Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

dimanche 29 juin 2008

Lesmeilleurs amis de la famille Bush


The Bush Family's Best Buddies

For sale: one used country - cheap


samedi 28 juin 2008

Ô lampes fluorescentes compactes (LFC) toxiques !


Les lampes fluorescentes compactes ( LFC ), également appelées ampoules fluocompactes consomment environ 67 à 75 pour cent moins d’énergie que les ampoules à incandescence qu’on veut bannir et durent jusqu’à dix fois plus longtemps. Jusque là, c’est le paradis.

Ce que vous ne savez probablement pas par contre, c’est qu’elles sont principalement fabriquées en Chine et elles sont toxiques : elles contiennent des petites quantités de mercure et des isotopes radioactifs.

Deux problèmes de taille se posent :

1- Que faire avec ces lampes lorsque leur durée de vie est terminée.

2- Que faire si vous en brisez une.

Il se trouve qu’il ne faut pas les jeter à la poubelle à cause du mercure. Il faut les apporter à un centre de recyclage approprié. Si cela n’est pas possible, alors il faut les emballer dans deux sacs de plastique au cas où elles se briseraient, relâchant le mercure dans le sol, et les jeter aux ordures.

Si vous en brisez une à la maison, selon les règles de l’EPA aux É-U (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), il faut fermer tout système de ventilation, de chauffage ou d’air conditionné et ouvrir les fenêtres. Ne pas s’approcher de la zone sinistrée : évacuer tous les occupants de la maison ainsi que les animaux pour 15 minutes ou plus. Ensuite, ramasser les fragments avec un morceau de carton et les placer dans une bouteille de verre. Enlever le reste des poussières et fragments avec du ruban adhésif et les placer dans la bouteille qu’il faut refermer par la suite. Ne pas utiliser l’aspirateur ni le balais.

Ce n’est pas tout : ces bulbes peuvent causer des interférences avec la TV, radio, téléphones cellulaires, contrôles à distance.

Maintenant, multiplier ça par des millions d’usagers et vous avez une parfaite fausse solution verte qui est pire que le problème qu’elle prétend régler.

Les Lampes à Décharge et l'Environnement


Mercury in "Green" light bulbs

Use full spectrum bulbs instead


mercredi 25 juin 2008

Les vrais objectifs de la mission canadienne; les lampes fluorescentes compactes toxiques; le jeu des pétrolières au Moyen-Orient


Émission de L'Autre Monde du 26 juin 2008: Les vrais objectifs de la mission canadienne; les lampes fluorescentes compactes toxiques; le jeu des pétrolières au Moyen-Orient

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L'Autre Monde 26 juin 2008
60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

Cette semaine vous comprendrez quelle est la réelle mission canadienne en Afghanistan; elle n'a rien à voir avec la démocratie ou le terrorisme. Nous discutons de la situation en Iraq, de son pétrole convoité, des exercises militaires à Denver, traffic de drogue par la police au Canada et d'un tas d'autres nouvelles importantes à ne pas manquer pour comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre monde sur la scène de l'actualité.

L'Autre Monde, pour la plus importante information de la semaine et ce, sans détour. Cette émission est documentée. Nous menons la guerre à la désinformation!

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

Nouvelles importantes et bonne nouvelles de la semaine:

Sondage LNI :

Pensez-vous que le régime Bush est responsable de crimes de guerre?

260 répondants :

2 Pas certain

2 Non

256 Oui – 98.5%

EU to lift sanctions against Cuba

EU nations agreed Thursday to definitively lift their sanctions against Cuba, in the hope of encouraging democracy on the island, European diplomats said.

De la glace sur Mars !

La surface de la planète rouge regorge de secrets. D’après les premiers résultats de la sonde Phoenix, il s’agirait d’eau gelée évaporée

Les scientifiques de la mission Phoenix en sont désormais certains : il y a de la glace près de la surface du sol arctique de Mars. Grâce aux images prises par la sonde Phoenix envoyée par la NASA, les chercheurs disposent désormais de preuves suffisamment probantes.

Peter Smith, le responsable scientifique de la mission exulte : "Nous avons trouvé la preuve que nous cherchions, à savoir que ce matériau brillant est bien de la glace d'eau et non pas une autre substance".

Les preuves ? Elles ne sont pas plus grandes qu’un dé. Huit morceaux de matériau blanc brillant ont été photographiés par le Rover il y a six jours dans une tranchée que venait de creuser le robot. Selon la communauté scientifique, il s’agit bien d'eau gelée et non de sel qui s'est évaporée après avoir été exposée au soleil. Il s’agit là de la première observation de glace extraterrestre par des scientifiques avec la possibilité future d’en analyser des échantillons.

La présence de glace n'est pas une nouvelle mais c'est la première fois qu'il est possible de l'observer. Après quelques déboires, la NASA en arrive à cette conclusion : l'eau aurait donc coulé, par déduction, à la surface de la planète rouge.

Selon les scientifiques, il est donc possible que dans un passé lointain les régions polaires aient connu des températures plus clémentes capables d’abriter une forme de vie. Reste à savoir si des éléments organiques y sont encore présents.

Mars Phoenix Tweets: "We Have ICE!"

Il y a suffisamment de pétrole sur le marché pour l'OPEP

ECONOMIE | Les dirigeants de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole ont à nouveau rejeté la demande des pays consommateurs réclamant une hausse de la production. Quant aux prix de l'or noir, ils n'ont pas fini de flamber.

ATS/AFP | 24 juin 2008

Mardi, lors d'une rencontre annuelle avec l'Union européenne, la demande d'augmenter la production de pétrole a une nouvelle fois été rejetée par les dirigeants de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole. Ces derniers ont par ailleurs estimé que les prix de l'or noir n'allaient "pas baisser".

«L'Opep a déjà fait ce qu'elle peut faire et les prix ne vont pas baisser», a dit le président de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole et ministre algérien de l'Energie, Chakib Khelil. Il a souligné que les prix du pétrole dans les mois à«dépendraient de l'évolution du dollar», au cours d'un point de presse après la fin de la réunion.

«Je pense que le marché attend probablement de voir comment le dollar va évoluer en juillet, comment la situation géopolitique va évoluer, avec les menaces faites sur l'Iran», a-t-il dit.

Une offre suffisante

«Nous ne voulons pas accroître la production», a pour sa part confirmé le secrétaire général de l'organisation, le Libyen Abdallah el-Badri. «Il n'y a pas de pénurie», a-t-il jugé.

Assez de pétrole sur le marché

A Bruxelles, les pays producteurs ont persisté à juger que l'offre était suffisante, malgré des prix du brut qui ont doublé en un an, et dépassaient les 137 dollars mardi. «Il y a plein de pétrole sur le marché», a insisté el-Badri, pointant du doigt «d'autres facteurs» explicatifs, comme la spéculation.

Pour Chakib Khelil, l'origine des prix élevés du pétrole est à chercher tout d'abord dans «la crise des crédits hypothécaires à risque aux Etats-Unis».

India Minister Blames Oil Surge on Speculators, Urges Price Cap

The near doubling of oil prices in the past year was driven by speculators, not an increase in demand, India's Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said.

I have been trying to find out what purpose speculators serve in the role of getting products form the place of manufacture to the place where the products are used, and the closest I can come up with is that speculators are like ticket scalpers. They just show up early, buy all the tickets (oil) then re-sell it at a profit.

Market Full Of Oil, Price Trend "Fake": Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad is correct. Seen any lines? Any signs at gas stations saying they have run out? Seen any signs saying odd or even license plates only to buy gas today?

There is plenty of gas. The price is going up for two reasons. The first is the plummeting dollar. The second is that with only 6 months left in power, Bush's oil corporation buddies are out to loot as much cash from Americans as they can, with Bush's enthusiastic help.

Kellogg's, LEGO team up to train kids to choke

There's really not a much gentler way to phrase it: The biggest name in breakfast foods and among the most iconic names in toys have put their ingenuity and marketing genius together to create a fruit-flavored treat -- LEGO Fun Snacks -- that is so mind-numbingly irresponsible that at first I presumed it was a joke.

We're talking about a children's snack shaped like the tiny plastic building blocks that every kid fortunate enough to have toys has put in his or her mouth at one time or another -- or a hundred.

Newspapers' Worst Year Ever For Ad Revenue

C’est la pire année pour les journaux pour les revenues publicitaires.

Les revenues ont chute de 8 pourcent l’année dernière. Cette année, ils ont chute de 12 pourcent sous cette drnière terrible performance, et les compagnies qui ont remis leur rapports la semaine passée suggèrent que le déclin s’est accentué jusquà 14 ou 15%, menaçant la survie de certains journaux et de la solvabilité d’autres sociétés mères.

Le San Francisco Chronicle, perd $1 million par semaine! -LNI


US N-weapons parts missing, Pentagon says

Taiwan en a reçu! -LNI

The US military cannot locate hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components, according to several government officials familiar with a Pentagon report on nuclear safeguards.

Gee. I wonder who got them!

NY Times

Le Commité de Surveillance aux États-Unis, suite à son enquête dans l’affaire du contrat de 300 millions de dollars octroyé par le Pentagone à un jeune de 22 ans de la Floride qui vient d’être arrêté et formellement accusé cette semaine, un contrat qui s’est terminé en une livraison de munitions inutilisables vieilles de 40 ans aux soldats américains en Afghanistan, a déclaré que l’ambassade américaine en Albanie (qui situé entre le Kosovo et l’Afghanistan) a approuvé un effort pour cacher l’origine illégale des munitions : La Chine!

Histoire de corruption, fraude, crimes : ce sont les produits les guerres douteuses de Bush. -LNI

Unflipping believable. Is this what this government means when it says that it "supports our troops"?!?!?!?!?

Bush administration wants to give Federal Reserve more power

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says the government must move quickly to give the Federal Reserve more powers to regulate the financial system.

Aren't they the ones who got us INTO this mess?

Law School to Plan Bush War Crimes Prosecution

La Faculté de Droit du Massachusetts à Andover lance une conférence le 13 et 14 septembre prochain pour planifier la poursuite en justice du président Bush et autres hauts fonctionnaires de l’administration pour crimes de guerre.

Ils prennent le soin d’insister sur le fait que ce ne sera pas qu’une conference, mais bien d’un plan d’action concret qui doit absolument être mis en route.

Il n’est pas question d’envoyer le message que ces crimes seront impunis et que les futurs présidents pourront en faire autant sans être inquiété par la loi et la Constitution des É-U. -LNI

Denver Woman: Military Exercise Causes Yard Damage

From ABC News 7 in Denver:

Des exercices militaires dans le cadre de la guerre contre le terrorisme se poursuivent aux États-Unis, et c’est à Denver que les citoyens ont été pris dans un festival d’hélicoptères volant à basse altitude et se posant sur le toit des édifices tel que des écoles et dans les rues et parcs, avec des agents des SWAT Teams et des Navy Seals tout vêtus d’uniformes noirs et armés jusqu’aux dents, jetant la ville dans une ambiance de siège et de confusion. Les autorités n’ont pas jugé important d’avertir proprement tous les habitants de la ville et ont dénié toute relation avec la prochaine convention nationale des Démocrates à Denver en août.

Se préparent t-ils pour de quoi de gros à venir? On pourrait se demander si certains éléments sont en train de planifier de violentes protestations durant la convention et les mettre en scène comme justification pour verrouiller la ville ou plusieurs villes si la violence se propage et déclarer la loi martiale, comme le prévoit le NSPD-51 / HSPD-20 passé par Bush qui règle ces mécanismes. -LNI

Vidéo à voir :


Martial Law Exercises Continue in Denver

"The federal agencies sponsoring the ongoing multi-agency training in Denver agreed to make the proper notifications regarding the exercises to prevent surprise and inconvenience to Denver residents," Hickenlooper said. "There seems to have been a misunderstanding about the reach and scope of these notifications, and they did not occur in the manner expected by the City."

Mr. Hickenlooper, the feds don't need no stinkin' notifications. Mr. Hickenlooper also declares the "exercises" have nothing to do with the DNC. It's all a coincidence, Mr. Mayor -- sure, and I'm expecting a visit by the tooth fairy tonight, that is after Santa makes an early appearance and brings me a Lamborghini.

One has to wonder if certain elements planning non-peaceful, violent protests at the DNC convention in August may, perhaps, be "put in play" as a reason to lock down the city (or cities, should the violence spread) and declare martial law.


Is Your Government Going to Protect You?

Scott Loper, a U.S. citizen living in Canada, was a good cop, highly trained in surveillance and criminal investigation.

On the verge of exposing a police-run narcotics ring in Durham, Ontario, Loper was discovered by the ring and imprisoned for four years on extorted charges.

Denied his rights to U.S. Consulate protection under the Vienna Convention, Loper was tortured to the point where he often questioned his ability to make it out alive.

Those he had been about to expose were after the evidence - audio and video recordings Loper had made of their illegal operations. They also wanted him to keep quiet.

The Canadian government originally said the whole thing, including Loper's arrest, never happened, denying that Loper had ever lived in Canada, let alone been incarcerated there.

Had Loper been unable to produce evidence of his imprisonment, the denial would have succeeded. Loper had that evidence, which he had stuffed into his jeans as he was being released.

Caught in their lie, the Canadians want the whole ordeal swept under the rug. The U.S. government, rather than protecting its citizen, is complying with the cover-up.

Now free, and living in the United States, Scott Loper's main goals are involved with putting his life back in order and more importantly, to find his son Eddy, now 11 years old. Scott has not seen or heard from his wife and son since his arrest.

Cranking up the "BOOGA BOOGA!"

ABC News

Intelligence agencies in the United States and Canada are warning of mounting signs that Hezbollah, backed by Iran, is poised to mount a terror attack against "Jewish targets" somewhere outside the Middle East.

Intelligence officials tell ABC News the group has activated suspected "sleeper cells" in Canada and key operatives have been tracked moving outside the group's Lebanon base to Canada, Europe and Africa.

These clowns are getting way too predictable.

Reports of Hezbollah in Canada unsubstantiated: expert

A terror expert says reports about Hezbollah's presence in North America are unsubstantiated, and the organization has no reason to attack on Canadian soil.

Alan Bell, an international terror expert and president of the security firm Globe

'If CSIS picked up these guys coming from the Middle East, and they're under Risk Holdings, told CTV's Canada AM the ABC News report raises questions. surveillance, why would a reporter in the U.S. be given that information?"

Court quashes dad's grounding of 12-year-old daughter

I thin this sets a very dangerous precedent to have the courts intrude on a family matter like this.

Changements climatiques:

The Sunspot Enigma: The Sun is "Dead"--What Does it Mean for Earth?

Geophysicist Phil Chapman, the first Australian to become an astronaut with NASA, said pictures from the US Solar and Heliospheric Observatory also show that there are currently no spots on the sun. He also noted that the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7C.

"This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930," Dr Chapman noted in The Australian recently.

If the world does face another mini Ice Age, it could come without warning.

'No concrete global warming proof in polar region'

Upon their arrival at Svalbard in Norway, however, the royals are likely to be informed by Swedish polar researchers that there is in fact very little concrete proof tying global warming to climate changes in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Some indeed argue that there is more change in today's political rhetoric than there is in the environment.


Australian and American scientists have discovered a chain of, rather large, volcano's Northeast of Fiji. It's amazing that these have gone undetected during undersea mapping? Unless, of course, these are 'new' and they just aren't mentioning that fact.

I think they just found the source of the El Nino warming ... and it ain't your SUV!

Floods wipe out US crops

The Midwest flooding and storms are expected to push US and world food prices higher. Up to five million acres of newly planted crops have been lost at the heart of the world's top grain and food exporter. Prices for corn, cattle and pigs all set records this week owing to the floods, as a world economy already hit by inflation from rising energy prices absorbed the blow.

George? Would you remind us all again how God wanted you to invade all these other countries? Because it looks to us like He is really pissed at the United States.


Martial Law: A License to Loot, a Permit to Plunder (Updated)

In the wake of the floodwaters in Iowa came all of the impedimentia of military occupation -- armed guards, checkpoints, detention areas. These strictures were imposed on communities already reeling from a deadly caprice of nature. Rather than permitting people to inspect their own property, "strike teams" that included armed police broke into locked homes, including the occasional occupied dwelling.

One Cedar Rapids homeowner, understandably outraged that a "strike team" had broken into his otherwise undamaged home, confronted them and made his feelings known in forceful but measured terms. This prompted police officer Josh Bell to threaten the homeowner with arrest for "harassing" the "strike team.

That aggravated homeowner was relatively fortunate.

Breaking and entering: Where does this fit under the heading "To protect and serve"? A paramilitary "strike team" commits a felonious break-in of a home in the flood-ravaged Midwest.

The Carbon Tax Comes To Canada

We are in the 7th year of a cooling trend, and still they push for their carbon tax. Meanwhile, Al Gore's house uses enough electricity to power 20 normal American homes.

Poll: most Britons doubt cause of climate change

The majority of the British public is still not convinced that climate change is caused by humans - and many others believe scientists are exaggerating the problem, according to an exclusive poll for The Observer.

The results have shocked campaigners who hoped that doubts would have been silenced by a report last year by more than 2,500 scientists for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which found a 90 per cent chance that humans were the main cause of climate change and warned that drastic action was needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

"Dang, we thought we had them suckers fooled for sure with this one!"

Les lampes fluorescentes compactes ( LFC ), également appelées ampoules fluocompactes consomment environ 67 à 75 pour cent moins d'énergie que les ampoules à incandescence qu’on veut bannir et durent jusqu'à dix fois plus longtemps. Le problème c’est qu’elles sont fabriqué en Chine et sont aussi très toxiques : elles contiennent du mercure et des isotopes radioactifs. -LNI


Mercury in "Green" light bulbs

Use full spectrum bulbs instead


Even a broken clock is right twice a day

This normally loathsome Republican from Texas makes a lot of sense on the subject of "energy saver" light bulbs from China.

This is the perfect 21st century scam...

Government mandated and only one country in the world manufactures them: China.

One problem: They are so toxic that you are advised to leave your home if they break!

They are filled with mercury and need to be double-bagged and hand delivered to a specialized recycling enter after they burn out.

Use full spectrum light bulbs instead.

État policier et de surveillance:

Passengers virtually stripped naked by 3-D airport scanner

But in a separate private room, another officer sees the detailed full-body scan that is essentially an image of the person's naked body.

Out of work? No skills? Can't afford a night at the titty bar? CONSIDER A CAREER IN AIRPORT SECURITY!

On a separate note, this is NOT going to help our tourism industry at all.

Secret Pentagon Funding Near All-Time High

Which is why the usual propaganda TV channels like Discovery and History and even National Geographic are running so many shows about UFOs these days, as aliens and flying saucers are the traditional cover story for black project aircraft development, to discourage people who see several billion tax dollars whiz by from speaking out, or if they do speak out, to discourage anyone from listening too closely to what they are saying.

Photographer Documents Secret Satellites -- All 189 of Them

Moyen-Orient, mission canadienne et pétrole :

Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war

Canadian role in Kandahar may heat up as allies agree on U.S.-backed energy route through land-mine zones and Taliban hot spots

Just so you know what it is your kids are dying for...

Operation Enduring Pipeline

Operation Enduring Freedom? With John McCain and Barack Obama now arguing about widening the Afghanistan war and invading Pakistan, the TAPI natural gas pipeline has a better chance than freedom ever had. It would be an American-controlled cash cow that would hurt Iran. All the US needs to do is pacify Afghanistan with more troops (to safeguard TAPI) and balkanize Pakistan (to stymie IPI) while widening the war and antagonizing India. Freedom be damned. Freedom was never an option anyhow, especially when there's money to be made by endless war.

At Last, Some Truth About Iraq and Afghanistan

After a sea of lies and a tsunami of propaganda, the ugly truth behind the Iraq and Afghanistan wars finally emerged into full view this week.

Four major western oil companies, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, BP and Total, are about to sign US-brokered no-bid contracts with the US-installed Baghdad regime to begin exploiting Iraq's oil fields. Saddam Hussein had kicked these firms out three decades ago when he nationalized Iraq's foreign-owned oil industry for the benefit of Iraq's national development. The Baghdad regime is turning back the clock.

So this is the reason for so many dead and wounded US vets, not to mention the dead, maimed, and sickened Afghanis and Iraqis: a three-letter word called oil.

Oil giants return to Iraq

Nearly four decades after the four biggest Western oil companies were expelled from Iraq by Saddam Hussein, they are negotiating their return. By the end of the month, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil and Total will sign agreements with the Baghdad government, Iraq's first with big Western oil firms since the US-led invasion in 2003.

The return of "Big Oil" will add to the suspicions of those in the Middle East who claimed that the overthrow of Saddam was secretly driven by the West's desire to gain control of Iraq's oil. It will also be greeted with dismay by many Iraqis who fear losing control of their vast oil reserves.

Many of soldiers have died, so that oil company profits may live.

Let that sink in for a while.

Dollars, Oil and the Big Wipe Out

Why did the US invade Iraq?

Why is it making noises about invading

Is it about oil...or something else?

Food for thought:



- Brasscheck

P.S. More news and analysis censored
in the US.

The only way your friends and colleagues
will hear about it is if you tell them.

6,000 troops urgently needed in Afghanistan: NATO

Up to 6,000 additional troops are urgently needed in Afghanistan and a failure to deploy them will only prolong the presence of Western forces in the country, a German NATO general said on Sunday.

Ramms declined to say how many additional German troops he thought were necessary, but said Germany should increase the number of troops it can send to Afghanistan from a fixed ceiling of 3,500

Every single NATO and US General who has spoken has agreed that there is a definite, urgent need for more troops in Afghanistan; but no country either has, or wants, to send more troops to Afghanistan. By US military standards, it will take 400,000 troops to actually get the job done.

The European NATO members understand that their voting population is opposed to this war, and are actually paying attention to the will of the people.

In the US, where the desire of the voting public means nothing, we have literally no more soldiers to send.

So what will the outcome be here?

Will the US and NATO continue bombing, declare victory, and go home?

Or perhaps will they find a way of engaging the Taliban so that they can truly believe that they have a stake in the future of their country, declare victory, and go home?

The latter is logical, reasonable, and the future of this country cannot hold without it.

Unfortunately, it appears that the US and NATO are ignoring this possibility completely.

Army 'vacuum' missile hits Taliban


June 22, 2008

British forces in Afghanistan have used one of the world's most deadly and controversial missiles to fight the Taliban.

Apache attack helicopters have fired the thermobaric weapons against fighters in buildings and caves, to create a pressure wave which sucks the air out of victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies.

The weapons are so controversial that MoD weapons and legal experts spent 18 months debating whether British troops could use them without breaking international law.

Eventually, they decided to get round the ethical problems by redefining the weapons.

You absolutely can't win a ground war from the air.

Deploying this kind of weapon makes one wonder if we're going to be hearing about "body counts" on the evening corporate news shortly, just as we did in Viet Nam.

And any alleged decision by the UK MoD "...to get round the ethical problems by redefining the weapons" does not one whit alter how these weapons work and what they do.

Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week

The bill's key section "demands that the president initiate an international effort to immediately and dramatically increase the economic, political, and diplomatic pressure on Iran to verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities by, inter alia, prohibiting the export to Iran of all refined petroleum products; imposing stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran; and prohibiting the international movement of all Iranian officials not involved in negotiating the suspension of Iran's nuclear program."

Translation: these bills call for nothing less than a blockade, preventing vital materials to get to Iran, and products from getting out of Iran.

Such a blockade is literally an act of war.

Just because a war against Iran would be the most calamitously stupid thing to create right now doesn't mean that the knuckleheads in Washington and Tel Aviv won't do it.

But there's also another reason why this may happen sooner rather than later.

The neocons smell a complete route this November, and are hoping to plunge Obama's presidency (assuming Obama does get the nomination) into the worst world of hurt they can conceive of well before he takes the oath of office.

Bolton: Israel Will Attack Iran After U.S. Election But Before Inauguration, Arab States Will Be 'Delighted'

"I think if they [Israel] are to do anything, the most likely period is after our elections and before the inauguration of the next President. I don't think they will do anything before our election because they don't want to affect it. And they'd have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush's term in office or wait for his successor."

Just when I think Bolton could not possibly bow down any further to his Israeli masters without creating a sharp and critical dislocation of something in his spine, the man surprises me yet again!

And believe me, anything Israel thinks it can get away with in terms of affecting the US election for their betterment, they will do.

Should it appear that Obama will be victorious in the November elections, he and his team had better figure NOW just how they will respond to this scenario, because Bush, the neocons, and the Israeli politicians will want to throw Obama into the worst possible situation they can conjure up before he takes the oath of office.

Israel exercising for nuclear disaster with Iran

The kicker is that since much of the facility is buried deeply underground in extremely fortified facilities, there's no guaranty that a surface attack would cripple the facility. Ergo, if Iran is, indeed, at the weapons grade uranium enrichment point, one could plan for a counterstrike and an aggregate response from other Middle and Far Eastern Muslim and Asian nuclear powers.

Just because such an attack would be the most colossally stupid thing that could be done at this time, don't bet on the knuckleheads in Tel Aviv and Washington aren't poised to do it.

An attack on Iran could literally trigger a global war of unparalleled proportions.

And has anyone asked Dimitri Medvedev, Russia's President, precisely what Russia will be prepared to do to protect its geopolitical and financial interests in Iran?

Thought not.

Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran

Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen leaves Tuesday night on an overseas trip that will take him to Israel, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. The trip has been scheduled for some time but U.S. officials say it comes just as the Israelis are mounting a full court press to get the Bush administration to strike Iran's nuclear complex.

CBS consultant Michael Oren says Israel doesn't want to wait for a new administration.

Here is what I wish Joint Chief Chairman Mullen would say to Israeli governmental and military officials:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the US is caught up in two very complicated occupations in the Middle East right now.

Our capabilities are stretched very thin, and any other military operation in the region, other than defensive, will drain our resources to the bone.

The region is seething with Anti-American sentiment as it is, and our government believes that negotiation is that track we must stick to if we are going to have a successful outcome in both Iran, and the entire region.

Not only are we looking at a potential complete halt of oil from the Gulf to the world, which might well really crash the world's economy, but we are looking at a potential for not just a third war in the region, but a 3rd World War, with Russia protecting its geopolitical and financial investments in Iran.

And ladies and gentlemen, the Russians do have nuclear weapons: this is not just a guess, nor a supposition, but the reality. "

But what will really get discussed in these meetings is anyone's guess.

And what Israel will be willing to do to kick off the war they're so desperate to start, is also anyone's guess.

But I do know one thing; if the US gets suckered into this confrontation, it will be our young men and women who will, in the main, be doing the fighting, getting maimed, and dying to support a military confrontation with Iran to make Israel happy.

ElBaradei: If you attack Iran, I quit

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei says he will step down if major powers launch a military strike against Iran over its nuclear program.

According to Al Ahram, in an interview with Al Arabiya television, the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General, said, "A military invasion against Iran would pose great danger to the Middle East and the world."

Russia's Lavrov warns against attack on Iran

Russia's foreign minister on Friday warned against the use of force on Iran, saying there is no proof it is trying to build nuclear weapons.

So ...

1. Israel bombs Iran.

2. Iran counter-attacks Israel, and runs smack into the American kids in Iraq.

3. Bush attacks Iran.

4. Russia attacks the United States.

5. Israel laughs itself silly that it has tricked the US and Russia into destroying each other, leaving Israel and its nuclear arsenal to rule what is left of the world.

Say, what's that really bright light out the wind._*C%&4c##[CARRIER DROPPED]

French Diplomat held at Gaza checkpoint for 17 hours.

Israel is Deporting Jerusalem Christians

Imagine a headline, "America is deporting New York Jews". What would the reaction be?

Israeli settlers launch Qassam projectile at Palestinian village

Palestinians are not the only ones producing homemade projectiles, Israeli settlers now also have Qassam rockets, according to the Hebrew daily newspaper Ma'ariv.

On Friday the newspaper published details of Israeli settlers from the Yatsahar settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus launching projectiles at a nearby Palestinian village.

Which raises the possibility that the Qassams perpetually blamed on the Palestinians, especially the ones that hit empty lots, may not have been made the Palestinians at all.

Rockets hit Israel, which says truce broken


Police say two Palestinian rockets hit southern Israel and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office says the cease-fire that took effect last week has been broken.

No matter who actually fired the rockets (and no matter who allegedly "claims responsibility" for this act) it may well be Israel's justification for a full-scale attack on Gaza.

Cameras help Palestinians 'Shoot Back' at violent settlers

As a deterrent against armed Jewish settlers it does not look much. But the video camera has become a frontline defence for ordinary Palestinians living between Hebron and the Jewish settlement of Kyriat Arba in the West Bank.

"I always keep the camera at my side; it's the only thing which prevents the settlers from hurling stones at us or coming into my shop," says Bassam al-Jaabari as he stitches a pair of shoes in his dusty and poorly stocked grocer's shop.

The Israeli human rights organizations B'Tselem, deserves a great deal of credit for having begun this program.

Internet addiction is a 'clinical disorder'

"Oh yes, reading websites like whatreallyhappened.com is a symptom of a sick mond, and to be healthy, you need to go back to watching ABCNNBBCBS. Honest. Really."