Santé: cancers et faits troublants, vaccination et dangers, perturbateurs endocriniens et le Roundup de Monsanto

L'Autre Monde 30 octobre 2013 : Santé: cancers et faits troublants, vaccination et dangers, perturbateurs endocriniens et le Roundup de Monsanto
L'Autre Monde 30 octobre 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 246 Diffusion en direct : Mercredi à 14:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
Quelles sont les causes du cancer dont vous n'entendez jamais parler et des remèdes qu'on essaie de vous dissimuler alors que les traitements traditionnels se révèlent être de plus en plus inadéquats tout comme les échographies; la vaccination perd de plus en plus de crédibilité dû aux dangers importants qu'elle représente versus les bienfaits imaginés; explications sur ce que sont les perturbateurs endocriniens dont fait partie le Roundup de Monsanto et pourquoi la situation est si sérieuse ainsi que d'autres informations précieuses concernant les téléphones cellulaires et les ondes néfastes.
Quelles sont les causes du cancer dont vous n'entendez jamais parler et des remèdes qu'on essaie de vous dissimuler alors que les traitements traditionnels se révèlent être de plus en plus inadéquats tout comme les échographies; la vaccination perd de plus en plus de crédibilité dû aux dangers importants qu'elle représente versus les bienfaits imaginés; explications sur ce que sont les perturbateurs endocriniens dont fait partie le Roundup de Monsanto et pourquoi la situation est si sérieuse ainsi que d'autres informations précieuses concernant les téléphones cellulaires et les ondes néfastes.
C'est en rendez-vous le mercredi 14h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Roundup is endocrine-disrupting, cancer-causing toxin at parts per trillion levels; GM soybeans also linked to causing cancer
The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) has accepted for publication a new study that links exposure to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, to severe endocrine disruption and breast cancer. And the worst part is that the chemical was found to elicit these and other harmful effects at virtually imperceptible levels in the parts per trillion range, which is far below the levels that commonly occur in the environment and the food supply as a result of misguided corporate agriculture practices.
Australie: les
avantages fiscaux bientôt supprimés pour les parents qui ne font pas vacciner
leurs enfants
Lentement, mais sûrement les grandes puissances de la
démocratie sont en train de glisser vers le totalitarisme,
tout en nous jurant que cette transition qui prend ses distances par rapport à
la liberté, et à nos libertés est pour notre plus grand Bien.
L’exemple le plus récent de cette montée en douceur d’une « soft tyrannie » s’est produit à l’autre bout du monde, en Australie – jadis connue pour sa vision farouchement individualiste. C’est dans ce pays que le gouvernement travailliste socialiste dirigé par le Premier Ministre Kevin Rudd, veut forcer les parents à vacciner leurs enfants sous la menace de perdre un crédit d’impôt non négligeable.
Selon l’Australian Broadcasting Corporation News (ABC News) :
« …Rudd a annoncé que les parents qui choisissent de ne pas faire vacciner leurs enfants vont passer à côté de milliers de dollars qu’ils pourraient autrement recevoir du gouvernement.»
S’exprimant dimanche à l’hôpital Westmead à Sydney, M.Rudd a déclaré que « les parents qui ne feraient pas vacciner leurs enfants ne pourront recevoir le supplément de fin d’année du « Family Tax Benefit ».
Ce payement équivaut à 726 $ par enfant et par année. Cette somme est allouée après que les enfants aient été vaccinés à un, deux et cinq ans.
Il faut vacciner parce qu’il s’agit d’une « science qui a fait ses preuves »
Le rapport indique que, depuis l’année dernière, les parents qui avaient encore à faire vacciner leurs enfants, n’ont pas reçu la somme de fin d’année (pour laquelle ils avaient cependant cotisé (en tant que contribuables). Mais, poursuit ABC News, les parents qui se sont inscrits comme objecteurs de conscience ont cependant bien reçu la somme en question.
En vertu de la nouvelle politique du Parti Travailliste, les seules exceptions qui seront accordées seront celles qui sont fondées sur des motifs religieux ou médicaux.
Les fonctionnaires et les parlementaires du Parti du Travail précisent que leur politique de décapage des libertés vise à faire vacciner davantage d’enfants, pour « éviter que les enfants qui ne sont pas vaccinés ne contractent des maladies comme la coqueluche, la rougeole et qu’ils fassent courir des risques aux autres. » a précisé ABC News. En outre, selon les responsables Australiens de la santé, la science de la vaccination «ne peut être contestée» ( c'est-à-dire, jusqu’à ce qu’une vaccination tue ou handicape un enfant, comme ce fut le cas d’un vaccin contre la grippe qui a depuis été interdit) : voir ICI
Un communiqué du gouvernement précise : « La vaccination est le moyen le plus sûr et le plus efficace pour les parents de protéger leurs enfants contre la maladie, et l’une des mesures de santé publique les plus importantes à notre disposition. »
Tanya Plibersek, Ministre Fédéral de la Santé, a déclaré à Sky News que la toute dernière menace du gouvernement va en fait augmenter les taux de vaccination.
« C’est l’une des façons les plus simples et les moins chères de maintenir la communauté en bonne santé. » a-t-elle précisé.
« Nous pensons que, chaque année, environ 3 millions de vies sont sauvées dans le monde grâce à la vaccination. » a-t-elle précisé. Nous sommes très heureux qu’en Australie, un si grand nombre de ces maladies aient pratiquement disparu, ce qui devrait quelque peu satisfaire le public. »
L’Association Médicale Australienne a aussi pesé de tout son poids. Le Dr Steve Hambleton a déclaré que les bénéfices de la vaccination l’emportaient de loin sur les risques.
« Le message fort, c’est que le gouvernement récompense les personnes qui font ce qu’il faut (la bonne chose) … [et] vaccinent complètement leurs enfants. » a précisé ABC News. «Si nous pouvons obtenir des taux de vaccinations supérieurs à 90%, nous allons pouvoir abolir des maladies comme la rougeole et nous pourrons nous attaquer à des maladies comme la coqueluche. »
Même la presse Australienne est biaisée. Le Daily Telegraph de Sydney « lu par des milliers d’électeurs dans les principaux centres de l’ouest de Sydney » a publié une campagne très critique à l’égard des parents qui choisissent de ne pas faire vacciner leurs enfants.
Même en Australie, tout est pour le Bien des enfants !
Mike Adams rédacteur en chef de Natural News n’est pas dupe de ces bénédictions «officielles » des vaccins. Il y a quelques années, il s’est ouvertement moqué de la « logique » erronée à propos du vaccin contre la grippe :
« Les Centres de Contrôle et de Prévention des Maladies, de même que l’industrie du vaccin versent dans une logique apparemment contradictoire. « Nos vaccins fonctionnent si bien qu’ils offrent une immunité quasi-totale contre la grippe », prétendaient-ils. Et pourtant ils sont si peu efficaces qu’un an après, il faut se refaire vacciner, et revacciner chaque année.
C’est là le grand mensonge de l’industrie du vaccin : ce mensonge qui vous oblige à vous faire revacciner chaque année, souvent avec les mêmes souches qui ont servi à vous vacciner l’année précédente. Les vaccins pour l’hiver 2011, par exemple, ont été fabriqués avec les mêmes souches que les vaccins de 2010. »
Qui plus est, la menace du gouvernement Australien de refuser ces sommes aux contribuables est typique d’un autoritarisme inhérent à une mentalité anti-démocratique : faites ce qu’on vous dit ou bien nous allons vous punir.
L’ histoire tragique de 37 décès d'enfants à la suite d’un « bon vaccin »
Mort subite du nourrisson & vaccins: un rapport accablant
Initiative Citoyenne a achevé la traduction française intégrale d'un rapport de l'auteur américain Neil Z. Miller au sujet des causes de décès des nourrissons, en ce compris bien sûr l'origine vaccinale des décès.
Il s'agit d'un rapport très important pour les parents d'enfants décédés après des vaccins et aussi pour tous ceux dont l'enfant décédera (fort malheureusement!) encore dans les prochaines semaines, mois ou années et qui, avec l'augmentation de la circulation des informations, pourront ainsi prendre connaissance de ce triste "pot aux roses".
A l'heure actuelle, tout est fait, y compris au niveau des médecins légistes pour que cette origine vaccinale ne puisse même pas être envisagée ou "sélectionnée" dans une liste au moment du décès ou après l'autopsie (c'est simple cette cause ne fait même pas partie de ces listes!). Etrange n'est-ce pas puisque même les documents confidentiels des fabricants de vaccins font état de toute une kyrielle de décès post-vaccinaux dans les heures, jours ou semaines qui suivent.
... Et dire encore avec tout ça que des médecins de l'ONE et de Kind & Gezin affirment que les cas graves sont de 1 sur 1 million ou même "mieux" (pire c'est selon) qu'il n'y a pas de complication grave des vaccins!!!!!!! (voir encore ici, un sinistre exemple récent avec une doctoresse de Kind & Gezin )
131 causes possibles pour le décès des nourrissons
Mort subite du nourrisson & vaccins (Anglais)
(Lire ici la traduction intégrale ) (Français)
NYC Mayor to Force Vaccinate Children Under Five With Two Dangerous Vaccines
by Christina EnglandIf you thought things in the world of vaccines could not get any worse, then you were wrong. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has called for a public hearing on Wednesday, October 23, 2013, recommending that all children under the age of five whose parents want them to attend day care facilities be vaccinated with the annual flu vaccination and pneumococcal vaccines before they are accepted...
The Leading Cause of Breast Cancer?
Profiteers in the medical CT scan business took a big hit last week from a major new government report on the causes of breast cancer.
Published by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, the exhaustive analysis found that medical radiation, particularly the large radiation dose delivered by CT scans, is the foremost identifiable cause of breast cancer.[1]
CT Scans may cause 29,000 cancers and 15,000 cancer deaths every year
NBC News said in 2009 that each whole-body CT scan can deliver as much radiation in 10 minutes as 440 chest X-rays.[5]
To all the readers of this site: please share this with the women you care about.
Millions Wrongly Treated for ‘Cancer,’ National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms
October 21, 2013
Source: Green Med Info
If you have been following our advocacy work on cancer, particularly in
connection with the dark
side of breast cancer awareness month, you know that we have been calling for the complete
reclassification of some types of ‘breast cancer’ as benign lesions,
e.g. ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), as well as pointing out repeatedly that
x-ray based breast
screenings are not only highly carcinogenic but are also causing an epidemic of
“overdiagnosis” and “overtreatment” in US women, with an estimated 1.3
million cases in the past 30 years alone.
This week, a National Cancer Institute commissioned panel’s report published
in JAMA online confirmed that we all –
public and professionals alike – should stop calling low-risk lesions like DCIS
and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) ‘cancer.’
There are wide-reaching implications to this recommendation, including:
- Millions of women in this country have been diagnosed with DCIS, and millions of men with HGPIN, and subsequently [mis]treated. Are they now to be retroactively reclassified as ‘victims’ of iatrogenesis, with legal recourse to seek compensation?
- Anyone engaged in a cancer screening will now need to reconsider and weigh both the risks and benefits of such a ‘preventive’ strategy, considering that the likelihood of being diagnosed with a false positive over 10 years is already over 50% for women undergoing annual breast screening.
- The burgeoning pink ribbon-bedecked ‘breast cancer awareness’ industry will be forced to reformulate its message, as it is theoretically culpable for the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of millions of US women by propagating an entirely false concept of ‘cancer.’
practice of oncology in the United States is in need of a host of reforms and
initiatives to mitigate the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment of
cancer, according to a working group sanctioned by the National Cancer
most dramatically, the group says that a number of premalignant conditions,
including ductal carcinoma in situ and high-grade prostatic
intraepithelial neoplasia, should no longer be called “cancer.”
the conditions should be labeled something more appropriate, such as indolent
lesions of epithelial origin (IDLE), the working group suggests. The Viewpoint
report was published online
July 29 in JAMA.
Fundamentally, overdiagnosis results from the fact that screen-detected
‘cancers’ are disproportionately slower growing ones, present with few to no
symptoms, and would never progress to cause harm if left undiagnosed and
As you can see by the graph above, it is the fast-growing tumors which
will be more difficult to ‘detect early,’ and will progress rapidly enough to
cause symptoms and perhaps even death unless treated aggressively. But even in
the case of finding the tumor early enough to contain it through surgery,
chemotherapy and/or radiation,
it is well-known that the minority subpopulation of cancer stem cells within
these tumors will be enriched and therefore made more malignant through
conventional treatment. For instance,
radiotherapy radiation wavelengths were only recently found by UCLA Jonnsson Comprehensive
Cancer Center researchers to transform breast cancer cells
into highly malignant cancer stem-cell like cells, with 30 times higher malignancy post-treatment.
What this means is that
not only are millions of screen-detected abnormalities not ‘cancer’ in the
first place but even those which can be considered fast-growing are often being
driven into greater malignancy by the conventional chemotherapy, radiation and
surgery-based standard of cancer care itself.
Our entire world view of
cancer needs to shift from an enemy that “attacks” us and that we must wage war
against, to something
our body does, presumably to survive an increasingly inhospitable,
nutrient-deprived, carcinogen- and radiation-saturated environment, i.e. Cancer
As An Ancient Survival Mechanism Unmasked.
When we look at cancer through the optic of fear and see it as an
essentially chaos-driven infinitely expanding mass of cells, we are apt to make
irrational choices. The physiological state of fear
itself has been found to activate multidrug resistance proteins within cancer
explaining how our very perception of cancer can influence and/or determine its
physiological status and/or trajectory within our body.
The NCI panel report opined:
“The word
“cancer” often invokes the specter of an inexorably lethal process; however,
cancers are heterogeneous and can follow multiple paths, not all of which
progress to metastases and death, and include indolent disease that causes no
harm during the patient’s lifetime.”
For more details on what our founder
Sayer Ji calls the “Cancer Malignancy Meme,” see his video
presentation at the Mind Body Week DC conference, wherein he discuss the ‘Rise of Biomedicine’
within the context of the mind-body connection, and breast cancer overdiagnosis
in particular.
We must keep in mind that this proposed redefinition of cancer is no
small academic matter, but will affect the lives of millions of women. Consider
that every year, approximately 60,000 women in this country are diagnosed with
DCIS, a diagnosis so traumatic that it results
in significant psychiatric depression 3 years after even a ‘false positive’ diagnosis.
For those less fortunate women, numbering in the millions over the past 30
years, who were told they had ‘cancer’ and needed to undergo lumpectomy,
radiation, chemotherapy and/or mastectomy, the NCI panel’s recommendation is a
hard pill swallow after the damage has already been irrevocably done.
So, what’s the solution? There is a growing movement towards the use of
thermography as a primary diagnostic tool, as it uses no ionizing radiation,
and can detect the underlying physiological processes that may indicate
inflammation, angiogenesis, cancer-specific metabolic changes, etc., many years
before a calcified lesion would appear within an x-ray mammogram. Also, the
mainstay of any truly preventive strategy against cancer is diet, nutrition,
exercise and avoiding chemical and radiation exposures – the things that we can
do in our daily lives to take back control of and responsibility for our
For related research read ‘Hidden
Dangers’ of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About
Sayer Ji is the founder of, an author, researcher, lecturer, and an advisory board member
of the National Health Federation. Google Plus
Profile.He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. It is widely recognized as the most widely referenced health resource of its kind.
Dangerosité du téléphone portable : l'Agence de sécurité sanitaire rend son rapport
le 15 octobre 2013
par folamour
J’ai pisté l’info ce matin sur … France Info, il est étonnant
que BFMTV en parle, mais profitez de la vidéo tant qu’elle est disponible.
En attendant, si votre pénis
rétrécit, au moins maintenant vous saurez
pourquoi… Et remerciez au passage Fleur
Pellerin pour la 4G !Update 15.10.2013 : De ce que j'en ai vu ce matin, vous allez constater en temps réel comment les médias vont se déchaîner pour vous désinformer ! D'après l'Anses, il y aurait « des changements biologiques » mais rien de grave… (même France Info se contredit après avoir interviewé CE MATIN, à la radio, le professeur Dominique Belpomme) 90° temps réel ! Muahahahaha ! C’est comme Fukushima ou le travail le dimanche, ce ne sont plus des médias, ce sont des instruments de propagandes...
Merci qui ? (Ne vous inquiétez pas, j'ai sauvegardé la vidéo).
L'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire remet ce mardi matin son rapport très attendu sur l'impact des ondes émises par les téléphones portables, les antennes relais et les systèmes Wifi sur la santé. A l'étranger, de récentes publications ont établi des liens nets entre ces ondes et le développement de cancers.
Un rapport très attendu. L'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire (Anses) rend ce mardi, en plein déploiement de la technologie 4G et d'utilisation grandissante des supports sans fil, ses conclusions sur les effets des ondes électromagnétiques, fruit de deux ans de travaux aux cours desquels le groupe de 16 experts a passé en revue des centaines d'études scientifiques.Risques multiples
Depuis le dernier rapport de l'Anses, publié il y a quatre ans, des centaines d'études publiées à l'étranger démontrent en effet des risques liés à l'utilisation des portables : perturbation du sommeil, effets sur la fertilité mais aussi risques de cancer, confirmés par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé en 2011.Des données indiscutables selon certains scientifiques. "On ne doit pas utiliser un portable plus de 20 minutes par jour par séquences de 6 minutes, sinon, et d'autant plus chez les moins de 20 ans, il y a un risque de tumeur cérébrale du côté de la tête où l'on utilise le portable voire de maladie d'Alzheimer de sujets jeunes", explique le cancérologue Dominique Belpomme.
Au vu des interrogations persistantes sur de possibles impacts sanitaires des ondes, l'Anses a décidé en 2011 la mise en place d'un dispositif pérenne sur le sujet avec la mise en place du groupe d'experts "radiofréquences et santé" ainsi qu'une instance de dialogue réunissant associations, industriels, syndicats et scientifiques.
Augmentation des risques avec les nouvelles technologies
Ces risques pourraient s'accroître avec le développement de technologies comme la 4G, qui ne cessent d'amplifier l'exposition des populations aux ondes, via les smartphones, les tablettes et les antennes relais.Pourtant, les utilisateurs de portables sont de plus en plus nombreux et de plus en plus jeunes. Et rares sont ceux qui prennent des précautions face au risque de surexposition.
Pour les associations, il y a urgence à réglementer les installations de téléphonie. "Ces appareils créent une telle addiction que l'on a énormément de mal à faire passer le message de risque", déplore Janine Le Calvez, présidente de PRIARTéM, une association luttant pour la réglementation des implantations d'antennes relais pour la téléphonie mobile.
"On est un peu dans la même situation que pour la cigarette". Selon une récente étude suédoise, une personne qui a utilisé 25 ans un téléphone portable a trois fois plus de chance de développer une tumeur maligne au cerveau.
Source :
Informations complémentaires : : Un
tribunal italien fait un lien entre le cellulaire et la tumeur au cerveau d'un
utilisateur : Les
portables « peut-être cancérigènes », selon l'OMS : Les
pénis rétrécissent... : Documentaire
: « High-tech, électroménager, un gâchis organisé » : Les
effets des perturbateurs endocriniens chimiques dévoilés : Des
traces de perturbateurs hormonaux décelées dans les vêtements de 14 grandes
marques : Agenda 21
Bogus science paper reveals peer
review's flaws
October 14, 2013, CBC News (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
October 14, 2013, CBC News (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
A bogus scientific paper about a new
anti-cancer compound was accepted by more than half of 300 scientific journals
it was submitted to in the past year, despite having obvious and serious
scientific flaws. Science journalist John Bohannon reported the results of his
experiment in the journal Science. Bohannon, who holds a PhD in
molecular biology and is a visiting scholar at Harvard University’s program in
ethics and health, ... concluded [that] “a huge proportion” of the journals
were not ensuring their papers were peer reviewed. Even in cases where peer
review happened, it didn’t always function correctly. For example, the
Ottawa-based International Journal of Herbs and Medicinal Plants
clearly sent the paper out to be reviewed by real scientists, who pointed out
some flaws, Bohannon recalled. Even so, when Bohannon submitted a revised
version of the paper without correcting any of the flaws, it was accepted.
Bohannon said peer review is “crucial” so that readers of a scientific paper
know it has “at least passed muster with a couple of experts who are in a
position, hopefully, to judge. It could be the whole peer review system is just
failing under the strain of the tens of thousands of journals that now exist.”
He added that if peer review isn’t working, then people with what
amounts to fraudulent scientific credentials and publication records “are
slowly filling university departments and government offices, making important
science-based policy decisions.” In addition, “terrible science” is polluting
the global pool of knowledge."
Radiation Doctor Admits TSA Naked Body Scanners Can Cause Cancer
(NaturalNews) No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines are safe and pose no threat to travelers or personnel, naked body scanners that emit ionizing radiation are, indeed, a very serious health threat.
Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Fetuses: Study
Waking TimesUltrasound has become routine during pregnancy over the last 3 decades. It is assumed to be safe, though safety was never investigated. Research is now finally being done, and the results are dismal, demonstrating clear and permanent brain damage, as shown in this study. Nearly all babies have been damaged to varying degrees, resulting in abnormal neurology becoming the norm.
That delightful ultrasound look at a fetus months before birth is a huge thrill—but that’s the only benefit. That thrill comes at a risk, one that it’s hard to imagine any parent would be willing to take if the facts were presented. Ultrasound causes brain damage and can even kill the fetus. This is not a supposition. It’s been clearly documented, and exactly what it does to the developing brain is understood.
Dr. Jennifer Margulis points out in her brilliant new book, The Business of Baby:
Manuel Casanova M.D., a neurologist who holds an endowed chair at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, contends that Rakic’s mice research helps confirm a disturbing hypothesis that he and his colleagues have been testing for the last three years: that ultrasound exposure is an environmental factor directly contributing to the exponential rise in autism.[1]
The Study
Dr. Pasko Rakic is the lead researcher for the study documenting that ultrasound damages mouse brains.[2] It shows that the process of brain development is disturbed in mice. Though it’s easy to suggest that this is “only” a study on mice, so doesn’t prove anything about humans, that’s not true. The method of development in mouse brains is exactly the same in all mammals. Therefore, if ultrasound has an adverse effect on mouse brains, then it must also have the same effect on human brains.The Brain’s Cellular Organization
Brain cells are not arranged in a random manner. The brain’s gray matter controls muscles, sensory perception, emotion, and memory. Gray matter cells form columns, which can function as a unit. The cells are also arranged in rows that are parallel to the surface of the brain. You can think of the brain’s cells as being arranged in a grid, like a graph. Each cell forms part of both a column and a row, though the row is actually curved to match the surface of the brain.If developing cells do not end up where they should, behavioral problems and epilepsy can arise from the misarrangement. It’s obvious that anything capable of causing such misarrangement can produce disabilities. Therefore, Dr. Rakic’s study is particularly disturbing.
Brain Cell Migration
A fetus’s neurons are formed in the area just above the cerebellum, sometimes called the “primitive brain”, and they progress toward the outer surface of the brain. During the process, they are moved outward, parallel to the brain’s surface. The study report goes into some detail about how this process happens, but for our purposes, there’s no need to address it.How and when this process occurs is well understood, though the means by which cells move radially, away from the column in which they start, is not well understood. What is known, though, is that the process is very sensitive and can be affected by many biological, physical, and chemical agents. The authors state:
For example, repeated exposure of the rodent and primate fetal brain to environmental
agents, such as alcohol (9), drugs (22), neurotrophic viruses (23), and ionizing irradiation (24, 25), causes misplacement of neurons and behavioral deficits.
The numbers in parentheses identify study references documenting things that can result in displacement of neurons and the results.
Partial Conclusion
This study shows that ultrasound waves directed at a fetus interfere with brain development by causing displacement of neurons. Such displacement is known to result in behavioral problems and are either known or suspected of causing other neurological problems.Dr. Rakic and his team have produced a powerful study that clearly demonstrates brain damage produced by ultrasound. This prenatal test has become so routine that some doctors do screenings at every visit. Though individual procedures don’t take 3½ to 7 hours (210-420 minutes), it’s easy to see that a baby could easily be exposed to an aggregate of that much. Such results need to be taken seriously.
There’s even more to know about ultrasound during pregnancy—such as the fact that it doesn’t even produce any benefits. This, and more about prenatal ultrasound are discussed in the next article, Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Fetuses: Implications.
Metabolic Modulation of Glioblastoma with Dichloroacetate
Sci Transl Med 12 May 2010:
Vol. 2, Issue 31, p. 31ra34
Sci. Transl. Med. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3000677
Vol. 2, Issue 31, p. 31ra34
Sci. Transl. Med. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3000677
- Research Article
Metabolic Modulation of Glioblastoma with Dichloroacetate
- E. D. Michelakis1,*,
- G. Sutendra1,
- P. Dromparis1,
- L. Webster1,
- A. Haromy1,
- E. Niven2,
- C. Maguire2,
- T.-L. Gammer1,
- J. R. Mackey3,
- D. Fulton3,
- B. Abdulkarim3,
- M. S. McMurtry1 and
- K. C. Petruk4
+ Author
1Department of Medicine, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2B7.
2Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Diagnostic Imaging, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2B7.
3Department of Oncology, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2B7.
4Department of Neurosurgery, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2B7.
- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Solid tumors, including the aggressive primary brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme, develop resistance to cell death, in part as a result of a switch from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to cytoplasmic glycolysis. This metabolic remodeling is accompanied by mitochondrial hyperpolarization. We tested whether the small-molecule and orphan drug dichloroacetate (DCA) can reverse this cancer-specific metabolic and mitochondrial remodeling in glioblastoma. Freshly isolated glioblastomas from 49 patients showed mitochondrial hyperpolarization, which was rapidly reversed by DCA. In a separate experiment with five patients who had glioblastoma, we prospectively secured baseline and serial tumor tissue, developed patient-specific cell lines of glioblastoma and putative glioblastoma stem cells (CD133+, nestin+ cells), and treated each patient with oral DCA for up to 15 months. DCA depolarized mitochondria, increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, and induced apoptosis in GBM cells, as well as in putative GBM stem cells, both in vitro and in vivo. DCA therapy also inhibited the hypoxia-inducible factor–1α, promoted p53 activation, and suppressed angiogenesis both in vivo and in vitro. The dose-limiting toxicity was a dose-dependent, reversible peripheral neuropathy, and there was no hematologic, hepatic, renal, or cardiac toxicity. Indications of clinical efficacy were present at a dose that did not cause peripheral neuropathy and at serum concentrations of DCA sufficient to inhibit the target enzyme of DCA, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase II, which was highly expressed in all glioblastomas. Metabolic modulation may be a viable therapeutic approach in the treatment of glioblastoma.- Copyright © 2010, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Responses to this articleBack to Top
- Re:Adding Credence to Clear Treatments
- Robert T. Miller
Sci Transl Med published online 7 June 2011
- Adding Credence to Clear Treatments
- Brendan A McIntyre
Sci Transl Med published online 31 May 2011
Citation: Metabolic Modulation of Glioblastoma with
Dichloroacetate. Sci. Transl. Med. 2, 31ra34 (2010).
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In Science Translational Medicine
- Editorial: Brain Cancer Targeting Cell Metabolism in Cancer Patients
- Matthew G. Vander Heiden
Sci Transl Med 12
May 2010 2:31ed1
- Production of 2-hydroxyglutarate by isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-mutated gliomas: an evolutionary alternative to the Warburg shift? Neuro Oncol 1 December 2011 13:1262-1264
- The Role of Nogo and the Mitochondria-Endoplasmic Reticulum Unit in Pulmonary Hypertension Sci Transl Med 22 June 2011 3:88ra55
- Mitochondrion as a Novel Site of Dichloroacetate Biotransformation by Glutathione Transferase {zeta}1 J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1 January 2011 336:87-94
- Balancing biosynthesis and bioenergetics: metabolic programs in oncogenesis Endocr Relat Cancer 23 September 2010 17:R287-R304
- Fatty Acid Oxidation and Malonyl-CoA Decarboxylase in the Vascular Remodeling of Pulmonary Hypertension Sci Transl Med 11 August 2010 2:44ra58
- Targeting Cell Metabolism in Cancer Patients Sci Transl Med 12 May 2010 2:31ed1
Research: Pineapple Enzyme Superior to Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer
Sayer Ji, Contributing WriterActivist Post
Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water...
Arafat poisoned to death: Lancet medical journal
A report by one of the world’s leading medical journals has supported earlier findings that Yasser Arafat, the late leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was poisoned to death nearly a decade ago.
According to British journal the Lancet, Arafat was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium 210.
The journal published a peer review of last year’s research by Swiss scientists, who have been researching the suspicious circumstances surrounding Arafat’s death.
Arafat's autopsy was completed on June of this year. It is now October and the results still have not been released (although the usual anonymous sources claimed the results would show Arafat died of AIDS). So one might presume some serious political pressure has been applied to prevent the cause of death from being announced ... which tells us all we need to know about the cause of death.
The above Lancet article confirms what was already known from samples of the clothing Arafat wore when he died; he was poisoned with polonium 210. This is a favored Assassination weapon of Israel because not only does it kill the target, but does so in a particularly cruel fashion. Alexander Litvinenko, a suspected Russian/Israel double agent, is another well known victim of this method of assassination.
History is Written by the Victors: Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told - New 6 Hour Complete Version Released
This documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in WWI, communist attempts to take over Germany, hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Hitler’s rise to power.
There’s too much hidden history to recount here – FDR Pearl Harbor conspiracy, Soviet brutality, the root causes of WWII, etc. You will have to watch, do your own research, and decide what to believe.
This film has now been updated to include the full 6-hours of hidden history for your consideration.