Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mardi 25 mars 2008

American Dementia / German challenge to Holocaust-Shoah Narrative

Regardez ces extraits de médias aux États-Unis, c'est à se demander s'ils n'ont pas commencé à perdre la boule! Par contre, en Allemagne, certains commencent à briser le mur de la peur et du tabou, chose qui est passible d'emprisonnement pour seulement poser des questions à propos de l'Holocauste et à exprimer ouvertement leurs doutes et questionnements. La liberté d'expression est un concept bien élastique pour certains.

American Dementia


Germany is Waking Up!

German challenge to Holocaust-Shoah Narrative


The below written by Dr. Fredrick Toben -

The Germans are regaining their COURAGE - Public doubt of Holocaust is challenged by 36-year-old German - if 1000 Germans did this, the
Holocaust-Shoah Lie would crumble overnight...

A German – happily married 36-year-old – has sent German copies of Germar Rudolf’s Lectures on the Holocaust to various people. By bringing this book into the public domain Dirk Zimmermann has made himself liable to prosecution under Section 130 because Germar Rudolf’s book is in the German index!

This is a conscious act of doubting the Holocaust – and Dirk Zimmermann is doing this for the sake of Freedom of Expression, but not only – it is also an act that attempts to resist the Judaisation of the German mind and German culture.

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