La listériose et le rôle de Harper; Obama-Biden et la guerre au terrorisme
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 25 septembre 2008: Harper et la listériose; Obama-Biden et la guerre au terrorisme
L'Autre Monde 25 septembre 2008
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Cette semaine: Obama-Biden et la guerre contre le terrorisme; le scandale de la listériose et le rôle du gouvernement Harper; les élections et d`autres puissants enjeux comme l`affaire de Denis Coderre, Stockwell Day et le réseau de prostitution mis à jour par Marie-Claude Montpetit.
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Bin Laden´s Son Says Videos Are Fakes Of His Father
On Belgian television, Omar Bin Laden claimed that there are fake
video clones of his father. Of course this makes sense since his
death was widely reported in the Middle East, including the
respected Egyptian newspaper, Al Wafd in 2001
Afghanistan Now 15X Deadlier than Iraq
This data is for the last 30 days:
U.S. hostile fire deaths in Iraq: 7
U.S. hostile fire deaths in Afghanistan: 22
Number of U.S. troops in Iraq: 146,000
Number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan: 33,000
Hostile fire death rate in Iraq--7 deaths per 146,000 troops (.005 percent)
Hostile fire death rate in Afghanistan--7 deaths per 10,000 troops (.07 percent)
Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
Fluctuations in the magnetic field have occurred in several far-flung regions of Earth, the researchers found.
In 2003 scientists found pronounced changes in the magnetic field in the Australasian region. In 2004, however, the changes were focused on Southern Africa.
The changes "may suggest the possibility of an upcoming reversal of the geomagnetic field," said study co-author Mioara Mandea, a scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam.
Hedge funds move $100bn into safe havens
Hedge funds charging hefty fees for sophisticated trading strategies aimed at outperforming the wider market have collectively parked $100bn in simple money market funds typically used by investors seeking safe rather than spectacular returns.
Citigroup estimates that hedge funds have now placed $600bn in cash, and that $100bn of this is held in money market funds, normally seen as some of the safest places to invest cash.
Bush & McCain Blackmail America With Economic Terrorism
Ferocious fear-mongering rhetoric, possible cancellation of presidential election as financial terrorists threaten Americans with chaos unless power-grabbing bailout bill is passed
White House Admits It Drew Up Bailout Months Ago
[White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony] Fratto insisted that the plan was not slapped together and had been drawn up as a contingency over previous months and weeks by administration officials. He acknowledged lawmakers were getting only days to peruse it, but he said this should be enough.
So, months ago the Bush White House knew we were headed into this trouble AND THEY DID NOTHING TO PREVENT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
US Navy reinforces presence in Afghanistan
ON BOARD OF THE USS RONALD REAGAN, GULF OF OMAN // The US military has begun reinforcing its presence in Afghanistan weeks ahead of an expected troop build-up amid reassurances that efforts to avoid civilian casualties will be redoubled.
This month, George W Bush, the US president, said he would be sending an additional 4,500 soldiers to Afghanistan while pulling 8,000 US troops from Iraq as a result of the security gains there.
Take a good look at a map.
Whatever these naval planes are doing, we're talking about a millions of dollars' worth of jet fuel to fly whatever missions are being flown into Afghanistan.
Note, also, how close the Gulf of Oman is to Iran.
One has to wonder, with the US economy in such a mess, just how desperate this US administration is to start a war - any war - in order to deflect from the worsening economy.
The Creation of the Second Great Depression by Ron Paul
The claim that the market caused all this is so staggeringly foolish that only politicians and the media could pretend to believe it. But that has become the conventional wisdom, with the desired result that those responsible for the credit bubble and its predictable consequences – predictable, that is, to those who understand sound, Austrian economics – are being let off the hook. The Federal Reserve System is actually positioning itself as the savior, rather than the culprit, in this mess!
Police fired a Taser at a naked Brooklyn man armed with only a fluorescent light tube yesterday, sending him falling to his death from a second-floor ledge after he went on a 40-minute rant.
Is a U.S.-Approved Coup Under Way in Bolivia?
On Monday, Sept. 15, Bolivian President Evo Morales arrived in Santiago, Chile for an emergency meeting of Latin American leaders that convened to seek a resolution to the recent conflict in Bolivia. Upon his arrival, Morales said, "I have come here to explain to the presidents of South America the civic coup d'etat by governors in some Bolivian states in recent days.
As reported on 13 September 08 in Global Research (
"He (Goldberg) presented his credentials before President Evo Morales on October 13, 2006; but three months before his arrival in Bolivia, when he was still in Pristina fulfilling his role as head of the US mission in Kosovo, it was already being said that the new US ambassador designated by George Bush for this Andean country, Philip Goldberg, would come to take part in the separatist process that was being cultivated in the background to pierce the Bolivian regime.
On July 13, 2006, the journalist for El Deber of Santa Cruz, Leopoldo Vegas, published a report indicating that "in the view of three political scientists interviewed after learning about the White House's decision, the experience acquired by Goldberg in eastern Europe which produced ethnic conflict after the separation of the former Yugoslavia can be used in Bolivia, using as an opportunity the changes that the government itself is trying to introduce."
Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Oppose Immediate Action on Bailout
Though nobody is feelin’ groovy these days, voters want to tell Congress: Slow down, you move too fast. According to a poll released today by Marist College, more than two-thirds of registered voters, 68%, want Congress to wait on the $700 billion financial sector bailout, stating more time is needed to understand the costs and risks.
"You don't need need to understand the risks. I said, You don't need need to understand the risks. Dangit, how does Obi-wan do that mind control thing???" -- Official White Horse Souse
Bailout - 5 Crisis Questions for the Press
But surely the Big Bailout is more about rescuing the regular banking system than it is about anything else. Banks aren’t lending to each other. We’re officially in a Panic of ’08. Why is it now considered good that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will now be able to spread their risk to consumer deposits, rather than relying on short-term borrowing?
See Osama bin Laden:
A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government