Ingérence brutale au Yémen, Pakistan, Bahreïn, en Somalie et Libye & 2e vague de l'écroulement de l'économie mondial

L'Autre Monde 3 octobre 2011: Ingérence brutale au Yémen, Pakistan, Bahreïn, en Somalie et Libye & 2e vague de l'écroulement de l'économie mondiale
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L'Autre Monde 3 octobre 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 3 octobre 2011:
- Actualité mondiale;
- Nous continuons de couvrir les guerres multiples et partiellement secrètes qui se déroulent dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du nord : Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yémen, Somalie, Libye, Bahreïn aux mains de l'OTAN, des États-Unis et d'Israël.
- Nous traitons aussi de l'économie mondiale et particulièrement l'écroulement financier de l'Europe et des États-Unis.
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Chronique nécrologique: Liberté d’expression sur l’Internet au Canada (2011)
Loi omnibus: le NPD dénonce la bâillon
Le leader parlementaire du Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD), Thomas Mulcair, estime que le bâillon ne doit être utilisée qu'au terme d'un long débat.
Comme prévu, le gouvernement fédéral accélère l'étude de sa loi omnibus qui resserre plusieurs articles du Code criminel: le débat en deuxième lecture ne durera que deux jours.
L'opposition néo-démocrate, qui s'attend à une pareille manoeuvre à l'étape du comité parlementaire, dénonce cette guillotine.
«C'est une démarche extrême dans un Parlement, au terme d'un long débat. Le Parlement vient à peine de commencer», s'offusque le leader parlementaire du Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD), Thomas Mulcair.
La loi omnibus a été déposée la semaine dernière. Les conservateurs avaient promis, durant la campagne électorale, que leurs engagements majeurs en termes de loi et ordre deviendraient lois en moins de 100 jours.
M. Mulcair reproche au gouvernement de ne pas donner une étude chiffrée des coûts des modifications proposées par sa loi.
«On sait que ça va comporter une dépense massive pour les provinces. Les conservateurs ne veulent pas qu'on ait les vrais chiffres», accuse M. Mulcair.
Le gouvernement Harper est tombé au printemps dernier parce qu'il a été trouvé coupable d'outrage au Parlement pour avoir refusé, entre autres, de fournir à l'opposition le détail des coûts de ces projets de loi en matière de criminalité.
Depuis le dépôt du projet de loi omnibus, le gouvernement affirme que toutes ses composantes ont été étudiées longuement dans les derniers Parlements, alors que les conservateurs étaient minoritaires.
Le NPD propose au gouvernement de scinder le projet de loi omnibus, d'en faire adopter rapidement certains articles, comme celui sur les crimes contre les enfants, mais de prendre le temps d'en étudier plus longuement d'autres, comme ceux portant sur le trafic de la drogue.
Pour être adoptée, telle proposition doit recevoir l'appui unanime de la Chambre. La chose est peu probable.
Comet Elenin, despite fear mongers and media hype, has vanished.
Leonid Elenin discovered C/2010 X1 (subsequently named after him) on December 10, 2010. The comet reached perihelion on September 11, 2011 but does not seem to have survived its encounter with the Sun’s electromagnetic fields.
Webmaster's Commentary:
But we should get some incredible meteors first week of November!
Is Canada a Safe Haven For War Criminals?
by Lawyers Against War
George W. Bush, former US president and notorious accused war criminal, is scheduled to come to Surrey British Columbia on October 20th 2011 as the guest of Mayor Diane Watts and the City of Surrey Councillors.
As a person accused, on reasonable grounds of torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity, Canada is legally bound to ensure that George W. Bush does not receive safe haven from prosecution in Canada.
Therefore, Canada’s elected representatives—including those of Surrey—must fulfill this duty either by ensuring that George W. Bush is barred from entering Canada, or if he enters the country, taking measures to ensure he is prosecuted in Canada or extradited to a country willing and able to prosecute.
Dick Cheney's Vancouver visit sparks protest
The protest organizers with were demanding Canada arrest Cheney for war crimes because of his controversial support for the use of waterboarding, sleep deprivation and other methods to interrogate prisoners in the U.S.'s war against terrorism.
"We're very angry that he has chosen Vancouver as the first location outside of the United States to do a book tour event, and we feel it's important that citizens of Vancouver show that we won't tolerate a war criminal coming and speaking in our town," said Derrick O'Keefe, co-chair of the StopWar Coalition.
Police rough up anti-Cheney protesters (in Canada)
Police escorted speech-goers to the private book club event inside, at one point shoving an identified reporter forcefully, pushing an older man to the ground and stepping on sitting demonstrators. Similar scenes greeted Cheney the following day in Calgary.
"People around the world are going to see images of the Vancouver Police Department roughing up peaceful demonstrators when they should have seen images of [police] hauling Dick Cheney off to a prison cell. It's lucky nobody was seriously hurt," said's Derrick O'Keefe, one of the protest organizers.
The crowd of about 300 -- spurred by support from the world's second-largest rights group, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch -- demanded Cheney's arrest for war crimes and torture. Cheney is in Canada promoting his new book, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir, in which he defends authorizing simulated drowning known as "water-boarding," other "enhanced interrogation techniques," and policies rendering U.S. terror suspects to torture overseas, as in the case of now-exonerated Canadian citizen Maher Arar.
Age of Illiteracy: Shocking 20% UK youths struggle to read
A recent survey in the UK has revealed an alarming number of school-leavers lack even basic skills in reading and numeracy, which once again proves that levels of literacy even in developed countries are not something to be taken for granted. It points to a bleak future for young people there, together with the rising youth unemployment rate.
China Set to Launch First Space Lab Sept. 29 or Sept. 30
China is to set enter its own Space Age with the launch of its first independent space lab module.
The Tiangong-1, which translates to "Heavenly Palace," is anticipated to usher in a new era of Chinese space exploration that includes a proposed space station China intends to build around 2020.
The three-story cigar-shaped module will be used to practice robotics and docking needed for any eventual space station, Chinese officials told Xinhua, the China's state news agency.
ITV was this evening forced to apologise after faking footage on a brand-new flagship show – using clips from a violent video game.
Network chiefs were left embarrassed after admitting that new prime-time show Exposure had used clips from Arma II, purportedly showing the IRA shooting down a British Army helicopter.
Washington reinterprets constitutional eligibility
A Guyana-born naturalized American citizen fits the Federal Elections Commission's requirements to run for president, the FEC announced in a ruling.
The case involves New York lawyer Abdul Hassan, who was born in the South American country in 1974. Hassan argues it is discriminatory to not allow him to run for office.
Responding to criticism of possible dual-loyalty issues, Hassan said in a radio interview that a person's place of birth should not determine his patriotism or presidential eligibility.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Ready for President Schwarzenegger?
Or President Rahm Emanuel?
Nat Sec Lab Hacks Diebold Touch-Screen Voting Machine by Remote Control With $26 in Computer Parts
What makes this hack so troubling --- and different from those which have come before it --- is that it doesn't require any actual changes to, or even knowledge of, the voting system software or its memory card programming. It's not a cyberattack. It's a "Man-in-the-middle" attack where a tiny, $10.50 piece of electronics is inserted into the system between the voter and the main circuit board of the voting system allowing for complete control over the touch-screen system and the entire voting process along with it.
Add an optional $15 radio frequency remote control device, and votes can be changed, without the knowledge of the voter, from up to half a mile away…
US tells court bin Laden photos must stay secret
Public disclosure of graphic photos and video taken of Osama bin Laden after he was killed in May by U.S. commandos would damage national security and lead to attacks on American property and personnel, the Obama administration contends in a court documents.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Damage National Security" = trigger another round of raucous laughter at another stupid White House hoax.
CIA Provides List of 'Gruesome' Osama Bin Laden Death Photos
The CIA has 52 separate photos and videos of Osama bin Laden's body, the U.S. raid that killed him, and his burial at sea, according to a Justice Department document filed earlier this week. A top CIA official argues that the government is "wholly exempt" from releasing the images, however, because publication might inspire terror attacks on U.S. targets.
The image count came in response to a lawsuit by the conservative group Judicial Watch, which filed a Freedom of Information Act request on May 4, three days after the raid on bin Laden's Pakistan compound, for the release of the death images. The Department of Justice responded with a declaration from John Bennett, director of the National Clandestine Service of the CIA, arguing that disclosure of the images is a security risk.
(NaturalNews) Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically-modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report explains that the Indian government has decided to take an offensive approach against this attempted agricultural takeover
Facebook stores up to 800 pages of personal data per user account
If you take a quick look through the document (PDF), you can see just how much data Facebook stores about you and your activities.
As well as the information you’d expect (name, address, date of birth, friends), there’s also unexpected data such as messages you have deleted, logging which events you decided not to attend as well as those you did, the last location you accessed Facebook from, a list of every single machine you ever logged into Facebook from, who has poked you, and there’s even fields for political and religious views even though they were empty.
Man, 26, charged in model airplane plot to bomb Pentagon
(CNN) -- A 26-year-old Massachusetts man with a physics degree was arrested and charged Wednesday with plotting an attack on the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol with a remote-controlled model aircraft, authorities said.
Rezwan Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen from Ashland, Massachusetts, planned to use model aircraft filled with C-4 plastic explosives, authorities said.
As a result of an undercover FBI investigation, Ferdaus, who has a physics degree from Northeastern University in Boston, was charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda for attacks on U.S. soldiers overseas, authorities said.
Undercover federal agents also gave Ferdaus 25 pounds of fake C-4 explosives.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This sounds like another one of those headline-creating FBI setups where the FBI informants provides all the materials, encourages the guy along, setting him up to be arrested. Weeks from now the case will br thrown out of the courts for lack of any real evidence, the judge will scream about entrapment, and the corporate media so eager to report the arrest will ignore the exoneration.
And BTW having built model airplanes myself, they don't carry extra payload, certainly not enough plastic explosive to be anything more than a very expensive fire-cracker!
Garbage: Another environmental claim proven to be hyped
There is a lot of plastic trash floating in the Pacific Ocean, but claims that the “Great Garbage Patch” between California and Japan is twice the size of Texas are grossly exaggerated, according to an analysis by an Oregon State University scientist.
Further claims that the oceans are filled with more plastic than plankton, and that the patch has been growing tenfold each decade since the 1950s are equally misleading, pointed out Angelicque “Angel” White, an assistant professor of oceanography at Oregon State.
“There is no doubt that the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans is troubling, but this kind of exaggeration undermines the credibility of scientists,” White said. “We have data that allow us to make reasonable estimates; we don’t need the hyperbole. Given the observed concentration of plastic in the North Pacific, it is simply inaccurate to state that plastic outweighs plankton, or that we have observed an exponential increase in plastic.”
“The amount of plastic out there isn’t trivial,” White said. “But using the highest concentrations ever reported by scientists produces a patch that is a small fraction of the state of Texas, not twice the size.”
Kosovo: Shots, tear gas and stun grenades - NATO on the war trail again
related: The US/NATO Encirclement of Russia
New incidents in Jarinje, KFOR (NATO) used tear gas and stun grenades, seven Serbs were injured by rubber bullets. KFOR (NATO) said that he fired in self-defense. Follow
Consultation on UN Kosovo came to nothing - the Serbs and NATO simultaneously arming
Kosovo Serbs continue to reinforce the barricades erected near the two disputed crossings (CAT), for which in recent weeks, local residents turned clash with NATO forces. The Alliance, speaking on the side of the Albanians, pulls additional forces to Kosovo's Serb-border.
American KFOR soldiers removed the barricades on Tuesday morning on an alternative way of Jarinje. The most serious took place about 13 pm when local Serbs threw stones at KFOR who then retaliated by throwing tear gas. At least seven Serbs were injured by rubber bullets.
NATO threatens to open fire at Kosovo barricades
NATO’s force in Kosovo has said it will shoot to kill anyone who crosses a barricaded area near the disputed checkpoint on Serbia's border with Kosovo, reports RT’s Aleksey Yaroshevsky.
The crossing, formerly controlled by Serbia, was seized by Kosovo police backed by the alliance two weeks ago. Serbs responded by building a barricade.
On Friday morning more than 100 KFOR troops arrived at the scene and forced the Serbs to leave, threatening the use of lethal force. They said they would shoot anyone who fails to comply with the demand. KFOR also ordered journalists to leave the immediate area.
France threatens military action against Iran
The French envoy to the UN has warned Iran that it risks a military strike if it continues pursuing its nuclear program.
"If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," Ambassador Gerard Araud said on Tuesday during a panel discussion at the UN’s New York headquarters, AFP reported.
According to the official Iranian state media agency (IRNA) the head of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, has threatened to send military ships off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, representing a marked increase in tensions between Washington and Tehran.
Sayyari reportedly said, “Like the arrogant powers that are present near our marine borders, we will also have a powerful presence close to American marine borders”.
Interestingly, this came in the wake of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization announcing that they will triple the size of an air base near the Iranian border in Afghanistan.
US attack kills 10 Afghan civilians
These kind of actions have destroyed our reputation overseas. At one time this country was loved by most of the world.Not anymore! For every civilian killed, a dozen of his or her relatives will join the Taliban.
The overnight attack took place in a district in Nangarhar province near the border with Pakistan on Wednesday. Witnesses said US troops also arrested a number of Afghans during the attack.
Local officials confirmed the attack and claimed that those killed were anti-government elements.However, the US Military has yet to confirm the assault.
US warplanes also targeted a residential area in Ab Band district of the Ghazni province on Tuesday, leaving 35 people dead.
Turkish government releases identities of IDF soldiers who attacked the Mavi Marmara
After an extensive investigation the Turkish government has released the names of the IDF soldiers who participated in the attack on the Mavi Marmara. This news broke today in Sabah, a Turkish newspaper.
IDF soldiers who have been identified thus far are:
Agai Yehezkel, Aharon Haliwa, Alex Shakliar, Amir Ulo, Amir Abste, Amir Shimon Ashel, Anna Strelski, Anton Siomin, Aram Zehavi, Ariel Brickman, Ariel Karo, Ariel Rifkin, Ariel Yochanan, Arnon Avital, Assaf Bryt, Avi Balut, Avi Bnayahu, Avi Mizrakhi, Avi Peled, Aviad Perri, Aviel Siman, Avihay Wizman, Avihu Ben Zahar, Avishay Levi, Avishay Shasha, Aviv Edri, Aviv Kochavi, Aviv Mendelowitz, Baruch (Barry) Berlinsky, Basam Alian, Ben-Zion (Benzi) Gruver, Bnaya Sarel, Boaz Dabush, Boaz Rubin, Boris Schuster, Dado Bar- Kalifa, Dan Dolberg, Dan Harel, Daniel Kotler, David Shapira, David Slovozkoi, David Zini, Eden Atias, Eden Atias, Efraim Aviad Tehila, Efraim Avni, Eitan Ben-Gad, Elad Chachkis, Elad Itzik, Elad Shoshan, Elad Yakobson, Eli Fadida, Eli Yafe, Eliezer Shkedi, Elik Sror, Eran Karisi, Erez Sa'adon, Eyal Eizenberg, Eyal Handelman, Eyal Zukowsky, Gil Shen, Gur Rozenblat, Gur Schreibmann, Guy Givoni, Guy Hazut, Haggai Amar, Hanan Schwart, Harel Naaman, Hila Yafe, Ido Nechushtan, Ilan Malka, Itay Virob, Liran Nachman, Michelle Ben-Baruch, Miki Ohayon, Moshe Tamir, Nadav Musa, Nathan Be'eri, Nezah Rubin, Nimrod Schefer, Nir Ben-David, Nir Dupet, Nir Ohayon, Niv Samban, Noam Keshwisky, Ofek Gal, Ofer Lahad, Ofer Levi, Ofer Winter, Ofer Zafrir, Ofir Edri, Ohad Girhish, Ohad Najme, Omer Dori, Omri Dover, Or Nelkenbaum, Oren Bersano, Oren Cohen, Oren Kupitz, Oren Zini, Pinkhas Buchris, Raz Sarig, Ron Asherov, Ron Levinger, Ron Shirto, Ronen Dan, Ronen Dogmi, Roi Elkabetz, Roi Oppenheimer, Roi Weinberger, Sahar Abargel, Shai Belaich, Shaked Galin, Sharon Itach, Shaul Badusa, Shay Unger, Shimon Siso, Shiran Mussa, Shlomit Tako, Tal Alkobi, Tal Bendel, Tal Kommemi, Tal Ruso, Tamir Oren, Tamir Yadai, Tom Cohen, Tomer Meltzmann, Geva Rapp, Tslil Birbir, Udi Sagie, Uri Ron, Yair Keinan, Yair Palay, Ya'akov(Yaki) Dolf, Yaniv Zolicha, Yaron,Finkelman, Yaron Simsulo, Yehosua (Shuki) Ribak, Yehu Ofer, Yehuda Fuchs, Yehuda Hacohen, Yigal Slovik, Yigal Sudri, Yizhar Yona, Yoav Galant, Yoav Gertner, Yoav Mordechai, Yochai Siemann, Yochanan Locker, Yom-Tov Samia, Yonathan Barenski, Yonathan Felman, Yoni Weitzner, Yossi Abuzaglo, Yossi Bahar, Yossi Beidaz, Yotam Dadon, Yishai Ankri, Yishai Green, Yuval Halamish, Zion Bramli, Zion Shankour, Ziv Danieli, Ziv Trabelsi, Zuf Salomon, Zvi Fogel, Zvi Yehuda Kelner.
There remain IDF soldiers who have yet to be identified by name although their images are familiar to investigators.
IDF gearing up to legally defend ‘Marmara’ soldiers
The IDF is taking legal precautions to protect soldiers and officers who participated in the operation to stop the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship, senior defense officials said on Monday after Turkish news reports claimed intelligence agencies had compiled a list identifying 174 soldiers who could be prosecuted for their involvement in the operation.
Sources: Quartet push for peace talks weakened by issue of Israel as Jewish state
The issue of whether and how to suggest that Israel should be a Jewish state ultimately sank diplomatic efforts by the Mideast Quartet to draft a substantive statement to revive peace talks, sources familiar with the matter said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The United States government, more to the point the Congress, cannot recognize a Jewish state. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." -- The First Amendment
Congress cannot recognize a Jewish state any more than it can recognize a Christian state or a Muslim state. To recognize Israel as a Jewish state betrays one of the most important founding principles of this nation.
Nine Countries to Vote for Palestinian State in UN, says Shaath
PLO Executive Committee member Nabil Shaath announced Sunday that nine countries will vote for the Palestinian bid to recognize Palestine as a full member in the United Nations Security Council.
He said to Voice of Palestine, “We will interfere against any attempt to hinder our request to the UN,” pointing out that the council will take from five to six days to study the request.
Shaath called on Washington to choose between the Jewish lobby or its interests in the Arab region when voting at the UN security council.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If indeed Palestine has the 9 votes at the security council, then the United States will have to obey Israel's order to veto the resolution. This will end the illusion that the United States is an impartial broker for Mideast peace and prove to the world that Washington DC is Israel's bitch, in large part because Israel is blackmailing the Federal Government over 9-11. (A major reason to blow the lid off of the 9-11 cover-up is to free the government from such coercion.)
With that Veto, the US Federal Government will confirm to all Americans that it is indeed a "Vichy" government, ruling America not for the American people but for a foreign occupying power.
Are you willing to live under such a government?
Vive le resistance!
Report: US blocks $200 million in aid to PA
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which the Saudis immediately cover! So, I guess Israel will throw another tantrum that it cannot have its way and torment the Palestinians without interference, and order the US Government to attack Saudi Arabia, spilling lots more American blood into the dust of the oil fields.
Saudi Arabia donates $200 million to the PA
Saudi Arabia will pay $200 million to the Palestinian Authority, the official Palestinian news agency said on Monday, funds that will ease a financial crisis faced by the authority as it prepares to apply for full UN membership this week.
UN council hands Palestinian statehood bid to review panel
The U.N. Security Council on Wednesday unanimously agreed to hand the Palestinian application to join the United Nations to a committee that will review and assess it in the coming weeks.
The standing committee on the admission of new members to the world body is comprised of all 15 council members. Normally, the review period for a membership application is a maximum of 35 days, but Western diplomats say that this limit can be waived and might take much longer for the Palestinians.
Notice how they are delaying as much as possible "for the Palestinians". This allows Israel time to continue their Palestinian holocaust.
European Parliament endorses state of Palestine, urges EU to do the same
The European Parliament voted to support the UN recognition of a Palestinian state. According to a statement issued today, the Parliament assures the legitimacy of the Palestinian bid to the UN and asks all EU countries to adopt the same position.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Includes a handy map of Israel's occupied slave-states, and those nations which remain free.
Palestine is Already Legally a Sovereign State & is Seeking Membership of the UN, Not Statehood
The biggest error repeated across the media in hundreds of headlines and stories is that the Palestinians are seeking statehood at the U.N. In fact, Palestine is already legally a sovereign state and is seeking membership of the United Nations, not statehood. The United Nations does not grant or recognize statehood. Only states can recognize other states bilaterally. The U.N. can only confer membership or non-member, observer state status to already existing states. The U.N. Charter is clear. Article 4 says that only existing states may apply for U.N. membership.
Israeli FM Threatens ‘Repercussions’ if Palestine Becomes a State
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, as he is so often wont to do, today condemned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, insisting that his effort to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state was “incitement” and that Abbas “ran away” after his speech at the UN.
Lieberman went on to threaten “tough repercussions” for Abbas and possibly the world if Palestine is recognized as a state, saying that there would be a definite “Israeli reaction” to such a move.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The moment it becomes a full state at the UN, Palestine will start filing charges against Israel for 60 years of crimes against humanity. Israel will gladly massacre all the Palestinians rather than face more embarrassment at the UN.
Israel Must Annex West Bank As Punishment, Say Israeli Leaders
In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, several right-wing factions in the Israeli Knesset argued that Israel should annex West Bank settlements as punishment for the recent Palestinian bid for United Nations membership.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"How DARE you tell us to stop stealing your land. We're going to steal the rest of it as punishment!"
Knesset to vote on annexing West Bank
The Knesset will vote on a bill calling for full Israeli annexation of the West Bank.
Israel set to approve 1,100 new Jerusalem homes beyond the Green Line
Potential construction in the Gilo neighborhood could possibly complicate U.S. efforts to bring Palestinians, Israel back to the negotiations table following a Palestinian statehood bid.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, to bring you all up to date, Israel has ordered the United States (and its other slaves) to block Palestinian statehood at the United Nations, under the claim that only through talks with Israel can Palestine become a state (just like how the United States came into being through talks with King George III and Israel itself came into being through talks with the Palestinians). Then after forcing the US Government to publicly abase itself before Israel at the United Nations, Israel turns around and slaps Obama in the face by starting construction on more Jewish homes in the Palestinian section of Jerusalem, thereby guaranteeing that Abbas cannot even consider peace talks, whereupon Israel will scream, "We were ready to talk but the Palestinians refuse" one more time.
See how Israel plays the game?
See what utter fools the US Government are for ever trusting Israel with their part in 9-11 and not realizing that Israel would then use 9-11 to blackmail the US Government into being their slave before the world?
Turkish premier signals joint operation with Iran
Turkey's prime minister has signaled a joint military offensive with Iran against their common enemy: Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which the US will spin as an Iranian invasion requiring US response.
Blast destroys Egypt gas pipeline to Israel, Jordan
Breaking-(Reuters) - An explosion destroyed an Egyptian pipeline in Sinai that supplies Israel and Jordan with gas on Tuesday, security sources and witnesses said.
Egyptian envoy to PA: Israel plotting to retake Sinai
Egyptian Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Othman believes Israel is plotting to retake control of the Sinai peninsula, he said in an interview with Palestinian news agency Ma'an published on Friday.
Othman stated that Israel has increased its rhetoric about lawlessness in Sinai and the subsequent terror threat to Israel, setting up a pretext to take control of the area.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which will trigger war between Israel and Egypt.
Guess whose side the US Government will order your sons and daughters to die for.
'Why is Israel allowed to have nukes?'
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the West practices double standards in regrad to Israel's nuclear arsenal.
In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Erdogan noted that Israel is the only player in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons and asked, “Why is it that countries banning Iran from having nuclear weapons don't also ban Israel from having nuclear weapons?”
Turkey downgraded ties with Israel after Tel Aviv refused to apologize for its attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which left nine Turkish citizens dead on May 31, 2010.
Bunker Busted: Israel planning Iran nuke plant strike?
As the U.S. continues to stand by Israel, Washington's now coming under fire for new revelations of its dealings with the country. It's claimed the White House sold dozens of bunker-buster bombs to Tel Aviv - weapons best suited for destroying underground nuclear facilities in Iran. A deal to buy the bombs during the Bush administration in 2005 foundered over concerns Israel could pass the technology on to China. But claims have now emerged that the weapons were secretly released shortly after Obama took office in 2009. Observers fear the move could lead to a new war.
Israeli bunker-busters cause Mideast alarm
The disclosure that U.S. President Barack Obama approved the sale of 5,000-pound bunker-buster bombs to Israel, which wants them for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear installations, has sent ripples of alarm across the Middle East, including Israel itself.
Fears that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a right-wing hawk who has vowed to eliminate what hard-liners view as an existential Iranian threat to the Jewish state, could order a pre-emptive strike, have been emblazoned in headlines run by the liberal daily Haaretz in recent days.
"Netanyahu's messianism could launch attack on Iran," said one.
"Netanyahu must be stopped from attacking Iran," declared another.
Video: At a time when everything seems to be escalating, the US government
is selling weapons to Israel that aren't really that useful, unless
you plan on bombing Iran's underground facilities.
I don't think anyone is going to renew the President's Nobel Peace Prize.
China, Russia pledge to further military cooperation
Pakistan hosts top Chinese security official and war games with Saudi as ties with US plunge
Pakistan hosted China’s top security official and staged war games with Saudi Arabia on Monday, strengthening ties with two regional players as its relationship with the United States plummets over allegations Islamabad supports insurgents in Afghanistan.
Over 80% of Bahrainis refused to vote
Election results in Bahrain show that more than 80 percent of the electorate refused to vote in the recent parliamentary by-elections in the country.
According to a Bahraini government website, less than one in every five voters cast their ballots in the recent by-elections, Reuters reported on Sunday.
The controversial by-elections were held on Saturday to replace 18 Bahraini lawmakers from the main opposition party, al-Wefaq, who walked out of the parliament in February after security forces opened fire on anti-government protesters, killing and wounding scores of them.
Footage shows Bahraini regime brutality
Bahraini activists have released new footage that shows the brutal conduct of the Saudi-backed regime forces in the Persian Gulf Sheikhdom, Press TV reports.
The newly released images on Sunday show regime forces throwing tear gas canisters inside homes.
Saudi Arabia Sends War Tanks to Yemen
According to military sources, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would have dispatched a convoy of armored vehicles, amongst which were war tanks, and other military equipment to Yemen in order for its regime to quell the rising popular movement against president Saleh.
After having attempted for months to bring a political solution to Yemen’s popular uprising, it seems that the Kingdom has exhausted its diplomatic avenues, preferring to refer to oppressive methods to re-establish tranquility.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It is very puzzling that the House of Saud has not taken a longer-term perspective into account before dispatching troops and tanks here.
As the late US President Kennedy remarked, when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
The actions the House of Saud has chosen to take against popular unrest in both Yemen and Bahrain may buy a little time, but will ultimately fail because the underlying, core problems causing the unrest will not have been addressed.
When people feel they have nothing left to lose, due to political corruption, absence of infrastructure, and no chance for a better life, radicalism becomes very attractive.
That is the reality you will find yourselves confronting, no matter how many tanks you send into the fray here.
Obama Escalates Yemen Drone Strikes
The Obama Administration has ordered a dramatic increase in the number of drone strikes against targets within southern Yemen, with several launched per week.
Unlike the CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, the attacks in Yemen are being carried out by JSOC, and each requires explicit approval from President Obama himself. The attacks have centered around Abyan Province, which the Saleh regime has “mostly” reconquered from the Ansar al-Sharia group.
Of course the CIA is also keen to start launching a massive number of drone strikes of their own in Yemen, with the organization working hard to expand secret airfields in the region from which to launch the strikes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to President Obama; to paraphrase an alleged "hero" of yours, when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.
You may have purchased a little time for the vastly corrupt Saleh regime, but that is all, because you refuse to encourage his regime to fix the fundamental problems which have created the unrest in the first place.
You've got a bloated, thoroughly unresponsive government here, coupled with no infrastructure, and little opportunity for a better quality of life for the Yemenite people. When someone believes that they have nothing left to live for, radicalism becomes attractive.
Sir, the US government has been down this ugly road before, so please don't tell us, 6 months, or a year from now, when revolution becomes impossible to quench, no matter how many bombing sorties you approve, that you were not warned that this was going to happen.
There is only so much people can stand before they snap, and when they snap, you can be sure that any representative of the US will be persona non grata in Yemen.
It is ironic to me, as someone who initially believed that you would be marginally a better President than would have Mc Cain, to notice a very vile similarity between you and Henry Kissinger; you are both Nobel Prize winners, and, simultaneously unindicted war criminals.
Embattled Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh has expressed gratitude to the US and Saudi Arabia for supporting his regime, as his troops killed 100 protesters in five days, Press TV reports.
U.S.-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki killed: Yemeni officials
What's this about the 3rd or 4th time they have killed this guy. This guy is tougher than Achmed (phlegm!) The Dead Terrorist!
(CNN) -- American-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, the public face of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been killed, the Yemeni Defense Ministry said Friday.
Al-Awlaki was believed to be hiding in Yemen. The U.S. regards al-Awlaki as the biggest threat to its homeland security.
Born in New Mexico, al-Awlaki preached at a mosque in Virginia before leaving the United States for the Middle East.
FLASHBACK:EXCLUSIVE: Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11
Getting his marching orders?!
Anwar Al-Awlaki may be the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Fox News has learned.
Anwar Al Awlaki's Partial Resume
- Pursued PhD in Education at George Washington University, Washington, DeCeit
- al-Qaeda Terror Mastermind
- Preached to 9/11 Hijackers
- Dined at the Pentagon months after 9/11
- Brainwashed 7/7 Bombers
- Fort Hood Shooting
- Christmas Day Fruit of the Boom Bomber Trainer
- Times Square Bombing Coach
Yemen says they killed al Qaeda-linked cleric who dined at the Pentagon
Early Friday morning, Yemeni forces announced that they killed Anwar al-Awlaki, the American Muslim cleric directly linked to al Qaeda who infamously dined at the Pentagon in the wake of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, even though he had known terrorist ties.
This attack was unconfirmed by American officials and this is not the first time he has been reported killed.
Reuters is reporting that a statement was sent via text message to reporters by the Yemeni Defense Ministry which said, “The terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed along with some of his companions”.
Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico but is now, according to CBS, thought to be one of the leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which just further raises the question why the FBI never prosecuted him and why he was given the red carpet treatment at the Pentagon.
Al-Awlaki has been linked to multiple incidents post-9/11 which further raises red flags regarding his relationship with the U.S. government.
Al-Awlaki reportedly directly met with the “underwear bomber” Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 19-year-old Nigerian with a rich banker father who reported his son’s activities to multiple U.S. bodies long before his attempted attack.
All of the details surrounding Al-Awlaki are suspect but the case of the attempted bombing of a Christmas day flight to Detroit in 2009 was by far the most mysterious.
This is the same case that was used to justify the naked body scanners (serious health risks and all) along with the invasive grope-down procedures and bloated budget we are forced to pay for.
Al-Awlaki also had e-mail contact with Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, before he carried out his attack.
Al-Awlaki is especially noteworthy because he was studying for a Doctorate degree and a chaplain at George Washington University, a renowned American University which is known for its ties to the intelligence community.
GWU maintains the National Security Archives and has produced many political leaders so a radical Muslim cleric who suddenly rises to the top of the al Qaeda ranks after a lunch at the Pentagon is quite unusual, to say the least.
There has been a significant amount of evidence compiled linking al-Awlaki directly to various contrived terrorist attacks and the patsies who they were blamed on.
The television network al-Arabiya reported that local tribal sources said American drones fired two missiles at a convoy of vehicles which were supposedly carrying al-Awlaki and his guards.
The Yemeni foreign press office said that al-Awlaki “was targeted and killed 8 KM (about 5 miles) from the town of Khashef in the Province of Jawf, 140KM (about 80 miles) east of the Capital Sana’a”, according to CBS.
Radical American cleric killed in Yemen, officials say
An American-born cleric killed in Yemen played a "significant operational role" in plotting and inspiring attacks on the United States, U.S. officials said Friday, as they disclosed detailed intelligence to justify the killing of a U.S. citizen.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Correction: "justify the EXTRAJUDICIAL killing of a U.S. citizen."
Not that I am convinced that the guy they smoked was Awlaki (who was a fake to start with), but this is being spun to sell the idea to Americans that the US government should have the right to murder American citizens they do not like without trial.
That is about as un-American and pro-dictatorship as you can get.
The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality
It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki. No effort was made to indict him for any crimes (despite a report last October that the Obama administration was "considering" indicting him). Despite substantial doubt among Yemen experts about whether he even had any operational role in Al Qaeda, no evidence (as opposed to unverified government accusations) was presented of his guilt. When Awlaki's father sought a court order barring Obama from killing his son, the DOJ argued, among other things, that such decisions were "state secrets" and thus beyond the scrutiny of the courts. He was simply ordered killed by the President: his judge, jury and executioner. When Awlaki's inclusion on President Obama's hit list was confirmed, The New York Times noted that "it is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing."
After several unsuccessful efforts to assassinate its own citizen, the U.S. succeeded today (and it was the U.S.). It almost certainly was able to find and kill Awlaki with the help of its long-time close friend President Saleh, who took a little time off from murdering his own citizens to help the U.S. murder its. The U.S. thus transformed someone who was, at best, a marginal figure into a martyr, and again showed its true face to the world. The government and media search for The Next bin Laden has undoubtedly already commenced.
Read Full Article
Obama Kills US Citizens In Yemen
Webmaster's Commentary:
No trial, no evidence, no proof beyond a reasonable doubt, just "BANG" because the government says so and you will believe them when they say he deserved it!
Yemen: Violence Rages On, At Least 40 Dead
The main military rival of Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh says the returning leader appears set on driving the country into civil war and has called on the international community to rein him in.
Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar has issued a strongly worded statement calling Saleh a "sick, vengeful soul" and comparing him to the Roman emperor Nero, burning down his own city.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Please remember: the US government is still supporting Ali Selah, a poster child for the kind of tin-pot dictator the US government has been prone to support internationally, because it has never been able to use US aid as both a carrot - and a stick.
It never demands, and verifies, that aid money is going to actually make life better for the desperate and poor of a dictator's country; only for the military support and infrastructure which insures that they stay in power, and support the US government, no matter what the US government does.
Corrupt almost beyond belief, Selah's 33 year run in Yemen has produced a country suffering from grinding poverty; no real infrastructure; no transparency, no education, and no hope for its people in terms of a potentially better life.
When people believe that they have nothing left but their lives, and their lives aren't worth that much anyway, radicalism of any sort starts to look attractive. And the "aid" the US government has given Yemen never seems to get to the people who so desperately need it.
So what is the US government doing? ratcheting up drone bombing in Yemen, that's what.The Obama administration has significantly increased the frequency of drone strikes and other air attacks against the al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen in recent months amid rising concern about political collapse there. Some of the the strikes, carried out by the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), have been focused in the southern part of the country, where insurgent forces have for the first time conquered and held territory as the Yemeni government continues to struggle against escalating opposition to President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s 33-year rule.
The late President Kennedy pegged it absolutely correctly; when peaceful revolution fails, violent revolution is inevitable.
That those in the bowels of power in DC repeatedly refuse to grasp this truth demonstrates a catastrophic failure of imagination.
In Yemen, we now see the unintended consequences of US foreign policy gone horribly wrong.
Not all the drone attacks Obama could possibly authorize can bring the situation here back to "normal"; the Yemenite people have had quite enough of Selah and his minions, and we are looking possibly at the escalation of a true civil war.
The post-Selah government will not be US-centric in its foreign policy, and may look instead for inspiration to regional leadership in countries which appear to do reasonably well without being bound in lockstep to US hegemony.
Yemen Protest: Government Forces Kill Nearly 50 Protesters In Sanaa
Thousands of protesters armed with sticks and backed by armed military defectors overran a base of the elite Presidential Guards in Yemen's capital as fighting erupted across much of Sanaa on Monday. The death toll for the worst violence in months rose to nearly 50 in two days of clashes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Please remember: Obama is still supporting Yemen's "President for Life", Saleh, even to the point of escalating drone bombings of the country, which he must personally authorize. The Obama Administration has ordered a dramatic increase in the number of drone strikes against targets within southern Yemen, with several launched per week. Unlike the CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, the attacks in Yemen are being carried out by JSOC, and each requires explicit approval from President Obama himself. The attacks have centered around Abyan Province, which the Saleh regime has “mostly” reconquered from the Ansar al-Sharia group.
The problem with these strikes is that they make absolutely no sense whatsoever, in terms of "pacifying" pockets of unrest.
What Obama should be doing, for the "aid" Selah has received, and may receive in the future, allegedly to make things better for his countryman,is demanding complete accountability, and making it impossible for him to receive US aid until a mechanism of accountability is put into place. The Wall Street Journal has reported, “U.S. military aid to Yemen in 2010 was $155 million. Congressional approval is needed for a proposed increase to $250 million in aid for 2011.” And that, “Washington reduced aid to Yemen to almost zero earlier in the decade due to the country's widespread corruption.”
These drone strikes cannot help but create "collateral damage" (i.e., the killing of non-combatants, women, children, and the medically fragile elderly.)
These extrajudicial assassinations have become institutionalized, under Obama's watch. These strikes, as we have seen over and over again, in Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, simply push those still left standing into the waiting embrace of the rebels.
If this is not the design intent of US foreign policy, these drone attacks need to be stopped, and stopped now.
Drone attack kills 10 Qaeda suspects in south Yemen
ADEN — Ten Al-Qaeda suspects were killed while a top leader in the network escaped death as US drones carried out several air strikes on their strongholds in Yemen's south, local officials said Wednesday.
"US drones carried out two air strikes on Al-Mahfad (in the southern Abyan province) where Al-Qaeda militants -- among them Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's (AQAP) number two Saeed al-Shehri -- are present," said a local official in the village.
Four suspected militants were killed while Shehri escaped, said the well-informed official who requested anonymity.
US to Yemeni Opposition: Saleh to Return Soon
US officials have informed the Yemeni opposition that President Ali Abdullah Saleh will soon return to the nation from neighboring Saudi Arabia. The news comes despite John Brennan’s visits to the region to try to convince Saleh to resign.
The news of Saleh’s impending return sparked angry reactions from the opposition political leadership, as well as the student pro-democracy movement, who blamed the Obama Administration for backing Saleh for years and now not convincing him to stand out.
One has to wonder to what extraordinary lengths the Obama administration will go to keep Saleh - or one of his lackeys - in power, but it appears that they will use all necessary force to see this happen.
But I do have a memo for those in the bowels of power on this situation: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
a post-Selah government, created potentially by the first free and fair elections, may well produce a vitriolically anti-US regime; unfortunately, the US government will have no one to blame if this happens, given the history here..
CIA To Begin Bombing Yemen! (Remember They Hate Us For Our Freedom!)
Yemenis stage massive anti-US rallies
Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters have once again taken to the streets across Yemen to protest against US interference in their country.
The protesters chanted “No to any American domination,” and “No to any foreign domination” during the massive rally, the report added.
US Attack on Yemen Police Station Killed 50
Yesterday’s report that the US killed eight in a combined drone and warplane attack on a Yemeni police station in the southern town of Wadyia has been dramatically revised upwards, with reports now putting the death toll at 50.
At the same time, Yemen’s military is hard at work attacking civilian protestersm with attacks on the city of Taiz killing seven and wounding 30. The military’s inability to retake the south even as it continues to attack peaceful demonstrations has led many in the opposition to conclude the loss of territory was deliberate to bring the US into the civil war on their side.
The US government,apparently, will do anything in its power to keep the Saleh dynasty from falling, in light of the fact that Saleh and his minions are "our thugs".
But I would like those in the bowels of power in DC to remember the following: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
Unless the US government is capable of using aid to Yemen as both carrot and stick, and "encourages" Selah to bring far better living conditions to his people, the subsequent government of Yemen is very likely to be very hostile to US interests in the region, and the US government will have no one else but itself to blame.
The Obama administration has intensified the American covert war in Yemen, exploiting a growing power vacuum in the country to strike at militant suspects with armed drones and fighter jets, according to American officials...
U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes
The Obama administration has intensified the American covert war in Yemen, exploiting a growing power vacuum in the country to strike at militant suspects with armed drones and fighter jets, according to American officials.
The acceleration of the American campaign in recent weeks comes amid a violent conflict in Yemen that has left the government in Sana, a United States ally, struggling to cling to power. Yemeni troops that had been battling militants linked to Al Qaeda in the south have been pulled back to the capital, and American officials see the strikes as one of the few options to keep the militants from consolidating power.
The folks at the State Department, Pentagon, and White House still seem to be scratching their heads in collective disbelief; after all, Saleh was their thug: how could he possibly fall?!?
It is a very simple fact which these agencies of the US government pathologically fail to factor into their foreign policy decisions; when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
And here we are, decades after what appears to be the end of Saleh's rule, and we're still fighting in behalf of a dictatorial government which doesn't give a rat's tail about the welfare of its people!
How much more hamfisted, hypocritical, and short-sighted could American foreign policy be?!?
Ah, but yes, of course: the US wants no "Arab Spring" to "spring" in Yemen's next door neighbor, Saudi Arabia!
100,000 protesters hit the streets in Yemen
SANAA, Yemen — Nearly 100,000 Yemenis protested Friday in a main square of the capital, demanding the president's ouster in the biggest rally since Ali Abdullah Saleh left for Saudi Arabia after he was wounded in an attack on his palace.
Yemen slides towards all-out war after President Saleh survives rocket attack
Abdul Ghani al-Iryani, a Yemeni political analyst, told al-Jazeera TV it was "quite reasonable to assume" that Ahmar's fighters were behind the palace attack. "[The tribesmen] probably wanted him to know that [Saleh] can no longer attack them with impunity, and that they can reach him as he can reach them," Iryani said.
Other regional analysts say the chances for a democratic or peaceful transition of power in Yemen are slim.
The latest violence is likely to persuade Saudi Arabia, which has strong ties with the Yemeni tribes, to press Saleh to step aside, to avert disaster in a country where half the population owns a gun.
I have to sit up and take notice, reading that Yemen is a country "where half the population owns a gun."
This means that tyranny ultimately could not mark the mantle of Yemen's leadership forever.
Don't get me wrong: I encourage the prospect of peaceful resolution to geopolitical problems wherever humanly possible, and two of my greatest heroes of the 20th century were Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
However, unfortunately for Yemen's Ali Saleh, in his hubris,he managed to forget the truth of the following phrase: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
I certainly wish that those in the bowels of power in the US would remember this, while in the process of crafting foreign policy.
A Saudi government official says President Ali Abdullah Saleh is en route to the neighboring country to receive medical care and that warring factions in Yemen have reached a truce. His statement came shortly after Yemeni officials denied that Saleh was leaving the country...
Obama's Fourth War Intensifying, Who Will Be Victim Of the Fifth War?
The expression “double standards” have been so widely used lately that repeating it seems senseless. But on the other hand, the usual habits of the American leadership leave no other option. Franklin Roosevelt’s phrase that “so-and-so is an SoB, but he is our SoB” seems to be relevant now and again.
And also, the Yemeni situation tears away all the masks Obama was trying so hard to put on when dealing with Libya. He has tried hard to present the Libyan operation as an entirely European affair with limited and forced assistance from Washington. But now it is becoming clear that such attempts were meant entirely for local consumption in the US. In fact, Obama is only too eager to launch a third war in Libya and a fourth one in Yemen.
I would potentially bet that Obama's 5th war will be against Syria.
The reason I say this is that Syria has a defense pact with Iran, and this is would be lead to a "back door" attack against Iran.
Of course, one real possibility I would hope those in the bowels of power in DC will consider: Russia may well decide that American geopolitical hubris has gone quite far enough, thank you very much, and may well decide to join the fray on the side of Iran.
War with Russia, anyone?!?
Yemen suspends air traffic in capital, diverts flights due to clashes
The Yemeni aviation authorities on Wednesday closed the International Sanaa Airport, suspending all departing flights and diverting incoming planes to other airports due to the intensification of street clashes between government forces and gunmen of a powerful opposition tribal leader.
"International Sanaa Airport suspended all arriving and departing flights on Wednesday as incoming planes of Sanaa were diverted to airports in southern the country, such as Aden airport and others," an official of the aviation authorities told Xinhua.
President Selah's refusal to step down as President may well have stoked the fires of a true civil war in Yemen.
All entrances to Yemeni capital blocked after rebel forces seize several key government buildings
The entrance ban was imposed on Wednesday as armed clashes between Yemeni security forces and the members of the country's most powerful Hashid tribe entered the third day.
The tribesmen have reportedly taken control of several government buildings in the capital, including the national airline building and the headquarters of the state, according to news agency Saba...
Yemen Protests Hit Dozens Of Cities Across Nation
Yemenis in major cities and towns across the nation launched a civil disobedience campaign Wednesday to bring down the long-serving president as security troops fired into anti-government protesters in another day of deadly violence, activists said.
The disobedience campaign is the latest in Yemen's uprising that started in early February, inspired by revolts across the Arab world. Massive near-daily protests have called for the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country's ruler of 32 years.
According to opposition activists, residents in at least 18 cities and towns got involved in the disobedience campaign, with shops and schools closed and government offices shuttered. The closures are planned twice weekly until Saleh goes, activists said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no way for Saleh to keep this together.
And unfortunately for the US, when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost inevitable.
There is no one in Yemen who can "replace" Saleh as the US's thug, and the House of Saud and its government have to be very worried right now.
Yemen Civil War Looms: Tribal Forces Head to Sanaa to Protect Protesters
After a violent Wednesday that saw 17 protesters killed, soldiers loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh and defectors clashed in the streets of Sanaa, leaving a number wounded. It may have been the first shots in a much bigger battle.
That is because in the wake of attacks on student protesters, a number of calls went out for protection. This has led several hundred Yemeni tribesmen, many of them leaders of enormously influential factions, to answer the call.
The US government has been Selah's "enabler" geopolitically for the last 20 years, and is about to see the fruits of its policies for this region explode in its face like a bad trick cigar.
What we are seeing in Yemen is a very clear demonstration of a fact which, over the years, the White House, Pentagon, and State Department pathologically and collectively refuse to embrace: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost inevitable.
I am very sure that members of the House of Saud are shaking in their boots about the potential repercussions in Saudi Arabia, and are scrambling, with their US counterparts, to find a way to head off any dissent or distress. And a real problem for the Saudis is the number of young, educated, and unemployed people, looking for more opportunity in their lives, and more transparency in government.
It appears that the Saudi government is trying to grapple with the employment problem, as reported here on 1 May, 2011
But one has to wonder, given the "Arab Spring" of this year, whether these gestures may well be too little, too late.
Yemen political situation worsens, as fighting grows fierce and flights are canceled
Thousands of armed tribesmen were headed toward the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on Thursday backing support of their leader Sheikh Sadiq Al Ahmar, whose fighters are locked in deadly battles with the country's security forces, tribal leaders said. Flights in and out of Yemen were cancelled as anti-regime fighting worsened, with President Ali Abdullah Saleh determined not to quit his office.
Heavy fighting between tribal leader Mr. Al Ahmar's supporters and Yemen's security forces raged through the night in the Al Hasaba neighborhood in the capital, the sheik's stronghold, which killed at least 15 people, Agence-France Presse reported medics as saying.
The American Foreign Policy community has no one but themselves to blame here for what can only be charitably characterized as "magical thinking",in believing that Selah and his family dynasty would hold the reigns of power forever here.
I seriously doubt that the US will be able to do anything to prevent the ultimate fall of Saleh; but the real question is, who will replace him, and what are their views about the way the US has propped up the corrupt tinpot dictator Saleh with boatloads of money over the years.
US drones kill dozens in Somalia
United States drones have reportedly struck three districts in southern Somalia, killing dozens of civilians and wounding scores of others.
US drones kill 9 civilians in Somalia
Senior Al-Shabaab leaders said that the drone attacks were carried out early on Thursday in the outskirts of Kismayu town, killing nine women and children and wounding 30 others.
Reports: Nine Civilians Slain in US Drone Strike Against Somalia
Eyewitnesses in the southern Somali port city of Kismayo have reported a number of missile strikes, apparently fired by US drones in and around the city. Terrified residents say that several loud explosions were heard in the area.
The militant faction al-Shabaab, which is in control of the area, says the drones hit on the outskirts of the town and killed at least nine civilians, including women and children. 30 others were reported wounded in the strikes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Extrajudicial assassination has become well and truly institutionalized, under Obama's watch.
The only slight problem with such an approach is that it radicalizes every single human being left standing into the waiting embrace of the rebels, as has been so singularly well-documented in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.
Continuing to do that which does not work, over and over again, yet expecting a different outcome, is one of the classic hallmarks of insanity.
Unfortunately, insanity is not only an individual problem, but also can also be a problem of a government which appears to be pathologically incapable of those logical, rational thought processes necessary for creating successful strategies which will acheive various desired geopolitical outcomes.
One can only wonder how those in the bowels of power in DC are measuring the metrics of "success" in the Somalian bombing campaign.
US: al-Qaeda Faction Arming Somali Militants
It isn’t hard to see why officials would want to try to make these connections, with the Obama Administration looking to escalate drone strikes in both Somalia and Yemen. It is also part of a long-standing policy dating back to the Bush-era of trying to equate any militant faction the administration isn’t keen on with al-Qaeda.
Yemen and Somalia are next on the US's "drone" hit parade, Yemen because of its proximity to Saudi Arabia, and Somalia, because of its resources.
However, I would like to remind those in the bowels of power in DC yet again: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
The US has been supporting the Yemenite dictator Saleh for decades, and has told his people, who have been demonstrating for change and a better life, that Saleh will be back, and is bombing Yemen's rebels with impunity.
As for the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia, the US has been supporting this for the last 5 years, with money and blood.
The TFG's government mandate is set to expire in August of this year, even though it's Parliament's mandate was extended for three more years. One has to wonder just what the US is prepared to do to keep this government in power, and in place.
TFG Mandate expires August 2011
US hails killing of Al-Qaeda's E. Africa chief [again]
MOGADISHU (AFP) - The United States hailed the death of Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Africa’s most wanted man, as a "significant blow" to Al- Qaeda in Africa as the Somali government on Sunday gave more details about the killing.
Fazul, Al-Qaeda's presumed head in east Africa, wanted for blowing up the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, died in a shootout in the Somali capital in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reacted immediately, calling it a "significant blow to Al-Qaeda, its extremist allies and its operations in East Africa."...
Mike Rivero
Fazul Abdullah Mohammed was reported killed in a US bombing back in 2007.
World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia: U.S. Sends in the Marines and More Drones
Even as U.S. militarization of the Horn of Africa has contributed massively to the threatened starvation of millions, the Americans have announced an escalation of drone attacks against Somalia and the establishment of a Marine task force for the region. A United Nations spokesman describes the food and refugee emergency in Somalia as the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world," with millions at immediate risk. Not coincidentally, the epicenter of the disaster is the area where Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia meet – which is also a focus of U.S. Special Forces, surveillance and logistics activity.
I guess that "starving out" includes women and children, right?!?!?
Indian leader suspects Mossad-CIA handiwork in Mumbai blasts
In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Asif Mohd Khan, MLA of Delhi Assembly said: “Israeli and American intelligence agencies connections can’t be ruled out in coordinated bomb attacks at three different locations on Wednesday evening in India’s business capital, Mumbai”.
While explaining his suspicion, Indian lawmaker was of the view that Mossad and CIA wanted to derail the on-going dialogue process between India and Pakistan, which was stalled after 2008 Mumbai attack in which 166 persons were killed by 10 gunmen.
“They (Mossad-CIA) wanted to destabilize the region by driving India and Pakistan to war with each other. Somehow they have succeeded in destabilizing Pakistan and now wanted to create instability in India also,” Asif noted
Top Chinese security official visits Pakistan amid tensions with Washington
China’s top security official visited Pakistan Monday in an effort to strengthen ties with a country whose relationship with the United States is growing more tenuous by the day.
Pakistani officials and commentators have been talking up their country’s relationship with Beijing, with some suggesting it could one day replace the United States as Islamabad’s main foreign benefactor.
China’s Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu was met by his Pakistani counterpart, Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who brushed aside questions on the timing of the visit.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The "...timing of the visit" has everything to do with Islamabad sounding out Beijing as to how far China is willing to go if there is a full-on, US military assault against the Haqqani networking, including US boots on the the ground in Pakistan.
US might opt for air strikes in Waziristan, warn experts
Defence and security experts have forewarned the civilian and military leadership of Pakistan that the US might opt for air strikes in North Waziristan. However, they believe that the US would not take out a ground offensive inside Pakistan.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That's what they said about Libya!
The state of U.S.-Pakistani relations is growing increasingly grim as a covert and overt diplomatic crisis develops between America and Pakistan, represented by heated rhetoric coming from both sides and the growing involvement of outside entities like China and the Saudis.
Today, however, no one is shocked by Admiral Mullen’s testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee that we are, for all intents and purposes, already at war with Pakistan:
“There is ample evidence confirming that the Haqqanis were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul and the September 10th truck bomb attack that killed five Afghans and injured another 96 individuals, 77 of whom were U.S. soldiers. History teaches us that it is difficult to defeat an insurgency when fighters enjoy a sanctuary outside national boundaries, and we are seeing this again today."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to the Pakistani military and civilian leadership; due to US and NATO abysmal, cataclysmic failures in their policies in Afghanistan, you're being set up to be the next fall-guy.
The big unknown here is, what will China do, and how far will it go to defend Pakistan in the face of a US/NATO "boots on the ground" invasion of Pakistan? China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington’s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.
Even though this statement was made back in May, shortly after the US's alleged killing of Bin Laden in Pakistan, the Chinese government rarely makes a statement from which it backs down.
The stakes are even higher now, with the US government claiming that the ISI supports the Haqqani network.
Pakistan seeks diplomatic support in row with U.S
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani officials have been meeting with ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries seeking diplomatic support as the United States piles pressure on Islamabad to cut its alleged ties with a militant group blamed for attacks on U.S. targets.
Pakistan will almost certainly seek the backing of China. Pakistan and China are long-time allies, and in recent months Islamabad has leaned closer to China as its ties with the United States have deteriorated.
China's Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu arrived in Islamabad on Monday and was scheduled to meet senior officials.
"China is always there for us," said Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik as he welcomed Meng.
Chinese vice-Premier Meets with Pakistani Generals
China to stand by Pakistan in hour of need! War with China and Pakistan anyone!
ISLAMABAD: Chinese vice Premier Meng Jianzhu met General Khalid Shameem Wynne, chairman joint chiefs of staff committee and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Monday.During the meeting the Chinese vice premier and Chief of Army Staff discussed the situation in the region and the fight against terrorism.Meanwhile, during meeting the vice premier of the People’s Republic of China and General Khalid Shameem Wynne, discussed matters pertaining to mutual interest and the emerging geo-strategic situation of the region.
China will stand by Pakistan in hour of need: Chinese vice PM
China on Monday reaffirmed its continuing support to Pakistan in its fight against militancy and for the promotion of regional peace and stability.
The assurance came during President Asif Ali Zardari’s meeting with Chinese Vice premier and State Councillor Meng Jianzhu at the Presidency on Monday. The president thanked China for its support to Pakistan on all issues of major concern to the country and its people.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US Government's obeisance to Israel has destroyed US influence in the Middle East, and China steps right into the vaccuum.
The Latest Orchestrated Threat
War with China too?
by Paul Craig Roberts
Have you ever before heard of the Haqqanis? I didn’t think so. Like Al Qaeda, about which no one had ever heard prior to 9/11, the "Haqqani Network" has popped up in time of need to justify America’s next war – Pakistan.
President Obama’s claim that he had Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden exterminated deflated the threat from that long-serving bogyman. A terror organization that left its leader, unarmed and undefended, a sitting duck for assassination no longer seemed formidable. Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the "war on terror" going.
Now America’s "worst enemy" is the Haqqanis. Moreover, unlike Al Qaeda, which was never tied to a country, the Haqqani Network, according to Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a "veritable arm" of the Pakistani government’s intelligence service, ISI. Washington claims that the ISI ordered its Haggani Network to attack the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on September 13 along with the US military base in Wadak province.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Armed Services committee and one of the main Republican warmongers, declared that "all options are on the table" and gave the Pentagon his assurance that in Congress there was broad bipartisan support for a US military attack on Pakistan.
As Washington has been killing large numbers of Pakistani civilians with drones and has forced the Pakistani army to hunt for Al Qaeda throughout most of Pakistan, producing tens of thousands or more of dislocated Pakistanis in the process, Sen. Graham must have something larger in mind.
The Pakistani government thinks so, too. The Pakistani prime minister,Yousuf Raza Gilani, called his foreign minister home from talks in Washington and ordered an emergency meeting of the government to assess the prospect of an American invasion.
Meanwhile, Washington is rounding up additional reasons to add to the new threat from the Haqqanis to justify making war on Pakistan: Pakistan has nuclear weapons and is unstable and the nukes could fall into the wrong hands; the US can’t win in Afghanistan until it has eliminated sanctuaries in Pakistan; blah-blah.
Washington has been trying to bully Pakistan into launching a military operation against its own people in North Waziristan. Pakistan has good reasons for resisting this demand. Washington’s use of the new "Haqqani threat" as an invasion excuse could be Washington’s way of overcoming Pakistan’s resistance to attacking its North Waziristan provence, or it could be, as some Pakistani political leaders say, and the Pakistani government fears, a "drama" created by Washington to justify a military assault on yet another Muslim country.
Over the years of its servitude as an American puppet, the Pakistan government has brought this on itself. Pakistanis let the US purchase the Pakistan government, train and equip its military, and establish CIA interface with Pakistani intelligence. A government so dependent on Washington could say little when Washington began violating its sovereignty, sending in drones and special forces teams to kill alleged Al Qaeda, but usually women, children, and farmers. Unable to subdue after a decade a small number of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, Washington has placed the blame for its military failure on Pakistan, just as Washington blamed the long drawn-out war on the Iraqi people on Iran’s alleged support for the Iraqi resistance to American occupation.
Some knowledgeable analysts’ about whom you will never hear in the "mainstream media," say that the US military/security complex and their neoconservative whores are orchestrating World War III before Russia and China can get prepared. As a result of the communist oppression, a signifiant percentage of the Russian population is in the American orbit. These Russians trust Washington more than they trust Putin. The Chinese are too occupied dealing with the perils of rapid economic growth to prepare for war and are far behind the threat.
War, however, is the lifeblood of the profits of the military/security complex, and war is the chosen method of the neoconservatives for achieving their goal of American hegemony.
Pakistan borders China and former constituent parts of the Soviet Union in which the US now has military bases on Russia’s borders. US war upon and occupation of Pakistan is likely to awaken the somnolent Russians and Chinese. As both possess nuclear ICBMs, the outcome of the military/security complex’s greed for profits and the neoconservatives’ greed for empire could be the extinction of life on earth.
The patriots and super-patriots who fall in with the agendas of the military-security complex and the flag-waving neoconservatives are furthering the "end-times" outcome so fervently desired by the rapture evangelicals, who will waft up to heaven while the rest of us die on earth.
Pakistan Interior Minister: CIA Created and Trained Haqqani Network
ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Sunday said that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States not Pakistan created the Haqqani network and trained its members.
America’s Undeclared War: Deadly Drone Attacks In Pakistan Reach Record High
On September 25 three missiles fired from a U.S. Predator drone killed four people near the capital of North Waziristan in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas, marking at least the 16th such attack in the country so far this month.
This September has seen the largest amount of American unmanned aerial vehicle - drone - attacks in Pakistan and the most deaths resulting from them of any month in the nine-year war waged by the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies in Afghanistan and, though insufficiently acknowledged, increasingly in Pakistan.
By way of comparison, in the deadliest month preceding this one, January of 2010, there were 11 missile strikes directed by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities unit inside Pakistan. Last September there were six.
In 2009 there were 53 drone attacks. This year so far there have been nearly 75. The estimated death toll from strikes for last year was 709. In less than nine months this year there have been close to 650. If the annual, and surely if September's monthly, rate continues, 2010 will be the deadliest year to date just as this month is already the deadliest month.
Wikipedia calculations from 2004 to now document 167 drone attacks and 1,753 deaths. 72 or more strikes this year, then, account for over 43 percent of the total in a six-year period, notwithstanding the lull following this summer's flooding. The 2010 death count to date constitutes 37 percent of all fatalities since 2004.
Several milestones have been marked in South Asia this year. There are now more foreign troops in Afghanistan than in any other period in the nation's history: 150,000 under U.S. and NATO command, currently 80 percent of them under NATO's. On September 25 the 535th Western soldier was killed, surpassing last year's previous high of 521.
And U.S. drones attacks in Pakistan have claimed more victims than in any previous year amid indications that their number and lethal effect will continue to escalate.
Iran, Pakistan urge stronger ties
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and visiting Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari called on Saturday for a boost to bilateral relations, the official IRNA news agency reported.
"Iran is ready to reinforce its cooperation with Pakistan in every field," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.
"Construction of the pipeline to export Iranian gas to Pakistan is underway, and we hope it will reach the frontier by the end of 2012," he added of a multi-billion-dollar project.
Zardari also said relations between the neighbours should be strengthened, and urged that "trade between the two countries be conducted in local currency and not the dollar, to curb smuggling," IRNA said.
As reported on 16 June 2009 at:
"Sources told Iran had finalized 50 percent work on the project and Pakistan will start the work of laying gas pipeline by the end of next year which is likely to be completed by the end of 2013. Gas pipeline will be extended from Pak-Iran borders at Gwadar to Nawabshah. Besides Inter State Gas Sales Limited, Sui Southern and Sui Northern are also share holders in the project. In line with gas sale-purchase accord between the two countries, Iran will provide 750 million cubic feet natural gas to Pakistan on daily basis. Gas will be provided by Iran at the rate equivalent to 78 percent of the prices in international market at the time of completion of the project. Sources informed the preliminary overall cost of the project was estimated at $ 7.5 billions under which the work was to be started in the current year of 2009 and was to be completed by September, 2012"
Although the proposed TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India)pipeline, is supposed to deliver 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas to Pakistan when it is constructed,"> " title="TAPI pipeline">TAPI PIPELINE
there is a real question of whether it can ever actually be built through US/NATO occupied Afghanistan, and be on line by 2014, the year by which (allegedly) the US is supposed to be out of Afghanistan.
'Israel aims to destabilize Pakistan'
Press TV: Does the Israeli involvement in Pakistan come as a surprise to you, or the contrary, did you expect that this would come to light sooner or later?
Pirzada: Remember the fundamental policy of Washington and Israel is to destabilize particularly those countries among the Muslim nations that are less compliant with US policies which are seen as troublemakers by Washington and Pakistan is unfortunately seen this way and this is the real story at the present time. So if we can trust the statement of Mr. Rehman Malik ... that means one more chapter has opened in the case of the flow of arms into Pakistan.
We already knew that earlier the arms were coming through India to Afghanistan by sea but now we have the story, a disturbing story, about... of course it does not come as a surprise but it comes as a very disturbing development that Israel is part of the supply of weapons for destabilizing Pakistan.
Pirzada: Absolutely and particularly in this part of the Muslim states that Pakistan is located; at the other end and if there is peace in Pakistan, there will be progress, there will be growth , there will be assertion of power, there will be greater resistance to policies and influence of Washington.
So the more Pakistan is unstable, the greater the destabilization in Pakistan, the greater the interests of Israel and Washington get served.
Press TV: Do you think that this is just the tip of the iceberg? Do you think that more revelations of this sort are yet to come?
Pirzada: In this very dangerous world in which Pakistan is living at the present time because of the US policy and I am very clear it is Israel and Washington and of course New Delhi particularly in relation to Pakistan you are going to expect any aggravation in the situation and the supply of weapons is definitely going to be a part of that. A stable Pakistan does not suit anyone of these three countries.
Report: US suspending millions in military aid for Pakistan
The United States is suspending about one-third of its aid to the Pakistan military to increase pressure on Islamabad on the fight against militants and the terrorist network, The New York Times reported late Saturday.
A total of 800 million dollars in aid and equipment could be either suspended or outright cancelled, according to three unnamed US officials quoted by the newspaper. Pakistan currently receives more than 2 billion dollars in military aid from the US every year.
A memo to those in the bowels of power in DC who are behind this: if Pakistan decides to close all its roads to US military transportation, how do you plan on getting goods, services, and troops into and out of Afghanistan?!?
Folks, there are no good alternatives here to Pakistan being open to US military traffic.
One has to wonder, in fact, if US is about to declare war on Pakistan; and looking at the escalation of drone attacks; the phony Ben Laden hit in May, and the recent New York Times hit piece on Pakistan's ISI, I think we may be very close to seeing that happening.
US suspends $800m in Pakistan military aid
Editors note: See how U.S. State Department officials have amnesia over Raymond Davis.
Obama aide confirms newspaper report on withholding of almost a third of $2.7bn in security assistance.
The US is withholding some $800 million in aid to Pakistan, almost a third of the $2.7bn in security assistance it provides each year to the South Asian nation, Barack Obama's chief of staff has confirmed.
Relations between the key allies, always tricky, have drastically deteriorated since US commandos shot and killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on May 2 in a Pakistani garrison town, sowing distrust on both sides.
Pakistan Tells U.S. "Keep Your Stinking Blood Money!"
Pakistan Courts China as US Announces Military Aid Cuts
Yesterday’s announcement that the US is withdrawing some $800 million in military aid from Pakistan looks to do more serious harm to US-Pakistani relations, but if administration officials expected the “rebuke” to be met with an act of contrition from the Pakistani military, they were mistaken.
The US isn’t the only horse in the race to court the Pakistanis, and Pakistan’s military is being very plain about this fact. The military is now reporting that they are seeking even closer ties with the Chinese government, in the hopes of “filling the gap” in weapons sales that may be lost by the US.
Just brilliant: and no one in the bowels of power, even ignoring the fact that the US desperately needs to get troops and materials into Afghanistan via Pakistan,saw this coming?!?
An evolving military relationship between Pakistan and China could mean the absolute end of an era for any military cooperation between the US and Pakistan.
Well done, Pentagon, White House, and State Department!
A Nationwide Counter Offensive Against NATO-Al Qaeda-Rebel Building Up Across Oil-Rich Libya - A nationwide pro-Ghaddafi resistance movement is slowly gaining momentum as NATO-Al Qaeda and Rebel forces desperately pound southern Libyan cities loyal to Ghaddafi.
US-NATO have dispatched around 1500 foreign Al Qaeda mercenaries from Afghanistan to Libya when several hundreds of rebels were killed during recent offensive on Sirte, bani-Walid, Sabha and other towns loyal to Muamar Ghaddafi. Also the all important oil town of Ras Lanuf has been liberated by Ghaddafi forces and that oil exports by the National Transitional Council (NTC) - initially destined for western colonial masters - should now come to a standstill.
In addition thousand of tribal fighters from Southern Sahara region are joining Ghaddafi forces and the beginning of a fierce counterattack against NATO-Al Qaeda-Rebel positions is reportedly taking shape with counterattacks to commence in the next few days..
Meanwhile Muammar Ghaddafi has just delivered his latest radio message on Bani-Walid radio in which he promised to launch massive counteroffensive to liberate all of Libya.
The following is Muamar Ghaddafi's latest speech posted on Mathaba website on Wednesday September 28, 2011.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Gaddafi is going to turn Libya into the new Afghanistan/Vietnam, knowing that in the long run, the US will lose.
Bombed-out Sirte is a humanitarian disaster zone
Thousands of civilians are fleeing the Libyan city of Sirte en masse, as fighting between Gaddafi loyalists and the former rebel forces reaches a climax.
The two-week siege has given rise to a serious humanitarian situation in the city of 100,000 people. The number of casualties and wounded among the civilians is unknown, but those who have escaped the city report of thousands of deaths.
Libya: NTC concocts mass grave story in brazen propaganda ploy
In a truly stunning display of dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence to back its claim, that a mass grave containing over 1,200 bodies has been found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison complex. The BBC attempts to tie this ‘finding’ to the equally concocted ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’, as it claims that the bodies are those of the inmates supposedly killed in 1996.
In a piece posted today after a NTC news conference, the BBC uses the headline: “More than 1,200 bodies found in Tripoli mass grave“. Categorically, absolutely, unequivocally, this is an out-and-out lie; 1,200 bodies have not been found. Not a single body has been found. In fact, no excavation has been performed, and no more than ‘several bone fragments’ have been discovered, according to the NTC.
This is revealed to the reader within the BBC’s own concocted report in the paragraphs that follow (emphasis mine):
A mass grave believed to contain up to 1,270 bodies has been found in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, says the National Transitional Council (NTC).
The remains are thought to be those of inmates who were killed by security forces in 1996 in the Abu Salim prison.
Excavation at the site is expected to start soon.
Several bone fragments and pieces of clothing have already been found in the top soil.
While the unelected, illegitimate terror council known as the NTC claims to have found merely ‘several bone fragments‘, the BBC claims that 1,200 bodies have been found in its deliberately misleading headline.
Even this weak slew of lies from the BBC exposes the fragile nature of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ propaganda, as it refers to the evidential basis of the event (emphasis mine):
A few eyewitnesses have talked about the fact they were killed in their jail cells by grenades and sustained gunfire after a protest.
Officials in the new government say they will need foreign forensic help to determine exactly what happened there.
The BBC’s report contains testimony from a ‘Sami Assadi’, who claims to have lost two brothers in the incident.
“Mixed feelings really. We are all happy because this revolution has succeeded, but when I stand here, I remember my brothers and many, many friends have been killed, just because they did not like Muammar Gaddafi.”
The inclusion of this testimony is a blatant attempt to twist and distort the reality on the ground. The BBC suggests that the ‘revolution’ has succeeded. In reality the ‘rebels’ and the foreign soldiers & special forces leading them, don’t even hold Tripoli, in addition to countless other locations still held by the Libyan resistance. These include Bani Walid and Sirte – locations now subject to NATO-prescribed blockades in an attempt to starve the resistance into submission, coupled with lethal bombing campaigns.
In its crude attempt to deceive the public, the BBC even manages to contradict itself in this one-page report. The testimony it provides above suggests that the alleged victims of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ were killed because they “did not like Gaddafi“, while the BBC itself claims earlier in the piece, that they were killed for protesting against conditions in the prison.
Associated Press has also picked up this story, citing rebel spokesperson Khalid al-Sherif: “We have discovered the truth about what the Libyan people have been waiting for for many years, and it is the bodies and remains of the Abu Salim massacre“. As with the BBC piece, this report also admits that only a few bone fragments have been found and excavation has not even begun.
Most certainly, this ‘mass grave’ propaganda will drop out of the news without retraction from the NTC liars or the media lackeys that peddled it, as it turns out to be an utter falsehood. ‘Abu Salim’ is an event toted by globalist-Zionist funded Human Rights Watch as the trump card in the propaganda war against Libya. It is an event for which there is no physical evidence, and HRW’s report on the event hinges on the testimony of one person who is now residing in the United States. Laughably, HRW even admits that they cannot independently verify a single detail of the man’s claims.
Update: 25 September, 2011
Hat tip to @Cordeliers on this. CNN has chimed in, stating that the bones found did not even appear to be human:
It was unclear, however, whether the site actually was a mass grave, as no excavation has taken place. Members of the media were shown bones at the site, but medics with CNN staffers on the scene said the bones did not appear to be human.
Sirte Civilians: NATO Committing Genocide
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
As reported earlier, weeks ago, rebel forces led by US State Department [1] and UK Home Office [2] listed terrorists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) [3], a subsidiary of Al Qaeda, announced plans to starve out cities resisting their unelected, foreign backed bid for power. The London Telegraph reported in an article titled, "Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte into submission," that under the cover of heavy NATO bombing rebel leaders hoped "to starve Col Gaddafi's home town of Sirte into submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man spearheading efforts for a peaceful takeover."
Fox News would relay an AP report on September 2, 2011, that rebel commanders declared, "we want to save our fighters and not lose a single one in battles with Qaddafi's forces. In the end, we will get Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and let NATO pound it with airstrikes." AP cited Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi.
After weeks of attempting to encircle and starve into submission the cities of Bani Walid and Sirte, the "National Transitional Council" had claimed the resulting humanitarian disaster was of Qaddafi's own creation. CNN, after admitting earlier that anti-Qadhafi forces on the outskirts of Sirte and Bani Walid had cut off supplies into the cities and amassed weaponry for heavy battle, has reported in another article titled, "NTC claims humanitarian disaster in Gadhafi stronghold," that "that Gadhafi forces are robbing food stores, leaving civilian residents to starve." This was an attempt to explain the predictable atrocities that were soon to follow and shift the blame away from NATO and its rebel proxies.
Libya's City of Bani Walid Crushes Rebel Advance
Bani Walid residents reject NATO-proxy rule, defeats rebels at their gates.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
The Associated Press reluctantly reported that Libya's rebels began withdrawing from their front at Bani Walid, approximately 85 miles southeast of Tripoli. After weeks of humiliating defeat at the hands of the city's residents and despite merciless terror bombing from NATO, the city's residents have prevailed in collapsing the offensive, after numerous, and verifiably ridiculous claims by the rebel forces that the town had "surrendered" to them already...
Libyan Rebel Commander Killed by Bani Walid Defenders
NATO-backed rebels suffer further losses in Bani Walid as field commander Daw Saleheen is killed by Libyan forces.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
As reported earlier, rebel fighters tasked by NATO to take Bani Walid have begun filtering back home after frustrating and continuous defeat by the city's defenders...
Mass killing and humanitarian disaster in NATO siege of Sirte
Refugees from the Libyan coastal city of Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of relentless NATO bombardment and shelling by the the Western-backed “rebels.”
The two-week-old NATO siege of Sirte has left the city without adequate food, drinkable water, medicine and other basic necessities of life, creating hellish condition for its population of 100,000.
While the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council (NTC) has repeatedly issued announcements that the so-called rebels had advanced toward the city center under NATO air cover, they have again and again been forced to retreat under heavy fire from forces loyal to Col. Muammar Gaddafi, as well as what have been described as citizen volunteers.
The Lies of the Mainstream Media. According to Telesur, 50,000 Killed in NATO War on Libya
Global Research, Correo del Orinoco International
Segura and Pillajo are among the handful of independent journalists who covered largely underreported stories that include: NATO’s bombing of civilian targets; the indiscriminate killing of black migrant workers by rebel forces; the million strong ‘Green March’ held across Libya demanding reconciliation between the government and opposition forces; the rebel takeover and silencing of Libya’s public broadcasting channels; and the fabricated takeover of Tripoli’s Green Plaza late last month – filmed in Qatar and disseminated by international mainstream media outlets, the video successfully secured recognition of the NATO-backed National Transition Council (CNT) as the ‘new government in Libya’ and convinced many Libyan embassy staff abroad to defect.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I used to think that Benjamin Netanyahu took the cake for Orwellian use of the English language; but I will have to tell you, NATO leadership runs him a very close second.
Call me silly; I still cannot get my head around the concept of "protecting" Libyan civilians by killing or maiming them, then leaving those left standing to die horrendously from the results of exposure to depleted uranium weapons.
As part of a Libya international observer team, Middle East analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya headlined his July 5 Global article, “NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists,” saying: Sites targeted include “civilians and civilian infrastructure.” Scientists from the Surveying and Collecting Specimens and Laboratory Measuring Group confirmed “radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes) at bombed sites” from field surveys conducted. Scientific analysis was conducted at the Nuclear Energy Institution of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
I also think that the figure of 50,000 Libyans killed so far, courtesy of NATO's invasion and occupation, will be proven to be very conservative.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"That'll teach 'em to refuse a private central; bank issuing the public currency as a loan at interest! " -- Official White Horse Souse
20,000 Heat-Seeking Missiles Reportedly Feared Missing From Libyan Warehouse
A recent secret White House meeting revealed that an estimated 20,000 portable, heat-seeking missiles appear to have vanished from an Army warehouse in Libya, reported.
The new revelations stoke ongoing fears that such weapons, which are light, relatively easy to use and have the capacity to take down a commercial airplane, could end up in the wrong hands as the Libyan war that ousted Muammar Qaddafi winds down.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Betcha Qaddafi has them.
Libyan Rebels Abandon Fight Against Loyalists
Rebel fighters are abandoning one of the ongoing battles against Muammar Gadhafi loyalists, claiming they are tired of the poorly organized leadership and lack of equipment necessary to fight.
Webmaster's Commentary:
THIS is what happens when NATO leadership, particularly when someone like Anders Fogh Rasmussen, stung by the decade-long defeat in Afghanistan, wants to really look "butch", and decides to invade a country with massive wealth, but whose citizens do not really want a regime change from its current government.
It's called "magical thinking"; and it rarely ever works in military tactics, particularly when the moral right is not on your side, as is the case of the attack on Libya.
So if the "rebels" are fleeing the fields of battle, what now for NATO, in this next 90-day extension they have given themselves for this military misadventure?
I wouldn't bet on a withdrawal here, just from a standpoint of more humiliation, this time, at Ghadaffi's abilities to keep NATO at bay, so far.
So what is the only other option? A massive infusion of NATO ground troops, a decision which will only clarify the reason for the fight in the first place; the recolonization of Africa in the name establishing more Western-centric governments: the occupation of Libya is simply the starting-point for such a campaign.
NATO extends Libyan bombing campaign
Air power can not win a war! Sooner or later They will send in our men and women. It looks to me like one of the goals of the powers that be is to destroy the American armed forces along with millions of innocent people around the globe! Ninety more days of hell for Libyan civilians as thousands of tons of high explosives and DU rain down on their country!
NATO is extending its bombing campaign in Libya for another 90 days, as forces loyal to former leader Moamar Gaddafi continue to resist a military assault by rebel fighters.Eight of the 28 NATO nations have taken part in air strikes since the mission began and have flown 23,350 sorties, including 8,751 raids against targets such as command centres, armoured vehicles and missile sites.
According to White House spokesman Jay Carney, the United States is preparing to deploy additional forces on the ground in Libya to “secure conventional arms storage sites” as well as to try to track down missing surface-to-air missiles (SAMs).
Black smoke rises above Tripoli
I am hearing some reports that this was a French ship full of ammo for the rebels that went up and considering my first post of the morning about rebels quitting a big fight because of no ammo the reports may be true! Paint cans my....!
The smoke is believed to originate from a warehouse stocked with paint that belongs to a military base at the site of the port.
Tripoli's port returned to business last Sunday, with port authorities insisting the site was "totally secure". Large ships were extensively damaged and one was partially submerged. Holes, 2-3 metres wide, were punched through the other while twisted metal, lifeboats and bandages were scattered around the site.
Libya: NATO's feast of blood extended for 3 months
NATO, meeting in Brussels on September 21, reached an agreement on the extension of military operations
NATO has launched over 8,750 strike sorties on Libya since late March.
Panetta: 12 more U.S. troops sent to Libya
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Pentagon has sent another dozen troops to Tripoli to help the State Department lay plans for reopening the U.S. Embassy.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And another 12 and another 12 and another 12, and because this is part of the "diplomatic" mission, the troops do not have to leave when the United nations mandate expires.
Libya Rebels Dumping Hundreds of Bodies in ‘Pro-Gadhafi’ Cemetery
The Libyan rebel movement’s primary embarrassment at the moment is that their claims of "50,000? civilians slain by Moammar Gadhafi looks by early bodycounts to be about 49,000 too many. Bodies are turning up, however, and not the ones the rebels were hoping for.
Instead, reports have the rebel forces dumping hundreds of bodies in a "pro-Gadhafi" cemetary with no identification, slain by the rebels for some unexplained reason. Just one cemetery reported some 800 unidentified corpses.
As Libyan “rebel” offensive stalls, NATO bombs kill hundreds
NATO bombed cities across Libya over the weekend as fighting continued in Sirte and Bani Walid between troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and the NATO-backed forces of the National Transition Council (NTC).
There are mounting reports of casualties due to the NATO bombing. NATO spokesmen said yesterday that on Saturday NATO forces bombed 11 targets in Sirte, 11 in the nearby Al-Jufra oasis, and 3 in the city of Sabha, far to the south.
Moussa Ibrahim, an official of the Gaddafi regime, released a statement yesterday saying that 354 people had been killed and 700 injured when a NATO air strike in Sirte hit the city’s main hotel and a nearby apartment block. He said an additional 89 people were still missing.
Sanctions: Cut the Globalists Off From Humanity
UN Sanctioning Sovereign Nations, We the People Sanctioning the Global Elite: Time to cut them off from humanity.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
The first step in destroying an entrenched enemy is to cut them off from the rest of the world. The globalists of NATO, the US, UK, France, Qatar, and others, have illustrated this principle in Libya on several levels. First they cut off the nation of Libya from the outside world, putting arms and trade embargoes on the Libyan government, blockading their shores, and seizing control of their airspace...
The answer is staring us in the face every time we pick up the corporate-newspapers or flip on the corporate-news channels and here the word "sanctions." We the people must slap sanctions on the globalists, and it doesn't even require a UN mandate to do it. It simply involves identifying the corporations and institutions that are enabling the globalist agenda, systematically boycotting them, and eventually replacing them entirely on a local or regional level. There is nothing a multinational corporation can do that the modern nation-state can't, and in many cases, nothing multinationals can do that people can't do even on a local level. And as technology advances in both terms of information and manufacturing, this equation will only tip further in "we the people's" favor.
For a partial list of corporations that absolutely must be put out of business please see: "Naming Names." To see why even seemingly benign corporations like Pepsi and Coca-Cola are accomplices in the most egregious crimes against humanity, see: "Destroy the Globalists." For alternatives to the vast, globalist consumer paradigm, please see: "The Globalists' Worst Nightmare."
You Won’t See This On CNBC - BBC says world markets must crash.
Trader Alessio Rastani on the BBC: Goldman Sachs Rules The World Not Governments
Collapse Of Entire Global Banking System Is Underway Signals CEO of World’s Largest Mutual Fund
PIMCO CEO signals the collapse of entire global banking system underway as a panic driven institutional bank run drains French banks of nearly all their capital.
Residential electricity rates in Alberta to jump about 50 per cent in October
Many Albertans are in for a shock when they get their electricity bills for October.
The Alberta Utilities Commission has approved a rate increase of about 50 per cent for homeowners who are on regulated power plans.
The spike follows a big drop in power rates from August to September.
So much for being on a regulated plan!!!!!
Occupy Wall Street Day 8: 80 Arrested for Peaceful, Legal Protest; Nets & Pepper Spray Used.
US protesters rally to occupy Wall Street
Building on the momentum of the Arab Spring movements, protesters in the US are gathering in New York City's financial district in a bid to show mass resistance against the dominance of the country's financial system.
What started as an online campaign has translated into action on the ground, with protest organisers calling for thousands of people to "occupy Wall Street" on Saturday.
"On the 17th of September, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up beds, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months," organisers wrote on the website.
DHS Chemicals And Biological Response Unit Surrounding Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Chemical and Biological Response Units from the Department Of Homeland Security have been confirmed to be surrounding and converging on Occupy Wall Street Protesters.
It remains to be seen exactly why these units are there, but it would seem to indicate that the police will soon be using chemicals on the protesters.
Considering the fact that the Occupy Wall Street protesters have no chemical or biological weapons, the only need for these type of response units is if the government planned to either let loose chemicals to blame on the protesters or if they plan on using chemicals on them.
UK marching banned: Police call the tune
People in Britain have long been able to march in protest - but those voices are being silenced in parts of London - for an entire month. The government's letting police slap a blanket ban on public gatherings in the capital.
Are the Tribes of Europe Ready to Explode?
This story is interesting because it is written by a mainstream journalist and actually tells the truth about Greece – that Greece, or its citizens, are ready to explode. One can extrapolate from Greece to the rest of the EU, or at least its Southern half. Push "austerity" a little further, as a solution to the "sovereign debt" crisis and all Europe may begin to detonate.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no 11th marble. And it is time for the people to stop allowing themselves to be driven into poverty; to have the proceeds of a lifetime of work stripped away to pay for promises the government had no business making in the first place.
Strikes and protests mount against austerity in Greece
When the government fears the people there is freedom! When the people fear the government there is tyranny! Go Greek people go!
“Today, it is no longer safe for us to go onto the streets,” a politician of the Greek ruling party PASOK told the Frankfurter Rundschau. “We are the government and we are alone.”
Protesters Plan To Occupy London Stock Exchange
We reported earlier on protests at the Chicago Federal Reserve, and there was word last night of protests planned for Boston. Now it's London, and it sounds like it's going to be pretty big - Probably much bigger than New York protests.
A group of protesters are organising an occupation of the London Stock Exchange to bring attention to what they see as unethical behaviour on the part of banks, following a similar demonstration on Wall Street.
In a Facebook group called Occupy the London Stock Exchange organisers call on crowds to march on the exchange's headquarters at Paternoster Square and fortify it with tents and barricades "for a few months."
Occupy America - Cumulative List of Worldwide “Occupy” Events
For those interested in joining this growing movement we are reprinting the latest updated list from the OccupyTheNation web site.
Wall Street, NY — Currently Active @OccupyWallSt @OccupyWallStreet @OccupyWallStNYC @OpWallStreet
Birmingham – FB
Phoenix – FB
Arkansas FB
Los Angeles – Currently Active 7pm at Pershing Square! 9.25.11 @OccupyLA @OWSLosAngeles
San Diego – FB
San Francisco – @OccupySF FB
San Jose – FB
Santa Cruz – FB
Denver – Currently Active @OccupyDenver FB
District of Columbia
Washington DC – FB
Jacksonville – FB
Miami – @OccupyMiami Bayfront Park Oct. 1 6:30PM
Orlando – FB
Tallahassee – FB
Tampa – FB
Atlanta – @OWSAtlanta FB – General Assemblies being held, future GA date/time/place updates soon. First GA was the 24th
Chicago – Currently active @OccupyChicago FB
Indiana FB
Indianapolis – FB
Wichita – @OccupyWichita Douglas Avenue and Broadway, 10-2-11 at 2:00pm – 2-2-12 at 5:00pm
Lexington – FB
New Orleans – @OccupyNOLA FB
Maine – FB
Boston – FB first General Assembly tuesday sept 27, at 7:30pm boston common gazebo!!! @OccupyBeantown @Occupy_Boston
Detroit – @OccupyDetroit
Lansing – FB
Minnesota @OccupyMN FB
Mississippi FB
Columbia – @OccupyCOMO
Kansas City – FB
St Louis – @OccupySTL FB
Omaha – FB
Las Vegas – FB
Newark – @OccupyNewark email
New York
Wall St, NYC —
North Carolina FB
Charlotte — FB
North Dakota
Cincinnati – @OccupyCincy FB
Cleveland – @OccupyCleveland FB 1st General Assembly: 10/1/11 3:00pm – 5:30pm Willard Park Cleveland OH
Columbus – FB
Youngstown – @OccupyYoungstow
Oklahoma City — @OccupyOKC FB
Tulsa – FB
Portland, OR – @OccupyPortland
Philadelphia – @OccupyPhilly OcuppyPhilly FB
Pittsburgh – FB
South Dakota
Memphis – FB
Nashville – @OccupyNashville FB
Austin – @occupyaustin FB 9/29 Gen Assembly mtg to prep for 10/6
Houston – @OccupyHouston FB
Dallas – @OccupyDallas FB
Salt lake City – FB
Vermont – @OccupyVermont FB
Richmond – FB
Seattle – @OccupySeattle FB 9/26 Monday, September 26 · 4:00pm – 11:30pm 915 2nd AVE
Wisconsin FB
Madison –
Brisbane, QLD — FB
Toronto, ON – FB
Vancouver, BC –
Glasgow – @OccupyGlasgow
United Kingdom
London – FB
Here We Go – 200,000 Member Transport Workers Union Votes To Support Occupy Wall Street
The Massive Nationwide Transport Workers Union with over 200,000 members in 22 states has voted tonight to support the Occupy Wall Street Protests.
The Industrial Workers Of The World Union has also issued an endorsement as has the Teamsters union.
There are also rumors that the VERIZON workers will participate in today's protest.
Occupy Wall Street Protest: 12 Days and Little Sign of Slowing Down
Numbers have grown.
Mike Krieger: "Rebellion Has Arrived In America" - Salon CEO Openly Calls For Revolution
Are you aware that the founder of, David Talbot, is publicly calling for an American Spring? This of course is a reference to the Arab Spring.
Occupy Boston: Aiming to Emulate Wall Street Protests
There were socialists, anti-poverty campaigners, students, anarchists, computer hackers, the unemployed, and workers ranging from a vet to an accountant.
And, numbering around 200 and meeting to plot until late in the night, a group of Bostonians have decided to recreate the anti-Wall Street protests that are gripping New York.
Unlike previous attempts, such as a march that fizzled out in Chicago with just 20 people, the people behind Occupy Boston showed a strong dose of media savvy and organisational skill on Monday night, as they drew a committed crowd of volunteers to their cause: to occupy a slice of the city. Local TV crews were in attendance at the evening mass planning meeting, and it had been flagged on the front pages of Boston's newspapers.
Game ON!! Collective Group With 1 Million Members Expected To Join #OccupyWallStreet Protests!
The plot thickens as more unions pledge support to the Occupy Wall Street movement and a collective group with 1 million members expected to march against the machine.
Russell Simmons Joins Occupy Wall Street Saying He Will Bring Hundreds Of Thousands
Media Mogul Russel Simmons now at Occupy Wall Street after telling MSNBC earlier he was joining the protests and promising bring hundreds of thousands out to NYC
Bernie Sanders With Keith Olbermann: "Wall Street Protests Are About To Get MUCH Bigger"
Video - Sen. Bernie Sanders with Keith Olbermann - Sep. 29, 2011
Olbermann confirms that NYPD thug Anthony Bologna is being investigated, and five large unions are poised to join 'Occupy Wall Street.'
Huge Crowd Of 5,000 Now At #OccupyWallStreet Protests As First Wave Of Union Support Arrives
The number of people occupying Liberty Square has exploded following the announcement of union support, with the NYPD estimating a crowd 5000 people and Fox News setting up a live stream.
Occupy Wall Street is HUGE news around the world!
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, when does NATO start bombing Washington DC to protect the people from the oppressive government during our struggle for freedom? :)
Google Censors Our #OccupyWallStreet Report
After we published it late yesterday afternoon, when we checked Google and typed in the full headline, it was featured at the top of their search results . However, as of this morning, Google has removed our post from their results. As you can see from the screenshots below, our source post is not listed, only sites that have linked to it or mentioned it are. The search on the article title currently brings up 4,450 results. After going through the top 20 search pages, our post permalink doesn’t not show up at all. Other posts from our site do, just not this one report. You can see below that people discussing the post on our social network are showing up in the results.
Thousands Occupy Wall Street protesters marched to New York Police Headquarters
—the largest crowd so far
Bloomberg Contemplates Shutting Down #OccupyWallStreet - "We Need To Defend Wall Street"
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg criticized the Occupy Wall Street protests today, suggesting their days be numbered and said the Wall Street banks deserve our support.
Occupy Boston - Twenty Protesters Arrested For Blockading Entrance To Bank Of America Headquarters
Video and links from today's protests in front of Bank of America.
World powers seek to contain Europe debt crisis
Under pressure from skeptical financial markets, the world's economic powers scrambled on Saturday for ways to keep Europe's debt crisis from spiraling out of control.
The continent's financial woes grabbed the attention of the policy-setting committees of the 187-nation International Monetary Fund and the World Bank during the lending institutions' annual meetings.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told the IMF panel that the European debt crisis posed the most serious threat to the global economy and that failure to take bold action raised the risk of domino-style defaults by heavily indebted European countries.
I keep hearing the so-called experts say how much better shape the banks are in now than in the last financial meltdown of 2008. To that, I say horse hooey! Any expert worth his salt knows that nothing has been fixed in the financial system...
Chris Hedges: Occupy Wall Street is ‘where the hope of America lies’
Hedges was particularly impressed by the significance of Saturday’s mass arrests on the part of the New York Police Department. He told the interviewer, “The real people who are scared are the power elite. Of course, they’re trying to make you scared and us scared. But I can tell you, having been a reporter for the New York Times, that on the inside they’re very, very frightened. They do not want movements like this to grow, and they understand on some level — whether it’s subconscious or, in other cases, even overt — that the criminal class in this country has seized power.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Hedges recognises where this movement has the potential to go; so do those who would do anything in their power to suppress it.
The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it. In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify "key bloggers" and to monitor "billions of conversations" about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs. This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact. As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a "Request for Proposal" to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a "Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution". In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are. Obviously, any "positive" feelings about the Fed would not be a problem. What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively. It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.
Stocks jump on investor hopes for a Europe fix
Stocks had their biggest gains in more than two weeks Monday after European officials vowed to take action to resolve the region’s debt problems.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: Europe's leaders have been forced to plunge their populations deeper into debt to the private banks (at usurious rates) and the money-junkies are lining up for their shares of the plunder!
ALERT: London Gold Exchange Permanently Closed!
Activist Post
It seems that the scandalous financial world has claimed another casualty: the London Gold Exchange. An announcement was made on their website claiming "Due to operational difficulties the London Gold Exchange is permanently closed for business."
According to Wikipedia:
The London Gold Exchange was owned by LGE International LTD., an offshore company registered in Belize, with offices in London, England and Hong Kong... London Gold Exchange operated 2 franchises, one in the UK and one 'International' which covered everywhere other than the UK. The UK administration office was in Central London, with staff based in locations around the UK. The International administration office was in Hong Kong, with staff also operating from mainland China. Technical staff also operated from locations in Australia.
Founded in 2002, their official business was trading digital currencies like c-gold, Liberty Reserve, Pecunix and v-money.
No further explanation was given for the "operational difficulties," nor has there been any indication as to if and how their 100,000 members will be affected.
Could this be a sign of things to come? In related news, France bans cash sales of gold and silver over $600.
Tightening the Noose: France Bans Cash Sales of Gold/Silver Over $600
A couple of weeks ago our report that some Austrian banks had begun restricting the sale of gold and silver to 15,000 Euro (~$20,000 USD) reportedly because of money laundering issues was met with disbelief by many readers of financial news and information web sites. As we mentioned in that commentary, it is our view that governments, namely in Western nations, are making it more difficult for individuals to make gold purchases, as well as to do so anonymously.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That way they know whose door to knock on when it comes time to confiscate all the gold and silver.
Thanks to a reader tip, we have become aware that 4 trading days prior to the beginning of the massive silver raid that took silver down 43% in 3 days for what appears to be the purpose of "solving" JP Morgan's 120 Million ounce naked short silver problem, the CFTC issued a public statement providing temporary relief from reporting requirements on physical commodities for large swaps traders.
Just why exactly did these large commodities traders urgently need to be provided temporary relief from reporting requirements?
It couldn't perhaps be this, could it?
Media claims gold "not backed by anything!"
Webmaster's Commentary:
At 26 seconds, the clueless bimbo states that gold isn't backed by anything, while the dollar is backed by the Federal Government and therefore much safer!
If this doesn't convince you gold is being manipulated down to protect the equities and currency markets, nothing will!
'Massive jobs shortfall' predicted for global economy
International Labour Organisation said the group of developing and developed nations had seen 20m jobs disappear since the financial crisis in 2008
Greece May Have to Slash Up to 200,000 Public-Sector Jobs (FOR BANKER BAIL OUT)
The International Business Times
The Greek government faces the unenviable task of cutting tens of thousands of public sector jobs as demanded by Eurozone officials in exchange for the next tranche of bailout money for the beleaguered nation.
According to reports, Greece expects to generate at least 6.3 billion euros in annual savings from the impending job cuts. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the parliament is divided over the proposed redundancies, with several ministries failing to provide a list of workers to be let go.
Robert Shiller: House Prices Won’t Hit Bottom For Years
The July numbers for the most widely followed measure of house prices, the S&P/Case-Shiller Index, were released this morning.
The numbers weren't terrible--on a seasonally adjusted basis, July was basically the same as June--but one of the creators of the index, Professor Robert Shiller of Yale University, isn't taking much solace in them.
Analyst: $1 Trillion In Hidden Losses At German Banks
CNBC Video - Currency Strategist Joseph Trevisani - Sep. 23. 2011
With Deutsche Bank skirting by at greater than 50:1 leverage, this should not be a surprise. French banks should be assumed to be hiding similar losses. Clip runs 90 seconds.
The world's biggest bond-fund manager just screamed 'shut their ass down' from New York to Paris - This is big.
"Fabian Socialist Keynesian economics is about to destroy the world economy. No, this is not a jest. It is very serious. The concepts of John Maynard Keynes's fiat money system (which was not new then - t.d.) as introduced at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference at the Mt. Washington Hotel in the White Mountains of New Hampshire is as follows.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no 11th marble.
IMF warns it will go BROKE if crisis worsens - BBC
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned it may not have enough money to bail out larger eurozone countries if the debt crisis were to spread.
IMF chief Christine Lagarde says the global lender can meet its current obligations but this could change if the crisis worsens.
A warning from Christine Lagarde via the BBC - We say let the IMF go broke.
The Dislocation of the Middle Class (Greece)
By Nikos Xydakis
The pension cuts announced by PASOK’s socialist administration in the name of fiscal reform are essentially a shameless embezzlement of social security contributions.
Even those of us who have retired with an early -- and reduced -- pension have paid full contributions for 25 or 30 years of employment. So have, of course, those people who have worked for more than 35 years.
The government is not trimming some welfare benefits; it is rather slashing pensions which have been paid for with decades of social security contributions.
“The promise of the American dream has given many hope that they themselves could one day rise up the economic ladder. But according to a study released those already in financially-stable circumstances should fear falling down a few rungs too. The study… found that nearly a third of Americans who were part of the middle class as teenagers in the 1970s have fallen out of it as adults… its findings suggest the relative ease with which people in the U.S. can end up in low-income, low-opportunity lifestyles — even if they started out with a number of advantages.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Please remember; this destruction of the middle class is deliberate, on the part of corporations and politicians.
Americans are poorer than ever
More Americans were living in poverty last year than in the entire 52 years that the US Census Bureau has been tracking the figure, new reports say.
Demographers raking over the 2010 census info have revealed that 56.2 million people in the US were living below the poverty line last year, which puts the percentage of impoverished Americans at nearly one-in-six, reports The New York Times. While the population of the country continues to grow, the raw number of Americans suffering does as well. Speaking in terms of per capita, the 15.1 percent figure of impoverished in 2010 is the highest sampling since 1993.
One in six Americans now officially poor as poverty rate climbs to 27-YEAR high
The number of Americans in poverty has jumped to an incredible 27-year high, with almost one in six people now falling into the bracket.
More than 46 million people, or 15 per cent, are in poverty - which is up from 44 million, or 14 per cent, in 2009, the Census Bureau said.
U.S. layoffs up 14 percent in August
Statistics showed at least 50 workers were laid off by a single employer. Some 391 mass layoff events were reported in the manufacturing sector, resulting in 48,997 initial claims.
Nearly 1 in 4 young children now live in poverty in U.S.
The number of children living in poverty in the United States increased by 2.6 million since the recession began in 2007, bringing the total to an estimated 15.7 million poor children in 2010, according to researchers from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire.
The researchers estimate that nearly 1 in 4 children under the age of 6 now live in poverty.
The research was conducted by Jessica Bean, Beth Mattingly and Andrew Schaefer. The full report is available here (PDF).
Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Cost $250,000 PER JOB
"Obama's jobs plan may be one of the worst policy proposals I've ever seen."
John Carney
So that's $250,000 per job, before interest expense. Wouldn't it be better just to have a free national lottery and mail $200,000 checks to a lucky 1.9 million people?
Global Financial Meltdown: Global Stocks Officially Enter Bear Market After Crashing 22%
The MSCI Global Stock Index Has Officially Entered Bear Market Territory For The First Time Since The Start Of The October 2007 Recession After Crashing 22% and Losing 10 Trillion In Value.
Global Stocks At A Precipice - DOW Plummets 350 Points
Today's selloff in global equity markets, and especially in the U.S. have a slightly different feel than what we've seen in the past month of volatility. Take it for what it's worth, but I suspect the DOW and S&P 500 will break to the downside of recent trading ranges. Here's a look at stories moving global markets this morning - Links included.
It's getting ugly on the floor of the NYSE...
Not Good News For Morgan Stanley...
Hong Kong Air Freight Falls 7.8 Percent
Sixth straight year-over-year decline comes as volume falls from July to August
Weak demand from Europe and the U.S. in August pulled Hong Kong International Airport’s traffic down 7.8 percent from the same month last year, the sixth consecutive month of decline.
Freight volume also fell 3.5 percent from July to August and the 319,000 metric tons was the lowest level since February, a troubling sign for the Asia gateway heading toward the peak fall shipping season.
Overall flight movements hit a high of 28,940, up 6.7 percent year-over-year during the month, but freighter operations fell 6.4 percent from a year ago and fell 3.5 percent from July.
Webmaster's Commentary:
An economic indicator you cannot spin away!
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