Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

samedi 7 avril 2007

IRAQ - Guerre d'agression documentée/ Plus grande guerre privée

IRAQ - Guerre d'agression documentée/ Plus grande guerre privée

C`est maintenant documenté et officiel, la guerre contre l`Iraq a été basé sur des mensonges fabriqués pour justifier une agression volontaire et planfiée de longue date - avant même le 9/11. D`ailleur, les plans étaient déjà étalés dans le PNAC, Projet for a New American Century, et The Grand Chessboard, qui relatent comment la région du Moyen-Orient est si importante à contrôler (et représente le grand prix à rafler) pour assumer le pouvoir unipolaire du 21e siècle. Une des raison principale, mis à part l`intérêt géostratégique pour bâtir des bases militaires permanentes et d`éliminer un ennemi d`Israël, est de contrôler une des plus grande région de pétrole au monde. Le principe de guerre d`agression qu`on croyait avoir banni à jamais avec les tribunaux de Nuremberg avec les nazis et en créant l`ONU sont revenu au menu du jour, sous le nom de guerres préventives.

Étant donné que les Neocons, qui ont pris le contrôle du gouvernement US en volant les élections deux fois, sont largement contitués de gens du milieu du pétrole, de l`armement et des gens qui ont une double loyauté envers Israël et ensuite américaine (sans compter le puissant scandale des espions israéliens au sein des plus hauts échelons du gouvernement US et des services de renseignement), on comprend pourquoi ils ont écrit qu`ils n`avaient que besoin d`un nouvel Pearl Harbor pour mettre en marche leur machine militaire à la conquête de leur plan de domination mondiale, écrit noir sur blanc dans le PNAC et The Grand Chessboard, écrit par des gens comme
George W.Bush, Karl Rove, Richard Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeb Bush, Vice Président Dick Cheney, Zalmay Khalilzad, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Richard Perle, ancien U.S. Secrétaire à la Défense Donald Rumsfeld, et Paul Wolfowitz.

Et ce "nouvel Pearl Harbor", qu`ils ont eut et exploité à fond, fut le 9/11. Ils savaient déjà que Saddam Hussein, l`ami crée par les USA et la CIA, ne possaidait plus d`armes de destruction massive, ni ne cherchait à se procurer la bombe nucléaire, ni n`était derrière le 9/11, ou ayant quelque liens que ce soit avec Ossama Bin Laden ou son Al Qaida. Tous des mensonges conscients. Bush a déclaré à Blair qu`ils allaient en guerre peut importe l`ONU ou l`opinion mondiale. Ça faisait des années qu`ils bombardaient les positions de l`Iraq, question de préparer le terrain. Saddam était supporté, financé et fourni en armes conventionelles, chimiques et biologiques par les américains. Qu`ils arrêtent de jouer à la vierge offensée, aux libérateurs et distributeurs de démocratie.

Les Bin Ladens, Pinochets, Suharto, Noriegas, Talibans, Al Qaidas de ce monde ont tous été mis en place et supporté gracieuseté des super US of America. Le peuple américain n`est plus en contrôle de son propre gouvernement depuis pas mal longtemps. Ils ne contrôlent même pas la création de leur propre monnaie, tout comme nous au Canada. Comment pensons-nous vivre de démocratie et d`élection libres???? Sommes-nous si aveugles???!!!

La guerre est une business. Elle est extrêmement profitable. Et ils nous promettent une guerre de cent ans, The Long War, avec un grand sourrire et des yeux en signe de piastre. La guerre contre l`Iraq est la plus grande guerre privée de l`histoire. Des 100 000 contracteurs privés, 50 000 sont des mercenaires privés ne répondant à aucune loi, traité, convention et ne répondant à personne sauf leur employeur. Il y avait 1 mercenaire pour 60 soldats en 1991 durant la guerre Tempête de Désert, et on est à 1 mercenaire pour 2 soldats aujourd`hui. Cette guerre a coûté plus de 400 000 000 000 US$. Plus la guerre dure, plus elle est payante, point à la ligne. Le seul but d`envoyer les soldats à la boucherie est d`assurer l`hégémonie sur le Moyen-Orient, et de prendre possession des réserves de pétroles, chose qui va être bientôt entériné par le gouvernement marionnette de l`Iraq. En ayant des bases militaires permanentes au coeur du Moyen-Orient, les forces anglo-saxonnes, comprenant les USA, Angleterre, Canada, avec Israël, peuvent projeter leur appareil militaire partout dans la région, jusqu`aux frontières de la Russie (qui s`énerve de plus en plus) et de la Chine.... sans oublier l`Iran, la Syrie et le Liban, les prochains sur la liste des rédacteurs du PNAC.

Si les médias de masse n`étaient pas tous contrôlés par les mêmes mains qui profitent de la guerre, de la globalisation (lire installation d`un gouvernement mondial faschiste) et de la destruction de la classe moyenne pour le profit de l`élite, on saurait que tout ceci est factuel et documenté. On pourrait dès lors commencer à s`organiser, à se mettre en réseau pour résister à cette marche macabre vers la mise à l`esclavage de toute l`humanité. Mais malheureusement, les médias sont aussi complices dans tout cette histoire relevant de la trahison.

2.5% (665 000) de la population iraquienne a été décimé depuis mars 2003, début de l`invasion, et un autre 1.5 million sont morts entre 1991 et 2003. Plus de 2 millions de réfugié iraquiens se sont enfuit de leur domicile, la plus grosse crise de réfugié dans le monde actuellement. Le peuple iraquien en grande majorité veulent les américains dehors de leur pays le plus tôt possible, genre demain matin s`ils le peuvent. Les américains ont à peine le contrôle de Baghdad, et les vrais chiffres de soldats morts tourne autour des 10 000, les blessés à 50 000.



Pentagon Officer Created Phony Intel on Iraq/al-Qaeda Link

Newly released documents confirm that a Pentagon unit knowingly cooked up intelligence claiming a direct link between Iraq and al-Qaeda in order to win support for a preemptive strike against the country.

Saddam’s pre-war ties to al-Qaeda discounted

Senate report: No Saddam, al-Qaida link

Book says CIA tried to provoke Saddam to war

West Has Bloodied Hands

Published on Sunday, December 19, 2004 by the Toronto Sun

by Eric Margolis

Who was the first high government official to authorize use of mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq?

If your answer was Saddam Hussein's cousin, the notorious "Chemical Ali" -- aka Ali Hassan al-Majid -- you're wrong.

The correct answer: Sainted Winston Churchill. As colonial secretary and secretary for war and air, he authorized the RAF in the 1920s to routinely use mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq and against Pashtun tribes on British India's northwest frontier.

What's the difference between the U.S. destroying the rebellious Iraqi city of Fallujah and Saddam destroying rebellious Halabja? What difference does it make if you're killed by poison gas, artillery or 2,000-pound bombs?

Britain, the U.S., Kuwait and Saudi Arabia convinced Iraq to invade Iran, then covertly supplied Saddam with money, arms, intelligence, and advisers. Meanwhile, Israel secretly supplied Iran with $5 billion US in American arms and spare parts while publicly denouncing Iran for terrorism.

Up to their ears

Who supplied "Chemical Ali" with his mustard and nerve gas? Why, the West, of course. In late 1990, I discovered four British technicians in Baghdad who told me they had been "seconded" to Iraq by Britain's ministry of defence and MI6 intelligence to make chemical and biological weapons, including anthrax, Q-fever and plague, at a secret laboratory at Salman Pak.

The Reagan administration and Thatcher government were up to their ears in backing Iraq's aggression, apparently with the intention to overthrow Iran's Islamic government and seize its oil. Italy, Germany, France, South Africa, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Chile and the USSR all aided Saddam's war effort against Iran, which was even more a victim of naked aggression than was Kuwait in 1991.

I'd argue senior officials of those nations that abetted Saddam's aggression against Iran and supplied him with chemicals and gas should also stand trial with Ali and Saddam.

What an irony it is to see U.S. forces in Iraq now behaving with much the same punitive ferocity as Saddam's army and police -- bombing rebellious cities, arresting thousands, terrorizing innocent civilians, torturing captives and sending in tanks to crush resistance.

In other words, Saddamism without Saddam.

Flashback- Bush: God told me to invade Iraq

You owe us, Bush sayt

60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002

Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Sudan: coldly premeditated neocon wars


Before emotions and disinformation gain the upper hand, consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that by late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And don't expect to hear about this from Lieberman, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Howard Dean, or the Clintons.)

Staticide, Not Civil War in Iraq

Calling the tragedy in Iraq a "civil war" is not only inaccurate. It is morally indefensible, laying the blame for the horrific violence and the destruction of a country and a society upon the victims of an illegal, aggressive war.

Bush says Iraq attacks are propaganda

U.S. President George W. Bush said the spike in violence in Iraq is a calculated ploy by terrorists to swing public opinion against the U.S. presence in Iraq.

No, idiot, LYING US INTO THE WAR IN THE FIRST PLACE was propaganda.

These attacks ARE the war you lied us into.

The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to.

Making a Killing: America's Private Army and the Business of War

These private companies are part of a huge surge in the outsourcing of war, which is extremely evident in Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, Colombia, Haiti, and numerous other countries. Private contractors are the second-largest con- tingent of the "Coalition of the Willing" with a ratio of about one armed con- tractor for every two American soldiers. This is up from a ratio of one to sixty during the first Gulf War. The Pentagon estimates the number of contractors at around 100,000—but this is only an estimate because after four years in Iraq the military is only now beginning a survey to find the size of its contractor force.

One Third of the “Coalition of the Willing” are Mercenaries

A UN report published recently showed that the number of mercenaries working in Iraq has been steadily increasing and is now estimated that the number of such professional mercenaries to over 30%. Between 30,000 and 50,000 mercenaries are working in Iraq, making them the second largest military force there after the occupying United States


It turns out that the United States has about 150,000 American military in Iraq. But, we also have almost 100,000 American “contractors” in Iraq as well. And, the most aggressive of these contractors are from a company called Blackwater. The men that were hanging on that bridge back in 2004 were contractors from this company.

Journalist Jeremy Scahill has a new book out called “Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.” In this book he illuminates some of the mysteries surrounding this company. He tells us how Erik Prince, a radical right-wing Christian multimillionaire controls 20,000 troops, a military base and a fleet of 20 aircraft, but most people have never heard of his organization.

Blackwater, Inc. And The Privatization Of The Bush War Machine

A War Conspiracy Documented


The now-infamous Downing Street documents showed how President George Bush managed his move to war by fitting intelligence to his policy, and by refusing to accept the reports of United Nations inspectors who could find no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Now there is a new hot document that confirms that Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair intended to sucker Saddam into war. It demonstrates that this aim was present long before the Bush-Blair talks, and indeed that provocation formed an integral feature of the U.S. war plan.

A January 31, 2003 meeting between Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair clearly shows the two leaders discussing ways to provoke Saddam Hussein so as to justify war, indicating premeditation. Last week the National Security Archive in Washington posted the U. S. war plan—the set of briefing slides used by Central Command (CENTCOM) chief General Tommy Franks to brief President Bush on “Polo Step,” CENTCOM’s Iraq invasion scheme. The PowerPoint slides were prepared for a series of presidential meetings held from December 2001 to August 2002. The slides summarized CENTCOM’s buildup and maneuver concepts for Bush’s deliberations. Bush backed Franks’ concept of “adjusting” Iraqi defenses by executing what amounted to a covert offensive air campaign. They would use forces already in the Persian Gulf region for the ostensible purpose of enforcing no-fly zones created after the first Gulf War. TomPaine.com has previously covered this operation (“The War Before the War ,” June 24, 2005), but the new evidence establishes an explicit link between the aerial offensive and the Iraq war plans.

Evil Is as Evil Does

According to a BBC news report (Oct. 30), British private security firm personnel – mercenaries to some – outnumber British soldiers in Iraq six to one. A British charity group accuses PM Tony Blair of "allowing mercenary armies to operate completely outside the law." In Britain, it is no longer permissible to hunt foxes, because it is "cruel and inhumane," but it is perfectly all right for private mercenaries and British soldiers to murder Iraqi and Afghan men, women, and children for the sake of Anglo-American-Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

Cheney says critics of new US Iraq plan play into hands of Bin Laden - Yahoo! News

Cheney says critics of new US Iraq plan play into hands of Bin Laden

US Vice-President Dick Cheney accused critics of the administration's new strategy inIraq of playing into the hands of Osama bin Laden and global terrorism.

Memo to Vice-President Cheney: Bin Laden has been dead for years, Dick.

Or didn't you get the news, holed up there in your bunker as you craft World War III?

U.S. invasion was "idiot decision"-Iraq vice president

The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an "idiot decision" and Iraqi troops now need to secure Baghdad to ensure the country's future, Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Thursday.

Well, there you have it - From the American-supported Vice President of Iraq.

If this guy is making this comment at Davos, you have to imagine what ordinary Iraqis think about it, looking at the total carnage their country has endured.

Bush Seeks Iraq War Funds ‘With No Strings’

President Bush on Sunday called for Congress to provide financing for the Iraq war “with no strings attached.” And he defended his decision, made formal this weekend, to send more than 8,000 more troops to Iraq and Afghanistan by saying they would be dedicated to training and support missions.

You can just hear the sound of defense contractors salivating collectively upon hearing this.

And unfortunately, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only people really "winning" (insert sound of Las Vegas slot machine here) are the defense contractors.

Bush vows to 60 Minutes that 'no matter what Congress wants' surge is on

US 'planning to keep 50,000 troops in Iraq for many years'

Operation Opera - 25 years ago today

25 years ago, Israel bombed Iraq's power reactor complex, insisting Iraq was building nuclear weapons. One invasion later, we now know Iraq was in fact building nothing more than a power station.

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