Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 18 février 2010

L'Autre Monde 18 février 2010: La fluoration de l'eau potable au Saguenay & faire face à la réalité que nous sommes gérés par des incompétents


L'Autre Monde 18 février 2010: La fluoration de l'eau potable au Saguenay & faire face à la réalité que nous sommes gérés par des incompétents

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L'Autre Monde 18 février 2010

90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Au programme cette semaine, 18 février 2010:

- Mise à jour des misérables Jeux Olympiques de Vancouver;

- Le débat sur la fluoration de l'eau au Saguenay fait rage - Nous sommes menés par des incompétents qui prétendent mieux savoir que nous ce qui est bon pour nous;

- Économie et actualité, climategate et 9/11 et terrorisme

Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:


The torch that Hitler lit

"The torch relay is a total fabrication," says Ira B. Nadel of the University of British Columbia, who has studied the techniques Riefenstahl used to aestheticize the Nazi cause. "The Germans invented it for the 1936 Olympics. There was nothing like it in the ancient Olympics."

The torch relay in all its elaborate rituals and feel-good sponsorship opportunities turns out to be a creation of the people who are the byword for modern evil. Without the propaganda artists who staged the 1936 Berlin Olympics in all its triumphant glory, lovingly recorded in Leni Riefenstahl's mesmerizing documentary film Olympia, we wouldn't have the government-supported cross-country relay that is bringing the flame to Vancouver.

La CIA confirme le risque d'attentat terroriste aux JO de Vancouver!

L'opération False Flag de type 9/11 aux JO de Vancouver se confirme!!!
La CIA a officiellement déclaré qu'elle était en possession d'information indiquant qu'Al Quaeda a décidé de prendre pour cible prioritaire les JO de Vancouver s'étalant du 10 Février 2010 au 28 Février.

False Flag opération terroriste de type 9/11 au JO de Vancouver?

De plus en plus d’éléments tangibles laissent présager un attentat terroriste majeur durant les JO d’hiver de Vancouver qui s’étaleront entre le 12 Février 2010 et le
28 Février 2010.

Un récent rapport des services secret US a prévenu le Canada qu’ils disposent d’informations indiquant qu’Al Qaeda s’apprête à perpétrer un attentat de type 9/11 durant les JO de Vancouver.

Plusieurs annonces de presse ont également signalé la disparition dans un entrepôt de 2 tonnes de Nitrate Ammonium, un composé chimique dangereux qui peut être utilisé pour fabriquer des explosifs. Ce composé a déjà été précédemment utilisé dans les attentats d’Oklahoma City et de Bali.

Les soldats US ont indiqué qu’ils étaient prêts à traverser la frontière Canadienne si cet attentat se confirmait.

S’ajoutd à cela que le Premier Ministre Canadien a appelé le Gouverneur Général du Canada à dissoudre le Parlement, les médias Canadiens parlent d’incompréhension total, de coup politique, d’autant plus que plusieurs lois urgentes sur le plan économique et politique étaient en discussion au Parlement. Une chose est sûr la décision du Premier Ministre semble prendre son cours, et le Parlement Canadien ne sera reconstitué qu’après les JO de Vancouver au mois de Mars.

Des hommes avertis sur place au Canada ont filmé les alentours de la zone des JO, et indiquent une très forte présence policière jamais vu auparavant (les Jos n’ont même pas commencé) et des toiles cachant toute visibilité sur ce qui se produit dans l’enceinte du parc Olympique.

Des caméras ont été disposés partout autour du parc olympiques, la supervision de des caméras et la sécurité des JO de Vancouver a été confié à VerInt, une agence de surveillance crée un par un ex agent du Mossad et ayant des liens avec la CIA. VerInt sera également en charge de la sécurité dans l’aéroport de Vancouver.

Voici 2 vidéos reprenant des extraits de journaux télévisés Canadien et US qui montrent tout ce qui vient d’être détaillé :



Un autre indice semble prêter crédit à ce scénario de futur False Flag opération de type 9/11 durant les JO de Vancouver.

Nous savons maintenant qu’il existe un très grand nombre de films Hollywoodien sortis avant le 11 Septembre 2001 faisant plus ou moins clairement référence à l’attentat du World Trade Center. Nous savons aussi que les films phares d’Hollywood, ceux qui ont une portée mondiale sont ceux qui contiennent le plus ce genre de message caché. Godzilla sorti en 1998 et Matrix sorti en 1999 sont les 2 films à succès qui font les références les plus claires à propos de « futur attentat » du 9/11 (voir dans la vidéo qui suit les scènes faisant ces références).

Récemment, dans le film 2012 qui a fait grand bruit malgré le fait qu’il n’ait pas été à la hauteur des attentes, fait une référence assez explicite à un éventuel futur attentat durant les JO de Vancouver.

Il y a effectivement une scène à la fin du film ou on voit le président Américain, également noir dans le film, regardant les informations. On voit alors qu’il y aurait eu un grave incident durant les JO de Londres ayant provoqués la suspension des Jeux Olympiques, suivi d’émeutes généralisées. Le film censé se dérouler le 21 Décembre 2012 ne fait clairement pas référence aux JO de Londres, on se tourne alors naturellement vers les JO de Vancouver sur la base des éléments développés au début de l’article.

Voici la vidéo en question ou on voit au début des références au 9/11 et à la fin de la vidéo, l’extrait de 2012 faisant référence à un incident pour les JO de Vancouver :


Quelque chose semble ne pas tourner rond avec ces JO de Vancouver.

Sans compter que lors du 9/11, les conséquences directes de l’attentat ont été de déclarer une guerre internationale contre le terrorisme, changeant la face du monde et la vision des gens. Le 9/11 est à l’origine même des guerres d’Afghanistan, d’Irak, du Pakistan, du Yémen, …, donc on ne peut nier que cet attentat a enfin de compte servi les intérêts des USA et de leurs alliés et par conséquent fournit tous les éléments pour montrer que tout a été prémédité.

Ces derniers temps, la tension est à son comble concernant le dossier Iranien. La Chine et la Russie semblent être entrées dans une profonde crise avec les USA concernant ce dossier. La propagande médiatique Occidentale a dépeint l’Iran comme étant la plus grande menace pour le monde, finançant, entrainant et dirigeant les groupes terroristes à travers le monde, accusations totalement infondés mais qui rentrent dans un scénario de mystification de type 9/11.

Les derniers rebondissements sur le nucléaire Iranien ne laissent plus aucun doute que nous sommes arrivés à une impasse totale. Que l’Iran accepte le deal ou pas, l’Occident ne s’en satisfait pas, nous en avons maintenant la preuve avec le coup de théâtre du Président Ahmadinejad d’accepter en fin de compte d’enrichir son uranium à l’étranger, c’était pourtant la réponse exigé par l’Occident. Pris de cours, les alliés ont accusé l’Iran de jouer un double jeu et de chercher à gagner du temps. Les USA et leurs alliés, Israël en tête, n’ont plus d’autres choix que de créer un nouveau prétexte pour envahir l’Iran. Si un attentat majeur se produit, les alliés pourront l’imputer à l’Iran et envahir le pays conformément à leur plan initial.

N’oublions pas que toutes guerres récentes ont lieu autour de l’Iran, les forces alliés préparent le terrain, mettent en place leur force et resserrant leur étau autour de l’Iran. Les Guerres du Yémen, Afghanistan, Irak, Pakistan ne sont là que pour garder des troupes sur place et affaiblir ces pays afin qu’ils ne soient pas en mesure d’aider l’Iran en cas d’attaque.

Tous ces éléments réunis ne constituent certes pas une preuve incontestable qu’un attentat va se produire durant les JO de Vancouver, mais cette masse d’information allant toutes dans un même sens ne saurait laisser indifférent une personne censée.


Un colis suspect découvert à Vancouver

Un secteur complet est bouclé à la veille de l'ouverture des Jeux olympiques.

Une voie de circulation majeure au port de Vancouver a été paralysée à la veille de l'ouverture des Jeux olympiques quand un colis suspect a été découvert.

Le caporale de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) Marlene Morton a assuré jeudi que l'affaire était traitée avec le plus grand sérieux et que le secteur au complet avait été fermé.

Le Lonsdale Quay à North Vancouver comprend un transit d'autobus et un terminal pour le traversier SeaBus reliant la rive nord au centre-ville de Vancouver.

Le policier Michael McLaughlin a affirmé que c'est un passant qui a remarqué le colis à l'extérieur du quai et a alerté la police. Il a souligné que les policiers ont dû évacuer l'endroit, de même que quelques commerces et édifices.

En attendant d'être assurés que le colis est inoffensif, il a fallu évacuer les gens, a-t-il noté, ajoutant que des experts en explosif étaient actuellement sur les lieux.

Des centaines d'usagers du transport en commun ont dû trouver un autre moyen pour rentrer à la maison après leur journée de travail.

Strong case for a Quebec Olympic team

Commentaires qu’on lire suite à cet article:

- Separatists won't reply to anything said here. They won't because there a bunch of chicken [profane] bastards who get everything they want anyways. Hiding behind closet separatists like Charest. Can any of you separatists give justification to how your treating the English in Quebec. I'd love to hear it. You probably don't even realize that your acting like nazi's.

- It really pisses me off when people identify themsleves as 'French Canadian' 'Chinese Canadian...etc etc.....You are either 'Canadian' or you're not. If you are so fond of calling yourself by these titles, then do me a favour and go back to that country!!!
And about Quebec wanting to separate from Canada.....I love Canada, but we need to grow some balls. If Quebec tries this Separation BS again, send in the damn military and set them straight once and for all.

- I'm so amused by the ignorance showcased in the previous comments. I guess a lot of posters here forget that French is one of the TWO OFFICIAL LANGUAGES of this country, and the mother-tongue of 7 million+ Canadians in Quebec alone (no matter their political affiliation). The lack of French language/culture during the ceremony wasn't just an affront to people in Quebec, or to all French speakers, but to ALL CANADIANS period.
But of course, the English Canadians don't see it that way. Instead we hear about disgruntled trolls who whine about how Quebec is "ramming French down their throats." I'm amused at how horrified they are of hearing even a little French... how reactionary they get when they are exposed to any element of the French culture. They complain that people from Quebec are unpatriotic during the Olympics, and they are the same people who insist on having opening ceremonies in English only, without a hint of the French heritage that is part of this nation's history.
Sorry English Canada, you can't blame this one on the eee-vil separatists. They weren't the ones who put on the show -- you did. And you can't claim to embrace the French culture and the people of Quebec on one hand, only to turn around and tell them to shut up (or "speak white"), and then put on a show in front of the whole world that denies our history and existence.
You take shots at the person who wrote this article for encouraging separatist fervor? Why don't you all take a good look in the mirror instead? Your comments, your attitudes and those of the organizers of the Vancouver Olympics are the true culprits. Fact is the rest of Canada can't be bothered to acknowledge French speakers and the French culture. If English Canadians won't even deign to represent them in any way, why exactly is Quebec expected to show any allegiance to Canada?
The posts that are here only serve to reveal the intolerant nature and pro-English bias of the rest of Canada. It's always been about telling the Frenchies to "shut their yap." Would any of you show allegiance to a country that denies your existence? That is embarrassed to even mention your culture and traditions?
No, I didn't think so.

The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

- by Elizabeth Woodworth - 2010-02-15

1. In the past year, in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired examinations of the issue, which were all – with the exception of the National Geographic special – reasonably objective, examining the issue as a legitimate scientific controversy worthy of debate (not as "conspiracy theorists" vs. science and common sense).

2. Eight countries – Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Russia – have allowed their publicly-owned broadcasting stations to air the full spectrum of evidence challenging the truth of the official account of 9/11.

4. These developments definitely reflect, in any case, the fact that scientists in the 9/11 Truth Movement have recently succeeded in getting papers, such as the nano-thermite paper, published in peer-reviewed journals.

5. These developments surely also reflect the general professionalism of the 9/11 Truth Movement, as exemplified by the emergence of not only Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth but also Firefighters, Intelligence Officers, Lawyers, Medical Professionals, Pilots, Political Leaders, Religious Leaders, Scholars, and Veterans for 9/11 Truth.

Le problème de la fluoration de l’eau au Québec

Cette semaine, j’ai décidé de laisser la plume à David Veilleux et les différentes organisations et groupes d’action qui font un excellent travail d’information envers le public, concernant les dangers et l’inutilité de la fluoration de l’eau et de la présence du fluor industriel partout dans la chaine alimentaire ainsi que dans l’environnement. Vous y trouverez une mine d’information de haute qualité et de sources à explorer.

Le fluorure est cancérigène, mutagène et génotoxique. Le mythe des bienfaits de la fluoration de l’eau et des soins dentaires s’effondre littéralement grâce à l’apport incontournable d’un nombre grandissant de scientifiques et d’experts en la matière.

François Marginean

Fluoration de l'eau à Saguenay
Dans une entrevue, le Maire Tremblay critique une journaliste qui pose des questions sur la fluoration. Ici, M. Tremblay confirme qu'il a demandé à la santé publique de lancer une campagne d'information pour convaincre les citoyens de Saguenay des 'avantages de la fluoration'. Cette campagne pourra ensuite être répétée ailleurs dans la province. Les défenseurs d'une eau saine (sans fluor) n'auront bien entendu pas l'occasion de s'exprimer. Il accuse la journaliste de mal faire son travail et d'être entièrement négative. Une chose est sûre, le Maire Tremblay boit à grandes gorgées d'eau fluorée TOUTES les affirmations de la DSP et ce, sans aucune pensée critique. M. Tremblay, qui dit avoir suivi un cours sur la fluoration donné par la DSP, est convaincu à 950% des bienfaits de la fluoration, et il affirme le faire pour le bien-être des citoyens.

Écoutez l'extrait audio:

Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"

- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-02-12

Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy Nuclear Powers?

According to a recent report, former NATO Secretary-General George Robertson confirmed that Turkey possesses 40-90 "Made in America" nuclear weapons at the Incirlik military base.(en.trend.az/)

The "Official" Nuclear Weapons States

Five countries, the US, UK, France, China and Russia are considered to be "nuclear weapons states" (NWS), "an internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)". Three other "Non NPT countries" (i.e. non-signatory states of the NPT) including India, Pakistan and North Korea, have recognized possessing nuclear weapons.

Israel: "Undeclared Nuclear State"

Israel is identified as an "undeclared nuclear state". It produces and deploys nuclear warheads directed against military and civilian targets in the Middle East including Tehran.


There has been much hype, supported by scanty evidence, that Iran might at some future date become a nuclear weapons state. And, therefore, a pre-emptive defensive nuclear attack on Iran to annihilate its non-existent nuclear weapons program should be seriously contemplated "to make the World a safer place". The mainstream media abounds with makeshift opinion on the Iran nuclear threat.

But what about the five European "undeclared nuclear states" including Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands and Italy. Do they constitute a threat?

Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"

While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called "non-nuclear states", including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

Click to See Details and Map of Nuclear Facilities located in 5 European "Non-Nuclear States"

The stockpiled weapons are B61 thermonuclear bombs. All the weapons are gravity bombs of the B61-3, -4, and -10 types.2 .

Those estimates were based on private and public statements by a number of government sources and assumptions about the weapon storage capacity at each base

.(National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

Germany: Nuclear Weapons Producer

Among the five "undeclared nuclear states", "Germany remains the most heavily nuclearized country with three nuclear bases (two of which are fully operational) and may store as many as 150 [B61 bunker buster ] bombs" (Ibid). In accordance with "NATO strike plans" (mentioned above) these tactical nuclear weapons are also targeted at the Middle East.

While Germany is not categorized officially as a nuclear power, it produces nuclear warheads for the French Navy. It stockpiles nuclear warheads (made in America) and it has the capabilities of delivering nuclear weapons. Moreover, The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company - EADS , a Franco-German-Spanish joint venture, controlled by Deutsche Aerospace and the powerful Daimler Group is Europe's second largest military producer, supplying .France's M51 nuclear missile.

Germany imports and deploys nuclear weapons from the US. It also produces nuclear warheads which are exported to France. Yet it is classified as a non-nuclear state.

Rival automakers expect to gain from Toyota's pain

Webmaster's Commentary:

And therein lies the motive for the non-stop saturation coverage of the Toyota Recall over the gas pedal (actually made in the USA).

Seriously, have you ever seen such media saturation given to a recall for an AMERICAN car?

Remember when NBC rigged a GM truck with explosives to "prove" the side mounted gas tanks were unsafe?

Tritium hot zone expands


Published: February 9, 2010



VERNON — The Department of Health said late Monday there appears to be "a very large area" at the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor contaminated with radioactive tritium, and contamination levels continue to rise.

Because the area is so big, according to William Irwin, radiological health chief, there are many potential sources of radioactive water at this particularly high concentration of tritium.

"This is a very large area that encompasses many potential sources of water at this concentration of tritium, including the condensate storage tank and the systems and components of the advanced off-gas system," Irwin said late Monday afternoon.

He said the area of contamination was roughly from the reactor building to the Connecticut River.

Robert Williams, spokesman for Entergy Nuclear said Monday the new well with the highest level of contamination saw its concentration drop a little on Sunday to 2.38 million picocuries per liter, but went higher on Monday, to 2.52 million picocuries per liter of water. The federal standard for drinking water is 20,000 picocuries per liter.

Vermont's Radioactive Nightmare

Like a decayed flotilla of rickety steamers, at least 27 of America's 104 aging atomic reactors are known to be leaking radioactive tritium, which is linked to cancer if inhaled or ingested through the throat or skin.

The fallout has been fiercest at Vermont Yankee, where a flood of cover-ups has infuriated and terrified near neighbors who say the reactor was never meant to operate more than 30 years, and must now shut.

In 2007 one of Yankee's 22 cooling towers simply collapsed due to rot.

Now the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has confirmed tritium levels in a monitoring well at Vernon to be 3.5 times the federal safety standard. The leaks apparently came from underground pipes whose very existence was recently denied by VY officials in under-oath testimony at a public hearing. Vermont's pro-nuclear Republican Governor Jim Douglas has termed the event "a breach of trust that cannot be tolerated."

Sarközy a “invité à expérimenter sans délai le filtrage des sites sur Internet”.

Nicolas Sarkozy attaque Google de front

Le président demande à Bercy d'étudier une taxe sur les grandes sociétés américaines de l'Internet.

Sans citer nommément le moteur de recherche, Nicolas Sarkozy s'est livré à un réquisitoire sans merci à l'encontre de Google en France. Le président de la République, qui s'exprimait jeudi soir dans le cadre des vœux au monde de la Culture, a appuyé la proposition faite la veille par la commission "Création et Internet" d'imposer une taxe sur les géants du Net. Taxe qui vise principalement le moteur de recherche, qui jouit d'une position prépondérante dans la publicité en ligne. "J'invite Christine Lagarde à lancer au plus vite une expertise pour appréhender fiscalement les activités publicitaires des grands acteurs de l'Internet présents en France", a déclaré le président de la République.

Pas de cadeau

"Ces entreprises sont taxées dans le pays siège alors qu'elles ponctionnent une part importante de notre marché publicitaire, s'est inquiété le président, visant le moteur de recherche de manière à peine voilée. Cette fuite en matière fiscale est particulièrement dommageable et altère le jeu de la concurrence. On n'a aucun cadeau à leur faire. Je n'ai rien contre mais les mêmes règles doivent s'appliquer à chacun. Que dirait-on si une entreprise se comportait comme cela aux États-Unis ?" Le président a invité l'Autorité de la concurrence à examiner le marché de la publicité en ligne en France.

Parmi les 22 mesures du rapport, Nicolas Sarkozy s'est déclaré favorable à la mise en place d'un système de gestion collective des droits, qui permettrait aux sites de musique en ligne comme Deezer, de verser des droits aux producteurs en fonction d'un barème unique. " Je sais que cette mesure ne fera pas plaisir aux producteurs mais il faut que chacun fasse un effort », a-t-il déclaré. Autre mesure retenue, le principe du prix unique du livre sur le numérique, qui consiste pour l'éditeur à fixer lui-même le prix d'un livre. Il est également favorable à une TVA réduite et « invite la Commission européenne à [...] autoriser les États à appliquer une TVA réduite sur les produits culturels". Il a proposé un portail de référencement de la vidéo à la demande et a "invité à expérimenter sans délai le filtrage des sites sur Internet".

Sandrine Cassini et Jamal Henni

Obama Poised to Use Executive Power to Muscle Through Domestic Agenda

Faced with a resurgent GOP and a largely stalled legislative agenda, President Obama is planning to use his executive powers to forge ahead with his domestic initiatives, including on energy, the environment and the economy, The New York Times reported.

"We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the newspaper.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Anyone care to show me where in the Constitution the President is allowed to bypass the Congress and the Supreme Court by executive fiat?

Dennis Kucinich declares emperor has no clothes: US government assassinations of citizens unlawful


Congressman Dennis Kucinich has used the opening of US admission of extrajudicial assassinations to request US Attorney General Eric Holder take two commendable and necessary steps:

1.Declare the acts as obviously unconstitutional (in text to explain their legal status).
2.Request disclosure of all information of Blackwater/Xe and any other company’s involvement in extrajudicial assassinations.

Mr. Kucinich summarizes the tyrannical and Orwellian assassination program:

The government becomes policeman, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner all in one. The suspension of basic constitutional protections for U.S. citizens puts in jeopardy our Constitution and rule of law.

Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv: The Psychology of Tyranny

Part 1: http://eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=9976
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Gerald Celente & Jeff Rense - "The Definition of the Mass Murderer"

Part 1: http://eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=10079
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity – be very afraid


Without the internet, the completely fictitious global warming “consensus” would still be unchallenged, state power massively enlarged, $54 trillion of Western taxpayers’ money flooding into the coffers of carbon companies and people’s lives made miserable by totalitarian restrictions imposed to counter a non-existent threat. I forecast that the right to anonymity on the internet will become one of the most fiercely contested issues over the coming decade. Be very afraid…

Surveillance Drones To Zap Protesters Into Submission

Illustrating once again that the prison planet being built around us far outstrips anything Aldous Huxley or George Orwell ever imagined, a Wired News report details how police forces worldwide are preparing to unveil drone aircraft that can not only conduct surveillance of protesters, but also zap them into submission with non-lethal weapons.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, it looks like an improvised bolo, or even just a small piece of chain thrown into the rotors, will take that thing right out of the air.

Imagine how it would look on a walnut plaque over the fireplace!

Drone makes first UK 'arrest' as police catch car thief hiding under bushes


It has been nicknamed the flying saucepan and looks an unlikely weapon in the war against crime.But yesterday it emerged that a suspected car thief had become the first person to be arrested in Britain thanks to the help of this miniature remote-controlled helicopter.


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Video: International Bankers Finance Both Sides in War

"They were terribly cynical people who felt that the war would end as all wars do and they would go back to business as usual."

It is ironic that the video below - "Banking with Hitler" - begins with a mechanism for the payment of reparations by Germany to the victors of the "War To End All Wars" - the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Somehow this international banking mechanism became the enabler for the next worldwide bloodbath - World War 2. I suspect the same is occuring today.


Former Uruguayan dictator sentenced to 30 years

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay -- Former dictator Juan Maria Bordaberry was sentenced to 30 years in prison for violating the constitution when he led a 1973 coup that began 12 years of dictatorship in Uruguay, the prosecutor said Wednesday.

The 81-year-old Bordaberry is the second former Uruguayan dictator sentenced to a long prison term in the past four months, as the South American nation grapples with the 1973-85 dictatorship and its legacy of disappearances, torture and the exile of thousands of dissidents. In late October, ex-strongman Gregorio Alvarez was sentenced to 25 years.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Bush, Blair, and Obama take note.

Angry U.S. warns there will be a price for Britain to pay after judges reveal MI5 DID collude in abuse of terror suspects

The U.S. has warned its relationship with Britain has been harmed by the court ruling that revealed Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed was tortured at the behest of American authorities.

The White House expressed dismay after the Government lost its bid to suppress the documents which showed MI5 knew about the treatment of Mohamed.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Notice that it is not the use of torture per sewhich bothers the US government; it is the revelation of the use of torture which rankles the US government.

Welcome to Ameristan, where torture of prisoners of war has become an institutionalized, accepted procedure.

Detroit schools offer class in how to work at Walmart

Four inner-city Detroit high schools have decided that employment with Walmart is an opportunity worth training their students to pursue. The schools have teamed up with the giant merchandiser to offer a for-credit class in job-readiness training that also includes entry-level after-school jobs.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I thought this headline was a joke until I actually read the article.

So this is what passes for education in Detroit?!? That kids can work a register, make change, and stock shelves?!?

The entire Board of Education should be sacked for this.

Anyone remember the great film with Edward James Olmos, "Stand and Deliver", where the teacher he portrayed (based on a true story) got kids who "weren't supposed to go anywhere" in their lives excited about math??

Kids live up - or down - the expectation of their parents and teachers.

That these kids' life expectations should be about being "good little clerks", rather than critical thinkers who have the capacity to move forward, and make something better of themselves, is a complete insult to their intelligence.

US State Dept: Covert US intelligence agency put “Christmas/Underwear bomber” on plane

*hyperlinks and video live at source*

US Department of State Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy testified before the House Homeland Security Committee that an unnamed US intelligence agency deliberately put the Christmas/Underwear bomber on his plane, despite now confirmed knowledge that US intelligence also knew that a person with his name was planning an act of terror on that very day.

Webster Tarpley provides the concise and explosive summary in the following 4-minute television interview.




Climategate may well prove to be the final fight in the war between those who would rule us with lies and those who wish to live with truth. Climategate makes it clear that yes, there really are massive conspiracies between government and the media to mislead the general public. You cannot pretend they don't exist; one is right there before you staked out naked on the ground, exposed for all to marvel at! I leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide how many other such deceptions form what we think we know of the world and of history.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Take a pan of water and heat it until ice forms, then get back to me.

Please post this article/link any and everywhere you see this "warm creates cold" nonsense being propagandized.

Rare snowflakes start falling from Miss. to Fla.

Flakes were falling—or threatened—Friday from Texas to the Florida Panhandle and then up along the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, bringing a rare white landscape to spots that haven't seen snow in a decade or longer.

Big Snowstorm Wallops South into Early Saturday

Webmaster's Commentary:

It's snowing in places that don't own snowplows!

Florida Snow Could Mean Snow in All 50 States at Once

There could be snow on the ground in all 50 states simultaneously by the end of the week in what would be a weather oddity.

KOTV reports Patrick Marsh, a student employee at the NOAA's National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma, is currently trying to collect photos of snow on the ground in all 50 states.

Marsh says Florida is the only state without snow on the ground at this point, but he said two to four inches of snow is forecast today in some parts of the state.

There is currently even snow on some of the mountain tops in Hawaii.

NOAA’s new website climate.gov – a first day sin of omission

The sea ice data, cited from NSIDC, stops in 2007. 2008 and 2009 sea ice data and imagery, available to even the simplest of curiosity seekers at the publicly available NSIDC or even Cryosphere Today websites, is not included in the graphic. Mr. Scott chooses the historical satellite record minimum of 2007 as the endpoint for comparison. This leaves a reader who is “not in the know”, with the false impression that sea ice has not recovered in any way.

Sometimes I wonder if these government types have any idea of just how blazingly stupid they look when they lecture skeptics, but purposely dig their own obvious data omission hole in the same article.

Here’s the 2008 and 2009 imagery. It took me all of about a minute of work to find it.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The government and media are out to prove (to themselves if not to you) that they can still rule by deception. Before it even got out of Beta testing, the government's new climate website has already been caught using selective data to sell the claim of global warming in the middle of a record setting cold winter.

"If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again." -- Motto of the US Government

"Ignorance is strength."

"Freedom is slavery."

"War is peace."

"Warming is freezing."

Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change - TIME


There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common, even as the world continues to warm.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Well, I warned you the cult was not going to give up their dreams of endless carbon taxes and global government without a fight.

My comment to TIME magazine...

TIME has sunk to a new low. This nonsense about how a warmer climate creates cold weather isn't science, it is science fiction, a plot device stolen from the film "The Day After Tomorrow", the same film that Al Gore stole computer-generated scenes of cracking arctic ice for his so-called documentary, "Inconvenient Truth."

Like the experts on Epicycles who panicked when Galileo proved them all wrong, every climatologist and meteorologist who signed onto the global warming bandwagon is scrambling to save their grant money and jobs as the record winter takes its toll on the nation. The very same meteorologists you cite as expert sources are the same ones who, typified by the British Meteorology Office, predicted a MILD winter this year.

Face it, they blew the call, royally, and if they missed this winter by that much, then their forecasts for a few degrees increase in temperature 100 years from now are suspect.

Might I remind you that back in the 1970s TIME and your rival NEWSWEEK were warning of an impending ice age being promised by these same climate "experts"!

(And they wonder why their readership is in decline).

UPDATE: I just looked in on the comments section of the TIME article and am very pleased to see that hundreds of people are reaming TIME a new one on this story. This may be a watershed moment when the corporate media finally wakes up the fact that they have lost the ability to bamboozle the American people and they are not likely to get it back any time soon. Trust arrives on foot but departs on horseback!

Climategate is not just about swindling the people out of carbon taxes and into accepting the yoke of a global dictatorship. Climategate is morphing into the last desperate battle to preserve and perpetuate an outmoded and obsolete form of governance in which rulers lie to their populations to manufacture consent for policies.

The tragedy is that the global governance fanatics have set the stage for national sovereignty to be destroyed as a prelude to the new global government, yet have crafted a form of government based on that very same obsolete methodology of lies and deceptions, including the swine flu hoax and Climategate itself. A government created through lies can never allow freedom of speech, will probably oppose a free and open internet, indeed will never allow a vote on whether people wish to be a part of the global government or not.

In short the global government being created is one most sane people will reject, even as their nation states collapse around their ears.

In trying but failing to create a New World Order, these self-appointed shapers of the world might just have steered us into a new Dark Age.

Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop

Time Magazine sported its Statist regalia earlier today with a truly funny article entitled "Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change".

After the laughter subsided, visitors to its website noticed that the headline had changed to "Another Blizzard: What Happened to Global Warming?.

Time Magazine sported its Statist regalia earlier today with a truly funny article entitled "Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change".

After the laughter subsided, visitors to its website noticed that the headline had changed to "
Another Blizzard: What Happened to Global Warming?.

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995


Data for vital 'hockey stick graph' has gone missing

There has been no global warming since 1995

Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes

Belief in climate change plunges

Recent polls suggest the public in the UK and US are becoming increasingly sceptical about climate change.

The UK poll, commissioned by BBC News and conducted in early February, shows a marked increase in climate change scepticism compared to just a few months ago, possibly a result of recent press reports alleging scientists manipulated research data to strengthen the case for global warming.

[Pic] The temperature of the Earth over time

Climate change sceptics 'playing Russian roulette with planet'


Critics of the science behind man-made global warming theories are playing "Russian roulette with the planet", the new head of the controversial unit at the centre of the "climategate" storm has warned.

Prof Peter Liss, acting director of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU), said sceptics were endangering the lives of generations to come by making unsupported claims.

"The evidence is hugely for there being substantial climate change due to man's activities and if you want to argue against that case you have to produce some evidence."

When all else fails use scare tactics.

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Climate change deniers are ‘unpatriotic’

"There‘s more energy in the atmosphere, and this is stirring things up," Nye continued. "If you want to get serious about it, these guys claiming that the snow in Washington disproves climate change are almost unpatriotic. It's really, they're denying science."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama is desperate for his carbon-tax and may use his executive powers to declare one.

This is why FOX News, TIME the New York Times, etc. et. al. are hammering on this ludicrous idea that global warming creates colder weather.

Yes, a warmer planet creates more energetic weather, which is WARMER. Therefore, a warmer world will produce more RAIN, not snow (this its the mechanism behind Monsoons). Snow, especially snow on all 50 states, tells us there is LESS energy available to the weather system. Remember that colder air holds LESS water, and coupled with the cooler temperatures, produces (you guessed it) snow.

That Nye has to rely on "patriotism" to sell his snake oil is the clue he knows he is full of bovine excrement. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel according to Samuel Johnson. When the TV starts waving the flag to sell you what is supposed to be science, it is no longer science; it is propaganda. Even Democracy Now was peddling this crap yesterday according to reader emails!

What YOU all need to so (and did admirably at the New York Times and TIME magazine's websites) is to pile into the comments section at any and every media website trying to peddle this nonsense and razz them a good one.


Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows: David Reilly
January 29, 2010, Bloomberg News

The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all. Wednesday’s hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials. We’re talking about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose role as the most influential part of the federal-reserve system -- apart from the matter of AIG’s bailout -- deserves further congressional scrutiny. The New York Fed is in the hot seat for its decision in November 2008 to buy out, for about $30 billion, insurance contracts AIG sold on toxic debt securities to banks. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was head of the New York Fed at the time of the AIG moves. The hearing revealed some of the inner workings of the New York Fed and the outsized role it plays in banking. This insight is especially valuable given that the New York Fed is a quasi-governmental institution that isn’t subject to citizen intrusions such as freedom of information requests, unlike the Federal Reserve. This impenetrability comes in handy since the bank is the preferred vehicle for many of the Fed’s bailout programs. It’s as though the New York Fed was a black-ops outfit for the nation’s central bank.

Note: For lots more from reliable sources on the secret deliberations by the highest levels of government and private elites in their attempts to bail out the biggest financial corporations, click here.

Video: Rep. Lynch rips into Geithner over NY Federal Reserve - AIG / Goldman Sachs Scandal

Congressman Steven Lynch rips into Tiny Tim and calls his hand by saying you are working hard for Goldman Sachs and not for the American People or should I say suckers!!!!

Video: Rep. Kaptur Drills Sec. Geithner over NY Federal Reserve - AIG / Goldman Sachs Scandal

Geithner Recuse himself NY Fed
Dan Jester, the man hand-picked by Paulson to be Treasurys point person on AIG, also worked at Goldman Sachs.
Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio grilling Geithner

See Who Was Paid Off In The AIG Bailout

Goldman Sachs alone, for instance, got $14 billion in government money for assets worth $6 billion at the time -- a de facto $8 billion subsidy, courtesy of taxpayers.

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows

The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all.

Wednesday’s hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials.

AIG Hearing: It Wasnt My Job, Paulson Says

Henry Paulson VS Stearns - The GOLDMAN SACHS - AIG Coverup

Geithner Told To Quit After E Mails Reveal Involvement In AIG Cover-up

Geithner told lawmakers today that he had no involvement in withholding information about the bailout of AIG, much to the chagrin of House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa, who wasn’t buying it for a second.

“He has asserted complete ignorance of the Fed’s efforts to cover up the bailout details,” said Issa, R-Calif. “Many Americans, including members of this Committee, have a hard time believing that Secretary Geithner entered an absolute cone of silence on the day that his nomination was announced.”

John Mica of Florida went further, calling for Geithner to quit as a result of the scandal.

Paulson Says Russia Urged China to Dump Fannie, Freddie Bonds

Russia urged China to dump its Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds in 2008 in a bid to force a bailout of the largest U.S. mortgage-finance companies, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said.

Paulson learned of the “disruptive scheme” while attending the Beijing Summer Olympics, according to his memoir, “On The Brink.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Notice a crescendo of Russia and China-bashing here in the US, in order to deflect Americans' anger away from what our own government has done to destroy this economy.

Obama Signs Bill Lifting Federal Debt Limit to $14.3 Trillion

President Obama has signed legislation lifting the cap on government borrowing to $14.3 trillion.

The new law also puts in place new budget rules to curb growing annual deficits. Known as "paygo" -- for "pay as you go" -- the rules require future spending increases or tax cuts to be paid for with tax increases or other spending cuts.

Game Over for the American Middle Class – Inflation Adjusted Wages up 20 Percent in Last 20 Years While Housing Costs are up 56 Percent and Healthcare Costs are up 155 Percent.

Now you wouldn’t think that there is a definite war raging against the middle class if you simply follow the mainstream media but the facts speak to a more distilled and corporatized method of debt slavery.



Enquête primée par « Projet Censuré »
Plus d’un million d’Irakiens tués sous l’occupation US

Nous reproduisons ici la première des 25 enquêtes primées par « Projet Censuré » en 2009. Il s’agit du travail de Michael Schwartz, que nous avions diffusé en 2007, et que Joshua Holland, Luke Baker, Maki al-Nazzal et Dahr Jamail ont poursuivi. Plusieurs sources officielles permettent de valider les études des sondeurs d’ORB et des démographes du « Lancet » et d’établir que l’invasion anglo-saxonne et l’occupation de l’Irak ont causé la mort de plus d’un million de civils. Cette information, qui a été relayée par les médias dans les Etats dont les gouvernement s’opposaient à la guerre, a été ignorée par les médias des Etats soutenant l’opération anglo-saxonne. Une fois de plus, il apparaît que les consortium médiatiques s’alignent sur les intérêts dominants du pays où ils se trouvent.


Plus de 1,2 million d’Irakiens ont succombé à une mort violente depuis l’invasion du pays en 2003, d’après une étude du prestigieux institut britannique de sondage Opinion Research Business (ORB). Ces chiffres suggèrent que les décès provoquées par l’invasion et l’occupation de l’Irak rivalisent en nombre avec les massacres massifs du XXe siècle —le nombre de personnes tuées en Irak dépasse les 800 000 à 900 000 victimes du génocide du Rwanda, en 1994, et se rapproche d’ores déjà du chiffre de 1,7 million de disparus dans les tristement célèbres « camps de la mort » des Khmers rouges, dans les années 70 du siècle dernier—.

A Bounty for Blair’s Arrest

The only question that counts is the one that the Chilcot inquiry won’t address: was the war with Iraq illegal? If the answer is yes, everything changes. The war is no longer a political matter, but a criminal one, and those who commissioned it should be committed for trial for what the Nuremberg Tribunal called “the supreme international crime”(1): the crime of aggression.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Everybody who supported the Iraq war is a war criminal.

Blair Defends Iraq War: Tells Inquiry That Sending A Message Was 'Primary Consideration'

An unrepentant Tony Blair defended his decision to join the United States in attacking Iraq, arguing Friday before a panel investigating the war that the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks made the threat of weapons of mass destruction impossible to ignore.

The former British Prime Minister said that before Sept. 11 he thought "Saddam was a menace, that he was a threat, he was a monster, but we would have to try and make best."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Tony Blair:

1. Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

2. 9/11 was an inside job.

3. Apparently the millions of Iraqis killed, maimed, or who fled as refugees as a result of this war are of no consequence. Sociopaths like you (Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, et al), have utterly no conscience.

4. The oil, however, was of great consequence to you and Washington. The first buildings to be protected and guarded during the invasion of Iraq were the oil ministries.

In short, Tony Blair, you have a massive amount of blood on your hands.

History will judge you through the dark and harsh lens of the truth.

UK lawyer: Iraq war was illegal

The 2003 invasion of Iraq was illegal, a former senior legal adviser to Britain's foreign ministry at the time of the conflict has told a public inquiry.

Michael Wood said on Tuesday that the use of force against Iraq was "contrary to international law" because it had not been authorised by the UN Security Council.


USA accidentally admits that Iran has no nuclear weapons program

The White House on Thursday said Iran's declaration of producing first stock of enriched uranium for a research reactor was based "on politics", and "not on physics."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Iran had produced the first stock of 20 percent enriched uranium at the Natanz enrichment facility.

But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs cast doubt on Ahmadinejad's announcement.

"The Iranian nuclear program has undergone a series of problems throughout the year," Gibbs said. "We do not believe they have the capability to enrich to the degree to which they now say they are enriching."

After potential suppliers failed to provide fuel for Tehran's research reactor, which produces medical isotopes for cancer patients, Iran announced Tuesday it had started enriching uranium to the level of less than 20 percent.

The announcement prompted President Barack Obama to threaten Iran with “significant regime of sanctions.”


submitted by Iranian Shi'ite

quote from article:

"We do not believe they have the capability to enrich to the degree to which they now say they are enriching."


If Iran does not have the ability to enrich uranium to 20%, then how in the world does Iran have the ability to enrich uranium to the 98% required for weapons?

From one side of its mouth the USA says that Iran is building weapons (98% enrichment), but from the other side of its mouth the USA is stating that Iran can not enrich to 20% ! ! !

Webmaster's Commentary:

The White House clearly wants to downplay the fact that Iran is now able to make their own medical isotopes without requiring the assistance of the western nations.

But, and hereby proving that the people at the White House are clueless about nuclear physics, if Iran cannot enrich to 20% for medical isotopes then they are a long way off from the 95% to 98% required for a nuclear weapon!

Can't have it both ways, guys.

What Israel gets away with

Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: ISRAEL

Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
Answer: ISRAEL

Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
Answer: ISRAEL

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Answer: ISRAEL

Iran Accuses Obama of Double Standards on Nuclear Power

Iran is accusing U.S. President Barack Obama of double standards for supporting the building of nuclear power plants in the United States while threatening Tehran for pursuing a similar goal.

Iran's state-run IRNA news agency made the comment in response to Mr. Obama's State of the Union address to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday.

In that speech, Mr. Obama urged lawmakers to support the construction of a new generation of safe and clean nuclear power plants. He also repeated U.S. accusations that Iran is using its nuclear program to pursue atomic weapons in violation of international agreements.

Webmaster's Commentary:

OK, for the zillionth time, already:

1. Iran is playing completely by the rules as a signatory to the NNPT.

2. All IAEA inspections have indicated that there is no fissionable material missing, nor has there been any enrichment over and above that necessary to fuel a power plant.

3. ISRAEL, on the other hand, does have nukes, as validated by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and former US President, Jimmy Carter.

4. Israel refuses to sign the NNPT.

5. Consequently, Israel will not allow any inspections of its nuclear cache.


Clinton warns China to stay the course on Iran nuclear sanctions

Reporting from Paris - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned China on Friday that it faced international pressure and increasing isolation unless it joined other world powers in sanctioning Iran to try to halt Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

The admonishment from Clinton came on the same day the Pentagon announced more than $6 billion in arms sales to Taiwan, a move certain to infuriate Beijing and add a new complication to the U.S.-Chinese relationship.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Secretary Clinton either has to be barking mad, to make such a demand, or the US has made the decision that a world war is inevitable, possibly because of the following potential economic scenario.

As reported on 17 January, 2010 in:


"The move to reduce the use of U.S. dollars in trade has been a two-part process. While China has engaged in a long series of bilateral trade agreements to boost its share of global trade, it has simultaneously inked numerous "currency swaps", supplying its trade partners with renminbi to use in their future trading - and permanently excluding the U.S. dollar from those bilateral relationships./nielson011710.html

"Indeed, inept Western analysts point to the large hoard of U.S. dollars still in China's possession, and conclude (erroneously) that the Chinese government is still increasing its holdings of U.S. IOU's through "buying" its debt. In fact, such accumulation has almost stopped."

China is willing to take whatever "hit" that it must on the U.S. dollars which it is holding (through currency swaps), because it is effectively "sterilizing" global trade from the cancerous effect of the biggest flood of greenbacks in history (and the horrific inflation they would cause). Instead of these depreciating dollars being used again and again, in that back-and-forth flow of trade, those dollars have been removed from global markets - and replaced with renminbi."

Review: Iran never halted nuke work in '03

U.S. intelligence agencies now suspect that Iran never halted work on its nuclear arms program in 2003, as stated in a national intelligence estimate made public three years ago, U.S. officials said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I'm sure we all recognize who is behind this "new, corrected" report, it's obviously not the U.S., but some foreign influence that constantly hammers this report, comes up with updated reports saying Iran's bomb is close and
either the U.S. or it will attack Iran. When the 2007 report came out
Bush, Cheney, and the NeoConservatives attacked the report as inaccurate and biased. Now that the report changed the National Intel Council is correct in its assessment and praised for its work.

This report was made possible after AIPAC, Sen Charles Schumer, and Rahm Emmanuel made sure that Amb. Chas Freeman resigned from his nomination as Director of National Intel Council. Amb. Freeman was against Israel's push to invade Iraq and bomb Iran and expressed his disapproval of Israel's policies against the Palestinians.

In his resignation letter Amb Freeman wrote:

""The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view other than its own from being aired, still less to factor in American understanding of trends and events in the Middle East. The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth. The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our government other than those that it favors.""

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