Les Nouvelles Internationales est un site alternatif pour les gens qui veulent mieux comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre monde et pour mieux connaître notre histoire.
Ce site se veut un moyen de résister à la manipulation de la pensée par la désinformation et la propagande de masse.
Une population éduquée n`est pas manipulable. Cessons de nous faire violer psychiquement, protégeons-nous mentalement. Les ploutocrates dépensent des milliards pour contrôler notre pensée. Fermons la TV!
Le clan des néo-conservateurs, cette faction d’idéologie militariste pour l’imposition d’une hégémonie américaine mondiale, tel que décrit et illustré par dans leurs propres documents et projet comme le PNAC, réuni l’extrême droite, le complexe militaro-industriel, évangélistes chrétiens, sionistes, banquiers internationaux, et des gens de descendance idéologique nazie comme George H.W. Bush et de factions de la CIA.
Ce sont ces gens qui ont voulu prendre avantage du momentum de la configuration stratégique américaine présente à la fin Seconde guerre mondiale, cristallisée ensuite durant la guerre froide, pour imposer leur nouvel ordre mondial. Ils se retrouvaient avec l’armée la plus puissante de l’histoire et beaucoup pensaient qu’il était insensé de ne pas s’en servir pour assurer leur contrôle sur le monde. Pour ce faire, on devait utiliser cette puissance militaire qui selon eux était d’une tristesse à posséder sans pouvoir s’en servir réellement pour imposer cet ordre, en combinaison avec la sphère financière et bancaire à travers lesquelles ils dominaient et dominent encore le reste du monde. Ces nouveaux maîtres du monde ne pouvait se servir de cette incroyable machine de guerre parce que le peuple américain et la Constitution des États-Unis ne leur permettraient jamais.
Il fallait donc miner et éventuellement anéantir ce dernier bastion de la liberté et de la souveraineté du peuple et des individus, en finir avec cette expérience unique de quelques centaines d’années à peine où pour la première fois de l’Histoire, le Peuple est souverain et donc pas soumis, esclave, serf, sujet d’un quelconque tyran, dictateur, leader religieux ou d’une monarchie.
Alors, pour imposer une telle politique étrangère agressive et criminelle à tendance eugénique, ils comprenaient que la démocratie, ou en fait, la République des États-Unis, était pour les en empêcher. La souveraineté du peuple et la liberté sont le véritable ennemi de l’élite, de l’establishment, de l’ordre établi. Elles sont l’antithèse du darwinisme social. C’est ce qui explique la motivation derrière le coup d’État avorté de justesse dans l’affaire Smedley Butler impliquant la famille Bush ainsi que de grands industriels et banquiers.
Il s’agit du même dessein en ce qui concerne le 9/11 et la descente rapide dans un état policier fasciste qu’on peut observer en Amérique. Nous sommes témoins de l’érosion brutale – et dans plusieurs cas la perte – de nos droits et libertés ainsi que la protection de notre vie privée, sans compter les multiples transgressions de la Constitution des É-U.
Il y a longtemps que les multinationales et le secteur bancaire ont opéré un coup d’État silencieux prenant contrôle de nos institutions civiles et gouvernementales. Les gens qu’on nomme nos « représentants » ne le sont plus en grande majorité, surtout aux plus hauts échelons. Les créditeurs et les multinationales dictent la loi, font la pluie et le beau temps. Ils sont le gouvernement de facto. Ils organisent les choses en leur faveur, pour leurs intérêts. Par exemple, ils sont le moteur qui propulse le Partenariat pour la Sécurité et la Prospérité (PSP), ou plus simplement, l’Union nord-américaine. Une refonte du Canada, des États-Unis et du Mexique en un espace commun commercial favorable au secteur privé et financier, opéré via un nivellement vers le bas des conditions de travail, des salaires, des réglementations et protections des gens et de l’environnement.
Nous payons des impôts et des taxes, mais nous ne sommes plus représentés. Nous avons perdu $40 milliards de notre Caisse de dépôt et de placement et l’État de droit au Québec est en train de basculer vers la loi du plus fort et du crime organisé, mais les « autorités » refusent toute enquête publique! Ils parlent de monter la taxe de vente et votre compte d’électricité pour combler les déficits causés par leurs « erreurs », de dépenser des milliards de dollars pour investir dans la centrale nucléaire de Gentilly-2 et la remettre en marche avec tout ce que cela implique en terme de risque nucléaire et des matières radioactives, mais ne nous consultent jamais et ne font qu’à leur tête.
Le partenariat entre les compagnies et les forces armées/complexe militaro-industriel est l’axe essentiel par lequel l’élite anglo-saxonne pensait organiser leur collaboration pour créer une super-puissance dans le but d’imposer leur contrôle sur le monde et poursuivre l’expansion de l’emprise de l’empire anglo-saxon sur les ressources du monde et ainsi remplacer le colonialisme européen. La guerre contre le terrorisme est le parfait outil puisqu’elle est sans fin et permet de créer sans cesse de nouveaux ennemis qui eux sont là que pour justifier l’expansion de la plus grande économie militarisée que le monde est connu.
Il est un fait qui semble se dégager de plus en plus de l’histoire du régime nazi : ils avaient été appuyés en puissance par les banquiers de Londres et de Wall Street, et le 3e Reich de Hitler fut construit par les corporations des États-Unis et d’Angleterre dans le but de contrer la menace Communiste de l’Union Soviétique (financée et maintenue en place par les mêmes banquiers internationaux). Hitler s’est avéré un homme hors de contrôle et c’est les Soviétiques qui ont dû perdre entre de 20 à 40 millions d’hommes pour le défaire. Suite à la défaite du régime nazi, nous avons appris grâce à des documents américains déclassifiés, que sous le projet « Paperclip », des milliers de têtes nazis, dont des scientifiques, propagandistes, stratèges, hauts-gradés militaires, etc, furent rapatriés aux États-Unis, sous un chapeau nommé la CIA, nouvellement crée à cet effet.
George H.W. Bush est un des grand responsable de cette affaire, avec son père Prescott Bush qui amassa une fortune en aidant et finançant Hitler, blanchissant l’argent nazi et en investissant dans la machine de guerre nazie. Étaient aussi de fervents supporteurs: Henry Ford, IBM, JP Morgan, Rockefeller et la Standard Oil. Il est de plus en plus compris que la famille Bush et les gens qui leur sont reliés constituent la montée d’un 4e Reich aux États-Unis. Les nazis ont perdu une bataille en 1945, mais pas la guerre puisque les vrais architectes, constructeurs et profiteurs de la machine nazie et son idéologie n’ont jamais été publiquement identifiés, exposés et jugés pour leurs crimes.
Les médias sont lourdement concentrés entre les mains de quelques entités seulement. Il se trouve beaucoup d’actionnaires importants et propriétaires qui sont aussi investis et liés à des fabricants d’armement et des financiers de Wall Street. Ils répondent uniquement aux impératifs du marché et de la rentabilité, mais ils ont l’immense pouvoir de façonner notre perception de la réalité. Les médias n’accomplissent pas leur mission de chercher et rapporter la vérité, d’être les gardiens de la liberté et démocratie, de surveiller les gouvernements et les gens au pouvoir.
Nous savons maintenant que des milliards de dollars furent et sont dépensés par des gouvernements tels que celui des États-Unis ainsi que par des corporations pour produire de fausses nouvelles ayant toutes les apparences de nouvelles indépendantes produites par les médias. Il n’y a pas moyen de savoir si elles sont authentiques ou pas, ainsi que de connaître leur source de financement. Elles nous sont présentées dans les journaux ainsi qu’à la télévision comme si elles étaient authentiques, rapportées par de véritables journalistes.
Bien sûr qu’il ne s’agit pas de la totalité des nouvelles qui nous parviennent, ni probablement pas de la majorité, mais il est certain que cela s’est produit des centaines de fois seulement que dans la période avant le début de l’agression de l’Irak en mars 2003. On peut aussi penser à l’affaire des couveuses Koweït en 1991 alors que le gouvernement des États-Unis avaient engagé une firme de relation publique pour créer une fausse histoire de bébés jetés sur le sol froid par les soldats irakiens pour voler les couveuses des hôpitaux du Koweït. Cette campagne de désinformation avait pour but créer une indignation et un soutient chez les Américains et ainsi servir de justification pour attaquer l’Irak pour la première fois en 1991.
On peut penser au 11 septembre 2001, un domaine où les mensonges et fantaisies de la version officielle rapportés joyeusement par les médias sont si épais qu’ils n’arrivent plus à s’emboîter et former un tout compréhensible et logique, défiant les lois de la physique et de la nature.
Nous savons par les documents officiels maintenant déclassifiés aux États-Unis que les attaques de Pearl Harbor et du golfe de Tonkin qui ont mené les Américains à la Deuxième guerre mondiale et dans la guerre du Vietnam respectivement, ont été des évènements basés sur des mensonges: les États-Unis avaient délibérément provoqué les Japonais et savaient qu’ils étaient pour attaquer Pearl Harbor et n’ont rien fait pour les arrêter et prévenir leurs hommes en place; et dans l’autre cas, les Vietnamiens n’ont jamais attaqué la flotte américaine (qui elle se trouvait carrément dans leurs eaux territoriales), il s’agissait en fait d’un coup monté, une fausse attaque simulée par l’armée américaine.
Et ainsi de suite…
Il faut aussi comprendre le passé pour comprendre le présent: ceux qui ne connaissent pas ce que fut le programme Mockingbird de la CIA qui comptait plus de 3000 agents et journalistes sur leur liste de paye, et travaillant à travers tous les médias d’Amérique, auront du mal à comprendre à quel point l’information et la perception de la réalité peuvent être contrôlées et manipulées.
L’objectif étant de mener une guerre informationnelle et psychologique, de contrôler les informations transmises et pour la propagation de propagande. Les événements du 11 septembre 2001 ainsi que la version officielle du gouvernement américain de George Bush n’ont jamais fait l’objet d’enquête sérieuse de la part des médias. Ceci est d’autant plus grave que la guerre contre le terrorisme qui s’en est suivi, découle de ces tristes événements.
- Des enquêtes sur des fraudes fiscales majeures menant vers des poursuites judiciaires importantes concernant des compagnies comme Enron furent détruites lors de l’écroulement du Salomon Brother Building (WTC7), qui lui, ne fut jamais frappé par un avion et n’était la proie que de trois feux mineurs étant sous contrôle.
- Donald Rumsfeld avait annoncé la journée précédente au 11 septembre que le Pentagone avait perdu, écarté des livres de comptabilité, plus de $2.3 trillions ($2 300 000 000 000), un scandale de proportion historique. Le lendemain, un avion venait s’écraser en plein dans les bureaux du Pentagone où les enquêtes à ce sujet se déroulaient, après avoir pris le risque de faire une acrobatie sans pareil pour aller percuter ce côté précis du Pentagone.
Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial est composé principalement de deux clans: les socialistes/Société Fabienne d’Europe et les fascistes/capitalistes d’Amérique. Mais dans cette dernière, il y a une division Zbigniew Brzezinski/CFR/Commission Trilatérale/CIA/NED/Ford Foundation qui lui est en train de devenir spécialiste des révolutions colorées qu’on a pu observer dans différentes régions du monde. Ils se drapent d’une apparente révolution populaire/étudiante. Il semble que les derniers coups sont ceux qui nous ont apporté Barack Obama et le coup manqué contre l’Iran lors des dernières élections.
Il existe une sorte de continuum traversant les décennies et les générations, d’une idéologie interventionniste, colonialiste et de domination qui persiste jusqu’à nos jours. Elle vise l’imposition d’un ordre mondial à travers différentes crises pour faire émerger une solution commune: une gouvernance globale entre les mains de non élus. Que ce soit la crise du réchauffement climatique, la crise financière, la crise alimentaire, la crise A/H1N1, tous les chemins mènent à Rome, on nous dit que nous avons besoin d’une gouvernance mondiale pour nous sauver et sauver la planète.
Cela étant dit, ces autorités et leaders du monde ont l’air tout-puissants – et ils le sont dans une certaine mesure, tant il y a de gens qui acceptent de vivre leur vie à genoux – mais ils sont en fait extrêmement vulnérables, en petit nombre et complètement terrorisés face au peuple. La révolution de la façon dont circule l’information dans nos sociétés qu’a engendré la venue d’Internet et ensuite du mouvement pour la vérité qui y est né, animé par des millions de chercheurs de la vérité partout à travers la planète, est un facteur que l’élite n’a pas su prévoir et bien contrôler. Les menaces auxquels l’Internet libre et neutre fait face s’intensifieront en nombres et en gravité. Nous serons de plus en plus sollicités, mais ultimement, la vérité et la vie triompheront. Il y a une lutte, une guerre pour contrôler et soumettre l’esprit humain, une guerre de l’information qui fait rage.
Nous sommes en train de développer des mécanismes de protection, tel qu’un « firewall » mental, un instinct pour détecter les mensonges et les manipulations. Les révolutions et les grandes avancées humaines ont toujours été le fait de quelques individus ou petits groupes d’individus. Il y a présentement des millions de personnes connectées ensemble, faisant circuler l’information instantanément et l’enregistrant partout. Nous sommes devenus une immense agence du renseignement civile. En l’espace d’une heure seulement, une information ou des images vidéo peuvent faire le tour du monde et être vues, enregistrées et copiées des millions de fois avant même que les médias n’aient eu le temps de réagir. Le contrôle de l’information est devenu beaucoup plus difficile. Avec le recul historique, cette révolution sera certainement perçue comme étant un évènement clef de la libération du savoir et de l’information, et ultimement, de la sagesse humaine qui sera notre seul salut, la seule solution pour éviter que l’humanité s’autodétruise.
Il ne faut pas tomber hypnotisé et paralysé par les évènements du passé et les horreurs de présent, il faut les interpréter comme étant des symptômes d’un mal de société, d’une maladie de civilisation, qui a pour origine le cœur des hommes et femmes, l’individu qui est psychologiquement malade de par ses valeurs fausses découlant d’une grave incompréhension du sens profond et essentiel de la vie, ou simplement de son oubli. Mais les défauts et les fausses motivations ne sont que des qualités et saines motivations perverties. Il est impératif que nous retrouvions une vision du futur, que nous ayons un projet de société réel pour et par le peuple.
« La lutte de l’homme contre le pouvoir est la lutte de la mémoire contre l’oubli. » – Milan Kundera
« Celui qui ignore son passé est condamné à le revivre. » – Marc Bloch
Pour cette dernière émission de la saison, nous allons terminer de parler de la fraude du réchauffement climatique anthropologique. Nous jetons un regard sur le refroidissement global actuel ainsi que sur quelques pistes de solutions. Nous complétons l'émission avec l'actualité mondiale et des nouvelles de la santé, si le temps le permet.
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
La ville de Copenhague s’est préparée au sommet sur le climat qui va produire autant de C02 qu’une ville de la taille de Middlesbrough (environ 142 000 habitants) comparativement, soit 41 000 Tonnes équivalent C02 en 11 Jours. Bravo Green Peace et Équiterre qui s'y trouvent. Qui a payé le voyage de Guilbeault ?
"The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data and it isn't statistically significant."
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the date DID show a decline, that was concealed in CRU and IPCC's final work products.
As Christopher Booker says in his review of 2008, temperatures have been dropping in a wholly unpredicted way over the past year. Last winter, the northern hemisphere saw its greatest snow cover since 1966, which in the northern US states and Canada was dubbed the “winter from hell”. This winter looks set to be even worse.
The earth was hotter 1,000 years ago
Evidence from all over the world indicates that the earth was hotter 1,000 years ago than it is today. Research shows that temperatures were higher in what is known as the Mediaeval Warming period than they were in the 1990s.
It didn’t take long for half of the United States to get slammed with snow (December 11, 2009), last year on December 11, 2008 the U.S. was only covered in 29% of snow. Next week will be even more snow-packed and temperatures even more miserable then last year.
One hundred articles, scientific reports and critical news coverage of the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change
Danish National Space Centre
Research CO2vs. Friis-Christensen and Lassen (Science, 1991)
“An essential role for remote stars in everyday weather on Earth has been revealed by an experiment at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen. It is already well-established that when cosmic rays, which are high-speed atomic particles originating in exploded stars far away in the Milky Way, penetrate the Earth‟s atmosphere, they produce substantial amounts of ions and release free electrons.
Now, results from the Danish experiment show that the released electronsplay a significant role in promotingthe formation of building blocks for cloud condensation nuclei, on which water vapor condenses to make clouds. Hence, a causal mechanism by which cosmic rays can facilitate the production of clouds in Earth‟s atmosphere has been experimentally identified for the first time.”
‘Active‟ sun →enhanced magnetic and thermal flux = solar wind→geomagnetic shieldresponse→less low-level clouds →less albedo (less heat reflected)→ warmer climate
Less active sun → reduced magnetic and thermal flux = reduced solar wind → geomagnetic shield drops→ galactic cosmic ray flux→more low-level clouds →More snow →more albedo (more heat reflected) →colder climate
That's how the bulk of climate change works
Coupled with sunspot peak frequencythere are cycles of global warming and cooling like waves in the ocean
Important Facts
Water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas -~ 60 -98% of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapour in the atmosphere (jury still out)
CO2and other minor gasses account for the remainder
Water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas
The most variable component of the atmosphere is water in its various phases such as vapour, cloud droplets, and ice crystals. Water vapour is the strongest greenhouse gas.For these reasons and because the transition between the various phases absorb and release so much energy, water vapour is central to the climate and its variability and change.
Climate Change 2001: The Scientific BasisSection 1.1.2 The Climate System
Original Sin
Gracious no! Humans can only claim responsibility, if that's the word, for about 3.4% of carbon dioxide emittedto the atmosphere annually, the rest of it is all natural (IPCC, Woods Hole)
Anthropogenic 0.11% of the global CO2cycle
Key References
Friss-Christensen, E. and K. Lassen, 1991:Length of the Solar Cycle -an indicator of solar activity closely associated with climate, Science, New Series, Vol. 254, No. 5032, Nov. 1, 1991, pp.698-700.
Svensmark, Henrik, Jens Olaf P. Pedersen, Nigel D. Marsh, Martin B. Enghoff, and Ulrik I. Uggerhoj, 2006:Experimental evidence for the role of ions in particle nucleation under atmospheric conditions, Proceedings of the Royal Society (A), Proc. R Soc. A, doi:10.1098/rspa.20061773. Published online.
Lars Kamél, 2003:Temperature measurements: Is climate research pseudo science?
Swedish original text from June, English translation from Nov, 2003, a few updates made since.
United States Historical Climatology Network dataset
If there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world, it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story. Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years." If there is any rise this century it will "not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm". The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that ... claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world". When running the International Commission on Sea Level Change, he launched a special project on the Maldives, whose leaders have for 20 years been calling for vast sums of international aid to stave off disaster. Six times he and his expert team visited the islands, to confirm that the sea has not risen for half a century.
Note: Though evidence shows that most glaciers have rapidly been melting over the past three decades, and ice in the Arctic Ocean reached a record low in 2007, there is strikingly little evidence this is causing any shift in sea level. The frequently quoted 1972 Club of Rome report "Limits to Growth" warned of a potential major rise in sea level wreaking havoc by the year 2000. Where is it? Why all the fear-mongering about rising sea levels when there is so little evidence of any rise? For many reports on global warming from reliable sources, click here.
The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based "think tank" and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being promoted as a more cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions than investing in alternative energy sources and offers a way for elitist racists to feel ethical in their quest to exterminate the third world masses.
A BBC News article on the proposal dutifully reports the OPT's proposal and their justifications for proposing it. They note that the program is designed to fund "contraception" programs in poor nations, a term that helpfully obscures the fact that such programs—including those run by FPA, one of the agencies listed as a supporting organization of this new program—have used bribes to get poor men and women to volunteer for sterilization. The article does, however, allow space for a detractor of the proposal to point out that even if one does accept that limiting carbon emissions is necessary (which it is not), the focus on limiting emissions of people in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is in itself nonsensical: "Carbon emissions from people in much of sub-Saharan Africa are so low that they can barely be counted."
What this error exposes, however, is not that the OPT has set its sights on the wrong target. In fact, they are simply introducing the idea as a politically expedient precedent which will eventually be expanded to include the developed world as well. Indeed, this is merely the latest such proposal from the group, which has previously said that the world's population must be cut by as much as half and the UK's population reduced to as little as 17 million in order to reach "sustainable levels." The group's patrons include world renowned environmental campaigners, academics and media figures like Jane Goodall, James Lovelock and Sir David Attenborough.
One patron of the Optimum Population Trust who stands out is Jonathon Porritt, a well-known baronet and a green campaigner who advises the likes of Prince Charles on environmental matters. He has long argued the link between "environmental sustainability" and enforced abortions. He once claimed to be "unapologetic about asking people to connect up their own responsibility for their total environmental footprint and how they decide to procreate and how many children they think are appropriate." He is also on the board of BBC Wildlife magazine, perhaps explaining why BBC News tends to treat every pronouncement from the OPT as if it were a major policy announcement (see this and this and this for starters).
Talk to an environmentalist long enough, and eventually they will reveal their contempt for humans. The proof is in this exclusive clip from the forthcoming movie "Not Evil Just Wrong." "They care more about fish eggs than they do about children," said Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace.
These next clips would be funny if it wasn’t so creepy that the internationalist criminal-scum elite are attempting to convert kids into this new “doomsday cult” and to fear the most unimaginable like huge floods, massive hurricanes and suicidal polar bears.
Webmaster's Commentary:
SeeOh Rapture!for a compendium of botched end-of-the-world prophecies by the usual con-artists, buy-bull bangers, politicians, and other asylum escapees.
The three global temperature records are usually called CRU, GISS, and GHCN. Both GISS and CRU, however, get almost all of their raw data from GHCN. All three produce very similar global historical temperature records from the raw data.
A physicist from ColoradoStateUniversity and his colleagues from the North American Carbon Program (NACP) have discerned and confirmed the unforeseen advantages of rising carbon dioxide levels. Through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, scientists have been able to elucidate why plants are growing more rapidly than they are dying.
A research team led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has uncovered evidence of explosive volcanic eruptions deep beneath the ice-covered surface of the Arctic Ocean. Such violent eruptions of splintered, fragmented rock--known as pyroclastic deposits -- were not thought possible at great ocean depths because of the intense weight and pressure of water and because of the composition of seafloor magma and rock.
Webmaster's Commentary:
They ASSUMED such deep water volcanoes were impossible, so they ASSUMED the unexplained heat showing up in phenomenon such as "El Nino" had to be caused by humans.
“One of the most serious hazards occurs when volcanoes emit large quantities of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and collects in low spots, displacing air in these locations. Hundreds of people have died of carbon dioxide asphyxiation near volcanoes in the past two decades, most of them in Cameroon, Africa, and in Indonesia.”
“Carbon dioxide is an inert gas that can cause oxygen depletion inducing asphyxiation and death. The risk of asphyxiation is exacerbated by the fact that carbon dioxide is heavier than air which allows it to flow downwards and collect in low lying areas far from its origin.”
“In addition to its many home uses, baking soda also has many industrial applications. For instance, baking soda releases carbon dioxide when heated. Since carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it can smother flames by keeping oxygen out, making sodium bicarbonate a useful agent in fire extinguishers.”
“Carbon dioxide is denser than air, so it hugged the ground and flowed down the stream valley that leads away from the lake. Unfortunately many homes and at least one town are also along this valley and the inhabitants were caught by this cloud of ground-hugging gas.”
“In a place with no air movement like the bottom of a dry well, if you put a lot of organic materials there to rot, Carbon Dioxide will accumulate at the bottom and it will displace the air.”
“It was May, 1947, near Hekla Crater in southwest Iceland, an onlooker would have observed a curious scene. Workers were digging seemingly aimless ditches across the landscape, as if trying to drain invisible ponds. In fact, that is exactly what they were doing.
During the Hekla eruption of 1947-48, streams issuing from beneath the new lava flows began to precipitate lime. At the same time, bird and animal carcasses began turning up in low areas of the topography around the crater. The implications were clear: the volcano was exhaling carbon dioxide. In the water, the carbon dioxide was combining with calcium to produce calcium carbonate, or lime, and there were areas on the ground where the gas collected in concentrations strong enough to suffocate the animals. Being heavier than air, carbon dioxide will flow like water across the terrain and collect in low spots, forming ‘ponds’ that are invisible and odorless, but lethal. (The largest pond associated with the Hekla event covered an area of about two acres.)
Carbon dioxide in small amounts is nontoxic, but concentrations of eight percent will make people feel dizzy, vomit, and faint; higher concentrations quickly induce heart failure and death. Evidently, the Hekla ponds formed in completely calm weather, and usually at night. Animals that happened to be in low areas when the carbon dioxide accumulated didn't stand much of a chance. It was found that mice placed into a pond would suffocate in less than a minute.”
“The CO2 is released as a cool, diffuse gas from broad areas of soil. Although it quickly dissipates when it leaves the ground, CO2 is heavier than air and can collect in depressions in the land surface, in unvented buildings, and in other confined spaces. Carbon dioxide displaces oxygen and can cause unconsciousness or asphyxiation very quickly at concentrations above 30 percent. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends a ceiling limit of 3 percent CO2 for up to 10 minutes for occupational exposure. Summer-time exposure to high levels of CO2 in the HorseshoeLake area may result from lying directly on the ground or digging pits in the ground. Walking through the area in the summertime is safe for children and dogs, as long as their heads stay above ground level. During the winter, CO2 levels can build up beneath the snowpack and the CO2 gas will preferentially escape around buildings, through tree wells, and through depressions around large rocks. Such areas should obviously be avoided, as should snow camping within tree-kill areas.”
“CO2 gas is heavier than air, and when it leaks from the soil it can collect in snowbanks, depressions, and poorly ventilated enclosures, such as cabins and tents, posing a potential danger to people.”
“But because it is heavier than air, carbon dioxide can concentrate in surface depressions in the dome or crater floor, especially under calm conditions, and pose an asphyxiation hazard.”
“Gases which are heavier than air such as carbon dioxide and propane, may lie in a tank or vault for hours or even days after the containers have been opened.”
“Because carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air, the gas may flow into in low-lying areas and collect in the soil. The concentration of carbon dioxide gas in these areas can be lethal to people, animals, and vegetation.”
Something truly remarkable happened at Copenhagen yesterday. Al Gore told yet another of his massive whoppers about ManBearPig. But this time no one believed him.
With the specter of the "Climategate" e-mails hanging ominously over the Copenhagen climate change summit, the former vice president told a crowd there on Monday that one scientist had predicted the polar ice cap would have no summer ice in five to seven years.
But the scientist Gore quoted, Dr. Wieslaw Maslowski of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., told the Times of London that he never said such a thing.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a good example of raising on a busted flush.
Journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer (Mine Your Own Business, Not Evil Just Wrong) attempts to ask Al Gore a question about 'Climategate' emails at the UN Climate Change Conference. Al Gore's Press Secretary grabs his McAleer's microphone and UN security guard pulls the cable from the microphone.
Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book.
- VIDÉO: Des producteurs de Story of stuff, voici maintenant une nouvelle animation qui pourfend le concept de bourse du carbone !
The UN and other agencies calling for a war on global warming say the price tag will be trillions.
But – according to top experts on climate and cap and trade – the regulatory framework being rammed through in America and internationally won’t actually reduce carbon to any meaningful degree.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is not, and never has been about, protecting the planet.
It is all about the money.
And please remember who helped Gore set this up: none other than Gore's good ol' buddy, Ken Lay, of Enron fame!
If you loved what Enron did with energy, you're really gonna love what The "Goristas" are going with carbon cap and trade!
- Glaces en antarctique coupées au couteau, de quoi s'agit-il?
More "human bashing" propaganda. Just to pick one example, the number two gas on their list, methane, is ascribed to human activity including farming (which I presume the environmentalists think we can all live without).
But in actual fact termites produce more methane than human activity by an order of magnitude, and even more methane comes from deep crust microbes. Some is trapped in the layers of methane hydrate on the ocean floor, but the rest bubbles up to the surface and into the atmosphere. Occasionally the microbe produced methane creates a "blowout" on the ocean floor, creating a mass of bubbles that can and has sunk ships and even taken aircraft out of the air (by starving engines and pilots for oxygen) in places like the north sea oil fields and the Bermuda Triangle.
But the goal of this article is to keep placing the blame for the changes to the environment on humans to guilt them out of their money and freedoms.
A segment on the Dec. 3 broadcast of BBC's "Newsnight," showed the implications of the story behind the so-called "ClimateGate" scandal are more than just e-mails concealing data, but an incompetence analyzing the data by way of faulty computer code.
The code is so hacked around to give predetermined results that it shows the bias of the coder. In other words make the code ignore inconvenient data to show what I want it to show.
At issue was a proxy-temperature graph showing trends in temperatures for the preceding 1000 years. The first version of this graph, prepared initially by Keith Briffa, did show a significant decline in temperatures late in the twentieth century. The attendees at the IPCC meeting expressed, in no uncertain terms, their sentiment that this decline was an outlying result that ought to remain hidden, presumably from the broader scientific community and the public, in order to avoid what they feared would be a misconstruction of this decline.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Yeah, there was a temperature chart that showed a decline, and they hid it from the public whose taxes pay for all their toys.
This is a PDF file (large, about 11 meg) made from a PowerPoint slide show from Artesia Geological Services. It lays out the hard facts and figures about the effects of CO2, and illustrates much of the spin and fraud of the global warming cult.
The LA Times is trying to tell you that even though we have leaked emails admitting to hiding the decline, including an email from Phil Jones admitting the Earth went into a cooling trend in 1998, and the computer code used to conceal this decline in the final graphs and charts, than you should not think, only BELIEVE in the first church of the Goracle!
The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based "think tank" and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being promoted as a more cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions than investing in alternative energy sources and offers a way for elitist racists to feel ethical in their quest to exterminate the third world masses.
A BBC News article on the proposal dutifully reports the OPT's proposal and their justifications for proposing it. They note that the program is designed to fund "contraception" programs in poor nations, a term that helpfully obscures the fact that such programs—including those run by FPA, one of the agencies listed as a supporting organization of this new program—have used bribes to get poor men and women to volunteer for sterilization. The article does, however, allow space for a detractor of the proposal to point out that even if one does accept that limiting carbon emissions is necessary (which it is not), the focus on limiting emissions of people in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is in itself nonsensical: "Carbon emissions from people in much of sub-Saharan Africa are so low that they can barely be counted."
What this error exposes, however, is not that the OPT has set its sights on the wrong target. In fact, they are simply introducing the idea as a politically expedient precedent which will eventually be expanded to include the developed world as well. Indeed, this is merely the latest such proposal from the group, which has previously said that the world's population must be cut by as much as half and the UK's population reduced to as little as 17 million in order to reach "sustainable levels." The group's patrons include world renowned environmental campaigners, academics and media figures like Jane Goodall, James Lovelock and Sir David Attenborough.
One patron of the Optimum Population Trust who stands out is Jonathon Porritt, a well-known baronet and a green campaigner who advises the likes of Prince Charles on environmental matters. He has long argued the link between "environmental sustainability" and enforced abortions. He once claimed to be "unapologetic about asking people to connect up their own responsibility for their total environmental footprint and how they decide to procreate and how many children they think are appropriate." He is also on the board of BBC Wildlife magazine, perhaps explaining why BBC News tends to treat every pronouncement from the OPT as if it were a major policy announcement (see this and this and this for starters).
An article featured in Canada’s Financial Post newspaper calling for China’s draconian one child policy, where woman are kidnapped off the streets, drugged, and forced to undergo compulsory abortions, to be imposed worldwide has been met with widespread hostile reaction, yet such measures are being debated at the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen.
Bayer has admitted it has been unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite 'the best practices [to stop contamination]'(1). It shows that all outdoors field trials or commercial growing of GE crops must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated.
$2 million US dollar verdict against Bayer confirms company's liability for an uncontrollable technology.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is one of the reasons genetically modified crops are so dangerous.
In Philadelphia, researchers found that, during the first half of this year, one in five homes with a baby or toddler did not have enough food. And one of every dozen young children was outright hungry, a rate twice that of the same period the year before.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That this should be happening to even one kid, in this land of plenty, is shameful.
Lack of adequate nutrition means that kids can't focus in school, and are prone to other health challenges as well.
Criminologists have long noted a correlation between violent crimes and recession, but the phenomenon of business leaders being targeted -- potentially for their roles in a financial loss of some kind -- appears to be unique to this recession.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Just wait until the American public finally wakes up to the facts that the war in Iraq was about its oil, and the war in Afghanistan is about installing the pipelines to control Eurasian oil, and controlling the drug trade!
Once the anger that understanding comes to a head, it will be unstoppable.
In terms of real anger, this society and this government have seen absolutely nothing yet.
The Obama administration has asked an appeals court to dismiss a lawsuit accusing former Bush administration attorney John Yoo of authorizing the torture of a terrorism suspect, saying federal law does not allow damage claims against lawyers who advise the president on national security issues. Yoo, a UC Berkeley law professor, worked for the Justice Department from 2001 to 2003. He was the author of a 2002 memo that said rough treatment of captives amounts to torture only if it causes the same level of pain as "organ failure, impairment of bodily function or even death." The memo also said the president may have the power to authorize torture of enemy combatants. In the current lawsuit, Jose Padilla, now serving a 17-year sentence for conspiring to aid Islamic extremist groups, accuses Yoo of devising legal theories that justified what he claims was his illegal detention and abusive interrogation. The Justice Department represented Yoo until June, when a federal judge in San Francisco ruled that the suit could proceed. The department then bowed out, citing unspecified conflicts, and was replaced by a government-paid private lawyer. Padilla, a U.S. citizen, was ... held for three years and eight months in a Navy brig, where, according to his suit, he was subjected to sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and stress positions, kept for lengthy periods in darkness and blinding light, and threatened with death to himself and his family.
Note: For lots more on government attacks on civil liberties, click here.
The Obama administration has asked the Department of Justice to dismiss a lawsuit brought by convicted terrorist Jose Padilla against torture memo author John Yoo, asserting that Yoo cannot be sued for legal opinions he offered in the course of advising then-President Bush on national security matters.
Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley finds ths decision inexplicable. "The president literally has gotten onto a plane this evening to go to Norway," he told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on Wednesday, "to accept the Nobel Prize, while his Justice Department is effectively gutting a major part of Nuremberg."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable.
Welcome to George Bush's third term in office, courtesy of President Barak Obama!
Director of ACLU’s National Security Project Jameel Jaffer said “the Bush administration constructed a legal framework for torture and now the Obama administration is constructing a legal framework for impunity.”
In April, Obama said that CIA interrogators who had used waterboarding on suspected militants would not face prosecution. He also released Bush-era memos specifying that the practice did not constitute torture.
The United States Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear an appeal by four former Guantanamo inmates who want to sue the US government for torture they say they endured during their stay at the prison camp, a move the inmates' lawyers say could pave the way for future torture practices by the US military.
"It is an awful day for the rule of law and common decency when the Supreme Court lets stand such an inhuman decision," said Eric Lewis, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, in a statement from the CCR. "The final word on whether these men had a right not to be tortured or a right to practice their religion free from abuse is that they did not. Future prospective torturers can now draw comfort from this decision."
Webmaster's Commentary:
OK, folks, the "Supremes" have legitimized and legally institutionalized torture by refusing to hear this case.
The US can now officially torture foreign prisoners of war, because that has now been enshrined in our legal code as a point of principal.
And if you think that torture will only apply to foreign prisoners of war, watch the use of this precedent stretch like the characters in the film "The Incredibles" faster than a speeding bullet.
This is one hell of a sad day for this Republic, for the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the future of this country.
Taking photos of classic scenes such as London buses on Oxford Street at Christmas could lead to happy snappers being 'treated like potential terrorists on reconnaissance missions'
Facility 1391 has often been called "Israel's Guantanamo". However the situation there is even worse than in Guantanamo in at least one way. While the Red Cross has access to the notorious American detention centre, it has never been allowed to visit Facility 1391, neither has any other international organisation.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Now that the US has institutionalized torture to prisoners of war, they can't really point a finger at Israel's use of these methods.
Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni canceled a visit to Britain this weekend over fears pro-Palestinian lawyers would seek to have her arrested.
Ms Livni had been due to speak at Sunday’s JNF Vision 2010 conference in Hendon, north-west London. She had also been expected to meet Prime Minister Gordon Brown for private talks.
But she pulled out of the trip for fear of lawyers obtaining an arrest warrant.
International law experts from the Israeli Foreign and Justice ministries have also advised Israeli officials to avoid Spain, Belgium and Norway, out of fear of similar “universal jurisdiction” arrest warrants for war crimes.
UK ponders law change after Tzipi Livni arrest warrant
Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis: "This can never ever happen again"
The government is "urgently" looking into reforming the law after a UK court issued an arrest warrant for former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
The warrant was granted by a London court at the request of Palestinian plaintiffs, provoking Israeli anger.
It was revoked on Monday when it was found Ms Livni was not visiting the UK.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Israel was a "close friend" of the UK's and stressed he was keen to "avoid this sort of situation arising again".
Pro-Palestinian campaigners have tried several times to have Israeli officials arrested under the principle of universal jurisdiction, which holds that some alleged crimes are so grave that they can be tried anywhere, regardless of where the offences were committed.
Ms Livni was foreign minister during Israel's Gaza assault last winter.
Tony Blair has said he would have invaded Iraq even without evidence of weapons of mass destruction and would have found a way to justify the war to parliament and the public.
The former prime minister made the confession during an interview with Fern Britton, to be broadcast on Sunday on BBC1, in which he said he would still have thought it right to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
"If you had known then that there were no WMDs, would you still have gone on?" Blair was asked. He replied: "I would still have thought it right to remove him [Saddam Hussein]".
Webmaster's Commentary:
This man has no morals whatsoever.
The reason for the invasion and occupation of Iraq was always, is now, and will continue to be, about Iraq's oil, which was nationalized under Saddam Hussein, and is now being bid out for development to the large oil companies.
But of course, that's something a little bit difficult to "sell" to your military, and their friends and families when they come back from this "adventure-for-profit" either dead or maimed for life.
So you "sold" WMDs to your country's citizens like a fishmonger, knowing well before the invasion that there were absolutely no WMD's in Iraq.
It was all about the money.
History will judge this man harshly as one of the worst Prime Ministers in the history of the UK, and that's saying something.
Britain and America are seeking to cancel next year's parliamentary election in Afghanistan amid fears that it will distract from President Barack Obama's new strategy to bring security to the country.
The two allies are in dispute with European states over whether to fund and secure the elections in the spring or press for postponement until 2011, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Are you flipping kidding me?!?!?
Oh, the Afghan people are going to love this, if such a postponement takes place.
But then, the invasion and occupation were never about bettering the situation of the Afghan people, were they?
These actions were always about private corporate profit from controlling the flow of Eurasian oil, and controlling the flow of the drug trade.
Apparently for the US and UK, a silly parliamentary election will just "...get in the way" of achieving those outcomes.
Western officials said the Iranian foreign minister's weekend comments that Tehran would be willing to make a uranium trade in small batches, and on Iranian soil, fell well short of their demands.
Webmaster's Commentary:
What the US (Israel, really) wants is for Iran to ship all of its uranium for reprocessing, then wait like a good little drone for the western powers to deign to give it back.
Of course, the last time Iran did so, they got screwed when France took their unprocessed uranium and simply kept it.
Iran is totally in compliance with the NNPT. The US is simply looking for a reason to start a new war and between the lies used to start the war with Iraq and the lies about Human-Caused Global Warming, the people of the world and not about to accept the rush to war with Iran at face value.
At this point, the credibility of the US and Israeli governments is so bad that nothing short of Israel nuking the Vatican on Christmas Day and blaming Iran for it is likely to get more than passing notice from the people of the world.
More than $2 billion allegedly held on behalf of Iran in Citigroup Inc. accounts were secretly ordered frozen last year by a federal court in Manhattan, in what appears to be the biggest seizure of Iranian assets abroad since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
The legal order, executed 18 months ago by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, is under seal and hasn't been made public.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: They were hoping to provoke Iran into a reckless action and didn't want the dumb American sheeple to know the US started it.
President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela must be ready to defend itself against what he called the US and Colombia's gearing up for initiating a military conflict.
Chavez who accused Washington and Bogota of planning to stage war against his country announced that thousands of Russian missiles and rocket launchers were being received by Venezuela as the country is preparing for a possible military conflict.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Chavez is many things, but he's not an idiot.
The positioning of American forces in Columbia does not bode well for peace in the region.
"There were 80 billion barrels (13×10^9 m3) of conventional oil reserves in Venezuela as of 2007, the largest oil reserves of any country in South America."
Let's see if I have the formula correctly. Foreign oil reserves, plus a government the US doesn't particularly like, equals... vigorous US attempts at destabilization of that government, including military confrontation, if the US thinks it can get away with it.
Poland and the United States on Friday signed an agreement on the status of US troops in the eastern European country ahead of the deployment of US Patriot missiles.
"This agreement allows the stationing of US soldiers and materiel in Poland," Polish Defence Minister Bogdan Klich told the press. "For Poland it means that its security will be strengthened."
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said the United States wants to deploy SM-3 missiles in Poland and the neighbouring CzechRepublic in 2015.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Even though the "missile shield" deal has been scrapped, the presence of US troops in Poland is bound to make Russia singularly cranky.
Governments worldwide may have wasted billions of dollars stockpiling an ineffective flu drug. A study published in the British Medical Journal has found no evidence that Tamiflu lowers the risk of flu complications.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"NO REFUNDS! NO REFUNDS! NO REFUNDS!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Top Secret Weapon Developed by CIA Causes Heart Attacks
A top secret lethal weapon of the CIA is used for conducting clandestine assassinations without leaving a trace of evidence. This specially designed secret weapon is a pistol which shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in a short video clip from a powerful documentary on the CIA. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.
The dart from this secret CIA weapon penetrates clothing and leaves nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.
The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn't it? Yet all of this is verifiable in Congressional testimony.
The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.
Could this or a similar secret weapon have been used, for instance, in the death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings? Pittman, whose fight to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, died of a heart attack on Nov. 25, 2009. How many other alleged heart attacks may have been secret political assassinations?
Watch the one-minute video at this link for the description of a former CIA secretary and Congressional testimony on this top secret weapon. To watch the revealing 45-minute documentary from which the above clip was taken, click here. In this riveting exposé, five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.
The above-mentioned testimony is from 1975, several decades ago. With the ensuing leaps in technological capability, just imagine what kinds of secret weapons for assassination have been developed since. There is good evidence that technology has even been developed to cause strong suicidal feelings in a targeted person. For more on this, read powerful information on nonlethal weapons at this link.