Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mardi 1 décembre 2009

Climategate - La fraude à propos du climat s'effondre

Les évidences sont accablantes, sérieuses et pointent toutes dans une direction : la thèse du réchauffement climatique causé par la CO2 produit par l’homme est parmi les pires escroqueries de l’histoire. De la fausse science pour justifier un agenda politique mondial et une nouvelle taxe globale gérée par une institution mondiale ayant un pouvoir transcendant les souverainetés nationales des pays du monde. Ce qui est maintenant surnommé le « climategate » sur l’Internet, est le dernier clou dans le cercueil des alarmistes du réchauffement climatique causé par le CO2 et de ceux qui profiteraient énormément de la taxe sur le CO2, tel qu’expliqué clairement dans un texte précédent Maurice, Al & le Chicago Climate Exchange. Il y est question d’un conflit d’intérêt simplement impossible à résoudre et surtout, à ignorer.

Ce « climategate » rend maintenant obsolète et une complète perte de temps la prochaine conférence de Copenhague sur les changements climatiques qui se tiendra dans quelques jours. Les pays industrialisés, dont le Canada, seront appelés à signer une entente qui aura pour effet de soumettre les entreprises et citoyens du Canada et des autres pays industrialisés au contrôle d’une organisation internationale chargée d’appliquer les nouvelles règles en matière d’émission de gaz carbonique.

Le « climategate », ou le scandale du climat

Un « hacker » s’est introduit dans les ordinateurs de l’unité de recherche sur le climat de l’Université de East Anglia (UEA) et a réussi à mettre la main sur 1000 courriels et quelques 3000 documents. Le plus récent courriel est du 12 novembre 2009. Ces documents et courriels ont été remarqués plus largement lorsqu’ils ont été postés sur un serveur Internet en Russie le 19 novembre. (Voir l'Annexe #1 pour plus de détails)

Les scientifiques de l’Université de East Anglia ont admis avoir détruit la plupart de leurs données de base sur lesquelles leurs prédictions du réchauffement climatique sont basées. Cela signifie que les autres universitaires, scientifiques et chercheurs sont dans l’impossibilité de vérifier les calculs de base qui démontreraient un réchauffement des températures sur le long terme, depuis les 150 dernières années. L’ UEA a été forcée de révéler ces pertes suivant une requête sous la loi de l’accès à l’information.

Ces courriels et documents sont authentiques. Ce qu’ils montrent clairement en noir sur blanc, c’est qu’il y a eu collusion pour enterrer les évidences et données qui n’allaient pas dans le sens de la théorie du réchauffement climatique causé par le CO2. Plusieurs conversations entre ces scientifiques du plus haut niveau impliqués dans le GIEC (Groupe d’Experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Évolution du Climat) et le réchauffement climatique et des politiciens montrent explicitement que des efforts conscients et volontaires ont été poursuivis depuis des années pour dissimuler le refroidissement global de la planète depuis au moins sept ans, en plus de discuter de manières pour faire taire les dissidents et les discréditer.

Ceci est de la plus haute importance puisque ces données servent de base aux calculs et prédictions du GIEC, qui se traduiront ultimement en une taxation globale complètement inutile et susceptible de faire s’effondrer l’économie mondiale et de garder dans la pauvreté les pays dits du « tiers monde ». Peut importe ce que les gens éclaboussés par ce scandale vous diront, il s’agit en premier lieu d’un scandale politique plutôt que scientifique.

Bien que certains scientifiques véreux comme la tête de l’unité de recherche sur le climat de l’Université de East Anglia, le professeur Phil Jones, ont tout intérêt à faire perdurer le mensonge qui lui rapporte des millions de dollars, les plus importants acteurs et bénéficiaires sont ceux qui financent ces professeurs et scientifiques. Qui sont-ils?

Plusieurs figures de proue sont des politiciens notables, financiers ainsi que des pétrolières.

En Amérique, il existe seulement un marché d’échange des émissions de carbone qui est opérant et il s’agit du Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). Par pure coïncidence, ou pas, le fond d’investissement d’Al Gore (Generation Investment Management) est le plus grand actionnaire du CCX. Maintenant, parlez-moi d’un conflit d’intérêts! L’alarmiste le plus bruyant à propos du réchauffement climatique est le plus large actionnaire du seul marché du carbone opérant en Amérique! Sur le conseil du CCX siège aussi Maurice Strong, un canadien méconnu, mais pourtant très important.

Maurice Strong a maintenant joint Brian Mulroney et Paul Desmarais dans le groupe Asia Power Group qui a 100$ millions investi dans des projets de petites centrales électriques au charbon construites dans le sud de la Chine. Ils sont en train de considérer de plus grands projets dans le nord de la Chine, en Malaisie, aux Philippines et en Inde.

Maurice F. Strong, C.P., C.C., O.M., MSRC, né en 1929 au Manitoba, est un des principaux défenseurs de la participation des Nations Unies dans les affaires du monde. Il est vu par ses supporteurs comme étant un important leader environnementaliste. Il sera Secrétaire général de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’environnement et le développement de 1972, qui donnera naissance au mouvement environnementaliste mondial; et du Sommet de la Terre en 1992. Il sera aussi le premier directeur exécutif du Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement (PNUE). Maurice Strong a ainsi donc joué un rôle critique dans la mondialisation du mouvement environnemental. (Source: Maurice, Al & le Chicago Climate Exchange)

Ce marché d’échange des émissions de carbone, une future bulle financière de produits dérivés comme celles qui ont entraîné la crise financière présente, va enrichir certaines personnes comme Al Gore qui fut aidé par Ken Lay, l’ancien président de Enron dont nous connaissons tous le scandale, pour mettre sur pied la structure de la compagnie de Al Gore qui elle, a déjà investi $150 millions pour « vendre » le concept du réchauffement climatique, planifiant faire au monde avec le dioxyde de carbone ce qu’Enron a fait à la Californie avec l’électricité.

Tout cela, même si Al Gore lui-même a récemment admis que le CO2 ne pouvait pas être responsable de plus de 40% du réchauffement climatique, selon les nouvelles études disponibles ; ce CO2 qui n’est pas un polluant, mais bien un bloc essentiel de la vie.

Barack Obama a aussi participé grandement à l’établissement du programme sur le carbone il y a quelques années en finançant un marché du carbone. Alors qu’il siégeait sur le comité d’administration de la Joyce Foundation, Obama a donné $1,1 million en deux dons qui ont été instrumentaux dans le développement et le lancement du Chicago Climate Exchange, une entité privée. Il est maintenant en train de pousser le Congrès à adopter un programme de réduction du CO2 et le marché d’échange des émissions de carbone en même temps qu’il admet que ce marché et les taxes subséquentes vont causer des augmentations faramineuses du coût de l’électricité. Le département du Trésor a révélé en septembre dernier que le marché d’échange des émissions de carbone supporté par Obama couterait de 100 à 200 milliards de dollars aux Américains chaque année, argent qui irait dans les coffres du gouvernement et d’institutions privées ou mondiales.

Le Chicago Climate Exchange est fortement influencé par Obama et la cohorte de politiciens et puissants acteurs tels que Al Gore et Maurice Strong. Gore, l’auto-proclamé « Saint Patron de l’environnement », achète ses crédits de carbone de sa propre compagnie Generation Investment Management LLP qui possède des bureaux à Washington et à Londres. Il est aussi fondateur et directeur de Alliance for Climate Protection et en 2004 en plus d’être le co-fondateur de Generation Investment Management (LLP), un fond d’investissement (Hedge Fund) basé en Angleterre, avec David Blood, ancien chef exécutif de Goldman Sachs Asset Management. La firme vise à investir dans le domaine des technologies et solutions “vertes” pour combattre de réchauffement climatique et dans le marché des échanges des crédits sur le CO2. LLP possède une influence considérable sur les firmes d’échange de crédits du carbone, incluant le Chicago Climate Exchange.

Al Gore s’est joint à un groupe de capital-risque nommé Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. La firme a effectué des investissements de 500$ millions dans la firme de technologies vertes Green Growth Fund et le groupe a annoncé un autre 700$ millions qui seront investis sur les prochaines années dans ce même domaine.

La NASA s’était plaint de son bureau de presse interne qui « marginalisait ou représentait mal » les études sur le réchauffement climatique entre 2004 et 2006, selon un rapport du vérificateur général de l’agence spatiale, qui nommait cette attitude « d’inappropriée et d’interférence politique » par des officiels politiques nommés au bureau de presse de la NASA. [PhysOrg]

Simon Linnett, exécutif vice-président de Rothschild a lancé un appel en faveur d’une nouvelle entité internationale, l’Agence mondiale de l’environnement, pour réguler les échanges de carbones. Il explique qu’à moins que les gouvernements cèdent de leur souveraineté à une nouvelle agence mondiale, un tel marché d’échanges des crédits du carbone ne pourrait fonctionner.

Le chef de l’environnement à l’ONU, Achim Steiner, veut une taxe globale sur le réchauffement climatique. Selon les chiffres du GIEC, il en couterait environ $100 trillions ( $100 000 000 000 000 ) pour éviter un réchauffement des températures de 1 degré Celsius en réduisant les émissions de CO2, même si on croit que les changements climatiques sont réellement causés par l’homme. $100 trillions divisé par le nombre d’habitants de la planète revient à environ $16 000 par personne. Avec le tiers de l’humanité qui ne mange déjà pas à sa faim, comment peut-on espérer payer ce montant et imposer cela à ceux qui gagnent moins de $2 par jour?

La majeure partie du financement des groupes environnementaux et du GIEC provient de groupes comme la Fondation Rockefeller et l’agenda de taxation globale est aussi appuyé par des intérêts pétroliers. En effet, de nombreuses compagnies pétrolières sont parmi les plus importants promoteurs de la propagande de la théorie du réchauffement climatique causé par l’homme et n’hésitent pas à demander une taxe globale sur le carbone. Lors de la tenue de la Commission Trilatérale en 2007, un des trois pilier du nouvel ordre mondial en alliance avec les Bilderberg et le CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), se sont rencontrés pour formuler une politique pour mieux exploiter la peur du réchauffement climatique pour augmenter les taxes et le contrôle sur la façon dont les occidentaux vont vivre leur vie.

À cette rencontre, le président européen de la Commission Trilatérale, des Bilderberg et président de British Petroleum (BP), Peter Sutherland, a lancé « un cri de bataille universel pour s’occuper du réchauffement climatique d’une seule voix ». Lui faisant écho, se trouvait le Général Lord Guthrie, directeur de N.M. Rothschild & Sons, membre de la House of Lords et ancien chef de la Défense à Londres, a supplié la Commission Trilatérale de « faire face à la crise du réchauffement climatique d’une seule voix et d’imposer des règlements à l’échelle de la planète ». Aucun doute que cela saura rapporter beaucoup de profits à l’empire familial des Rothschild dû à leur propriété personnelle d’une grande partie du marché sur le carbone.

Le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-moon, a publié un texte d’opinion dans le The New York Times parlant des critères de réussite pour la prochaine conférence sur le climat à Copenhague. Parmi ces critères, Ki-moon a suggéré qu’une « structure de gouvernance globale » soit établie pour s’assurer que les nations collaborent à la manière dont les ressources seront déployées et utilisées.

Un des leader de Greenpeace a aussi avoué que les affirmations selon lesquelles les glaces en Arctique fondent et sont sur le point de disparaître sont exagérées pour forcer les gens à appuyer leur agenda..

Refroidissement des ardeurs du culte du réchauffement climatique et du climat

La réalité est que le climat se refroidit depuis au moins 7 ans, si ce n’est pas depuis 1998. Des records de froid et de neige sont battus presque à tous les jours à travers le monde, mais ils sont ignorés par les médias, les politiciens et les scientifiques reliés au GIEC. Une liste de liens est disponible ci-bas, dans l'Annexe #2 pour vous en rendre compte vous-même. Nous savons, avec les carottes glacières et la géologie, que les changements climatiques sont majoritairement naturels et cycliques, influencé par le Soleil et certains mécanismes cosmiques.

Voilà ce qui arrive quand la science est pervertie par l’argent et les agendas politiques, le pouvoir. C’est la fin d’une grande fraude scientifique et politique. Le sommet de Copenhague peut être annulé. C’est une perte d’argent et de temps, alors qu’en attendant, nous ne nous attaquons pas aux vrais problèmes de pollution, de surexploitation des ressources de la planète et de répartition des ressources disponibles pour enrayer la pauvreté.

François Marginean

-Annexe #1: Le climategate

VIDEO - RUSSIA TODAY -Top Scientist To Resign Over Climategate

VIDEO - RUSSIA TODAY - Hot Tricks: Climate change we can't believe in?

VIDEO - RUSSIA TODAY - 'Global Warming bogus, Ice Age approaching'

VIDEO - CLIMATEGATE! Fox RIPS Global Warming Advocate! 1000's of Emails/ Documents Reveal FRAUD!

VIDEO - ClimateGate - Final Cut Mashup

VIDEO - Epic Fail - CNBC Shill vs Senator Inhofe on Climategate Conspiracy

VIDEO - Al Gores LIES Exposed By Congress!

Russian TV Does Better Job Reporting ClimateGate Than CNN

Climategate: MSM Writers Try to Ignore Scandal in Global Warming Stories But Readers Bring Them Back to Reality

Alleged CRU Emails - Searchable

Hacked climate emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order, splitting of America

Dutch Environmental Minister Bizarrely Claims Hackers Manipulated Data in E-Mails

Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book Signing


Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate” scandal

Climate change cover-up? You better believe it

Unearthed Files Include “Rules” for Mass Mind Control Campaign

Climategate: White House Involvement in Scandal Will Make It Harder for MSM to Ignore

Another Prominent Scientist Calls CRU Scientists "Criminals"

Climategate: this is our Berlin Wall moment!

Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…

Why 'climategate' won't stop greens

Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade laws

TV Environmentalist Goes Nuts Over climategate

Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

How to Forge a Consensus

Climategate – How Did Climate Change Come To This?<

EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling

“these will be artificially adjusted”

Climategate - Global Warming Hoax Blown Wide Open


Forget The Emails, Code Discusses “Artificially Adjusted” Temperatures

Climate Expert: “Compromised” UN Scientists should be excluded from IPCC, Peer-Review Process

Climate cash for poor countries 'has not materialised'

Hide The Decline - Climategate


Warmist conspiracy exposed?

Those hacked climate emails and the problem of government reliance on experts

FLASHBACK - Govt-Funded Research Unit Destroyed Original Climate Data

FLASHBACK - The Global Warming Scam

Hacked: Sensitive Documents Lifted from Hadley Climate Center

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists

Hadley CRU hacked with release of hundreds of docs and emails

Climate change scandal deepens as BBC expert claims he was sent 'cover-up' emails a month before they went public

Japan's CO2 reduction target may cost households up to $8,600 a year

Climate Change Legislation Would Slow Economy, Says Congressional Budget Office

Another Prominent Scientist Calls CRU Scientists "Criminals"

Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists

Hadley CRU hacked with release of hundreds of docs and emails

A collection of ridiculous, over the top fear-mongering articles on...

Alex Jones on Climategate: Hoax of all time a global Ponzi scheme

The global carbon footprint scam

Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over

Hide The Decline - Climategate Music Video

CNBC Shill vs Sentator Inhofe on Climategate

Video 'Alex Jones - The Global Warming Scam'

CLIMATEGATE: The Whitewash Begins

Green totalitarianism

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global ...

Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategat...

Climategate - A message to the environmental movement

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

Climategate: The Silence is Deafening from the Corporate Media

“Climategate” surpasses “Global Warming” on Google

Climategate Master Criminal Phil Jones Collected $22.6 Million in G...

A Call to Action: Stop the Climate Scientific Global Dictatorship

Gore says supercomputing can be killer app in climate change

Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!

Glenn Harlan Reynolds: Climategate denial foundering on army of Davids

Significance of “Climategate” Deciphered

A Convenient Ruse: Man-Made Global Warming Data Destroyed

CLIMATEGATE - FLASHBACK - Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exagg...

Falsication Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Eects Within The Fram...


Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap a...

Software developer looks at CRU code

ClimateGate – A Comprehensive Archive

No science is possible: CRU has destroyed the original data

Climategate Update 4: CRU Records Worthless

MSM Still Silent on ClimateGate

Climategate: The BBC is still pretending not to notice

Climategate: 'The stones cry out'

Climate Science Fraud at Albany University?

Al Gore’s Science Fiction: A Skeptic’s Guide to An Inconvenient Truth

Scenes from the Climate Inquisition

ClimateGate: CRU Agrees To Publish All The Data. That They Haven’t ...

Climate change denier Nick Griffin to represent EU at Copenhagen

Hacked E-Mail Data Prompts Calls for Changes in Climate Research

Climategate: A Reality Check on Climate Change

Sneaky: Current credit bailout bill contains carbon tax provisions!

CLIMATEGATE - FLASHBACK - Jail politicians who ignore climate scien...

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

CLIMATEGATE - FLASHBACK - Gore Urges Scientist to Change Science to...

Climate crunch: David Bellamy on global warming fraud

Climategate Document Database

ClimateGate Who's Who

“Climategate” surpasses “Global Warming” on Google – autosuggest st...


Who's to blame for Climategate?

The great climate change science scandal

Climategate: University of East Anglia U-turn in climate change row

Mark Steyn: Cooking the books on climate

CLIMATEGATE - Hudson Hushed

At NYT's Dot Earth: Young Scientist 'Disheartened' by Climategate; ...

ClimateGate on Fox News 11-28-09

Cartoon Of The Day: The Global Warming 'Thermometer'

-Annexe #2: Refroidissement climatique

Record cold hits region; snow on the way

Long-standing records were shattered as temperatures plummeted around North Central Washington on Sunday and into today.

Snow in Central Europe brings death, chaos and start to ski season

A shepherd leads his flock through a street in Zakopane, Poland, after heavy snow. The unseasonable weather killed at least four Poles and cut power and heating to hundreds of thousands of homes in Central Europe.

Snow Covered Halloween Decorations

October Snow in NJ

Chaos In The Snow As Winter Bites Early

DAYS of heavy snow have brought chaos, death and an early start to the skiing season to parts of Europe.

Skiers are being told they can expect a sensational season after three feet of snow led many Alpine resorts to open two weeks early.

But the unseasonably early cold snap also cut power to thousands of homes and caused at least three deaths.

Pistes are already open in Austria, and there has also been heavy snow in France, Italy and Switzerland. Similar early falls last year saw the best conditions in Europe for more than 20 years.

Climate change could cause more problems than two world wars, Brown warns

He's right. If the sun doesn't wake up soon it could get jolly cold.

Snowfall gets Alpine ski season off to early start

The Alpine ski season got off to an early start last week after a drop in temperature led to an early snowfall.

Up to a metre of snow has fallen in the Austrian Alps over the past week, and in the earliest start to the season for 11 years, over a mile of ski runs were opened in Verbier, Switzerland, today after the resort saw 50cm (19in) of snow fall.

Snow in Chicago

Cold spell brings record low temperatures to Southern California

Southern California has gone from a heat wave to a cold streak, with several cities around the region reporting record low temperatures.

Record lows were reported at Los Angeles International Airport, Lake Arrowhead, Idylwild, Yorba Linda, Escondido and Lake Elsinore, among other places. Some broke records set in the 1920s and 1940s.

Biggest October Snow in Denver in 12 Years

Driving around the Denver, Colorado metro area is a mess and giving people major headaches as they try to get around town.

The biggest storm to hit Colorado in October in twelve years is leaving roads packed with snow and ice and while crews are being credited with doing a pretty good job of keeping roads cleared, the snow is falling faster than crews can clear it.

Cheyenne records snowiest October on record

As of the end of the day on October 29th, the total snowfall recorded at the National Weather Service office in Cheyenne, WY for the month of October reached 28.0 inches. This sets a new record for the most snowfall ever recorded in Cheyenne for the month of October. The previous record was 23.1 inches which was measured in October of 1906.

The following information is the top 5 snowiest Octobers since 1850.

Rank Snow Year

Storm brought record snowfall to Fort Collins in October

The storm that slammed Fort Collins on Wednesday and today is officially one for the record books.

The storm's 21.1-inch accumulation is the largest snowfall ever recorded in the city in October.

Records kept at CSU show that the previous record was 20 inches.

Cold snap brings snow

"With the advent of the strong cold front, Beijing saw its first snow two months earlier than last year," said Guo Hu, head of the city's meteorological observatory.

Fort Collins declares snow emergency

Fort Collins officials have declared a snow emergency effective as of 1 p.m.

Prominent Russian Scientist: 'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming'


(Habibullo Abdussamatov, Dr. Sc. - Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory, Head of the Russian/Ukrainian joint project Astrometria - (translated from Russian by Lucy Hancock) Dr. Abdussamatov is featured on page 140 of the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming. Also see "Related Links" below.)

World getting cooler, not warmer, insists Bellamy

Prof Bellamy said temperature fluctuations are part of the natural process. “The argument [for man-made global warming] is going downhill. Climate change is a completely natural thing. It is based on the sun, and at the moment we are into the 24th sun cycle and there has been no sunspots for two years. The last time that happened, the Thames froze over.”

NCDC: October USA – temperature 3rd coldest on record, wettest ever on record

The average October temperature of 50.8°F was 4.0°F below the 20th Century average and ranked as the 3rd coolest based on preliminary data.

For the nation as a whole, it was the third coolest October on record. The month was marked by an active weather pattern that reinforced unseasonably cold air behind a series of cold fronts. Temperatures were below normal in eight of the nation’s nine climate regions, and of the nine, five were much below normal. Only the Southeast climate region had near normal temperatures for October.

October was 6th-snowiest on record in Breckenridge

The average maximum temperature reading for the month, 47 degrees, was a full 8.3 degrees lower than the historic average, based on records going back to 1909.

Steve Fielding wants to convince Al Gore he's wrong

THIS is the chart climate change sceptic Senator Steve Fielding hopes will convince Al Gore that global warming is not real.The graph was used by the UN in its reports on the effects of climate change. UN scientists say the world has warmed in the past 150 years, but temperatures have plateaued at warmer-than-normal levels in the past decade after a particularly hot year in 1998.

BELLAMY/DUCHAMP: World is getting colder

Dickinson ND sees first June snowfall in 60 years

Snow has fallen in Dickinson in June, the first time in nearly 60 years the city has seen snow past May.

Canada frosts the most widespread in recent memory

The multiple frosts that have blanketed Western Canada in the last week are the most widespread in the top canola-growing province of Saskatchewan in at least five years, the Canola Council of Canada said on Tuesday.

Two overnight frosts last week have already resulted in some Saskatchewan farmers reseeding their canola, a Canadian variant of rapeseed, said Jim Bessel, senior agronomy specialist in the province for the industry group Canola Council.

Global Warming or Global Cooling? A New Trend in Climate Alarmism

This is the new trend in climate alarmism. Previously the measure of global warming has always been air temperatures. But all the satellite data says air temperatures have been in a mild down trend starting 2002. The land thermometers preferred by the alarmists showed warming until 2006, but even they show a cooling trend developing since then.

(Land thermometers cannot be trusted because, even in the USA, 89 per cent of them fail siting guidelines that they be more than 30 meters from an artificial heating or radiating/reflecting heat source, and their data is forever being “corrected”.)

Ocean temperatures were not properly measured until mid-2003, when the Argo network became operational.

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

(Source : Telegraph.co.uk via SOTT.net, trad. Jsf)

Le verdict sans appel du Dr Mörner déclare que toutes ces histoires de montée du niveau de la mer ne sont rien d’autres qu’une colossale histoire pour faire peur.

Global Temperatures Chart 2500 BC to 2040 AD

This historical global temperature chart clearly shows that nothing is happening now that has not happened in the last three thousand years. We are not to blame for the global warming that has been going on for the last 100 plus years. Actually it has been getting cooler the last ten years, so what is all the hype about this global warming? I guess the cooling trend is the reason that as of late, they have changed the name to climate change.

Article Here: A Global Temperature Chart Not in Gore’s Movie

Science of global warming doesn't support the hype

Think how people in Chicago feel. They're going through the coldest winter in a quarter-century, and the ninth-coldest of all time.

In fact, six of the 10 hottest years came before 1954, with the 1930s being particularly toasty. Ever hear of the Dust Bowl?

Researchers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory discovered that the rate of warming in Greenland between 1920 and 1930 was 50 percent higher than today. And the glaciers were smaller.

Ice cores taken from a Russian research site in the Antarctic reveal that when you go back in time, the theory of global warming seems to put the cart before the horse. We are told that greenhouse gases build up and cause temperatures to rise.

But an analysis of the ice cores shows the temperature goes up first, followed by an increase in greenhouse gases. The heat is triggered by other natural phenomenon, such as solar radiation. This heats up the ocean, which releases carbon dioxide.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere right now actually is downright paltry compared with what it has been during Earth's history.

New Milepost for Arctic Sea Ice Extent

Two of the Arctic ice sites show April 16 ice at recent record levels. The Japanese site IJIS has a seven year April record going back to 2003, and reports 2009 levels at the highest extent on record for the date: 13,649,219 km2.

The Danish Meteorological Institute has a five year database, and also shows April 16 ice extent as the highest in their short record. A plot of April 16 extent made from the IJIS database shows that mid April ice extent has made a nice recovery from the 2004 low, increasing by more than 5%. This is probably not coincidental with the fact that since 2003, global temperatures have been declining.

Antarctic Ice Shelves Show No Sign of Climate Change

ANTARCTIC ice shelves are showing no sign of climate change, six years of unique research have shown.

Satellite Data Show No Warming Before 1997. Changes Since Not Related to CO2

A full analysis of satellite-measured lower tropospheric temperatures indicates that none of the global temperature variations from 1978 to 2008 can be attributed to the effect of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. The record shows global climate oscillations with a period of three to five years and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.4 to 0.5 degrees Celsius about a common, fixed mean temperature that lasted from 1978 to 1997. Since this mean temperature did not change for twenty years the late twentieth century warming touted by IPCC and others simply did not happen.

PDF: http://icecap.us/images/uploads/ThereWasNoGlobalWarmingBefore1997(February15th2009).pdf

Global Cooling Continues

Continuing a decade-long trend of declining global temperatures, the year 2008 was significantly colder than 2007, and global temperatures for the year were below the average over the past 30 years.

The global temperature data, reported by NASA satellite-based temperature measurements, refuted predictions 2008 would be one of the warmest on record.

Shocker: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening

The modest global warming trend has stopped – maybe even reversed itself.

And it's not just the record low temperatures experienced in much of the world this winter.

For at least the last five years, global temperatures have been falling, according to tracking performed by Roy Spencer, the climatologist formerly of NASA.

A new study by Florida State University researcher Ryan Maue shows worldwide cyclone activity – typhoons, as well as hurricanes – has reached at least a 30-year low.

Two more studies – one by the Leibniz Institute of Marine Science and the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology in Germany and another by the University of Wisconsin – predict a slowing, or even a reversal of warming, for at least the next 10 to 20 years.

The Arctic sea ice has grown more on a percentage basis this winter than it has since 1979.

The number of polar bears has risen 25 percent in the past decade. There are 15,000 of them in the Arctic now, where 10 years ago there were 12,000.

"The most recent global warming that began in 1977 is over, and the Earth has entered a new phase of global cooling," says Don Easterbrook, professor of geology at Western Washington University in Bellingham, confidently. He maintains a switch in Pacific Ocean currents "assures about three decades of global cooling. New solar data showing unusual absence of sun spots and changes in the sun’s magnetic field suggest ... the present episode of global cooling may be more severe than the cooling of 1945 to 1977."

Climatologist Joe D’Aleo of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, says new data "show that in five of the last seven decades since World War II, including this one, global temperatures have cooled while carbon dioxide has continued to rise."

"The data suggest cooling not warming in Earth's future," he says.

US Navy Physicist warns of possibly 'several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine'

“(The sun) might (1) revert to the old solar cycles or (2) the sun might go even quieter into a “Dalton Minimum” or a Grand Minima such as the “Maunder Minimum”. It is still a little early to predict which way it will swing. Each of these two possibilities holds a great threat to our nation.

“We are now at a crossroad. Two paths lie before us. Both are marked with a signpost that reads “Danger”! Down one path lies monstrous solar storms. Down the other path lies several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine.”

“Climate change is primarily driven by nature.

Where's global warming?

The United States has shivered through an unusually severe winter, with snow falling in such unlikely destinations as New Orleans, Las Vegas, Alabama, and Georgia. On Dec. 25, every Canadian province woke up to a white Christmas, something that hadn't happened in 37 years. Earlier this year, Europe was gripped by such a killing cold wave that trains were shut down in the French Riviera and chimpanzees in the Rome Zoo had to be plied with hot tea. Last week, satellite data showed three of the Great Lakes - Erie, Superior, and Huron - almost completely frozen over. In Washington, D.C., what was supposed to be a massive rally against global warming was upstaged by the heaviest snowfall of the season, which paralyzed the capital.

Meanwhile, the National Snow and Ice Data Center has acknowledged that due to a satellite sensor malfunction, it had been underestimating the extent of Arctic sea ice by 193,000 square miles - an area the size of Spain. In a new study, University of Wisconsin researchers Kyle Swanson and Anastasios Tsonis conclude that global warming could be going into a decades-long remission. The current global cooling "is nothing like anything we've seen since 1950," Swanson told Discovery News. Yes, global cooling: 2008 was the coolest year of the past decade - global temperatures have not exceeded the record high measured in 1998, notwithstanding the carbon-dioxide that human beings continue to pump into the atmosphere.

Global warming alarmists out in cold

IT'S snowing in April. Ice is spreading in Antarctica. The Great Barrier Reef is as healthy as ever.

And that's just the news of the past week. Truly, it never rains but it pours - and all over our global warming alarmists.

Time's up for this absurd scaremongering. The fears are being contradicted by the facts, and more so by the week.

Doubt it? Then here's a test.

Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released 'An Inconvenient Truth'

The latest global averaged satellite temperature data for June 2009 reveals yet another drop in the Earth's temperature. This latest drop in global temperatures means despite his dire warnings, the Earth has cooled .74°F since former Vice President Al Gore released "An Inconvenient Truth" in 2006.

Does Record Cold July Mean Cold Winter Ahead?

One cold July

A cruel summer has brought Manitoba's third-coldest July on record.

According to Environment Canada, only twice before has any year's seventh month in this province been as chilly as the stretch of 31 days we've just passed.

And Manitoba has also completed its third run of eight consecutive months with colder than average temperatures, says meteorologist Natalie Hasell.

Record Low Temperatures Hit Northeast

As politicians in Washington, DC debate what to do about global warming, the Northeast has been hit with record low temperatures this morning.

According to ABC News, the cities of Binghamton and Rochester in New York and Hartford, CT experienced record lows for July today.

Meanwhile, here in the Granite State, temperatures in Concord fell to 47-degress this morning, the lowest since 1940. Temperatures in Portsmouth came within one degree of the lowest ever in July.


June hasn't been this nice since ... 1913

Thursday, however, was the 14th consecutive day to stay below 100 degrees. That's the longest stretch of its kind in any June since 1913.

Hopes for summery temperatures fade

After a June that opened with record chill following a spring characterized by clouds, sub-normal temperatures and deluges of rain, Chicagoans increasingly anxious for summery warmth, sunshine and rain-free days must face another meteorological disappointment.

Record low temperatures in 46 states during June

Chicago has its coolest July 8 in 118 years

For the 12th time this meteorological summer (since June 1), daytime highs failed to reach 70 degrees Wednesday. Only one other year in the past half century has hosted so many sub-70-degree days up to this point in a summer season -- 1969, when 14 such days occurred.

Wednesday's paltry 65-degree high at O'Hare International Airport (an early-May-level temperature and a reading 18 degrees below normal) was also the city's coolest July 8 high in 118 years -- since a 61-degree high on the date in 1891.

Children die in harsh Peru winter

Almost 250 children under the age of five have died in a wave of intensely cold weather in Peru.

Children die from pneumonia and other respiratory infections every year during the winter months particularly in Peru's southern Andes.

But this year freezing temperatures arrived almost three months earlier than usual.

Experts blame climate change for the early arrival of intense cold which began in March.

"Global warming is making the planet colder. Don't think about it, just trust us."

‘Nightly News’: Don’t Let the Mild Weather Fool You, There’s Still Global Warming

With a cooler-than-usual winter and a mild temperatures leading up to the beginning of summer, global warming alarmists are finding they are losing steam in the debate. But “NBC Nightly News” won’t give up the fight.


That news of warm weather and theory of global warming was reassuring for Williams. “Glad to hear that. I was beginning to worry,” he said.

Firestorms and Deep Freeze: Climate Change May Bring Both

Global warming deniers keep pointing to snowstorms as proof that climatologists are wrong. But both extreme heat and cold are on tap.

Oops. We overlooked 193,000 square miles of ice

In May, 2008, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free during the 2008 melt season because of ‘global warming.’

Today, they admitted that they’ve underreported Arctic ice extent by 193,000 square miles (500,000 square kilometers). They blamed the error on satellite problems and sensor drift.

Lake Superior frozen over in cold winter

The last time Lake Superior froze completely was the winter of 2002-03, Fleegel said. Before that, it froze in the winter of 1995-96.

3,000 Low Temp Records Set This July!

DRUDGE-ALANCHE! Thanks to all my new visitors who Commented on this blog entry when DrudgeReport.com linked over to me. I received over 150 comments, which is more than I normally get in two months.

Crops under stress as temperatures fall

For the second time in little over a year, it looks as though the world may be heading for a serious food crisis, thanks to our old friend “climate change”. In many parts of the world recently the weather has not been too brilliant for farmers. After a fearsomely cold winter, June brought heavy snowfall across large parts of western Canada and the northern states of the American Midwest. In Manitoba last week, it was -4ºC. North Dakota had its first June snow for 60 years.

New York Fails to Hit 90 Degrees for June, July for Second Time

The high in New York City today is forecast to hover around 80 degrees, making it only the second time on record that June and July temperatures failed to reach 90, the National Weather Service said.

Central Park thermometers haven’t touched 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32.2 Celsius) since April, and if this holds through today the month would be one of the 10 coolest Julys on record, according to the weather service records.

Coldest July In Iowa Since 1893?

July isn't over yet but if current weather patterns hold Iowa could be on track for one of the coldest Julys in more than a hundred years.

Climatologist Harry Hillaker said if temperatures stay below 90 for the rest of the month, it would be the first time since 1893 that Iowa has missed a 90-degree reading in July. The current KCCI Super Doppler forecast shows only highs in the low 80s for the rest of the month.

It's not just Iowa not feeling the heat this summer. The National Weather Service said Chicago has seen the coldest July in 67 years, with an average temperature this month of 68.9 degrees.

It's June...so it must be snowing: From sweltering to shivering in just a week, it could only happen in the great British summer

After the hottest spell of the year so far, sleet and snow swept in across northern parts of Britain while the rest of the country also cooled down considerably.

“…frost has never been reported before in July”

Temperatures dropped to a record low in Prince Edward Island overnight Tuesday, with reports of frost throughout the province.

An official record low of 3.8 C was set early Wednesday morning at Charlottetown airport.

The previous record for that date was 5.1 C, set in 2005.

Bob Robichaud, a meteorologist with Environment Canada, said that to his knowledge, frost has never been reported before in July in P.E.I.

“That 3.8 we got last night kind of sticks out as being lower than some of the other records for anytime in early July,” Robichaud told CBC News on Wednesday.

snow in Kuwait on 30/3/2009?????


It was Christmas in July for some Westchester County residents.

A wintry mix of hail and heavy thunderstorms downed trees and utility poles in Yonkers last night -- causing mountains of slush and ice to build up in parking lots and on grassy areas.

What global warming?

If we have much more "global warming," we'll all freeze.

Ice at the North Pole in 1958 and 1959 – not so thick

Seadragon (SSN-584), foreground, and her sister Skate (SSN-578) during a rendezvous at the North Pole in August 1962. Note the open water.

Al Gore: "North Pole Will Disappear in 5 Years"

Why 'Global Warming' is Not a Global Crisis

How do we know the UN’s error was deliberate? The table, as it first appeared, said the units for sea-level rise were being changed. But the table was new. There was nothing to change from. I wrote to the UN that this misconduct was unacceptable. Two days later, the bureaucracy corrected, relabeled and moved the table, and quietly posted the new version on its Web site. The two ice sheets will contribute, between them, over 100 years, just two and a half inches to sea-level rise. Gore had exaggerated a hundredfold; the UN tenfold. Hawaii is not about to disappear beneath the waves.

Bad news for Catlin Expedition: Satellite Data Shows Arctic Cooling in February and March

As reported by Anthony, RSS satellite temperature data is out for March. And as the Catlin adventurers have discovered, it has been “stupidly cold” in the Arctic. March was the second consecutive month of below normal Arctic temperatures, and the continuation of a four year cooling trend - as seen below. Google’s linest() function shows that since the beginning of 2005, Arctic temperatures have been cooling at a rate of 1.8 degrees C per decade, or 18C per century ( see comments). Also note that Arctic monthly temperature anomaly now is about three degrees lower than in January, 1981.

WUWT Ice Survey Shows Thickening Arctic Ice

The WUWT Arctic Ice Thickness Survey has been conducted from the comfort of a warm living room over the last half hour, without sponsors, excessive CO2 emissions or hypothermia. The data is collected from the US military web site http://imb.crrel.usace.army.mil. All of the active military buoys show significant thickening ice over the past six months to a year, as seen below.

Arctic team gives up on ice radar

The expedition was blighted in the first few weeks by temperatures well below minus 40 Celsius, the equivalent of minus 70 allowing for the wind chill.

The average Arctic winter temperature is -34°C (-29°F)

Where's the warming?

Antarctic ice is growing, not melting away

ICE is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap.

The results of ice-core drilling and sea ice monitoring indicate there is no large-scale melting of ice over most of Antarctica, although experts are concerned at ice losses on the continent's western coast.

Antarctic Sea Ice Up Over 43% Since 1980, Where Is The Media?

Sea ice at Antarctica is up over 43% since 1980 and we hear nothing in the news, yet Arctic ice is down less than 7% and they're all over it! We've been waiting for the main stream media to pick up on the increase of Antarctic ice but so far they're been totally absent. Guess its doesn't fit the plan.

Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 feet per day!

“Even the dedicated global warmists need to know the truth about the recent extended period of global cooling caused by our 'SILENT SUN,' Harris continues.

Ice choking Northwest Passage

Despite predictions from a top U.S. polar institute that the Arctic Ocean's overall ice cover is headed for another "extreme" meltdown by mid-September, the Environment Canada agency monitoring our northern waters says an unusual combination of factors is making navigation more difficult in the Northwest Passage this year after two straight summers of virtually clear sailing.

Greenland ice tipping point 'further off than thought'

The giant Greenland ice sheet may be more resistant to temperature rise than experts realised. The finding gives hope that the worst impacts of global warming, such as the devastating floods depicted in Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, could yet be avoided.

5.0 Votes : 31 Login To Rate Atlantic cooling may presage Arctic ice increase

Recent satellite observations from the Arctic indicate that spring ice melting is beginning at a lower rate than normal this year. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, the area of ice-covered ocean has decreased only about 750,000 km2 from its peak value at the end of February, compared to a normal decline of 1.1 million km2 by late April. If this trend continues, the annual ice melt in 2009 may be less than in recent years, and the late summer Arctic ice extent may rebound from its well-publicized downtrend.

Thick Arctic ice surprises scientific expedition

Ice in the Arctic is often twice as thick as expected, report surprised scientists who returned last week from a major scientific expedition. The scientists - a 20-member contingent from Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Italy - spent one month exploring the North Pole as well as never-before measured regions of the Arctic. Among their findings: Rather than finding newly formed ice to be two metres thick, "we measured ice thickness up to four metres," stated a spokesperson for the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research of the Helmholtz Association, Germany's largest scientific organization.

Eco-sailors rescued by oil tanker

An expedition team which set sail from Plymouth on a 5,000-mile (8,000km)carbon emission-free trip to Greenland have been rescued by an oil tanker.

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