L'Autre Monde 16 avril 2012 : Dossier santé et économie
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L'Autre Monde 16 avril 2012
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
L'Autre Monde 16 avril 2012
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 206 Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
- Dossier santé, OGM, vaccins et cancer
- Actualité mondiale
- Les F-35 du gouvernement Harper et les dérapes du système
- Fukushima : la situation est bien bien bien pire que ce que vous ne le pensez, écoutez pour savoir POURQUOI
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
- par Michel
Chossudovsky - 2012-04-13
Les mesures visant
le financement de « l’économie de guerre » adoptées en plein cœur d’une
dépression économique mondiale, contribuent à mener des économies nationales
entières vers la faillite. Le coût d’un F-35 financerait la hausse des droits
de scolarité pendant des années à venir...
Le budget
d’austérité 2012 d’Ottawa
Un moment
opportun : Le coût du programme d’achat de F-35, soit 30 milliards de
dollars, était connu avant la présentation du budget. Toutefois, le rapport du
vérificateur général (3 avril) concernant le dépassement de coût a seulement
été rendu public ex post facto, cinq jours après le discours du budget
du ministre des Finances, Jim Flaherty, le 29 mars.
Le budget
fédéral de 2012 a présenté un scénario comportant des mesures d’austérité
nécessitant des licenciements massifs d’employés du gouvernement fédéral, des
réductions draconiennes dans les dépenses, incluant les fonds de pension, et
une diminution des transferts fédéraux aux provinces. En revanche, on ne
reconnaît pas la montée en flèche des dépenses en matière de défense résultant
du programme d’achat de F-35, comme si cette question n’avait aucun rapport
avec la structure des dépenses publiques.
Le gouvernement
avait annoncé des mesures d’austérité draconiennes, cependant ces mesures
budgétaires s’appliquent surtout aux dépenses non militaires. (Les estimations
du budget fédéral indiquent une réduction modeste des dépenses militaires,
lesquelles ne comprennent pas le dépassement des coûts prévisibles relatifs à
l’achat d’armement.)
La question
cruciale est la suivante : comment ce projet d’achat de F-35 de plusieurs
milliards de dollars affecte-il le budget fédéral de 2012, lequel repose en
grande partie sur la réduction considérable des dépenses
« publiques » par rapport aux dépenses « militaires »?
La question du
déficit budgétaire pourrait être résolue du jour au lendemain en freinant
l’économie de guerre. Toutefois cette « solution » ne serait pas dans
l’intérêt de la « paix et de la sécurité mondiale » préconisée par
Choisir entre le
« beurre et les canons » : Comment cette hausse
fulgurante des dépenses militaires allouées à l’achat de systèmes d’armes
perfectionnés se répercute-t-elle sur toutes les catégories de dépenses civiles
du gouvernement? Quel est l’impact sur l’investissement public dans l’économie
Ces questions
sont d’une importance cruciale pour le peuple des États-Unis, dont le
gouvernement dépense la somme exorbitante de 1,5 billion de dollars (1,5
mille milliards) pour le programme de F-35. Les implications sont du même
ordre pour les neuf pays ayant décidé d’acheter ces avions d’attaque coûteux,
tout en mettant en place une « médecine économique de cheval » afin de
financer le dépassement de coûts prévisible des dépenses militaires.
« La guerre,
c’est bon pour les affaires » (pour les entreprises œuvrant dans le
domaine de la défense), pourtant elle précipite simultanément l’économie civile
vers la faillite.
Le budget
fédéral canadien ne mentionne nullement la question du programme des F-35
et son coût ahurissant de 30 milliards de dollars. Ce montant corréspond à
un coût moyen de 462 millions par avion, incluant le coût de
« sortie d’usine » plus les soi-disant frais de soutien (entretien,
coûts d’opération, investissements associés au programme).
providence canadien s’écroule, les soins de santé sont sur le point d’être
privatisés, l’enseignement primaire et secondaire est sous-financé et les
universités sont en état de crise avec des frais de scolarité à la hausse.
Pourtant, la question de l’économie de guerre n’a pas du tout été soulevée lors
du débat sur le budget fédéral de 2012.
Quelles sont les
répercussions de l’économie de guerre sur la population canadienne et
québecoise? Comment cette économie arrive-t-elle à miner et déstabiliser
l’économie civile? Comment affecte-t-elle le financement des programmes
Il faut
comprendre que les mesures d’austérité sont implantées en partie dans le but de
financer l’économie de guerre.
Le programme économique néolibéral et le mouvement
de protestation
Le mouvement de
protestation contre les mesures d’austérité économique doit s’intégrer au
mouvement antiguerre.
L’abolition de
la guerre est une condition préalable à l’abandon du programme économique
néolibéral. La guerre et la mondialisation sont intimement liées.
Le mouvement de
protestation contre les mesures d’austérité gouvernementales appliquées au
États-Unis, au Canada et au sein de l’Union européenne doit aborder la question
des guerres menées par les États-Unis et l’OTAN.
Les avions de
chasse furtifs F-35 ne sont pas des armes pacifiques. Elles font partie d’une
machine meurtrière et l’on prévoit les utiliser contre la Chine, la Russie,
l’Iran et la Corée du Nord.
Ce sont des
« armes de destruction massive » qui seront employées dans la
« longue guerre » du Pentagone.
L’autre côté de
la médaille concerne « le beurre ou les canons », à savoir la
relation entre l’« économie civile » et l’« économie de
guerre ».
La guerre et la
politique économique néolibérale font partie d’un processus intégré.
Le coût
exorbitant de ces systèmes d’armes perfectionnés contribue à détruire ce qu’il
reste de l’État providence, sans compter l’appauvrissement d’une génération
entière dans plusieurs États membres de l’OTAN.
Le coût du F-35 et
la hausse des droits de scolarité au QuébecLes étudiants universitaires du Québec sont impliqués dans une manifestation de masse concernant la hausse des droits de scolarité imposée par le gouvernement du premier ministre Jean Charest.
Pourtant, au Québec, la question des dépenses militaires et de ses conséquences sur les programmes sociaux n’a pas été soulevée de manière explicite.
L’achat de
systèmes d’armes perfectionnés se fera inévitablement aux dépens des transferts
du fédéral au provincial, lesquels contribuent au financement de la santé et de
En restreignant
le programme des chasseurs F-35, des fonds seraient immédiatement disponibles
pour les étudiants universitaires du Québec. En fait, le coût associé à un F-35
(462 millions de dollars) libérerait amplement de ressources pour financer
la hausse des frais de scolarité pour des années à venir.
Selon le plan du governement Charest relatif au financement des universités québécoises, les droits de scolarité seront augmentés de 325 $ par an, de manière cumulative, à partir de l’automne 2012 sur une période de cinq ans, soit de $2168 en 2011-2012 à 3793 $ en 2016-2017.
Dans le cadre de ce
plan, les droits de scolarité augmenteraient graduellement sur une
période de 5 ans dans le but de générer en 2016-2017 un montant additionnel de
$850 millions dont la contribution étudiante serait de l'ordre de 31.2% (voir le document
du gouvernement ,
voir également Bloquons la hausse » La hausse des
frais expliquée Flux des commentaires)Selon le plan du governement Charest relatif au financement des universités québécoises, les droits de scolarité seront augmentés de 325 $ par an, de manière cumulative, à partir de l’automne 2012 sur une période de cinq ans, soit de $2168 en 2011-2012 à 3793 $ en 2016-2017.
Selon le gouvernement, la contribution des étudiants, qui représentait 12,7 % des revenus globaux des universités en 2008-2009, sera portée progressivement à 16,9 % en 2016-2017.
Il y a 285 000 étudiants inscrits dans les universités au Québec dont environ 180,000 sont à temps plein.
Le total éstimé des frais de scolarité au Québec pour 285.000 étudiants est de de l'ordre de 606 millions de dollars.
Pensez y. Faite la comparaison.
Assurer la gratuité de l'éducation post-secondaire, sur une base annuelle au Québec, serait inférieur au coût d'un avion F-35, 661 millions de dollars. Une total de 65 F-35 au coût de 30 milliards de dollars....
La structure des depenses du gouvernement fédérale doit nécéessairement entrer dans le débat: les dépenses militaires au niveau fédéral ont une incidence directe sur le financement d'un projet de société au Québec. Le gouvernement Charest est complice. Il accepte le gel des transferts en faveur des programmes sociaux. Il ne remet pas en cause les énormes sommes allouées par le gouvernement fédéral au financement d'une guerre meutrière sans frontières, au profit des fabricants d'armes etasuniens et leurs partenaires canadiens.
19 Things That The Talking Heads On Television Are Being Strangely Silent About
Michael Snyder, ContributorActivist Post
If the talking heads on television don't tell us about something that happens, does it make that event any less real? Of course the answer to that question is quite obvious, but unfortunately way too many Americans allow their realities to be defined by what they hear from the mainstream media.
Way too many people use phrases such as "if that was true I would have heard about it on television" to deflect conversations that are starting to become uncomfortable.
Critical thinking is a skill that is in short supply in America today, and most Americans seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them...
So what are some of the things that the mainstream
media has been ignoring?
The following are 19 things that the talking heads on television have been strangely silent about....
#1 Strange Things Happening On The Sun
A lot of really weird things have been happening on the sun lately. For example, recently there was a tornado on the sun that was five times larger than Earth. The following is how this solar tornado was described by a recent Wired article....
The following are 19 things that the talking heads on television have been strangely silent about....
#1 Strange Things Happening On The Sun
A lot of really weird things have been happening on the sun lately. For example, recently there was a tornado on the sun that was five times larger than Earth. The following is how this solar tornado was described by a recent Wired article....
Over the course of three hours, this
behemoth reached up from the sun’s surface to a height of 125,000 miles, or
roughly half the distance between the Earth and the moon. The hot gases were
whipped up to nearly 186,000 miles per hour. In comparison, the wind speed of
terrestrial tornadoes generally reaches a paltry 100 miles per hour.
#2 Fukushima
Fukushima has turned out to be the worst nuclear disaster in human history and it is far from over. In fact, there is still the potential that an earthquake or an explosion could cause the crisis at Fukushima to become far more dangerous than ever. In fact, some officials have even discussed the possibility of evacuating Tokyo if a worst case scenario plays out.
Mitsuhei Murata, a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, wrote the following in a March 25th letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon....
Fukushima has turned out to be the worst nuclear disaster in human history and it is far from over. In fact, there is still the potential that an earthquake or an explosion could cause the crisis at Fukushima to become far more dangerous than ever. In fact, some officials have even discussed the possibility of evacuating Tokyo if a worst case scenario plays out.
Mitsuhei Murata, a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, wrote the following in a March 25th letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon....
I was asked to make a statement at the
public hearing of the Budgetary Committee of the House of Councilors on March
23. I raised the crucial problem of N0.4 reactor of Fukushima containing 1535
fuel rods. It could be fatally damaged by continuing aftershocks. Moreover, 50
meters away from it exists a common cooling pool for 6 reactors containing 6375
fuel rods!
It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor. This is confirmed by most reliable experts like Dr. Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Fumiaki Koide.
Please allow me to inform you of an initiative being taken by a former UN official who is endeavoring to have the Nuclear Security Summit take up the crucial problem of N0.4 reactor of Fukushima. He is pursuing the establishment of an independent assessment team. I think his efforts are very significant, because it is indispensable to draw the attention of world leaders to this vital issue.
It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor. This is confirmed by most reliable experts like Dr. Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Fumiaki Koide.
Please allow me to inform you of an initiative being taken by a former UN official who is endeavoring to have the Nuclear Security Summit take up the crucial problem of N0.4 reactor of Fukushima. He is pursuing the establishment of an independent assessment team. I think his efforts are very significant, because it is indispensable to draw the attention of world leaders to this vital issue.
So just how serious is the threat posed by the spent
fuel pool at reactor number 4?
Well, just check out the following assessment from a Japanese news source....
Well, just check out the following assessment from a Japanese news source....
One of the biggest issues that we face
is the possibility that the spent nuclear fuel pool of the No. 4 reactor at the
stricken Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant will collapse.
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it and the storage pools are barely intact on the building’s third and fourth floors. If the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a wide area.
The worse-case scenario drawn up by the government includes not only the collapse of the No. 4 reactor pool, but the disintegration of spent fuel rods from all the plant’s other reactors. If this were to happen, residents in the Tokyo metropolitan area would be forced to evacuate.
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it and the storage pools are barely intact on the building’s third and fourth floors. If the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a wide area.
The worse-case scenario drawn up by the government includes not only the collapse of the No. 4 reactor pool, but the disintegration of spent fuel rods from all the plant’s other reactors. If this were to happen, residents in the Tokyo metropolitan area would be forced to evacuate.
#3 Mount Fuji In Japan About To Erupt?
Mount Fuji in Japan had been dormant for about 300 years, but in recent months there have been a lot of signs that the volcano is waking up. If Mount Fuji were to experience a full-blown major eruption, millions of Japanese could potentially die and the Japanese economy would immediately collapse.
The following is from an article that was recently posted on The Extinction Protocol....
Mount Fuji in Japan had been dormant for about 300 years, but in recent months there have been a lot of signs that the volcano is waking up. If Mount Fuji were to experience a full-blown major eruption, millions of Japanese could potentially die and the Japanese economy would immediately collapse.
The following is from an article that was recently posted on The Extinction Protocol....
Reports are appearing about unrest and
signs of a possible awakening of Mt Fuji volcano in Japan. According to a
report which includes an unclear photo of the area, a row of new craters, the
largest 50 m in diameter, has appeared on the eastern flank of the volcano at
2200 m elevation. Steam was observed erupting from these vents. The observation
joins other signs suggesting a gradual reawakening: A swarm of earthquakes
including 4 of magnitude 5 have occurred northeast of Mt Fuji on and after 28
January. An earlier 6.4M quake occurred under the volcano on 15 March 2011. The
report also mentions increased activity from a fumarole vent at 1500 m
elevation and hot spring areas at the eastern flank observed since 2003. These
locations seem to be aligned geographically, and are probably connected. Dr.
Masaaki Kimura of Ryukyu University is quoted to admit that there is an
increased risk of an eruption on the eastern flank and that the status of the
volcano should be closely monitored.
#4 Stunning Rise In Volcanic Activity Around The WorldAll over the world major volcanoes are showing signs of awakening. We are especially seeing a rise in volcanic activity along the "Ring of Fire" that encircles the Pacific Ocean.
#5 Global Food Prices Rising Again
According to Reuters, global food prices have risen for three months in a row and are rapidly approaching record levels. The food riots that we have seen in the developing world during past summers could be even worse this year.
#6 U.S. Government Debt Downgraded Again
Credit rating agency Egan Jones downgraded the credit rating of the United States from AA+ to AA last week. There was barely a peep about this on the major news networks.
#7 500 Million Dollars To Help The IRS Implement Obamacare
The Obama administration is giving the IRS 500 million extra dollars "outside the normal appropriations process" to help them implement the provisions of Obamacare that they are in charge of overseeing.
#8 Go To Jail If You Offend Someone On The Internet In Arizona?
A proposed law in Arizona will actually make it a very serious crime to annoy or offend someone on the Internet. So if you live in Arizona, you might want to be very careful about what you say if you leave a comment at the end of this article.
#9 Passport Suspended For Not Paying Taxes?
A bill currently going through the U.S. Congress would allow the federal government to suspend your passport if you have unpaid taxes. If you are not able to pay the taxes that you owe, you could end up stuck in the United States indefinitely.
#10 Preparations For War In The Persian Gulf
A second U.S. aircraft carrier is on the way to the Persian Gulf. Tensions with Iran continue to increase, and over the past several months there have been all kinds of signs that military preparations are being made for an eventual conflict.
#11 Mysterious Mass Deaths
Large numbers of birds, fish, dolphins and whales continue to die all over the globe and scientists do not have any explanation for why this is happening.
#12 The Federal Reserve Monetizing U.S. Debt
During 2011, the U.S. Federal Reserve bought approximately 61 percent of all U.S. debt that was issued according to an article in the Wall Street Journal. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke promised that he would never monetize the debt, but that is exactly what he is attempting to do.
#13 Giant Sinkholes
Enormous sinkholes continue to open up all over the planet. For example, a mammoth 200 foot wide sinkhole recently opened up near a town in Sweden.
#14 Increase In Global Earthquakes
As I have written about previously, we have seen a substantial increase in the number of major earthquakes around the globe in recent years. So far in 2012, we have seen four earthquakes of greater than magnitude 7.0, and all four of them have been along the "Ring of Fire".
#15 Increase In U.S. Earthquakes
Scientists are acknowledging that there has been a huge increase in the number of earthquakes in the center of the United States, but they are blaming this increase on fracking.
#16 Evacuation Drills At U.S. Public Schools
All over the United States, public schools are conducting "evacuation drills" which involve putting children on buses and taking them to alternate locations. Sometimes the alternate locations are "undisclosed" and parents are only told what the undisclosed locations were after the drills are over.
#17 Strange Sounds In The Sky
All over the planet, people are hearing strange noises in the sky. People have come up with all sorts of theories and explanations for why they are happening, but so far the mystery has not been solved and reports of these strange sounds continue to pour in from all over the globe.
#18 Crazy Tornado Outbreaks
So far in 2012 the United States has had a very unusual number of tornadoes. In fact, so far we have seen about twice as many tornadoes as usual. The 2011 tornado season was one of the worst ever, and the 2012 tornado season could end up being even more traumatic.
#19 Obama Signs Disturbing Executive Order
A few weeks ago, Barack Obama signed an executive order that would allow him to take control of all food, all energy, all health resources and all transportation resources. This was an update to an old executive order, but the Obama administration made a change that would allow Barack Obama to do this even in "non-emergency" situations. Sadly, the talking heads on television were strangely silent about this.
The world that we live in is becoming increasingly unstable.
The political order is being shaken, the financial world is being shaken, the social fabric of our society is being shaken and even the ground under our feet is being shaken.
Previous generations never had to deal with a world that was changing at blinding speed. The rate at which things are moving is almost unimaginable, and it just seems to keep accelerating with each passing year.
We are privileged to live during one of the most exciting times in human history, but it is also likely to be one of the most dangerous times in human history.
The talking heads on television are going to keep telling us that everything is going to be okay and that everything will "return to normal" very soon, but that simply is not going to happen.
Our world has reached a critical juncture, and a time of great shaking is at hand.
So what do you think is going to happen next?
NASA Warns Super Solar Storms Forecasted For 2012 Could Kill 1 Billion
NASA has forecasted super solar storms for 2012 and is sounding the alarm it could knock out the Earth’s entire electrical grid and kill 1 billion people. If proper precautions aren’t taken it could lead to nuclear meltdowns around the entire world.
Helium writes in a 2 page article titled NASA issues warning of solar super storm 2012
During a solar superstorm most communication will
be blasted out of existence; power will fail. Cities will be left without light
and water and food will run out. Civil unrest will surge as society collapses
in a matter of days. The US federal and state governments will be hard-pressed
to restore order amongst 300 million people as mass starvation sets in and
sources of fresh water dwindle.
One billion could die
Restoration of the infrastructure could take
years—even a decade or more. During the interim more than a billion people
could die worldwide—more if warfare breaks out between countries desperate for
scarce resources.
Michio Kaku adds his voice to the warnings
World renown American astrophysicist Dr. Michio
Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City
University of New York and the co-founder of string field theory, is worried
about a potential catastrophe and has joined in NASA’s warning.
Appearing recently on FoxNews, Kaku said, “We’re
talking about a potential Katrina from space.”
But Kaku sees the disaster as 10 times greater
than Katrina-perhaps even worse than that. “We’d be thrown 100 years into the
past,” he explained. The transition to the 1800s would occur as quicly as
flipping a light switch off.
Fox News – Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012
Nasa says super solar storm coming in 2012. It
could knock out all electricity on the planet!
Of course NASA gave similar warnings about last
years solar eruption’s which came and went without a single hiccup.
NASA Warns Earth On Collision Course With Unprecedented Solar Flare Eruption
NASA is warning that the Earth is on a collision course
with a solar flare that could wipe out electronics, satellites and
communication systems across the globe that humanity has become so reliant on
in the 21 st century and is calling for the Government to organize the
necessary preparations needed to prevent detect upcoming solar activity that
can wreak havoc on humanity.
The “Earth and space are about to come into
contact in a way that’s new to human history. To make preparations, authorities
in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at
the National Press Club on June 8th” reports the NASA article.
“NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a dark rift
in the sun’s atmosphere. The spacecraft’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)
took this extreme ultraviolet picture just hours ago
It’s a “coronal hole,” a vast region where the sun’s magnetic
field has opened up and allowed the solar wind to escape. Indeed, a solar wind
stream flowing from this hole is heading toward Earth, due to arrive on June
7th or 8th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on those
The National Academy of Sciences framed the
problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled “Severe Space Weather
Events—Societal and Economic Impacts.” It noted how people of the 21st-century
rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS
navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications
can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm,
the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than
Hurricane Katrina.
On the other hand we can not forget that the Fukushima nuclear disaster was
caused by a power outage and if a power outage like this does occur, many
reactors around the world would be out power and …When This Happens, Most Nuclear Power Plants in the World Could Melt Down
Whenever there is a disaster, those responsible
claim it was “unforeseeable” so as to escape blame.
For example:
The big boys gamble with our lives and our livelihoods,
because they make a killing by taking huge risks and cutting costs. And when
things inevitably go South, they aren’t held responsible (other than a slap on
the wrist), and may even be bailed out by the government.
Are All Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable?
NASA warns solar flares
could knock out the world’s entire electrical grid, leading to nuclear
meltdowns all over the world.
Much of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
complex has experienced difficulties because the earthquake knocked out the
main power, and then the tsunami destroyed the backup diesel generators.
Of course, many other reactors are built in
seismically active areas. But that’s not my point.
Nasa scientists are predicting that a solar storm
will knock out most of the electrical power grid in many countries worldwide,
perhaps for months. See this, this, this,
this, this,
this and this.
Indeed, the Earth’s magnetic field protects us
from the sun’s most violent radiation, and yet the magnetic field fluctuates over time. As the
Telegraph reported in 2008:
Large hole in magnetic field that protects Earth
from sun’s rays … Recent satellite observations have revealed the largest
breach yet seen in the magnetic field that protects Earth from most of the
sun’s violent blasts.
I’m not predicting some 2012 Mayan catastrophe. I
am simply warning that a large solar storm – as Nasa is predicting – could
knock out power throughout much of the world, especially if the earth’s
magnetic field happens to be weak at the time.
What would happen to nuclear power plants world
wide if their power – and most of the surrounding modern infrastructure – is
knocked out?
Has NASA already found life on Mars?
NASA has found life on Mars but failed to recognise it, a controversial new scientific report claims. An international team looked again at the findings of two spacecraft that landed on the Red Planet 36 years ago.
Sensationally, they conclude that the Viking missions sent back clear evidence for bugs living in the martian soil. Two robotic Viking spacecraft became the first to land on Mars in 1976 and are the only ones to have carried experiments directly to look for life.
One, called the Labeled Release experiment, added nutirents to samples of martian soil, just as a gardener might add plant food to his garden. The soil quickly gave off a large amount of gas, believed to be mainly carbon dioxide. But NASA decided against a biological cause at the time.
Now a team of scientists and mathematicians have carried out a detailed analysis of the data gathered by the experiment and compared it to the results that would be obtained from bug-free soil. They conclude that their findings point to microbes having produced the gas.
Writing in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, the team say: “The only extraterrestrial life detection experiments ever conducted were the three which were components of the 1976 Viking Mission to Mars. Of these, only the Labeled Release experiment obtained a clearly positive response.
He wants NASA to send a movie camera to Mars to get the conclusive evidence. “The ultimate proof is to take a video of a Martian bacteria. They should send a microscope and watch the bacteria move,” he said.
Speaking to the Futurity website, Dr Miller added: “To paraphrase an old saying, if it looks like a microbe and acts like a microbe, then it probably is a microbe. The presence of circadian rhythmicity and a high degree of mathematical complexity or order in the LR data most likely means Viking discovered microbial life on Mars over 35 years ago.”
One footnote: Rather embarrassingly, if Viking did find Martians, they also boiled them alive because their experiment heated the scooped soil to 160 C.
Bad news for global warmingers: polar bears might not be doomed after all
http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/05/bad-news-for-global-warmingers-polar-bears-might-not-be-doomed-after-all/The debate about climate change and its impact on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought, and might be growing.
DC Trawler
April 5, 2012
Bad news for global warmingers: polar bears might not be doomed after all
Today just hasn’t been Al Gore’s day. First he learned that Keith Olbermann was probably the last thing keeping Current TV from becoming Former TV. Now he’s getting some disappointing news about even more fat, unhousebroken beasts with white hair who aren’t doing what he wants.
Healthy polar bear count confounds
The debate about climate change and its impact
on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear
population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists
thought, and might be growing.
The number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay, believed to
be among the most threatened bear subpopulations, stands at 1,013 and could be
even higher, according to the results of an aerial survey released Wednesday by
the Government of Nunavut. That’s 66 per cent higher than estimates by other
researchers who forecasted the numbers would fall to as low as 610 because of
warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin bears’ ability to hunt.
The Hudson Bay region, which straddles Nunavut and Manitoba, is critical
because it’s considered a bellwether for how polar bears are doing elsewhere in
the Arctic.
Strong Earthquake Strikes off the Coast of Mexico
A strong earthquake struck off the coast of Mexico on Thursday, waking up residents living near the Gulf of California, only hours after a separate temblor swayed tall buildings in Mexico City, causing evacuations.
Authorities said neither quake left major damage nor victims.
The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 6.9 magnitude quake hit the waters between the Baja peninsula and the northern state of Sonora at 12:15 a.m. local time.
Earthquakes Hammer the “Ring of Fire”
Within the past 24 hours, the Pacific “Ring of Fire” – the region of the world where 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur and 75% of the world’s volcanoes are located – has been hammered with earthquakes:
- 8.6 in Indonesia
- 7.0 in Mexico (in the state of Michoacan)
- 6.9 in Mexico (in the Gulf of California)
- 5.6 near Fukushima, Japan *
* The spent fuel cooling system at Fukushima reactor number 4 has been suspended for the time being. However, this occurred prior to the earthquake, and – hopefully – will be started back up soon.
Magnitude 6.9 - GULF OF CALIFORNIA
Magnitude 6.2 - GULF OF CALIFORNIA
Magnitude 6.5 - MICHOACAN, MEXICO
Whole lotta shakin goin' on!Happening Now: Multiple strong quakes hit Fukushima plant within last 3 hours
ALERT: M5 hits same location as M9 megaquake on March 11 — Plus 3 more M4+ at Fukushima in last hour
The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance On The West Coast Of The United States
Michael Snyder, ContributorActivist Post
Does it seem to you like there has been an unusual amount of seismic activity around the world lately? Well, it isn't just your imagination. The Ring of Fire is roaring to life and that is really bad news for the west coast of the United States.
Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire.
Considering the fact that the entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, we should be very concerned that the Ring of Fire is becoming more active. On Wednesday, the most powerful strike-slip earthquake ever recorded happened along the Ring of Fire. If that earthquake had happened in a major U.S. city along the west coast, the city would have been entirely destroyed.
Scientists tell us that there is nearly a 100% certainty that the "Big One" will hit California at some point. In recent years we have seen Japan, Chile, Indonesia and New Zealand all get hit by historic earthquakes. It is inevitable that there will be earthquakes of historic importance on the west coast of the United States as well. So far we have been very fortunate, but that good fortune will not last indefinitely.
In a previous article, I showed that earthquakes are becoming more frequent around the globe. In 2001, there were 137 earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or greater and in 2011 there were 205. The charts and data that I presented in that previous article show a clear upward trend in large global earthquakes over the past decade, and that is why what happened this week is so alarming.
On Wednesday, a magnitude 8.6
earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia and that was
rapidly followed by a magnitude 8.2
earthquake off the coast of Indonesia. Fortunately those
gigantic earthquakes did not produce a devastating tsunami, but that doesn't
mean that those earthquakes were not immensely powerful.
Normally we only see about one earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or greater per year. The magnitude 8.6 earthquake was the most powerful strike-slip earthquake in recorded history. If that earthquake had happened in the United States, it would have probably been the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.
The following is from an article posted on The Extinction Protocol....
Normally we only see about one earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or greater per year. The magnitude 8.6 earthquake was the most powerful strike-slip earthquake in recorded history. If that earthquake had happened in the United States, it would have probably been the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.
The following is from an article posted on The Extinction Protocol....
I’ve never heard of a
strike-slip lateral earthquake of this great a magnitude; especially under water.
Preliminary assessment of the Indonesian quakes by U.S. geologists suggests one
plate lurched past each other as much as 70 feet. San Andreas is a strike-slip,
lateral -- can we even imagine two sections of ground moving 70 feet near San
Francisco? Had the force of the Sumatra quakes been unleashed upon San Andreas,
the city would have been completely destroyed.
And earthquake activity along the west coast has definitely been heating up
in recent days. On Wednesday, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake
struck approximately 160 miles off of the coast of Oregon.Early on Thursday, there were two major earthquakes (magnitude 6.9 and magnitude 6.2) in the Gulf of California.
It is only a matter of time before the "Big One" hits California.
Sadly, most Americans (especially young Americans) can't even tell you what the Ring of Fire is.
According to the Arizona Geological Survey, there were 131 earthquakes in the state of Arizona in 2011. That was a huge increase from just 53 in 2010.
And of course an absolutely nightmarish earthquake could occur along the New Madrid fault at any time, but that is a topic for another article.
As far as the Ring of Fire is concerned, another major threat is volcanic activity.
One of these days, one or more of the major volcanoes on the west coast is going to experience a major eruption again. There have been signs that Mt. Rainier has been becoming more active, and a major eruption of Mt. Rainier could potentially be absolutely devastating for much of the northwest United States.
Of even greater concern along the Ring of Fire is Mt. Fuji. As I wrote about the other day, Mt. Fuji has been dormant for about 300 years but is now rapidly roaring to life. New craters have appeared and these new craters are venting gas. There has been a swarm of earthquakes under Mt. Fuji this year, including a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on March 15th.
If Mt. Fuji were to experience a full-blown eruption, the consequences could be absolutely catastrophic. Mt. Fuji is not too far from Tokyo -- one of the most densely populated cities on the entire planet. The loss of life resulting from a full-blown eruption of Mt. Fuji would be almost unimaginable.
But it is not just along the Ring of Fire that we are seeing a rise in volcanic activity. The truth is that we are seeing a rise in volcanic activity all over the globe. The following are just a couple of recent examples which have been in the news....
*The volcanoes in Iceland that caused such huge problems a few years ago are becoming very active once again.
*Authorities in Colombia have declared a "red alert" and believe that an eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano is imminent.
*Ash is venting at the world famous Anak Krakatau volcano in Indonesia.
Something really strange is going on.
Most scientists will deny it or will attempt to downplay it until they are blue in the face, but the truth is that the trembling of our planet is getting worse.
If this shaking continues to get worse, there are going to be some absolutely horrific tragedies in the years ahead.
Mount Etna Erupts, Spewing Lava & Ash (04-13-2012)
Honeybee Deaths Linked to Corn Insecticides
What was killing all those honeybees in recent years? New research shows a link between an increase in the death of bees and insecticides, specifically the chemicals used to coat corn seeds.
The study, titled “Assessment of the Environmental Exposure of Honeybees to Particulate Matter Containing Neonicotinoid Insecticides Coming from Corn Coated Seeds,” was published in the American Chemical Society’s Environmental Science & Technology journal, and provides insight into colony collapse disorder.
Study Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides
Anthony GucciardiActivist Post
Already being ravaged by pesticides that are ignored by the USDA, a new study confirms that the bee population decline is also linked to corn insecticides that are among the most widely used in the world. The study sheds more light on the rampant downfall of the bee population through mass die-offs, also known as colony collapse disorder.
Used to coat corn seeds, the chemicals — known as neonicotinoid insecticides – are used to kill the insects by paralyzing their nerves. The makers claim that it has ‘lower toxicity’ for other animals...
Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizers and Cleaners Fueling Resistant Superbugs
Drug-resistant superbugs, such as the heavily defiant strain of tuberculosis that is now popping up across the globe, are causing serious shockwaves throughout the medical community.
Rampant use of antibiotics for unnecessary conditions and pumping livestock up with an exorbitant amount (around 80% of the entire United States antibiotic supply) of drugs is a leading factor, but research shows that anti-bacterial hand sanitizers and cleaners are also contributing to the problem.
Anti-bacterial products have become commonplace in many households and classrooms across the nation, though they are especially prevalent in India — where scientists say the overall use of antibiotics in drug and cleaning form alike are way overused.
There are more natural alternatives to these products which work very well which you can make yourself.
1 Start your natural hand sanitizer by choosing a container of your choice. This recipe will work in plastic squeeze bottles, or mini spray bottles. Look for these in the travel accessories area of health and beauty departments. 2 Use the following recipe--- 2 parts aloe gel (NOT juice). 1 part distilled water (NOT tap). 1 part grain alcohol-vodka (NOT isopropyl). 4-5 drops essential oil of choice (NOT fragrance oils). Hint: tea tree is a great antibacterial and one of the best essential oils to add to a hand sanitizer recipe. 3 Mix all ingredients in glass bowl (preferably) with a plastic spoon. I don't use metal dishes or utensils because of potential reactions with the essential oils. Pour your aromatherapy hand sanitizer into plastic containers. You can add less water if you prefer a thicker product. Read more: How to Make a Natural Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2223499_natural-antibacterial-hand-sanitizer.html#ixzz1s1V1NZ8M
New Studies: Fluoridation Fails to Reduce Cavities
New research shows that fluoride chemicals added to U.S. public water supplies are not reducing tooth decay as promoted and promised by government agencies, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
Using federal statistics, the West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoridation-exposed rural children...
Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths
Mike BarrettActivist Post
Water fluoridation is a highly controversial topic, with many individuals voicing massive concern over the practice.
In contrast, some stick to the concept that there isn’t any association between fluoride and any real negative effects.
Fluoride, however, is indeed a toxic substance, and has been tied with numerous health complications in well-established research. Fluoride can be found in many water supplies, toothpaste, and even food at alarming levels. While it may sound shocking to many, some research is even drawing a close connection between fluoride and an increased cancer risk...
Monsanto’s Roundup Altering the Physical Shape of Amphibians
Mike BarrettActivist Post
Monsanto’s Roundup, which is the most popular herbicide used today, has been found to ignite morphological changes in amphibians.
The research, conducted using tadpoles, found that environmentally relevant concentrations of Roundup are enough to cause two species of amphibians to actually change shape. This is the first research to show that herbicides can have such an effect on animals...
Explosive: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects
Anthony GucciardiActivist Post
In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused "devastating birth defects" in their children...
Poland's Monsanto action lays 1000s of dead bees on Govt steps
On March 15, over 1,500 beekeepers and their allies marched thru the streets of Warsaw, depositing thousands of dead bees on the steps of the Ministry of Agriculture, in protest of genetically modified foods and their requisite pesticides which are killing bees, moths and other agriculturally-beneficial insects around the globe.
The Polish Beekeepers Association organized the protest, joining forces with International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside (ICPPC) and the Coalition for a GMO Free Poland. Targeting Monsanto’s MON810 GM corn in particular, they also called for a complete ban on all GM crops and harmful pesticides.
Bees are critical to the survival of plant species; when bees die off, entire plant species may well go with them.
I have always found it deliciously ironic that at the Monsanto cafeteria at their headquarters, no GMO food is served. And the reason is very clear: Monsanto management understands, full well, the dangers which GMO crops represent to humankind. Of course, to any corporate entity, some individual humans are more expendable than others.
Please check with the managers at your local supermarket, and ask about the availability of organic food, and let them know that you are ready to support their decision of offering more organic fare by buying it. Also, try your local farmers' markets, as the produce there generally has far fewer "frequent flier miles" than does produce shipped in to your grocery store.
Yes, it is going to be more expensive than the Frankenfoods many of us eat much of the time, but it will be a tremendously positive investment in your health, and the health of your family.
Peru Passes Monumental Ten Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods
In a massive blow to multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up for another review.
Peru’s Plenary Session of the Congress made the decision 3 years after the decree was written despite previous governmental pushes for GM legalization due largely to the pressure from farmers that together form the Parque de la Papa in Cusco, a farming community of 6,000 people that represent six communities.
Chickens Fed Caffeine, Banned Antibiotics, and Prozac Often Without The Farmer’s Knowledge
It’s no surprise that conventionally factory farmed chickens aren't fed the best diet. We already knew that they were routinely fed arsenic. In fact, a 2004 study from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy showed that more than half of store-bought and fast-food chickens contained elevated levels of arsenic. Roughly 2.2 million pounds of it are being used every year to produce 43 billion pounds of poultry. It's called roxarsone and it's used to fight parasites and increase growth in chickens.
New research not only confirms use of arsenic, but finds the addition of a frightening elixir of drugs that includes caffeine, banned antibiotics, and even Prozac. Researchers started off testing just for banned antibiotics but went ahead and looked for other substances because it didn’t add to the cost of the test. What they found even surprised them, according to a story in The New York Times.
Their Feathers Tell the Tale
By doing a test on their feathers, which is similar to that of human fingernails in the way it accumulates chemicals, they found caffeine, antihistamines, acetaminophen, fluroquinolones (banned antibiotics), arsenic, and even Prozac (in chicken imported from China). Fluroquinolones are illegal because they have been proven to cause antibiotic resistant superbugs.Prozac was added to feed because stressed out chickens produce tough meat and brutal conditions often mean a constantly nervous bird. Chickens are fed coffee pulp and green tea powder to keep them up longer so they eat more food, according to a story in The New York Times.
Farmers Often Unaware
But even more surprising is that many farmers aren’t even aware that they are feeding their chickens this extreme elixir, rather, they use a certain food mix mandated by the food companies that buy their products.Organic chicken feed prohibits the use of roxarsone as an additive, so while this is currently your best bet, it's no perfect remedy because one organic brand tested still showed traces of arsenic. So the next most rational step is to give up the bird completely.
New Study Shows Dental X-Rays Linked To Brain Tumors
Neurosurgeon Issues Public Challenge to Vaccine Zealots: Inject Yourselves With All Shots You Say Children Should Get!
Drug babies before vaccinating them, doctors demand
A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that giving eight-week-old babies several doses of acetaminophen (Tylenol) before and after the barrage of recommended childhood vaccines they typically receive will help them to sleep better, and improve vaccine efficacy. And because many doctors believe that sleeping after vaccinations is a positive sign that vaccines are supposedly "working," this dangerous protocol could become common practice among pediatric doctors when administering childhood vaccines.
Distribution of Gardasil Vaccin on Hold in France
Before distributing the Gardasil vaccin to the public, french officials have demanded a new scientific investigation.
Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy, horrified scientists discover
The long-term health damage caused by the great H1N1 swine flu scam "pandemic" of 2009 -- and particularly the mass vaccination campaign that accompanied it -- is already becoming apparent in the form of an autoimmune disorder. A new review published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE confirms that Pandemrix, a swine flu vaccine produced by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), is responsible for causing an up to 1700 percent increase in narcolepsy among children and teenagers under 17 years of age.
I know this is a repeat, but I cannot tell you how angry this story makes me. Back in 2009, the alternative media pointed out how the so=called "pandemic" was the result of WHO simply lowering the threshold to scare everyone into throwing their money at the pharmaceutical companies to buy a vaccine for a non-existent threat, and now we find out those vaccines were harming children. This is what happens when you allow money-junkies control of the health system.
Outbreaks centered around vaccinated children
A recent Reuters article has indicated that children who have been
vaccinated for whooping cough are more susceptible to the disease,
once the vaccine wears off, than children that have NEVER been
Let me put that another way;
"Whooping cough infections are MORE common among children already
vaccinated against whooping cough than unvaccinated children."
Of course, the medical establishment's answer is to make 'booster'
shots more frequent and vaccinations mandatory.
Here's the story...
Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping
cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
(...)New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.
As Reuters reports: (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/03/us-whoopingcough-idUSBRE832...)
In early 2010, a spike in cases appeared at Kaiser Permanente in San
Rafael, and it was soon determined to be an outbreak of whooping cough -- the
largest seen in California in more than 50 years. Witt had expected to see the
illnesses center around unvaccinated kids, knowing they are more vulnerable to
the disease. "We started dissecting the data. What was very surprising was
the majority of cases were in fully vaccinated children. That's what started
catching our attention."by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
(...)New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.
As Reuters reports: (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/03/us-whoopingcough-idUSBRE832...)
This same article also admits that these vaccines have never been tested for long-term effectiveness:
Huh? So let me get this straight:
• Whooping cough infections are MORE common among children already vaccinated against whooping cough than unvaccinated children.
• The whooping cough vaccines have NEVER been tested for long-term efficacy.
• Doctors openly admit the vaccine "doesn't provide lasting protection" against the disease.
• But doctors and government authorities mindlessly push the vaccine anyway?!
That's essentially like saying, "We know these vaccines don't really work, but everybody should get vaccinated anyway."
Whooping cough outbreak? Demand everybody be vaccinated!
Despite the fact that the whooping cough vaccines actually cause an increase in the risk of being infected with whooping cough, every time a whooping cough outbreak occurs, there's a mad rush of everybody screaming, "Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate!"
For example, this mindless article in The Seattle Times typifies the kind of brain-dead journalism observed across the mainstream media: "Whooping cough spreading fast in state; vaccinations urged." (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017902210_whoopingco...)
This mindless, irrational cry for vaccinations utterly contradicts scientific truth, but it get published over and over again with zero skepticism and no intelligent questioning by anyone in the (whored-out) mainstream media.
Whooping cough vaccines, it turns out, do nothing to reduce the rate of whooping cough infections. But they do accomplish something else that's even more important for Big Pharma. Care to guess what that is?
Read entire article here:
Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy, horrified scientists discover
The long-term health damage caused by the great H1N1 swine flu scam "pandemic" of 2009 -- and particularly the mass vaccination campaign that accompanied it -- is already becoming apparent in the form of an autoimmune disorder. A new review published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE confirms that Pandemrix, a swine flu vaccine produced by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), is responsible for causing an up to 1700 percent increase in narcolepsy among children and teenagers under 17 years of age.
Mercury in flu vaccine is linked to autism
Millions of flu jabs issued by the Government contain a mercury-based preservative which is being phased out in Europe and the United States amid fears over autism and brain damage.
Four out of seven flu vaccine brands approved for NHS use contain thiomersal, a mercury-containing agent at the centre of safety concerns over its effect on brain function, particularly in children.
Number of schoolchildren classified as being autistic soars by 56% in five years
The number of schoolchildren who are classified as being autistic has soared by 56 per cent in the last five years.
There are now 61,570 children in state-funded schools who are recorded as having some kind of autistic spectrum disorder. This is up from 39,465 children five years ago.
CDC: 1 in 88 U.S. children have autism
The number of children with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latest data estimate that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder. That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, according to the report.
Les fondements de la théorie vaccinale s'effritent car la science révèle l'inutilité des anticorps pour combattre les virus
Traduction copyleft de Pétrus Lombard
Tandis que les industries médicale, pharmaceutique, et vaccinale s'occupent à faire campagne pour de nouveaux vaccins contre pratiquement chaque affection sous le Soleil, une nouvelle étude publiée dans la revue Immunity déconstruit totalement toute la théorie vaccinale. Il s'avère que, dans le système immunitaire naturel de l'organisme, des composants tant innés qu'adaptatifs travaillent ensemble pour conjurer la maladie, sans besoin de vaccins producteurs d'anticorps.
Dans le cadre du système immunitaire adaptatif, la théorie derrière les vaccins dit qu'ils imitent l'infection en poussant les cellules B, l'un des deux principaux types de globules blancs du système immunitaire, à produire des anticorps. Il est largement admis que les anticorps induits par les vaccins, qui sont la partie la plus spécifique du système immunitaire adaptatif, apprennent au système immunitaire comment réagir directement à une infection avant que l'organisme n'y soit exposé.
Mais la nouvelle étude met en évidence le fait que l'immunité innée joue un rôle important dans la lutte contre les infections, et est peut-être plus importante que l'immunité adaptative pour prévenir ou combattre les infections. Lors des tests, il a été montré que les anticorps du système immunitaire adaptatif sont incapables en tant que tels de lutter contre l'infection. En substance, cela démystifie la théorie selon laquelle les anticorps induits par les vaccins servent quelque fonction fondée dans la prévention ou la lutte contre les infections.
« Nos conclusions contredisent l'opinion actuelle, selon laquelle les anticorps sont absolument nécessaires pour survivre à l'infection d'un micro-organisme comme le virus de la stomatite vésiculeuse, et font apparaître une fonction inattendue des cellules B, comme gardiens des macrophages dans l'immunité antivirale », a déclaré le Dr H. Uldrich H. von Andrian de la faculté de médecine de Harvard. « Il sera important de continuer à disséquer le rôle des anticorps et des interférons dans l'immunité contre des virus similaires qui attaquent le système nerveux, comme les virus du Nil occidental, de la rage, et de l'encéphalite. »
Comme l'a expliqué le Dr Russell Blaylock dans une interview récente avec Mike Adams, le Ranger de la santé, non seulement les vaccins n'agissent pas comme annoncé, mais ils endommagent réellement l'immunité innée de l'organisme. Au lieu d'enseigner à l'organisme comment réagir aux infections, les vaccins inhibent en réalité la capacité du système immunitaire à produire des cytokines de type Th2, et font disparaître l'immunité cellulaire, le moyen grâce auquel l'organisme se protège contre les virus et les bactéries mortelles.
Ainsi, une fois encore, le mythe selon lequel les vaccinations servent une sorte de but médical légitime a été déconstruit par une percée scientifique. Peu importe si oui ou non la communauté médicale dominante voudra l'admettre, l'idéologie pro-vaccinale se trouve elle-même de plus en plus dans la décharge des pseudo-sciences dépassées.
Les sources de cet article comprennent :
- www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242403.php
- www.niaid.nih.gov
- www.naturalnews.com/035335_vaccines_Dr_Blaylock_children.html
Tandis que les industries médicale, pharmaceutique, et vaccinale s'occupent à faire campagne pour de nouveaux vaccins contre pratiquement chaque affection sous le Soleil, une nouvelle étude publiée dans la revue Immunity déconstruit totalement toute la théorie vaccinale. Il s'avère que, dans le système immunitaire naturel de l'organisme, des composants tant innés qu'adaptatifs travaillent ensemble pour conjurer la maladie, sans besoin de vaccins producteurs d'anticorps.
Dans le cadre du système immunitaire adaptatif, la théorie derrière les vaccins dit qu'ils imitent l'infection en poussant les cellules B, l'un des deux principaux types de globules blancs du système immunitaire, à produire des anticorps. Il est largement admis que les anticorps induits par les vaccins, qui sont la partie la plus spécifique du système immunitaire adaptatif, apprennent au système immunitaire comment réagir directement à une infection avant que l'organisme n'y soit exposé.
Mais la nouvelle étude met en évidence le fait que l'immunité innée joue un rôle important dans la lutte contre les infections, et est peut-être plus importante que l'immunité adaptative pour prévenir ou combattre les infections. Lors des tests, il a été montré que les anticorps du système immunitaire adaptatif sont incapables en tant que tels de lutter contre l'infection. En substance, cela démystifie la théorie selon laquelle les anticorps induits par les vaccins servent quelque fonction fondée dans la prévention ou la lutte contre les infections.
« Nos conclusions contredisent l'opinion actuelle, selon laquelle les anticorps sont absolument nécessaires pour survivre à l'infection d'un micro-organisme comme le virus de la stomatite vésiculeuse, et font apparaître une fonction inattendue des cellules B, comme gardiens des macrophages dans l'immunité antivirale », a déclaré le Dr H. Uldrich H. von Andrian de la faculté de médecine de Harvard. « Il sera important de continuer à disséquer le rôle des anticorps et des interférons dans l'immunité contre des virus similaires qui attaquent le système nerveux, comme les virus du Nil occidental, de la rage, et de l'encéphalite. »
Comme l'a expliqué le Dr Russell Blaylock dans une interview récente avec Mike Adams, le Ranger de la santé, non seulement les vaccins n'agissent pas comme annoncé, mais ils endommagent réellement l'immunité innée de l'organisme. Au lieu d'enseigner à l'organisme comment réagir aux infections, les vaccins inhibent en réalité la capacité du système immunitaire à produire des cytokines de type Th2, et font disparaître l'immunité cellulaire, le moyen grâce auquel l'organisme se protège contre les virus et les bactéries mortelles.
Ainsi, une fois encore, le mythe selon lequel les vaccinations servent une sorte de but médical légitime a été déconstruit par une percée scientifique. Peu importe si oui ou non la communauté médicale dominante voudra l'admettre, l'idéologie pro-vaccinale se trouve elle-même de plus en plus dans la décharge des pseudo-sciences dépassées.
Les sources de cet article comprennent :
- www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242403.php
- www.niaid.nih.gov
- www.naturalnews.com/035335_vaccines_Dr_Blaylock_children.html
Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses
Vaccines And Autism: The Secret That You Are Not Supposed To Know
Michael Snyder, Contributor
Activist Post
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children in the United States with autism has risen by 78 percent over the past decade. It is now estimated that 1 out of every 88 children in the United States has some form of autism disorder.
Our schools are absolutely packed with "special needs" children, and millions of parents are desperately trying to figure out why so many kids are having such severe developmental problems.
Strangely, most autistic children start out perfectly normal. Most of them develop just fine for the first year or two and then something dramatic happens. So what could that possibly be? Well, there is a secret that you are not supposed to know.
That secret is that vaccines are one of the primary causes of autism. As the number of vaccines being administered to our children has risen, so has the percentage of our children with autism. Today, in some areas of the United States more than 30 vaccines are being given to young children before the age of 3. When you inject so much mercury and so much other toxic material directly into the bloodstreams of vulnerable young children, bad stuff is bound to happen. The evidence linking vaccines and autism continues to mount, and yet the pharmaceutical establishment continues to vigorously deny that there could possibly be any link between the two.
Each year, there are thousands upon thousands of
parents that take their perfectly healthy toddlers into the doctor to get a
vaccine and later end up deeply regretting it. Shortly after taking one
too many vaccines, many children get sick, stop talking and never
recover. The parents of those children are left absolutely devastated.
If you start surfing around the Internet you can find enough testimonies like this to keep you reading for days on end.
But for the pharmaceutical establishment, a link must never be admitted between vaccines and autism. Hundreds of billions of dollars of profits are at stake, and the legal implications of admitting that vaccines cause autism would be absolutely mind blowing.
The big pharmaceutical companies will never, ever, ever, ever admit a link. And since those companies also spend billions of dollars advertising on the mainstream media, the mainstream media will never admit a link either.
It is all about the money. So they have to act incredibly puzzled about what is causing cases of autism to dramatically surge in the United States. And "dramatically surge" is actually an understatement.
It is getting really hard to deny that the epidemic of autism in America is absolutely exploding. The following is from a recent CNN article....
If you start surfing around the Internet you can find enough testimonies like this to keep you reading for days on end.
But for the pharmaceutical establishment, a link must never be admitted between vaccines and autism. Hundreds of billions of dollars of profits are at stake, and the legal implications of admitting that vaccines cause autism would be absolutely mind blowing.
The big pharmaceutical companies will never, ever, ever, ever admit a link. And since those companies also spend billions of dollars advertising on the mainstream media, the mainstream media will never admit a link either.
It is all about the money. So they have to act incredibly puzzled about what is causing cases of autism to dramatically surge in the United States. And "dramatically surge" is actually an understatement.
It is getting really hard to deny that the epidemic of autism in America is absolutely exploding. The following is from a recent CNN article....
In 2000 and 2002, the
autism estimate was about 1 in 150 children. Two years later 1 in 125
8-year-olds had autism. In 2006, the number was 1 in 110, and the newest data
-- from 2008 -- suggests 1 in 88 children have autism.
So what is causing this?
The mainstream media is floating all kinds of bizarre theories. But an increasing number of U.S. parents are coming to one conclusion. Despite overwhelming propaganda in the mainstream media that vaccines do not cause autism, one poll found that one out of every four parents now believe that vaccines cause autism.
So why are so many parents not listening to the "experts"?
Well, it is because of what they have seen in real life. The following is from a recent Huffington Post article....
The mainstream media is floating all kinds of bizarre theories. But an increasing number of U.S. parents are coming to one conclusion. Despite overwhelming propaganda in the mainstream media that vaccines do not cause autism, one poll found that one out of every four parents now believe that vaccines cause autism.
So why are so many parents not listening to the "experts"?
Well, it is because of what they have seen in real life. The following is from a recent Huffington Post article....
It's a fact that many
children with ASD regressed following normal development just as they were
receiving multiple vaccines at regular doctor visits. Health officials say the
timing is entirely coincidental.
Regression usually
occurs between 12 and 24 months, though one study found
that some children show signs of autism as early as six months, but never
before that age.
By six months of age, most
U.S. children have received about 18 inoculations
containing 24 vaccines against nine diseases. Over the next two years or so,
they will receive another nine shots containing 14 vaccines against 12
So whether a child
regresses at six months, or 18 months, the tragedy happens during a period of
intensive vaccination. In many cases, parents report that the child had an
abnormal reaction after being vaccinated (seizures, spiking-fevers, diarrhea,
lethargy, high-pitched screaming and/or other symptoms).
If your kid stopped talking within days (or even
hours) after receiving a vaccine, how would you feel?
The big pharmaceutical companies have funded many studies to try to show that there is no link between vaccines and autism, but many independent studies contradict the findings of those corporate-funded studies. The following is from an article by Paul Joseph Watson....
The big pharmaceutical companies have funded many studies to try to show that there is no link between vaccines and autism, but many independent studies contradict the findings of those corporate-funded studies. The following is from an article by Paul Joseph Watson....
Epidemiologist Tom
Verstraeten and Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the
University of Colorado, both concluded that thimerosal was responsible for the
dramatic rise in cases of autism but their findings were dismissed by the CDC.
Cases of autism in the
U.S. have now increased by over 2700 per cent since 1991, which is when
vaccines for children doubled, and the number of immunizations is only
increasing. Just one in 2,500 children were diagnosed with autism before 1991,
whereas one in 91 children now have the disease, up from one in 150 just six
years ago.
So what is so bad is about thimerosal?
Well, thimerosal contains mercury which is one of the most toxic substances known to mankind. Mercury has been proven to severely impair neurological development. The following comes directly from the EPA website....
Well, thimerosal contains mercury which is one of the most toxic substances known to mankind. Mercury has been proven to severely impair neurological development. The following comes directly from the EPA website....
For fetuses, infants,
and children, the primary health effect of methylmercury is impaired
neurological development. Methylmercury exposure in the womb, which can result
from a mother's consumption of fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury,
can adversely affect a baby's growing brain and nervous system. Impacts on
cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, and fine motor and visual
spatial skills have been seen in children exposed to methylmercury in the womb.
So why in the world would we want to pump massive
amounts of mercury into our young children when their brains are just starting
to develop? It is literally insane to do this!
Many other countries around the world have recognized this and have banned thimerosal from vaccines.
The following comes from an article by Dawn Prate....
Many other countries around the world have recognized this and have banned thimerosal from vaccines.
The following comes from an article by Dawn Prate....
In 1977, a Russian
study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in
thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning
also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including
obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned
thimerosal from children’s vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great
Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative
So why is it not banned in the United States?And why do so many American parents still allow it to be pumped at very high levels directly into the bloodstreams of their precious young children?
There are thousands upon thousands of parents that are willing to testify that they would never have allowed their children to be vaccinated if they could go back and do it again.
The following are some testimonies about vaccines and autism that were posted by readers of Organic Health....
Shockingly Craven Behavior in Vaccine Experiment on Babies: Adding Drug to Improve Response
Originally the researchers were not studying vaccinations. They were studying whether babies slept better if they were given the medication Tylenol before vaccinations or not at all. Apparently it is standard practice to give babies a dose of the drug acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol, European generic name paracetamol) before vaccinations to reduce any increase in temperature, supposedly making them more comfortable.
According to the original report published in the journal of Pediatrics(2), 25 of the 70 babies being studied were given a dose of Tylenol before the vaccinations. However, due to fever or discomfort, many of the remaining babies in the study were also given the medication either at the time of vaccination or afterwards.
And now it turns out that acetaminophen causes liver damage!
"I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel" -- Hippocratic Corpus
Why Is Pig Virus Still Being Given To Children?
new investigation into pig
virus contamination in human vaccines has revealed that
both circovirus type 1 (PCV1) and 2 (PCV2) DNA are still present in vaccines
developed against infant and childhood rotaviral gastroenteritis; and which
since 5 June, 2009, the World Health Organization has recommended be included
in all national immunization programs.
As a parent how do you feel about that?
Of course, PCV1 is not believed to infect humans, despite commonly being found in the feces of those who consume pork. It is also not believed to cause harm to pigs. But PCV2 virus, which infects pigs worldwide, has been identified to precipitate a potentially fatal condition in piglets known as postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), which causes a progressive loss of body condition, lung damage associated with difficulty breathing, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes diarrhea, pale skin and jaundice.
The well known malignancy of PCV2 in pigs caused the FDA, on 22 March 2010, to recommend doctors suspend the Rotarix vaccine, one of two licensed for rotavirus on the market, due to PCV1 DNA contamination. Further testing revealed that the other licensed vaccine, RotaTeq, had both PCV1 and PCV2 DNA contamination. Despite these findings, the FDA chose to disregard the precautionary principle and after a “careful scientific review” determined that both Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccines were safe.
It is quite telling that one of the patent holders of the RotaTeq vaccine, Dr. Paul Offit, was quoted as saying that an infant has a theoretical capacity to respond [safely] to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time." Given the quite possibly insane perspective of this nationally acclaimed "expert" on vaccine safety, is it any wonder the health and well-being of precious infants and children is being treated with callous disregard?
As a parent how do you feel about that?
Of course, PCV1 is not believed to infect humans, despite commonly being found in the feces of those who consume pork. It is also not believed to cause harm to pigs. But PCV2 virus, which infects pigs worldwide, has been identified to precipitate a potentially fatal condition in piglets known as postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), which causes a progressive loss of body condition, lung damage associated with difficulty breathing, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes diarrhea, pale skin and jaundice.
The well known malignancy of PCV2 in pigs caused the FDA, on 22 March 2010, to recommend doctors suspend the Rotarix vaccine, one of two licensed for rotavirus on the market, due to PCV1 DNA contamination. Further testing revealed that the other licensed vaccine, RotaTeq, had both PCV1 and PCV2 DNA contamination. Despite these findings, the FDA chose to disregard the precautionary principle and after a “careful scientific review” determined that both Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccines were safe.
It is quite telling that one of the patent holders of the RotaTeq vaccine, Dr. Paul Offit, was quoted as saying that an infant has a theoretical capacity to respond [safely] to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time." Given the quite possibly insane perspective of this nationally acclaimed "expert" on vaccine safety, is it any wonder the health and well-being of precious infants and children is being treated with callous disregard?
first myth to dispel is that porcine coroviruses are incapable of infecting
humans. A study published in 2011 in the journal Vaccine titled
“Productive infection of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by porcine
circovirus type 1,” proved that a human cell line can be infected
with PCV1. A 2005 study in the journal
Xenotransplantation found that human white blood cells are susceptible to PCV1
infection, raising safety concerns associated
with transplantation procedures involving pig tissue. Another, more extensive
study published in 2004 in the same journal demonstrated experimentally that
both PCV1 and PCV2 gene expression and replication can take place in human
Given these findings, if the FDA’s “scientific” justification for allowing millions of infants and children to be exposed to PCV1 and PCV2 DNA and possibly live viruses is that “they can not infect humans,” they are now compelled to correct their mistake or be found guilty of both risking the health and well-being of our children, as well as violating the medical ethical principle of informed consent.
Some additional PCV2 research to consider....
Back in 2009 the journal Clinical and Vaccine Immunology demonstrated that vaccinating pigs with PCV2 actually resulting in infecting them with the virus! In their own words: “The results from this study indicate that vertical transmission of PCV2 can occur in PCV2-vaccinated dams.”
Given these findings, if the FDA’s “scientific” justification for allowing millions of infants and children to be exposed to PCV1 and PCV2 DNA and possibly live viruses is that “they can not infect humans,” they are now compelled to correct their mistake or be found guilty of both risking the health and well-being of our children, as well as violating the medical ethical principle of informed consent.
Some additional PCV2 research to consider....
Back in 2009 the journal Clinical and Vaccine Immunology demonstrated that vaccinating pigs with PCV2 actually resulting in infecting them with the virus! In their own words: “The results from this study indicate that vertical transmission of PCV2 can occur in PCV2-vaccinated dams.”
Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination
by Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D.
(OMNS, March 20, 2012) The swine flu pandemic of 2009 was caused by a type A influenza (H1N1) virus. This virus was originally referred to as "swine flu" because many of the genes of this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. The H1N1 virus is genetically similar to the 1918 pandemic virus, as determined from victimes of the latter who were buried, and later disinterred, in Svalbard. It was responsible for most of the outbreaks up until 1956 and then disappeared.
However, this new virus was actually quite different from the typical swine flu viruses. This virus first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April, 2009. This novel H1N1 flu spread from person to person, unlike typical swine flu. In 2009 vaccines were being developed for the prevention of swine flu in humans. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=99584
On 11 June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the swine flu had developed into a full scale world epidemic - a pandemic alert to Phase 6. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO, commented on the situation in a somewhat ambiguous way. While stressing that the swine flu had reached a serious pandemic level, she declared later in the same statement that the illness seemed to be mild and that most of the patients would recover without medical intervention. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/h1n1_pandemic_phase6_20090611/en/index.html
The world chose to listen to the first part of her message.
Two pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Novartis had, under considerable time pressure, developed a vaccine against the swine flu. Since the cultivation of an adequate amount of virus to generate the vaccine requires time, GSK and Novartis decided to formulate a weaker vaccine but strenghten it with an adjuvant that contains squalene. Immunologic adjuvants are substances, administered in conjunction with a vaccine, that stimulate the immune system and increase the response to the vaccine http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics/adjuvants/squalene/questions_and_answers/en/. Although squalene is a natural substance found in methabolic pathways of the body, its inclusion in a vaccine is controversial and it is not in use in the USA.
On 25 September 2009, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) approved Pandemrix, the swine flu vaccine produced by GSK and Focetria produced by Novartis. http://justthevax.blogspot.com/2009/09/eu-approves-gsk-pandemrix-and-novartis.html The vaccine would be ready for use that October.
In Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland, the authorities explicitly set the goal of vaccinating the entire population http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/massvaccinering-raddade-sex-liv_6851143.svd. In this respect, it is of interest that the governments of these countries, already before the outbreak of the swine flu, had concluded an agreement with GSK, according to which they were assured the delivery of pandemic vaccines, if needed. In addition, the contract stipulated that, in a situation characterized as a pandemic by the WHO, the same Nordic countries would have ten days to decide whether or not to accept delivery of the vaccine in question. Hence, the purpose of the agreement was to assure that the entire populations of these countries would receive vaccinations. Finally, the contract protected GSK from any claim for financial compensation in case the delivered vaccine would have any side effects.
When WHO declared the swine flu to be a Phase 6 pandemic, the agreement referred to above was automatically activated.
Mass vaccination started in Finland and Sweden in October 2009. In order to cover the largest possible percentage of the population, the authorities initiated an enormous public relations campaign, which could be described in terms of a "moral persuasion." Solidarity became the slogan: "Be vaccinated to protect your fellow citizens." Those who questioned the vaccination program (small groups of vaccine opponents or just people who were hesitant) were looked upon with disapproval.
In contrast to these vaccine - enthusiastic countries, the politics of vaccination within the rest of the European Union varied immensely among its member states. Poland, for example, decided not to buy vaccines at all due to the strict agreement conditions required by the pharmaceutical companies. Denmark's order covered only "risk groups". http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/svd-granskar-sveriges-vaccinering-mot-svininfluensan_6843475.svd
The expected second wave of the influenza never appeared. The epidemic gradually declined during the first half of 2010. The same year, on 10 August, WHO officially declared the end of the epidemic. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) stated that the swine flu was less dangerous and had a lower mortality rate than the seasonal influenza. Thus, apparently the swine flu would not have been a dangerous epidemic even without the mass vaccination. Interestingly, also that same year, vitamin D was shown to prevent influenza in children. (1)
In Sweden, 60% of the population had been vaccinated, while in Finland 50% was covered. In contrast, the figures in Germany and Poland were only 8 and 0% respectively. In the history of Swedish health care this pandemic campaign amounted to one of the most expensive ever. Enormous amounts of taxpayer money were at stake. http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/svd-granskar-sveriges-vaccinering-mot-svininfluensan_6843475.svd
Meanwhile, the media had become silent on this issue ; there was no further discussion about the swine flu anymore.
Then the blow came:
"The absolutely worst thing that could happen," commented Richard Bergström, the Director - General of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA. "The worst nightmare of both the industry and the health authorities is an illness that turns out to be mild, while the vaccine that was supposed to prevent a dangerous epidemic causes a severe side effect that was previously unknown." http://www.kostdemokrati.se/nyheter/files/2012/02/SvD-sid-14-19.pdf
In August 2010, Finland reported an increased occurrence of narcolepsy in children and youngsters vaccinated with Pandemrix. On 1 September 2010, Finland stopped all Pandemrix vaccinations. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/09/10/swine-flu-vaccine-may-have-caused-narcolepsy.aspx
H1N1 Vaccine Tied to Spike in Narcolepsy
http://www.medpagetoday.com/InfectiousDisease/URItheFlu/31904
Cases of childhood narcolepsy spiked in Finland in 2010, and researchers there are suggesting the adjuvanted vaccine against the H1N1 pandemic flu might have been a trigger.
Two related studies, appearing online in PLoS ONE, found that the incidence of narcolepsy rose markedly in children and adolescents, while remaining unchanged in those 20 and older.
Most of the cases in children occurred after vaccination with the ASO3-adjuvanted flu vaccine Pandemrix, which was the only vaccine used in Finland during the pandemic.
The two studies, with overlapping research teams, used hospital discharge data and vaccination records to identify cases and estimate incidence.
The study by Nohynek and colleagues had support
from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Health. Nohynek reported financial links with
GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer involving development of pneumococcal conjugate
The study by Partinen and colleagues had no
external support and the authors declared that no competing interests exist.
Primary source: PLoS ONESource reference:
7Nohynek H, et al "AS03 adjuvanted AH1N1 vaccine associated with an abrupt increase in the incidence of childhood narcolepsy in Finland" PLoS ONE 2012; 7(3): e33536; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033536.
Additional source: PLoS ONE
Source reference:
Partinen M, et al "Increased incidence and clinical picture of childhood narcolepsy following the 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccination campaign in Finland" PLoS ONE 2012; 7(3): e33723; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033723.
If those of you reading this site have children in school, and particularly in public schools, please obtain and read your school's list of mandated vaccinations.
Please do the due diligence, and find out which shots are mandated and which are only "recommended". Then make sure that there is a signed statement by you in your child's file as to which of the "recommended" shots you are fine with your kid having, and which you are not.
Make sure that a receipt is signed by someone at that school which goes into your child's records, along with a copy of the recommended vaccinations you are fine with your child having.
This action, on the part of parents, may well save their children's lives from exposure to a vaccine which can harm them.
New Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine Damages The Liver
When Jodi Ferris unknowingly unleashed the wrath of Social Services at Penn State Hershey Medical Center by questioning the necessity of the Hepatitis B vaccine for her newborn daughter, little did she know just how big a can of worms she was opening.
A study reported in the journal Apoptosis just weeks ago indicates that this controversial vaccine normally injected into newborns within hours of birth induces liver damage primarily due to the presence of the toxic vaccine adjuvant aluminum hydroxide.
Aluminum hydroxide, an adjuvant also present in the anthrax vaccine, has already been shown as a likely culprit for triggering the motor neuron autoimmunity issues present in Gulf War Syndrome which are indistinguishable from the autoimmune disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Vaccine adjuvants like aluminum hydroxide are the dirty little secret that the scientific community doesn’t want the public to know about. Their purpose is to stimulate and heighten the immune response to the vaccine itself.
In this new study, aluminum hydroxide induced loss of mitochondrial integrity and cell death in mouse liver cells exposed to low doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine containing the toxic adjuvant.
The mitochondria is the “powerhouse” of a cell where energy is created and cellular respiration occurs. It is not surprising that compromising the mitochondria of liver cells results in outright death of the cell itself.
This new study corroborates other research indicating liver damage from Hep B. In 1999, it was found that children less than 6 years old had a nearly 300% increase in the incidence of liver problems if they had been vaccinated with Hepatitis B versus those children that did not have the Hep B jab.
It’s not just the young developing livers of children that suffer from the toxic Hep B. The Journal Hepatogastroenterology reported in 2002 that the Hepatitis B vaccine was statistically associated with increased risk for hepatitis, gastrointestinal disease, and liver function test abnormalities in adult females.
Did you get that?
The Hepatitis B vaccine is statistically associated with increased risk for hepatitis in adults!
A more recent study in June 2011 reported by the journal Molecular Biology Reports indicates that damage from Hep B is likely caused by alteration in the expression of 144 genes in mouse livers within one day of vaccination, 7 of which are associated with inflammation and metabolism.
The Only Sane Answer is Rejection of the Hepatitis B Vaccine
To date, 50+ negative health effects from the Hepatitis B vaccine have been documented in peer-reviewed, published literature.The thing that makes absolutely zero sense is why the controversial and very questionable Hepatitis B vaccine is still being recommended as standard for all newborns within hours of birth especially given that a newborn’s liver does not even begin functioning until several days later.
Even if you have been supportive of vaccination in the past, at least skip this one controversial shot that has so much documented literature about its damaging effects.
There is simply no logical reason to vaccinate all newborns against a disease that is primarily sexually transmitted or contracted via the used needles of drug addicts. Better to screen mothers preemptively rather than vaccinate all newborns with this dangerous drug cocktail that threatens their long term health.
ADHD Diagnoses In Children Up 66 Percent
More children in the U.S. are being diagnosed with ADHD than even before -- 10.4 million in 2010 -- according to a new study that concluded a staggering rise in diagnoses of 66 percent since the year 2000.
"There is increased concern on behalf of parents and teachers and doctors. There's been a lot more press and advertising and public health announcements around diagnoses and treatment," said Craig Garfield, a researcher at Northwestern University and the lead author of the study. "Therefore, more people are probably asking their doctors about (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)."
But the dramatic jump heats up the ongoing debate over whether ADHD is overdiagnosed -- and how many children are over-medicated as a result.
...While the major manufacturers of ADHD drugs are laughing all the way to the banks!
To the parents of young children, whose teachers' patience may be stretched to the limit with a much larger student to teacher ration than is wise (and that is probably about every public school in the US), if your kid comes home with a note requesting that the school nurse "evaluate" your child for symptoms of ADHA, in order to "medicate" them for the condition, please be aware that a school nurse, on their own, is not qualified to make such a diagnosis. A multidisciplinary team needs to make such a diagnosis.
And you, as a parent, need to be sure that the evaluation is correct by bringing to bear the opinion of your child's own own pediatrician.
I found the following numbers chilling:
An estimated 1 million children diagnosed with ADHD take the stimulant Ritalin to improve their attention span and control hyperactivity. Many must take a dose during the school day, following strict protocols for medication administration established by school districts. Encouraging compliance with medication regimens is an important part of a school nurse’s job, Fallon said. "We try to make the child understand why they’re taking it," she said. "I cringe when I hear ‘I can’t behave unless I take a pill,’ " Fallon said. "It’s important to reinforce that [Ritalin] helps you, but you still must decide how you’re going to behave."
I have to wonder, what is next in terms of "compliance with medical regimens" in public schools, and precisely what those "medical regimens" are supposed to accomplish?
And I am not saying all medical regimens are bad; when you have a child with Type 1 diabetes, that medication has to be delivered timely, to prevent problems.
I am more concerned with a "slippery slope" of continued introduction to the kinds of drugs which impact kids psychologically,as a way of controlling behavior, and what the long-term effects of such drugs will be, both on those children...and society as a whole.
Pfizer execs to stand trial for cover-up of drug trial results
Four former executives at Pfizer Inc., the world's largest drug company. -- Henry McKinnell, John LaMattina, Karen Katen, Joseph Feczko -- as well as Gail Cawkwell, Pfizer's current Vice President of Medical Affairs, will all face trial for allegedly concealing the unfavorable results of drug trials involving Celebrex and Bextra. Courthouse News Service (CNS) reports that U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain has denied requests made by defendants to dismiss the case, which means all five individuals will be held to account for their actions.
Flashback: Why Did Russia Ban The Use Of Microwave Ovens?
2. Microwaving creates cancer-causing agents within milk and cereals.
3. Microwaving alters elemental food-substances, causing digestive disorders.
4. Microwaving alters food chemistry which can lead to malfunctions in the lymphatic system and degeneration of the body’s ability to protect itself against cancerous growths.
5. Microwaved foods lead to a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the bloodstream.
6. Microwaving altered the breakdown of elemental substances when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even a very short time and free radicals were formed.
7. Microwaved foods caused stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues, and a gradual breakdown of the digestive and excretive systems in a statistically high percentage of people.
8. Microwaved foods lowered the body’s ability of the body to utilize B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics.
9. The microwave field next to a microwave oven caused a slew of health problems as well.
10. Heating prepared meats in a microwave sufficiently for human consumption created:
* d-Nitrosodiethanolamine (a well-known cancer-causing agent)
* Destabilization of active protein biomolecular compounds
* Creation of a binding effect to radioactivity in the atmosphere.
* Creation of cancer-causing agents within protein-hydrosylate compounds in milk and cereal grains.
11. Microwave emissions also caused alteration in the catabolic (breakdown) behaviour of glucoside – and galactoside – elements within frozen fruits when thawed in this way.
12. Microwaves altered catabolic behavior of plant-alkaloids when raw, cooked or frozen vegetables were exposed for even very short periods.
13. Cancer-causing free radicals were formed within certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant substances, especially in raw root vegetables.
14. Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occurred in the lymphatic system, causing degeneration of the immune systems’ capacity to protect itself against cancerous growth.
15. The unstable catabolism of micro-waved foods altered their elemental food substances, leading to disorders in the digestive system.
16. Those ingesting micro-waved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, plus a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues with a gradual breakdown of digestive and excretory system function.
17. Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods studied, particularly:
* A decrease in the bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotrophics
* Destruction of the nutritional value of nucleoproteins in meats
* Lowering of the metabolic activity of alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides (all basic plant substances in fruits and vegetables)
* Marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.
Read the full report by Larry Cook entitled “Micro-waved Food Isn’t Safe To Eat” here
Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?
Activist PostAn excellent infographic has been released, which covers many of the physical and mental health problems, as well as the financial burden sold to an increasing number of people who feel they "cannot live without" a cell phone.
As shown below, this obsession manifests in a myriad of ways that affect individual health and social interaction.
It's not mentioned in the graphic, but the attachment to the cell phone has led to a number of states to ban cell phones after seeing that their use while driving is actually worse than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
There is one other area key area that is not covered in the infographic, but is also worth mentioning -- the radiation effects of cell phones, especially on the young.
Experts have said that cell phones are capable of causing a number of health problems, including depression, infertility and damage to your DNA.
In 2011, the WHO/IARC released a report stating that cell phone radiation may have a carcinogenic effect on humans. In fact, the World Health Organization actually said that cell phones are in the same cancer-causing category as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform. (Source)
The microwave radiation produced by cell phones has
been documented in peer-reviewed studies to be harmful to fetal brains,
and Mike Barrett from Natural Society writes that:
A recent
report with lead author, John Wargo, Ph. D., professor of
Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University, shows just how damaging EMFs
can be for children.
Research shows that due to developing organs, lower
bone density of the skull, lower body weight, and a less effective blood-brain
barrier, children are extremely vulnerable to cell phone radiation.
The physical health
effects of cell phones are wide-ranging, including the cell phone towers themselves, but
there are ways to minimize their impact,
as they are now nearly ubiquitous among the populations of the developed world.
With cell phone subscriptions now outnumbering people in the U.S. it is high time to review the catalog of negative information and decide for yourself if the risks are worth it -- the lives of you and your children clearly depend on it.
With cell phone subscriptions now outnumbering people in the U.S. it is high time to review the catalog of negative information and decide for yourself if the risks are worth it -- the lives of you and your children clearly depend on it.
Created by: Online Masters Degree
The American Cancer Society (ACS), "More Interested In Accumulating Wealth Than Saving Lives,"
Public Relations
1998-2000: PR for the ACS was handled by Shandwick International, whose major clients included R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings.
2000-2002: PR for the ACS was handled by Edelman Public Relations, whose major clients included Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company, and Altria Group, the parent company of Philip Morris, Kraft, and fast food and soft drink beverage companies.
Cheap, 'safe' drug kills most cancers
It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their "immortality". The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.
It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.
The Cancer Report (The Full Version)
Natural Cancer Cure? (Vitamin B17) Man Cures Himself Then Thrown In Jail
Apricot seed cyanide controversy foolishly obscures an effective alternative cancer cure
Thousands have used apricot seed kernels to eliminate cancer. They didn't die from cyanide poisoning. They were cured without negative side effects. This wasn't accomplished by consuming a couple every week, but dozens daily for months.
The complete amygdalin story for full knowledge
have used apricot seed kernels to eliminate cancer. They didn't die from
cyanide poisoning. They were cured without negative side effects. This wasn't
accomplished by consuming a couple every week, but dozens daily for months.
(Sydney Herald source below)
So why weren't they weren't poisoned? The amygdalin compound has four molecules. Two are glucose molecules. The other two are cyanide and benzaldyhide. The last two are scarycompounds, except for a couple of unusual metabolic activities: they are released by and into cancer cells only. Otherwise, they remain in the amygdalin compound and are passed through. It's a very clever arrangement. The cancer cells depend on fermenting sugar (glucose) for their energy instead of oxygen.
So the cancer cells attract the amygdalin compounds for their glucose, but are whacked when they metabolize those compounds that free the benzalldyhide and cyanide. The glucose is the sugar bait. Cancer cells contain an enzyme that is not found in healthy cells, beta-glucosidase.
The beta-glucosidase enzyme "unlocks" the amygdalin compound, releasing the deadly toxins within the cancer cell. Only cancer cells metabolize amygdalin. Healthy normal cells don't. Most non-cancerous cells contain another enzyme, rhodanese. Free cyanide molecules are bound to sulfur molecules by rhodanese, creating harmless cyanates that are eliminated in the urine.
This is the little bit of knowledge that those "scary" articles reference when they say a little bit of cyanide is easily detoxed by your body. But the complete function of amygdalin is hidden because the fact that laetrile or B17, a concentrated extract from apricot amydgalins, can cure cancer is taboo.
So why weren't they weren't poisoned? The amygdalin compound has four molecules. Two are glucose molecules. The other two are cyanide and benzaldyhide. The last two are scarycompounds, except for a couple of unusual metabolic activities: they are released by and into cancer cells only. Otherwise, they remain in the amygdalin compound and are passed through. It's a very clever arrangement. The cancer cells depend on fermenting sugar (glucose) for their energy instead of oxygen.
So the cancer cells attract the amygdalin compounds for their glucose, but are whacked when they metabolize those compounds that free the benzalldyhide and cyanide. The glucose is the sugar bait. Cancer cells contain an enzyme that is not found in healthy cells, beta-glucosidase.
The beta-glucosidase enzyme "unlocks" the amygdalin compound, releasing the deadly toxins within the cancer cell. Only cancer cells metabolize amygdalin. Healthy normal cells don't. Most non-cancerous cells contain another enzyme, rhodanese. Free cyanide molecules are bound to sulfur molecules by rhodanese, creating harmless cyanates that are eliminated in the urine.
This is the little bit of knowledge that those "scary" articles reference when they say a little bit of cyanide is easily detoxed by your body. But the complete function of amygdalin is hidden because the fact that laetrile or B17, a concentrated extract from apricot amydgalins, can cure cancer is taboo.
a safe cancer cure
Laetrile or B17, was developed by San Francisco
researcher Dr. Ernst Krebb in 1952 by liquefying and purifying amygdalin from
apricot seeds so it could be injected into cancer patients. Dr. Krebb injected
himself to assure laetrile's safety, and Dr. John Richardson proved its
efficacy by curing several cancer patients in San Francisco with laetrile.
In 1971, laetrile was banned. Dr. Richardson called on investigative journalist G. Edward Griffin to publicize the merits of laetrile or B17 derived from apricot seeds. Griffin discovered that the Sloane-Kettering Institute's laetrile trials leading to the FDA ban were bogus.
Sloane-Kettering spokesperson Dr. Ralph Moss refused to lie about laetrile and left Sloane-Kettering in disgust. He slipped Griffin unpublicized papers scientifically proving laetrile actually worked. This led to Griffin's book A World Without Cancer, where you can read much more about the amygdalin cancer curing story.
If not promoted as a cancer cure, apricot seeds aren't banned. Avoid sugar while attempting to cure cancer with any method.
Sources for this article include:
VIDEO interview of G. Edward Griffin on amygdalin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnP9sU1KW4
VIDEO explains how cancer industry is using seed cyanide phobia to keep away
Sydney Morning Herald interview of man who used apricot seeds to cure his cancer http://www.smh.com.au
Complete background story http://www.naturalnews.com/027088_cancer_laetrile_cure.html
In 1971, laetrile was banned. Dr. Richardson called on investigative journalist G. Edward Griffin to publicize the merits of laetrile or B17 derived from apricot seeds. Griffin discovered that the Sloane-Kettering Institute's laetrile trials leading to the FDA ban were bogus.
Sloane-Kettering spokesperson Dr. Ralph Moss refused to lie about laetrile and left Sloane-Kettering in disgust. He slipped Griffin unpublicized papers scientifically proving laetrile actually worked. This led to Griffin's book A World Without Cancer, where you can read much more about the amygdalin cancer curing story.
If not promoted as a cancer cure, apricot seeds aren't banned. Avoid sugar while attempting to cure cancer with any method.
Sources for this article include:
VIDEO interview of G. Edward Griffin on amygdalin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnP9sU1KW4
VIDEO explains how cancer industry is using seed cyanide phobia to keep away
Sydney Morning Herald interview of man who used apricot seeds to cure his cancer http://www.smh.com.au
Complete background story http://www.naturalnews.com/027088_cancer_laetrile_cure.html
New study: Radiation treatments create cancer cells 30 times more potent than regular cancer cells
In a groundbreaking new study just published in the peer reviewed journal Stem Cells, researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Department of Oncology found that, despite killing half of all tumor cells per treatment, radiation treatments on breast cancer transforms other cancer cells into cancer stem cells which are vastly more treatment-resistant than normal cancer cells. The new study is yet another blow to the failed and favored mainstream treatment paradigm of trying to cut out, poison out or burn out cancer symptoms (tumors) instead of actually curing cancer.
sources included:
Brain tumors and blindness: Down the Aspartame rabbit-hole
covered aspartame before, but Experimental Vaccines has put
together a video that takes us all the way down the Aspartame
rabbit-hole and elaborates on EXACTLY how this genetically modified
bacteria excrement (aspartame) affects our health, causing brain
tumors and blindness.
Included are a couple articles on how Donald Rumsfeld (our former
Secretary of Defense) helped push to get this poison in our foods
and beverages, and made huge profits for poisoning us...
together a video that takes us all the way down the Aspartame
rabbit-hole and elaborates on EXACTLY how this genetically modified
bacteria excrement (aspartame) affects our health, causing brain
tumors and blindness.
Included are a couple articles on how Donald Rumsfeld (our former
Secretary of Defense) helped push to get this poison in our foods
and beverages, and made huge profits for poisoning us...
Corporations Plan for Post-Middle-Class America
American corporations have pretty much written off the middle class. Their actions declare that the middle class is moribund. And they should know since they have been in the front lines shooting down and decimating the middle class. Indeed, American business has dismantled much of its manufacturing and has eliminated untold numbers of other middle class jobs, sending them overseas where cheap labor fattens corporate profits at the expense of American workers. That’s why the employment and housing markets are struggling on life support, food stamp use is at an all-time high and the ranks of the working poor are swelling — while corporate profits soar and the S&P 500 stocks show the best first quarter since 1998.
President orders press to shut up on credit rating of the US being lowered
The White House news briefing referred to in this report occurred this past Thursday (5 April) when Obama regime officials were queried about the latest shock downgrade of the United States credit rating stating that to the American people this critical event should be kept in the category of a “non-story” so as not to confuse and/or shock them.
Most surprisingly, this report continues, the mainstream US news media, including their most important television networks and major newspapers, dutifully followed the directives of the Obama regime and failed to uniformly inform the American people of this momentous event.
GATA’s Bill Murphy Sees Non-Stop Government Gold/Silver Manipulation
Bill Murphy has been fighting the good battle for 13 years. His organization GATA has been David fighting the Goliath of the Fed, the Bullion Banks, the US Government, and many other foreign interests as well.
Bill categorically states there hasn’t been a free-market in gold and silver for decades, and he’s got the evidence to back it up.
There are thousands of documents proving Fed manipulation and witnesses calling major price moves days before the actual event occurs.
Bix Weir - Accuses CFTC of being formed to Hide the Manipulation of Metals, Says JP Morgan is the ONE bank in control of Silver and Silver should be $8250 per ounce.
Bix Weir has lots to say in his latest newsletter. He released a portion of it to the public and has asked that it be distributed around the net.
He accuses the CFTC of being formed by the government for the reason of "Hiding all the manipulation" in the commodities/silver market. He says they are the control of keeping the manipulation unchecked.
Bix also says JP Morgan is the ONE bank that has Billions in the silver derivative market for the one purpose of manipulating it. He claims silver should be at $8250 an ounce due to the really supply versus demand of it.
What does monetary and credit freedom look like?
This is my paper for The Center of Process Studies’ conference, Money-Creation in a Finite World (free and open to the public, April 10-12, 2012; Claremont Colleges, CA):
Money and credit as public services for full-employment, optimal infrastructure, ending debt slavery: Epic proponents, related history of US government and corporate media, partnership for Occupy victory
It’s divided into these 11 parts for articles (links added with each new section):
Monetary and credit reform: full-employment, end of debt slavery
Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson on monetary reform
NYC Mayor John Hylan, House Banking Committee Chairs on monetary reform
Benjamin Franklin, William Jennings Bryan on monetary reform
Charles Lindbergh Sr., 86% of Great Depression economists on monetary reform
What should the average citizen know about US War Crimes?
What should the average citizen know about US war history?
What is the leverage point for Occupy’s victory?
What does monetary and credit freedom look like?
My personal history of the 1% choosing to kill a million children each month
Monetary and credit reform is a policy objective to end transfer of trillions of the “99%’’’s wealth to an oligarchic “1%.” The US banking collusion only and always co-exists within a larger oligarchy with government for legal protection, and media for public propaganda. This paper presents histories in monetary reform and US government crimes in war suppressed by today’s US corporate media’s history texts and news journalism. When the oligarchy’s voice is professionally exposed as obviously and egregiously lying in omission and commission in claims of central importance of the past and present, government and corporate media loses credibility in an “emperor has no clothes” transformation. Refutation of the oligarchy’s voice with objective and independently verifiable facts, especially in light of current War Crimes and Constitutional destruction, supports our policy goal for monetary and credit reform because the public will seek alternative voices to build a brighter future. To support our goal of upgraded economic policies, we should be open to synergy with ecological and resource-based economic models, and network with Occupy.
What does monetary and credit freedom look like?
Outside the rosy ideals we all like to identify with, the truth is that we don’t know what ideas will win the votes for implementation.
Few historical idealists are satisfied with the policy result.
But that’s ok; that’s what democracy looks like.
For those of us practiced in dancing with the criminal 1%, we’re used to having our ideals and ideas unrecognized.
Perhaps this time will be different, perhaps it will remain the same. Perhaps it will be both.
We’ll discover what it looks like as we keep moving forward.
And yes, I see it as just that simple.
Silver Manipulation Caught in the Act; HFT Swamps NASDAQ with 75K SLV Sell Orders Per Second
Ironically, just days after noted analyst Ted Butler came on the show to explain how silver and other markets are manipulated through the use of high frequency trading, the real-time data feed company, Nanex, showed how the silver ETF (SLV) was forced downwards by a rapid number of machine-generated quotes exceeding a rate of 75,000 per second. Before you start to think that this was merely a bunch of people hitting the sell button all at once, consider this: They were all launched within the space of 25 milliseconds—ten times faster than you and I can blink!
Why The CFTC Won't Pull The Plug on Silver Manipulation
If the silver manipulation is ended every single electronic monetary "asset" in the world will suddenly and violently implode erasing the entire Global Monetary System.
This is a fact that is inescapable. Without silver price manipulation the mega silver short, JP Morgan, would be vaporized and with them goes $75 Trillion in derivatives that are used to rig the other important markets such as interest rates, currencies, commodities, stocks, bonds...all of it. They are the tool that the US Treasury uses to orchestrate our monetary world from behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful OZ!
So in the case of JP Morgan..."Too Big Too Fail" means just that.
Tungsten Filled 1 kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK
In the biggest news we've broke
since the JP Morgan whistle-blower stepped forward,
Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion has contacted SD to advise that one of its suppliers has provided them photographic evidence of a tungsten filled 1 kilo gold bar discovered this week. The bar passed a hand-held xrf scan which showed 99.98% pure AU. The tungsten was only discovered when the bar was physically cut in half.
After numerous reports of 400oz tungsten filled bars being discovered in Hong Kong, this is the first documented and verified report with photographic evidence that has been made public.
Submitted by Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion:
Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion has contacted SD to advise that one of its suppliers has provided them photographic evidence of a tungsten filled 1 kilo gold bar discovered this week. The bar passed a hand-held xrf scan which showed 99.98% pure AU. The tungsten was only discovered when the bar was physically cut in half.
After numerous reports of 400oz tungsten filled bars being discovered in Hong Kong, this is the first documented and verified report with photographic evidence that has been made public.
Submitted by Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion:
California Gas Prices Pass $7 Mark
As gas prices continue their historical climb into the stratosphere, regular gasoline on Catalina Island in California hits an all-time high of $7.00 per gallon.
Oil Prices Spike As Iran Halts Exports To Germany
Global oil prices have risen again as Iran stops exporting oil to Germany after halting crude exports to a number of European countries.
Global Systemic Risk Is Rising Rapidly Again
The risk of the 30 most systemically important financial institutions in the world has risen over 30% in the last three weeks as the effects of LTRO fade.
Chris Martenson: “Are We Heading For Another 2008?”
Chris Martenson lays out the case for why 2012 may be shaping up to reprise 2008 and why the markets will wake up to temporary illusions.
Ambassador Murata writes to UN Secretary General: “It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor” — Appeals for independent assessment team
April 6th, 2012
The Top Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima
The Greatest Single Threat to Humanity: Fuel Pool Number 4
We noted days after the Japanese earthquake that the biggest threat was from the spent fuel rods in the fuel pool at Fukushima unit number 4, and not from the reactors themselves. See this and this.We noted in February:
Scientists say that there is a 70%
chance of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hitting Fukushima this year,
and a 98% chance within the next 3 years.
Given that nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says
that an earthquake of 7.0 or larger could cause
the entire fuel pool structure collapse, it is urgent that everything humanly
possible is done to stabilize the structure housing the fuel pools at reactor
number 4.
Tepco is doing some construction at the building
… it is a race against time under very difficult circumstances, and hopefully
Tepco will win.
As AP points out:
The structural integrity of the damaged Unit 4
reactor building has long been a major concern among experts because a collapse
of its spent fuel cooling pool could cause a disaster worse
than the three reactor meltdowns.
Gundersen (who used to build spent fuel pools)
explains that there is no protection surrounding the radioactive fuel in the
pools. He warns that – if the fuel pools at reactor 4 collapse due to an
earthquake – people should get out of Japan, and residents of the West Coast of
America and Canada should shut all of their windows and stay inside for a
The fuel pool number 4 is apparently not in great shape, and there
have already been countless
earthquakes near the Fukushima region since the 9.0 earthquake last March.
Germany’s ZDF tv quotes nuclear engineer Yukitero Naka as saying:
If another earthquake occurs then the building
[number 4] could collapse and another chain reaction could very likely occur.
(Unit 4 contains plutonium as well as
other radioactive wastes.)Mainchi reported on Monday:
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building
has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it. The 7-story
building itself has suffered great damage, with the storage pool barely intact
on the building’s third and fourth floors. The roof has been blown away. If
the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and
explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a
wide area. Both the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and French nuclear
energy company Areva have warned about this risk.
A report released in February by the Independent
Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident stated that
the storage pool of the plant’s No. 4 reactor has clearly been shown to be “the
weakest link” in the parallel, chain-reaction crises of the nuclear disaster.
The worse-case scenario drawn up by the government includes not only the
collapse of the No. 4 reactor pool, but the disintegration of spent fuel rods
from all the plant’s other reactors. If this were to happen, residents in the Tokyo
metropolitan area would be forced to evacuate.
Former Minister of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism Sumio Mabuchi, who was appointed to the post of then
Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s advisor on the nuclear disaster immediately after
its outbreak, proposed the injection of concrete from below the No. 4 reactor
to the bottom of the storage pool, Chernobyl-style.
“Because sea water was being pumped into the
reactor, the soundness of the structure (concrete corrosion and deterioration)
was questionable. There also were doubts about the calculations made on
earthquake resistance as well,” said one government source familiar
with what took place at the time. “[F]uel rod removal will take three years.
Will the structure remain standing for that long?
Asahi noted last month that - if Unit 4 pool gets a crack from an
earthquake and leaks, it would be the end for Tokyo.Kevin Kamps said last month:
Unit 4 storage pool… The entire building is
listing including the pool. What they have is steel jacks underneath the pool to
try to keep the floor from falling out or the pool from flipping over.
If that cooling water supply is lost, it will
be just a few hours at most before that waste is on fire. 135 tons
outside of any radioactive containment. They would be direct releases into the
environment. 100% of cesium-137 could be released to the environment.
Former U.N. adviser Akio Matsumura – whose praises have been sung by Mikhail Gorbachev, U.S. Ambassadors Stephen Bosworth and Glenn Olds, and former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Goldman Sachs co-chair John C. Whitehead – notes:
The unit suffered enormous damage during the
tsunami—a hydrogen explosion blew the roof off, leaving the highly radioactive
fuel pool exposed to the open air. If another high level earthquake hits the
area, the building will certainly collapse. Japanese and American
meteorologists have predicted that such a strong earthquake is indeed likely to
hit this year.
The meltdown and unprecedented release of radiation that would ensue is
the worst case scenario that then-Prime Minister Kan and other former
officials have discussed in the past months. He warned during his speech at
the World Economic Forum in Davos that such an accident would force the
evacuation of the 35 million people in Tokyo, close half of Japan and
compromise the nation’s sovereignty. Such a humanitarian and environmental
catastrophe is unimaginable. Hiroshi Tasaka, a nuclear engineer and special
adviser to Prime Minister Kan immediately following the crisis, said the crisis
“just opened Pandora’s Box.”
The current Japanese government has not yet mentioned the looming
disaster, ostensibly to not incite panic in the public. Nevertheless, action
must be taken quickly. This website over the last year has published a running
commentary from scientists explaining why Reactor 4 must be stabilized
immediately, who might be able to accomplish such a task, and why the situation
has largely gone unnoticed. We believe an independent, international team of
structural engineers and other advisers must be assembled and deployed
immediately. Mounting public pressure would force the Japanese government to
take action. We hope these resources are helpful in educating the public about
the crisis that we face.
As the eminent German physicist Dr. Hans-Peter Durr said ten months
ago, if the spent fuel pool spills, we will be in a situation where science
never imagined we could be.
Matsumura was told that if the fuel pool at unit 4 collapses or the water
spills out, so much radiation will spew out for 50 years that no one will be
able to approach Fukushima:Even more dramatically, Matsumura writes:
Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr.
Mitsuhei Murata, was invited to speak at the Public Hearing of the Budgetary
Committee of the House of Councilors on March 22, 2012, on the Fukushima
nuclear power plants accident. Before the Committee, Ambassador Murata strongly
stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4—with 1,535 fuel rods in
the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground—collapses, not
only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the
common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods, located some 50 meters from
reactor 4. In both cases the radioactive rods are not protected by a
containment vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would
certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced.
He stressed that the responsibility of Japan to the rest of the world is
immeasurable. Such a catastrophe would affect us all for centuries.
Ambassador Murata informed us that the total numbers of the spent fuel rods at
the Fukushima Daiichi site excluding the rods in the pressure vessel is 11,421
I asked top spent-fuel pools expert Mr. Robert
Alvarez, former Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant
Secretary for National Security and the Environment at the U.S. Department of
Energy, for an explanation of the potential impact of the 11,421 rods.
I received an astounding response from Mr.
Alvarez [updated 4/5/12]:
In recent times, more information about the spent
fuel situation at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site has become known. It is my
understanding that of the 1,532 spent fuel assemblies in reactor No. 304
assemblies are fresh and unirradiated. This then leaves 1,231 irradiated spent
fuel rods in pool No. 4, which contain roughly 37 million curies (~1.4E+18
Becquerel) of long-lived radioactivity. The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above
ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an
earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result in
a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137
released by the Chernobyl accident.
The infrastructure to safely remove this material
was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors. Spent reactor fuel cannot
be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo. In order
to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it
must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded structures into
dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of the spent
fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a
major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown
waters. Despite the enormous destruction cased at the Da–Ichi site, dry casks
holding a smaller amount of spent fuel appear to be unscathed.
Based on U.S. Energy Department data, assuming a
total of 11,138 spent fuel assemblies are being stored at the Dai-Ichi site,
nearly all, which is in pools. They contain roughly 336 million curies (~1.2
E+19 Bq) of long-lived radioactivity. About 134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly
85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident as
estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP). The
total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly
half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released
by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide
reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
It is important for the public to understand that
reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the
Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site have generated some of the largest concentrations of
radioactivity on the planet.
Many of our readers might find it difficult to
appreciate the actual meaning of the figure, yet we can grasp what 85 times
more Cesium-137 than the Chernobyl would mean. It would destroy the world
environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it
connect to the pugilistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue
of human survival.
There was a Nuclear Security Summit Conference in
Seoul on March 26 and 27, and Ambassador Murata and I made a concerted effort
to find someone to inform the participants from 54 nations of the potential
global catastrophe of reactor unit 4. We asked several participants to share
the idea of an Independent Assessment team comprised of a broad group of
international experts to deal with this urgent issue.
I would like to introduce Ambassador Murata’s
letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to convey this urgent message
and also his letter
to Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda for Japanese readers. He
emphasized in the statement that we should bring human wisdom to tackle this
unprecedented challenge.
Ambassador Murata’s letter says:
It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole
world depends on NO.4 reactor. This is confirmed by most reliable experts
like Dr. Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Fumiaki Koide.
Anti-nuclear physician Dr. Helen Caldicott says that if fuel pool 4
collapses, she will evacuate her family
from Boston and move them to the Southern Hemisphere. This is an especially
dramatic statement given that the West Coast is much more directly in the path of Fukushima radiation
than the East Coast.Will humanity rise to the occasion, and figure out how to stabilize fuel pool number 4 before catastrophe strikes?
Or will modern civilization win a Darwin award for failing to pay attention to the real threats?
Fukushima Has Potential to Destroy the World And Our Civilization
A former UN Advisor warns that Fukushima has the potential to destroy the world, the environment and our civilization and the nuclear fallout may take 50 years to contain.
Experts are now coming forward on the real implications of the Fukushima disaster as more and more scientist report Fukushima has the potential to make Chernobyl look like a drop of water compared to massive lake.
For starters experts are admitting that the nuclear fallout is already near or above Chernobyl levels.
Then there is the acknowledgement that the levels of cesium at the plant is 85 time more than that contained at Chernobyl and then there is the problem of the plutonium mox fuel.
Now a former UN Advisor has come forward to warn that Fukushima has the potential to “destroy the world, the environment and our civilization.
He also warns that it the radioactive nuclear fallout from the plant may take over 50 years to finally contain.
Cryptogon reports:
Situation at Fukushima Has Potential to, “Destroy the World Environment and Our Civilization”
Via: Akio Matsumura:
Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr.
Mitsuhei Murata, was invited to speak at the Public Hearing of the Budgetary
Committee of the House of Councilors on March 22, 2012, on the Fukushima
nuclear power plants accident. Before the Committee, Ambassador Murata strongly
stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4—with 1,535 fuel rods in
the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground—collapses, not only
will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the common
spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods, located some 50 meters from reactor
4. In both cases the radioactive rods are not protected by a containment
vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would certainly cause a
global catastrophe like we have never before experienced. He stressed that the
responsibility of Japan to the rest of the world is immeasurable. Such a
catastrophe would affect us all for centuries. Ambassador Murata informed us
that the total numbers of the spent fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi site
excluding the rods in the pressure vessel is 11,421
I asked top spent-fuel pools expert Mr. Robert
Alvarez, former Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant
Secretary for National Security and the Environment at the U.S. Department of
Energy, for an explanation of the potential impact of the 11,421 rods.
I received an astounding response from Mr.
Alvarez [updated 4/5/12]:
In recent times, more information about the spent
fuel situation at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site has become known. It is my
understanding that of the 1,532 spent fuel assemblies in reactor No. 304
assemblies are fresh and unirradiated. This then leaves 1,231 irradiated spent
fuel rods in pool No. 4, which contain roughly 37 million curies (~1.4E+18
Becquerel) of long-lived radioactivity. The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above
ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If
an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result
in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of
Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident.
The infrastructure to safely remove this
material was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors. Spent reactor
fuel cannot be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine
cargo. In order to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible
explosions, it must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded
structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of
the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will
require a major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting
in unknown waters. Despite the enormous destruction cased at the
Da–Ichi site, dry casks holding a smaller amount of spent fuel appear to be
Based on U.S. Energy Department data, assuming a
total of 11,138 spent fuel assemblies are being stored at the Dai-Ichi site,
nearly all, which is in pools. They contain roughly 336 million curies (~1.2
E+19 Bq) of long-lived radioactivity. About 134 million curies is Cesium-137 —
roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident as
estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP). The
total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly
half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released
by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide
reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
It is important for the public to understand
that reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the
Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site have generated some of the largest concentrations of
radioactivity on the planet.
Source: Cryptogon
DProgram reports:
(ENENews) – Statement by Akio Matsumura:
The crisis at the Fukushima-Daiichi power plants
has not ended. While the first three reactors contained fuel and presented a
serious threat since March 11, 2011, they have largely been contained. Reactor
4 contained no fuel when the earthquake hit. Instead, the spent fuel rods had been
moved to a cooling pool on the second floor of the containment unit. [...] If
another high level earthquake hits the area, the building will certainly
collapse. Japanese and American meteorologists have predicted that such a
strong earthquake is indeed likely to hit this year.
The meltdown and unprecedented release of
radiation that would ensue is the worst case scenario that then-Prime Minister
Kan and other former officials have discussed in the past months. He warned
during his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos that such an accident
would force the evacuation of the 35 million people in Tokyo, close half of
Japan and compromise the nation’s sovereignty. Such a humanitarian and
environmental catastrophe is unimaginable. [...]
Title: Fukushima Reactor 4 [see video above]
Uploaded by: christopherjamescote
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2012
Description: Akio Matsumura talks about nuclear
power plants, spent fuel pools, and the trouble with Reactor 4 at Fukushima.
At 2:30 in
Matsumura: People said to me more than 50 years
it might take to contain radiation. So during 50 years radiation continue on…
During 50 years continual, you cannot contain.
Throughout his long career at the United Nations
and other organizations he has brought together the unlikeliest of people:
Arafat and Rabin, Chinese government officials and the Dalai Lama, and many
Source: DProgram.net
It’s Not Over: Government Plans for the Worst: Forced Evacuation of Tokyo
While it has for the most part disappeared from mainstream view, the Fukushima nuclear disaster is anything but over. In fact, the situation in Japan has gone from bad to worse.
Bottom line: There is no way to contain the radiation.
Even more alarming is that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and other agencies have warned that the nuclear storage pools (the containment units that are being used to cool the nuclear fuel) have been damaged and may collapse under their own weight.
Reconstruction minister suggests no-return zone
Japan's reconstruction minister has hinted unofficially that some areas near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant may have to be declared off-limits indefinitely.
Food over new limit for radioactive cesium
Following the introduction of new safety regulations in Japan, several types of food have been found to contain radioactive cesium above the legal limit.
Stricter health standards for staple foods such as vegetables and rice were introduced on Sunday. Permissible levels of radioactivity were reduced from 500 to 100 becquerels per kilogram.
Health ministry officials said bamboo shoots harvested in the Kisarazu and Ichihara regions east of Tokyo were contaminated with 120 and 110 becquerels of radioactive Cesium per kilogram respectively.
Japan Gov’t Study: Fukushima radiation reached Alaska via ocean in under a month
USGS issues announcement about polar bears with oozing sores, hair loss in Alaska — Gov’t testing for radiation — 3 of 4 captured yesterday affected — Similar symptoms as recent mystery seal deaths (PHOTO & AUDIO)
"The bear in the photo has hair loss and oozing
sores on the left side of its neck." (SOURCE: USGS)
Reuters:Symptoms of a mysterious disease that has killed scores of seals off the US state of Alaska and infected walruses are now showing up in polar bears.
Nine polar bears from the Beaufort Sea region near Barrow were found with patchy hair loss and oozing sores on their skin, similar to conditions found in diseased seals and walruses, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said on Friday. [...]
Read the USGS report: Polar Bears in Alaska Observed with Patchy Hair Loss and other Skin Lesions (Released: 4/6/2012 3:07:51 PM)
From March 22: “Polar bears, sled dogs and hunters that have eaten affected [seals and walruses] haven’t shown signs of illness, nor have the research teams that have been in close proximity to them” -Raphaela Stimmelmayr, North Slope Borough’s Department of Wildlife Management
- Reuters: “Preliminary studies [last year of sickened seals and walruses] showed that radiation poisoning is not the cause, temporarily ruling out a theory that the animals were sickened by contamination from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.”
- USGS: “Advanced testing techniques for unidentified infectious agents is continuing as well as further testing for potential causes including man-made and natural biotoxins, radiation, contaminants, auto-immune diseases, nutritional, hormonal and environmental factors.”
Radiation Levels in California Rain Recorded at 506% Above Normal
A radiation test carried out after a storm swept through Southern California has recorded radiation at 506% above normal background levels.
The EnviroReporter, through their Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitor, has conducted over 1,500 radiation tests with the most recent one being by far the highest levels seen.
US to sink ghost ship dislodged by Japan tsunami
The ship holds more than 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel and authorities are concerned it could interfere with the course of other vessels as it drifts through shipping lanes. A Coast Guard cutter was headed out to the ship on Thursday with plans to fire cannons loaded with high explosive rounds to sink the vessel.
The Japan earthquake triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis since the Chernobyl accident in 1986, but Alaska state health and environmental officials have said there's little need to be worried that debris landing on Alaska shores will be contaminated by radiation.
If there were no threat from radiation the boat could be salvaged and sold, or sent back to the Japanese fishermen who no doubt miss it. They are NOT sinking it because of diesel fuel.
The radioactive
black substance that keeps appearing in places across Japan is now being found
across all of the Kanto area.
More on the Radioactive Black Substance
videos below and more at links)
- OPCOM emergency survey of more black dust finds alpha radiation of 45 microSv/h — Measured at public housing project in Minami Soma
- UPDATE: Original mystery black substance was never tested — Much more radioactive than official’s black dust — Detector shows 95,880 cpm — Up to 60,000 cpm in beta — New alpha info
- Mystery black substance has 1,000,000+ Bq/kg of cesium — Seen all over Minami Soma — Officials meeting to discuss findings
- Mystery: Radioactive black substance reported 25km from Fukushima — Latest measurement over 95 µSv/h — Strong alpha emitter detected (PHOTOS)
- Black substance mass generated
- Minamisoma city gov flows contaminated water to the public street
- Black substance coming down to Tokyo area
- Death marathon again
- 130μSv/h in Minamisoma
- Possible black substance in Tokyo
- Increasing black substance in Tokyo
- Black substance found in Katsushika ku Tokyo
- Local official detects 130 microSv/hr from black substance on roadside — Japan TV starting to cover mystery? (VIDEOS)
- Strange: Pieces of highly radioactive mystery black substance cling to magnet (VIDEO)
- Official at Meeting: “We recognize that there are black materials everywhere in the city” of Minamisoma
- Press Conference: We like to tell some serious news today — Seems that radioactive substances are “combining together” — “We are seriously wondering how much radiation has been spread” (VIDEO)
- Report: Radioactive “black dust” in Fukushima City, 60km from meltdowns — “It is not just in Minami Soma City” (PHOTO)
- Watch: Alpha radiation detected 50km south of Fukushima in Iwaki City — Up to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta or gamma equivalent (VIDEO)
- Massive amount of mystery black substance found on road in Minamisoma after several days of rain and snow — Emitting 50 microSv/hr (PHOTO)
- HCR: Mystery black radioactive powder detected outside school — Local official posts 3 videos of black substance (PHOTO & VIDEOS)
- Mystery Continues: Original 295 microSv/h black substance remains untested — Locals getting suspicious?
Now it's
official, with the help of the UN. Canned fish from Tohoku will be given to
people in developing countries in the world so that the fisheries in the
disaster-affected areas can recover and "baseless rumors" disappear.
The fish
cans will go to Cambodia and 4 other countries and will be used in school lunches
to feed school children.
Mainichi Expert Sr. Writer: Gov’t sources say No. 4 pool a grave concern — Storage pool barely intact — We have no time to humor senseless thinking of those who downplay the risks
Source: Mainichi
Author: By Takao Yamada, Expert Senior Writer
Date: April 2, 2012
Emphasis Added
[...] One of the biggest issues that we face is
the possibility that the spent nuclear fuel pool of the No. 4 reactor at the
stricken Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant will collapse. This is something
that experts from both within and outside Japan have pointed out since the
massive quake struck. [...] not only independent experts, but also sources
within the government say that it’s a grave concern.
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building
has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it. The 7-story
building itself has suffered great damage, with the storage pool barely intact
on the building’s third and fourth floors. The roof has been blown away. If the
storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and
explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a
wide area. Both the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and French nuclear
energy company Areva have warned about this risk.
A report released in February by the Independent
Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident stated that
the storage pool of the plant’s No. 4 reactor has clearly been shown to be “the
weakest link” in the parallel, chain-reaction crises of the nuclear disaster.
The worse-case scenario drawn up by the government includes not only the
collapse of the No. 4 reactor pool, but the disintegration of spent fuel rods
from all the plant’s other reactors. If this were to happen, residents in the
Tokyo metropolitan area would be forced to evacuate.
Former Minister of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism Sumio Mabuchi, who was appointed to the post of then Prime
Minister Naoto Kan’s advisor on the nuclear disaster immediately after its
outbreak, proposed the injection of concrete from below the No. 4 reactor to
the bottom of the storage pool, Chernobyl-style. [...]
“Because sea water was being pumped into the
reactor, the soundness of the structure (concrete corrosion and deterioration)
was questionable. There also were doubts about the calculations made on
earthquake resistance as well,” said one government source familiar
with what took place at the time. “[...] fuel rod removal will take three
years. Will the structure remain standing for that long? Burying the reactor in
a concrete grave is like building a dam, and therefore expensive. I think that
it was because TEPCO’s general shareholders’ meeting was coming up (in June
2011) that the company tried to keep expenses low.” [...]
Earthquakes in the neighborhood of level-5 on the
seismic intensity scale continue to occur even now in the Tohoku and Kanto
regions. We cannot accept the absurd condescension of those who fear the
worse-case scenario, labeling them as “overreacting.” We have no time to humor
the senseless thinking that instead, those who downplay the risks for the sake
of economic growth are “realistic.”
Read the report hereSee also: Asahi TV: "Unbelievable" -- If Unit 4 pool gets a crack from quake and leaks, it would be end for Tokyo -Expert -- Doesn't have to be large tremor, already shaken many times (VIDEO)
From today: Radioactive Waste Specialist: Would be just a few hours before fuel catches fire in Reactor No. 4 pool if cooling water supply was lost (VIDEO)
Fukushima Daiichi on fire BEFORE tsunami hit? (VIDEO)
Title: Podcast with Arnie Gundersen, Fukushima update and
much more
Source: SolarIMG
Date: March 29, 2012
Source: SolarIMG
Date: March 29, 2012
This podcast is an update on the Fukushima
situation where Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates discusses the recent
discovery of incredibly high decay rates in the containment area of reactor 2
and resulting bioaccumulation, the mainstream media failures regarding this
event, the lack of testing of imported products, leukemia rates in our children
and grandchildren, the debris and ocean contamination and the shocking
revelation that blows the lid off of a conflict of interest that has the
potential to affect the health and safety of Canadians and much more, a MUST
the 30-minute broadcast here
At 16:00
Smoke Rising Before Tsunami?
Host: Many of us have seen the infamous photo of
the site on fire as the tsunami approached. So that would tend to indicate that
there was a failure at the plant before the tsunami even hit. And still many
people aren’t even aware of that, which is kind of surprising [...]
Gundersen: [...] I have not seen a picture of the
site on fire before the tsunami hit [...] There was a fire, but I believe it
was at an oil refinery several miles away [...]
there visible indications of damage/failure at Fukushima Daiichi before the
tsunami hit?
400% Zoom
(Try Watching Fullscreen):
Over 100°C? New Tepco data shows temperature spiked at two gauges in Reactor No. 2 — Similar rise patterns for both charts
JMA: A “rare” situation — “This is like the core of a typhoon, but it is staying for a long time” — 135 km/h winds due west of Fukushima (VIDEO)
Tokyo radiation monitor spikes to 400% average after storm passes Fukushima, Japan (VIDEO)
*UPDATED* Study: Fukushima contamination may be spreading south of Tokyo — NOT blocked by Kuroshio Current as widely reported — “A potential pathway for contaminated water”
Former Prime Minister Kan reveals nuclear coverup — After Fukushima he’s “devoting himself to nuclear activism, he now wants to abolish nuclear power in Japan” (VIDEOS)
Scientists measured 2,000 trillion becquerels of Cs-137 in one study area — Would’ve been much higher, but radioactivity was transported away by time of sampling
Forever: Iodine-129 “a growing radiological risk” — 15.7 million year half-life — Almost undetectable — Traveled along with iodine-131 from Fukushima — Concentrates in hotspots
Highest Estimate Yet: Fukushima about equal to Chernobyl, says US gov’t funded study
Japan gov’t study shows radiation plume going to Hawaii — Fukushima-contaminated water to hit in under 2 years — Ocean may be 50% of EPA’s maximum contaminant level for drinking water (PHOTO)
Japan on ‘high alert’ for typhoon-class storm — Fukushima Daiichi in path Tuesday night (VIDEO)
Penly 2 Nuclear Reactor Shutdown Following Fire In Oil Pumps
The Penly 2 nuclear reactor in France has been shut down after an oil fire broke out in pumps in the reactor.
Tokyo radiation monitor spikes to 400% average after storm passes Fukushima, Japan
L.A. Daily News: Casino to be built on site of nuclear reactor meltdown just miles from Los Angeles? Land could be offered to school districts beforehand — Cesium-137 up to 1,000 times over limit
New Congressional report warns of radiation in U.S. waters: “Could remain a valid concern for years” — Potential for corridor of “highly contaminated” water traveling away from Japan
Akio Matsumura: Fukushima Reactor 4
Akio Matsumura talks about nuclear power plants, spent fuel pools, and the trouble with Reactor 4 at Fukushima.
Is Nuclear Fallout from Japan still Bombarding America?
Many experts are suggesting that dangerously high levels of nuclear fallout and radiation are still blanketing the western coast of the United States.
April 8th, 2012
*NEW* Goodard’s Journal: Did Fukushima Unit 3 Fuel Pool Explode? (VIDEO)
Nuclear Expert: Radiation plume has now hit Hawaii — In a year it’ll probably reach U.S. West Coast (VIDEO)
Fukushima will start burning radioactive waste — 100,000 Bq/kg to be incinerated — 1 billion pounds of debris in exclusion zone -Mainichi
UC Berkeley plutonium testing was 200-300 times less sensitive than US gov’t — University researchers still “may consider” performing more precise analysis for alpha particles — EPA detected Uranium-238 in San Francisco
L.A. Daily News: Casino to be built on site of nuclear reactor meltdown just miles from Los Angeles? Was up to 240 times Three Mile Island — Cesium-137 still up to 1,000 times over limit
US Gov’t: “Tsunami debris might be contaminated with radiation from Fukushima Dai-ichi”
Newspaper: Orange County coastal fish possibly affected by radioactivity — “I would assume it’s there” in the plants and animals off California’s coast says researcher
Report from Japan: Fukushima doctors can’t express anxieties about radiation or say things that are against what medical leaders decide to make public (AUDIO)
Nuclear Expert: Fukushima citizens urged to make reports of deformities or still births — “I don’t believe the Japanese gov’t wants that info out there” (AUDIO)
MSNBC on Reactor No. 2: It is beyond human capability, “problem gets worse and worse and worse” — The really bad news is this is the good news, as they can’t even determine what is going on at Reactors No. 1 and 3 (VIDEO)
Former UN adviser: If No. 4 pool collapses I’ve been told “during 50 years continual, you cannot contain” (VIDEO)
Nuclear Expert: Fukushima spent fuel has 85 times more cesium than released at Chernobyl — “It would destroy the world environment and our civilization… an issue of human survival” -Former UN adviser
Head Researcher: Boulder, Colorado a “hot spot” for Fukushima fallout — None of their other US or Canadian samples came close to Boulder’s contamination, except Portland which was even higher
Former Japan Ambassador Warns Gov’t Committee: “A global catastrophe like we have never before experienced” if No. 4 collapses — Common Spent Fuel Pool with 6,375 fuel rods in jeopardy — “Would affect us all for centuries”
Beware ‘Spring Maximum’ for Radioactive Fallout
NOAA Scientists: Plumes from Asia contribute up to 20% of surface ozone pollution on US West Coast… closely related to radioactive fallout — Maximum at Los Angeles Basin, southwest
CNN: “Sounds unbelieveable, but it’s true” — Japan paying for travelers to visit Fukushima — $63 to share photos on Facebook, $63 to answer 5 questions …More
Osaka Mayor: Japan will collapse if reactors are restarted hastily — Asahi: New safety standards for restarts written in just two days
Tepco gets gov’t warning about radioactive leak from Fukushima Daiichi — “At this time we have reserved the right to not provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings”
AP: US blasts tsunami ‘ghost ship’ with cannons — Sinks after multiple attempts — Huge column of smoke seen over gulf — Was to be salvaged, but “inspection showed the ship was not worth saving”
AFP: Fires, radioactive fluid leak at French nuclear plant — Level 1 on INES scale… ‘provisionally’ — Small pools of burning oil
Study Author: California iodine-131 probably double or triple what we reported
Alpha radiation detected on lid of septic tank at official’s home (VIDEO)
Nuclear Expert: “I should make clear that if the EPA safe drinking water level doesn’t apply to rainwater, nothing does” (VIDEO)
WSJ: Fukushima Leak Renews Concerns About Plant’s Stability — AP: Officials say no ‘immediate’ health threat
Local official measures alpha radiation on bridge railing — Up to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta or gamma (VIDEO)
Tepco: Strontium leaking into ocean — Tons more highly contaminated water enters sea — “TEPCO has apologized for the incident and says it will determine the cause and extent of the leakage”
Cyanobacteria over 1,000,000 Bq/kg outside Minamisoma City Hall (VIDEOS)
WATCH: Commercial to air on CNN exposes cover-up and radiation leak at California nuke plant (VIDEO)
Kyodo: Radioactive fish at 400% gov’t limit found 200km inland at lake in Gunma
Physician: Nuclear Power Plants = Random Compulsory Genetic Engineering (VIDEO)
Tepco was concerned about high winds damaging Reactor No. 1 — Risk that cover “would spill over to the reactor building” — Only designed for winds of 56 mph
Kyodo: Storm may have halted nitrogen injections at three Fukushima reactors for hours — Tepco says no fears of hydrogen explosion
Video shows dark smoke from Fukushima Daiichi blowing over Japan on Mar. 15, 2011 after explosion at Reactor No. 3
Caldicott: If Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses I am evacuating my family from Boston (VIDEO)
Japan Gov’t Study: Fukushima radiation reached Alaska via ocean in under a month (MAP)
Over 100°C? New Tepco data shows temperature spiked at two gauges in Reactor No. 2 — Similar rise patterns for both charts
JMA: A “rare” situation — “This is like the core of a typhoon, but it is staying for a long time” — 135 km/h winds recorded due west of Fukushima (VIDEO)
Tokyo radiation monitor spikes to 400% average after storm passes Fukushima, Japan (VIDEO)
*UPDATED* Study: Fukushima contamination may be spreading south of Tokyo — NOT blocked by Kuroshio Current as widely reported — “A potential pathway for contaminated water”
Now 20 quakes centered in Fukushima beginning with M5.9 just over 24 hours ago — Consecutive M4.4s in last 30 minutes
NSNS: Secret Japan nuclear bomb program covered up using nuclear power industry — Enough to build arsenal larger than China, India and Pakistan combined
Source: National Security News Service
Author: Joseph Trento
Date: April 9th, 2012
The United States deliberately allowed Japan
access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it
transferred tens of billions of dollars worth of American tax paid research
that has allowed Japan to amass 70 tons of weapons grade plutonium since the
1980s, a National Security News Service investigation reveals. [...] the United
States has known about a secret nuclear weapons program in Japan since the
1960s, according to CIA reports.
[...] The Reagan and George H.W. Bush
administrations permitted sensitive technology and nuclear materials to be
transferred to Japan despite laws and treaties preventing such transfers. [...]
While Japan has refrained from deploying nuclear
weapons and remains under an umbrella of U.S. nuclear protection, NSNS has
learned that the country has used its electrical utility companies as a cover
to allow the country to amass enough nuclear weapons materials to build a
nuclear arsenal larger than China, India and Pakistan combined. [...]
That secret effort was hidden in a nuclear power
program that by March 11, 2011– the day the earthquake and tsunami overwhelmed
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant – had amassed 70 metric tons of plutonium.
Like its use of civilian nuclear power to hide a secret bomb program, Japan
used peaceful space exploration as a cover for developing sophisticated nuclear
weapons delivery systems.
Political leaders in Japan understood that the
only way the Japanese people could be convinced to allow nuclear power into
their lives was if a long line of governments and industry hid any military
application. For that reason, a succession of Japanese governments colluded on
a bomb program disguised as innocent energy and civil space programs. [...]
Read the report hereNuclear Expert: Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 likely to shatter or collapse onto its side in a M7.0 quake (AUDIO)
The Fuel Pools Of Fukushima: The Greatest Short-Term Threat To Humanity. Ever.
"Based on U.S. Energy Department data, assuming a total of 11,138 spent fuel assemblies are being stored at the Dai-Ichi site, nearly all, which is in pools, contain roughly 336 million curies (~1.2 E+19 Bq) of long-lived radioactivity.
About 134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident as estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP).
The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
Gundersen: No. 3 fuel pool worse off than No. 4 — Mechanically it’s rubble, the pool is rubble — Nobody has even gotten near it yet (AUDIO, 30 min.)
Title: Interview with Arnie Gundersen
Source: The Radio Ecoshock Show*
Date: April 10, 2012
At 1:30 in
Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Associates: The Unit 3 fuel
pool should also be a concern to policy makers.
At 11:00 in
Gundersen: Unit 3 is worse [than No. 4]. It’s mechanically
its rubble, the pool is rubble. It’s got less fuel in it. It faces the same
problem. Structurally the pool has been dramatically weakened. And, god nobody
has even gotten near it yet.
Listen to the broadcast now by clicking hereDownload the broadcast: Right-click here and choose ‘Save as’ or ‘Save link as’
*Broadcast on CFRO Vancouver, WPFW Washington D.C., KNEW 960 AM San Francisco…
Tepco: 35-ton machine fell in No. 3 fuel pool — Appears to have dropped on nuclear fuel rods (VIDEO)
Source: Kyodo
Date: April 13
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power plant on Friday found that a 35-ton machine had dropped inside
the spent fuel pool of the No. 3 unit, possibly because of a hydrogen explosion
that occurred in the early stage of plant’s nuclear accident last year. [...]
One photo showed part of the machine, originally
located above the pool and used to insert and remove fuel, appeared to have
dropped onto the nuclear fuel storage racks.
h/t WhoopieRead the report here
See also: Tepco Press Conference: New photos released of debris inside SFP No. 3 (PHOTOS)
Title: 88 km of
the great wall is planned to barricade Fukushima contaminated zone
Source: Fukushima Diary
Date: April 9, 2012
Source: Fukushima Diary
Date: April 9, 2012
Via Jisin.jp
Japanese government is planning to build 88km of
wall to barricade the worst contaminated zone in Fukushima. [...]
Japanese government is planning to barricade the
50mSv/y zone with the wall for 88km. [...]
The wall is made of steal [sic] seemingly, over 2m
high and blue. It looks like the panel in a construction area, a construction
company talks.
Read the
report here
Google Translation
Title: Fukushima residents を association Circular out of desu “バ リ ケ the ー ド blocked very secret plan”
Source: jisin.jp
Date: 2012-04-03
Google Translation
Title: Fukushima residents を association Circular out of desu “バ リ ケ the ー ド blocked very secret plan”
Source: jisin.jp
Date: 2012-04-03
March 30, the government has announced that the
reorganization area evacuation of three new radiation dose is high the area
“Evacuation Plan” and “warning area” within 20 kilometers from the nuclear
power plant Fukushima Daiichi so far. “It was a new standard is not a distance
from the primary, more than 50 mSv per year. Is the amount of radiation
actually in that area” the area difficult to return home “, of 20 to 50
millisieverts” restricted area residents ” can be divided into the following
three 20 millisieverts of “assisted evacuation preparation area”
“(reconstruction agency officials) become difficult to return to the area, let alone
live off limits itself will be banned. Among such, but we have obtained a map
created by the government plan of “return difficult area”. On the map, the
black line is drawn in the direction of the northwest from the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant, part of Fukushima Prefecture area had been
surrounded by that line. Is area “difficult feedback that off limits” to be
expected this is more than 50 mSv radiation dose during the year. Is a map
agency reconstruction has created “, the area was surrounded by a wire
residents is black not to leave, a figure it plans to blockade at the barricade
“(reconstruction agency relationship supra) the total length of the blockade
line also extends to 88 kilometers. At this time, the coverage, even in the
inhabitants of the district be the barricades blockade, some people do not know
the existence of the map. Why is the government orchestrated the blockade
barricade without informing the local people. Blockade, Why and when to be
carried out from. Such as the case be torn drawn a line in the village and the
town council from the same local “, the problem has erupted. For this reason,
as the government. Does not progress at the end of May a discussion with local
governments Agency and the reconstruction I would like to determine the areas
blockade, do not know what will happen “(official agency and reconstruction
supra) builders fact, that I’ve seen photos of the barricade, the coverage of
this report on condition of anonymity to the absolute replied to. “I feel like
the panel I think I was a pretty big is like iron, likely more than 2 meters.
Color and was blue. To the construction site has been”
Read the
report here
Japan is creating a disaster of a devastating proportions by choosing the economical method of disposing radioactive Fukushima debris by incinerating it.
Fukushima to Burn Highly-Radioactive Debris
Fukushima will start burning radioactive debris containing up to 100,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram. As Mainchi notes:Japanese journalist reveals possible thyroid disease — Wonders if caused by radiation — Continuous health problems since visiting Fukushima Daiichi
Professor finds ‘black dust’ at 4 locations in Koriyama, up to 9 microSv/h — Only measuring gamma radiation
San Francisco Bay Area milk sample has highest amount of Cesium-137 since last June — Almost double EPA’s maximum contaminant level
NRC email reveals US nuclear plant used MOX fuel
“It was a failure”: Ex-Prime Minister Murayama apologizes for supporting nuclear power — Says gov’t yet to tell public why Fukushima Daiichi crisis occurred
Local TV: Radiation in kelp could create a health concern for Southern California seafood lovers — “The question we all want answered, how dangerous is this to you and me?” (VIDEO)
Goddard’s Journal analysis indicates steam explosion at Reactor No. 3 — NRC discussed steam explosion ejecting entire core (VIDEOS)
*UPDATED* Report: Faxes show Fukushima boss Yoshida aware plants damaged by quakes, not tsunami
Needle goes above scale on alpha radiation detector in Minamisoma — Most sensitive setting (VIDEO)
WATCH: Japan lawmakers warned about Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 during testimony of former ambassador (VIDEOS)
Japan Professor on Fukushima and Media: Children bleeding from nostrils, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases (VIDEO)
*NEW* Goddard’s Journal: Did Fukushima Unit 3 Fuel Pool Explode? (VIDEO)
Radiation dose quadruples at one Tokyo monitoring station, triples at another
Kyodo: Possible Leak at Fukushima No. 4 Spent Fuel Pool — Cooling system halted for inspection
Radioactive Wave From Japan Headed Towards United States, Full of Extremely High Levels of Radiation
Over the last year the threat of radiation hitting the United States from the Fukushima nuclear disaster has gone from a conspiracy theory, to a possibility, to a flat out fact.
Now, scientists with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute have confirmed that a wave of highly radioactive waste is headed directly for the US west coast.
In a segment on the Big Picture with Thomas Hartmann, Kevin Kamps, of the group Beyond Nuclear, joined the show to discuss the dangers of radiation in Japan, the United States, and the world.
Happening Now: Multiple strong quakes hit Fukushima plant within last 3 hours
Source: Japan Meteorological Agency
23:51 JST 12 Apr 2012
Fukushima-ken Oki
Intensity 4 of 7
A=Quake; B=Fukushima Daiichi
See also: 7:20a ET: M5.5 hits off Fukushima coast -- Intensity 4 of 7 -- Under 50 miles from Daiichi
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