L'Autre Monde 12 juin: Bilderberg, Peter Munk de Barrick Gold, Alliance Irak-US forcée par chantage et privatisation des services du renseignement
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 12 juin 2008: Bilderberg, Peter Munk de Barrick Gold, Alliance Irak-US forcée par chantage et privatisation des services du renseignement
L'Autre Monde 12 juin 2008
60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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- Cette semaine nous parlons de la dernière rencontre des Bilderberg en Virginie (É-U) et de l'identité des participants; de la pétition qui a été déposée au Parlement le 10 juin pour demander une enquête canadienne à propos du 9/11; de la privatisation des services secrets; de Peter Munk de la Barrick Gold qui poursuit Écosociété pour $6 millions; du chantage américain pour faire passer un pacte militaire avec l'Irak et beaucoup plus!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

Bill Moyers: "Le journalisme en profonde crise" VIDÉO
Bill Moyers a lancé, à l’occasion de
Pétition déposée au Parlement aujourd'hui pour demander une enquête sur le 9/11
'War is stupid. Everybody knows that'
Father of dead soldier breaks rank with military families, lashes out at politicians for
Stolen antiquities found in U.S. returned to Iraq
Spooks, FBI agents and cops have descended on the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly
Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List
June 6, 2008
DEU "Ackermann, Josef" "Chairman of the Management Board and the Group
Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG"
CAN "Adams, John" Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and
Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
USA "Ajami, Fouad" "Director, Middle East Studies Program,
The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University "
USA "Alexander, Keith B." "Director, National Security Agency"
INT "Almunia, Joaquín " "Commissioner, European Commission"
GRC "Alogoskoufis, George" Minister of Economy and Finance
USA "Altman, Roger C." "Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc."
TUR "Babacan, Ali " Minister of Foreign Affairs
NLD "Balkenende, Jan Peter" Prime Minister
PRT "Balsemão, Francisco Pinto" "Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.;
Former Prime Minister"
FRA "Baverez, Nicolas" "Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP"
ITA "Bernabè, Franco" "CEO, Telecom Italia Spa"
USA "Bernanke, Ben S." "Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System"
SWE "Bildt, Carl" Minister of Foreign Affairs
FIN "Blåfield, Antti " "Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat"
DNK "Bosse, Stine" "CEO, TrygVesta"
CAN "Brodie, Ian " "Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office"
AUT "Bronner, Oscar" "Publisher and Editor, Der Standard"
FRA "Castries , Henri de " "Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA"
ESP "Cebrián, Juan Luis" "CEO, PRISA"
CAN "Clark, Edmund" "President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group"
GBR "Clarke, Kenneth" Member of Parliament
NOR "Clemet, Kristin" "Managing Director, Civita"
USA "Collins, Timothy C." "Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC"
FRA "Collomb, Bertrand" "Honorary Chairman, Lafarge"
PRT "Costa, António" Mayor of Lisbon
USA "Crocker, Chester A." James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies
USA "Daschle, Thomas A." Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader
CAN "Desmarais, Jr., Paul " "Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada "
GRC "Diamantopoulou, Anna" Member of Parliament
USA "Donilon, Thomas E." "Partner, O’Melveny & Myers"
ITA "Draghi, Mario" "Governor, Banca d’Italia"
AUT "Ederer, Brigitte" "CEO, Siemens AG Österreich"
CAN "Edwards, N. Murray " "Vice Chairman, Canadian Natural Resources Limited"
DNK "Eldrup, Anders " "President, DONG A/S"
ITA "Elkann, John" "Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A."
USA "Farah, Martha J." "Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience;
Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania "
USA "Feldstein, Martin S." "President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research"
DEU "Fischer, Joschka" Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA "Ford, Jr., Harold E." "Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc."
CHE "Forstmoser, Peter" "Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law,
University of Zürich "
IRL "Gallagher, Paul " Attorney General
USA "Geithner, Timothy F. " "President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York "
USA "Gigot, Paul " "Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal"
IRL "Gleeson, Dermot " "Chairman, AIB Group"
NLD "Goddijn, Harold" "CEO, TomTom"
TUR "Gögüs, Zeynep " "Journalist; Founder, EurActiv.com.tr"
USA "Graham, Donald E." "Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company"
NLD "Halberstadt, Victor" "Professor of Economics, Leiden University ; Former
Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings"
USA "Holbrooke, Richard C. " "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC"
FIN "Honkapohja, Seppo" "Member of the Board, Bank of Finland "
INT "Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. De" "Secretary General, NATO"
USA "Hubbard, Allan B." "Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc."
BEL "Huyghebaert, Jan" "Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group"
DEU "Ischinger, Wolfgang" Former Ambassador to the UK and US
USA "Jacobs, Kenneth" "Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S. , Lazard Frères &
Co. LLC"
USA "Johnson, James A." "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC"
(Obama’s man tasked with selecting his running mate)
SWE "Johnstone, Tom " "President and CEO, AB SKF"
USA "Jordan, Jr., Vernon E." "Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC"
FRA "Jouyet, Jean-Pierre " Minister of European Affairs
GBR "Kerr, John " "Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
USA "Kissinger, Henry A." "Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc."
DEU "Klaeden, Eckart von" "Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU"
USA "Kleinfeld, Klaus" "President and COO, Alcoa"
TUR "Koç, Mustafa " "Chairman, Koç Holding A.S."
FRA "Kodmani, Bassma" "Director, Arab Reform Initiative"
USA "Kravis, Henry R." "Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &
Co. "
USA "Kravis, Marie-Josée" "Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc."
INT "Kroes, Neelie " "Commissioner, European Commission"
POL "Kwasniewski, Aleksander " Former President
AUT "Leitner, Wolfgang" "CEO, Andritz AG"
ESP "León Gross, Bernardino" "Secretary General, Office of the Prime
INT "Mandelson, Peter" "Commissioner, European Commission"
FRA "Margerie, Christophe de" "CEO, Total"
CAN "Martin, Roger" "Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management,
University of
Toronto "
HUN "Martonyi, János" "Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker &
McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs"
USA "Mathews, Jessica T. " "President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace"
INT "McCreevy, Charlie " "Commissioner, European Commission"
USA "McDonough, William J." "Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman,
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc."
CAN "McKenna, Frank" "Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group"
GBR "McKillop, Tom " "Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group"
FRA "Montbrial, Thierry de" "President, French Institute for International
ITA "Monti, Mario" "President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi"
USA "Mundie, Craig J. " "Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation"
NOR "Myklebust, Egil" "Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk
Hydro ASA"
DEU "Nass, Matthias" "Deputy Editor, Die Zeit"
NLD "Netherlands , H.M. the Queen of the"
FRA "Ockrent, Christine" "CEO, French television and radio world service"
FIN "Ollila, Jorma" "Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc"
SWE "Olofsson, Maud " Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister
NLD "Orange , H.R.H. the Prince of"
GBR "Osborne, George" Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
TUR "Öztrak, Faik" Member of Parliament
ITA "Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso " Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre
GRC "Papahelas, Alexis" "Journalist, Kathimerini"
GRC "Papalexopoulos, Dimitris" "CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A."
USA "Paulson, Jr., Henry M." Secretary of the Treasury
USA "Pearl , Frank H." "Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC"
USA "Perle, Richard N." "Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for
Public Policy Research"
FRA "Pérol, François" Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs
DEU "Perthes, Volker" "Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik"
BEL "Philippe, H.R.H. Prince"
CAN "Prichard , J. Robert S." "President and CEO, Torstar Corporation"
CAN "Reisman, Heather M." "Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc."
USA "Rice, Condoleezza" Secretary of State
PRT "Rio, Rui " Mayor of Porto
USA "Rockefeller, David " "Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank"
ESP "Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias" "Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander"
USA "Rose, Charlie" "Producer, Rose Communications"
DNK "Rose, Flemming" "Editor, Jyllands Posten"
USA "Ross, Dennis B." "Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The
Washington Institute for Near East Policy"
USA "Rubin, Barnett R." "Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center
for International Cooperation, New York University "
TUR "Sahenk, Ferit " "Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S."
USA "Sanford, Mark" Governor of South Carolina
USA "Schmidt, Eric" "Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google"
AUT "Scholten, Rudolf " "Member of the Board of Executive Directors,
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG"
DNK "Schur, Fritz H. " Fritz Schur Gruppen
CZE "Schwarzenberg, Karel " Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA "Sebelius, Kathleen" Governor of Kansas
USA "Shultz, George P." "Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow,
Hoover Institution, Stanford University "
ESP "Spain , H.M. the Queen of"
CHE "Spillmann, Markus" "Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG"
USA "Summers, Lawrence H." "Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University "
GBR "Taylor, J. Martin" "Chairman, Syngenta International AG"
USA "Thiel, Peter A." "President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC"
NLD "Timmermans, Frans " Minister of European Affairs
RUS "Trenin, Dmitri V." "Deputy Director and Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow
INT "Trichet, Jean-Claude" "President, European Central Bank"
USA "Vakil, Sanam" "Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University "
FRA "Valls, Manuel " Member of Parliament
GRC "Varvitsiotis, Thomas" "Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication"
CHE "Vasella, Daniel L." "Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG"
FIN "Väyrynen, Raimo" "Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs"
FRA "Védrine, Hubert" Hubert Védrine Conseil
NOR "Vollebaek, Knut" "High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE"
SWE "Wallenberg, Jacob" "Chairman, Investor AB"
USA "Weber, J. Vin" "CEO, Clark & Weinstock"
USA "Wolfensohn, James D. " "Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC"
USA "Wolfowitz, Paul " "Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Public Policy Research"
INT "Zoellick, Robert B. " "President, The World Bank Group"
GBR "Bredow, Vendeline von" "Business Correspondent, The Economist"
GBR "Wooldridge, Adrian D." "Foreign Correspondent, The Economist"
AUT Austria HUN Hungary
BEL Belgium INT International
CHE Switzerland IRL Ireland
CAN Canada ITA Italy
CZE Czech Republic NOR Norway
DEU Germany NLD Netherlands
DNK Denmark PRT Portugal
ESP Spain POL Poland
FRA France RUS Russia
FIN Finland SWE Sweden
GBR Great Britain TUR Turkey
GRC Greece USA United States of America
Portrait: Peter Munk Peter Munk, le dirigeant de Barrick Gold
par Pierre Dubuc
Mondialisation.ca, Le 30 mai 2008
Peter Munk est le dirigeant de Barrick Gold, la compagnie minière qui poursuit pour 6 millions la maison d'édition Écosociété pour la publication de Noir Afrique.
Voir le siteSolidarité avec Écosociété
Zimbabwe's currency crashes, prices rocket
Traders were quoting the Zimbabwean dollar at between 995 million and 1.45 billion against the greenback in Thursday morning trade, up from an average 700 million at the beginning of the week. The currency has depreciated by about 84 percent since the central bank effectively floated it in early May after years of an official peg.
Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis
Under the guise of urban warfare training the 26th Expeditionary Unit an elite group of
Police to Seal Off D.C. Neighborhoods
Can you say Police State? The Examiner has the scoop on a controversial new program announced today that would create so-called "Neighborhood Safety Zones" which would serve to partially seal off certain parts of the city. D.C. Police would set-up checkpoints in targeted areas, demand to see ID and refuse admittance to people who don't live there, work there or have a "legitimate reason" to be there. Wow. Just, wow.
Police plan checkpoints for violent D.C. neighborhood
Start with 1600
Taser International Inc., the largest stun-gun maker, lost a $6.2 million jury verdict over the death of a
Police Kill Man In Taser Incident
Drop 'middle-class' academic subjects says schools adviser
Pupils would no longer study history, geography and science but learn skills such as energy- saving and civic responsibility through projects and themes.
Forget learning how to think. Just learn to obey!
Corporate Spies Killing The CIA
The CIA is having a growing problem with their analysts and spies being recruited away by corporations. One unpleasant, for government intelligence agencies, development of the last few decades has been the growing popularity of "competitive intelligence" (corporate espionage.) It's a really big business, with most large (over a billion dollars of annual sales) corporations having separate intelligence operations. Spending on corporate intel work is over $5 billion a year, and is expected to more than double in the next four years.
By Jeremy Scahill
Former high-ranking Bush officials enjoy war profits
Over the past decade, contracting for America's spy agencies has grown into a $50 billion industry that eats up seven of every 10 dollars spent by the U.S. government on its intelligence services. Today, unbeknownst to most Americans, agencies once renowned for their prowess in analysis, covert operations, electronic surveillance and overhead reconnaissance outsource many of their core tasks to the private sector. The bulk of this market is serviced by about 100 companies, ranging in size from multibillion dollar defense behemoths to small technology shops funded by venture capitalists.
Fearing Escalation, Pentagon Fought Cheney Plan
Pentagon officials firmly opposed a proposal by Vice President Dick Cheney last summer for airstrikes against Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) bases by insisting that the administration would have to make clear decisions about how far the United States would go in escalating the conflict with Iran, according to a former George W. Bush administration official.
This is quite revealing. What this means is that Bush and Cheney have already tried to kick off a war with
IRAN: Former German official says war imminent
An opinion piece by the former German foreign minister published today in a leading Middle East paper says that
Whether Olmert retains his position or if there is an election in
Israeli government officials understand that the next US president, whoever they might be, just may not be quite as carnage-prone (with other people's kids, that is) when it comes to neutralizing Israel's existential "threats" in the region (which of course are most of its neighbors).
Daniel Pipes: If Obama Wins, Bush Will Attack Iran in November
Leading neocon Daniel Pipes (director of the Middle East Forum) said in an interview posted Wednesday at National Review Online, that if Barack Obama is elected, George Bush would attack
Sooner if the polls show a McCain loss right from the start.
Needless to say, an Israeli or American-Israeli attack on
US sidesteps questions on Israeli threat against Iran
The White House Friday sidestepped questions about an Israeli threat to attack Iranian nuclear sites if it continues uranium enrichment, saying it would not respond to "hypotheticals.
Israeli Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz was quoted as telling an Israeli newspaper that an attack on
Memo to White House Spokesperson Stanzel; just in case you have suffered from an apparent case of selective amnesia, let me remind you that Bush has vowed to support Israel militarily in all cases, no matter who starts the shooting.
Source: Reuters North American News Service
CIA Protects Al-Qaeda Group From Extradition
The CIA is protecting an Al-Qaeda linked terror group formerly headed by the alleged mastermind of 9/11 from being extradited to Iran according to an ABC News report, which also reveals that U.S. intelligence has been meeting and advising the group that has been blamed for bombings in Iran.
WHAT THE FLIP?!?!?!?!?
reading this headline, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Excuse me, but are all
So, let me hazard a guess here.
This tribal group is no more "Al Qaeda" than I'm the Pope.
But this Sunni militant group, and CIA support for it, very much demonstrates the old Middle Eastern saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".
The Fallout From the Fallout 3 Revelations
You know that "Al Qeada" website that used an image from a computer game to show what they were going to do to the
Turns out that Al Qaeda website is in
FLASHBACK: Website That Predicted London Bombs an Intelligence Agency Front
An Islamic website that carried a doomsday message that "London shall be bombed" before the discovery of two crude car bombs in London last week was notorious for having long been infiltrated and controlled by intelligence agencies and spooks
SITE red-faced as Islamist 'Washington ruin' image turns out to be from Fallout 3 game
This image of
UPDATE: Just 30 minutes after this story was linked to several; blogs (including this one) the story was pulled at the source. The cache version at Google is empty. But I am leaving the link because "someone" so obviously wants this embarrassment to go away.
The image is not from Al Qaeda. It's artwork from a computer game called "Fallout."
See http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html for more info.
Al Qaeda Supporters' Tape to Call for Use of WMDs
Intelligence and law enforcement sources tell ABC News they are expecting al Qaeda supporters will post a new video on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what one source said is "jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West."
Isn't it amazing how intelligence sources always know when "al Qaeda" messages are going to be released and what they are about.
Bush misused Iraq intelligence: Senate report
Oh how hard the Mainstream Media strives to avoid using the word "Lie."
The latest euphemism is "Misused Intelligence."
Of course, we all know why the Mainstream Media will never use the word "Lie". They cannot report that Bush lied us into a war without admitting that they helped him to do it!
Confirmation from Senate Intel. Committee (finally): Bush lied about Iraq
The Senate Intelligence Committee finally issued its report on prewar intelligence during build up to the
Okay, here is where the rubber meets the road; what is the Senate going to DO about it? And when the Senate fails to do anything about it, what will YOU do?
Because if you do not do something about a President who lied us into
We can win a future of peace for all the worlds by tarring and feathering just one lying fink and the enablers in the media and government who helped him do it.
Or we can condemn our children and grandchildren to endless wars and privations.
It is time to decide.
Bush misused Iraq intelligence: Senate report
Oh how hard the Mainstream Media strives to avoid using the word "Lie."
The latest euphemism is "Misused Intelligence."
Of course, we all know why the Mainstream Media will never use the word "Lie". They cannot report that Bush lied us into a war without admitting that they helped him to do it!
Confirmation from Senate Intel. Committee (finally): Bush lied about Iraq
The Senate Intelligence Committee finally issued its report on prewar intelligence during build up to the
Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False
More than five years after the initial invasion of
Bush is not just a "war president", as he so loves to characterize himself; he is truly a "war crimes president" by having sent our military in harm's way to a war based on a pack of lies, and because of what the war and occupation of
Senate Panel Rejects Case for War
The panel's reproach, the most pointed on pre-invasion intelligence, doesn't call for penalties or a follow-up inquiry.
But if you download a copy of a music file, BOY are you in trouble!
Iraq Seeking to Cement Ties with Iran
Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki will make an official visit to
Congratulations to the critical thinking-challenged, "never saw this coming" folks at the
Apparently, the biggest winner in the US-led invasion and occupation of
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki arrived in
Apparently, the biggest winner from the
Le plan secret pour maintenir l'Irak
US issues threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal
The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq's money in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.
Few Americans are familiar with the proposed treaty. If they were, they might be shocked at its provisions, ashamed about its naked sadism. It:
· grants the
· allows the
· allows the
· allows
· extends to
· gives
· places the Iraqi Defense, Interior and National Security ministries, under American supervision for ten years
· gives the
Humiliating, right? The sort of conditions most Americans can’t imagine themselves accepting from a foreign occupying power.
'Genocide by design?' Bush Administration Plans to 'Stay' in Iraq for the Oil
EXCELLENT texte a lire
The Bush regime is responsible --legally and morally --for the deaths of some 1.2 million Iraqis and some 15,000 who die each month. [See: Michael Schwartz, Is the
Bush is so much more than the "war president", as he loves to characterize himself: he is truly a "war crimes president", and this country has become a rogue nation under the watch of his administration.
Cheney Enrages Iraqis Over Security Deal
Few Americans are familiar with the proposed treaty. If they were, they might be shocked at its provisions, ashamed about its naked sadism.
Treaty tensions mount as Iraq tells the US it wants all troops back in barracks
Several thousand demonstrators protested against the
According to a senior Iraqi official, the negotiations between the two allies became so fraught recently that President Bush intervened personally to defuse the situation. On Thursday he telephoned Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, to assure him that
Can you blame the Iraqi people for not wanting the occupation troops to stay?
If this "agreement" gets passed before the end of this year (and the end of the election season, so Bush can trumpet Iraq as a "success" worth all the cost in blood and money), look for the Iraqi people to revolt completely against the Al-Maliki government (and our troops) in any way they can think of.
US 'close' to Iraq military deal
Muqtada al-Sadr,
Last week, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,
In the
Watch for the Al Maliki government to accept this, over the strenuous objections of a large faction of the Iraqi people, and for Bush to do an end-run around congress to get this passed.
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control
A secret deal being negotiated in
The terms of the impending deal, details of which have been leaked to The Independent, are likely to have an explosive political effect in
This is what the current administration considers to be a viable plan for the future of
And just what, precisely, do the Iraqi people get out of this agreement?
I think the words "absolutely nothing" come to mind here.
New agreement lets US strike any country from inside Iraq
You know, when the
Australian Troops Pull Out of Iraq
About 500 Australian combat troops pulled out of their base in southern
Going to war with Iraq was wrong, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd admits
In an admission that will make uncomfortable reading in
Howard accused of war crimes over Iraq troop deployment
A legal brief has been sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC) alleging former prime minister John Howard committed a war crime by sending troops to
US paying allies to fight war in Iraq
In her testimony, Ugone also revealed that $135 million were given to forces from three countries
So from the get-go, the "Coalition o f the Willing" was actually a "Coalition of the Billing!"
Unflipping believable.
Iran mosque blast plotters admit Israeli, US links
Iran's chief prosecutor said bombers who caused a deadly blast at a mosque in Shiraz had confessed of links to Israel and the United States, the ISNA student news agency reported on Friday.
Diplomats: US walking away from UN rights forum
As stated at the website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNHRC#January_2008_decree
In January of 2008, the following happened at the Council:
"The council released a statement calling on
Olmert makes it clear strike on Iran 'remains on table'
PRIME Minister Ehud Olmert last night refused to discount the possibility of a military strike against
Of the Israeli-desired steps outlined by Mark Regev in this article, the embargoing of Iranian refined petroleum will be looked at as an act of war.
Of course, Olmert might have been jumping on this particular band-wagon right now because he's borrowing a page from the
To deflect from his own problems at the height of "L'affaire Lewinsky",
Unfortunately, the stakes here are fantastically much higher in the case of a potential military strike against
And, as has been mentioned, does Olmert really believe that
Were I Olmert, I wouldn't bet on it.
Israel attack on Iran 'unavoidable'-Olmert deputy
An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny
Go ahead,
But the problem is that
I think if
Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister
An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny
Memo to Transport Minister Mofaz; if you want to go ahead with an attack on
We'll be very happy to sit this one out, thank you very much.
And by the way, Minister Mofaz; do you have a clue as to what
Do you think that it will just stand by and watch its financial and geopolitical interests in
Before you decide on an attack against
Iran demands Security Council action on Israel threat
"Veto! Veto. Oh yes, Veto. Veto, veto, veto, vetovetovetovetovetoveto ... Vee- TOW!!! " -- Official White Horse Souse
Israeli PM raises spectre of full-scale Gaza operation
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Friday raised the spectre of a full-scale military operation in the Hamas-run
"According to the information as it is now, the pendulum is much closer to tough military action," Olmert told journalists on arrival in
Olmert is looking for any possible activity he can use to deflect the Israeli people's awareness away from his corruption scandal.
The death of scores of Palestinians would come in very handy for him right now in this regard.
Abbas informed of Israel's plan to retake Gaza
Remember way back before Ariel
And here we are.
Oil price crisis: world powers trade blame, skirt responsibility
Leaders of the world's major powers voiced alarm on Saturday after the unprecedented one-day hike in the price of crude, expected to jolt world economy, trading blame but taking no responsibility.
The reason for the one-day jolt was
Yet the
How will Britain respond to being slapped in the face by Israel?
"Thank you, your imperial majesty. Please give me another."
Many of the Middle East's myriad problems stem from indigenous factors like awful governance, but many others are due to the impunity with which
Hundreds rally in Tel Aviv against killings in Gaza, Sderot
Demonstrators carried signs reading "Children in
Among those who took part in the rally was Knesset Member Dov Khenin of the leftist Hadash party, who told Ynet that "the purpose of this demonstration is to warn of two possible wars - a 'small war' in
Unfortunately, the Israeli government is no more likely to listen to these peaceful voices of reason than the government of the
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