L'Autre Monde 17 octobre 2011: Occupy Wall Street devient planétaire - Une conscience globale s'installe

L'Autre Monde 17 octobre 2011: Occupy Wall Street devient planétaire - Une conscience globale s'installe
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L'Autre Monde 17 octobre 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
Au programme cette semaine:
- Actualité mondiale, fausse menace terroriste aux États-Unis blamée sur l'Iran, la résistance monte en Libye;
- Économie mondiale et américaine - le mouvement Occupy Wall Street devient planétaire;
Soyez de la partie les lundis dès 15h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Le Soleil, Publié le 12 novembre 2010 à 15h14 | Mis à jour le 12 novembre 2010 à 15h05
Antennes relais cellulaires: les preuves d'effets biologiques s'accumulent
À la lumière de ces études, les auteurs américains croient que les normes devraient interdire la construction d'antennes relais cellulaires à moins de 500 mètres de la population et à une hauteur minimale de 50 mètres.
| Pierre Asselin |
(Québec) De plus en plus d'études font état de problèmes de santé parmi la population vivant à proximité d'antennes relais cellulaires, concluent les auteurs d'un article que vient de publier le Conseil national de recherches Canada (CNRC).
La revue en ligne Dossiers Environnement, des Presses scientifiques du CNRC, vient en effet de publier les résultats d'une revue de la littérature réalisée par un biologiste américain de l'Université de Washington, Henry Lai, et Blake Levitt, une journaliste scientifique.
«On ne peut plus vraiment continuer à nier les symptômes qui sont rapportés de bonne foi, écrivent-ils. Ces observations couvrent maintenant une période de 50 ans. Il ne s'agit plus de savoir si les symptômes sont d'origine psychosomatique - cela fait insulte aux médecins et aux citoyens qui en font état. La seule question qui se pose maintenant, c'est d'établir des normes d'exposition.»
Les deux auteurs ont identifié plusieurs articles scientifiques qui font état d'effets biologiques causés par des radiations de faible intensité, comparables à ce que subiraient des personnes vivant à une distance de 50 à 150 mètres d'antennes cellulaires.
Parmi ces effets, on signale une perte de calcium dans des cellules cancéreuses humaines. Chez la souris, on signale une diminution des fonctions reproductives et aussi une hausse de perméabilité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique, censée protéger le cerveau contre les infections.
«Voilà 10 ans, on relevait peut-être une douzaine d'études qui rapportaient des effets de radiations à faible intensité, alors qu'aujourd'hui, nous en avons dénombré plus de 60» peut-on lire dans l'étude.
Accumulation possible des effets
La plupart des recherches ont été faites à partir d'expositions brèves, mais de plus en plus d'indices laissent croire à une accumulation des effets sur une période prolongée. Ils citent entre autres une étude portant sur cinq générations de souris exposées à des radiations de faible intensité. Alors que cette recherche notait une baisse de fertilité chez la première génération, les auteurs ont trouvé des souris stériles à la cinquième génération.
L'article rapporte aussi les observations faites par trois médecins allemands qui disent avoir observé une hausse abrupte des symptômes de maux de tête, de léthargie, de pertes de concentration, de dépression et de sensations de brûlure parmi la population de Hessaian Rhoen, après l'implantation d'un système de télédiffusion numérique.
Une étude réalisée sur une population de 1000 personnes, de 1994 à 2004, encore en Allemagne, a trouvé une hausse significative de l'incidence de cancers chez les personnes ayant habité plus de cinq ans à moins de 500 mètres d'une antenne. Le risque de cancer dans ce groupe était trois fois plus élevé que ce qu'on observait chez ceux qui étaient plus éloignés des antennes.
Risque de cancer plus élevé
Des résultats semblables ont aussi été obtenus par une équipe israélienne qui a comparé différents groupes à l'intérieur de la ville de Netanya ainsi que des groupes témoins à la grandeur du pays. Le risque de cancer était quatre fois plus élevé dans la zone la plus rapprochée des antennes cellulaires.
À la lumière de ces études, les auteurs américains croient que les normes devraient interdire la construction d'antennes à moins de 500 mètres de la population et à une hauteur minimale de 50 mètres.
Présentement, au Canada, aucune norme ne fixe de distance minimale entre une zone habitée et une antenne. On peut d'ailleurs trouver des antennes relais installées sur des façades d'immeubles d'appartements, à quelques mètres seulement des locataires.
Publié le 12 octobre 2011 - Journal Le Soleil
Cultures génétiquement modifiées (OGM): les abeilles affectées par les pesticides
Il n'y a pas que le règne humain, végétal et animal qui soient affectés par les OGM, les abeilles aussi.
Les néonicotinoïdes peuvent engendrer des modifications des enzymes du cerveau de l'abeille. L'insecte peut alors avoir de la difficulté à voler, à s'orienter ou à communiquer avec les membres de sa colonie.
| Claudette Samson |
(Québec) Des chercheuses québécoises viennent de démontrer que les abeilles qui butinent aux champs sont clairement affectées par les nouveaux pesticides utilisés en enrobage des semences de plantes génétiquement modifiées. Cette démonstration serait une première mondiale, selon l'une des scientifiques impliquées.
Madeleine Chagnon est entomologiste et professeure associée à l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et s'intéresse depuis des années à l'effet des pesticides sur les abeilles, et tout particulièrement des néonicotinoïdes, ces pesticides systémiques qui enrobent les semences et se diffusent dans la plante à mesure qu'elle pousse. Ils sont utilisés au Québec sur de très grandes superficies, dans la culture du maïs et du canola.
Dans le cadre d'une recherche de trois ans, elle a démontré dans un premier temps que des abeilles soumises en laboratoire à des doses connues de néonicotinoïdes développent des modifications au niveau des enzymes de leur cerveau. Sans nécessairement faire mourir l'abeille, ces modifications peuvent avoir un impact majeur sur le petit insecte pollinisateur : difficulté à voler, à s'orienter, à communiquer avec les membres de sa colonie. Des observations semblables ont d'ailleurs été faites ailleurs dans le monde.
Mme Chagnon et sa collègue toxicologiste Monique Boily, aussi de l'UQAM, seraient toutefois les premières à démontrer l'impact de ces pesticides sur les abeilles qui butinent librement aux champs, et dont, par définition, on ignore la quantité de pesticides ingérée. Cette démonstration a été faite grâce à l'analyse des biomarqueurs de quelque 6000 abeilles prélevées dans six régions du Québec, expliquait hier Mme Chagnon en entrevue téléphonique.
Les ruches ont été déposées près de champs de maïs cultivé avec le pesticide en question, de même que près de champs de maïs biologique et dans des zones éloignées de ces cultures.
L'opération consistait à capturer des abeilles qui volaient et à les tuer rapidement en les posant sur de la glace sèche. Elles étaient ensuite conservées à une température de moins 80 degrés Celsius, jusqu'à l'analyse des enzymes de leur cerveau. Les chercheuses ont alors constaté que celles qui butinaient dans des champs de cultures utilisant les néonicotinoïdes présentaient les mêmes modifications que celles qui avaient été exposées au pesticide en laboratoire. En outre, des abeilles présentant un comportement erratique ou mortes ont aussi été découvertes dans ces ruches.
À l'inverse, les abeilles ne présentant pas d'anomalies provenaient d'endroits éloignés des cultures génétiquement modifiées, et les colonies y étaient davantage en santé.
Accumulation de preuves
Les recherches des deux Québécoises, dont le résultat a été remis hier au ministère québécois de l'Agriculture, constituent une preuve de plus de ce que dénoncent depuis des années bien des apiculteurs sur le terrain, croit Jean-Pierre Chapleau, de la Fédération des apiculteurs du Québec.
Bien sûr, il n'y a pas que les pesticides qui affectent les butineuses, dit-il, et les apiculteurs ont du travail à faire pour améliorer la survie de leurs colonies. La Fédération est d'ailleurs en train d'élaborer un plan d'action à cet égard. L'une des phases de ce plan se déroulera en collaboration avec la Table agro-environnementale de l'Union des producteurs agricoles, pour sensibiliser les agriculteurs aux effets des pesticides.
Le plan vise aussi à développer une meilleure gestion des parasites, en collaboration avec les vétérinaires. La tendance croissante à louer les ruches pour polliniser sera aussi regardée, en raison du stress qu'elle peut occasionner. «Il y a des abeilles qui vont aux bleuets, aux pommes et aux canneberges, ça fait beaucoup de transport, ça!», s'exclame cet ancien reproducteur de reines, qui exploite encore 250 ruches en Estrie.
Insecticides systémiques par les OGM : les apiculteurs sonnent l'alarme
OGM - Les apiculteurs du Québec s'inquiètent de l'utilisation croissante d'insecticides systémiques, c'est-à-dire intégrés à la plante même, sans... »
Des OGM qui font trembler les abeilles
OGM - La planète apiculture est en émoi. Ce qui était une hypothèse il n'y a pas si longtemps se confirme, à savoir les effets néfastes d'une classe... »
Communiqué du RQIC - Négociations de l’Accord Canada-Union européenne : La société civile exige un débat public, maintenant ! Déclaration conjointe des organisations sociales du Québec et de la France
Dernières nouvelles, 13 octobre 2011
Communiqué du Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale (RQIC) Pour diffusion immédiate
Montréal, 13 octobre 2011 — À l’aube de ce qui pourrait être la dernière ronde de négociations de l’Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (AÉCG), le Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale (RQIC) et ses partenaires exigent un débat public, large et informé, avec la participation des divers secteurs sociaux ainsi que de nos représentant-e-s élu-e-s à l’Assemblée nationale avant toute signature de l’accord.
L’AÉCG est l’accord le plus ambitieux jamais négocié par le Canada. Ses visées vont non seulement plus loin que l’ALÉNA, mais elles sont aussi plus préoccupantes : pour la première fois, on négocie des domaines entiers relevant de la compétence des provinces et des pouvoirs municipaux et qui, pour le Québec, représentent des services publics majeurs.
« Au moment même où des négociateurs discuteront en notre nom sans n’avoir jamais reçu de mandat de la population, nous voulons dénoncer publiquement cette façon de faire antidémocratique. Compte tenu de l’importance des enjeux, il est grand temps de briser le secret des négociations », a affirmé en conférence de presse Régine Laurent, l’une des porte-paroles du RQIC, aussi présidente de la Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec - FIQ. « Le gouvernement Charest est partie prenante des tractations, et nous exigeons qu’il rende publiques les offres que le Québec a déposées à la table de négociations », a ajouté madame Laurent.
Depuis juin dernier, malgré les demandes en ce sens au premier ministre et une demande d’accès à l’information, il a été impossible pour le RQIC d’avoir accès à ces offres d’une importance capitale.
Selon la dernière version du texte de l’accord, rendue accessible grâce à une fuite, les services en matière de santé, d’éducation, d’électricité, de télécommunications, d’eau potable, de culture et les marchés publics qui y sont associés, n’ont pas été exclus des discussions. « Au départ, on a tenté de justifier les pourparlers avec l’Europe comme une opportunité pour nos entreprises d’accéder au marché européen et pour créer des emplois ici. Aujourd’hui, le négociateur en chef Pierre-Marc Johnson ne parle plus que d’attirer les capitaux étrangers. Pour financer les projets mégalomanes du Plan Nord de Jean Charest ? Pour privatiser la gestion de l’eau ? Quel en sera le prix ? », s’interroge Denis Bolduc, secrétaire général au Québec du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) / FTQ.
Selon les fuites, l’AÉCG inclurait une disposition de protection des investissements similaire à celle du chapitre 11 de l’ALÉNA, qui permettrait à une entreprise étrangère de poursuivre un gouvernement lorsqu’elle estime qu’une politique publique affecte ses profits. « Si nos soupçons se confirment, l’AÉCG restreindra notre capacité d’adopter des mesures qui protègent l’environnement, à mettre en œuvre des politiques qui favorisent l’emploi et le développement local et il effritera nos politiques publiques en matière d’équité et de répartition de la richesse », selon Alexa Conradi, présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ), une organisation membre du RQIC.
Notre souveraineté politique, économique, énergétique, alimentaire, environnementale, et même culturelle, est en jeu. « Tout cela sans que les parlementaires soient consultés », déplore Jean-Martin Aussant, député indépendant de Nicolet-Yamaska. « Le gouvernement ne doit pas sacrifier sa souveraineté devant des intérêts économiques circonscrits, il doit informer la population des véritables enjeux de l’accord ».
Selon Claude Vaillancourt, coprésident d’Attac-Québec et aussi porte-parole du RQIC, « un tel accord ne règlera strictement rien de ce qui préoccupe la population : la détérioration de l’environnement, la pauvreté, les inégalités, la collusion entre l’entreprise privée et les partis politiques. En dérèglementant et en donnant plus de pouvoir aux grandes entreprises, il ne fait que perpétuer ce qui a été à l’origine de la crise qui nous affecte encore ».
L’opposition à un accord entre le Canada et l’Union européenne prend sa force dans la construction d’un front commun des mouvements sociaux des deux côtés de l’Atlantique. « Dans cet esprit, nous rendons aujourd’hui publique une déclaration commune entre les organisations sociales du Québec et de la France sur l’AÉCG », a annoncé Frédéric Viale, d’Attac-France, en visite au Québec. « Cette déclaration dénonce en particulier l’approche de coopération transatlantique de l’AÉCG pour le seul bénéfice des grandes entreprises privées et met en quelque sorte la table pour les actions qui se tiendront à Ottawa du 17 au 21 octobre prochain », a ajouté ce représentant des groupes français et membre du grand réseau européen From Seattle to Brussels.
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Renseignements :
Pierre-Yves Serinet, Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale - RQIC, 514-276-1075
Lisa Djevahirdjian, Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique - SCFP-Québec, 514-831-3815
Sandra Gagné, Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec - FIQ / RQIC, 514-796-5093
Documents joints
* Communiqué RQIC, 13 oct.2011 (PDF – 306.9 ko)
* Déclaration Québec-UE sur AÉCG (PDF – 493.1 ko)
Pendant que les Américains nous expliquent qu'ils faut sauver la Grèce, celle-ci vient d'annoncer en toute discrétion avoir acheté 400 chars Abrams M1.
Tiens ? Ils sont pas bien les Leclerc ? Ou les Tigre allemands ?
- "Selon une information du magazine Hellenic Defence Technology, les autorités américaines ont accepté de fournir 400 tanks Abrams à l'armée grecque, ceci inclura des options comprenant la simple rénovation - représentant des dizaines de millions de dollars pour tous les tanks - et la mise à plus haut niveau de la capacité opérationnelle à un coût encore plus élevé. "
Il faut des chars pour se défendre contre les Turcs, eux-même armés par les... Américains.
En plus des chars, il y a d'autres babioles, genre véhicules blindés US, etc...
Sources :
Jovanoic.com (reprise de son post pour info)
Study: FDA allowed oil-tainted seafood onto market
A peer-reviewed study released this week has concluded that the government’s safety testing methodologies for Gulf of Mexico seafood were insufficient to prevent oil-tainted animals from being sold in U.S. supermarkts.
Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor Unstable, Fractured, Spilling Hydrocarbons
The latest assessment performed by the Gulf Rescue Alliance reveals not only that the oil spill is still happening, but also that the Gulf of Mexico’s sea floor grew more unstable since the explosion in 2010. Additionally, analysis provided by experts like BK Lim, shows that the geohazards developed that derive from the rolling leakage of toxic matter, combined with the on-going use of the highly toxic chemical dispersant called Corexit will most likely result in the permanent decline of marine life, while posing out-of-control public health risks, just as it did after the Exxon Valdez spill where the same chemical dispersants were used resulting in a rapid decline of the marine life until, for example, the Herring industry completely collapsed and has never recovered since then.
Wall Street Journal caught buying own papers in circulation scam
One of Rupert Murdoch’s most senior European executives has resigned following inquiries by the Guardian about a circulation scam at News Corporation’s flagship newspaper, the Wall Street Journal.
The Guardian found evidence that the Journal had been channelling money through European companies in order to secretly buy thousands of copies of its own paper at a knock-down rate, misleading readers and advertisers about the Journal’s true circulation.
Ten stories the mainstream media ignored in the past year, according to Project Censored.
1. More U.S. soldiers committed suicide than died in combat in 2010
Six more, to be exact. That’s the figure reported by Good magazine and spotlighted by Project Censored in an article highlighting the fact that 462 American soldiers were killed in combat in 2010, while 468 soldiers, counting enlisted men and women as well as veterans, took their own lives.
This was the second consecutive year that more soldiers died by their own hands than in combat — in 2009, the 381 suicides of active-duty soldiers recorded by the military also exceeded the number of deaths in battle. The Good report, which references Congressional Quarterly as a source, was published in January 2011, just weeks after military authorities announced that a psychological screening program seemed to be stemming the suicide rate among active-duty soldiers.
3. Obama’s hit list
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. military have the authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad, outside war zones, if strong evidence exists that they’re involved in terrorist activity, the Washington Post reported in a front page story in January of 2010.
8. The myth of clean nuclear power
9. The government is manipulating the weather
This one stretches credulity, and it’s probably the best example of why Project Censored has gained detractors even on the left in recent years. The authors point us to a Centre for Research on Globalization article titled, “Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails,” by Rady Ananda, who begins by informing readers, “The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.”
It describes an “international symposium” held in Belgium in May of 2010, during which “scientists asserted that manipulation of climate through modification of cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory,” and is “fully operational.”
10. The “real” unemployment rate
VeriSign Demands Power To Kill “Abusive” Websites
VeriSign has asked the domain name industry overseer ICANN to grant it the power to kill a .com or .net domain in order to comply with “applicable court orders, laws, government rules or requirements,” and believes the authority should be global to allow the company to shut down websites “without a court order” if any government agency merely requests it do so.
“The company has already helped law enforcement agencies in the US, such as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, seize domains that were allegedly being used to sell counterfeit goods or facilitate online piracy, when the agency first obtained a court order,” states the report.
Webmaster's Commentary:
VeriSign is essentially demanding that all blogs be subject to the censorship limits of every other country on Earth, a limitation the corporate media does not have to live with! This means (for example) a nation like Israel can shut own American websites presenting the truth about the attack on the aid flotilla, so that only Israel's bought-and-paid-for corporate media lies are the only story to reach the public.
Police Device Used To Steal Your Cell Phone Data During Traffic Stop
You may have heard about the Cellebrite cell phone extraction device (UFED) in the news lately. It gives law enforcement officials the ability to access all the information on your cell phone within a few short minutes.
Grocery stores give food discounts to customers who agree to receive flu shot vaccines
Walgreens, CVS and other pharmacies all over have been "harassing customers" with their vaccine push. But that's just the beginning.
Other food retail companies with pharmacies such as Randalls, Safeway, Winn Dixie, and the huge retail food chain Kroger have been offering customers incentives and rewards for agreeing to receive flu shots.
Last month customers who got a flu shot at Winn-Dixie stores using their reward card saved $5 on the vaccine and also were given free merchandise including apples, juice, facial tissues and disinfecting wipes.
Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Vaccine induced inflammation could be partly responsible for the type 2 diabetes epidemic, as well as soaring metabolic syndrome rates...
California Gardasil Law Signed: Children to Receive Deadly Shot Without Parental Consent
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Thanks to California governor Jerry Brown, Merck’s human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil will now be given to children 12 years or older without parental consent. Omitting parents from the entire equation, California lawmakers are now leaving 12-year-old children to make their own health decisions.
National Vaccine Information Center Calls New CA Vaccine Law A “Violation of Parental Informed Consent Rights and Federal Law”
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) today criticized California Governor Jerry Brown for bowing to pressure from the pharmaceutical and medical trade lobby and signing a controversial bill (AB499) into law that allows 12 year old children to be vaccinated without the knowledge or consent of their parents. The new California law allows minor children as young as 12 years old to be given Gardasil and hepatitis B vaccine, as well as future vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases, without the informed consent of their parents.
“Under federal law, parents are supposed to get vaccine information before their children are vaccinated to help minimize risks and this new California law raises, rather than reduces, vaccine risks for children.”
Flu Vaccine Ingredients As Lethal As Ever: Don't Risk Your Health, Pass on The Flu Shot
Regardless of pressures placed upon vaccine manufacturers, it is unlikely that influenza vaccines will ever change as they consistently contain toxic ingredients as part of their formulas. It is simply the nature of what a flu vaccine is and consequently something that should never be administered to any living being. If we examine influenza vaccines for the 2011/2012 flu season, we find the exact same level of toxicity in these vaccines as their predecessors.
Amnesty called on Canadian authorities to arrest and prosecute George W. Bush
Amnesty: Canada ‘required’ to arrest George W. Bush
Obama 2012: Winning the Future
Webmaster's Commentary:
So .... Obama's slogan for next year's campaign is ... 'WTF'????? :)
Congress approval rating sinks to 13%
Secret panel can put Americans on 'kill list'
October 6, 2011, MSNBC/Reuters
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials. There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate. The panel was behind the decision to add Awlaki ... to the target list. He was killed by a CIA drone strike in Yemen late last month. The White House is portraying the killing of Awlaki as a demonstration of President Barack Obama's toughness toward militants who threaten the United States. But the process that led to Awlaki's killing has drawn fierce criticism from both the political left and right. Obama, who ran for president denouncing predecessor George W. Bush's expansive use of executive power in his "war on terrorism," is being attacked in some quarters for using similar tactics. They include secret legal justifications and undisclosed intelligence assessments. Liberals criticized the drone attack on an American citizen as extra-judicial murder. Conservatives criticized Obama for refusing to release a Justice Department legal opinion that reportedly justified killing Awlaki.
Note: State assassination of a citizen without due process would seem to be ultimate attack on civil liberties. For lots more on such threats from reliable sources, click here.
On targeted assassinations, what about due process?
October 4, 2011, San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)
U.S. officials last week acknowledged that unmanned predator aircraft killed two U.S. citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, in Yemen. Yet, U.S. media outlets have chosen to refer to them as "American born" or "U.S.-born," as in "the American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by U.S. armed drones." No concrete proof of their guilt has been furnished beyond what the government and multiple media outlets have reported. In the case of the al-Awlaki killing, U.S. officials said, "Al-Awlaki played a 'significant operational role' in plotting and inspiring attacks on the United States," as they justified the killing of an American citizen. In the post-9/11 world, such reporting garners little attention from the public. But those who believe in the rule of law find such mundane pronouncements frightening. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the accused the right to a public trial by an impartial jury, regardless of his or her ethnic background or previous alleged activities. Government-sanctioned assassinations of U.S. citizens without due process should be discussed rather than blindly accepted as a victory in the war on terror. The obvious follow-up question is: What about other U.S. citizens? Might they also be targeted for assassination without due process? The targeted killings of al-Awlaki and Khan should shock Americans reared on the rule of law, justice, liberty and freedom.
Note: State assassination of a citizen without due process would seem to be ultimate attack on civil liberties. For lots more on such threats from reliable sources, click here.
Fast and Furious:
Congress issues subpoena for Holder, others in 'Fast and Furious' probe
Congressional investigators have issued a subpoena for communications from several top Justice Department officials - including Attorney General Eric Holder - relating to the discredited "Fast and Furious" federal gunrunning operation, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California.
Operation Fast and Furious involved agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowing illegal sales of guns believed to be destined for Mexican drug cartels to "walk" from Phoenix, Arizona, gun stores into Mexico.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Iran, Iran, Iran, Oh Iran! Iraniraniran!" -- Official White Horse Souse
See The Iran Contra Affair, and what appears to be an earlier version of the guns-south, drugs-north operation.
Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration
Could Fast and Furious be the scandal that brings down the Obama administration? With the full knowledge of the Department of Justice, ATF agents facilitated the sale of thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels and dropped all surveillance of those weapons once they crossed the border.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The guns are just the tip of the iceberg. Look for the drug connection.
22 "Fast and Furious" facts: What did the Obama White House know and when did they know it?
"What did the President know, and when did he know it?": Howard Baker, Vice Chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee
What do President Obama and Eric Holder know, when did they know it and will the "Fast and Furious" operation to sell weapons to Mexican drug cartels be the scandal that brings the Obama White House down?
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is not just about the guns. It';s about drugs. This is a repeat, indeed maybe a continuation, of the Iran-Contra guns and drug running scandal that touched both parties and three Presidents!
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker
Last week it was reported that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were deeply involved in the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, or Project Gunwalker. Today, however, new evidence has surfaced indicating that not only was Hillary deeply involved in the scandal but was one of the masterminds behind it.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Given that Hillary was in the middle of the previous gun and drug running operation, aka Iran-Contra, it stands to reason she would play a major role in the current one!
Attorney general subpoenaed in probe of botched gun operation
U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder has been subpoenaed by the Republican chairman of a House oversight committee, an escalation of the congressional investigation into the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
When Eugene Hassenfuss' airplane first crashed, the governmemt claimed that it was just a gun-smuggling operation gone wrong. Later we found out that drugs smuggling was involved as well; a scandal that touched both parties and three Presidents that came to be known as Iran-Contra.
Given that it has already been admitted cocaine was allowed into the US as part of the dealings with the cartel that received the guns, we are seeing either a repeat, or worse, a continuation of that same insider guns and drug running operation.
Hillary Clinton video - she was in on Fast and Furious
Hillary starts at about 4:00
She knew, and was in on it.
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker
Last week it was reported that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were deeply involved in the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, or Project Gunwalker. Today, however, new evidence has surfaced indicating that not only was Hillary deeply involved in the scandal but was one of the masterminds behind it.
According to investigative citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh, sources close to the development of the Gunwalker scheme state that early on, Hillary and her trusted associated at State, Andrew J. Shapiro, devised at least part of the framework of what would later become Operation Fast and Furious. It was Shapiro who first described the details of the proposed scheme early in 2009 just after the Obama Administration took office.
Rep. Peter King still flogging bogus Iranian plot to launch Israel's war against Iran.
The New York Democrat also told CNN’s Erin Burnett Tuesday the plot has raised the relationship between America and Iran to “a very precipitous level” and there is a need for “significant action.”
Read more on Newsmax.com: Rep. Peter King: Iranian Bomb Plot 'Crossed a Red Line'
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Fear is the foundation of most governments." -- John Adams
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Fear is a very foolish way to rule a nation, because fear is very tiring over time. No matter how tyrannical the despot, no matter how great the imposed terror; there comes a time when the people simply lack the energy to be afraid any longer, Fear vanishes from the population, and all that is left is blind uncompromising unquenchable rage." -- Michael Rivero
Judge Napolitano Accuses AG Holder Of Using Iran Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast and Furious Scandal
'Fast and Furious' scandal making cops, citizens furious fast
One police commander in New Jersey told Law Enforcement Examiner, "We need to get to the bottom of this renegade operation fast. I am furious that our government actually contributed to the killing of two American law enforcement officers -- one in the U.S., the other in Mexico."
The at times shocking report includes testimony from four Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agents offering firsthand accounts about the controversial Operation Fast and Furious that allowed suspects to walk away with illegally purchased guns.
ATF gunwalking: Who knew, and how high up?
Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico
But if Justice Department officials knew, it's even more incredible when you find out who didn't: ATF's own agents in Mexico.
Justice Department trying to shield officials in guns scandal, ATF chief says
Kenneth Melson, the ATF's acting director, claims Justice Department officials refuse to release a telling internal report on the Fast and Furious operation.
The Justice Department is trying to protect its political appointees from the Fast and Furious scandal by concealing an internal "smoking gun" report and other documents that acknowledge the role top officials played in the program that allowed firearms to flow illegally into Mexico, according to the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Whistleblower ATF Agent John Dodson Exposes Deadly Operation "Fast and Furious"
ATF Senior Special Agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief. An Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms senior agent assigned to the Phoenix office in 2010, Dodson's job is to stop gun trafficking across the border. Instead, he says he was ordered to sit by and watch it happen. Investigators call the tactic letting guns "walk." In this case, walking into the hands of criminals who would use them in Mexico and the United States. Dodson's bosses say that never happened. Now, he's risking his job to go public. Agent Dodson and other sources say the gun walking strategy was approved all the way up to the Justice Department. The idea was to see where the guns ended up, build a big case and take down a cartel. And it was all kept secret from Mexico.
Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe
Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, suspects an effort by the Obama administration to intimidate witnesses from testifying before his House committee regarding the “Fast and Furious” ATF cross-border firearms investigation.
Eric Holder gave false info. to a Congressional Committee last May about ATF operations tied to the deaths of two U.S. Agents; we have the proof.
New information indicates that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's actions are squarely behind the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) operation known as "Fast and Furious", which orchestrated the delivery of almost 2,000 weapons to Mexican drug cartels[1].
Holder openly proclaimed his connection to the operation in April 2009 during a publicized speech in Mexico, then told a Congressional Committee in May 2011, "I probably heard of Fast and Furious the first time in the last few weeks."[2]
The ATF weapons smuggling ring involved the arrest of several government officials with the city of Columbus, New Mexico including the mayor and police chief, but that is all[3].
The Federal Government Sold AK-47s To Mexican Gang
Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling
Eric Holder gave false info. to a Congressional Committee last May about ATF operations tied to the deaths of two U.S. Agents; we have the proof.
Another Mexico Drug Cartel Leader Arrested, Says Guns Supplied By U.S Government
A leader of another Mexico drug cartel has been arrested and says the U.S Government has been the exclusive provider of his cartel’s guns. He also says that the CIA has infiltrated (read running) the Columbia drug cartels.
ATF Agents Stood By Watching As Thousands Of U.S. Weapons Hit The Streets In Mexico
AFT Agents Stood By Watching As Thousands Of U.S. Weapons Hit The Streets In Mexico
Captured Zeta Leader: We’ve Purchased Weapons From The “U.S. Government Itself”
Last Sunday, one of the original seven members of Los Zetas, Jesús Enrique Rejón Aguilar, aka El Mamito, was captured in Mexico. Rejón Aguilar was also known as Zeta 7.
He helped the then Gulf Drug Cartel leader Osiel Cardenas recruit the original Mexican special forces soldiers trained at Fort Benning, Georgia to become the most dangerous criminal organization in Mexico.
In an edited interview with Mexican Federal Police (in Spanish and now posted at YouTube), Rejón Aguilar reveals some interesting information about the origins of Los Zetas, where they get their weapons, and where they buy their drug shipments.
Leader Of Mexico Drug Cartel Fingered As Head Of Fed’s Fast And Furious Gun Smuggling Operation
Mexican authorities arrested the head of the La Familia Mexico drug cartel who has now been fingered as working as the point man in the US Government’s Fast and Furious gun smuggling operation.
The Fast and the Furious
The ATF plan to prevent American guns from being used in Mexican gun violence is to provide Mexican gangs with American guns.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Exposed: The secret guns sting that backfired on the US
The lethal fallout from a botched operation by the US Department of Justice which allowed almost 2,000 illegally purchased firearms to be transported from the streets of Arizona to drug gangs in Mexico has been laid bare in a scathing Congressional report, which concludes that it resulted in countless deaths.
A mixture of arrogance, over-confidence, and staggering ineptitude by the Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] was outlined in a 51-page investigation by two Republican members of a House panel charged with getting to the bottom of what went wrong during a two-year operation called "Fast and Furious".
It tells how, between 2009 and this year, the ATF instructed agents to turn a blind eye to hundreds of AK-47 assault rifles, sniper rifles, and revolvers purchased from gunshops in Phoenix and en route to Mexico. They hoped to eventually recover them from crime scenes and build a complex conspiracy case that might take down the leaders of a major drug cartel.
What went wrong was: an unconstitutional agency undertook an unconstitutional action and it went all pear shaped... big surprise. This is why we have a Constitution to begin with, to control the actions of our government. When the government creates agencies that operate outside of constitutional restrictions, The People are endangered in a myriad of different ways.
In total, agents watched at least 1,730 guns flood on to the black market, knowing they would be used to commit murders and other violent crimes. Their concerns about the policy were ignored. In one email to field staff printed in the report, ATF supervisor David Voth suggested that staff who objected to his orders would be fired.
On 14 December, disaster struck when the US border patrol guard, Brian Terry, was killed during a shootout with suspected illegal aliens on the Arizona border. His killers dropped their rifles to flee faster. Two of the weapons were AK-47s which had been intentionally allowed to walk during Fast and Furious.
Rather than admit to any mistake, the ATF embarked on a cover-up. William Newell, the special agent in charge of the operation, ordered the arrest of 20 of the people agents had been watching buy weapons for months. Then, although not one senior cartel member was arrested, he held a press conference declaring the operation a success.
ATF Director Wanted to Watch
Last week, Representative Darrell Issa, Chair of the House Government Oversight Committee, revealed how the Acting Director of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) evidently wanted to be personally involved with selling guns to criminals. In fact, E-mails of ATF supervisors describe how Director Kenneth Melson requested personal Internet access to ATF cameras hidden in Arizona gun shops so the Director could observe firearm sales to criminals.
Why is that important? Remember how our Border Patrol Agents were outgunned by a gang of criminals in the desert 40 miles south of Tucson near Rio Rico? Remember, on December 14, 2010, when an AK-47 round killed Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry of Tucson?
Obama, gun-running fiasco — keeps getting uglier and uglier.
It was just over two and half years ago that the Obama administration entered the White House under promises of transparency and restoring America’s image abroad. Yet now we know that at the same time they were promising these things, Obama was simultaneously setting aside $10,000,000.00 for operation “Gun Runner” (via the stimulus package) and the ATF was looking the other way while 2,500 guns were sold to suspicious characters in Arizona who were supposed to take the weapons to Cartel members in Mexico.
'Fast and Furious' Scandal Reaches the White House
ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House
US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms - but why?
It is now a widely-reported fact that under the Obama administration, U.S. federal agents actively placed over 30,000 fully-functional weapons into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, then halted all surveillance and tracking activities of where those weapons were going.
This is not a conspiracy theory, nor a piece of fiction. It is now an openly-admitted fact that this was pulled off by the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, more commonly called "ATF") under orders from Washington. The program was called "Fast and Furious."
Obama wants to ban guns in the US at the same time your tax dollars are being spent to send 35,000 guns into the hands of Mexican drug criminals, and law enforcement told to look the other way. An odd contradiction, don't you think?
The drug gangs are saying they get the guns directly from the US Government itself!
Investigators report being told NOT to follow or arrest drug gang members transporting the guns. "In one case, Agent Pete Forcelli told the interviewers, an agent was making insistent calls over the radio, saying that gun traffickers had recognized him and begging for permission to stop the suspects. 'But he was told to not stop the car with the guns in it,' he said."
The fingers are starting to point over just who is obstructing the investigation!
So, what is going on?
I think the simple explanation is that once again the US Governmemt is involved in the drug trafficking as it was during Iran Contra and now in Afghanistan, and WANTED the cartels to get those guns!
Following the loss of Vietnam, and the collapse of the supply route for Khun Sa's heroin through Vietnam, Hawaii, and to the US mainland via Air America, the CIA started funding unapproved covert operations with money raised through the importation and sale of cocaine from South and Central America. During Ira-Contra, CIA planes flew guns down and cocaine back up, ending (we are told) with the crash of of a CIA airplane and the subsequent capture and confession of Eugene Hassenfuss, which triggered the public Iran-Contra scandal.
Now, as revelations surface of a massive covert program send high-powered weapons to Mexican drug cartels fighting for control over the Juarez drug route into the US, one has to wonder if once again the CIA is up to their necks in drug money, and once again law enforcement being hamstrung to allow CIA insiders and their enablers to get rich.
Click for full size
This is one of the two photographs that the Justice Department
was confiscating after it was learned that Jorge, who had donated $20,000 to the Clintons, was a major cocaine smuggler. The woman to the right,unidentified, appears to be the same woman seen in the photo with Hillary below.
Click for full size picture.(56.4K)
This is the second of the two photographs that the Justice Department was confiscating after it was learned that Jorge, who had donated $20,000 to the Clintons, was a major cocaine smuggler.
These two photographs appear to be taken on different occasions, suggesting that Jorge may have contributed on more than one occasion.
"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."-- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter
CIA and Los Zetas Killers collusion
Nacho Coronel was known for using CIA rendition aircraft to smuggle cocaine belonging to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel into the United States. Coronel was allegedly killed on July of last year by the Mexican government in a joint operation between the federal police and the Mexican military. Coronel’s people fought against Los Zetas for the control of the Yucatan peninsula, the state of Veracruz and many other regions in Mexico.
The “War On Drugs” Is A $2.5 Trillion Racket: How Big Banks, Private Military Companies And The Prison Industry Cash In
The War on Drugs has cost US taxpayers over $2.5 trillion dollars. From 1998 – 2008, a UN study estimates that the use of opiates has increased 35 percent and cocaine use has increased 27 percent. Due to nonviolent drug offenses, the US prison population has increased “more than twelvefold since 1980.”
The War on Drugs has also fueled organized crime and drug related violence has dramatically increased over the past few years. Due to drug war violence, since December of 2006, a stunning 45,000 people have been killed in Mexico alone.
From its inception, the "war on drugs" has been engineered to be an abysmal failure from which many profit very handily.
Pseudo attentat terroriste:
U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted
FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a "significant terrorist act in the United States" tied to Iran, federal officials told ABC News today.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Forget about 'Fast and Furious'! Forget about the economy! Forget about the wars! Forget about the mortgage-backed securities fraud! Forget about OccupyWallStreet! Forget about oil still leaking in the Gulf of Mexico! I got Terrorists for you! Scary TERRORISTS! Oooooh, scary, scary, SCARY! Booge booga booga! ... If that doesn't work we can go back to Michael Jackson's doctor!" -- Official White Horse Souse
This is the US Government's "Little Boy Who Cried Iran!" moment.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to login everywhere this pathetic hoax is published and comment "BULL BISCUITS!" or other appropriate observation.
UPDATE: This "plot" story is from June! This makes it all the more obvious that the story was put out today in a desperate and pathetic attempt to distract the media from the economy, the wars, OccupyWallStreet, Fast And Furious, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Plot Suspect Interviewed For 12 Days
(CNN) In their investigation into an alleged plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, U.S. federal agents interrogated suspect Manssor Arbabsiar for 12 days, a senior counterterrorism official said Tuesday.
Friend: Suspect in ambassador plot 'no mastermind'
A one-time business partner of a former Texas used car dealer accused of plotting to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador says he never thought of his friend as politically motivated, much less involved in a potential terrorist act.
David Tomscha tells The Associated Press he briefly owned a used car lot with Manssor Arbabsiar. He says he's "no mastermind," and even is a little lazy.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The entire claim of an Iranian plot using Mexico drug cartels to assassinate the Saudi ambassador here in the United States is based on a confession acquired after 12 DAYS of interrogation using the methods (water boarding) applied to all suspects in terror "investigations".
This latest in a long line of hoaxes to start wars is already falling apart.
Next question: Is Israel and the US desperate enough for war with Iran to stage a major false flag attack inside the United States?
Alleged Iranian Terror Plotter Was A Texas Used Car Salesman
The Iranian American accused of organizing a $1.5 million assassination plot against Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States is a Texas used car salesman.
Manssor Arbabsiar, also known as Mansour Arbabsiar, 56, has spent most of the past 25 years living and working in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he is known as "Jack."
Iran to be held accountable for murder plot: US
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States warned on Wednesday it would hold Tehran accountable after foiling an alleged high-level Iranian plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington...
U.S. alerts citizens overseas about possible Iranian acts
Webmaster's Commentary:
U.S. alerts citizens overseas about possible false-flags to be blamed on Iran.
Air Force Surge Planned As Iran Terror Fear Hits New Levels!
As the gears of war are turning with the recent staged terror plot, one must wonder what this Air Force internal memo means.
The following memo released the other day indicates some type of military surge in day-to-day workload.
Historic ‘Surge’ Exercises Airlift Crisis Contingency Response
10/11/2011 – SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, III. — An historic “surge” of the nation’s largest military airlifters will more than double their normal day-to-day workload, exercising the ability of United States Transportation Command and its air component, Air Forces Transportation, to rapidly provide strategic airlift in response to large-scale crises and contingencies, according to officials here.
State Department in diplomatic full court press against Iran
Top officials in the State Department are going to extensive lengths to coordinate international pressure on Iran in the wake of the alleged assassination plot against the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Adel bin Ahmed al-Jubeir, although it remains unclear exactly what the Obama administration's next retaliatory steps might be.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Deputy Secretary Bill Burns have been calling leaders around the world to discuss the indictment against a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen and an Iranian member of the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), which alleges that they hatched an elaborate plan to kill Jubeir by bombing a restaurant in Washington, possibly Café Milano in Georgetown.
U.S. demands that Iran be punished for ‘Saudi envoy plot’
The United States has urged the world to take concerted action against Iran for an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador on American soil, calling it a “dangerous escalation.”
Tehran has accused the United States of fabricating the charges to distract from domestic economic woes amid growing anti-Wall Street protests, while some experts have voiced doubts that the plot was hatched by Iran’s leaders.
U.S. aims to "unite the world" against Iran
The Obama administration was taking its case against Iran to the world Wednesday, trying to stir up an international response to charges that the Islamic republic plotted to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S.
"It's critically important that we unite the world in the isolation of and dealing with the Iranians," Vice President Joe Biden said on "The Early Show" Wednesday. "That's the surest way to be able to get results."
Webmaster's Commentary:
The United States is raising on a busted flush. Unfortunately, even though the whole world knows the used car salesman story is a lemon, the US Government cannot back off and admit they were wrong, because then questions start being asked about other reasons to go to war like Saddam's nuclear weapons and the whole corrupted mess starts to unravel. So the US Government, purely out of a sense of self-preservation, will stand there with their asses on fire and insist they cannot smell any smoke.
To Isolate Iran, U.S. Presses Inspectors on Nuclear Data
President Obama is pressing United Nations nuclear inspectors to release classified intelligence information showing that Iran is designing and experimenting with nuclear weapons technology. The president’s push is part of a larger American effort to further isolate and increase pressure on Iran after accusing it of a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to President Obama: If the IAEA had such information, they would have released it far before now, which indicates that there is no actual evidence Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program.
The IAEA last inspected the Iranian nuclear facility was in August of this year. Iran allowed a senior U.N. nuclear inspector rare access to a facility for developing advanced uranium enrichment machines during a tour of all of the country's main atomic sites, an Iranian envoy said on Tuesday. Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, said last week's visit to Iranian nuclear facilities by IAEA Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts showed Tehran's "100 percent transparency and openness." Nackaerts, head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog's safeguards department, spent five days in Iran on a visit that coincided with a new push by Russia to revive deadlocked diplomatic talks between Tehran and six major powers.
And what did IAEA Deputy Director Nackaerts find, in terms of irrefutable proof that Iran is building a bomb?!? Absolutely nothing.
With American and Israeli pressure to find anything with which to accuse Iran of such an action, Nackaerts would have come forward immediately; but he didn't.
Israel desperately wants this war against Iran to happen, and the sooner, the better. In fact, Israel may well use such an attack to pressure the President into supporting such an move, using the loss of Jewish and Israeli support in the 2012 election as leverage.
If Obama caves on this, and "green lights" an Israeli attack against Iran, it may well start not only a regional, but also a world war, potentially with a nuclear-armed Russia coming in on the side of Iran.
This could have catastrophic consequences, not only for the US, but the entire planet.
U.S. War Gears Turning As Alleged Iranian Terror Plot Considered ‘Act Of War’
Top officials have been talking it up regarding the alleged terror plot in the capital city of the U.S. (DC) as they consider the plot an act of war.
Another staged diversion (false flag operation) is in the works, possibly coming down the pipe.
The globalist plan is all to predictable with even CNN claiming on TV this morning that this alleged terror plot is almost too much to buy.
Freedom Watch Oct 12, 2011. Judge Andrew Napolitano Talked About False Flag Oporation Inside FBI Fabricated Terror Plot to Go to War and Steal Our Freedom At Home
This Plot is a fake. Obama wants to use it as an excuse to attack Iran and bring more tyranny at home;also to divert attention from the fast and furious scandal plus the political disaster.
U.S. Challenged to Explain Accusations of Iran Plot in the Face of Skepticism
The Obama administration on Wednesday sought to reconcile what it said was solid evidence of an Iranian plot to murder Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States with a wave of puzzlement and skepticism from some foreign leaders and outside experts.
The “Fast And Furious” Used Car Salesman “Threat” Falls Apart
The failed used car salesman Mansour J. Arbabsiar, who is accused in the “Iran kills Saudi ambassador” movie plot, is a hapless idiot and petty criminal whose businesses deals always went wrong. He couldn’t even match his socks, smoked marihuana and drank a lot of alcohol, was nonreligious, an opponent of the Iranian regime and only cared about money. A business man who knows him calls him “worthless” and his neighbors believed he was dealing in drugs.
But Arbabsiar had some money through inherited land holdings in Iran. Those holdings may well be the source of the $100,000 wired from Iran to the Drug Enforcement Administration informant. Israel’s Mossad, the MEK cult or some drug dealers in Iran are other possible sources for the money.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It is impossible to wire money from Iran to the US under current US laws. So that rules out his inheritance.
Obama declares Iran will 'pay a price' for assassination plan as U.S. intelligence chief warns country may be devising other plots
Webmaster's Commentary:
Forget reading the propaganda and go straight to the comments. Nobody is buying this used car salesman story and the paid shills are really obvious here.
FBI Insider says Iran plot creation of White House. No information at all about plot within the FBI.
Informant created assassination plot idea and "pushed" it on used car salesman.
Although the document, called an amended criminal complaint, implicates Iranian-American Mansour Arabsiar and his cousin Ali Gholam Shakuri, an officer in the Iranian Qods force, in a plan to assassinate Saudi Arabian ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, it also suggests that the idea "originated with and was strongly pushed by an undercover DEA [Department of Drug Enforcement] informant, at the direction of the FBI".
Webmaster's Commentary:
Arabsiar has a history of minor drug use, and the story is emerging that he was talking to what he thought was a member of a Mexican drug cartel regarding a drug deal, when the DEA informant offered to hire Arabsiar to carry out a murder. That is, needless to say, entrapment.
No Direct Evidence of Iranian Government Complicity in Plot
Former CIA agent Robert Baer said the culpability of the Iranian leadership is not believable. “I don’t think it’s credible, not the central government, there may be a rogue element behind it,” Baer said in an interview. “They wouldn’t be sending money through an American bank, they wouldn’t be going to the cartels in Mexico to do this. It’s just not the way they work.”
Carrying out this kind of action, especially within the United States, would be against Iran’s interests, by most expert accounts. It entails a lot of risk of retaliation and potential suffering, and no discernible gain.
Obama: Iran 'Will Pay a Price' for Assassination Plot
President Barack Obama said today that Iran will "pay a price" through sanctions and international pressure for its recent hostile behavior including the alleged Iran-directed plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. in Washington, D.C.
Echoing previous statements by top U.S. officials, Obama said that when dealing with Iran, "We don't take any options off the table," but did not make any mention of possible military action in favor of pushing harsh economic sanctions and corralling international condemnation of Iran's alleged action.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Evidence? I don't need no stinkin' evidence! I'm the fuckin' President, boy!" -- Official White Horse Souse
The Iranian used car salesman plot is now yet another albatross around the neck of this administration. The FBI whistle-blower has confirmed what we all assumed to be the case; the United States Government, once again, lied with premeditation and malice aforethought to sell your kids into military service against Israel's enemies. But, not to worry, if your kid comes back looking like steak tartar, you get a free American flag (made in China) and a ribbon (same notation) to make you feel better.
And now Obama and indeed the entire Federal Government is stuck with this lie, which everyone knows is a lie. The US Government cannot back up and apologize. They can't just shrug and say, it was only a joke. Like that place where all the child molesters hang out, the US Government operates entirely on the blind faith of the congregation/voters. They can never admit error or worse, admit to lying to the public on such a vast scale.
Yet everyone knows they did it, and that they did it more than once proves intent.
So like Saddam's nuclear weapons and like 9-11, we don't need any more investigations. We know this government lied to us. We know our children are being blown to bloody bits as a result. It is time to do something about this problem.
CNN: Growing Skepticism About Iranian Assassination Plot
U.S. Makes 'Direct Contact' With Iran Over Terror Plot, Obama Says Tehran Will Pay 'Price'
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Start kissing Israel's butt or we will nuke you. Hey's it's not that bad once you get used to it!" -- Official White Horse Souse
U.S. eyes Iran's central bank as sanctions target
Webmaster's Commentary:
It's always about the money!
Zionists behind US anti-Iran claim
The Zionist lobby has undeniably influenced the United States in accusing Iran of plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington, a political analyst tells Press TV.
“Regardless of the impertinence and hollowness of the claim, one should not disregard the influence of the powerful Zionist lobby in the new mudslinging plan,” Ismail Salami told Press TV on Wednesday.
The political analyst went on to say that the move is part of a US ploy that seeks to “demonize” the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On Tuesday, the US Justice Department accused Iran of involvement in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Washington, Adel Al-Jubeir, with help from a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Timed to distract from Palestinians bid at the UN, protesters, Israeli foreign aid, anger at the FED, and a motive for new sanctions and possible war with Iran.
The used car salesman was the tool.
But the question which people with brains are asking, why here in the US when there are thousands of Saudis who are very much more important than this insignificant Saudi ambassador living in the area of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia itself is not far from Iran, so why come all the way to Texas/Mexican border?
Middle Eastern people know how the Saudi system is all structured around the Saudi royal family which is in the thousands of members. So eliminating a Saudi ambassador does not change anything and lacks a logical purpose, but it will bring anger by Saudis and creates a bad relationship with Iran. Why would Iran want such a thing to happen now?
And what's does Iran gain from all of this?
Homegrown Terror Threat “Manufactured”: NYU Study
The threat of homegrown terror in America has been “manufactured” by entrapping Muslim men into crimes they otherwise would not commit, a recent study from the New York University School of Law has concluded.
The Story:
Homegrown Terror Threat “Manufactured”: NYU Study
The Study:
Targeted and Entrapped: Manufactuing the “Homegrown Terror Threat” in the United States
Homegrown Terror Threat “Manufactured”: NYU Study
Obama sending combat troops to central Africa to aid fight against rebels
President Obama has deployed troops to central Africa to aid in the fight against the Lord's Resistance Army. In a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner, Obama says 12 troops with "appropriate combat equipment" were deployed on October 12 and approximately 100 in total will be deployed including a second combat team and headquarters, communications and logistics personnel. The forces will provide information and advise and assist "select partner nation forces," Obama explains. The troops will not fight except in self-defense. The full letter is after the jump.
Uganda welcomes US troops to hunt rebel leaders
KAMPALA (AFP) - Uganda said Saturday it welcomed US combat troops to help its forces battle the Lord's Resistance Army, a brutal rebel force whose leaders are international war-crime fugitives...
Obama flouts the Constitution once again, sends 100 Special Operations Forces to Africa
Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Apparently wars in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya (some of which have never been declared or approved by Congress) were not enough for the winner of the world’s most ironic Nobel Peace Prize...
Nobel Peace Prize-President quietly opens 8th US battlefront, Uganda
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
While America occupies Iraq and Afghanistan, wages covert war on Pakistan, conducts drone attacks on Yemen and Somalia, bombards Libya, and positions for a wider confrontation with Iran and Syria, Nobel Peace Prize Laurette President Obama has now quietly, without much fanfare, sent 100 US troops to help Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni crush rebels threatening his 25-year dictatorship.
In what is essentially a "reverse-Libyan-style" intervention, the US is sending troops to crush, not assist rebels rising up against their despotic ruler. Ironically, just as with Libya's rebels, Uganda's rebels are also listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department.
Instead of the corporate-financier contrived International Criminal Court issuing fictitious warrants for Uganda's head of state, as was done with Qaddafi in Libya, it is the Ugandan rebel leader, Joseph Kony, who is being targeted.
Both the Ugandan government (with US assistance) and the rebels, known as the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), are accused of perpetrating heinous atrocities against their enemies and civilian populations in their decades long conflict. In particular, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has just recently presided over the mass murdering and displacement of 20,000 of his own people on behalf of British corporations who sought to construct tree plantations on their land. US and British military assistance and business deals with the Ugandan government have been a ubiquitous feature throughout Museveni's perpetual, unending term as president.
While mutilated victims of the LRA are just now being paraded in front of the public to frame the recent US troop deployment as another "humanitarian intervention," it is more than likely that geopolitical aspirations, not humanitarian concerns, are driving this agenda. This is especially so considering just how equally abhorrent the Ugandan government's human rights record is.
The LRA has often been harbored by the Sudanese government (now the South Sudanese government). Sudan has served as a proxy battlefield between the West and China for control over of its vast oil holdings and ultimately as part of a greater battle to control Africa's resources. Sudan appears to have used the LRA as a sort of armed buffer between them and their neighbors, in particular, Uganda, ruled by an eager servant of the Anglo-American agenda.
Surely, as Africa, a forsaken continent, is already written off in the minds of many Americans, little concern and few eyebrows will be lifted as their Nobel Peace Prize-wearing president sends yet more troops off to war there, in a global military expansion quickly and alarmingly approaching the scale and scope of Adolf Hitler's expansion across Europe and Northern Africa during World War II. This is difficult to deny when the final tally is done -- the United States is conducting either covert or overt military operations in at least 8 nations: Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, and now Uganda - and has 820 military installations in at least 135 countries. As Wall Street and London seek global hegemony, the price Americans pay as this tally grows will only increase. However far-flung Uganda may seem, every inch of expansion by the globalists is one inch less for free humanity.
Identify the corporate-financier interests engineering and driving this agenda, boycott and replace them.
Fresh Uganda Oil Find ‘Africa’s Biggest’
Heritage Oil announced details of a large oil discovery in Uganda yesterday, which the company claimed could be the largest onshore discovery in sub-Saharan Africa.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I mean, you didn't think Obama sent the troops in for democracy or peace of freedom or any of that crap, did you?
Poll: How Many Nations Has America Invaded? Answer Ten Posted on October 16, 2011 by horse237
President Obama was not satisfied with having American troops dying in the six nations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen so he just sent soldiers to four more nations – Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
That is a total of 10 nations America has invaded. I suggest this modest proposal which might have to take the form of a constitutional Amendment:
No American President is allowed to have soldiers killing people in more than 3 nations at one time without Congressional authorization.
This is a modest proposal and would require the House, the Senate and the President of the United States to immediately vote to pull out of seven nations.
America's Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel
I will begin with the scandal of Operation Gladio that climaxed in the murder of former Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro, who on the day of his kidnapping, was to announce an Italian coalition government that would include the Italian Communist Party.
Leader of the Christian Democratic Party at that time, Francesco Cossiga, admits in the 1992 BBC Timewatch documentary about Operation Gladio, that he chose to “sacrifice” Moro “for the good of the Republic.” Not unlike the targeted assassinations that the U.S. government engages in around the world, where someone extrajudicially makes decisions on who lives and who dies. In the three-part documentary, Cossiga states that the decision caused his hair to turn white.
US-backed Egyptian junta massacres peaceful protesters
On Sunday evening the Egyptian military launched a brutal attack on protesters in Cairo, killing at least 36 and injuring hundreds. The crackdown happened after a peaceful demonstration by 10,000 protesters headed from Shubra, a working class suburb of Cairo, to the state television building in Maspiro in downtown Cairo. Most of the demonstrators were Copts protesting the ruling military council and demanding religious equality for the Christian minority in Egypt.
Turkey wants Egypt’s gas to bypass Israel
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pushing Egypt to ship natural gas to Europe through the Nabucca Pipeline, a “gas bridge,” via Asia. This access line will directly cut out Israel and Cyprus.
Current relations between Turkey and Israel are continuing to worsen, and this change of route of Egypt’s natural gas is seen as another political ploy to disturb the relations between the two countries. Since the overthrow of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Turkey continues to work closely with Egypt.
US Arms Bahrain While Decrying Russian Weapons in Syria
Santorum: ‘I want to go to war with China’
At Tuesday’s The Washington Post/Bloomberg Republican presidential debate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum declared that he actually wanted “to go to war with China.”
Cyprus, Israel and Turkey Near “High Noon” Standoff Over Med’s Natural Gas
The entire picture becomes even more intense with the addition of Erdogan’s increasing antagonism against Israel, whose natural gas exploration and production in the eastern Mediterranean is also being contested by Turkey, as well as by Lebanon.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Left unsaid is that Israel's claims push deep into Lebanese and Turkish waters. Once again Israel provokes a confrontation and the obedient media blames the victim.
India preparing for conventional war with Pakistan, claims Pak daily
Recent developments on the eastern border have alarmed Pakistani policymakers and military officials, who are keenly observing India's preparations for a conventional war with Pakistan in the context of the Cold Start war doctrine, a Pakistani newspaper has said.
There has been a chain of developments, all tied to the overall scheme of things, which aims at destabilising its neighbour and building a formidable war machine to strike within the Pakistani borders, The News reports.
US drone strike kills 78 in Somalia
The Friday attack took place near Qooqani town located in southern Somalia, a Press TV correspondent reported.
In a different incident on Friday, another US drone attack killed 11 civilians and wounded 34 more in Hoosingow district in the south of the country.
Somalia is the sixth country where the US military has conducted drone strikes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I'll bet a lot of you didn't realize the United States was at war with Somalia.
Military: Computer Virus Wasn't Directed At Drones
The Air Force says the computer virus that hit the unmanned drone program last month was not directed at the military systems, but was common malware used to steal log-ins and passwords used in online gaming.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the official story is that these top secret Predator and Reaper drone systems use off-the-shelf operating systems and are connected to the open internet without any security and that these pilots are allowed to play online computer games while waiting to blow another innocent Afghan wedding party to bloody bits?
Anyone else having a hard time with this latest version?
Libya owes $1 billion for fuel for revolution
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya imported $1.6 billion worth of fuel during the six months of revolution, including from Qatar and Turkey, and has yet to repay $890 million, the interim oil and finance minister said on Thursday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which is, of course, what wars are created for; to plunge both sides into debt to the bankers for the next several generations. That is why no sooner had the Federal Reserve been established in the US, we were plunged into WW1. As long as private central bankers control the public money, there will always be wars and death to keep us all the bankers' debt-slaves.
New Fighting Breaks Out In Heart Of Libyan Capital
A gunbattle erupted Friday between hundreds of revolutionary forces and Moammar Gadhafi supporters in the capital for the first time in more than two months after a group tried to raise the green flag that symbolizes the ousted leader's regime.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Note quite the slam-dunk the US Government thought it would be, is it?
10/15/2011 Libya The Night that Killed the Lies ( Nato Gets Their Head Handed To Them By The Libyans plus 1 Apache and 1 Chinook Shot Down)
Most of Tripoli is Liberated, Sirte is holding on, Bani Walid, Sabah, Zliten, and countless other cities are free. As morning came to Libya the results of the onset of a new stage of the Libyan Liberation become undeniable. While Libyans mourn the death of those fallen in the fight for liberation, the TNC and NATO mourn massive losses of territory, troops, and trust. NATO and the TNC lost over 1.000 fighters, and over 1.500 are wounded. Their greatest casualty how ever, are the Lies about Libya, which were put to rest by the new phase of Libya´s Liberation.
NATO Helicopter Shot down Over by Libya
Libyan News Update Oct 15 - Very Early Morning
Big successes for the Green resistance. Even the Rixos hotel has been taken by the Green Resistance.
Gaddafi fighters mount fierce attack in Sirte
MUAMMAR Gaddafi loyalists have mounted a fierce counter attack in the city of Sirte overnight, forcing back new regime fighters under a barrage of rockets and shelling.
UN silent despite no grounds for NATO war on Libya
The situation in Sirte is dire. Six weeks under siege after months of aerial attacks. Children and old people dead of hunger and thirst. Water supply hit. Hospitals without medical supplies to treat the ill and injured, and then bombed by NATO. The dead lying in the streets.
Constant ‘targeted’ nightly aerial bombardment by NATO air forces. Constant ‘fire at will’ daytime attacks from ill-disciplined NTC rebels using tanks, rockets, mortars and howitzers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It would appear that the people of Libya are not very fond of the newly imposed government, are they?
Gaddafi loyalists repel major attack on Sirte
Libyan government fighters pulled back under ferocious fire from Muammar Gaddafi loyalists in the fugitive strongman's home town of Sirte yesterday, as their leaders appeared to be backtracking on claims that one of his sons had been captured.
NATO says extent of resistance in Libya surprising
"So from that perspective, it just does not make sense to see what these few remaining forces are doing," he said. "This could certainly be qualified as surprising both from military and political point of view."
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US said exactly the same thing about North Vietnam.
Leaked study shows companies advised Pentagon on cyber-sabotage against Libya
A leaked study shows that the Computer experts and companies advised US on how to launch cyber attacks against Lybia's oil and gas infrastructure and create a computer virus similar to Stuxnet that would attack coastal refineries.
Alors c’est correct d’attaquer d’autres nations via l’Internet, mais les USA considèrent une cyber-attaque comme un acte de guerre... bravo pour les doubles standards!
Jim Rogers: U.S. Will Experience Stagflation Worse Than 1970s
Jim Rogers spoke with CNBC from Singapore on Friday and told the network that the U.S. is likely to experience a stagflation worse than the one experienced during the 1970s. Rogers is currently bearish on U.S. Treasuries, stating:
“As the inflation numbers get worse and as governments print more money and as governments have to issue many, many more bonds - somewhere along the line we get to the point when (bond prices) go down.”
Buckle Up: America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening
The Occupy Wall Street protests and the rise of the Tea Party movement have both changed America, but you haven't seen anything yet. You better buckle up, because America is getting very angry and as the economy continues to decline the economic protests are going to become much more frightening in the years ahead. Americans have become very accustomed to prosperity. Now that our prosperity is vanishing, people are starting to become very angry. The scary thing is that the vast majority of our population now lives in tightly congested urban areas. That makes the potential for mass rioting and civil unrest much greater.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I would like to share the observation that when Mike and I went to the "Occupy Hawaii" demonstration last Saturday, the mood was extremely cooperative and peaceful. In fact, one gentleman brought food to share. The people there may have had a multiplicity of reasons for showing up, but that is perfectly fine, and completely protected under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
These peaceful protests will remain peaceful unless subverted by government plants, or disrupted by consistent, overt police brutality. So please remember at any demonstration, the person advocating violence of any kind is most likely an agent/provocateur, working for some arm of alphabet-soup Federal agency.
I thoroughly disagree that Occupy Wall Street has been co-opted by the Democrats; the Democrats are just as in bed with Wall Street, the large corporations, and the military-industrial complex as are their Republican counterparts.
But as more people get more desperate, we may, in fact, be looking at civil unrest, with massive Federal and state boots attempting to stomp that down.
So if you are seeing the beginning of massive unrest where you live, please remember the pragmatic stuff; communications devices, possibly two-way radios with excellent range; a plan to get back together if the family is separated; a bug-out kit in the car, if you need to drive to safety; extra food, water, medical supplies and equipment, and prescriptions for yourself and your pets.
Find a small, cooperative group of people you can trust with whom you can work in terms of basic survival needs, particularly when it comes to children's needs.
While I understand - and feel - the anger out there, massive violence will simply be the Obama Administration's excuse for the imposition of martial law, and possibly the suspension of the 2012 elections.
With Obama's numbers numbers tanking faster than the speed of light, such a move might be very attractive to this administration.
ECRI Recession Watch: Growth Index Declines Further
Early last week, ECRI notified clients that the U.S. economy is indeed tipping into a new recession. And there's nothing that policy makers can do to head it off.
ECRI's recession call isn't based on just one or two leading indexes, but on dozens of specialized leading indexes, including the U.S. Long Leading Index, which was the first to turn down — before the Arab Spring and Japanese earthquake — to be followed by downturns in the Weekly Leading Index and other shorter-leading indexes. In fact, the most reliable forward-looking indicators are now collectively behaving as they did on the cusp of full-blown recessions, not "soft landings." Read the report here.
One week later, the Weekly Leading Index (WLI) growth indicator of the ECRI has posted another week-over-week decline, now at -8.1 from the previous week's -7.2 (latest publicly available data as of September 30). The interim high of 8.1 was set in the week ending on April 15.
For a close look at this movement of this index in recent months, here's a snapshot of the data since 2000.
Announced U.S. Job Cuts Rise 212% From Year Ago
U.S. employers announced the most job cuts in more than two years in September, led by planned reductions at Bank of America Corp. (BAC) and in the military.
Announced firings jumped 212 percent, the largest increase since January 2009, to 115,730 last month from 37,151 in September 2010, according to Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. Cuts in government employment, led by the Army’s five-year troop reduction plan, and at Bank of America accounted for almost 70 percent of the announcements.
Bloodied but defiant: 10,000 Greek strikers and police in running battles as debt-ridden country starts a 24-hour walkout
The country is today in the grip of a 24-hour national strike which has seen flights grounded, schools shut and people on the streets trying to storm the Athens parliament of its bankrupt government.
Mika Brzezinski : 'I Ithink retirement is going to become a thing of the past for a lot of people'
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: The US Government is already in default to its biggest creditor; the Social Security trust fund.
U.S. Will Make Major Foreign-Aid Cuts For First Time In Decades
As lawmakers scramble to trim the swelling national debt, both the Republican-controlled House and the Democrat-controlled Senate have proposed slashing financing for the State Department and its related aid agencies at a time of desperate humanitarian crises and uncertain political developments. The proposals have raised the specter of deep cuts in food and medicine for Africa, in relief for disaster-affected places like Pakistan and Japan, in political and economic assistance for the new democracies of the Middle East, and even for the Peace Corps.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is, however, is one country, amid these proposed cuts, which won't have to sweat losing a dime.
You have to wonder, folks, how much this money could begin to care for our homeless Vets, sleeping in our streets; how much this money could go to repair some of the US's crumbling infrastructure; how much this money could help people in real distress, due to having had their jobs outsourced, get a real leg up, and live with dignity and hope again.
Of course, if you haven't figured this out by now, We the People have become irrelevant and expendable to this administration. We're just a revenue stream, at least,those still holding a job are; nothing more, nothing less.
Obama's faux "populism" was simply a gimmick to get him elected. I am very familiar with the private school Obama attended here on Oahu, and believe me, even with scholarships, the tuition was, and is, very steep.
But having watched his executive decisions as President, I have concluded that it is exceedingly clear that he is only of service to the very large corporations; the very wealthy in this country which own them, and to the government of one specific foreign country, which is Israel.
Dennis Kucinich: "The Wars Cost $30 Million Per Hour"
Great stuff from Kucinich and Ron Paul.
Greece Will Run Out Of Money Within Weeks
Story from Reuters...
Manchester March: Over 30,000 protest UK govt cuts push
Thousands rally in Portugal to protest austerity plans
Thousands of people rallied in Portugal on Saturday against government austerity measures amid reports that the country's economic situation is even worse than feared.
Tens of thousands of union protesters besiege the Tories in march against Government cuts
Tens of thousands of union activists laid siege to the Conservative conference yesterday in protest at Government cuts.
Some 35,000 public sector workers staged a vocal, but peaceful protest as the conference got under way.
Chants of ‘Tories out’ and ‘David Cameron on your bike’ could be heard clearly behind the security barriers protecting conference delegates.
Canadian version of Wall Street occupation planned
Canadian protests are planned for Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, Ottawa, Montreal, Nova Scotia and NewfoundlandOccupy America Protest/Link Directory
Occupy WS Los Angeles: 4000 march, 300 occupy City Hall, NYPD trickery outrage
Approximately 4000 Angelino human rights defenders peacefully marched Saturday in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street after which 300 of them established Occupy Los Angeles' encampment at Los Angeles City Hall in solidarity. LA residents are now affiliated with hundreds of thousands of participants of occupations based on participatory democracy through People's Congresses and General Assemblies to reach consensus. Independent reporters are on the ground at LA's occupation being live-streamed including its emergency protesting Monday late afternoon due to alleged premeditated execution of a plan to suppress peaceful protest of over 5,000 marchers from Occupy Wall Street encampment to Brooklyn Bridge this weekend resulting in 700 arrests.
Here Comes the Marines and the Army to Defend Free Speech on Wall Street
It is Good to See Veterans Answer to Call to Join the Protest Against Wall Street
Communications Workers of America backs ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest
“The 700,000 members of the Communications Workers of America strongly support the Occupy Wall Street Movement,” the CWA Executive Board said Tuesday in a statement. “It is an appropriate expression of anger for all Americans, but especially for those who have been left behind by Wall Street. We support the activists’ non-violent efforts to seek a more equitable and democratic society based on citizenship, not corporate greed.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yeah, and I'll bet they laughed at "Let them eat cake" too!
Occupy Wall Street movement has grown quickly
Those who think that the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement is just a traffic annoyance with nowhere to go should remember that the same was said at one time about protest movements around the world throughout history, including the tea party movement in the United States.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As a side note, and as an indicator of just how terrified Wall Street is about what is happening, CNN Headline News just did a brief report on Occupy Wall Street, and claimed the protest was about high gas prices and climate change! Apparently, several thousand "End The Fed" signs are invisible to the corporate media right now.
United Steelworkers announce support for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest
The United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union, announced on Friday that it supported the ongoing “Occupy Wall Street” protest that began in lower Manhattan and has slowly spread to other cities across the United States.
The protesters have pledged to occupy Wall Street until something is done about corporate greed and corporate influence on the U.S. government. They have been camped out in New York’s old Liberty Plaza since September 17.
Over 5,000 Turn Out in Portland For Occupy Portland Protest
In what may well be the biggest opening day crowd for all the Occupy Protests around the country, the Occupy Portland Protests have kicked off with over 5,000 protesters marching through the streets!
Chanting many different slogans including, “End the Fed” the protesters have marched through downtown Portland and ended up at Pioneer Square.
What, exactly, they are protesting is somewhat unclear. When asked what they are fighting, they gave a variety of responses ranging from Wall Street to global warming.
Webmaster's Commentary:
WRH readers on the ground in New York are saying there is just one guy with a global warming sign that nobody but the media is paying attention to. The corporate media is ignoring all the "End the Fed" signs to try to sell the rest of America that the protesters don't really know what they want and are just a bunch of troublemakers nobody should pay attention to.
and now, back to Michael Jackson's doctor!
"The protesters are protesting against people who make $40-50,000 a year and are struggling to make ends meet."
Webmaster's Commentary:
No, you Wall Street whore; we are protesting against the people who made it impossible to make ends meet on $40-50,000 a year!
More propaganda that OccupyAMERICA is about climate change!
Here's a quick video of some Occupy Wall Street folks talking about the connection between climate change and the occupation:
Webmaster's Commentary:
Another pathetic attempt to save the Federal Reserve by trying to portray OccupyWallStreet/OccuypyAMERICA as concerned with global warming and climate change!
PROPAGANDA ALERT ! Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama
Webmaster's Commentary:
The propaganda factory in DC has already cranked up to rock-and-roll afterburner and is trying to claim that the protesters are really working for George Soros and are trying to establish a totalitarian dictatorship under Obama.
The money-junkies must really be scared to try that desperate a hoax.
Folks, use your common sense. Who BENEFITS by scaring you away from supporting the OccupyAMERICA movement? Obama and the existing totalitarian government.
Remember Rivero's Rule of Revolution: The fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everyone can see it!
The oligarchs of America cannot move militarily against the protesters without advertising to the rest of the nation that the protesters are correct when they declare the US Government has become a fascist police state.
More to the point, why would protesters marching against financial totalitarianism of the Federal Reserve call for more totalitarianism under a President who failed to keep him promise to reverse the economic course of the nation.
But this appears to be the current White House and media spin to sabotage public support for the OccupyAMERICA movement, and we saw similar attempts in Iceland and Egypt.
The claim that Soros is behind OccupyAMERICA also makes no sense. Revolutions are not started by the people for whom the old corrupt system works. Revolutions are started (and won) by the people for whom the old corrupt system has failed!!
"No, really, things will be much worse under that 'Congress' forming up in Philadelphia! They're gonna be MUCH worse than I ever was. They'll make you drink coffee instead of tea, for chrissakes! That Jefferson and his buddies, Hancock and Franklin (talk about a pushy bastard); they'll wreck the place if you let them!" -- King George III, presumably somewhere around 1775
Norton now BLOCKING http://occupywallst.org/
Webmaster's Commentary:
Read the linked article for details.
From the J.P. Morgan website - confirmation of $4.6 million gift to the NYPD that is pepper spraying the Wall Street protesters.
JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I received several emails claiming that the J.P.Morgan donation story was a hoax and demanding I remove it.
Well, read it and weep; it is true.
JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters
The NYPD has arrested over 700 peaceful protesters in what could very well be a defining moment in the battle for freedom and liberty in America.
The police apparently corralled the protesters onto the Brooklyn Bridge and then started their arrests of peaceful citizens protesting the very banks that have destroyed this country from within.
The NYPD is essentially doing the dirty work for the banks, which makes complete sense when you consider the fact that JP Morgan actually FUNDS The New York City Police Department.
That’s right, the very police department that has been filmed numerous times beating and macing the Occupy Wall Street protesters has received a considerable amount of money from the very banks that the protesters are targeting!
Financial Giants Put New York City Cops On Their Payroll
Videos are springing up across the internet showing uniformed members of the New York Police Department in white shirts (as opposed to the typical NYPD blue uniforms) pepper spraying and brutalizing peaceful, nonthreatening protestors attempting to take part in the Occupy Wall Street marches.
Corporate media are reporting that these white shirts are police supervisors as opposed to rank and file. Recently discovered documents suggest something else may be at work.
If you’re a Wall Street behemoth, there are endless opportunities to privatize profits and socialize losses beyond collecting trillions of dollars in bailouts from taxpayers.
Police stage mass eviction of ‘Occupy Denver’ activists; 23 arrested
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) claimed on Thursday morning that the police action was needed to ensure the protesters’ health and safety. Following the eviction, police said they plan to maintain a constant presence in the park to prevent protesters from returning.
Protesters have since taken their demonstration to the sidewalks surrounding the park, which are administered by the city.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"...Needed to insure the protesters' health and safety"?!?!
That makes just about as much sense as NATO declaring that they are mandated to "protect" Libyan citizens from Ghaddafi by bombing them, and leaving the rest still standing to deal with the aftermath of depleted uranium poisoning!
More Police Brutality at Occupy Wall Street Protest
Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Previously, the NYPD has wildly assaulted crowds, attacked activists with pepper spray, and used questionable tactics to conduct mass arrests, but now they have bested their own record of brutality against the Occupy Wall Street protesters.
No less than two new incidents occurred...
Video: 'Occupy Wall Street' NYPD runs over protester with scooter
About 175 arrested overnight in #OccupyChi Chicago protest
Chicago police said on Sunday they arrested about 175 protesters in a downtown plaza
Wall St. Bankers Dismiss Protesters as Unsophisticated
Without a coherent message, the crowds will ultimately thin out, Wall Street types insist — especially when the weather turns colder. They see the protesters as an entertaining sideshow, little more than flash mobs of slackers, seeking to lock arms with Kanye West or get a whiff of the antiestablishment politics that defined their parents’ generation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Louis XVI said much the same thing.
OWS pokes fun at the planted anti-Semite.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Once again the money-junkies try to infiltrate an agent provocateur into #OccupyWallStreet to allow the media to portray the entire movement as anti-Semites, and once again the OWS protesters disavow him, and even better, make fun of him.
Money-junkies are back to trying to claim OccupyWallStreet is about climate change
The task of our time is to turn this round: to challenge this false scarcity. To insist that we can afford to build a decent, inclusive society - while at the same time respect the real limits to what the earth can take.
What climate change means is that we have to do this on a deadline. This time our movement cannot get distracted, divided, burned out or swept away by events. This time we have to succeed. And I'm not talking about regulating the banks and increasing taxes on the rich, though that's important.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The money junkies are thrashing around, trying to find some way to shift the focus of OccupyWallStreet away from Wall Street's financial rape of the entire world. They couldn't hijack it by claiming it was Republic, Democrat, CIA, Cointelpro, so we are back to the media trying to say the protests are all about carbon dioxide again! Anything to blunt the real message, which is emblazoned across every one of the occupation camp sites, "END THE FED!"
CNBC Talking Heads: Wall Street Protesters Are 'Freaks'
Video - CNBC is getting frightened so they resort to ridicule...
Occupy Wall Street: Who Wants to Hijack the Movement?
A Covert Steering Committee Behind the Scenes? General Assembly of About 20 Mysterious and Anonymous Military? Attempts to ascertain the names of the behind-the-scenes leaders are met with stonewalling. When pressed to reveal her identity, one female leader gave her name as “Mary MIA.” Another gave his name as “Tony POW.”
If the leaders of OWS want to be transparent, let them make public at least the full names of the people who are actually running the show. No one wants to join a movement with anonymous leaders.
An Insidious Threat to the Occupy Movement
The threat I am referring to is not that of being pepper-sprayed, arrested, beaten or imprisoned. It is a different type of threat: a stealthy challenger that while pretending to advance the goals of the Occupy Movement tends to undermine it from within—more or less like the proverbial elephant in the room. I am referring to the threat of preemption, or cooptation, posed by the Democratic Party.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Occupy AMERICA is a leaderless resistance. Thus, anyone claiming to speak for them is a fraud!
We fabricated drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas, former detective testifies
A former NYPD narcotics detective snared in a corruption scandal testified it was common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas.
The bombshell testimony from Stephen Anderson is the first public account of the twisted culture behind the false arrests in the Brooklyn South and Queens narc squads, which led to the arrests of eight cops and a massive shakeup.
Anderson, testifying under a cooperation agreement with prosecutors, was busted for planting cocaine, a practice known as "flaking," on four men in a Queens bar in 2008 to help out fellow cop Henry Tavarez, whose buy-and-bust activity had been low.
OWS puts focus on banks hijacking economy'
Occupy Wall Street protesters have won their first battle, after a mass clean-up effort by New York city officials was cancelled. Activists against corporate greed considered it an attempt to undermine the month-long rally. A little earlier RT spoke to F. William Engdahl, author of 'Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century'. He told us these protests are arguably the best thing that's happened since the financial crisis struck in 2008.
The Megabanks are trying to prevent bank runs in the United States
Pacific Progress
Megabanks around the world are reeling from their customers removing their capital and closing their accounts. People are standing up worldwide in a non-participational form of civil disobedience in order to do anything possible to bring down these corrupt megabanks...
NYPD Criminals Arrest Protesters For Trying To Close Their Citibank Accounts
The NYPD, a so called police force, has arrested over 20 protesters who attempted to close their Citibank accounts.
The citizens were arrested on phony trespassing and disorderly conduct charges for attempting to close their accounts at a local NYC Citibank. Others were there to show their support for those that wanted to close their accounts.
The NYPD has clearly become nothing less than a criminal mafia racket working directly FOR the banks.
Breaking: Videos: Citibank Protest / Arrest - customers arrested for closing their account #OccupyWallStreet #ows
Occupy America: protests against Wall Street and inequality hit 70 cities
The generation that opposed Vietnam has joined Facebook anarchists amid anger at tax breaks for the rich while ordinary folk tighten their belts
The Wall Street protests against economic inequality and corporate greed that targeted the nerve centre of American capitalism are no longer merely a New York phenomenon. This weekend, from Seattle and Los Angeles on the west coast to Providence, Rhode Island, and Tampa, Florida, on the east, as many as 70 major cities and more than 600 communities have joined the swelling wave of civil dissent.
The slogan "Occupy Wall Street" has been suitably abbreviated to a single word: "Occupy"
Activists launch worldwide protests
Protesters launched worldwide street demonstrations Saturday against corporate greed and biting cutbacks in a rolling action targetting 951 cities in 82 countries.
Inspired by America’s “Occupy Wall Street” and Spain’s “Indignants”, people took to the streets in Sydney, Hong Kong and Tokyo in the opening hours of the unprecedented global outcry.
It was the biggest show of power yet by a movement born on May 15 when a rally in Madrid’s central square of Puerta del Sol sparked a protest that spread internationally.
Anti-Wall St. rallies reach 1,306 cities
The anti-corporatism campaign, which began in New York's financial district under the name Occupy Wall Street, has now spread to more than 1,400 cities across the globe.
The website of Occupy Together, an umbrella group for the national movement, reported that there were 'Occupy' events currently running or planned for October in 1496 cities across the world.
Local police forces, in several of the US cities, which have been the scene of protests, have both attacked and arrested the anti-Wall Street protesters.
The latest violence took place in Dallas, Atlanta, Seattle and Boston on Tuesday, when the police began removing demonstrators from the protest sites with the use of force.
Some 130 peaceful protesters were arrested in Boston.
Moreover, 27 activists were arrested in Chicago on Tuesday when some 3,000 protesters took to the street in a demonstration organized by the Stand Up Chicago coalition.
Demonstrators in Washington, where similar arrests were reported, announced earlier that they would remain in the Freedom Plaza near the White House for another four months.
Swiss protestors to hold anti-Wall Street demo
Demonstrators are expected to gather on Saturday in the Swiss cities of Zurich, Geneva and Basel for protests modelled after the anti-Wall Street marches against US authorities and the banking industry.
Webmaster's Commentary:
When the Swiss protest banking, you know the system is screwed up!
Over 200 strikes to hit transport and schools
Commuters, train passengers and school pupils can expect problems on Tuesday as five unions call strikes across the country to protest against government cuts.
School pupils have also promised to join the action with demonstrations outside schools in Paris and some other cities.
Metro and fast RER trains in the capital will suffer some delays, particularly on metro lines 5, 7, 9 and on the busy lines A and B of the RER.
Line A hopes to have three trains in four running while line B will have its service cut in half during morning and evening rush hour.
High-speed TGV trains will be disrupted with three out of four trains running on average across the network.
Protest Demands: Experts Say They’re Not Necessary, Despite Media Whining
Experts Agree: Occupy Wall Street Protests Don’t Need Specific Demands
Webmaster's Commentary:
The reason the corporate media is damanding demands from OccupyEARTH is to have an easy handle to attack and ridicule the movement. I was this first hand at OccupyHONOLULU where the corporate media interviewers were trying to cherry pick interviewees who would fit into the pre-constructed pigeon holes the media is already prepared to refute. It proved harder than they expected, and as I observed to one of the producers, it's like trying to grab hold of a cloud.
The demands are pretty obvious to the careful and unbiased observer. We want the Wall Street crooks whose mortgage-basked securities fraud wrecked the economy and everyone who profited by assisting them in looting America in prison for life turning big rocks into gravel with tiny hammers.
More attempts to smear #OccupyWallStreet as Marxists and "Threat To National Security"
The Occupy Wall Street activities consist of Marxist, violent, community organizing leftists breaking the law and creating chaos
NYPD infiltration of colleges raises privacy fears
Investigators have been infiltrating Muslim student groups at Brooklyn College and other schools in the city, monitoring their Internet activity and placing undercover agents in their ranks, police documents obtained by The Associated Press show. Legal experts say the operation may have broken a 19-year-old pact with the colleges and violated U.S. privacy laws, jeopardizing millions of dollars in federal research money and student aid.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Given that the only people actually arrested near the WTC on 9-11 turned out to be Mossad agents, the dumb-as-posts cops are infiltrating the wrong groups.
It's like there is crime on Main Street, but the cops are obsessed with patrolling Park Avenue to the exclusion of all else.
We know there is massive Israeli subversion, espionage, and sabotage going on in this nation, yet law enforcement can;t see anything but Muslims.
As a side note, this article confirms what I have been telling the young people all along; the government does plant spies in your college campuses.
Protesters ready to pitch tents and Occupy Vancouver
The Occupy Wall Street movement comes full circle today, sweeping into Vancouver, the city where the anti-corporate protest was originally conceived.
Several thousand people are expected to assemble at the Vancouver Art Gallery for the launch of the Occupy Vancouver anti-corporate protest.
Border guards put on alert for weekend protests
A Canadian border alert has been issued to prevent hard-core U.S. protesters from crossing the border to take part in marches and an occupation of the country's financial centres on Saturday.
Wall St protesters gather in Sydney
Demonstrators plan to set up a permanent campsite outside the Reserve Bank in Sydney today, as part of a global day of action inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Organisers intend to remain camped in Martin Place indefinitely from today, as they attempt to spread their pro-democracy, anti corporate greed message.
Similar Occupy protests will take place in capital cities across Australia.
Occupy Wall Street protest hits Brisbane
AFTER a wet morning, just over 100 people turned out at Brisbane's Post Office Square for the 10am launch of Occupy Brisbane, following the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in the United States.
(Sweden) Wall Street protesters marched on Riksbank
Following a wave of Wall Street protests worldwide on Saturday, raised voices against corporate greed were also heard in Sweden, with demonstrations in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and several other cities.
Now the protest spreads across the Atlantic: Thousands plan camp in London's financial centre inspired by 'Occupy Wall Street' campaign
New protests in Greece, France
GREECE and France were hit by a new wave of strikes yesterday as governments battled bitter public discontent over cuts in benefits and rising unemployment.
Protests held across France in opposition to government €11bn austerity plans
TENS OF thousands joined protest marches across France yesterday to denounce government austerity plans.
In the first wave of public demonstrations since a controversial pension reform was enacted last year, trade unions organised about 200 events yesterday, though turnout was much lower than last year. Some 25,000 people marched in Paris, the unions said, though police put the figure at 16,000.
Unions have criticised the decision by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s government to make €11 billion in savings next year, saying the steps this requires are “unfair and inequitable” and will jeopardise jobs.
UK unemployment, poverty at all time high
It's the latest blow to the British economy - unemployment is at a seventeen year high.
£200bn black hole puts more pensions at risk as deficit grows by £80bn in just FOUR weeks
The country’s biggest private sector pension funds are £200billion in the red, a report warned yesterday.
In just four weeks, the deficit has grown by £80billion, fuelled by the stock market plunge and collapsing returns on government bonds.
Experts warn the alarming figures could prompt employers to close pension schemes or make them less beneficial to staff.
Occupy ROME!
Anti-austerity protesters camp outside the Bank of Italy in Rome amid growing demonstrations against the Italian government's cost-cutting measures.
Wall Street Protests Spread to Asia-Pacific Region, London
Protests against widening income disparity are planned across the Asia-Pacific region today as demonstrators organizing via social media from Tokyo to Sydney join London in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Protesters plan to ‘take over’ Taipei 101 today
Social activists yesterday estimated that about 1,000 people would gather at 10am today near the Taipei 101 building in the city’s central business district to protest against widening income disparity.
The event is part of a series of protests across the Asia-Pacific region as demonstrations organized on social media platforms are planned from Tokyo to Sydney, joining a protest in London as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
LIVE VIDEO - HAPPENING NOW - Rome protests turn violent
Day of 'Global Revolution' comes to London as thousands of demonstrators take over the City
Protesters inspired by the growing 'Occupy Wall Street' movement in the U.S have today taken over the City of London.
Thousands have descended on the area known as the Square Mile - under the banner 'Occupy the Stock Exchange' - for a 'peaceful protest' against the global financial system.
They had planned to take Paternoster Square, where the Stock Exchange is located, but police cordoned off the area prior to the protest.
Occupy movement goes global - in pictures
EU considering massive cuts to food aid for poor
The European Union is considering a roughly 75 percent cut in funding for a program that helps feed 18 million of its poorest citizens.
UK Facing Biggest Income Drop in 35 Years
In the next two years, the U.K. faces the largest drop in income in the last 35 years, according to a report by the economic think tank Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).
Median income is expected to fall by around 7 percent, in the period between 2009–2010 and 2012–2013, as absolute poverty is forecast to rise by 1.4 million.
Riot curfews for public proposed by Home Office
Journey As Destination: Occupy Wall Street Practices Democracy
Famed political trend forecaster Gerald Celente believes that direct democracy – where people cut out the corrupt “middle man” and vote on issues themselves – is the only way to save America.
In response, David DeGraw – one of the primary Wall Street protest organizers – told me that the protesters are practicing direct democracy.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Celente is correct. In 1776, direct participation in the governing process was impossible and thus a system of representation was needed. But that system is no longer needed and serves only to provide a focus for the corrupting influence of the money-junkies.
While a cadre of minor bureaucrats can be trusted with the day-to-day running of the nation, laying roads, building bridges, and so forth, the major policy decisions of whether to go to wars, whether to spend $40 trillion of the taxpayers' money to save Wall Street from prison for the mortgage-backed securities fraud, these can be and should have been decided by direct vote of the entire population.
The reason for this conclusion is obvious. The so-called House of Representatives, a quaint relic left over from Colonial times, totally defied the will of the people when it voted through TARP and started the tsunami of bailouts that have crippled this nation.
The House of Representatives is supposed to represent the will of all the people (not just those with huge campaign donation checks in hand). They are supposed to Civil SERVANTS, not Civil masters. Their Constitutional function is to obey orders from the people, not issue them to the people.
Of course, the current occupants of that chamber seems to have a different and very Unconstitutional view of the people's role in the process!
"We can't allow that to happen?" Representative King, the rules say that allowing the people to influence policy is what is supposed to happen! That is why there is a House of Representatives!
Congress voted through a war with Iraq based on lies about Saddam's nuclear weapons, just as they are now preparing to go to war with Iran on the basis of a man from Texas who suddenly turned into Iran's star assassin after 25 years of kicking tires on his used car lot!
At the very best a Congress that votes wars on such obviously bogus information must be assumed a collection of incompetent boobs who should be removed from the process of major decision making in favor of a direct system of popular vote. At worst, and I think the evidence bears me out, the Federal government has repeatedly made the cold-blooded and ruthless decision to sell your children as mercenaries to Israel, to wage war on Israel's enemies, to be blown to bloody bits on foreign soil, and knowingly and with malice aforethought lied to you to trick you into allowing your children to be sold as such slaves to Israel. (The situation is even worse with this un-Constitutional Super Committee.) Again, such abuse of the public trust is not what was intended by the founders of this nation. And for that reason again, it is time to remove these Representatives who do not represent us, in favor of a direct participatory democracy.
The technology of the modern world supports it. and if we are willing to enforce both open-source voting systems and a mandatory death penalty for election fraud, we can indeed make it work.
Because what we have now is clearly neither a Republic, nor is it Democratic, not when the so-called Representatives in Congress can vote themselves endless riches and wars against the will of the people
Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History
Over the weekend, we observed the perplexing sell off of $56 billion in US Treasurys courtesy of weekly disclosure in the Fed's custodial account (source: H.4.1) and speculated if this may be due to an asset rotation, under duress or otherwise, out of bonds and into stocks, to prevent the collapse of the global ponzi (because when the BRICs tell the IMF to boost its bailout capacity you know it is global).
Webmaster's Commentary:
Remember what I said about #OccupyAmerica not needing to actually conquer Washington DC to win? All you have to do is stay visible long enough for foreign investors to get that message that We The People will not pay for failed investments in the United States any longer! The foreign investors will then start moving their money someplace else, and if this article is correct, it has already started to happen!
Everyone Missed It, But China Has ALREADY Retaliated For Last Night's Big Currency Vote In The Senate
Last night, the Senate passed a bill that would impose tariffs on currency manipulators like China.
It's not expected to pass the House or get signed by The President, but China has already responded to the provocation.
As Nomura explains, it fixed the yuan shockingly low against the dollar last night, moving it in the exact opposite direction the U.S. wants:
Wall Street Sees ‘No Exit’ From Financial Decline as Bankers Fret Future
Wall Street executives, facing demonstrators camped for a fourth week in New York’s financial district, say they’re anxious and angry for other reasons.
An era of decline and disappointment for bankers may not end for years, according to interviews with more than two dozen executives and investors. Blaming government interference and persecution, they say there isn’t enough global stability, leverage or risk appetite to triumph in the current slump.
“I don’t think it’s a time to make money -- this is a time to rig for survival,” said Charles Stevenson, 64, president of hedge fund Navigator Group Inc. and head of the co-op board at 740 Park Ave. The building, home to Blackstone Group LP Chairman Stephen Schwarzman and CIT Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer John Thain, was among those picketed by protesters yesterday. “The future is not going to be like a past we knew,” he said. “There’s no exit from this morass.”
Pauvre eux! Snif!
GRAB SOME KLEENEX - It's Hard Out There On Wall St.
Wait 'till you read this tale of woe and misery on Wall Street - Don't hold me responsible if it makes you cry.
CHART - U.S. Corporate Profits Vs. Employee Wages
In Japan the ratio of pay for a CEO compared to an average worker is……11 to 1
In Germany that ratio expands to a dizzying……12 to 1
And in the United States…... it’s 475 to 1
Reassessing the Greenback and Other Alternative Monetary Systems
Anthony Migchels
Activist Post
The Greenback was the Dollar, or United States Note, printed by Abraham Lincoln's Treasury to finance the Civil War.
It was a paper dollar, debt free and, therefore, also interest free. It was spent into circulation by the U.S. Treasury department beginning in 1862. Although modified many times through legislation, U.S. Notes were printed until 1971. Even today a minute number of Greenbacks are still in circulation.
Debt-free paper money was the basic design for most early government currencies as usury was heavily frowned upon. The Continental was similar, as was the paper printed by the Chinese Emperors. In this essay we will use the term Greenback to describe this basic model...
Protesters – And Perhaps States – Consider Launching Their Own Currency
Protesters Consider Launching Their Own Currency
David DeGraw – a key organizer in the Occupy Wall Street protests – reports:
From last night’s GA [Occupy Wall Street "General Assembly"] meeting: “Work began today on a proposal trying to implement a currency for this movement. The Wall Street banks and their best customers, the multinational corporations control the source and flow of $$$$. This is an open invitation for you to join us in this process! We will be meeting at 11am every day, every week, until we’re done, at the red cube in the Southeast corner of Liberty Park.”
The Powers-That-Be Don’t Like Competitive Currencies
What happens after banks collapse, financial
systems rupture, and nobody has any cash?
It's not like this has never happened before.
Here's how people solve the problem.
The tried and true art of barter
Lessons from Argentina
UN: Israel provokes intl. community
The United Nations has criticized Israel for approving new illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, saying Tel Aviv provokes the international community with its illegal construction activities.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And after OccupyAMERICA changes the US Government and Israel no longer controls the US veto at the UNSC, THAT behavior will have to stop!
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