Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mercredi 18 août 2010

Comment les États-Unis ont créé l'Al-Qaïda: Al-Qaïda n'existe pas

Comment les États-Unis ont créé l'Al-Qaïda: Al-Qaïda n'existe pas

Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore...

How the US created al Qaeda: Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist

This documentary interrogates the notion that Osama Bin Laden single-handedly runs the pervasive Al Qaeda terrorist network by examining its inception, its links to Western intelligence, the double agents and fictitious characters that populate its ranks, and the fraudulent ways the Al Qaeda myth is propagated in the controlled corporate media.

This installment of the documentary goes into Zbigniew Brzezinski, Operation Cyclone, the ISI-CIA-MAK-US government funding circle and CIA connections to Osama Bin Laden.

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