*** Attaque (nucléaire) imminente de l`Iran -Partie 1/3
*** Attaque (nucléaire) imminente de l`Iran -Partie 1/3
Soyons lucides mes amis, devant cette nouvelle campagne de peur, démonisation et de mensonges pour partir une nouvelle guerre, cette fois contre l`Iran. Voyons clair à travers la quantité écoeurante de propagande et de désinformation qui circulent dans nos médiocres médias de masse.
Voyons les vraies motivations qui animent les va-t-en-guerre de ce monde, ceux qui profitent de la mort et la destruction, de la peur et la déstabilisation.
J`ai essayé de regrouper en groupes les différents documents que j`ai à vous proposer pour faciliter la recherche. Étant donné qu`il y a plusieurs dizaines d`articles, le sujet total de la crise iranienne est divisé en une série de trois parties.
Il est important que les citoyens du monde se mobilisent et passent à l`action pour arrêter cette folie. Israël, les États-Unis et la Grande Bretagne sont déjà militairement prêts à attaquer l`Iran, et ce pour des mensonges et manipulations réminescentes des préparations à la guerre contre l`Iraq. Seulement, ici l`option nucléaire est clairement sur la table. C`est consternant de voir la double-pensée de George Orwell, concept développé dans son fameux livre "1984", être la mentalité de nos gouvernements: la guerre est mauvaise, mais une guerre pour la prévenir est bonne. La guerre pour la paix.
Israël, l`Inde et le Pakistan possèdent tous des bombes nucléaires sans avoir signé le Traité de Non Prolifération Nucléaire, et ils sont tous des régimes supportés par Washington, alors que l`Iran qui ne veut que développer des centrales nucléaires pour produire de l`électricité, chose qui selon toutes les évidences est vrai, légal et leur plein droit en tant que signataire au Traité, se voit menaçé d`être attaqué militairement et avec des bombes nucléaires par dessus le marché.
Un des moment clef qui a précipité le début de l`invasion de l`Iraq est losqus Saddam Hussein avait commencé à vendre son pétrole en Euro$ au lieu d`en $US. Quand ils se sont aperçu qu`il fesait ainsi plus d`argent sans dépendre des américains, plusieurs autres pays se sont penché sur la question et suggéré de suivre l`exemple, ce qui aurait menaçé l`hégémonie du dollard US, qui ne survit que dû au fait que tous les échanges de pétrole dans le monde se font en US$, ainsi que la majorité des transactions de biens mondiaux. De plus, l`Iraq est la 4e réserve de pétrole au monde.
Maintenant, l`Iran est rendu a 50% de ses transactions pétrolières qui sont fait en différentes monnaies que le $US depuis que l`Iran accepte toutes les monnaies du monde en échange de leur pétrole, et on annoncé la semaine dernière qu`ils vont maintenant progresser vers la totale élimination du $US de leur caisse. Ouch.
Comme l`histoire le montre, on ne déplace pas des effectifs militaires de façon massive et très coûteuse juste pour du bluff ou pour impressionner. Les Israéliens ont déclaré être prêt militairement pour attaquer l`Iran, et qu`ils le ferait si les USA ne le fesaient pas pour eux. L`Angleterre a doublé sa présence navale dans le Golfe Persique, et les américains ont des effectifs très impressionnants de déployé, pas vu depuis le début de la guerre contre l`Iraq.
Pour vous donner une mince idée:
Une superbombe américaine pour frapper l'Iran? (expert russe)
MOSCOU, 28 mars - RIA Novosti. Début mars, le Pentagone a testé avec succès une nouvelle bombe téléguidée super-lourde, destinée à détruire des cibles fortifiées. Les essais ont eu lieu sur le polygone White Sands Missile Range dans le désert du Nouveau-Mexique.
De l'avis de l'éminent expert militaire russe Leonid Ivachov, vice-président de l'Académie des problèmes géopolitiques, ce fait est très significatif compte tenu de la tension qui monte autour de l'Iran.
Par conséquent, la probabilité d'un conflit armé s'accroît considérablement. Il ne fait pas de doute que, si les Américains décident de détruire les sites nucléaires de l'Iran, ils emploieront leur superbombe. Ils ne manquent pas l'occasion de tester de nouvelles armes dans les conditions réelles d'actions militaires. Selon les spécialistes de notre académie, l'emploi d'armes nucléaires n'est pas non plus exclu. Que ce soit par les Etats-Unis, avec emploi d'ogives nucléaires de pénétration profonde, que par Israël, en riposte aux attaques de missiles de la part de l'Iran.
Alors quand on se rend compte que ce conflit ardemment voulu par "l`axe du mal", Israël/UK/USA, risque d`engager non seulement l`Iran mais, ceux aussi qui ont des puissants intérêts et supportent l`Iran, comme les deux mastodontes que sont la Russie et la Chine, on réalise que le spectre d`une 3e guerre mondiale se profile à l`horizon. Et si des armes nucléaires sont employées comme le déclarent et le veulent les envahisseurs, ça pourrait spiraler hors de contrôle assez rapidement, avec les conséquences les plus désatreuse pour le reste de l`humanité et de la vie en générale sur terre.
L`histoire des 15 soldats britanniques arrêtés par les iranniens est un clair stratagème de provocation pour se donner une excuse d`attaquer les iranniens. La façon dont le couple USA/UK ont mis ça en scène est vraiment ridicule. Si l`Iran avait attaqué la France basé sur des mensonges et qu`ils occupaient le pays depuis 4 ans, et que des soldats iranniens se tapaient une petite balade autour de l`Angleterre ou s`introduisaient dans ses eaux territoriales comme l`ont SOUVENT fait les USA/UK dans celle de l`Iran, ne pensez-vous pas qu`ils seraient arrêtés sur le champs???!!!
Et quand que je vous dis qu`ils ont fait bien pire que ça, lisez juste cet article qui relate comment les américains ont descendu un avion commercial irannien dans le passé pas si lointain, tuant tous les 290 passagers à bord:
Crisis in the Gulf-Remember the Vincennes
This, of course, is not the first crisis involving a dispute over ships entering
De plus, la seule chose que l`Iran veut, c`est que l`Angleterre reconnaisse son erreur d`avoir vogué dans les eaux territoriales qui leurs appartiennent, chose qui dénouerait la crise instantanément et causerait sûrement la relâche des 15 soldats. Mais au lieu de ça, Blair refuse de discuter (??!!) et s`est lancé sur le Conseil de Sécurité après 5-6 jours seulement! Tout pour escalader la tension au lieu de la diminuer.
Et puisqu`on parle de prisonniers, je me demande bien où il est mieux de se retrouver: entre les mains des iranniens ou celles des USA/UK/Israël? On peut comparer ces deux photos qui montrent les prisonniers entre les mains des iranniens versus ceux des américains (qui est la même chose en général pour UK/Israël):
Donc, pour terminer, je lance un appel à tous les aimants de la paix à se lever debout et dénoncer haut et fort les psychopathes meurtriers qui ne font que nous mentir pour nous mener en guerre contre d`autres humains sur cette planète, car soyons toujours conscients que les premières victimes de leurs entreprises impérialistes de domination sont toujours des populations civiles innocentes, des enfants, des femmes, des vieux, et des hommes qui ont d`autres choses à réaliser ici sur terre, que de servir de chair à canons.
Iran planning to stop using U.S. dollar to price oil, central bank governor says
Errie timing on this: it was just after the late Saddam Hussein made such a statement that the
Foreign Policy In Focus | Iran: Thinking the Unthinkable
The new head of Central Command (CENTCOM) that oversees the
Fallon is also close with the neoconservatives and attended the 2001 awards ceremony of the Jewish Institute for National Security (JINSA), a think tank that strongly pushed for the war in
It's always comforting to be reminded again and again as to just which elements are driving American foreign policy (this time, possibly off a cliff).
Neocons Blocked 2003 Nuclear Talks With Iran
Only 10% in U.S. See Iran as Immediate Threat
Chirac Strays From Assailing a Nuclear Iran
President Jacques Chirac said this week that if
Israel 'ready to confront Iran'
China to Sign $3.6b Deal for Iranian Gas Field Investment
A second Chinese oil company is close to signing a memorandum of understanding to invest $3.6 billion in an Iranian gas field amid
So just what will
*** Brzezinski "US will create false flag to attack Iran"
Presidential Candidate Fears "Gulf Of Tonkin" To Provoke Iran War
The August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, where US warships were apparently attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats, was cited by President Johnson as a legitimate provocation mandating U.S. escalation in Vietnam, yet Tonkin was a staged charade that never took place. Declassified LBJ presidential tapes discuss how to spin the non-event to escalate it as justification for air strikes and the NSA faked intelligence data to make it appear as if two
Actually, the Tonkin incident was "exaggerated" to support the push for war.
US 'will retaliate if ships are targeted'
"Although our presence in the Arabian Gulf is for defensive and not offensive purposes, the
Translation: the
You don't send all that hardware, like the carrier groups and supporting ships, to the
US under secretary of state: We won't allow nuclear Iran'
Nicholas Burns says ‘There is no doubt Iran seeking nuclear military weapons; stationing of two battle groups in Persian Gulf is part of our response’; adds: We are committed to being Israel's strongest security partner.
Look for some "
The resolution was passed on the 23rd of December, so the 60 days is up just about the 23rd of February.
US sends new warship to replace Eisenhower
The US Navy said yesterday it had ordered an aircraft carrier to the Gulf to replace one of two patrolling the region, as the
The language looks plain enough, in terms of the use of the word "replacement"; however, I wouldn't quite bet on the Eisenhower leaving the Gulf at any time soon.
Iran accuses British forces of launching "provocative act" against its consulate in Iraq
Sailor held by Iranians claims she was 'sacrificed' by UK
A fake British map? More on the Captured Brits
“A) The Iran/Iraq maritime boundary shown on the British government map does not exist. It has been drawn up by the British Government. Only
“B) Accepting the British coordinates for the position of both HMS Cornwall and the incident, both were closer to Iranian land than Iraqi land. Go on, print out the map and measure it. Which underlines the point that the British produced border is not a reliable one.
If one would use a maritime boundary defined by equidistance from the Iraqi and Iranian coastlines, as is commonly (see Art.7) done in such cases, the result would be something like this purple line. The merchant vessels position as given by the British and the British forces themselves would then have been well in Iranian waters.
British troops surround Iranian consulate in Basra
Another British Provocation.
Bush fully backs Britain in Crisis with Iran
Of course. This is the only way they could manufacture the "need" for an invasion.
Britain Takes Case Against Iran to U.N.
But Security Council diplomats said the brief press statement circulated by Britain's U.N. Mission is likely to face problems from Russia and others because it says the Britons were "operating in Iraqi waters" _ a point that Iran contests.
It added that the British crew was "operating in Iraqi waters as part of the Multinational Force-Iraq under a mandate from the Security Council under resolution 1723 and at the request of the government of
No matter what the Brits are saying at this point, it's all about setting a UN-blessed "legal" basis for military confrontation, and very, very soon.
Blair, Bush, and Olmert all have scandals knocking at their respective front doors, and need a major distraction quickly.
Iran pursues Britons' case through diplomacy
"It surprises us that the British government kicked up a media storm by announcing a freeze in relations with Tehran, and said they might take up the matter to the Security Council instead of sending a team of experts to examine the problem," he said, adding, "That will not resolve the problem. They have miscalculated."
No, they did not.
TOP STORY Brits in the Gulf and a Doctored British Map?
"The British Government has published a map showing the coordinates of the incident, well within an Iran/Iraq maritime border. The mainstream media and even the blogosphere has bought this hook, line and sinker.
The BBC for instance has already interviewed a supposed expert regarding the map, who vouched for its authenticity. But the point is, as Craig Murray, points out, how can such a map exist if the subject of boundaries has never been settled between
I told you all that after the "Dodgy Dossier", that nothing the British Government said can be trusted. This "Dodgy Map" is another clear fraud.
Britain denies troops surrounded Iranian consulate in Basra and fired shots
At a critical period in the crisis over
The Ministry of Defense in
Blair: Britain Won't Negotiate With Iran
Prime Minister Tony Blair said Thursday that
It sounds as though Blair is reading from carefully choreographed script, with one very specific objective: to use this incident as the basis for some kind of military attack on
I wonder what the Vegas odds are in terms of the actual timing of the attack?
It is when one considers the implications of what The BBC are getting at (but not saying directly!) that one realizes this entire thing may have really been a deliberate SET UP: i.e. either a TRAP laid by The British for The Iranians to fall into, or (even more mind bogglingly!) a TRAP laid by The British AND The Iranians (together with everyone else within The NWO Club) for The World to fall into!!!
Why would the Iranians want war? and if they wanted a war they don't need to play games with 15 British sailors. All
Therefore this is a trap laid by
Latest word is that this was the 6th incursion into Iranian waters by the British, not a single incident.
It is when one considers the implications of what The BBC are getting at (but not saying directly!) that one realizes this entire thing may have really been a deliberate SET UP: i.e. either a TRAP laid by The British for The Iranians to fall into, or (even more mind bogglingly!) a TRAP laid by The British AND The Iranians (together with everyone else within The NWO Club) for The World to fall into!!!
Why would the Iranians want war? and if they wanted a war they don't need to play games with 15 British sailors. All
Therefore this is a trap laid by
Latest word is that this was the 6th incursion into Iranian waters by the British, not a single incident.
British sailors admit entering Iran waters: Iran military
They had confessed to being in Iranian waters, he said. But ex-Navy chief Admiral Sir Alan West said a confession in such circumstances meant "absolutely nothing".
That's funny, I don't recall
Iran's arrest of sailors was legitimate, says former UK envoy
US and UK fail to find smoking gun
Although British and US military and diplomats often complain of Iranian support for insurgents in
Col Justin Maciejewski said he could not prove Iranian interference in the southern Iraqi city, where
Which is why we now have the "provocation" that Iranians have captured British sailors who were inside Iranian territorial waters.
Britain says 15 sailors detained by Iran
"[The British government] is adamant that its sailors were in Iraqi territorial waters, not in Iranian waters," the CBC's Adrienne Arsenault said.
The British government was adamant about the "Dodgy Dossier", too. But if you think about it, the only Brits who really DO know where they were are still in
Iran seizes 15 British Navy personnel
This is a repeat of the 2004 incident in which
Big U.S. oil supply to offset Mideast Gulf disruption
"We have substantial emergency supplies" of oil to offset problems in Gulf shipping," EIA's Guy Caruso told reporters.
Translation: the
Britain freezes ties with Iran, Tehran says woman to be freed
Why am I expecting a "Wag the Dog" - "old Shoe" moment shortly from British/ US media?
Navy boats 'ambushed' in Iraqi water
Okay folks, I am calling BULL BISCUITS on this one, and here is the reason.
Why would
The US and
So, who gets what they want in a border dispute? Who WANTS war?
Truth is the first casualty in war and in watching the mainstream media trying to assure us that
British troops raid IRI consulate
"British forces sealed off the Iranian consulate in
New video "proves" Iran's case
New video footage of the operation to seize 15 British naval personnel last week has been shown on Iranian television.
Posted Mar 31, 2007
Brinkmanship Unwise in Uncharted Waters
Resist The War Drive Against Iran
Mossad killed Iranian nuclear physicist
U.S. troops authorized to kill Iranians in Iraq
Another provocation by the
Iran : les choses se mettent en place pour l’ escalade
- par Sam Gardiner - 2007-01-24
Bush administration provokes open war on Iran
The Iranian government’s response to these raids, material seized by US forces in this raid, and whatever results from the arrest and detainment of five Iranians, will be used as the pretext to launch the long-anticipated Anglo-American war on
This admiministration is attempting to do the same thing on this road to war against
The only folks who can possibly stop this next debacle is congress, but I'm not holding my great that they'll do anything but roll over and comply with "The Decider".
There will be a point in these escalating provocations at which either we'll have a "
Bush warns Iran against action in Iraq
Bush is getting ready to blame
Hey, anything to kick off the next war!
Agents iraniens en Irak: 'permis de tuer' pour les soldats américains (Washington Post)
- par Ria Novosti - 2007-01-26
Iran accuses U.S. of backing terrorists who killed soldiers
Report: Weapons used in attack in Zahedan, Iran come from U.S.
Iran claims U.S., Britain involved in attack
Bullet cartridges bearing a
A photograph of the cartridge box, along with an array of other ammunition, was published by Iranian newspapers and agencies.
Iran shoots down U.S. spy drone amid growing military pressure
The aircraft was brought down when it was trying to cross the borders "during the last few days," Seyed Nezam Mola Hoveizeh, a member of the parliament, was quoted by the local Fars News Agency as saying.
Can you say "escalating provocations", boys and girls?
I knew you could!
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