
Oil industry rides high energy prices to big profits
UK Oil Companies Show Record Profits
Additional Contradictions to Peak Oil
Fears of dwindling oil supply unfounded
Support Our Efforts To Expose Peak Oil
Read more about how crises are manufactured to implement larger agendas in Paul Joseph Watson's book Order Out of Chaos.


- The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang

Des theories qui des fois on a pris pour des verites et qui se revelent etre finalement des erreurs, et parfois meme des dogmes imposes parce qu'ils cadrent avec telle ou telle religion et pouvoir en place... fascinant!

- How To End The War

- Which Country Should The U.S. Invade Next?

Des bonnes pistes de reflexion sur la guerre en Iraq et des chiffres qui parlent d'eux-memes.

Le deuxieme document est deconcertant! C'est un court video tourne aux USA et le reporter en carton demande a quelques americains quel pays ils devraient envahir apres l'Iraq. Je vous jure que vous aller etre surpris des reponses et des connaissances politiques et geographiques des americains...

- The Role of Indonesian Military Intelligence in the 2002 Bali Bombing

Comme dans tout les derniers attentats terroristes majeurs, les services secrets et les gouvernements sont impliques. On parle de terrorisme d'etat...contre les civils... nous...

Il est documente et admit par le FBI que c'est eux qui ont organise et meme fabrique la bombe qui a explose au WTC en 1993!!!!

Meme chose pour Oklahoma, Londres, Madrid, WTC 9-11, etc...

- Military dictatorship USA?

Excellent document avec images sur l'appareil policier en progressive fusion avec l'armee au USA.

- Pentagon Plans to Beef Up Domestic Rapid-Response Forces

Les americains se reveillent et risquent de se rebeller a tout moment. L'elite a peur et doit se proteger contre les terroristes: les 99.999% du reste du monde sur la planete!

- Iraqis apprehend two Americans disguised as Arabs trying to detonate a car bomb in a residential neighborhood of western Baghdad’s al-Ghazaliyah district on Tuesday.

Du faux terrorisme, ou si vous voulez, du terrorisme d'etat pour epeurer les gens et les forcer en soumission. Pour les faire accepter de renoncer a leur liberte pour de la securite. Mais a chaque fois qu'on renonce a notre liberte, ce n'est pas de la securite qu'on obtient. C'est plus de tyrannie, une constante historique.

- Man Says God Told Him To Murder Family

Le gars est declare criminel et psychotique. Bush, lui, dit que c'est Dieu qui lui a commande d'attaquer l'Afghanistan et l'Iraq, et il est toujours a la tete de l'armee la plus puissante du monde... ca donne a reflechir...

- Hariri Reportedly Assassinated To Make Way For Large US Air Base In Lebanon

"According to high-level Lebanese intelligence sources-Christian and Muslim-former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was reportedly assassinated in a sophisticated explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by the Bush administration and Ariel Sharon's Likud government in Israel. There are also strong indications that the Hariri assassination was carried out by the same rogue Syrian intelligence agents used in the 2002 car bombing assassination of Lebanese Christian leader Elie Hobeika, who was prepared to testify against Sharon in a Brussels human rights court. That case involved the Israeli Prime Minister's role in the 1982 massacre by Israeli troops of Palestinian refugees at the Sabra and Chatilla camps in Beirut. The Hariri assasination used wire-bombing technology because Hariri's security personnel used electronic countermeasures to fend off a remote control bomb using wireless means. It has been revealed that the Bush administration has used Syrian intelligence agents to torture al Qaeda suspects through the program known as "extraordinary rendition."

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