L'Autre Monde 7 mai 2012 : Fukushima - événement d'extinction de masse planétaire?
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L'Autre Monde 7 mai 2012
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
L'Autre Monde 7 mai 2012
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 209 Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
- Actualité mondiale, Moyen-Orient, le Canada et la dérive totalitaire de nos pays.
- Fukushima: est-ce que le bassin d'entreposage du combustible utilisé (1600 crayons de combustible d'uranium et de plutonium) situé dans le bâtiment du réacteur no.4 risque de causer un événement d'extinction de la vie dans l'hémisphère nord de la planète? Selon de plus en plus d'experts et ingénieurs dans le domaine du nucléaire, c'est une menace réelle et pressante puisque la structure même de ce bassin est fortement compromise et ne saurait résister à un autre tremblement de terre majeur au Japon.
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Élection de François Hollande en France:
Finalement le plan c’est déroulé comme
sur des roulettes pour les mondialistes.
C’est le mondialiste de gauche Young Leader
de la French American Foundation qui prend la place du Mondialiste de droite.
existe un programme Young Leader aux USA dont Le financement dévoile des noms
prestigieux comme David Rockefeller, fondateur de la Trilatérale et président
honoraire du CFR ; Franck Carlucci, ancien secrétaire adjoint à la CIA et
ancien secrétaire à la défense du président Reagan, ex directeur du très
puissant Groupe Carlyle. (Dont un des directeurs financiers est Guillaume
Sarkozy frère du président sortant)
Infos supplémentaires sur le programme Young Leader de la FAF à New York.
Le site des Young Leaders US :
Et surtout les sponsors avec la plupart des noms de donateurs (très très
Banque Lazard frère comme en France et un petit nouveau : Robert de Rothschild
On note également la présence d'un certain "Messiers Maris et Associés" ca te rappel
rien ??
On l'appelait à l'époque J6M "Jean Marie Messier Moi Maitre du Monde" c'est l'ex
Patron de Vivendi Universal !!!
La liste US des YL :
On finit en beauté avec James G. Lowenstein, ancien secrétaire adjoint à la CIA qui
n'est rien d'autre qu'un des membres fondateurs.
Le nouveau code de conduite de la SRC inquiète le syndicat
(Québec) L'imposition d'un nouveau code de
conduite aux employés de Radio-Canada risque de transformer les journalistes en
porte-parole des ministres conservateurs, craint le Syndicat des communications
de Radio-Canada (SCRC).
Un grief contre le code en
question a été déposé à la mi-avril par le Syndicat, qui en a informé ses
membres samedi dernier, explique au Soleil le président du SCRC, Alex Levasseur.
Le président dénonce que la haute
direction de Radio-Canada exige des employés l'équivalent d'un «serment
d'allégeance» aux ministres du gouvernement Harper, au même titre que les
fonctionnaires fédéraux.
Des modifications ont été
apportées au Code de conduite qui encadre la pratique des employés de
Radio-Canada le 2 avril dernier. Le précédent code datait de novembre
Parmi les irritants pour le
Syndicat, l'obligation que les employés «aident les ministres à rendre compte
au Parlement et à la population canadienne».
Une mesure qui va à l'encontre de
la «saine distance» qui doit séparer le gouvernement et le diffuseur public,
dénonce M. Levasseur. Toute la différence entre faire un travail de
journaliste et celui de porte-parole, poursuit-il.
«C'est complètement offensant,
dit le président du SCRC. On ne peut pas accepter d'être à la solde ou de nous
asservir au pouvoir politique. [...] Il faut dénoncer cela.»
The journalist: Homeland Security's top terrorist?
Freelance journalist Carlos Miller was documenting a law enforcement raid on
the southern Florida’s Occupy Wall Street offshoot, Occupy Miami, when he was
arrested earlier in 2012 while filming police — for the third time in just a
few years. After investigating why authorities in Miami may have singled him
out during the ordeal (in which, he claims, he was only filming the event),
Miller stumbled upon some evidence that exposes just why he was targeted by the
local branch of the Department of Homeland Security.
documenting and telling the truth is now a crime in this country, punishable by law.
Canada: Orwellian 'Hate Speech' laws Target Non Jews
I can tell you that headline wasn't in Calgary....it could be in the
National Post but I can tell you that didn't originate in Calgary'
That was the response of Rick Hanson, Chief of the Calgary police when
confronted by Press TV with a hateful headline claiming that Iraqis worship the
devil, printed by one of Canada's most prominent broadsheet newspapers.
Quebec beekeeper accused of Nazi war crimes
Propped up by a shovel that acts as his cane, Vladimir Katriuk putters about
his wooded lot in rural Quebec, lovingly caring for his bees and appearing to
have few worries other than this season's honey yield.
But a prominent Jewish human-rights organization insists there's much more
to the cordial 91-year-old beekeeper — whom they allege is one of the world's
most-wanted Nazi war criminals.
Mounties disciplined for bad behaviour - impaired driving, watching porn and sex with prostitutes described in report
RCMP officers have been reprimanded for impaired driving, careless use of
firearms, using the force's computers to access pornographic websites and
cavorting with prostitutes, according to the Mounties' most recent disciplinary
In the last reporting period for 2010-2011, 65 regular and civilian members
faced formal discipline hearings; 13 of them resigned from the RCMP and one was
dismissed. Other code of conduct violations included using excessive force,
having sex in an unmarked RCMP vehicle and filing false overtime claims.
Canadian spymaster’s card found in Gadhafi’s intelligence complex
A Canadian spymaster’s business card was recovered last year in a trove of
intelligence documents in Libya, providing a physical link between Canadian
security agencies and Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s spy services.
William “Jack” Hooper, a globetrotting deputy director for the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service, was apparently among the Western intelligence
officials who had cultivated ties with Libya, raising new questions about
possible Canadian involvement in the arrests and interrogations of
Arab-Canadians in their homelands following the 2001 al-Qaeda attacks on the
United States.
FCC: Google staff knew Street View cars were stealing private data
Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post
Keep in mind, their egregious privacy breaches are only going to get worse
as their new technology is implemented and they bring on the head of the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and thus further emphasize
their connections to government and the intelligence community...
Secret Service Very Concerned Local TV News Station Doing Actual Investigative Journalism
Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death
Pentagon officials recently disclosed to the Associated Press (AP) that they
could not find any photo or video evidence to confirm that Al Qaeda leader
Osama Bin Laden was killed in the Navy Seal raid in Pakistan a year ago.
Obama: Romney would not have got bin Laden
Dear President
Pussy. YOU did not "get" Osama Bin
Laden. The
real Bin Laden died in December 2001, and
whoever got whacked a year ago was just some poor schmuck in the wrong place at
the wrong time. Repeated
sets of faked photos leaked by the White House
did not fool anyone.
... which is why the judge is now refusing to allow the release of any more photos, which are probably no more convincing than your earlier efforts.
... which is why the judge is now refusing to allow the release of any more photos, which are probably no more convincing than your earlier efforts.
Another point. Whoever it was that was murdered
in their home a year ago, you personally had nothing to do with it. Pakistan
staged the initial raid, then you sent in a team to grab the body and the
headlines, then they dumped the body at sea when the fraud became known. You
personally were not there. You were safe and sound inside the White House.
(Note to the ministry of Propaganda: When you stage a photo of a tense meeting in the situation room to give to the media, REMEMBER TO ACTUALLY TURN ON THOSE LAPTOPS!)
Your commemorative toys to the contrary...
Judge Rules Osama Bin Laden Death Photos Should Stay Secret
Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified
The media asks: Where is Ron Paul?
CBS said "Romney is the Republican Presidential Candidate, Primaries are over." O'Reilly was on 'confirming' Romney "Won." Really Now?
I was amazed that the CBS morning show, said that the Republican
Presidential primaries are over as Mitt Romney is the Republican Presidential
Candidate. They even had Bill O'Reilly on talking about Romney and how he has
I have a question for them..... When did Ron Paul quit the race? Funny, I
have not heard about him dropping out? In fact I have read how he has won
primaries recently.
How is it that the MSM can blatantly lie like that? How do they expect
people to even remotely consider them honest news?
Ron Paul – Election Fraud Confirmed in North Dakota!
Ron Paul Wins 5 Delegates in Pennsylvania; Romney Officially Has Zero
Ron Paul 2012 Wins Majority Of Washington Delegates To Convention, Other States Expected To Follow
Ron Paul's 2012 campaign has won the majority of Washington's delegates to
the Republican National Convention, and a number of other states are expected
to follow suit, pointing to a hectic convention in which Mitt Romney's path to
the nomination may face a major insurgent opponent.
Colorado further evidence Ron Paul will challenge Romney in Tampa
The Ron Paul campaign has consistently maintained that it has won far more
delegates than is generally reported by the media. The Associated Press
projects Romney’s delegate count to be well over 600, more than ten times their
projections for Ron Paul. However, Colorado has provided some evidence that the
Paul campaign’s demise has been greatly exaggerated.
Colorado completed its state convention yesterday. Under the headline,
“Romney lost Colo. caucuses, gets most delegates,” Real Clear Politics reported
the results this way.
“GOP has chosen 13 Romney delegates and six Santorum delegates. The
remaining 17 delegates are unpledged, meaning they are free to choose any
Republican candidate for president.”
Romney loses to Paul in his own state
What may be the most embarrassing moment yet for Mitt Romney, during the
race for the 2012 Republican Nomination, happened over the weekend in the very
state in which he is the former Governor and calls home.
Romney Nightmare: Ron Paul Resurfaces Yet Again
While the media has done everything possible to make Ron Paul invisible to
the public, he keeps doing annoying little things to grab people’s attention —
like belatedly winning the most delegates in both Iowa and Minnesota. And
showing up in Rasmussen polling as the only Republican who could beat Barack
Obama. The truth is often hard to swallow.
And the truth that establishment Republicans are trying hardest to ignore is
that Paul could create a nightmare for Romney at the Republican Convention in
Tampa. If he can prevent Mittman from getting to the magic 1,144 mark before
August 27, all hell could break loose at the convention.
And if that happens, it’s not unthinkable that many Romney supporters who
have been holding their noses could start shifting to Paul.
A Friendship Dating to 1976 Resonates in 2012
The friendship between Mitt Romney and Benjamin Netanyahu, little known to
outsiders, is now rich with political intrigue.
Great. Another whore for Israel is anointed the
RNC might block entire Nevada delegation over Ron Paul delegate mischief
The Republican National Committee is warning the Nevada GOP that if
supporters of Ron Paul are allowed to take too many slots for the national
convention, the party may opt against seating the state's entire convention
That does it! I am officially quitting the Republican party. I am
now an anarchist! Anyone know where the membership forms are?
Seriously, the GOP just told its own members
that they are only allowing Romney-favoring delegations entry to the National
Tear gas in Oakland... heads bleeding...
Just like the 60s.
MK Ultra 2012 - Cops Caught Mass Drugging Teens And Dropping Them At Occupy Minnesota
Police in Minnesota
have been caught on video picking up teenagers, doing drug experiments on them,
and the dropping them off at the local Occupy protest to discredit the
Drug-dealing cops using Occupy protesters as test subjects, snitches?
In this screengrab, cops escort a drug user into a
patrol car to be taken to a secret warehouse where the "test
subject" consumes the drug of their choice. It is part of the highly
unethical "DRE" program.
CITY – In what strikes this reporter as highly unethical and likely illegal,
police officers, highway patrol troopers and sheriff's deputies from across
Minnesota have been allegedly preying on drug-impaired youths, getting them
high and observing their reactions, not unlike laboratory rats.
blogger Kaye Beach, with Axxiom for Liberty, informed Red Dirt Report
about this disturbing program and that similar activities may be taking place
here in Oklahoma.
with help from Twin Cities Indymedia, Communities United Against Police
Brutality and Occupy Minneapolis, reported
that their undercover investigation, revealed shocking stories of cops offering
young people drugs and taken to a secret state-owned warehouse where vast
amounts of drugs were consumed by the young test subjects under the watchful
eyes of interested police. The activists also witnessed, in Minneapolis' Peavey
Plaza, "police dropping off impaired people" where Occupy Minneapolis
"Look look! The Occupy people are all
#OWS May Day Protests Met With Heavy Police Presence, Canine Units, And National Guard Troops With Machine Guns
As Occupy Wall Street May Day protests start in NYC marchers streaming live
are reporting a heavy police presence, multiple canine units and National Guard
units armed with machine guns.
Arrests are now imminent as protesters have just taken over all of 5th
avenue following scuffles in the streets with police.
May Day Eve Quickly Turns Ugly In San Francisco
A day that is expected to be filled with anti-establishment protests all
around the globe began early last night with a roving band of
"anarchists" smashing car windows and store fronts in San Francisco's
Mission District. The mini-riot (which was technically on April 30, but still)
may have started as a "ruckus street party" organized by Occupy
Oakland protesters who invaded their sister city last night, but whoever was
responsible appeared to show little regard for the property of either the 1% or
the other 99.
Meaning they are hired thugs committing acts of
violence for the media to use to demonize the peaceful protesters. Same crap
the FBI pulled during COINTELPRO days.
First #OWS May Day General Strike Violence Reported At #OSF
The first Occupy Wall Street May Day General Strike violence is reported in
San Francisco and denounced as the work of Agent Provocateurs.
Thousands of Occupy activists descend on dozens of U.S. cities for biggest May Day protests in nation's history
The Occupy Movement has called for a general strike, urging workers and
students across the U.S. to stay at home today in an act of defiance
Events planned in 135 cities, including Oakland, Chicago and San Francisco
Protests focused in New York where thousands of activists are targetting
financial firms and plan to block the Brooklyn Bridge
Keep it
peaceful and don't give the media any excuses to portray the protests as evil
and violent. There have already been incidents of vandalism, but those are most
like public relations operatives hired by the Wall Street money-junkies.
Death Of The Constitution: From Preemptive Attacks To Preemptive Protest Crackdowns
The Orwellian nightmare of ‘thought crime’ prosecution is becoming more of a reality in the US as the government launches preemptive raids and crackdowns on Occupy protestors.
While history may most remember President Bush for preemptive attacks on
other nations Obama’s legacy will be permanently scarred by launching
preemptive crackdowns against on protestors wishing to do nothing more than
exercise their first amendment rights to demand the government change status
quo corruption.
From Obama’s trespass bill making it a felony to protest in certain
prominent places, certain prominent politicians, and at events deemed to have a
nation significance to Obama’s nationwide crackdown on Occupy protests by federal counter
terrorism officials the message is clear – Protest
the government and you will be deemed a terrorist traitor and be
imprisoned as such.
Clearly the constitution has all but abolished as
we have gone from the land of the free to the land of the slave with no rights
except to work, pay taxes, be imprisoned
indefinitely without trial, be tortured,
tracked by drones, and be assassinated
as the government sees fit all under the powers of the wonderful NDAA
As Gawker reported activists homes were raider prior to yesterday’s May Day
protests in several preemptive raids by police and the FBI.
NYPD Raids Activists’ Homes Before May Day Protests
A day before Occupy Wall Street hopes to shut
down New York and cities across the country in massive May Day protests, the NYPD visited at least three activist
homes in New York and interrogated residents about plans for tomorrow’s
Today “there was definitely an upswing in law
enforcement activity that seemed to fit the pattern of targeting what police might
view as political residences,” said Gideon Oliver, the president of the New
York Chapter of the National
Lawyers Guild, which offers legal to support to Occupy Wall Street. “They
were asking what are your May Day plans, do you know who the leaders are—these
are classic political surveillance questions.”
Oliver said the National Lawyer’s Guild is aware
of at least five instances of NYPD paying activists visits, including one where
the FBI was involved in questioning. (He wouldn’t elaborate.) We spoke to three
of these activists.
BEAUMONT: Police officer accused of blinding woman
A Beaumont police officer has been indicted on assault charges after
prosecutors say he permanently blinded a woman with pepper spray during a
drunken driving investigation.
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Spreads To Second Country
New Secret Service scandal centers on strippers, prostitutes in El Salvador
U.S. Secret Service agents brag they routinely use third-world prostitutes
while conducting out-of-country security detail for Presidential visits
Brazilian prostitute had collar bone broken when three U.S. marines threw her out of a moving Embassy car in fresh embarrassment for Obama
The three marines on a U.S. Embassy security team, and an Embassy staff
member, were pulled out of the country before police were able to press charges,
according to Brazil's Jornal Nacional programme.
Private Prison Corporations Are Slave Traders
The nation’s largest private prison company, the Corrections Corporation of
America, is on a buying spree. With a war chest of $250 million, the
corporation, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, this month sent
letters to 48 states, offering to buy their prisons outright. To ensure their
profitability, the corporation insists that it be guaranteed that the prisons
be kept at least 90 percent full. Plus, the corporate jailers demand a 20-year
management contract, on top of the profits they expect to extract by spending
less money per prisoner.
It is very depressing to think, that at this
point in the 21st century in this country, one of the hottest corporations
going is a private prison corporation.
Documentation of abuse and neglect of prisoners
held at CCA facilities is legion, not the least of which are claims of sexual
abuse and medical neglect against women inmates, and holding children in
inhumane conditions while families were waiting for US immigration decisions. One
of the most glaring examples of this is in the CCA-owned Hutto facility in
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) employee at the T. Don Hutto
immigration detention facility in Taylor, TX today was charged with sexually
abusing numerous female immigration detainees. The American Civil Liberties
Union is actively investigating the sexual abuse of female detainees at Hutto,
where the detention of families was halted last year after the successful
settlement of an ACLU lawsuit charging that children were being imprisoned in
inhumane conditions while their parents awaited immigration decisions. As part
of its investigation, the ACLU has obtained via the Texas Public Information
Act copies of both the Intergovernmental Services Agreement (IGSA) between Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), CCA and Williamson County, under which the Hutto
facility is operated, and ICE's own transport policy. Both documents are being
made available to the public and can be found online at: www.aclu.org/huttodocs.
The opportunity for abuse was the result of a
failure by CCA officials to abide by the IGSA that female immigration detainees
not be isolated with male staff members.
The high recidivism rate in America's prison
systems (51% by some estimates) guarantees that there will always be more
prisoners to throw into these private systems for profit. But at what cost, not only to these prisoners, but to society at
Perhaps we as a nation need to move more toward
a rehabilitation model, where it is possible, rather than an incarceration
model; because at a 51% recidivism rate, the incarceration model doesn't seem
to be working toward bettering society, but rather toward the end of fattening
the coffers of both public and private prison systems.
World's First Robot Prison Guard
TSA defends patting down hysterical 4-year-old who had just learned about ‘stranger danger’ in school
Isabella had just learned about "stranger danger" at school, her
grandmother said, adding that the girl was afraid and unsure about what was
going on.
"She started to cry, saying 'No I don't want to,' and when we tried
talking to her she ran," Croft said. "They yelled, 'We are going to
shut down the airport if you don't grab her.'"
But she said the family's main concern was the lack of understanding from
TSA agents that they were dealing with a 4-year-old child, not a terror
"TSA has reviewed the incident and determined that our officers
followed proper screening procedures in conducting a modified pat-down on the
child," the agency said.
"...proper screening procedures...",
my astrolabe: this is a 4 year old child,
for Pete's sake!!
And it does so remind me of that wonderful quote
by the comedian Ron White: "you
can't fix stupid!!"
TSA Going Nazi style - Random Interrogation And Bag Searches On Buses in Houston
Family Misses Flight After TSA Gives Pat-Down To Girl With Cerebral Palsy
The Transportation Security Administration is once again the subject of
national scrutiny, this time after aggressively screening a 7-year-old female
passenger with cerebral palsy which caused her family to miss their flight.
Since Dina walks with the aid of leg braces and crutches, she cannot pass
through airport metal detectors, and must instead submit to a pat-down by TSA
Dina, who is also reportedly developmentally disabled, is usually frightened
by the procedure. Her family reportedly requests that agents on hand take the
time to introduce themselves to her.
However, the agents on duty at the time began to handle her
aggressively instead.
It appears that the sole qualifications for
becoming a TSA agent are an absence of real intelligence, and a brutishly
belligerent attitude toward their victims.
And to members of the TSA apparatchik, ALL passengers, even little girls with cerebral palsy who need
braces to walk, are "terrorists".
The TSA Is Still Groping Children In Airports
The TSA has lied about policy changes for children and the elderly as agents
still coldly refer to kids as suspects subjecting them to intrusive jail style
pat downs.
TSA Declares a Scared 4 Year Old Child a “High Security Threat”, Proceeds to Terrorize Her and Her Mother
My two young children, aged four and six, were particularly excited their
Grandmother was catching the same flight out of Wichita. Since she lives in
California, and we live in Montana, they’ve never had a chance to fly with her.
My children and I went through without an incident. My Mother, however, had
triggered the alarm. She was asked to go through the scanners again, and when
the source of the alarm could not be identified she was told to sit aside and
await a pat-down. When my Four-year-old daughter noticed her Grandmother, she
excitedly ran over to give her a hug, as children often do. They made very
brief contact, no longer than a few seconds. The Transportation Security
Officers(TSO) who were present responded to this very simple action in the
worst way imaginable.
Feds: Crooked TSA Screeners Arrested in Drug Trafficking Scheme
Multiple airport screeners have been arrested for allegedly taking handsome
bribes to look the other way while loads of illegal drugs slipped through
security at Los Angeles International Airport, federal officials announced
Two current and two former officials at the Transportation Security
Administration were arrested in the last 48 hours in connection with at least
five incidents from February 2011 to July 2011 in which on duty screeners took
payments of up to $2,400 to allow suitcases filled with drugs to pass unimpeded
through X-ray machines at LAX, U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr.'s office said in
a statement.
TSA defends pat-down of 4-year-old at Kan. airport
The grandmother of a 4-year-old girl who became hysterical during a security
screening at a Kansas airport said Wednesday that the child was forced to
undergo a pat-down after hugging her, with security agents yelling and calling
the crying girl an uncooperative suspect.
The incident has been garnering increasing media and online attention since
the child's mother, Michelle Brademeyer of Montana, detailed the ordeal in a
public Facebook post last week. The Transportation Security Administration is
defending its agents, despite new procedures aimed at reducing pat-downs of
"I likes 'em young!" -- Tourism
Suppression Agency
TSA Drug Smuggling Ring Busted!
TSA screeners charged in LA drug trafficking probe
Duane Eleby, a suspected drug courier, was all set to sneak 10 pounds of
cocaine through a security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport last
February with the help of a former Transportation Security Administration
employee and a screener.
Eleby, however, bungled the plan by going to the wrong terminal and was
arrested after another TSA screener found the cocaine, which set in motion a
series of undercover operations that led to Wednesday's announcement that two
former and current TSA employees had been indicted on federal drug trafficking
and bribery charges.
US Government: The Real Domestic Terrorist, The Real Threat to All People Here and Abroad
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of
fighting a foreign enemy.--James Madison
Location Of 63 Secret Killer Drone Bases Inside The US Revealed
The US has been forced to reveal the location of 63 secret bases used to
conduct aerial drone flights for domestic spying and targeted killings.
POLICE STATE: "Robots R’US": Military-style Drones on 63 Military Bases In The USA
Remember the NDAA bill passed last year that was signed quietly into law on
New Year’s Eve by President Obama? The Administration assured one and all that
it would not apply to military operations on U.S. soil or against American
It now turns out that the NDAA is being interpreted as authorization to
deploy military drones (unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs) into domestic
airspace. A major overhaul of the Federal Aviation Administration’s control
system is permitting the deployment of drones
Recently, Alexander Higgins.com
“A lawsuit has forced the FAA to
reveal the location of 63 Secret Drone bases located inside the United States
some of which will be the starting point for more drone warfare.
there be major domestic unrest coming to a head in the US, I wouldn't bet
against drone attacks as part of the strategy to subdue it; possibly with less
than lethal weaponry aboard, but I wouldn't even bet against such drones being
outfitted with bombs and bullets.
New York judge rules an IP address is not a person
A judge in New York has ruled that Internet searches and downloads and other
activities done on your personal computer do not mean you are the person behind
them. This ruling could cause a problem when it comes to CISPA. In this case,
an individual allegedly downloaded an adult film illegally and the judge's
ruling has made many Internet freedom advocates happy. Mitch Stoltz, a staff
attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, joins us with more.
Former hero of the German environmental movement: "we have been misguided by the IPCC about the natural fluctuations in the climate in the past thousands of years"
For years I believed the science of the IPCC was solid. I had the famous
hockey stick graph (a graph purporting to show that current global temperatures
are by far the highest in the last 1000 years, editor) in all my presentations.
But then I read the book The Hockey Stick Illusion by Andrew Montford, which is
very critical about this graph. Slowly I started to realize we have been
misguided by the IPCC about the natural fluctuations in the climate in the past
thousands of years. The whole purpose of the IPCC has been to get rid of the
so-called Medieval Warm Period, a warm period around the year 1000 when the
Vikings settled on Greenland and were able to live there for a couple of
centuries. After this warm period we have had the Little Ice Age which
coincided with a very quiet sun. Many papers have been published in the last
few years which show that the Little Ice Age was not a local European
phenomena, as the IPCC suggests.
Snow returns to northern Sweden
After a week where summer officially arrived in parts of Sweden, the met
office issued a class one avalanche warning as five centimetres of snow is
expected in Jämtland, Gävleborg and Dalarna.
Gosh DARN that global warming!
WINTER will return this weekend as an Arctic blast threatens to send
temperatures plunging to -9C.
Turn south, and head straight for 400 miles: GPS trackers reveal polar bears can swim non-stop for up to 10 days
Polar bears are swimming more than 400 miles without stopping as they hunt
for ice caps that have not melted, researchers said yesterday.
Bears fitted with GPS trackers swam non-stop for as long as ten days while
searching for sea ice platforms in the Arctic.
Green Activists Trash Park on Earth Day
Climategate and Fakegate
On February 20, 2012, another global warming scandal broke, this one
involving criminal behavior that is likely to be much more difficult to cover
up. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute and an elected member of
the National Academy of Sciences, confessed to using fraud to obtain
confidential corporate documents from The Heartland Institute and arranging for
them to be posted online. The scandal became known as Fakegate because Gleick
also circulated a fake memo he claimed outlined Heartland's "climate strategy."
FEULNER: Behind ‘Fakegate’
What could be more American than encouraging a robust debate on one of the
most controversial issues of the day? The answer - for some on the left, anyway
- is: Lie about your opponents, and make a pathetic effort to discredit them.
That, at least, is what an activist named Peter Gleick decided to do in a
backward attempt to promote his view that global warming is unquestionably and
primarily a man-made phenomenon - one that will cause calamitous changes in the
American Representative to the UN Calls for Worldwide Depopulation
Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post
Roger Dittman, an emeritus professor of physics at California State
University, believes that Agenda 21 policies should be implemented in the
United States. Dittman is the American representative to the UN...
Royal Society Believes Depopulation Will Save the Environment
Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post
The global Elite have many different clubs they frequent where they discuss
plans to achieve their plan for global governance. One of these is the Royal
Society, a 350-year-old establishment comprised of global Elitists who are
promoting the hoax of man-made climate change which masks their depopulation
agenda. They are also integral in coercing elected officials into supporting
global carbon taxing that will funnel exorbitant amounts of money into the
hands of the Elite to fund their march toward global governance...
Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas
Unless the rice you buy is certified organic, or comes specifically from a
farm that tests its rice crops for genetically modified (GM) traits, you could
be eating rice tainted with actual human genes. The only known GMO with inbred
human traits in cultivation today, a GM rice product made by biotechnology
company Ventria Bioscience is currently being grown on 3,200 acres in Junction
City, Kansas -- and possibly elsewhere -- and most people have no idea about
Since about 2006, Ventria has been quietly cultivating rice that has been
genetically modified (GM) with genes from the human liver for the purpose of
taking the artificial proteins produced by this "Frankenrice" and
using them in pharmaceuticals. With approval from the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA), Ventria has taken one of the most widely cultivated grain
crops in the world today, and essentially turned it into a catalyst for
producing new drugs.
signed off on this from the USDA should be fired, and right the heck now!!
Of all
the completely, horrifically stupid decisions the USDA has made, with a huge
potential for unintended consequences,this has GOT to rank right up there at
the top!!
Chemist declares fluoride to be 'one of the greatest public health threats of modern times'
"Once ingested, fluoride compounds attack the structural integrity of
our insides," says Ellison. "Collagen, a web-like network connecting
our skeletal system to muscles, is torn apart by fluoride. We feel it as joint
stiffness, ligament damage, and aching bones. This same mechanism leads to
browning of teeth, an outcome known as fluorosis."
Ellison adds that laboratory studies dating back decades have shown that
fluoride spurs the mutation of mammalian DNA cells, which can promote the
growth of cancer cells. Various population studies, he says, have shown that
fluoride ingestion can increase a person's risk of developing bone cancer by as
much as 700 percent.
Serious blow to dark matter theories? New study finds mysterious lack of dark matter in Sun's neighborhood
The most accurate study so far of the motions of stars in the Milky Way has
found no evidence for dark matter in a large volume around the Sun. According
to widely accepted theories, the solar neighbourhood was expected to be filled
with dark matter, a mysterious invisible substance that can only be detected
indirectly by the gravitational force it exerts. But a new study by a team of
astronomers in Chile has found that these theories just do not fit the
observational facts. This may mean that attempts to directly detect dark matter
particles on Earth are unlikely to be successful.
"Dark Matter" is a theory invented to
explain away why the mathematics of the Big Bang do not work out in terms of
time and acceleration. There is no evidence that dark matter actually exists;
it is just a useful construct to reconcile the theory of General Relativity
with the underlying prime assumption of a moment of supreme creation. In this,
Dark Matter is not unlike epicycles, another imaginary construct used to
reconcile the observed motions of the planets with the concept of an
Earth-centered universe.
Sooner or later someone is going to have to
stand up and say that the Big Bang is just
religion disguised as science, and all these
imaginary constructs like the Higgs Boson and Dark Matter won't change that
harsh reality. Like epicycles, they are doomed to be discarded as scientific
Do Milky Way's Companions Spell Trouble for Dark Matter?
Astronomers from the University of Bonn in Germany have discovered a vast
structure of satellite galaxies and clusters of stars surrounding our galaxy,
stretching out across a million light-years. The work challenges the existence
of dark matter, part of the standard model for the evolution of the universe.
"Dark Matter" is a theory invented to
explain away why the mathematics of the Big Bang do not work out in terms of
time and acceleration. There is no evidence that dark matter actually exists;
it is just a useful construct to reconcile the theory of General Relativity
with the underlying prime assumption of a moment of supreme creation. In this,
Dark Matter is not unlike epicycles, another imaginary construct used to
reconcile the observed motions of the planets with the concept of an
Earth-centered universe.
Sooner or later someone is going to have to
stand up and say that the Big Bang is just
religion disguised as science, and all these
imaginary constructs like the Higgs Boson and Dark Matter won't change that
harsh reality. Like epicycles, they are doomed to be discarded as scientific
“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant
In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private
investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in
“Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told
TruNews host Rick Wiles.
“We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil
uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time
you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the
police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are
preparing for a massive uprising.”
Improvised Explosive Device Thrown At Bank Of America Building
Summit Could Mean Airport-Style Security On Metra Electric, South Shore Trains
Some stations on the Metra Electric Line and South Shore Line could be shut
down during the upcoming NATO summit, and passengers at other stations could
face airport-style security screenings, due to the Secret Service security plan
that could be released as soon as Friday afternoon.
CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine has exclusive details on those security
measures, which the Secret Service is expected to officially unveil on Friday,
or at the very latest, on Monday. Federal officials have promised the
announcement will include a “comprehensive list of street closures and parking
restrictions surrounding the NATO summit.”
Were I a Chicagoan with the means, I would
evacuate Chicago right before the NATO event, and not come back until it was
When APEC was here in Hawaii (remember: the
"aloha state"?!?)on the Sunday before it was over, armed tanks lined the streets here in the suburb of Honolulu
where we live, and I was unable to get to church to participate in our worship
service, or sing in our church's choir; attempting to have made the left hand
turn on to the major road artery leading to my church would have gotten both
Mike and me shot dead.
And that was here on Oahu; heaven only knows what Mayor "Rahmbo" really has
planned for Chicago.
No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Order During NATO Summit
Plans to keep residents and dignitaries safe during the NATO Summit include
a no-fly zone, with a shoot-to-kill warning for those who break the ban.
As CBS 2’s Susanna Song reports, the government is warning small plane pilots that if they enter
the no-fly zone during the summit, they may be shot down.
This is no joke. It will be enforced for May 19 to May 21.
(CBS) A new report reveals plans to keep
residents and dignitaries safe during the NATO Summit include a no-fly zone,
with a shoot-to-kill mandate for those who break the ban.
The flight advisory was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. The
advisory bans non-commercial aircraft from flying within 10 nautical miles of
downtown Chicago and below 18,000 feet.
A nautical mile is about one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian. It
amounts to 1,852 meters, or about 1.15078 standard miles.
I am very concerned about this summit, and
sincerely hope everyone attending this conference comes and goes safely, although I loathe the unrecognizable, bloodthirsty creature into
which NATO has morphed in the 21st century.
I am hoping like heck that there will not be a
"false flag" incident taking place here during the NATO summit;
unfortunately, however, we have the "perfect storm" of events and
allegiances to make such an event not impossible, and they are as follows:
1. Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, was a
dual US-Israeli citizen until the age of 18. But when it comes to choosing
American interests over those of the Israeli state, I wouldn't bet against him
choosing the interests of Israel over those of the US. Remember: this
conference will be held right in between the dissolution of the Knesset (by the
17th of this month) and right before the next round of talks with Iran is
supposed to be held (starting the 23rd of this month).
2. The Israeli Knesset is about to be dissolved
ahead of the next round of elections. This gives Netanyahu a "window"
for a potential "counterattack" against a framed Iranian government
which WILL BE BLAMED for anything nasty which might happen at the time of this
NATO summit. This also gives Knesset members plausible deniability for anything
that happens because the Knesset will not be in session. The planned time for
this dissolution of the Knesset will be within two weeks; by the 17th of this
3. So, Netanyahu has a "window" for an
attack without the advise and consent of the Knesset, between the 17th and the
23rd. But how much more sweet it would be to have the "justification"
for avenging an "alleged Iranian attack" against NATO delegates, an organization which Israel has been trying to get into for
NATO Summit : Chicago Hospitals perform Radioactive Dirty Bomb Attack Drills
Potential False Flag Dirty Bomb Attack During NATO Summit?
As the NATO Summit approaches, the possibility of a false flag attack or
some sort of agent provocateur madness seems to increase on a daily basis.
Madison Ruppert, the founder of the alternative news outlet End the Lie,
recently released a video breakdown documenting these very real possibilities.
“There is a large potential for something big to go on here.”
The US Army Is Stocking Up On A Ton Of Anti-Radiation Pills To Protect Troops
While checking out the Federal Business Opportunities network, we came across
a listing by the Defense Logistics Agency — the Troop Support branch — seeking
a supply of potassium iodide tablets.
Scrolling through the online solicitation, you'll see the U.S. Army Medical
Material Agency wants to ensure "critical operational forces are protected
in the event of nuclear fallout."
Documents reveal al Qaeda's plans for seizing cruise ships, carnage in Europe
interrogators were surprised to find that hidden in his underpants were a
digital storage device and memory cards.
inside them was a pornographic video called "Kick Ass" -- and a file
marked "Sexy Tanja."
If this guy was smart enough to use steganography, then he surely was smart
enough to use modern-day two-key encryption. He could have emailed himself the
key, which would have made it impossible to brute-force the file open. But
we're supposed to believe that he had hidden data inside a porn file? Why a
porn file? Why not something more innocuous like a simple family vacation file?
Or even an episode of the Simpsons? This stinks to high heaven.
FBI Hatches Another Terror Scare, Arrests 5 Anarchists in Plot to Blow Up Cleveland Bridge
Authorities in Cleveland Ohio have arrested 5 self described anarchists for
allegedly plotting and trying to blow up a local area bridge.
While all the details of the case have yet to be released, what has paints
an eerily familiar picture and seems to follow the same narrative used time and
time again by the FBI in their so called, “terror arrests.”
According to the criminal complaint filed Tuesday morning, the defendants
first planned to target financial institution signs atop high rise buildings,
using smoke grenades as a distraction, which later turned into using C-4 to
blow up Cleveland area bridges.
US Arrests 5 in Plot to Bomb Ohio Bridge
Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Cleveland division, Stephen Anthony,
says the five were taken into custody late Monday, after they attempted to
remotely detonate devices they bought from undercover FBI agents.
Another clear case of the FBI creating a phony
act of terror to generate news headlines.
FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a bridge in Cleveland
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
I feel safer already. After recruiting five of the dumbest crack heads in
the city of Cleveland, Ohio and convincing them to "blow up a
bridge", the FBI halted the operation just in time -- a move that wasn't
too difficult considering the FBI plotted the whole thing to begin with.
BEX alert - Envelopes With White Powder Sent to Mayor and 6 Banks
The message led some officials to speculate that the mailings had been
orchestrated by [wait for it ...] the Occupy Wall Street
movement, which had scheduled protests in several places in the
city on Tuesday.
The good news is that such ham-handed tactics
are too obvious to fool anyone.
False Flag Alert: U.S. Authorties Claim al Qaeda Planning to Use Body Bombs in New Round of Terror Attacks
U.S. Authorities have claimed that members of the now almost completely
destroyed al Qaeda terror network are planning to use so called “body bombs” to
blow up U.S. bound airplanes in conjunction with the anniversary of the killing
of Osama Bin Laden.
Officials have claimed
that body bombs, surgically implanted explosives, are apparently something that
al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen could be planning to us to get around TSA airport
That’s right, the
corporate media is reporting that the TSA, despite being absolute failures at
almost everything they touch, are doing such a good job that terrorists now
have to implant bombs in their stomachs to get past them.
One WTC ‘Freedom Tower’ is Now the Tallest Building in NYC as Terror Rhetoric Continues
It has been over ten years since the staged attacks of September 11th 2001
shook America’s very foundation to the core. Now, a new building has risen to
become the tallest building in the New York skyline.
Later today, One World Trade or the ‘Freedom Tower’ (complete with direct
new world order references) will top the record yet will still be under
construction for at least another year.
Chicago Summit: NATO To Announce Activation Of European Missile Shield
On April 30 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization' s Secretary General
Anders Fogh Rasmussen informed the Associated Press that the military bloc he
leads will announce initial operational capability for the joint U.S.-NATO
interceptor missile system in Europe at the NATO summit in Chicago on May
Identifying the progression from European theater interceptor missile
systems like NATO's Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD)
and the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) and the U.S. Patriot
Advanced Capability-3 battery deployed to Poland two years ago to current
continent-wide territorial coverage with the integration of those systems with
Washington's European Phased Adaptive Approach, the alliance chief said,
"As far as NATO is concerned, we have tested the systems and they
Memo to NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh
Rasmussen: it is painfully obvious, sir, that you did NOT get the memo that
Russia has threatened a pre-emptive strike if NATO builds a Missile Defense
Shield, such as the one you are about to announce at the NATO summit in
Chicago, which will be characterized as having "initial operational
As an American who does care strongly about her
country, and the future of the world itself, the
spectre of a thermonuclear war with Russia is NOT, I assure you, helping me
sleep at night.
Department of Homeland Security Set to Release Bacteria Into Boston Subways
The Department of Homeland Security has announced their intentions to
release bacteria into Boston area subways to “test” their biological sensors,
this despite the US governments long history of testing dangerous bio weapons
on unsuspecting Americans throughout the country.
The announcement came in a short news report that literally acted as if this
is simply an everyday normal occurrence.
“The DHS has installed sensors in the MBTA system to detect biological
agents and they’ve been testing to see how the air moves. Now they want to
release particles in the tunnels to see how well the sensors work,” reported
CBS Boston.
The Potentially Lethal Nature of 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Confirmed by New Research
Joe Wright
Activist Post
Stun guns are coming under attack as two new studies reveal that supposedly
non-lethal Tasers do in fact put citizens at a greater risk than without their
Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States
On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro
AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International
Regulatory Cooperation. This dictate is designed to standardize regulations
between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.
What is a regulation? A law. So what is actually being attempted here is a
standardization of international law. It is an absolute violation of the
Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.
MILITARIZATION OF THE BALKANS: Directed against Russia? U.S. Leads Largest Air Combat Exercises In Bulgaria's History
The first joint air exercise, Viper Javelin 2005, occurred the year after
Bulgaria joined NATO and the year before the U.S.-Bulgarian Defense Cooperation
Agreement was signed, replicating a similar agreement with neighboring Romania
the year before.
The pact allowed the Pentagon to station as many as 2,500 troops at four
military facilities in Bulgaria: The Graf Ignatievo and Besmer air bases, the
Novo Selo Training Range and the Aitos Logistics Center.
In 2009 the U.S. armed forces publication Stars and Stripes disclosed that
the Pentagon was spending $110 million to "build new military bases"
in Bulgaria and Romania.
Forgive me, but with massive US unemployment;
many homeless and hungry, and our infrastructure in ruins, that one hundred and ten million dollars should have been spent
taking care of things here at home.
Kosovo Terror Training Camps Re-Open for Syrian Rebels
A delegation of Syrian rebels has made a deal with Pristina authorities to
exchange experience of partisan warfare. Syrian opposition is sending militants
to Kosovo for adopting tactics and being trained to oust President Bashar
Assad’s regime.
On April 26, a delegation of Syrian opposition members made a stop in
Pristina on their way from the US to hold talks on how to make use of the
experience of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Syria, reports Associated
Unflipping believable.
War Under Table: Ex-Blackwater mercs in Syria 'backed by US'
War Under Table: Ex-Blackwater mercs in Syria 'backed by US'
War Under The Table: US Backed Mercenaries Training Syria Terrorists
Sources reportedly confirm the Wikileaks revelation that US backed mercenaries from the company formerly known as Blackwater are training terrorist rebels in Syria.
The opposition fighters in Syria might be getting help from a different source
– in the form of training from the US private security firm, formerly known as
the notorious Blackwater group which has since changed its named to XE Services
and spawned various shell companies under various names.
The allegations that the mercenaries from the company, which is under
contract from the Pentagon to carry out various “security” operations around
the globe, are being pulled out of Iraq and sent to Syria.
In this video RT discusses this with Christoph R. Horstel who’s a
government and business consultant.
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird,
appears on the Qatari state media and affirms Canada's partisan support for the
Syria rebels. Baird asserts that Canada's Middle East policy is motivated by
Human Rights concerns yet he appears scared to criticize the human rights
abuses of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories. He remains noticeably
silent on the lack of democracy in Saudi Arabia and Qatar which perhaps stems
from the fact that his own conservative party are currently under fire with
accusations that they rigged the 2011 Canadian elections in which they attained
a majority in the Canadian parliament.
Many Canadian-Syrians are ill at ease with their government's financial and political support for groups that they are allegedly committing acts of terrorism in Syria at the behest of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
This testimony brings into question the claim by the Canadian government that it is engaged in a so-called war on terror. If the Canadian government is indeed aiding and abetting terror groups, as alleged by these Syrian patriots, then it would vindicate the claim by many that terrorism is but a tool of Western governments that are in fact engaged in a war of terror against the inhabitants of the Middle East.
While it is clear that the Zionist regime has a vested interest in destabilizing Syria it is unclear how sending Canadian tax dollars to help sectarian groups in the Middle East serves Canadian national interests, especially at a time when the Canadian government is imposing harsh austerity measures on the people of Canada.
Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/238080.html
Many Canadian-Syrians are ill at ease with their government's financial and political support for groups that they are allegedly committing acts of terrorism in Syria at the behest of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
This testimony brings into question the claim by the Canadian government that it is engaged in a so-called war on terror. If the Canadian government is indeed aiding and abetting terror groups, as alleged by these Syrian patriots, then it would vindicate the claim by many that terrorism is but a tool of Western governments that are in fact engaged in a war of terror against the inhabitants of the Middle East.
While it is clear that the Zionist regime has a vested interest in destabilizing Syria it is unclear how sending Canadian tax dollars to help sectarian groups in the Middle East serves Canadian national interests, especially at a time when the Canadian government is imposing harsh austerity measures on the people of Canada.
Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/238080.html
"SYRIAN OPPOSITION": Mossad, Blackwater, CIA Led Operations in Homs. Weapons from Israel
This report and testimony from early March points to the presence of foreign
forces on Syrian soil, operating within the ranks of "opposition"
For his part, Syrian expert in strategic affairs Salim Harba pointed out
that Baba Amro neighborhood and the areas surrounding it were emptied from the
armed groups’ organizational as well as command structures with minimum army
and civilian casualties, as the area was mainly concentrated by gunmen.
Speaking to Al-Manar website, Harba said that “the captured gunmen held Arab
nationalities, including Gulf, Iraqi, and Lebanese… among them were also Qatari
intelligence agents and non-Arab fighters from Afghanistan, Turkey, and some
European countries like France.
So, this
is actually what comprises the
"Syrian Opposition"?!?
UN Mute Over NATO's Syrian Death Squads
More recently, Human
Rights Watch (HRW) has conceded that indeed the Syrian opposition
"Free Syrian Army" is conducting widespread, systematic abuses
including the kidnapping, torture, and murder of both security forces and
The HRW report titled, "Syria:
Armed Opposition Groups Committing Abuses," is broken into three
parts; kidnapping, torture, and executions. And while the report attempts to
focus mainly on atrocities carried out against security forces and government
supporters, the mention of civilian victims is made as well. The report states:
Abuses include kidnapping, detention, and torture
of security force members, government supporters, and people identified as
members of pro-government militias, called shabeeha. Human Rights Watch has
also received reports of executions by armed opposition groups of security
force members and civilians.
Now, almost daily, the Syrian opposition is carrying out vicious attacks not
only on security forces, but a terrorist bombing campaign across Syria that has
already killed and maimed scores of civilians.
This is not about establishing
"democracy" in Syria; it is about regime change, pure and simple, and
the ultimate destabilization of all of Syria, ahead of a military attack on
Syria rebels 'launch sea raid' as Lebanon seizes weapons
Syrian rebel gunmen in inflatable dinghies have attacked a military unit on
the Mediterranean coast, with deaths on both sides, state media report.
It is thought to be the first rebel assault from the sea. Separately,
Lebanon says its navy has seized weapons destined for the rebels.
International Military Operation Looms For Syria
The new ceasefire set for May 5 could prove a turning point in the Syrian
conflict. If the truce fails, an international peacekeeping intervention might
become a reality.
US and allies ramp up plans for military intervention in Syria
Accusations that the Syrian government is either wholly or mainly
responsible for breaches of the United Nations’ ceasefire are meant to provide
a pretext for military intervention by the imperialist powers and their
The US has already signalled its intention to move to a military solution.
Defence Undersecretary Kathleen Hicks and National Security Council director of
strategies Derek Chollet have told the Senate that the UN diplomatic initiative
had now reached “the point of collapse”.
The alleged UN "peace plan" has been
engineered to fail.
It appears that it is only a question, now, of
when, rather than if, the US government will take some form of military action
against the Syrian government, even if such action is shrouded in massive
support of mercenaries and supplies to them, so that the US government works
under the cover of "plausible deniability" in terms of engaging in
direct military action against another nation-state.
Unfortunately, this attack against Syria will
only be a prelude to a military confrontation with Iran.
Syrian rebels launch Damascus attacks as violence escalates
A bomb hidden in an army truck also exploded in the capital, wounding
several people.
The persistent bloodshed has tarnished efforts by a U.N. team of observers
to bolster a truce that the international community sees as the last-chance to
prevent the country from falling into civil war.
U.N. monitors visited the restive Damascus suburb of Douma on Tuesday, their
second visit in two days. Activists reported shelling and gunfire in the area
on Tuesday. Amateur videos posted online also showed smoke rising into the sky
after an explosion as well as men and young boys dashing for cover as gunfire
is heard nearby.
Elie Wiesel: Why is Assad still in power?
In a speech introducing U.S. President Barack Obama today, Nobel Peace
Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel called on the world to learn the
lessons of the Holocaust and prevent Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from
committing atrocities against civilians.
This is
becoming a repeating pattern.
1. CIA
and Mossad smuggle weapons into a nation along with agents provocateurs trained
at the US "terrorist" training facility in Kuwait.
2. The
inserted agents recruit and arm "freedom fighters" to stage a coup
against the targeted government.
3. When
the targeted government fights back against the armed insurgents, the US
screams about the "humanitarian crisis" and invades.
4. The
targeted government is out, the puppet rulers are in, the people suffer and the
money-junkies move onto the next target.
Pentagon strategists say 3 weeks enough to defeat Iran
As the U.S. beefs up its military presence in the Persian Gulf region, Pentagon
strategists estimate that they would need less than a month to defeat Iranian
forces should a military conflict take place, The Washington Post reported.
The same
Pentagon that is still fighting inside Iraq, will still be fighting inside
Afghanistan in 2024, now promises they will successfully invade and conquer
Iran in just three weeks.
And if you believe that one, I have some of
Saddam's nuclear weapons to sell you!
Ready to hit Iran if ordered: Israel military chief
Israeli forces are carrying out more special operations beyond the country’s
borders and will be ready to attack Iran’s nuclear sites if ordered, the
chief-of-staff said in an interview on Sunday.
In an extract from an interview with the top-selling Yediot Aharanot daily,
Lieutenant General Benny Gantz said that 2012 would be a critical year in
efforts to halt what Israel and much of the international community believe is
an Iranian nuclear arms programme.
“We think that a nuclear Iran is a very bad thing, which the world needs to
stop and which Israel needs to stop — and we are planning accordingly,” Gantz
“In principle, we are ready to act.
Israeli TV report shows air force gearing up for Iran attack, says moment of truth is near
Pentagon has ‘successful plan’ with hundreds of Tomahawks deployed near Iran
America’s plan B for Iran “will be successful,” promises US defense
secretary, Leon Panetta. Reports suggest this is no sable rattling, as the US
strike groups deployed to the Persian Gulf may be carrying some 430 Tomahawk
Washington has not yet dropped its “all options” stance towards Iran, who,
they fear, may be building nuclear weapons. The confirmation was obtained by
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer from Panetta on Thursday.
“We are prepared with all options on the table if we have to respond,”
Panetta said, adding that “there are plans” to deal with Iran if the country
does not give up its nuclear ambitions.
Yuval Diskin, Israel Former Intel Chief, Slams Netanyahu's Iran Stance
The former head of Israel's Shin Bet security agency has accused the
country's political leaders of exaggerating the effectiveness of a possible
military strike against Iran, in a striking indication of Israel's turmoil over
how to deal with the Iranian nuclear program.
Yuval Diskin said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister
Ehud Barak – who have been saber-rattling for months – have their judgment
clouded by "messianic feelings" and should not be trusted to lead
policy on Iran. Diskin, who headed Shin Bet until last year, said a strike
might actually accelerate the Iranian program.
Diskin's comments deepened the sense that a rift is growing between the
hawkish Netanyahu government and the security establishment over the question
of a strike.
I sincerely hope that Diskin's comments will
stir some very desperately needed dialogue in the bowels of power in Tel Aviv.
(And by the way, the above is already marked down 50%) ... the fact is you had no more to do with the murder of whoever-it-actually-was than J. Edgar Hoover had with the killing of John Dillinger (who was actually brought down by Melvin Purvis).
So before you base your campaign for re-election
on a statement that Romney would not have gotten Bin Laden, be aware that out
here on the real world, the world outside your propaganda fantasies, We The
People know that You did not get Bin Laden either, and we are insulted that you
thought we were stupid enough to fall for such a hoax.
Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Admits Ahmadinejad Never Said Israel Should Be 'Wiped Off the Face of the Map'
Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor admitted that Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never said Iran wanted to "wipe Israel off the face of
the map" in an interview with Al Jazeera last week.
Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor speaking with Teymoor Nabili on
Talk to Al Jazeera Meridor made the surprising departure from the frequent
talking point in an interview with Teymoor Nabili on Talk to Al Jazeera. Video
of the interview can be seen below.
Al Jazeera's Nabili writes about the interview: "It's when I challenged
him on the biggest talking point of all, Iran's supposed determination to 'wipe
Israel off the face of the map,' that Meridor seemed to stumble outside the
lines of the agreed narrative."
Israel gets 4th nuke-capable German submarine
Israel on Thursday received its fourth German-made submarine capable of
launching nuclear warheads, expanding a fleet that experts say could be used in
an attack on Iran
Exposing Israel’s Most Dangerous Secret
The IIBR is staffed by some 300 scientists and technicians employed in one
or more of its many departments, each of which specialises in a specific area
of chemical or biological research generally aimed at the production of
chemical or biological weaponry. One of these departments, for example, is
reported to have developed the poison that was used by the notorious Mossad
assassination unit, Kidon, in its botched attempt to eliminate Hamas politburo
chief Khaled Meshaal in 1997. Nevertheless, if there remains some question over
the accuracy of this information, which was reported in Haaretz, no one
disputes that the first time the institute’s products were used in an
assassination operation was in late 1977 when then prime minister Menachem
Begin ordered Mossad to eliminate Wadie Haddad.
Israeli military chief confirms Iran ‘hasn’t yet decided’ to build a nuclear weapon
Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post
If anyone was still unsure about the fact that Iran has not so much as made
the call to begin developing a nuclear weapon – which has already been confirmed
by U.S. intelligence agencies and U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
himself (twice) – Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny
Gantz drove the point home once again.
In an interview with Israeli news outlet Haaretz, Gantz made some quite
surprising statements, including pointing out exactly what I have been saying
for months, “the Iranian leadership is composed of very rational people.” ...
Israel's top general contradicts Netanyahu
TEL AVIV, Israel, April
26 (UPI) -- Israel's
Israel's military chief of staff has publicly challenged Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu's strident urging for pre-emptive strikes against Iran.
Report: “Israel Killed Five and kindapped 285 In April of which 45 children”
Israeli soldiers shot and killed five Palestinians, including a 4 year old
child, and kidnapped more than 285 Palestinians in April 2012 according to The
International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights (Tadamon).
Zio-Nazi group attacks academics critical of Israel
A small supremacist Jewish group is launching a smear campaign against a
number of professors and academics on North American campuses for daring to
criticize racist Israeli policies against native Palestinians.
The group, called Campus Watch and headed by David Horowitz, an extremist
Zionist stalwart, has published advertisements inciting to hatred against a
number of prominent professors on American campuses.
The academics are accused of vilifying Israel and of indulging in hate
speech that would endanger the very existence of the apartheid Israeli state.
Israel bans textbook promoting Arab rights
The right-wing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has banned a
high school civics textbook as "unbalanced," a move critics say is
part of a broader bid to shift Israel's values in a direction that is more nationalistic
and less democratic.
Israeli police to activist reciting names of destroyed Palestinian villages: If you keep reading you will be arrested
An Israeli activist being arrested at an event to commemorate the Nakba on
Israeli Independence Day. His weapon? A history book. (Photo: Activestills)
(Editor's Note: For video and more pictures of this event see this
One of the activists that were called over brought a history book, out of
which he started reading out loud the names of villages demolished by the
Nakba, on which the city of Tel Aviv was built. Policemen warned him that if he
keeps on reading he will be arrested. After a moment or two they fulfilled this
threat. As he was dragged to the police van he kept on reading. "Shayka
Muwannis, Abu Kabir, Salama...." The reading continued, though, from the
cards held by those inside the blockade, one by one the names were read,
repeated by everybody "Ijlil Shamalyyia, Sawalima, Yazur..." When a
couple of dozens were reading out the names the cops stood helpless.
Musicians punished for public criticism of Israel
To somehow imagine that “for the LPO, music and politics do not mix”, as the
statement asserts, is absurd. (My colleague Tom Service writes more on this on
his blog.) Politics runs through music: it is there whenever one plays a
concert or receives a donation. Indeed, the LPO itself recently made a film in
solidarity with Dutch musicians, in the wake of government arts cuts in the
Netherlands: hardly an apolitical act. The baffling thing is that the LPO board
have chosen to take such measures against senior musicians, who have devoted
their careers to this wonderful orchestra; it is a distraction from their
superb musicianship. The LPO plays its season opener at London’s Southbank
Centre tonight: if it is disrupted by protests, the orchestra will have only
itself to blame.
The London Philharmonic (boycott their records)
has in essence stated that political activism with music is acceptable ... for
every issue except Israel.
Operation Cast Lead: It's Zionese for Burning People
"Zionese" is the unofficial spoken language of the State of
Israel. Most Israelis learn and use the Zionese language, but one need not be
Jewish to speak it; today it is also the language that’s spoken in many
Judeo-Christian and Messianic churches in America, often without church leaders
realizing it.
The first cab driver I rode with in Israel pointedly called the Philistines
"animals" in the course of polite conversation...that’s Zionese. He
was cautioning me to keep away from Palestinians while in Israel. "They
will kill you in there," he told me, when he learned I was going into
Gaza. More Zionese.
When I was a small child, attending that small
school in Loudon, New Hampshire, I vividly recall one of the textbooks we were
given. It was called "Our American Heritage" and it featured a
painting of a steamboat on the cover. Inside was the usual propaganda for young
impressionable minds about how great the United States was and how evil the
communists were, how all communists everywhere dreamed of nothing but the
destruction of the United States because ... well, no real reason was given,
just because. The message was remarkably similar to the one portrayed
above. "They" hate us. "They" wish us nothing but ill.
"They" will kill us given the chance.
Then, through my work at NASA I actually met
real communists from the USSR, then again at SIGGRAPH when the Moscow
university students started to attend. And finally I had a chance meeting with
a Soviet flight crew when we were snowed in at the Frankfurt airport.
In hindsight, I should not have been surprised
to discover they were just normal people like myself. They recalled the
textbooks they had been given as children, that taught them about how great the
Soviet Union was and how evil the capitalists were, how all capitalists
everywhere dreamed of nothing but the destruction of the USSR because ... well,
no real reason was given, just because.
The lesson is simple; that all people can get
along with each other, were it not for the charlatans and mountebanks who rule
us all with lies about a remote enemy that hates us and from whom we need the
protection offered by the rulers in exchange for obedience, wealth, and the
lives of our children to be sacrificed in wars.
Mass Mobilization: Israel brings out reserve border battalions
Israel's strengthening its southern and northern borders, deploying at least 22
battalions of troops to protect the country from the growing tension with Egypt
and the ongoing conflict in Syria. Israeli generals say they're on alert from
the threat of terror attack ahead of Egyptian presidential elections as well as
Syrian turmoil.
**Ohh to be so popular. :)
Post-revolution Egypt cuts gas to Israel: Ralph Schoenman
Egypt has repealed a 2005 gas export accord with Israel, which used to rely
heavily on Egyptian natural gas to generate electricity.
The country used to be Tel Aviv's strongest Arab ally during the
roughly-30-year-long rule of former dictator Hosni Mubarak, who was deposed in
a popular revolution in February 2011.
Israelis: Best Time to Bomb Iran Is During US Election Campaign
A sense of inevitable war with Iran seized Israel as its two principal
leaders — Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak —
concluded 1) Iran is about to produce a nuclear bomb; 2) planned to use it to
wipe out Israel; 3) the time for Israel to bomb Iran’s nuclear production sites
is now (i.e., at the height of the U.S. presidential campaign when neither
candidate would risk losing by criticizing Israel).
I disagree. Netanyahu is facing major defections
within the Israeli political establishment. Support for a war with Iran is
dwindling rapidly. The upcoming P5 talks will be a disaster for Netanyahu if
the US goes ahead with their stated intention of allowing Iran to maintain
their rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in exchange for random
unannounced inspections, something Iran has already indicated they will accept.
This agreement will mean that the rest of the P5 nations, as war-weary as the
people of the United States, will declare the Iranian crisis (as if there ever
was one) over, with no more sanctions required and certainly no justification
for an attack. An Israeli bombing mission after such an agreement clearly shows
Israel to be an unjustified aggressor, especially in light of the history of
the Israeli attack against the power station at Osirak under the excuse that
Israel "knew" it contained a clandestine weapons factory (like the
Israelis have at Dimona). Post-invasion examination of the ruins at Osirak
found no evidence of the weapons factory Israel cited as justification for the
bombing. Israel cannot survive a second baseless attack politically once P5
have declared the crisis over. So if Netanyahu is to have his war with Iran, he
has to move before the P5 talks get underway May 23rd. Netanyahu may even order
the attack on May 14th, coinciding with the anniversary of the founding of
Israel, to stifle internal criticism.
Israeli DM: Early Elections Won’t Stall Iran War
With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moving to dissolve Israel’s
parliament, the Knesset, in anticipation of early elections, Defense Minister
Ehud Barak is looking to reassure hawkish would-be voters that the move won’t
get in the way of a potential attack on Iran.
“Elections will not affect deliberations of the professional echelon in
everything regarding the Iranian issue,” Barak insisted in his statement,
saying that a military attack remains “on the table” and could happen at any
It is the very dissolution of the Knesset,
slated to take place very quickly which gives Netanyahu a narrow
"window" for such an attack to take place.
IF the Knesset dissolves within the next two
weeks, that means that by the 17th of this month, there will be ability of the
Knesset to advise or consent to such an action on the part of the Israeli
The Israeli military has already deployed 6
battalions to their borders with Syria and the Egyptian Sinai: this is no coincidence in terms of the timing of this
IDF chief: Other countries are prepared for possible Iran strike
Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said on Thursday
that other countries have readied their armed forces for a potential strike
against Iran's nuclear sites to keep Tehran from acquiring atomic weapons.
Gantz did not specify which nations might be willing to support
or take direct action against Iran.
Memo to Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt.
Gen. Benny Gantz; if you
cannot name your potential "partners in crime" for an attack against
Iran, you have none, sir.
And it is
painfully apparent that you did NOT get the memo that Iran may
agree to snap UN inspections.
IF these
reports are true, Lt. General Gantz, the rationale for any kind of military
action against Iran has just gone completely away.
Iran May Agree to Snap UN Nuclear Inspections
Iran’s official news agency has reported that a deal may be in the works for
Iran to agree to an additional protocol of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) which would allow UN inspectors to make immediate, impromptu visits to
Iran’s nuclear sites.
The official quoted, Iran’s ambassador to Moscow, Reza Sajjadi, also said a
deal might include Iran halting expansion of its nuclear program if the West
halts further sanctions.
If true, these sounds like deals few observers expected would materialize
before the talks began.
Wait; is that the sound of Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu's screams of outrage and upset over peace potentially
breaking out on this issue?!?
Why, I think
it is!!
Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook
The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner
in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on
college campuses around the world.
NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to
spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of
The union is also partnering with Israel’s Jewish Agency to send Israeli
students as missionaries to spread propaganda in other countries, for which
they will also receive a stipend.
So, from now on, simply assume that anyone
saying anything positive about Israel is being paid to do so.
“Le Caire donne le coup de grâce aux relations bilatérales dégradées”, se
félicite le quotidien panarabe. Les autorités égyptiennes ont annoncé, le 22
avril, avoir annulé l’accord avec la compagnie égyptienne qui exporte du gaz
vers Israël. Ce contrat, négocié sous le régime d’Hosni Moubarak, était très
critiqué en Egypte, le prix du gaz était notamment jugé trop bas. Le gazoduc
alimentant Israël avait été régulièrement visé par des attentats depuis le
soulèvement qui a renversé Moubarak. Quarante-trois pour cent du gaz consommé en Israël provient d’Egypte.
Six army battalions called up under emergency orders to meet growing threat on Egypt, Syria borders
The IDF has issued emergency call up orders to six reserve battalions in
light of new dangers on the Egyptian and Syrian borders. And the Knesset has given
the IDF permission to summon a further 16 reserve battalions if necessary,
Israeli media reported on Wednesday.
An IDF spokesperson said intelligence assessments called for the deployment
of more soldiers. An army statement highlighted last August’s infiltration from
the Sinai north of Eilat in which eight Israelis were killed, and said the
subsequent division of that area into two distinct military zones necessitated
additional manpower.
You don't
mobilize this number of troops without strong intent to use them.
is in a blind, messianic panic that the West's meetings with Iran starting the
23rd of this month will produce something concrete, intelligent, and conclusive
in terms of Iran's nuclear energy program.
And he is
not about to let that happen.
Fences Up: Israel walls off Lebanon, Egypt
To the Middle East now, where Israel is taking new steps to shield itself
from its Arab neighbors. Having already walled-off the Palestinians, Tel Aviv's
now seeking to do the same with the Lebanese.
Israel predicts rocket attacks on Sinai
The Israeli Bureau of Counterterrorism issued an alert on Saturday morning,
summoning any Israelis currently holidaying in the Sinai peninsula to return.
There was a "critical and imminent threat" of rockets being launched
from Gaza, it said.
And why would anyone ion Gaza (other than
Israeli agents) fire rockets into Egypt, when Egypt post-Mubarak has been far
more willing to allow humanitarian aid through to the Palestinians?
Israel urges its citizens to "immediately leave Sinai"
The Israeli government has urged its citizens to "immediately"
leave the Sinai area. Terrorist attacks may occur there soon.
"Or we might invade Egypt just to remind
them who is boss! Whichever comes first." -- Nodding Yahoo
US deploys F-22 fighter jets to UAE: officials
The United States has deployed sophisticated F-22 fighter jets to the United
Arab Emirates amid deepening tensions between Iran and its pro-US neighbors,
officials said Monday.
UAE-based F-22s A Signal To Iran
As tensions between Tehran, Washington and Tel Aviv continue to mount over
Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons technologies, the U.S. has quietly begun a
deployment of its premier stealthy fighter, the twin-engine F-22, to the United
Arab Emirates.
US may use 'military means' to defend Afghanistan until 2024
The US and Afghanistan agree on a deal that could see Washington providing
military and economic help to Kabul for another decade after the 2014 pullout
Obama in Afghanistan to Sign Deal to Continue War Through 2024
Months of “not quite public” Obama Administration
efforts to negotiate a still-secret pact to ensure that US troops will continue
to occupy Afghanistan through at least 2024 came to an end today, with a “not quite public” visit to
Afghanistan by President Obama to sign the pact.
The first reports that President Obama had landed in Afghanistan for this A
totally unannounced visit were quickly followed by denials from both the
White House and the US Embassy in Afghanistan, which
condemned the reports as untrue. Later they conceded they were true, and
made no attempt to explain why they lied in the first place.
The terms of the deal, which will govern US military operations in the
country from the start of 2015 through the end of 2024, have not been made
public, and as with President Bush and the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) in
Iraq, there was no effort to consult on the long-term pact with Congress.
NATO ENCIRCLEMENT OF RUSSIA. The Strategic Role of the "Visegrad Four": Poland, Hungary Czech Republic, Slovakia
According to NATO’s plans, which are to be discussed at the summit in
Chicago in May, the countries of the former USSR, which surround Russia, must
play the role of an “anaconda ring” pressing Russia and pushing it farther from
its navigation routes: the Baltic States would block the access to the Baltic
Sea, the scale of Russia’s presence on the Black Sea depends on Ukraine and Georgia;
on land the Western direction would be blocked by Moldova and Ukraine and by
Muscovites’ eternal opponent, which is Poland.
Russia warns on missile defence deal with Nato and US
Russia says it will put more powerful warheads on its own ballistic
missiles if the US defence system goes ahead
Russia says it is prepared to use "destructive force
pre-emptively" if the US goes ahead with controversial plans for a missile
defence system based in Central Europe.
Note the
BBC's use of an old photo from the USSR to make sure you understand that these
are the bad guys!
Russia prepares for a US-Israeli military strike against Iran
Russia has undertaken intensive preparations during the past few months for
a possible military strike by Israel and the United States on Iran. According
to recent reports, the Russian General Staff expects a war against Iran this
summer, with enormous repercussions for not only the Middle East but also the
And what if Russia comes to Iran's aid with
full-on, military intervention in Iran's behalf?!?
I really have to wonder if those in the bowels
of power in DC and Tel Aviv have actually thought this scenario through to its
ultimate conclusion, which may well be a global
thermonuclear war over an alleged Iranian weapons program which cannot, to
date, be proven to exist!!
China sends more ships to disputed shoal: Philippines
The Philippine military on Thursday accused China of sending more ships to a
disputed shoal in the South China Sea, describing the move as an insult that
would further inflame tensions.
Four Chinese surveillance ships and 10 fishing boats have anchored off the
disputed Scarborough Shoal, with the fishermen taking giant clams and corals
that are protected under Philippine law, a regional military spokesman said.
It is the largest number of Chinese vessels seen at the shoal since the two
countries began a sovereignty standoff there almost a month ago, according to
Major Loel Egos, whose northern command covers the area.
“They are just worsening the insult, bringing in all these fishing boats and
all we can do is resort to diplomacy,” Egos told AFP.
Major Egos says "all we can do is resort to
diplomacy,”, as though this were a BAD thing!
I am certainly hoping that cooler heads in
Beijing and Manilla will prevail, and that these issues can be worked out in a
negotiated, diplomatic settlement.
AP: US Soldiers Promised Massacre, Including Children, Days Before Bales' Alleged Rampage
In a striking omission to mainstream coverage of the Afghan massacre which
took the lives of 17 Afghans including many children, one as young as two, the
AP has reported that US soldiers came to their villages after a roadside
bombing two days before and promised retaliation. The Pentagon has denied that
any bombing took place, putting it in direct contradiction to the attorney for
Sgt. Robert Bales, who alone is being accused of the rampage.
This was
"collective punishment" on the part of the American military, pure
and simple, which of course means it will be denied to the hilt by US military
and civilian leadership.
End of an era: U.S. cuts back presence on Japanese outpost Okinawa as 9,000 Marines prepare to move out
The move is part of a broader arrangement designed to ease tensions in the
countries' defense alliance, which stem in part from opposition to the American
presence on the island.
It also reflects a desire by the Obama administration to spread U.S. forces
more widely in the Asia-Pacific region, as America rebalances its defence
priorities after a decade of war in the Middle East.
Torture Cheerleaders Back In the News Trying to Defend the Indefensible
The so-called “debate” about whether torture helped to keep us safe is
reemerging, as the former chief of CIA clandestine operations Jose Rodriguez is
aboutev to publish a book claiming that the use
of “enhanced interrogation” practices including water-boarding saved lives.
“We made some al-Qaeda terrorists with American blood on their hands
uncomfortable for a few days,” Rodriguez said in an interview with CBS News’
“60 Minutes” that will air on Sunday, April 29. “I am very secure in what we
did and am very confident that what we did saved American lives.”
Torture is also back in the news because Senate Intelligence Committee
Democrats are producing a report stating that
torture isn’t effective in producing information.
We will quote the top American military and intelligence interrogation
experts to debunk the following 10 common myths about torture:
1. Torture is a partisan issue
2. Waterboarding isn’t torture
3. Torture is necessary to break hardened terrorists
4. Torture is necessary in a “ticking time bomb” situation
5. The “enhanced” interrogation techniques were aimed at producing
actionable intelligence
6. Torture helped to get Bin Laden
7. Torture provided valuable details regarding 9/11
8. Only bad guys were tortured
9. America doesn’t torture any more
Mars Opportunity rover reaches Endeavour crater, finds signs of ancient Martian water
Over seven years into its (originally) 90-day mission, the Mars rover
Opportunity arrived at the rim of Endeavour Crater. While the crater itself was
formed from an ancient meteorite impact, the rocks at its rim show signs of a
watery past. Chemical analysis found deposits typical of hydrothermal vents on
Earth, along with features usually associated with evaporation. Together, these
pieces of evidence suggest warm, shallow water formerly existed in the region
of Endeavour.
E. Coli That Cause Urinary Tract Infections are Now Resistant to Antibiotics
In examining more than 12 million urine analyses from that period, they found
that cases caused by E. coli resistant to ciprofloxacin grew five-fold, from 3%
to 17.1% of cases. And E. coli resistant to the drug
trimethoprim-sulfame-thoxazole jumped from 17.9% to 24.2%. These are two of the
most commonly prescribed antibiotics used to treat UTIs. When they are not
effective, doctors must turn to more toxic drugs, and the more those drugs are
used, the less effective they in turn become. When those drugs stop working,
doctors will be left with a drastically reduced toolkit with which to fight
UTIs thrive in an acidic environment. This worked for me.
No antibiotics required.
Cure urinary tract infections with alka-seltzer.
Submitted by Don
Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of
the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost
instantly-even though the product was never been advertised for this use.
No jab, no education: New CA law requires middle schoolers to provide proof of Tdap vaccination in order to receive education
A new amendment to California's Health and Safety Code as it relates to
vaccinations will take effect this fall for the 2012-2013 school year, and will
require all incoming seventh graders, as well as eighth and twelfth graders for
the first year, to get a Tdap booster vaccination for pertussis (whooping
cough) before being admitted to school. The website of the Marin County School
District, which includes the city of San Francisco, literally states "No
shot, No School!" in an apparent attempt to strong-arm parents into
complying with the new provision.
See also Vaccine
failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already
USDA quarantines 2 farms in mad cow investigation
Two farms have been quarantined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as the
agency continues to investigate last month's discovery of mad cow disease at a
California dairy farm.
The farm where the cow was initially discovered has been under quarantine
since the discovery, agriculture officials said. Wednesday's announcement of a
second quarantine involves a farm closely associated with the dairy where the
sick cow was discovered last month, the USDA said. The agency is still trying
to determine if any at-risk cattle are present at either of the two farms.
Why do I get that nasty feeling in the pit of my
stomach that the proverbial horse is "already out of the barn" on
this one?!?
Marijuana Found to Kill Cancer Cells – The Marijuana and Cancer Relationship
Patrick Gallagher
Activist Post
Thanks to the available findings of a 2006 study showing that cannabis
actually reduces the number of cancer cells, medical marijuana users can now
feel even better about the widely abolished pain relief ingredient found in the
Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison
Albuquerque, New Mexico Halts Water Fluoridation
Patrick Gallagher
Activist Post
Recently there has been a new victory in the ongoing, undermanned, and
heavily justified war on water fluoridation in the southwest United States.
The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico has made the auspicious decision to
effectively end all artificial water fluoridation within the city’s water
Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary
Pesticide Exposure Found to Lower Intelligence
Pesticides, ubiquitous among not only the food supply but farms and homes
worldwide, have been found to be creating lasting changes in overall brain
structure — changes that have been linked to lower intelligence levels and
decreased cognitive function. Previously linked in scientific research to the
massive obesity crisis, pesticides are now known to impact the mind in ways
that are still not entirely understood.
Despite these findings, they are continually touted as safe by the
profit-hungry chemical industry.
Novartis takes legal action in UK to make hospitals use $1,000 eye drug
over $97 alternative
April 24, 2012, Washington Post/Associated Press
Drug maker Novartis is taking legal action in Britain to make state-run
hospitals use an eye drug that costs about 700 pounds ($1,130) per shot instead
of a cheaper one that costs 60 pounds ($97). In a statement, Novartis said it
was calling for a judicial review “as a last resort” because it believed
patient safety was being potentially compromised. According to the U.K.’s
health watchdog, Novartis’ Lucentis is the only drug recommended to treat the
eye problem macular degeneration in the country’s state-run National Health
Service hospitals. However, several NHS hospitals have been prescribing the
much cheaper Avastin, a cancer drug made by Genentech Inc., a subsidiary of
Roche, for the same problem even though it has not been officially approved. A
study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year showed Avastin
worked just as well as Lucentis for treating the eye disorder. Lucentis and
Avastin act on the same biological protein in the body to spur blood vessel
growth. In the U.S., eye doctors have often used tiny amounts of Avastin and
billed the government for the cost, rather than buying Lucentis.
Patient groups called for an independent analysis to determine which drug
should be used.
Note: For lots more from reliable sources on corporate
corruption, click here.
The United States Has Plenty Of Oil: 10 Facts About America's Energy Resources That Will Blow Your Mind
The following are 10 facts about America's energy
resources that will blow your mind....
#1 Back in 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey told the American people that the Bakken Shale formation in western North Dakota and eastern Montana only held 151 million barrels of oil. Today, government officials are admitting that it holds 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil, and some analysts believe that the actual number could be closer to 20 billion barrels of oil.
#2 It is estimated that there are up to 19 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the tar sands of Utah.
#3 It is estimated that there are at least 86 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Outer Continental Shelf.
#4 It is believed that there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Green River formation in Wyoming.
#5 Overall, the United States is sitting on approximately 1.442 trillion barrels of recoverable oil deposits.
#6 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 120 year supply of natural gas.
#7 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 200 year supply of oil.
#8 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 464 year supply of coal.
#9 According to Pastor Lindsey Williams, absolutely gigantic oil fields have been discovered up in Alaska that the American public is not being told about.
#10 Goldman Sachs is predicting that the United States will be the number one oil producing country in the world by the year 2017.
But you never hear any of these statistics from Barack Obama, do you?
And some of our oil fields that were thought to be "depleted" are actually filling back up with oil. Many scientists are extremely puzzled by this. The following quote is from a 1999 Wall Street Journal article....
Production at the oil field, deep in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, was supposed to have declined years ago. And for a while, it behaved like any normal field: Following its 1973 discovery, Eugene Island 330's output peaked at about 15,000 barrels a day. By 1989, production had slowed to about 4,000 barrels a day.
Then suddenly—some say almost inexplicably—Eugene Island's fortunes reversed. The field, operated by PennzEnergy Co., is now producing 13,000 barrels a day, and probable reserves have rocketed to more than 400 million barrels from 60 million. Stranger still, scientists studying the field say the crude coming out of the pipe is of a geological age quite different from the oil that gushed 10 years ago.
The truth is that there is still much about the formation of oil that is a great mystery to our scientists. For much more on this, you can listen to a recent interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi on Coast to Coast right here.
Unfortunately, much of the information that you have read above is being repressed because it would be very damaging to the "green agenda" that the global elite are trying to impose on all of us.
As I wrote about yesterday, a "green economy" is absolutely central to the "sustainable development" agenda that the United Nations is promoting.
The elitists at the UN believe that carbon dioxide is evil and that it is going to cause catastrophic climate change.
But the truth is that we have always had "climate change" and even if you eliminated all forms of human activity it would only reduce carbon dioxide levels on our planet by a marginal amount.
#1 Back in 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey told the American people that the Bakken Shale formation in western North Dakota and eastern Montana only held 151 million barrels of oil. Today, government officials are admitting that it holds 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil, and some analysts believe that the actual number could be closer to 20 billion barrels of oil.
#2 It is estimated that there are up to 19 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the tar sands of Utah.
#3 It is estimated that there are at least 86 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Outer Continental Shelf.
#4 It is believed that there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Green River formation in Wyoming.
#5 Overall, the United States is sitting on approximately 1.442 trillion barrels of recoverable oil deposits.
#6 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 120 year supply of natural gas.
#7 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 200 year supply of oil.
#8 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 464 year supply of coal.
#9 According to Pastor Lindsey Williams, absolutely gigantic oil fields have been discovered up in Alaska that the American public is not being told about.
#10 Goldman Sachs is predicting that the United States will be the number one oil producing country in the world by the year 2017.
But you never hear any of these statistics from Barack Obama, do you?
And some of our oil fields that were thought to be "depleted" are actually filling back up with oil. Many scientists are extremely puzzled by this. The following quote is from a 1999 Wall Street Journal article....
Production at the oil field, deep in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, was supposed to have declined years ago. And for a while, it behaved like any normal field: Following its 1973 discovery, Eugene Island 330's output peaked at about 15,000 barrels a day. By 1989, production had slowed to about 4,000 barrels a day.
Then suddenly—some say almost inexplicably—Eugene Island's fortunes reversed. The field, operated by PennzEnergy Co., is now producing 13,000 barrels a day, and probable reserves have rocketed to more than 400 million barrels from 60 million. Stranger still, scientists studying the field say the crude coming out of the pipe is of a geological age quite different from the oil that gushed 10 years ago.
The truth is that there is still much about the formation of oil that is a great mystery to our scientists. For much more on this, you can listen to a recent interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi on Coast to Coast right here.
Unfortunately, much of the information that you have read above is being repressed because it would be very damaging to the "green agenda" that the global elite are trying to impose on all of us.
As I wrote about yesterday, a "green economy" is absolutely central to the "sustainable development" agenda that the United Nations is promoting.
The elitists at the UN believe that carbon dioxide is evil and that it is going to cause catastrophic climate change.
But the truth is that we have always had "climate change" and even if you eliminated all forms of human activity it would only reduce carbon dioxide levels on our planet by a marginal amount.
Million-year-old ash hints at origins of cooking
The plant and animal ash was
found thirty metres inside the Wonderwerk Cave — beyond the reach of a
lightning strike.
Greatstock Photographic Library /
Ash found in a South African cave hints that humans were cooking with fire
one million years ago.
The discovery is the earliest evidence yet found for use of this
revolutionary technology, say the researchers behind the finding. But some
experts caution that more proof is needed before we conclude that humans were
cooking regularly at this date.
It is not possible to say for certain which species of hominin inhabited the
cave one million years ago, but the team believes it was probably Homo erectus.
A million years. It boggles the mind to think of
how much history happened that is lost to memory. Around 70,000 years ago the
human population shrank to less than 15,000 individuals following the Toba
supervolcano. We know that a great cataclysm happened 12,000 years ago when an
asteroid struck somewhere in the north American area, wiping out the Clovis
people and large fauna. Given how fast human civilization and culture has
developed since the last great asteroid strike, it seems difficult to accept
that similar progress did not happen in earlier times, with subsequent ice ages
grinding all traces of those earlier civilizations to dust.
New cybervirus found in Japan / Stuxnet designed to attack off-line servers via USB memory sticks
October 5, 2010: Stuxnet, a computer virus designed to attack servers
isolated from the Internet, such as at power plants, has been confirmed on 63
personal computers in Japan since July, according to major security firm
Symantec Corp.
Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage
A leading Japanese journalist recently made two
incredible claims about the Fukushima power plant that suffered a nuclear
meltdown in March 2011, sending shockwaves around the world. First, the former
editor of a national newspaper in Japan says the U.S. and Israel knew Fukushima
had weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were exposed to the atmosphere
after a massive tsunami wave hit the reactor. Second, he contends that
Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan’s support
of an independent Palestinian state.
According to Yoishi Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan
Times Weekly, these nuclear materials were shipped to the plant in
2007 on the orders of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, with the connivance of
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The shipment was in the form of warhead
cores secretly removed from the U.S. nuclear warheads facility BWXT Plantex
near Amarillo, Texas. While acting as the middleman, Israel transported
warheads from the port of Houston, and in the process kept the best ones while
giving the Japanese older warhead cores that had to be further enriched at
Shimatsu credits retired CIA agent and mercenary Roland Vincent Carnaby
with learning the warheads were being transported from Houston. In a strange
twist, Carnaby was mysteriously shot dead less than a year later by Houston
police at a traffic stop. He was shot once in the back and once in the chest.
He did not have a weapon in his hands. Intelligence sources said he had been tracking
a Mossad unit that was smuggling U.S. plutonium out of Houston docks for an
Israeli nuclear reactor.
In an even more explosive charge, the journalist
says that 20 minutes before the Fukushima plant’s nuclear meltdown, Israel was
so upset with Japanese support for a Palestinian declaration of statehood that
it double-crossed Japan by unleashing the Stuxnet virus on the plant’s
computers. The virus hampered the shutdown, leading to fallout from a section
of the plant housing uranium and plutonium retrieved from the warheads supplied
in 2007.
While it is impossible to verify some of
Shimatsu’s claims, there was a massive cover-up at the time of the Fukushima
disaster in March. Explosions at the site were immediately downplayed.
While it was subsequently reported that three reactors suffered meltdowns,
Japanese authorities tried to rate the disaster as a Level 4 on the
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, although outside experts
declared it a 7, which is the highest level.
Something worth noting is how in 2009, two years
after Shimatsu says the warheads were secretly moved to Japan, the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a veiled warning to Japan not
to abandon its anti-nuclear weapons policy.
The IAEA had to know, however, that Japan has
long retained the potential to build nuclear weapons. That was made clear as
far back as 1996 when a leaked Ministry of Foreign Affairs document exposed how
Japan had been promoting a dual strategy in respect to nuclear weapons since
the mid-1960s. It would often publicly profess a non-nuclear policy while
maintaining the ability to build a nuclear arsenal. The Liberal Democratic
Party, which has dominated Japanese politics, has always said there is no
constitutional impediment to nukes.
A factor that undoubtedly would have encouraged
the Bush-Cheney White House to provide Japan with the means to secretly build
nukes was the growing power of China. Cheney and Bush sought to arm Japan and
India with nuclear weapons as a means of curbing China.
Stuxnet Loaded by Iran Double Agents
The Stuxnet virus that damaged Iran’s nuclear program was implanted by an
Israeli proxy — an Iranian, who used a corrupt “memory stick.32,” former and
serving U.S. intelligence officials said.
In the continuing battle to hold off the Iranian nuclear program, Iranian
proxies have also been active in assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists, these
sources said.
Anxious Japan prepares for life without nuclear power
This weekend Japan will begin a bold experiment in energy use that no one
had thought possible – until the Fukushima Daiichi power plant suffered a
triple meltdown just over a year ago.
On Saturday, when the Hokkaido electric power company shuts down the No3
reactor at its Tomari plant for maintenance, the world's third-largest economy
will be without a single working nuclear reactor for the first time for almost
50 years.
The closure of the last of Japan's 54 reactors marks a dramatic shift in
energy policy, but while campaigners prepare to celebrate, the nationwide
nuclear blackout comes with significant economic and environmental risks
60 Minutes Report: Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: Will Impact All Of Humanity
Kyoto Nuclear Professor: “There is no longer any such thing as clean and safe food” after radiation from Fukushima spread around planet — People who advanced nuclear power should be made to eat the extremely contaminated food (VIDEO)
Vital Choice Pacific Seafood Passes Radiation Tests
The results are in! Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics, the leading
source for fast home delivery of the world’s finest wild seafood from Alaska
and the North Pacific, today announced that tests conducted at their request by
an independent laboratory show that none of their seafood is contaminated by
radiation released from the compromised nuclear plants at Fukushima, Japan.
I have no
idea how thorough the testing is, but I find it significant that after the FDA
stated that such testing is not necessary that private companies are proceeding
anyway in response to consumer concerns. Already at our local market customers
are avoiding Japanese/Gulf of Mexico seafood and California beef.
Chernobyl 2012
This month marks the 26th anniversary of the nuclear
disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power station in Ukraine when it was still
part of the former USSR. Until Fukushima, this was the worst industrial
accident in history. And the danger is far from over.
from Chernobyl’s reactor unit number 4 released a series of radionuclides high
into our atmosphere, containing 400 times more radiation than the bombing of
Hiroshima. During the last days of spring and beginning of
summer these potentially lethal plumes fell over hundreds of millions of the
unaware. Silent, odorless, invisible radiation drifted over 40% of Europe, and
Scandinavia, as well as territories in Asia including Turkey, Georgia, Armenia,
Emirates, China, North Africa and North America.
Public access to information about the dangers of
radiation and options for minimizing exposure is especially important now in
the wake of the March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster. Chernobyl occurred in a land
locked, relatively isolated region and only one reactor burned for
just 10 days. Fukushima, however, happened along the coast of a densely
populated country. In the Daiichi reactor complex six reactors were
severely damaged, three in total meltdown. All six nuclear facilities have been
leaking and spewing deadly radioactive particles into the air, food and water
of our entire Northern Hemisphere, for over a year with no end in sight.
Mainstream media outlets are silent and target populations in North America and
elsewhere remain, for the most part, unaware.
Been Conned
think people might start to realize something serious is actually going down.
They can’t. It’s too horrific.
If the spent fuel rod pool just at Fukushima reactor 4 collapses, there will be
so much plutonium-based radiation released it’s being called a potential
Extinction Level Event (ELE). Just that. And if that doesn’t “bake your
noodle”, do you know how many hundreds of these types of old dangerous fuel rod
stocked reactors there are around the world?
Over 800!
And all those built in the 60?s and 70?s are now due for “expiration”! Never
mind the plethora of nuclear bomb manufacturing facilities in the US and around
the world! We’re talking insane, people. And most of us had nothing to do with
any of this. At least not consciously.
UN Ambassador: “No Exaggeration – Fate Of The World Depends On Fukushima Reactor 4”
Ambassador Murata writes to UN Secretary General: ‘It is no exaggeration to
say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor’
Nuclear Expert on Fukushima No. 4 Fuel Pool: “They’re pumping water in and it’s draining out into basement, they suck it out of basement and put it back in at top” — “There is no containment” (VIDEO)
Gundersen: Unit 4 reactor building has not been reinforced — Floor of fuel pool was, but not strong as original
‘Doomsday-like’ radiation release if fire in pool at unit 4 — “It would be a global catastrophe… it already has been, but it would dwarf what’s already happened” -Nuclear Waste Expert
Source: Green Action Japan
Date: May 1, 2012
To: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
An Urgent Request on UN Intervention to Stabilize
the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Nuclear Fuel
Recently, former diplomats and experts both in
Japan and abroad stressed the extremely risky condition of the Fukushima Daiichi
Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool and this is being widely reported by world
media. Robert Alvarez, Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies
(IPS), who is one of the best-known experts on spent nuclear fuel, stated that
in Unit 4 there is spent nuclear fuel which contains Cesium-137 (Cs-137) that
is equivalent to 10 times the amount that was released at the time of the
Chernobyl nuclear accident. Thus, if an earthquake or other event were to cause
this pool to drain, this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire
involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl
Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies at
the Fukushima Daiichi plant sit in pools vulnerable to future earthquakes, with
roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl.
Nuclear experts from the US and Japan such as
Arnie Gundersen, Robert Alvarez, Hiroaki Koide, Masashi Goto, and Mitsuhei
Murata, a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, and, Akio Matsumura, a former
UN diplomat, have continually warned against the high risk of the Fukushima
Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool.
US Senator Roy Wyden, after his visit to the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on 6 April, 2012, issued a press release
on 16 April, pointing out the catastrophic risk of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4,
calling for urgent US government intervention. Senator Wyden also sent a letter
to Ichiro Fujisaki, Japan’s Ambassador to the United States, requesting Japan
to accept international assistance to tackle the crisis.
We Japanese civil organizations express our
deepest concern that our government does not inform its citizens about the
extent of risk of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool. Given
the fact that collapse of this pool could potentially lead to catastrophic
consequences with worldwide implications, what the Japanese government should
be doing as a responsible member of the international community is to avoid any
further disaster by mobilizing all the wisdom and the means available in order
to stabilize this spent nuclear fuel. It is clearly evident that Fukushima
Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool is no longer a Japanese issue but an
international issue with potentially serious consequences. Therefore, it is
imperative for the Japanese government and the international community to work
together on this crisis before it becomes too late. We are appealing to the
United Nations to help Japan and the planet in order to prevent the
irreversible consequences of a catastrophe that could affect generations to
come. We herewith make our urgent request to you as follows:
1. The United Nations should organize a Nuclear
Security Summit to take up the crucial problem of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4
spent nuclear fuel pool.
2. The United Nations should establish an
independent assessment team on Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 and coordinate
international assistance in order to stabilize the unit’s spent nuclear fuel
and prevent radiological consequences with potentially catastrophic consequences.
30 April 2012
Shut Tomari (Japan) [...]
Green Action (Japan) [...]
Shut Tomari (Japan) [...]
Green Action (Japan) [...]
Endorsed by:
Hiroaki Koide Kyoto University Nuclear Reactor Research Institute (Japan)
Mitsuhei Murata Former ambassador to Switzerland and to Senegal
Board member, Global System and Ethics Society (Japan)
Akio Matsumura Former United Nations diplomat
Robert Alvarez Senior Scholar, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. (USA)
Masashi Goto Former Nuclear Plant Engineer (Japan)
Hiroaki Koide Kyoto University Nuclear Reactor Research Institute (Japan)
Mitsuhei Murata Former ambassador to Switzerland and to Senegal
Board member, Global System and Ethics Society (Japan)
Akio Matsumura Former United Nations diplomat
Robert Alvarez Senior Scholar, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. (USA)
Masashi Goto Former Nuclear Plant Engineer (Japan)
Signing organizations: 72 Japanese organizations
have signed this petition (as of 30 April 2012)
Read the letter here
NYTimes: Radiation in “small doses could actually be disproportionately worse” says report — “Doses spread out over time might be more dangerous than doses given all at once” — Renewed importance after Fukushima
Source: NYTimes.com
Date: May 2, 2012, 10:34 am
[In the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
May-June issue Dr. Jan Beyea, an environmental scientist who has opposed
nuclear reactors
for decades and worked on epidemiological studies at Three Mile Island,] challenges a concept adopted by American safety regulators about small doses of radiation. The prevailing theory is that the relationship between dose and effect is linear – that is, that if a big dose is bad for you, half that dose is half that bad [...]
for decades and worked on epidemiological studies at Three Mile Island,] challenges a concept adopted by American safety regulators about small doses of radiation. The prevailing theory is that the relationship between dose and effect is linear – that is, that if a big dose is bad for you, half that dose is half that bad [...]
Some radiation professionals disagree, arguing
that there is no reason to protect against supposed effects that cannot be
measured. But Dr. Beyea contends that small doses could actually be
disproportionately worse.
Radiation experts have formed a consensus that if
a given dose of radiation delivered over a short period poses a given hazard,
that hazard will be smaller if the dose is spread out. To use an imprecise
analogy, if swallowing an entire bottle of aspirin at one sitting could kill
you, consuming it over a few days might merely make you sick. [...]
Dr. Beyea, however, proposes that doses spread
out over time might be more dangerous than doses given all at once. He suggests
two reasons: first, some effects may result from genetic damage that manifests
itself only after several generations of cells have been exposed, and, second,
a “bystander effect,” in which a cell absorbs radiation and seems unhurt but
communicates damage to a neighboring cell, which can lead to cancer. [...]
Renewed Importance
The subject of low-dose radiation [...] has
assumed renewed importance since the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors
in Japan in March 2011. The accident contaminated the surrounding area, and
questions persist about whether residents should be allowed to return or
whether the radiation doses they would receive are too big a threat to their
Read the report here
Happening Now: Radiation triples at Tokyo monitoring station -- Levels spike at multiple locations in last two hours
Source: Security Tokyo
Date: May 3, 2012
- 0.37 microSv/h @ 12:30a JST (11:30a ET)
- Average: 0.10 microSv/h
- 0.18 microSv/h @ 2:15a JST (1:15p ET)
- Average: 0.055 microSv/h
The only other monitor at Security Tokyo (Shinagawa) shows no spike.
h/t Anonymous tip
View charts here
(Unable to post images due to copyright); Available for next ~8 hours
Wind Patterns (h/t Bobby1)
Cesium exceeding new limit detected in 51 food items in nine prefectures
Radioactive cesium was detected in 51 food products from nine prefectures in
excess of a new government-set limit in the first month since it was introduced
April 1, according to data released by the health ministry Tuesday.
The limit was exceeded in 337 cases, or 2.4 percent of 13,867 food samples
examined by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
Cesium exceeding the previous allowable limit of 500 becquerels per kilogram
was detected in 55 cases, while the new limit of 100 becquerels was exceeded in
282 cases.
Follow-up to: Weekends off at Fukushima: Not one plant worker could be seen says Asahi -- Operational equipment lay idle -- A cold eerie quietness
Japanese journalist Ryuichi Kino is reporting that Tepco has apparently gone on
vacation for Golden Week, according to SimplyInfo:
TEPCO Gone On Vacation
Tweet from (Ryuichi KINO) @ Kinoryuichi
[Press conference] The Tokyo Electric Power, the rest of the GW [Golden Week]. Following after the holidays. According to TEPCO, I rest a press conference “between the GW does not have much work on the premises.” Whether this explanation is true, can not be examined because they can not look in your own. Because the relationship between patrol and maintenance without breaks or contact of broken or leaking is expected to come.
[Press conference] The Tokyo Electric Power, the rest of the GW [Golden Week]. Following after the holidays. According to TEPCO, I rest a press conference “between the GW does not have much work on the premises.” Whether this explanation is true, can not be examined because they can not look in your own. Because the relationship between patrol and maintenance without breaks or contact of broken or leaking is expected to come.
Heartbreaking instagram photos of live radiation monitoring in Fukushima reveal men, woman, and children living in a highly radioactive environment assured by their government everything is safe
Please consider donating to The Fukushima Diary
to support more inspired reporting like this.
Daley from Caloundra in Queensland, is the researcher who blew the whistle on
the radiation cloud over Australia then carried on over to the South Island of
NZ, passing over Dunedin.
Back on
the 8th of January of this year Peter had programed his new high tech geiger
counter to sound an alarm if radiation far above background radiation was
“The worst-case scenario is a China syndrome” [...] A China syndrome refers to
a situation in which nuclear fuel in a reactor melts and goes through a
containment vessel -Masao Yoshida, former chief of the Fukushima Daiichi plant
Caldicott: Fukushima radiation will be reaching you quite soon on US West Coast — I don’t think I’d be surfing (VIDEO)
When radioactive cesium enters body, 75% lodges in muscle tissue including heart
Gundersen: Unit 4 reactor building has not been reinforced — Floor of fuel pool was, but not strong as original
Experts: NRC letting threat fester at Unit 4 because acknowledging it would call into question safety at dozens of identically designed nuclear plants US in
Report: Concern that a subsidence in the earth under unit 4 could cause its collapse
‘Doomsday-like’ radiation release if fire in pool at unit 4 — “It would be a global catastrophe… it already has been, but it would dwarf what’s already happened” -Nuclear Waste Expert
More from Sen. Wyden: Fukushima spent fuel absolutely a national security issue — Radiation caused by pool failure “could reach the West Coast within days”
Japan Nuclear Expert: “We don’t even know at this point where the melted down core is” under Reactors No. 1, 2 or 3 (VIDEO)
6 hours until Japan’s final nuclear plant shuts down — NHK: “No prospect of a restart of any of the country’s 50 commercial reactors” (VIDEO)
“Ability for Unit 4 to withstand another seismic event is rated at zero” -Nuclear Watchdog
Radio: Cesium all the way down US West Coast; Pine needles from So. California; Ground samples from Vancouver and Oregon — Not a lot, my biggest concern is bioaccumulation as it works up food chain (AUDIO)
Japan Reactor Specialist at US Press Conference: I’m worried very much about reinforcements at No. 4 fuel pool — Praying there won’t be large aftershocks (VIDEO)
6 days straight with M4 quake and above in Fukushima
Nuclear Expert on No. 4 Fuel Pool: “They’re pumping water in and it’s draining out into basement, they suck it out of basement and put it back in at top” (VIDEO)
Gundersen: Move south of equator if Unit 4 fuel pool goes dry, that’s probably the lesson there — Like cesium from all 800 nuclear bombs ever dropped on Earth, except all at once (VIDEO)
Mystery reddish radioactive substance detected 180km from Fukushima Daiichi — Alpha particles at 200cpm (VIDEO)
Nuclear Expert: Everybody is now paying attention to Unit 4 because we have four years to go before fuel removed — If water lost, a beacon of radiation will bathe site in ‘sky shine’ from gamma rays (AUDIO)
Gundersen: “The water is steaming and boiling” still at Fukushima; “Yes, there’s some radiation being given off ” (AUDIO) — Visible in recent Tepco webcam footage? (VIDEO)
Cover Story: Study on Fukushima Fallout in US — Elevated levels of radioactive cadmium and technetium
Homeland Security-funded Study: Playing down public’s concern over radioactive fallout has huge economic benefits — “We’re not trying to bamboozle the public”
Financial Times: “A ‘No-Nuclear Scenario’ could not be ruled out for Japan” -IEA — Public “remains sceptical”
Paper: Physicist warns even if No. 4 Spent Fuel Pool survives another major quake, “failure of jury-rigged inadequate piping installed after disaster could put cooling system out of commission”
The Economist: Japan is without nuclear power for first time in 50 years — “A silent majority speaks” — Analysts say anti-nuclear party could soon vault to national prominence
Telegraph: Japan public “has turned fiercely against nuclear power” — 89-year-old author and nun joined hunger strike outside METI
Joe Rogan on Fukushima and Nuclear Power: If these reactors keep messing up, we’re going to have giant areas of our world contaminated and dead for 100,000s of years — That’s the reality we’re operating under (VIDEO)
U.S. Seafood Provider Testing for Fukushima Contamination: “Growing concern for potential radiation affecting the nation’s seafood” — ‘Trace’ amounts may have been present in ‘rare’ cases
NYTimes: Radiation in “small doses could actually be disproportionately worse” says report — “Doses spread out over time might be more dangerous than doses given all at once” — Renewed importance after Fukushima
Radiation triples at Tokyo monitoring station — Levels spike at multiple locations in last two hours
World Leader in Decommissioning Reactors: “There is no technology which may be directly applied” at Fukushima
Local CBS News: ‘Slight’ leak was found after post-quake inspection of North Anna nuclear plant — Officials say not actually caused by quake (VIDEO)
Pediatrician: “Homes full of the most grossly deformed children we have ever seen in the history of pediatrics — all around Chernobyl” (VIDEO)
Japan will no longer be a developed country in less than 40 years: Most Powerful Japanese Business Organization
Title: Inviting economic suicide?
Source: The Japan Times
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2012
[...] Now it is at least semi-official: Japan’s
economy is on the skids. A report just released by a think tank of the Nippon
Keidanren, the country’s most powerful business organization, says that by
2050, Japan will no longer be a developed country, predicting years of negative
growth from 2030 onward.
“Unless something is done, we are afraid that
Japan will fall out of the league of advanced nations and again become a tiny
country in the Far East,” says the report in Japanese by the 21st Century
Public Policy Institute (21st CPPI), the research institute of Keidanren. [...]
Tackling the real issues is complicated by
distracting immediate problems exacerbated by the last year’s triple disasters
of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown at Fukushima. [...]
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has expressed his
determination to get the nuclear plants operating again, warning that the
alternative is electricity cuts of up to 20 percent in some areas during
Japan’s sweltering sticky summer. But the government’s assertion that the
nuclear plants at Oi are “more or less” safe to resume is an object lesson in
political folly. [...]
Kevin Rafferty, a Hong Kong-based
journalist, has reported on the World Bank for 35 years and was managing editor
at the bank in 1997-99
Read the report here
Read the report here
Cleaning up radiation hopeless, says writer: “There is no end” — “We adults have to bear a responsibility for the future” — “Impossible to decontaminate vast forested areas, and Japan is a country of forests and mountains”
Caldicott: Plants in Tokyo died from Fukushima fallout — “See these spots? That’s from radiation falling on the ginkos” (VIDEO)
Coalition requests UN intervention to stabilize Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 at Fukushima — Endorsed by nuclear experts
“Eye-Opener”: Under 3% of children exposed to Chernobyl radiation while in womb were diagnosed as healthy at age 7 -Asahi
Report: Tepco taking vacation from Fukushima for week-long holiday?
Growing outrage over Washington Post editorial: Thousands are suffering and countless more will die as a result of exposure to Fukushima radiation — Contamination is widespread and growing
Asahi: Fukushima chief Yoshida felt “explosion occurred in the containment vessel” at Reactor No. 2 — Yet none of 4 special investigations have explained why it will only hold 2 feet of water
NBC: “Jay Leno on nuclear leak” at San Onofre (VIDEO)
FORUM: General Discussion Thread (Nuclear Issues) for May 2012
Hydrogen levels continue rising at Reactor No. 2 — Now above .50%, highest in months — Explosion risk at 4%
Japanese musicians film as children play barefoot in elevated radiation levels -Gawker (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)
Emergency declared at New Jersey nuclear plant — Multiple fire alarms sound after reactor shuts down — Tests were occurring on emergency cooling system — Cause remains under investigation
Anonymous Interview: Medical doctors working in Fukushima say lots of people are dying — “Bleeding, losing hair, and having a bad health condition” (VIDEO)
Japan Physicians Demand Answers: 90% of urine samples contaminated with cesium in city 200km from Fukushima
Gundersen reveals how to shut down nuclear industry (VIDEO)
Fukushima Gov’t: Over 35% of young people tested have thyroid cysts or nodules
A “Most Unusual Event”: Birds returning from Fukushima-area with troubling symptoms — Appear to not have been able to find food in North Pacific — “I’ve never seen birds in that poor of a condition come back to New Zealand”
Tsunami motorcycle washes up in Canada, owner located in Japan. Now Harley Davidson wants to restore it for him
The bike
is a little rusty but amazingly intact.
The Japanese owner of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that was washed out to
sea in the tsunami of March 2011 says its discovery on a remote beach on the
West Coast of B.C. last week is a miracle.
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