L'Autre Monde 30 juillet 2009: Économie mafieuse et fausses reprises économiques & Obama le marchant de mensonges

L'Autre Monde 30 juillet 2009: Économie mafieuse et fausses reprises économiques & Obama le marchant de mensonges
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L'Autre Monde 30 juillet 2009
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Émissions du 30 juillet 2009:
- Tour de l'actualité mondiale, Obama le vendeur de rêves brisés, les tasers sont maintenant utilisés par la police contre des animaux domestiques et des déficients mentals, le CFR gère le gouvernement selon Clinton, Guantanamo qui refuse les inspecteurs de l'ONU, évidences que les USA torturent des enfants dans ses prisons au Moyen-Orient, la censure d'Internet par différents gouvernements et plus!
- Moyen-Orient: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Palestine et Israël - les guerres impériales sont sur le point de s'amplifier avec Obama et Netanyahu.
- Économie: Nous décortiquons les annonces de reprises économique qui ne collent pas avec la réalité, nous parlons des banques centrales aux mains des banquiers privés qui ont créé de toutes pièces le crsie économique avec ce système monétaire basé sur la dette et le système fractionnaire bancaire et aussi pourquoi notre économie ne peut récupérer tant qu'il n'y aura pas de création d'emplois.
Soyez au rendez-vous les jeudis à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Les deux articles à consulter sur Les 7 du Québec:
C’est la fin de la récession (!?!) ;-)
Ceux qui ont dénié jusqu’en septembre 2008 que nous étions en récession et qui disaient ne pas l’avoir vu venir, nous assurent maintenant que la récession touche à sa fin. Alors ne paniquez pas, vous pouvez maintenant respirer, recommencer à aller magasiner et dépenser de l’argent que vous n’avez pas. Endettez-vous, nom de Dieu. Soyez [...]
Internet – Un champ de bataille
Il devient de plus en plus évident que l’Internet est en passe de se transformer en un véritable champs de bataille. Un espace virtuel, mais une guerre réelle. La blogosphère dérange, les échanges d’idées et d’information s’effectuent en temps réel, dépassant le filtre des médias traditionnels. C’est une guerre de l’information.
Les exemples sont nombreux, mais [...]
Conférence : Docteur Andrew Moulden à Montréal le 12 septembre 2009
Mobilisation au Québec contre la campagne de vaccination
Mondialisation.ca, Le 16 juillet 2009
Conscience du Peuple
J'informe ici les réseaux d'information alternative question de voir une mobilisation au Québec contre la campagne de vaccination, prévue à l'automne, qui a été annoncée par les autorités du pays.
Les troubles neurologiques irréversibles causés par les vaccins sont aujourd'hui prouvés scientifiquement et décriés par de plus en plus de médecins, de spécialistes, de scientifiques, d'organisations de toutes sortes. Des vedettes hollywoodiennes se font aussi les portes-voix de cette gigantesque imposture (Jim Carrey et sa femme Jenny McCartey).
Le Docteur Andrew Moulden, médecin canadien, est l'un des plus courageux actuellement puisqu'il se positionne contre la vaccination avec des arguments scientifiques. Vous pouvez écouter le documentaire produit par ce médecin spécialiste en trois parties:
Le 12 septembre prochain, à Montréal, aura lieu un évènement qui a pour but de créer une mobilisation collective et une action citoyenne pour dénoncer les ambitions financières, machiavéliques, des compagnies pharmaceutiques, en collusion avec les gouvernements nationaux, au détriment de la santé des hommes, des femmes et des enfants.
Vous trouverez sur le site organisateur tous les invités qui seront présents ainsi que les détails inhérents à cette conférence. http://www.alliancelibertesante.com/conference_12sept09.html
Je vous invite à annoncer la tenue de cette conférence pour que tous les réseaux du Québec puissent s'unir, outre les différences de convictions, dans une action concertée.
Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer.
Isabelle webmaster@consciencedupeuple.com
© Droits d'auteurs , Conscience du Peuple,
L'adresse url de cet article est: www.mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14402
Police in Lakewood Ohio Tase a dog for barking
Un handicapé de 37 ans tasé parce qu'il occupait les toilettes
Par Arnaud Aubron | Rue89 |
Une nouvelle victime du Taser aux Etats-Unis. Vendredi, Antonio Love, un sourd, handicapé mental de 37 ans, occupait les toilettes d'un magasin de Mobile (Alabama) depuis un peu trop longtemps au goût de son propriétaire. Qui a appelé la police. La suite
Ala. police: Taser use on disabled man justified
Officers who used pepper spray and a Taser to remove a man from a store bathroom found out only later he was deaf and mentally disabled and didn't understand they wanted him to open the door, police said Tuesday.
A spokesman for the Mobile Police Department said the officers' actions were justified because the man was armed with a potential weapon — an umbrella.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Oh my GAWD; he has an UMBRELLA! RUN!! RUN!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!"
New Taser can shock three people at once
Manufacturers of the Taser stun gun on Monday unveiled a new handheld weapon on Monday which is capable of shocking three people without having to reload.
A December 2008 report from Amnesty International said 334 people had died after being shocked by Tasers between 2001 and August last year.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Watch the number of deaths and injuries from the use of this device by police skyrocket.
The use of these devices, coupled with the increasing militarism of
More Federal Police State “Stimulus”
The Obama administration has announced the distribution of $1 billion in grants to hire 5,000 “local” police nation-wide.
US, Israeli and British Air Forces in big war game over Nevada
DEBKAfile's military sources report that the Nevada exercise, which ends July 24, is not related to any Israeli plans for striking Iran's nuclear facilities except from affording its air crews valuable experience in flight and combat over broad spaces.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yeah, right.
Obama declining approval reflected in reduced website traffic
Although the White House has redesigned its website at a cost of $18 million, hoping to bring in more traffic, it has now declined to that of George W. Bush during the waning days of his presidency.
Webmaster's Commentary:
7 months on the job, and already down to the Bush Leagues!
Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government
"...but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future."
National Security Advisor James L. Jones admits that the CFR runs the Government
“Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft retire from government service years ago? Hmmmmm?
Clinton says 9/11 ringleaders are in Pakistan
U.S. officials "firmly believe" that al-Qaida leaders who planned and carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, are hiding in Pakistan near its border with Afghanistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Can we invade now? Can we? Huh? Can we? Huh?"
President Carter: Many Children Were Tortured Under Bush
President Jimmy Carter wrote that the Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Pentagon "have gathered substantial testimony of torture of children, confirmed by soldiers who witnessed or participated in the abuse." In "Our Endangered Values" Carter said that the Red Cross found after visiting six
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the "land of the free and the home of the brave" has been torturing......CHILDREN?!?!?!?
If that doesn't get you angry, and demonstrate, concretely, the moral depths to which this country has fallen, I'm sorry: you're just not alive. You may have the appearance of being alive, and going about your daily routine, but you cannot possibly count yourself a moral human being if you are not outraged by this.
There needs to be an investigation, starting at the rotting top of the head of this government, and everyone who signed off on any torture should be persecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law.
If this country is to ever regain any kind of moral reputation, both at home and abroad, it should be made clear by these investigations and subsequent prosecutions, that this country will never, ever use torture again, particularly against children, which is an absolute crime against humanity.
Cheney pressed Bush to test Constitutional limits by using military force on US soil
According to a story in Friday’s New York Times, Vice-President Cheney advocated in 2002 for the Bush administration to send military troops to
This would have violated both Fourth Amendment guarantees against search and seizure without probable cause and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which makes it illegal to use the military for law enforcement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
John Yoo will be remembered as a person who did not believe in upholding and defending the Constitution, but rather torturing the Constitution and Bill of Rights into whatever malleable formats his masters in the white house wanted.
He shall be remembered as one of the most amoral and reprehensible characters to have ever worked in the Justice department.
Obama task force backs indefinite detention without trial
On Monday, an Obama administration task force announced it would delay for six months release of a report that was to outline plans for the prosecution of inmates at its
Webmaster's Commentary:
Indefinite detention?!?
That's what we normally equate with third-world banana republics whose "rule of law" is continually observed in the breach of that law, and not the observation of it.
Indefinite detention is unconstitutional, and a moral outrage against the principals on which this country was founded, as stated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We cannot, as a country, talk about human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law if we cannot observe these values in the functioning of our government.
If these recommendations go forward, the
Senior Obama Official Backs Cheney and C.I.A., Says Concealment of Assassin Program Legal
Early moves, however, by the Obama administration indicate that it is backing Cheney and the C.I.A.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Ever have one of those recurring nightmares that you're screaming, but no one can hear you?
I'm having one of those right now, except I'm fully awake, and in absolute disbelief that the Obama administration would back Cheney and the CIA on this.
What we unfortunately appear to have, in the Obama administration, is simply a continuation of precisely the same policies we thought we were voting to get away from last November.
The only difference is, the "front man" pitching these policies appears infinitely more telegenic, and intelligent, than his predecessor.
And that's absolutely ZERO "change we can believe in"
Obama administration bars torture investigators from Guantánamo Bay
Adding to its six-month record of extending the Bush administration’s attacks on democratic rights, the Obama administration is now blocking efforts by human rights investigators from the United Nations to interview detainees at the
According to a report Thursday in the Washington Post, two UN human rights researchers, Martin Scheinin and Manfred Nowak, have sought to visit Guantánamo and been turned down. In a particularly cynical twist, US officials claimed that they were too busy implementing Obama’s much publicized order to close down Guantánamo by next January to answer questions about the ongoing abuse of prisoners still held in the facility.
U.S. Rebuffs U.N. Requests for Guantanamo Visits, Data on CIA Prisons
The Obama administration has declined requests from U.N. human rights investigators for information on secret prisons and for private interviews with inmates at the
Webmaster's Commentary:
If the
Unfortunately, by institutionalizing torture, the
This means that any American military or civilian personnel captured by any hostile forces can expect no better treatment than we have given prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib or
Commander: Reservist Deployments Won’t Slow Down Any Time Soon
For those hoping that promises by the Obama Administration of an eventual
“I want to be more realistic with them. I don’t predict a drop in our op-tempo,” Lt. Gen. Stultz said in an interview published today in Stars and Stripes. He said the goal was for the average reservist to spend four years home for each year deployed overseas, but reaching that goal “could take five years.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: reservist's active duty commitments are increasing, not decreasing under this administration's watch.
CANADA: ISPs must help police snoop on internet under new bill
Internet service providers would have to make it possible for police and intelligence officers to intercept online communications and get personal information about subscribers, under bills tabled Thursday.
"We must ensure that law enforcement has the necessary tools to catch up to the bad guys and ultimately bring them to justice. Twenty-first century technology calls for 21st-century tools," said Justice Minister Rob Nicholson as he announced the new bills with Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan at a news conference in
Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others
As one of my readers noted, it’s like Barnes & Noble sneaking into our homes in the middle of the night, taking some books that we’ve been reading off our nightstands, and leaving us a check on the coffee table.
You want to know the best part? The juicy, plump, dripping irony?
The author who was the victim of this Big Brotherish plot was none other than George Orwell. And the books were “
Webmaster's Commentary:
That this capability of remote deletion has been built into the Kindle raises a very important question of what other remote access and alteration functions are built into other personal electronic devices without our knowledge and consent.
Hal Turner Admits He Worked for the FBI
In a lame attempt to save his hide and stay out of prison for allegedly threatening to kill federal judges, the racist talk show host Hal Turner has admitted in court that he is an FBI informant, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
... and agent provocateur.
Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers
The last time the government embarked on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu, thousands filed claims contending they suffered side effects from the shots. This time, the government has already taken steps to head that off.
Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
See, my idea of a solution is to MAKE SURE THE VACCINE IS SAFE!!!!!
Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
The last time the government embarked on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu, thousands filed claims contending they suffered side effects from the shots. This time, the government has already taken steps to head that off.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable.
If, in fact, the new vaccines are "rolled out" this fall (and remember: we're just about at the end of July right now), there is absolutely no time to do the normal protocol of clinical trials to insure that there is no danger to humans from this vaccine.
It can't happen.
Computer models are simply just that, and can rarely effectively predict just how certain people may react negatively to a specific vaccine.
Please remember that, for both yourselves and your kids, your family, when evaluating whether or not to receive this immunization, if personal choice in this issue is not countermanded by a Presidential Executive Order.
Man given six months to live discovers tumour is harmless abscess
Phil Collins, 61, quit his job, planned his own funeral and blew £18,000 from a pension pay-out after being told he had inoperable gallbladder and liver cancer.
He fulfilled a lifelong dream of buying a Triumph motorbike, bought wife Isabel a car and made financial arrangements to ensure she was secure after his death.
But when the six month deadline passed he went back to hospital - where further checks revealed the growth on his liver was in fact an abscess.
However, Mr Collins claims that complications from the cocktail of cancer drugs he was prescribed have ruined his health and he is now planning a legal bid for compensation.
Photographer Arrested For Being “Too Tall”
Kent Police set a new legal precedent last week, as they arrested a photographer on the unusual grounds of “being too tall”.
This is just the latest in a long line of PR disasters that have dogged police forces over the last 12 months, with tourists, schoolboys and passers-by all subject to arrest for the heinous offence of pursuing their hobby. Each incident is followed by much police hand-wringing, and statements to the effect that these are one-offs: the fault of over-zealous individual officers.
In other words, photography on its own is not suspicious behaviour: police suspicions need to be grounded in other evidence, and it is not reasonable to throw a blanket suspicion over the activities of all photographers.
Assistant Chief Constable Allyn Thomas said: "Our officers are extremely vigilant and their primary concern is always the safety of the public.
"At the time of this incident, a police officer responded to a report concerning a man who was taking photographs of buildings and people in
"As a result, he was arrested and asked to wait in a police vehicle while his details were checked. He was released a short time later after these details had been properly verified, and no further action has been taken.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to the current government of the
Why should one want to travel or live in a country which has gone off the deep end of "Code Napoleon" law, where every tourist (or even a
Massive New Zealand quake moves country west
Southern New Zealand has moved slightly closer to the east coast of neighboring
The magnitude 7.8 quake, centered in the ocean near
Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars
There's a growing chorus of calls to send astronauts to Mars rather than the moon, but critics point out that such trips would be long and gruelling, taking about six months to reach the Red Planet. But now, researchers are testing a powerful new ion engine that could one day shorten the journey to just 39 days.
Hubble Snaps Sharpest Image Yet of Jupiter Impact
The collision is believed to be the largest since Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 busted into 21 pieces and slammed into the solar system’s largest planet 15 years ago.
If whatever hit Jupiter — and astronomers might never know what it was — had instead struck Earth, it would have caused catastrophic damage to human civilization.
Scientists find evidence of hydrocarbons in Earth’s upper mantle
In a new research, scientists have found for the first time that ethane and heavier hydrocarbons can be synthesised under the pressure-temperature conditions of the upper mantle of the Earth.
The research was conducted by scientists at the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory, with colleagues from
Comparing Zionists to Nazis to be Criminalized
Parliament will be asked to consider whether the use of Nazi symbols and terms in reference to Jews,
Webmaster's Commentary:
And let us face it, it's
“Blogs Are Best at Debunking Myths That Can Slip Through a Lot of the Traditional Media Outlets"
Guess who just said:
Blogs are best at debunking myths that can slip through a lot of the traditional media outlets.
Some rabbid blogger?
A radical proto-terrorist?
A neo-nazi?
Some loser who lives in his mom's basement?
Wrong. Obama just said it.
Webmaster's Commentary:
See I am Blogger, hear me roar!
Today we all stand before Leonard Peltier’s Parole Board
Peltier was charged more than a third of a century ago with the murder of two FBI agents. The circumstances of the prosecution, and the legal history of the case, involve thousands of pages of missing evidence, compromised witnesses and procedures so twisted as to stagger the imagination and leave any sense of fair play and reasonable jurisprudence buried in the dust.
Through it all, Peltier has maintained his dignity and strength with astonishing grace. He will be 65 years old in September, having spent more than half his life behind bars. His body is wracked with prison-related ailments. He has great grandchildren he has never seen.
Webmaster's Commentary:
From http://www.leonardpeltier.net/theman.htm
A participant in the American Indian Movement, Peltier went to assist the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the mid-70s where a tragic shoot-out occurred on June 26, 1975. Accused of the murder of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Peltier fled to
On February 6, 1976, Peltier was apprehended. The FBI knowingly presented the Canadian court with fraudulent affidavits, and Peltier was returned to the
Key witnesses were banned from testifying about FBI misconduct & testimony about the conditions and atmosphere on the Pine Ridge Reservation at the time of the shoot-out was severely restricted. Important evidence, such as conflicting ballistics reports, was ruled inadmissible. Still, the U.S. Prosecutor failed to produce a single witness who could identify Peltier as the shooter. Instead, the government tied a bullet casing found near the bodies of their agents to the alleged murder weapon, arguing that this gun had been the only one of its kind used during the shootout, and that it had belonged to Peltier.
Later, Mr. Peltier’s attorneys uncovered, in the FBI’s own documents, that more than one weapon of the type attributed to Peltier had been present at the scene and the FBI had intentionally concealed a ballistics report that showed the shell casing could not have come from the alleged murder weapon. Other troubling information emerged: the agents undoubtedly followed a red pickup truck onto the land where the shoot-out took place, not the red and white van driven by Peltier; and compelling evidence against several other suspects existed and was concealed.
At the time, however, the jury was unaware of these facts. Peltier was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive life terms. He is currently imprisoned at the U.S. Penitentiary in
Back in 1976, most Americans were still unaware of the degree to which the FBI fabricates evidence, even in the wake of the COINTELPRO hearings in Congress. Today, looking back at the FBI's long run of exposed lies and deceptions, it is far easier to understand what happened to Peltier and how easily it can be made to happen to any of us.
I hope for the best in today's parole hearings. But ours is a government that does not tolerate embarrassments, and I expect Peltier will be treated the same way as the torture victims of
The big New Jersey bust - What they're not saying
Webmaster's Commentary:
What the TV news is NOT reporting is:
1. The FBI was advised of this organ traffciking
ring SEVEN YEARS AGO by a totally credible source
(a university professor) and it's MUCH larger than
a single potential transaction.
2. Law enforcement in
immediately on the information and went after the criminals.
3. This was not just organ dealing. It was organ
stealing. Impoverished people were flown in and
told if they didn't go through with the deal, they'd
be shot. Some had no idea the details of what they'd
agreed to.
Organs were "bought" for $10,000 and re-sold for
$150,000 and more.
It took the FBI SEVEN YEARS to get themselves in gear and get an indictment.
NJ official steps down amid corruption arrests
The mayors of three
According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, the investigation initially focused, with the help of the cooperating witness, on the money laundering network that operated between Brooklyn, Deal, N.J. and Israel. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through charities controlled by rabbis in
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said he has heard of the story but knows nothing of kidneys being sold by Israelis.
Webmaster's Commentary:
... which is a non-denial denial.
This is shaping up to be a modern-day horror story.
Israelis deep into organ trafficing
Is Israel harvesting organs
of Palestinian youths?
Two Haifa men sentenced to jail for organ trafficking
Anyone counting the homeless lately?
Are any missing?
America's "disappeared": The homeless of the big cities
Although the best-case scenario is that these unfortunate people have, in fact, been relocated to other areas, the spokesman ended the interview on a chilling note. He said with federal camps and a high demand for any usable body parts by the lucrative transplant industry, he feared the worst may have befallen some of DC's "invisible residents."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Relinked in light of today's arrests of NJ politicians and Rabbis involved in (among other things) black market organ dealing.
Israel Kills, Steals Organs of Palestinian Children
Israeli occupation forces not only kill Palestinian children but they also mutilate their bodies, and extract vital organs to use them as “spare parts”, Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat said in a televised interview Sunday.
Romania: Israeli doctors questioned in human eggs trafficking case
Dozens of doctors and employees of a
According to a report in the
Mayors, rabbis arrested in corruption probe
"These complaints paint a disgraceful picture of religious leaders heading money-laundering crews, acting as crime bosses. They used purported charities ... as vehicles for laundering millions of dollars in illicit funds," Marra said.
The rabbis named in the criminal complaints are accused of setting up charitable tax-exempt organizations at their synagogues that they used to launder money.
Top NJ rabbis and government leaders arrested in black market organ scandal
FLASHBACK - ISRAEL: Still a destination for human trafficking
The latest US State Department report on trafficked persons http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/123362.pdf, released on 16 June, says
Women from the former Soviet Union and
According to local NGOs, such as Isha L'iash and Moked, each year several hundred women in
Organ Trafficking: A Fast-Expanding Black Market
Trafficked organs are either sold domestically, or exported to be transplanted into patients from the
FLASHBACK - Israeli organ traffickers shift operations to China
An Israeli organ trafficking ring which was smashed in
FLASHBACK - Moldova's desperate organ donors
Mrs Vermot-Mangold says the trail in illegal organ-trafficking leads from
She says the going rate for a kidney is $165-250,000.
FLASHBACK - Israeli doctors experimented on children
A leading Israeli doctor and medical ethicist has called for the prosecution of doctors responsible for thousands of unauthorised and often illegal experiments on small children and geriatric and psychiatric patients in Israeli hospitals.
An investigation by the government watchdog, the state comptroller, has revealed that researchers in 10 public hospitals administered drugs, carried out unauthorised genetic testing or undertook painful surgery on patients unable to give informed consent or without obtaining health ministry approval.
U.N. not to name culprits in Bhutto assassination
The U.N. team conducting an inquiry into the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto will not seek to name culprits, the commission's head said Friday, lowering expectations from the outset.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: the UN knows the assassination was an inside job, precisely who ordered the hit and why, but doesn't want to "embarrass" the perps.
Baghdad imposes new limits on U.S. forces
In a curt missive issued by the Baghdad Operations Command on July 2 — the day after Iraqis celebrated the withdrawal of U.S. troops to bases outside city centers — Iraq's top commanders told their U.S. counterparts to "stop all joint patrols" in Baghdad. It said
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation; the Iraqi people want their country back, thank you very much.
And remember Cheney's claim that it would be the Iraqi oil which would defer the entire costs of the
Just one more lie in a sea of lies used to justify the "neutralization" of
Just as they view
US troops back on patrol in Iraq
Nearly a month after American troops officially withdrew from urban areas in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Dear Mr. President
You campaigned on a promise to end the wars and bring our kids home.
If you cannot or will not keep that promise, kindly resign in favor of someone who will.
"The will of the people is the law of the land." -- Harry S Truman
UK troops forced out of Iraq as mandate expires
Six years and four months after the invasion of
U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan tests McChrystal's new order
Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal: the Afghan people are not stupid.
They understand full well that the American and NATO presence in
Notice that the attempts at eradication of the opium poppy crop have been abandoned.
As reported in"
on 11 July in the Air Force Times, Via AP:
"Convinced that razing the cash crop grown by dirt-poor Afghan farmers is costing badly needed friends along the front lines of the fight against Taliban-led insurgents,
So, there you have it, General McChrystal: the Afghan people know precisely why the US and NATO troops are in
US air strikes kill Afghan civilians
Attacks by US warplanes this week killed up to six Afghan civilians, including a four-year-old girl, and left another 16 wounded. The incidents in
Webmaster's Commentary:
It appears that despite protestations to the contrary by General Mc Chrystal, the Obama doctrine, when it comes to Afghan civilians is that of the Papal Legate at the siege of Montsegur against the Cathars.
When notified that there were women and children among the men, the Legate gave the order: "Kill them all: God will find his own".
Secret US-Israeli meeting to focus on Iran
Ria Novosti reported on Friday that US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to visit Tel Aviv within the next two weeks to discuss a whole range of international issues, including
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: the
It appears that there may well be a military strike against
And what is so mind-melting in this entire scenario is,
As a signatory to the NPT (which
The IAEA has found absolutely zero evidence that
But just as in the case of Iraq and the IAEA (remember the hatchet job done on Hans Blix, when he declared that there were no nuclear weapons in Iraq?), the truth has absolutely nothing to do with the outcome which appears to be moving forward.
I would like to hope that some adults in the room in Tel Aviv,
Unfortunately, there are some in the corridors of power in DC who see yet another war the only way to get the American economy out of the tailspin it's in, and give the American people something else to focus on other than the economic misery this country's leadership has created in the handling of the
Gates: Iran is a threat to Israel, US
US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates made the comments in a joint news conference with the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: Barak and Netanyahu got everything they wanted from this meeting, including a "green light" for an attack against
The IAEA's reports on the inspections of this facility consistently indicate absolutely no enrichment beyond that which is needed to fuel a power station, and no misuse of nuclear materials.
The war drums are beating every more loudly, in the concerted "big lie" campaign to garner public US support for an attack against Iran; but it is not working this time (particularly after the pack of lies sold to the American people upon which the invasion and occupation of Iraq was based)
Ehud Barak warns Iran of possible Israeli strike on nuclear facilities
With the US Defence Secretary standing at his side, Ehud Barak,
“We clearly believe that no option should be removed from the table. This is our policy. We mean it. We recommend to others to take the same position but we cannot dictate it to anyone,” Mr Barak said at a press conference with Robert Gates in
Webmaster's Commentary:
It appears that Obama and Gates have "greenlit" a potential Israeli attack against
There's only one slight, minor, tiny problem with this potential attack. Russian leadership has stated to both
War with
Russia-China Warn US That Israeli Attack On Iran Means “World War”
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.
Israel on Iran: Anything it takes to stop nukes
Webmaster's Commentary:
One more time.
Even if
In contrast ...
Who is the problem child of the
Iran's package eyes Israeli nukes
"We cannot raise the nuclear issue without speaking of an international disarmament. We cannot speak of a Middle East without nuclear weapons while making no words about the more than 200 nuclear warheads of the Zionist regime [
US Senate votes to interfere in Iran affairs
In another sign of interference in the internal affairs of
According to the legislation, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
50 million of our taxpayer dollars, while homeless Vets are sleeping in our streets?!?
Memo to the Senate, because you have all obviously forgotten: your job is taking care of the American people, first, second, and third, period, end of discussion.
This country is broke, with a crumbling infrastructure, education an absolute disgrace, and you're ready to spend 50 million of our very hard earned tax payer dollars on .....WHAT?!?!?!?!?
The Time the N.Y. Times Forgot
The claim that there is no evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban and Al Qaeda is laughable, when in the same sentence it is explained exactly how they did it indirectly through
More troops will die in Afghanistan, says Joe Biden
More British and American troops will die in
Speaking in the deadliest month for British troops since the US-led invasion in 2001, Biden insisted that the current offensive against the Taliban in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to VP Biden: stop lying to the American people, and to the long-suffering Afghans.
The purpose of this war of aggression is two-fold; to "pacify" the Afghan people so that the pipelines can be installed, and to protect the opium crops.
And before anyone starts screaming about how dare I suggest that our kids are dying to protect the drugs and drug dealers, consider this.
As reported in:
"Officials in President Barack Obama's administration say they want to emphasize alternative crops and avoid aggressive eradication operations that could alienate Afghans."
Please remember that when the Taliban were in control before the American and NATO invasion, opium farming had been almost completely wiped out.
As reported in:
"In the book ''Bin Laden, la verite interdite'' (''Bin Laden, the forbidden truth''), that appeared in Paris on Wednesday, the authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, reveal that the Federal Bureau of Investigation's deputy director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over the obstruction. "
"They affirm that until August, the
But, confronted with Taliban's refusal to accept
Remember what we were getting force-fed on all the corporate news feeds in August, 2001?!?!
Gary Condit and Chandra Levy, 24/7, while the
Apparently, the price to be paid in blood and money to pursue this military misadventure was considered a "bargain" by the Bush administration, relative to what the Taliban were asking for the pipeline rights.
Tell that to the parents, wives, or children of our soldiers who continue to come home, dead, in metal boxes, or catastrophically physically and/or mentally damaged in ways from which they will never recover.
Fox News guest wants Taliban to kill captured American soldier
I couldn't believe my ears, but just minutes ago on "
Webmaster's Commentary:
The war hawks need a dead (preferably tortured) bloody body to try to whip up American support for escalating the war in
Palestinian home and olive tree destroyed by settlers in At-Tuwani
On the morning of 17 July, a Palestinian family from the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Sometimes, simply surviving is the greatest act of defiance against an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian lands.
Israeli forces penetrate half kilometer into Gaza; burn fields
Israeli forces made their deepest incursion into the Gaza Strip in months near Beit Hanoun, penetrating 500 meters past the buffer zone to burn 150 dunums of land.
The agricultural field of wheat and barley crops belonging to the Shabat family was destroyed after an Israeli militarized vehicle left the Erez District Coordination Office (DCO) and drove into the Strip, stopping only to set the land on fire. Dry weather meant the crops burned quickly, consuming the much needed grains.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Every American tax dollar which goes to support
We're talking about food here - food for a starving population which only gets its siege lifted rarely(very temporarily, as with the Viva Palestina Convoy, which wound up having to hand-carry supplies because aid trucks were not permitted into Gaza)due to international public outrage.
That outrage cannot be allowed to die. Every possible Israeli and
Palestinian arrested after testifying in Geneva
Palestinian sources reported Wednesday that a resident of the West Bank
Webmaster's Commentary:
This man was arrested for his perceived "crime" by the Israelis of telling the truth about what happened during the
This arrest and detention is also calculated to have a chilling effect on any other Palestinian who would dare tell the truth to an international fact-finding body.
In pictures: Gaza six months on
Gaza blockade: ?We are captive and slowly suffocating?
An already difficult situation following 40 years of occupation became significantly worse in June 2007 when
The objective indicators are sobering. Even before the recent war nearly 80 percent of
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is why it is so critically important to support any humanitarian aid going to
Israel rejects US demand to halt east Jerusalem project
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to President Obama: what did I tell you, Mr. President?!?
Netanyahu has decided that his response to the request to halt this settlement is going to be to spit in your face, and tell you it's raining.
Of course, no matter how intently you're spat upon, you'll never stop sending those checks to
No matter how deeply
And what is wrong with this picture, Mr. President?!?
Israel told by US to stop east Jerusalem project
Webmaster's Commentary:
At this point, if in fact there ever is a Palestinian state, with consistent Israeli encroachments on Palestinian lands, the state of
And this
The only thing
Of course, that will only happen when pigs fly.
Israeli warships rehearse for Iran attack in Red Sea
Israeli warships have deployed to the Red Sea for what has been described as a rehearsal for a possible attack on
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel planned 'Ahmadinejad assassination'
Intelligence Minster Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje'i said Israeli officials met with the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) to execute the plan, according to a report by the semi official Fars News Agency.
"The Zionist regime had met with the MKO on the sidelines of the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting in
The terrorist group had, however, set conditions for carrying out the assassination, he added. "They had asked that the
Just a year and a few days after Israeli Military personnel beat, almost to death, Mohammed Omer on his return to
Prisons expert: Palestinian children in Israeli prison are deprived the most basic of human rights
There are 345 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons where physical and psychological torture are both practiced.
The figures come as part of a report by prison expert Abdel Nasser Ferwana issued today that says children constitute 3.6 percent of the total number of Palestinian political prisoners. "The future of these children are at risk and face harsh torture and degrading treatment," he said. "Children are subjected to systematic violations and the continual deprivation of their most basic rights, among them sickness without medical care."
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if the
And withholding medical care has to be characterized as a component of
Israel orders Palestinians to cease building on own land
While delivering the stop work orders, a member of the DCO struck a small child and an Israeli soldier shoved a Palestinian civilian to the ground. They also arrested a protesting Palestinian man who was supposedly charged with “threatening soldiers” and remains in the Kiryat Arba police station.
Webmaster's Commentary:
WOW, the IDF is sooooo butch, smacking kids and shoving unarmed Palestinians to the ground to prove it!
And remember: every one of your taxpayer dollars sent in military and/or financial aid to
Vatican teaching Hezbollah how to kill Jews, says pamphlet for IDF troops
The Pope and the cardinals of the
Officials encouraging the booklet's distribution include senior officers, such as Lt. Col. Tamir Shalom, the commander of the Nahshon Battalion of the Kfir Brigade.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable.
This demonization of Arabs, wrapped around the "big lie" technique, is something you'd expect from the old
This is almost an incitement and an encouragement for every member of the IDF to go out and kill every Arab they can find, with the justification that "God wills it!"
Is this the outcome the IDF is hoping to achieve here?!?
Bill outlawing anti-Israel protest nears approval
Legislation that
Webmaster's Commentary:
So much for "The only Democracy in the
Cost Of Bailout Hits A Whopping $24 Trillion Dollars
According to the watchdog overseeing the federal government’s financial bailout program, the full exposure since 2007 amounts to a whopping $23.7 trillion dollars, or $80,000 for every American citizen.
Foreign Embassies Urged to Stockpile Local Currencies
A top investment advisor, Harry Schultz - who was MarketWatch's Peter Brimelow pick for financial newsletter of the Year in 2008 - is now claiming:
En pleine récession économique, de nouveaux blindés pour le Canada
- par Jules Dufour - 2009-07-13
The U.S. and UK Will Both Default on Their Debt by the End of Summer
Trader on Bloomberg says markets are manipulated and volumes 'ficticious'.
Not only are the new high tech/high speed transactions
giving big banks an overwhelming trading advantage
over retail investors, they're also creating
a false impression about the health of the stock
These new high tech trading tools have rendered
UK GDP falls faster than expected
The chancellor's forecasts for economic growth were blown out of the water official figures revealed Britain's economy contracted by a record 5.6% over the last year as output fell for a fifth straight quarter.
Dashing hopes that the steepest decline in growth since the 1930s might be nearing an end, the Office for National Statistics said gross domestic product – the total value of goods and services in the economy – fell by 0.8% in the three months to June. The size of the drop surprised the City, which had expected only a 0.3% decline following recent signs of a pickup in the housing market and strong growth in high street spending.
Unemployment tops 10 percent in 16 states in June
The U.S. Labor Department says unemployment topped 10 percent in 16 states last month. The rate in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Remember: these are just the "official figures"; the real numbers may well be much higher than what has actually been reported.
Fifty thousand General Motors retirees face destruction of benefits
The bankruptcy of General Motors, and the organization of a “new” auto company in its place, is being carried out at the expense of tens of thousands of active and retired auto workers, along with dealerships, other small businesses, and entire communities.
It is a ruthless Wall Street operation, presided over by the Obama administration, that will benefit only the corporate elite. Characteristically, a White House statement July 15 declared that it “strongly opposes” a measure in Congress pressing GM and Chrysler to restore the several thousand dealerships closed by the auto companies’ bankruptcies.
Citigroup (C) is considering paying a $100 million bonus -- to one guy.
This is the same Citigroup that received $45 billion in bailout money. The same Citigroup that will soon be 34% owned by the
U.S. Weighs Single Agency to Regulate Banking Industry
Senior administration officials are considering the creation of a single agency to regulate the banking industry, replacing a patchwork of agencies that failed to prevent banks from falling into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, sources said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That is NOT what happened.
Congress, yes, CONGRESS repealed the Glass Steagall act in 1999. This was a law passed in the wake of the great depression to prevent banks and brokerage companies from entering each others' businesses, which created a situation which encouraged runaway speculation.
So it does not matter what new agency is created, because somewhere down the road the bankers will lobby Congress to let loose the chains again and create the same situation all over again.
The only real fix is to close the Federal Reserve and return control of the money supply to the US Treasury Department.
The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency
The key to their success, said Quigley, was that the international bankers would control and manipulate the money system of a nation while letting it appear to be controlled by the government. The statement echoed one made in the eighteenth century by the patriarch of what would become the most powerful banking dynasty in the world. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild famously said in 1791:
“Allow me to issue and control a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”
Which naturally raises the question, who or what will serve as this global central bank, cloaked with the power to issue the global currency and police monetary policy for all humanity?
Today’s crisis represents "the bursting of the huge 25-year, almost $50 trillion debt bubble that helped underwrite the hijacking of the
"The ignominy deserved by Wall Street after 1929-1933 is peanuts compared with the opprobrium the
Webmaster's Commentary:
We have not seen even the beginnings of an outpouring of public rage concerning what has been done to We the People by these knuckleheads.
The question is, how that rage is likely to play out, and whether it leads to an organized (and hopefully, peaceful) movement dedicated to throwing the liars out of government, no matter which side of the isle they come from in Congress.
Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along!
All the federal government’s offensive and defensive mechanisms are being put in place while the lowly sheep await the slaughter. More economic tensions with more unemployment along with over-zealous police thugs bent on revenue creation; what will be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back? What will it take before civil unrest is not just discussed on talk shows, but is evident in the streets of
Webmaster's Commentary:
Look at how
That is
G20 supports IMF's plan to sell 403 tons of gold
Webmaster's Commentary:
Gotta keep gold prices down so people don't desert the stock markets!
The IMF: Raping The World, One Poor Nation at a Time
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been described as one of the enforcers of globalization. Nations who receive IMF assistance are often forced to surrender more sovereignty and further open up their borders to international banks and multinational corporations. Much of their wealth is then sucked dry by foreign predators with its resources and population essentially becoming the collateral for such financial aid. As a result of the global economic crisis, many more nations are having to turn to the IMF for help. At the recent G-20 Summit in
Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt
Alexei Ulyukayev, first deputy chairman of
Treasuries fell, pushing 10-year yields toward the highest level in seven months, in response to Ulyukayev’s statement. The dollar fell against the euro on speculation that
Brazil joins Russia, China in eyeing IMF bonds
"This support is important to help end the international financial crisis," Mantega said, adding that a trade surplus and $204 billion in reserves has positioned
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looking at the current state of the US dollar and the
Chinese Laugh at Geithner When He Says Investment in US Debt "Safe"
"Chinese financial assets are very safe," he said, drawing laughter from the audience.
Japan secretly trying to divest out of their US debt?
one of the following must be true:
1. The Japanese are trying to secretly divest themselves of about 25% of their
2. The Japanese are acting as Chinese or North Korean agents in trying to help them divest themselves of
3. There is an enormous sum of counterfeit
None of these cases bodes well for the
Russia Dumps Dollar as Reserve Currency - Adopts Euro
The US dollar is not
BRICs May Buy Each Other’s Bonds in Shift From Dollar
Medvedev is hosting back-to-back summits of developing economies in Yekaterinburg as he seeks to lessen the world economy’s dependence on the U.S. dollar. Medvedev will hold talks later today with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looking at the condition of both the
Dollar poses dilemma for Bric countries
And fears that these big holders of dollar assets may be looking to switch from the
Webmaster's Commentary:
"WE'LL NUKE ANYONE WHO DARES!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Medvedev calls for new reserve currencies
Medvedev calls for new reserve currencies
Reuters –
Medvedev told a regional summit Tuesday that the creation of new reserve currencies in addition to the dollar is needed to stabilize global finances.
Medvedev has made the proposal before. It reflects both the Kremlin's push for greater international clout and a concern shared by other countries that soaring
Airing it at a summit meeting underlined the challenge to
Medvedev spoke at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which includes
Wary of dollar, China wants super-sovereign currency
* Dollar's dominance has intensified risk, worsened crisis
* IMF should manage part of its members' FX reserves
In its annual financial stability report, the central bank did not mention the dollar by name but said it was a serious defect that one currency should tower over all others.
"An international monetary system dominated by a single sovereign sovereign currency has intensified the concentration of risk and the spread of the crisis," the People's Bank of China said.
This $17 Trillion Divorce Won’t Be a Pretty One: William Pesek
Returning from
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner claimed the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Repeat after me:
There is no such thing as a "jobless recovery."
There is no such thing as a "jobless recovery."
There is no such thing as a "jobless recovery."
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) told Greta Van Sustern China buying gold and moving away from the FRN$. The reality is that
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) told Greta Van Sustern China buying gold and moving away from the FRN$. The reality is that
Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8
“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in
Press images released to the Yahoo photo wire did not show any close up shots of the coin and little was known about it, except that it had been minted in
Here is a close up pic of the coin:
Cashless Control Grid Inches Closer to Reality
Kurt Nimmo |
Something Is Rotten in the Auto Bankruptcy Deals
Greg Palast feels there are some other secret payoffs at work in this bankruptcy selection of winners and losers. "While GM workers are losing [some of] their retirement health benefits, their jobs, their life savings; while shareholders are getting zilch and many creditors getting hosed, a few privileged GM lenders - led by JP Morgan and Citibank - expect to get back 100% of their loans to GM, a stunning $6 billion. The way these banks are getting their $6 billion bonanza is stone cold illegal.
Payrolls shrunk another half million in May
Heavy job losses battered American families again in May, economists said, continuing the carnage that has erased almost all the employment gains over the past decade.
U.S. manufacturing sector contracts for 16th straight month
Webmaster's Commentary:
If we are not making products for sale, then we are not turning the economy around.
Leap in U.S. debt hits taxpayers with 12% more red ink
The latest increase raises federal obligations to a record $546,668 per household in 2008, according to the
"We have a huge implicit mortgage on every household in
Webmaster's Commentary:
This does NOT include state debt and unfunded liabilities, nor does it include the $12.8 trillion allocated to the bailouts in the last 8 months.
Governor plans to completely eliminate welfare for families
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to completely eliminate the state’s welfare program for families, medical insurance for low-income children and Cal Grants cash assistance to college and university students.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Watch for riots in
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom
A total of 321,480 properties received a default or auction notice or were repossessed last month, up 18 percent from a year earlier, the Irvine, California-based seller of default data said today in a statement. One in 398
U.S. housing market to get boost from home demolitions
Last year the Senate Housing Committee came up with a scheme to support high real estate values in order to protect the assets of institutions that hold mortgage debt. The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 provides general fund financed grants to local governments through the Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), NSP funds may be used to:
Webmaster's Commentary:
In a nation with a huge homeless population, the US Government plans to start demolishing empty homes, simply to create an artificial shortage and boost housing prices supposedly to protect the value of the mortgages the banks hold.
But the mortgages the banks hold are not valued based on UNsold homes!
The only point of bulldozing empty homes to create an artificial shortage to keep prices up TO PROTECT BANKERS' FUTURE PROFITS!
If homes are cheap, you borrow less and the banks get less interest from you. If the homes are expensive, you have to borrow more money anmd the banks make more interest off of you.
In other words, they are using bulldozers to re-create the housing bubble from a few years ago.
And this will fail because they are artificially inflating housing prices WITHOUT BRINGING BACK THE JOBS THAT ALLOW AMERICANS TO BUY THESE HOMES AT THESE INFLATED PRICES!!!
Prison Blues: States Slimming Down Inmate Meals
The recession is hitting home for inmates, too: Some cash-strapped states are taking aim at prison menus.
Officials say prisoners are still getting enough calories, but family members and critics say the changes could make prisoners irritable and food a valuable commodity, increasing the possibility of violence.
The Newest Ruse: Banks Capitalizing on “Toxic Assets” to Book Puffed-Up Profits
Sadly, millions of investors will likely interpret this as a sign that the
This time around, the biggest U.S. banks - including JPMorgan, BofA, and PNC - will employ an obscure accounting rule to magically transform the “toxic debt” that they obtained from such “zombie banks” as Wachovia Corp., Countrywide Financial Corp., National City Corp., and Washington Mutual Inc. (OTC: WAMUQ) into actual income.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The economy is not improving; it's just more bookkeeping tricks.
Lawmakers Invested in Bailed-Out Firms
Top House lawmakers had considerable holdings in major financial institutions that took billions of dollars in taxpayer bailouts at the end of last year, according to annual financial disclosure reports released yesterday.
From stock holdings to retirement funds to mortgages, more than 20 House leaders and members of the House Financial Services Committee had large personal stakes in the Wall Street powerhouses whose collapse last year led to an unprecedented government intervention in the marketplace. In some instances those lawmakers, like millions of other investors, sold their holdings at steep losses while others retained the stocks at greatly diminished value.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Last September I warned you this was what was going on.
Remember that photo of the House members laughing after they passed that first bailout?
They are laughing to YOU!
Because even though the taxpayers were more than 90% opposed to giving public money to these failing financial dinosaurs, Congress voted their own wallets and looted YOU to save their stock portfolios.
When do you say enough is enough?
When do you get angry?
Members of Congress profited from bank stocks as they voted on bailouts
Several members of Congress who oversee the banking industry and bemoaned the industry’s greed actually pocketed cash from investing in or selling the same banks they were rebuking when the market collapsed last year.
At least two members of Congress — an Ohio Democrat and a Florida Republican — invested or cashed out of bank stocks just as the fortunes of those companies fell. Ohio Democrat Charlie Wilson sold between $15,000 and $50,000 worth of Huntington Bancshares stock Nov. 14 — the same day the bank got $1.4 billion in bailout money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
EVIDENCE OF GOVERNMENT MANIPULATION OF THE STOCK MARKET - Dan Shaffer explains on Fox Business News (video and transcript)
The Annihiliation Of The Dollar's Purchasing Power
This is the chart they don't want you to see: the purchasing power of the dollar over the past 76 years has declined by 94%. And based on current monetary and fiscal policy, we have at least another 94% to go. The only question is whether this will be achieved in 76 months this time.
Total Fed Committments Now Total $13.9 Trillion...All Of Which Must Be Borrowed
The Federal Reserve Can Not Account For $9 Trillion In Off-Balance Sheet Transactions
Rep. Alan Grayson summarizes it best "I am shocked to find out that nobody at the Federal Reserve is keeping track of anything."
Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207
As HR 1207 gains momentum and co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, the Federal Reserve is planning to fight the tide calling for an audit of its books by hiring a veteran lobbyist to “manage its relations with Congress,” according to Reuters.
The Fed plans to hire Linda Robertson, who previously worked for now-defunct energy company Enron, as well as the
Webmaster's Commentary:
That phrase about the Fed hiring this lady to “manage its relations with Congress,” probably translates into hiring someone who knows precisely where all the congressional "bodies" (both physical and metaphorical) are buried, and how to threaten to exhume them should Congress become less than a friend of the Fed by passing this bill.
Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill Passes 218 Cosponsors!!
We wanted to make sure you were the first to know that your hard work and dedication has resulted in Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207, gaining the support of a majority of the House of Representatives!
Just moments ago, Dr. Paul's congressional office issued a press release announcing that HR 1207 had received its 218th cosponsor, and that the list has now grown to 222!
Mr. Sunshine? Ron Paul Wins Support to Audit Fed Reserve
Webmaster's Commentary:
Ron, I am proud of you., but it will never happen. Bernanke will crash the whole economy before he allows the books to be examined.
For the first time in generations, [the Fed is] now threatened with popular rebellion.
During the past year, the Fed has flooded the streets with money--distributing trillions of dollars to banks, financial markets and commercial interests ...
Where did the central bank get all the money it is handing out? Basically, the Fed printed it, out of thin air. That is what central banks do. Who told the Fed governors they could do this? Nobody, really--not Congress or the president. The Federal Reserve Board, alone among government agencies, does not submit its budgets to Congress for authorization and appropriation. It raises its own money, sets its own priorities.
US House to debate Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill
After months of activism and lobbying by Congressman Ron Paul’s supporters, House Resolution 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, will move out of committee to be debated by the full House of Representatives.
In a show of cross-party unity, Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich became the bill’s 218th co-sponsor, pushing it over the threshold for debate in Congress.
Congressman Kucinich, along with Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY), announced Tuesday that the House Financial Services Committee will subpoena the Federal Reserve to ascertain the details of the Fed’s agreements with Bank of America in the institution’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch.
Congressman Paul, in defense of his proposal to audit the bank which controls
“Detractors have [...] argued that the Fed must remain immune from the political process, and that that more congressional oversight would distort their very important decisions,” Paul wrote in an editorial titled, ‘Audit the Fed, Then End It!’ “On the contrary, the Federal Reserve is already heavily entrenched in the political process, as the Fed chairman is a political appointee. High-level officials routinely make the rounds between positions at the Fed, member banks, Treasury and back again, taking care of friends and each other along the way.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
I hope Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are wearing their Kevlar undies these days.
Transparency and the Fed do not have any kind of on-going relationship.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says
The Federal Reserve's balance sheet is so out of whack that the central bank would be shut down if subjected to a conventional audit, Jim Grant, editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, told CNBC.
With $45 billion in capital and $2.1 trillion in assets, the central bank would not withstand the scrutiny normally afforded other institutions, Grant said in a live interview.
"If the Fed examiners were set upon the Fed's own documents—unlabeled documents—to pass judgment on the Fed's capacity to survive the difficulties it faces in credit, it would shut this institution down," he said. "The Fed is undercapitalized in a way that Citicorp is undercapitalized."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Except that Citicorp is not allowed to just print up more money when they need it.
US House to debate Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill
After months of activism and lobbying by Congressman Ron Paul’s supporters, House Resolution 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, will move out of committee to be debated by the full House of Representatives.
In a show of cross-party unity, Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich became the bill’s 218th co-sponsor, pushing it over the threshold for debate in Congress.
The bill, which achieved its 222nd co-sponsorship on Thursday, has been in consideration by the House Financial Services Committee since Feb. 26.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is the top story IMHO. And the Federal Reserve will fight this any way they can even to the point of threatening to crash the system itself rather than allow inspection of how it has swindled the American people all this last century.
Money knows no morality.
Bernanke Threatens Economic Collapse If Fed Audited
“My concern about the legislation is that if the GAO is auditing not only the operational aspects of the programs and the details of the programs but making judgments about our policy decisions would effectively be a takeover of policy by the Congress and a repudiation of the Federal Reserve would be highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, the Dollar and our national economic situation.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Bernanke is acting just like a CEO who is suspected of embezzling from his own company and decides to burn the building down before the auditors can look at the books!
The Federal Reserve is NOT your friend. It does NOT provide a service. It is and always has been a scam to transfer wealth from the people to the owners of the Fed and Bernanke's threat to crash the whole system is a giant neon sign on the building flashing "GUILTY AS HELL!"
Senate Blocks Bill To Audit The Fed As Government Prepares For Second Round Of Looting
A Senate amendment based on Congressman Ron Paul’s successful House bill to audit the Federal Reserve was blocked by the Senate yesterday evening on procedural grounds, as Jim DeMint slammed the Fed for refusing to disclose where trillions in bailout funds had gone, while a top Obama administration advisor called for a second “stimulus” package to be prepared.
Republican Senator DeMint had attempted to get a provision attached to the 2010 spending bill that would have removed restrictions on auditing the Fed’s discount window operations, funding facilities, open market operations and agreements with foreign central banks and governments.
However, the amendment was blocked by Senate authorities who claimed that it violated rules for provisions attached to spending bills.
DeMint amendment to audit the Federal Reserve blocked by Senate Leadership
Ron Paul questions Vice Chair of Federal Reserve Kohn on transparency
Bid to clip Fed's wings gains support in Congress
A proposal from a long-time congressional foe of the Federal Reserve that could give lawmakers sway over monetary policy has won the support of a majority in the House of Representatives, alarming officials at the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Clipping the wings is not enough. If you took away all the Federal Reserve's money and power and left them with just the ability to create money out of thin air, in a dozen years they would have bought and bribed back all they have lost.
It is time to revoke their charter in the best spirit of Andrew Jackson and return the issuing of the public currency to the government, as defined in the Constitution and championed by Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy.
Fed fights Congress attack on powers
The Federal Reserve warned yesterday that a congressional threat to curtail its independence would destabilise markets and raise the cost of servicing
Ron Paul, the Texas Republican, has gathered the support of a majority of the House of Representatives for a bill that would audit the Fed's monetary policy decisions. He told a congressional hearing he wanted the power to prevent the central bank being "secret and clandestine and serving special interests".
Webmaster's Commentary:
There have now been two clear warnings that the privately owned Federal Reserve bank will intentionally crash the eoncomy before it allows an audit.
Such a threat is a clear and present danger to the security of the
To protect the safety and security of the American people President Obama MUST immediately act to revoke the charter of the Federal Reserve Bank and return the creation of the public currency to the US Government, as defined in the Constitution and Executive Order 11110 signed by President John F. Kennedy.
The Federal Reserve is already inflating the Federal Reserve Notes to the point of worthlessness. The mechanism to restore creation of legal tender by the US Treasury must be established now to minimize disruption when the Federal Reserve is shut down.
Federal Reserve to gain more power under Obama
The final plan due to be released on Wednesday -- which originally aimed to streamline and consolidate banking and securities regulation in one or two agencies -- now is expected to sidestep most jurisdictional disputes and simply impose across the board standards to be applied by all financial regulators, according to administration and industry sources.
Obama's (Latest) Surrender to Wall Street
In reaching across the aisle for Republican support – and no doubt future campaign contributions from the financial sector Pres. Obama is morphing into Joe Lieberman. There also is a touch of Boris Yeltsin in his sponsorship of a financial “reform” ominously similar to what advisor Larry Summers backed in
Webmaster's Commentary:
ABCNNBBCBS is waving
Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship.
President Obama’s plan to give the privately-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S. economy, which is likely to be enacted before the end of the year, will officially herald the beginning of a new form of government in the United States - an ultra-powerful banking dictatorship controlled by a small gaggle of shadowy and corrupt elitists.
The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.
This goes a step further than the centrally planned economies of the Soviet Union or Communist China, in that the Federal Reserve is not even accountable to the U.S. government, it is a private entity that according to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, is accountable to nobody but the banking families that own it.
Obama’s regulatory “reform” plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed.
In other words, the Fed, which is already totally unaccountable to Congress, is to be placed in complete control of the entirety of the
As the LA Times reports, the government, in conjunction with the private Federal Reserve, would effectively have the clout to simply seize and take over any company it desires.
However, as former chairman Alan Greenspan has most recently pointed out, given that the Fed is an independent entity, and therefore accountable to no one, it will have the power to simply reject and overrule any advice it is offered.
How simultaneously dangerous and ridiculous it is that the Federal Reserve is given more authority to oversee the economy. This is the same privately run entity that refused to comply with congressional demands for transparency and disclose the destination of trillions dollars in bailout funds. It is the same privately owned entity that has withheld internal memos, in spite of freedom of information act requests. It is the same private entity, run for the most part by European banking elites, that has arrogantly refused to tell Senators and Congressmen which banks were in receipt of government loans.