L'Autre Monde 13 mai 2010: Coup d'État corporatif, Sabrosky & 9/11, catastrophe pétrolière de BP, guerre US au Pakistan et le nucléaire israélien

L'Autre Monde 13 mai 2010: Coup d'État corporatif, Sabrosky & 9/11, catastrophe pétrolière de BP, guerre US au Pakistan et le nucléaire israélien
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L'Autre Monde 13 mai 2010
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 13 mai 2010:
- Dans cette émission nous vous rapportons une tonne d'information concernant les révélations important de Sabrosky et le 9/11, l'économie et la prise de contrôle du secteur privé de notre futur à travers cet accord EU-Canada qui prend des allures du défunt AMI de 1998, de la crise grandissante dans le Golfe du Mexique causé par BP et ses associés, des crimes de guerres US avec leurs attaques par drones au Pakistan qui tuent des centaines d'innocents et de cette guerre que les Américains veulent y mener, les armes nucléaires israéliennes et beaucoup plus!
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
Big Three Nets' Evening News Dives Deepen
Those who properly point out that the audience figures cited here are much larger than seen on cable news networks can take some comfort and solace in the following:
- Just 10 years ago, the nets' evening news audience was about 12 million larger in a country with a population that was about 9% smaller.
Five weeks ago (covered at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), the Big Three Networks' combined evening news audiences dropped to below 20 million .
Three weeks ago (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), their combined audience came in at 19.61 million, down over 12% from the previous year.
Webmaster's Commentary:
But the blogs' readership continues to soar. Proof that nobody likes a liar. Maybe that is why CNN was spending so much time on the "MISS USA poses in lingerie" and the "Playboy's first 3D Centerfold" stories yesterday. Sex sells, and that is about all that ABCNNBBCBS have left to lure in an audience.
KFC fined £11,000 after cockroach eating a chip, mouse and dried blood are found in busy branch
"We are trying to provide our customers with extra protein"
Organisations : signez la déclaration de la société civile du nouveau Réseau pour le commerce juste qui présente les préoccupations et les revendications concernant cet accord de libre-échange -> www.commercejuste.ca
Rolv Hanssens et Frédéric Viale, nous ont parlé, grâce à Skype, des enjeux liés à cet accord. À visionner, partie 1, partie 2 (le contenu y est même si la qualité du document ne pouvait être optimale). Frédéric Viale nous dit : Il est temps pour le mouvement social de se mobiliser et de ne pas accepter, en 2011, ce qu'il avait refusé avec succès en rejetant l'Accord multilatéral sur l'investissement (AMI) en 1998. Texte à télécharger ici.
Accord Canada-Union européenne : les craintes se confirment, article de Claude Vaillancourt dans le Journal des Alternatives
Libre-échange Canada-Union européenne - Le projet d’accord suscite de la contestation, dans Le Devoir
De plus, "Une Europe globale dans un monde compétitif" s’impose comme un programme de libéralisation interne autant qu’externe. La menace la plus significative introduite par ce programme vient du désir d’adopter « une approche ouverte et flexible dans la mise en place des règles (de l'Union) », avec l’intention explicite d’harmoniser les standards européens de façon à ce qu’ils ne créent plus de tensions avec les partenaires dont les standards sont inférieurs. Le Commissaire au commerce Peter Mandelson a établi explicitement que cela signifie avant tout un processus de convergence avec le système réglementaire américain, apprécié par le monde des
affaires pour la faiblesse de son contenu social et environnemental. Dans ce contexte, le Partenariat économique transatlantique, qui a ambition de créer une zone de libre-échange Etats- Unis / Union européenne pour 2015 prend tout son sens.
La communication "Une Europe globale dans un monde compétitif" confirme que cet agenda est entièrement conditionné par les intérêts privés : « plus nos pratiques et nos règlements sont cohérents avec nos principaux partenaires, plus cela bénéficie aux intérêts privés européens ».
Nulle part ne sont mentionnés les ravages que pourrait
2- L'accord UE-Canada : une demande des entreprises
Sur le site officiel de
Créé en 1999, ce lobby se fixe pour objectif de développer des "occasions d'affaires" ("business opportunities") entre le Canada et l'Union. Pour cela, il entretient des "relations stratégiques entre les dirigeants d'entreprises et les gouvernements". Il "milite fermement" pour la mise en place d'un accord bilatéral sur le commerce et l'investissement.
Il n'a pas perdu son temps puisque, à l'occasion d'un sommet européen de Prague, une déclaration commune du CERT, de BusinessEurope, le Conseil des canadiens chefs d'entreprises et la confédération des industries Tchèques se félicitait de la décision de l'UE de débuter des négociations sur un accord "ambitieux" (ce qui, dans ce type de cénacle veut dire que tous les sujets devront être abordés). L'accord devra porter sur les points suivants : évidemment, l'élimination des barrières douanières et non-douanières, mais aussi un plus grand accès aux marchés publics à tous les niveaux, une coopération pour un accès aux matières premières, un renforcement des droits de la propriété intellectuelle, un accroissement de la mobilité des salariés, y compris par la reconnaissance de leur qualifications, et la mise en place d'un organe de règlement des différends.
En 2008, à l'initiative de
BusinessEurope insiste dans un de ces documents (21 janvier 2010) sur ce qu'elle attend de l'accord UE-Canada. Outre ce qui déjà est affirmée dans la déclaration commune du 9 mai 2009, l'organisation patronale précise :
"1. De nombreuses régulations ou normes techniques, de santé ou de sécurité sont prises au niveau provincial au Canada, et notre but est d'aller vers une convergence des régulations ou vers une reconnaissance mutuelle de ces régulations ou de ces standards grâce à cet accord"
Traduit en français, cela veut dire que les provinces décident dans de nombreux domaines, dont la santé, de réglementations qui ne sont pas les mêmes partout. Il s'agit d'en finir, et cela se fera nécessairement au prix des décisions jusque là prises par les provinces. C'est d'ailleurs un des éléments essentiels de l'accord que les négociations se conduisent au niveau provincial afin d'englober un maximum de sujets, tels que les services, l'éducation, la santé, mais aussi les matières premières, dont l'eau, matières premières dont l'accès est jugé crucial par la stratégie "Europe globale". Vous avez remarquez par ailleurs, la présence de Véolia environnement dans les signataires de l'appel pour un accord sur l'investissement.
"2. L'accord devra ouvrir les marchés publics canadiens à la concurrence, aussi bien au niveau fédéral que provincial" , sachant que les marchés publics provinciaux sont plus importants que les fédéraux, et que par ailleurs BusinessEurope remarque que "le fameux Hydro Québec et Manitoba Hydro offrent des possibilités de coopération intéressantes."
" 3. BUSINESSEUROPE veut approfondir la coopération avec le Canada sur l'énergie et les projets environnementaux grâce à l'accord."
" 4. BUSINESSEUROPE veut accroître l'investissement et le commerce des matières premières entre l'UE et le Canada", le secteur minier et particulièrement celui de l'or et du cuivre.
L'accord projeté entre l'Union européenne et le Canada est bien un accord de libre-échange qui va même au-delà de ce que pourrait prévoir un accord de l'OMC : allégement maximal des réglementations des Etats, accès aux matières premières, ouverture maximum de tous les secteurs et particulièrement celui des services, renforcement de la propriété intellectuelle.
Evidemment, il a été mis en place au profit des intérêts des entreprises, représentés par des lobbies qui ont l'oreille des décideurs politiques. Mais, outre cela, il prévoit un organe de règlement des différends équivalent à ce qui existe dans l'Accord de libre-échange Nord-américain (ALENA) : par ce biais, les entreprises pourront poursuivre les collectivités publiques (que ce soient les Etats, les provinces, les collectivités locales) qui prendraient des décisions contraires aux intérêts des entreprises transnationales. Celles-ci pourront à loisir poursuivre les collectivités publiques et faire annuler, au terme de procédure coûteuses pour la collectivité, les réglementations pourtant démocratiquement décidées. Il y a là non seulement une organisation de l'impuissance des Etats et des organes de décision publiques infra-étatiques, mais encore une mise à l'écart des populations qui n'auront plus les moyens de prendre les décisions dans les affaires qui les regardent, dès lors que des intérêts privés d'entreprises seraient en jeu. Ce type d'accord est fondamentalement une atteinte à la démocratie.
Cet accord doit être replacé dans son contexte : il lie l'Union européenne, le plus grand marché du monde, et le Canada qui fait partie de l'ALENA. De l'aveu même des concepteurs de l'accord, il s'agit d'une première étape vers la constitution d'une vaste zone de libre-échange entre l'Union et l'ALENA. Si rien n'est fait pour bloquer ce projet, se réaliseraient ainsi les rêves que les lobbies d'entreprises visaient avec l'OMC, mais qu'ils n'ont pu obtenir jusque là : en finir avec les régulations publiques, y compris dans les "démocraties" gouvernant les plus grands marchés au monde.
Un dernier cycle de négociations est prévu en juillet. Il est temps pour le mouvement social de se mobiliser et de ne pas accepter, en 2011, ce qu'il avait refusé avec succès en rejetant l'Accord multilatéral sur l'investissement (AMI) en 1998.
A generals' revolt against Zionist domination of US policy?
Is the top
Tonight's radio guest*, Religious Studies professor Ira Chernus, just published an article entitled Blood or Treasure: Obama's Crucial Choice in the Middle East. The article begins: "Writing about U.S. Middle East policy used to be a boring job. You'd start out with 'The U.S. supports
Why the change? Admitting that there is little hard information, just "a riot of rumors," Chernus suggests that a "new message from the military elite" is pushing the Obama administration to confront the Zionists. According to Chernus, such top
Next week's radio guest** Gordon Duff, suggests that the source of this generals' revolt is the rapidly spreading knowledge among the US military elite that 9/11 was a Zionist false-flag operation. Duff, editor of Veterans' Today and self-styled key source for leaks from high-level US military figures, told me last week that more and more US officers are aware of and unhappy about Israel's 9/11 false-flag attack on America and continuing Mossad sponsorship of such follow-up false-flag events as the underwear bombing escapade. He added that Obama has sided with the generals against the Israelis, who, he says, are trying to cover their 9/11 tracks through a "flight forward" into a wider Mideast war, presumably one ignited by another big false-flag attack on America. (Duff's prediction of an immanent false-flag event was quickly followed by the Times Square episode, another pathetic "bomb that couldn't possibly blow up" song-and-dance presumably sponsored by the usual suspects.)
Duff suggests Obama and the newly 9/11-savvy military leaders are up against near-complete Zionist control of Congress and the media.
Is Duff right about 9/11 truth being the key factor turning the generals, and with them the Obama Administration, against the Zionist regime of 9/11 suspect Benjamin Netanyahu? Listen to my interviews with Chernus tonight, and Duff next week, then decide for yourself.
L'entrevue du Dr Alan Sabrosky (ancien directeur des études au US Army War College) qui identifie Israël comme étant le véritable responsable du 11/9.
L'entrevue complète est là, en 4 parties:
La retranscription complète (ang.) est ici:
Selon moi l'extrait le plus pertinent de l'entrevue se trouve ici, dans cette version de takeourworldback.com, qui documente ce qu'on entend avec des images pertinentes. Cet extrait commence et finit là où j'insère des astérisques en gras.
Mark Glenn: Dr Sabrosky, bienvenue à l'émission.
Dr Alan Sabrosky - AS: Mark, nous nous sommes parlés plus tôt et, vous le savez, mes sentiments sont que je suis tout à fait disposé à débattre de problèmes avec n'importe qui sur n'importe quel sujet. La plupart d'entre nous ont des vues différentes sur les choses, et aucun d'entre nous, je pense, ne croit détenir toute la vérité pour lui-même. Ceux qui le croient sont des imbéciles.
MG: Absolument, et je vais le faire dès maintenant car je suis sur le point d'entamer la lecture de cet excellent article.
Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, Université du Michigan) est un Américain qui a oeuvré pendant dix ans dans le corps des Marines et qui est un ancien diplômé de l'US Army War College.
Maintenant, non seulement cela - Dr. Sabrosky me corrigera si je me trompe ici - non seulement vous êtes diplômé de l'US Army War College, mais vous étiez le directeur des études pendant un certain temps - est-ce exact?
AS: C'est exact. Pendant cinq ans et demi.
MG: Cinq ans et demi comme directeur d'études à l'US Army War College.
MG: Très bien, Mesdames et Messieurs, même si j'ai l'air de la mère d'un écolier ici en lisant cet article pour vous, néanmoins, je vais le faire. Non pas comme un geste d'insulte à votre intelligence - parce que je sais que vous êtes tous bien lettrés - mais j'ai été tellement impressionné par cet article qu'il soit dûment conservé ici dans le contexte de cette conversation, et c'est la raison pour laquelle je vais le lire.
En date du 12 mars 2010, par le Dr Alan Sabrosky
La face obscure du nationalisme juif
"Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou a dit un jour à une réunion du Likoud qu’ "Israël n’est pas comme les autres pays." Fait curieux de sa part, cette fois il disait la vérité, et ça n’est nulle part plus évident que dans l’exemple du nationalisme juif - peu importe qu'on lui colle ou non l'étiquette de sioniste. Le nationalisme dans la plupart des pays et des cultures peut avoir des aspects positifs et négatifs, unifiant un peuple et, quelquefois, le retournant contre son voisin. L’extrémisme peut émerger, et il l’a souvent fait au moins en partie, dans presque tous les mouvements nationalistes/indépendantistes dont je dont je puis me souvenir (par exemple, le mouvement nationaliste français avait La Terreur, le Kenya avait les Mau-Mau, etc.)
Mais tandis que l’extrémisme au sein des autres mouvements nationalistes est une aberration, l’extrémisme dans le nationalisme juif est la norme, montant les juifs sionistes (laïques ou pratiquants) contre les Goyim (le reste du monde), qui sont potentiellement ou bien des prédateurs ou bien des proies certaines, sinon les deux successivement. D'aucune façon cela ne signifie que tous les Juifs ou tous les Israéliens ressentent et agissent ainsi. Mais cela signifie néanmoins qu’Israël est aujourd’hui ce qu’il ne peut éviter d’être, et ce qu’il serait sous n’importe quel gouvernement élu (un point que je vais développer dans un autre article).
Les différences entre le nationalisme juif (le sionisme) et celui d’autres pays et cultures, sont selon moi quadruples :
1. Le sionisme est une véritable bouillie de sorcière [où se mélangent] xénophobie, racisme, ultra-nationalisme, militarisme, ce qui le place en dehors d’un simple "contexte nationaliste" - par exemple, quand j’étais en Irlande (dans les deux parties), je n’ai vu aucune indication selon quoi Armée républicaine irlandaise provisoire ou qui que ce soit qui ait exercé des pressions pour une Irlande unie songe à envoyer les protestants dans des camps ou à l’extérieur du pays, malgré qu’il puisse bien y en avoir une poignée qui pense ainsi – et dépasse de loin les misères infligées par les nazis ;
2. Le sionisme sape la loyauté civique de ses adhérents vivant dans d'autres pays comme aucun autre mouvement nationaliste (incluant même des mouvements ultra-nationalistes comme le nazisme) ne l’a jamais fait - par exemple, une grande majorité de Juifs américains, y compris ceux qui n’ont pas de double citoyenneté affichée, épousent une forme de la bigamie politique appelée "double loyauté" (à Israël et aux États-Unis) qui est tout aussi malhonnête que la bigamie matrimoniale - tentent de cacher la préséance qu'ils accordent à Israël par rapport aux États-Unis (il y a beaucoup de petits Rahm Emanuel là-bas qui ont servi dans l’armée israélienne mais PAS dans les forces armées américaines), et n’a absolument aucun parallèle en ce qui a trait à une identité nationale ou culturelle épousée par quelque autre groupe ethnique ou racial définissable aux États-Unis - même le Bund nazi aux États-Unis a disparu une fois que l’Allemagne et les États-Unis sont entrés en guerre, avec la quasi-totalité de ses membres se portant volontaires dans les forces armées américaines ;
3. L’« ennemi » des mouvements nationalistes normaux est la puissance occupante et peut-être ses alliés, et une fois l’indépendance atteinte, des relations normales avec la puissance occupante sont véritablement la norme, mais pour le sionisme presque tout le monde extérieur est un ennemi réel ou potentiel, ne différant qu’en terme de proximité géographique et de position sur sa très longue liste d’ennemis (qui est maintenant la liste des cibles des États-Unis) ; et
4. Presque tous les mouvements nationalistes (y compris les variantes irrédentistes et sécessionnistes) cherchent à créer un État indépendant à partir d’une population en place ou pour réunir un peuple séparé (comme les Allemands des Sudètes dans les années 1930) - il est très rare qu’il comprenne le déplacement massif d’une autre population indigène, qui est beaucoup plus commun dans les mouvements colonialistes qui ont réussi comme c'est le cas aux États-Unis - et peut-être qu'une raison expliquant le fait que la plupart des Américains ne se sentiraient pas concernés par ce que les Israéliens font subir aux Palestiniens, et ce même s’ils étaient au courant, est que cela ne diffère guère de ce que les Européens ont fait aux Amérindiens ici même en Amérique du Nord sur une plus longue période de temps et avec une technologie très rudimentaire.
Les implications de ceci pour les perspectives de paix au Moyen-Orient, et pour d’autres pays sous l’emprise (ou pas) de leurs lobbies juifs domestiques, donnent le frisson. Le fait que le livre du Deutéronome prenne vie dans un État doté d’un arsenal nucléaire serait suffisant pour donner à réfléchir à quiconque n’est pas soumis par l’argent ou la corruption – soumission qui de nos jours caractérise tout à fait le gouvernement des États-Unis, étant donné la propension d’Israël à lancer de la boue au visage de l’administration Obama et compte tenu du penchant manifeste de ce dernier à accepter cela avec le sourire, au point où l’on en vient à se dire que Bibi Netanyahou a son propre "Oncle Tom" en poste à Washington.
Feu le général Moshe Dayan, qui - sionistes ou pas - fait partie de mon propre Panthéon honorifique des héros militaires, aurait apparemment fait remarquer que la sécurité d’Israël dépendait du fait qu’elle soit perçue par autrui comme un chien enragé. Il avait peut-être raison. Mais il a négligé de remarquer que la réponse préférée par tous les autres est de tuer ce chien enragé avant qu’il puisse décider de devenir fou furieux et de mordre. Il s’agit d’une option à considérer."
MG: C'est ce qu'écrit Alan Sabrosky PhD, ancien directeur des études à l'US Army War College.
Dr. Sabrosky, je ne peux penser à aucun autre article que j'aie lu, de mémoire récente, qui résume essentiellement le problème auquel nous avons affaire en ce moment de manière plus précise et aussi succincte que cet essai que vous avez écrit. Vous avez, pour toutes fins pratiques, enfoncé le clou de cette affaire. Je suppose que la raison pour laquelle je suis tellement enthousiasmé par cet article, Dr Sabrosky, est que l'une des choses que j'ai noté au sujet de ce problème auquel nous faisons face - en termes de sionisme, de la puissance du lobby juif, et tout le reste - c'est que tout est enveloppé dans un brouillard de confusion ou de mystère, et cela, je crois, de façon délibérée. Je pense que c’est l'un des principaux éléments expliquant le fait que ce puissant intérêt étranger soit en mesure d'obtenir ce qu'il veut. Je veux dire, regardons les choses en face: il s'en est tiré avec l'attaque d'un navire américain durant près de deux heures et tuant 34 hommes - c'était un acte de guerre, et ils s'en sont tirés. Non seulement ils s'en sont tirés, ils ont même été récompensés par trois milliards de dollars par année minimum. Quand on regarde les deux guerres dans lesquelles les États-Unis se retrouvent, et sur le seuil d'au moins deux autres, et tout cela au profit d'un certain pays étranger assis sur la rive orientale de la mer Méditerranée - ils ont eu un franc succès à mettre tout cela en place et je pense que l'une des principales composantes de cela est le fait que très peu de gens comprennent réellement la nature du problème - et je pense que votre article révèle essentiellement le problème, qui est que lorsque vous avez des gens qui essaient de dire qu'ils sont fidèles aux États-Unis et, en même temps, fidèles à un gouvernement étranger, c'est un mensonge.
AS: Ça l'est, et c'est plus que cela, Mark. Ce que nous devons proclamer bien haut, c'est que non seulement ils ont attaqué le USS Liberty, ils ont fait le 11 septembre. Ils l'ont fait.
J'ai eu de longues conversations au cours des deux dernières semaines avec des contacts à l'Army War College, au Siège du corps de
Vous savez, Phil, je ne dénigre pas ce qui est arrivé au USS Liberty, pas le moins du monde - vous comprenez cela - mais pour la plupart des Américains ce qui est arrivé au USS Liberty, ou au Vietnam, c'est de l'histoire ancienne. Maintenant, c'est de l'histoire ancienne. Vous savez, ils peuvent être préoccupés à ce sujet, mais ils ne vont pas se mettre en colère à ce sujet.
Le 11 septembre a directement causé plus de 60 000 Américains morts et blessés, Dieu sait combien de centaines de milliers de personnes dans d'autres pays nous avons tués ou blessés ou rendus sans-abri, et c'est une plaie actuelle. Ce n'est pas votre blessure du USS Liberty, ce n'est pas ma blessure du Vietnam. Nous en avons tous les deux, chacun de nous s'en préoccupe. Mais c'est une plaie ouverte. Et ce que les Américains ont besoin de comprendre, c'est que c'est eux qui l'ont fait. Ils l'ont fait. Et s'ils comprennent cela, Israël va disparaître. Israël va tout simplement disparaître de cette Terre.
J'ai envoyé un film à l'un de mes collègues et cela montrait essentiellement des Américains endeuillés alors que leurs morts sont rapatriés. Et je l'ai montré l'un d'eux - c'est une femme - le coeur complètement arraché par la douleur en train de pleurer son soldat mort. Et j'ai dit, vous le savez, si jamais les Américains savent qu'Israël a fait cela, ils vont les rayer de la surface de
PT: Alan, votre article et votre cœur et votre témoignage et ce que vous croyez en est déchirant pour moi. C'est comme nos pères fondateurs, et leurs ombres, qui parlent et qui disent: "Nous devons résoudre ce problème, nous devons le faire à notre manière, et nous devons le faire maintenant, ou nous seront terrassés."
AS: Exactement. Absolument, Phil. Je suis entièrement d'accord.
TP: Votre article doit être expédié à
AS: Eh bien, je peux vous dire qu'il est lu par certaines personnes au siège du corps des Marines et à l'Army War College. Je leur ai envoyé la semaine dernière et j'ai eu de longues discussions avec les gens là-haut, et il y a certaines personnes très, très mécontentes.
MG: Que disent-ils, si vous pouvez parler de cela, Dr Sabrosky?
AS: L'étonnement. La première chose, Mark, est l'étonnement. Ils ne savaient pas. Ils ne savaient vraiment pas. Et ce ne sont pas des gens stupides. Ils ne savaient vraiment pas.
Et la réaction suivante est la rage. Une véritable rage. Et les sionistes jouent ceci comme un pari "tout ou rien", parce que s'ils perdent celui-ci, si le peuple américain réalise ce qui s'est passé, ils sont finis.
Et je vais vous dire franchement - je ne pense pas que l'un de vous ait une ascendance juive. J'en ai. Vous savez, j'ai un grand-parent qui est juif. Comme nous en parlions moi et Phil Weiss de Mondoweiss - c'est un juif qui publie beaucoup d'articles critiques sur Israël - et j'ai dit que pour le Rabbinat orthodoxe je ne suis pas un Juif. Mais pour les nazis, je suis passé par là. Et si cela explose, je vais tomber avec le reste d'entre eux. Et je le sais. Je le sais tout simplement. Mais si tel est le prix pour refaire l'Amérique à neuf...
MG: Juste pour le rappel, Dr Sabrosky, c'était il y a trois ans - et je me souviens distinctement que j'étais à une émission de radio au cours des préparatifs pour la réunion des gars du Liberty qui allait avoir lieu à [Washington] DC - et j'ai fait une prédiction en ondes que je pensais de tout mon cœur à l'époque et je le crois toujours de tout mon coeur, qu'un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre - je ne sais pas exactement comment cela va se passer - je m'en doute - qu'un jour et d’une façon ou d'une autre, peut-être beaucoup plus tôt qu'aucun de nous s'y attend, les États-Unis vont se trouver en guerre avec Israël. Et je veux dire une vraie guerre de tirs.
Maintenant, techniquement parlant, nous sommes en guerre avec elle parce qu'elle est en guerre avec nous. Elle cherche à nous détruire. Nous ne l'avons tout simplement pas réalisé pour le moment.
Ma prédiction personnelle est que, probablement, - encore une fois, plus tôt qu'aucun d'entre nous pourrait s'y attendre ou ne souhaite l'envisager - Israël va commettre un autre 11 septembre. Elle va faire un nouveau USS Liberty. De toute évidence, certaines personnes assez puissantes dans certains lieux très visibles, comme le président du Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mike Mullen, pense que c'est une possibilité, étant donné qu'il a coupé court à un voyage qu'il avait fait en l'Europe il y a quelques années pour s'empresser d'aller en Israël pour rencontrer son homologue et l'avertir en termes non équivoques combien il était important qu'il n'y ait pas un second USS Liberty.
Ainsi, concernant ce que vous deux venez de parler, que nous avons besoin d'en parler, je vais proposer une autre théorie ici pour en discuter. Nous aurions déjà eu ce second 11 septembre, ou ce second USS Liberty - cela aurait déjà été un fait accompli si ce n'était du fait qu'un nombre croissant de personnes ont parlé de ce problème depuis le 11 septembre.
Je pense qu'Israël a regardé tout cela et s'est dit: "Nous devons laisser les choses se refroidir un peu pour le moment - si nous essayons une nouvelle tentative dès maintenant, alors nous sommes cuits: nous allons faire éclater notre couverture."
AS: Ce n'est pas seulement une question de souffler notre couverture. Si jamais les Américains comprennent vraiment cela - ils sont de l'histoire ancienne. Ce sera une guerre sanglante et brutale - et ils disparaîtront. Je veux dire, ça ne sera même pas un match serré. Et ils le savent. Ce qu'ils comprennent, je crois, aussi, c'est que leur influence est sur les nominations politiques. Leur effet de levier n'est pas dans les services en uniforme [militaire].
Si vous consultez l'Army Times, le Navy Times, ou n'importe lequel des journaux de n'importe quel service, vous avez une vision très différente de celle que l'on voit lorsqu'on regarde le Congrès et
Et si jamais ils comprennent cela, ces gens là sont de l'histoire ancienne.
MG: Eh bien, maintenant laissez-moi vous demander quelque chose, docteur, et évidemment je comprends que nous avons besoin de protéger les noms des innocents ici...
AS: Il n'y a pas innocents! [Rires]
PT: Je suis d'accord.
MG: Je voudrais en savoir un peu plus à ce sujet. Je veux dire, ces conversations que vous avez avec vos collègues qui sont encore en service en uniforme. Quelle est leur réaction lorsque vous leur dites de telles choses?
AS: La première est l'incrédulité, et ce que je leur montre immédiatement après, c'est une entrevue avec un expert en démolition danois nommé Danny Jowenko, et ça montre le troisième bâtiment du World Trade Center en train de tomber - le WTC 7. Et ils regardent ça, et je leur ai dit: «Maintenant, vous comprenez que si l'un des bâtiments a été câblé pour être démoli, ils ont tous été câblés pour être démolis." Et c'est tout. C'est le point de bascule.
Je veux dire, entrer dans les arguments au sujet de qui était aux commandes de quoi, et où ils étaient, et s'il y avait de la nano-thermite - ces choses sont vraies, mais elles sont accidentelles. La chose qui est nécessaire est de dire aux gens: trois bâtiments sont tombés; le troisième n'a pas été touché par un avion, il a été câblé pour une démolition contrôlée, par conséquent, ils ont tous été câblés pour une démolition contrôlée. Et à partir de cet instant, la réaction est la rage. L'incrédulité d'abord et puis ensuite la rage.
MG: Eh bien, je dois vous dire, que je trouve cela très encourageant, car sur la base des conversations superficielles que j'ai eu avec certains militaires - et je fais très attention à ce que je dis parce qu'on ne sait jamais sur quoi on marche lorsqu'on démarre une discussion de ce type avec l'un d'entre eux - à partir de ces conversations rapides que j'ai eues avec certains d'entre eux, ils ont aucune idée et ne veulent pas en entendre parler. Ils sont fidèles au drapeau qui est sur l'écusson de leur manche gauche, et l'idée que le gouvernement puisse être impliqué d'une manière ou d'une autre dans toutes sortes de hauts crimes et de trahison contre le peuple américain est impensable pour eux, ainsi je suis heureux d'entendre qu'il reste encore quelque matière grise et quelque patriotisme - au moins dans les milieux auxquels vous avez accès, Dr Sabrosky.
AS: Eh bien, ce n'est pas qu'ils ne veulent pas l'entendre, c'est qu'ils ne le savent pas. Ce que j'ai fait quand je l'ai présenté à ces gens et que je leur ai dit, "Examinez seulement ce point-là - il suffit de regarder cette image. Je ne vais pas vous donner d'arguments - il suffit de regarder." Et ils regardent le film et, sans exception, ils reviennent en disant: "Ils l'ont fait, n'est-ce pas." Je leur ai dit, "Ouais - ils l'ont fait."
PT: Puis-je vous interrompre ici une seconde - je voulais juste mentionner, parler des militaires, certains des militaires les plus distinguées que j'aie eu le plaisir de rencontrer ... L'amiral Thomas Moore, l'ancien chef d'état-major qui nous a soutenu du début à la fin dans l'enquête sur le USS Liberty, et ainsi de suite et ainsi de suite.
Et puis Ray Davis - il était un commandant du corps de Marine des États-Unis. Il a dit directement - cela ne concerne évidemment pas le 11 septembre - que le USS Liberty n'était pas une erreur d'identité, c'était un meurtre de sang-froid, prémédité. Donc, il y a des gens dans l'armée [qui savent].
* Truth Jihad Radio tonight, Saturday, May 8th 5-7 pm Central on AmericanFreedomRadio
** Truth Jihad Radio Saturday, 15th, Nakba Day, 5-7 pm Central on AmericanFreedomRadio
9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero (200 Pics)
9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero (200 Pics)
Zionists named the bogeyman on 9-11
Webmaster's Commentary:
Immediately after the attacks earlier that day (and before the collapse of Building 7), by sheer coincidence and convenience (duh), Ehud Barak just happened to be sitting inside the main BBC studio in London to help provide the proper narrative intended by the Zionist perpetrators of this terror event. (How coincidental, also, that Ehud Olmert was subsequently known to be in NYC just the day before the attack, and possibla also on the day itself, presumably to help with the operation.)
Il faut absolument voir ce reportage! Selon moi, c'est quasiment une première au Canada: j'ai jamais vu un discours aussi ouvert (bien que légèrement hypocrite et à la fin carrément mensonger en ce qu'il dénie le caractère criminel du B'Nai Brith) sur le lobby sioniste. J'ai vu des reportages télé assez honnêtes sur l'Holocauste et le procès Zundel, mais sur le lobby, j'avais jamais rien vu de tel.
Épisode 21 : Le Canada sous influence
La plupart des observateurs s’entendent pour dire qu’un virage majeur a été opéré dans la politique extérieure du Canada, et en particulier dans les dossiers d’Israël et du Moyen-Orient, depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir de Stephen Harper. Jean-François Lépine présente un reportage du journaliste Luc Chartrand, qui scrute la crise survenue à Droits et démocratie, et d’autres décisions témoignant de l’influence considérable du lobby pro-Israël.
Date de diffusion : 9 avril 2010
Réalisation : Yanic Lapointe, Josée Bellemare
Production : Radio-Canada
Hatred of Obama as a new form of religion
So it should have come as no surprise, I suppose, that a cluster of people here [in Israel], people who cloak themselves in the garb of the pious, have decided to marry their furious loathing of Barack Obama to the custom of their faith, and to do what some in America have been doing for more than a year now: Hating Barack Obama as a new form of religious observance. (...)
"There is no doubt that now the enemy of the Jewish people is Barack Hussein Obama," said pro-Kahane activist Noam Federman, a leader of the campaign.
"Obama is the most anti-Semitic president the U.S. has ever had," Federman told Maariv daily's website last week. "The time has come for our blind politicians to wake up and understand that you can't make policy according to the obsession of an Israel-hater."
Foxman describes as "deeply distressed" the shift in US policy toward Israel
In a statement, Foxman described as “deeply distressing,” the “significant shift in US policy toward Israel and the peace process, which has been evident in comments from various members of the Obama Administration and has now been confirmed by the president himself in his press conference at the Nuclear Security Summit.”
Foxman’s statement went on to criticize the “blatantly disproportionate number and the nature of statements issued by this administration criticizing Israel as compared to what has been said about the Palestinians,” as well as what he described as “dangerous thinking” that “shifts responsibility for success of American foreign policy away from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt and directly onto Israel.”(...)
Foxman was far from alone in his criticism. Late last week, World Jewish Congress Chairman Ronald Lauder penned an open letter to Obama, published in a number of major newspapers including The Jerusalem Post, in which he, too, called on Obama to reassess his administration’s policy regarding Israel.
Lauder, who is known to support Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and ran as a Republican candidate in a New York City mayoral race, also blasted the administration for “seeming to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks,” arguing that “after all, it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.”
Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel also put his thoughts in print, taking out paid advertisements in The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal entitled: “For Jerusalem.”
U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that will ruin the country in just 15 MINUTES, expert warns
The U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that could cause destruction on the scale of 9/
Richard Clarke, a former adviser to both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, suggests that the lack of security in place against such an attack could lead to an 'electronic Pearl Harbor'.
Webmaster's Commentary:
With both 9-11 and Pearl Harbor appearing to be war-starting hoaxes, I wish to point out that the only party benefiting from a "terrorist" attack that shuts down the internet are those government and corporate interests terrified of blogs like WRH.
Le Tchernobyl des pétrolières
François Marginean
Dans le secteur pétrolier, il y a des déversements de pétrole. D’autres fois, il y a déversements catastrophiques de pétrole, comme dans le cas de l’Exxon Valdez. Finalement, dans sa nouvelle catégorie bien à part, il y a le déversement de pétrole causé par la plate-forme Deepwater Horizon, opérée par Transocean Ltd., qui exploite le gisement de Macondo situé sous le Golfe du Mexique, une propriété/location de la pétrolière British Petroleum (BP) qui en est ultimement responsable.
Gulf of Mexico oil slick: amount gushing from well 'could increase 12 fold'
The well is currently spewing 5,000 barrels a day, or about 210,000 gallons, but that figure could reach 60,000 barrels a day, equivalent to 2.5 million gallons a day, if efforts to stop the leaks fail.
Oil leak is 5 times greater than reported by officials
The amount of oil gushing from BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is five times more than what the oil company and the U.S. Coast Guard are currently estimating, said a Florida State University oceanography professor on Saturday.
Report: Methane Gas Bubble Triggered Blast
BP Executives Were On Board Rig Celebrating Safety When Explosion Occurred.
Gulf Oil Spill Disaster: The Trigger of American Economic Collapse?
This article is written to analyze the potential economic fallout of the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion that occurred on April 20, 2010. I maintain that this incident could be the trigger of the American economic collapse. My expertise is in the insurance risk management and claims field. So, let’s look at what is going to happen as this disaster unfolds over time.
The leading edge of the oil slick is about to make landfall at the Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi coasts. But there exists the possibility that the oil spill may be caught by the Gulf Stream…the powerful, warm, and swift Atlantic Ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, exits through the Strait of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
And, we are just about to enter the Hurricane season, which extends from June 1st to November 30th. Any hurricane that enters the Gulf of Mexico will disperse the surface oil to parts unknown. There is no predicting which coastlines could be coated with crude oil. Any Gulf hurricane will impede and stall cleanup efforts as well as vastly expanding the geographic footprint of the spill. Cleanup cost could multiply exponentially.
Could be an active hurricane season. Sea surface temperatures are already above 80 degrees Fahrenheit from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico (see Global Sea Surface Temperatures). And warm water spawns hurricanes.
So, we may be witnessing the humble beginnings of a disaster that could potentially affect the American coastline from Texas to Newfoundland.
Feds let BP avoid filing blowout plan for Gulf rig
Petrochemical giant BP didn't file a plan to specifically handle a major oil spill from an uncontrolled blowout at its Deepwater Horizon project because the federal agency that regulates offshore rigs changed its rules two years ago to exempt certain projects in the central Gulf region, according to an Associated Press review of official records.
Interior Department Exempted BP Drilling From Environmental Review
Yet just three months later, Secretary Salazar allowed the MMS to approve — with no environmental review — the BP drilling operation that exploded on April 20, 2010, killing 11 workers and pouring millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster will soon be, if it is not already, the worst oil spill in American history.
BP submitted its drilling plan to the MMS on March 10, 2009. Rather than subject the plan to a detailed environmental review before approving it as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the agency declared the plan to be “categorically excluded” from environmental analysis because it posed virtually no chance of harming the environment. As BP itself pointed out in its April 9, 2010, letter to the Council on Environmental Quality, categorical exclusions are only to be used when a project will have “minimal or nonexistent” environmental impacts.
MMS issued its one-page approval letter to BP on April 6, 2009.
“Secretary Salazar has utterly failed to reform the Mineral Management Service,” said Kierán Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Instead of protecting the public interest by conducting environmental reviews, his agency rubber stamped BP’s drilling plan, just as it does hundreds of others every year in the Gulf of Mexico. The Minerals Management Service has gotten worse, not better, under Salazar’s watch.”
Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf
McClatchy Newspapers
Since the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded on April 20, the Obama administration has granted oil and gas companies at least 27 exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico.
The waivers were granted despite President Barack Obama’s vow that his administration would launch a “relentless response effort” to stop the leak and prevent more damage to the gulf. One of them was dated Friday — the day after Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he was temporarily halting offshore drilling.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable.
Once Amigos, Now Enemies: BP, Halliburton, And Transocean
It has been a day of finger-pointing at the first Senate hearing on what caused the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion. None of the men representing the three companies - BP, Transocean, and Halliburton - have wanted to admit total responsibility for what caused the accident on April 20, which resulted in 11 deaths, and in 4,000 square miles of oil contaminated water in the Gulf of Mexico.
Both Halliburton and Transocean were subcontracted by BP to work on the 5th generation oil rig. The rig was supposed to be one the most modern rigs ever built, defying ocean depths and debuting the rig's "dynamic" free-standing platforms. But the events that led to the April 20 explosion should have warned BP that its race to have the latest, rig technology could deliver, was going to go sour.
BP working hard to keep the damage hidden
Rick says that the fact that this spill emanates from the bottom of the gulf (5,000 feet down), where the water temperature is approximately 1 degree Centigrade (and the oil is hot) means that by the time the oil reaches the surface, it has thoroughly mixed with water and therefore does not appear to be the kind of gruesome slick that is so famous from previous disasters.
It's a PR boon to BP that this is so, because it means that the oil spill remains hidden from public view. It does not, however, mean there is not a tremendous environmental tragedy unfolding. As we speak about this, we need to make that point clear. It's not just about what we can see from shore and that BP has been proactively taking steps to keep the damage hidden.
The dispersant being used at the wellhead – tradename “Corexit,” is nicknamed by Rick “Hidez-it” because the real reason it is used is to keep the damage out of sight. He points out that oil is toxic to wildlife, dispersant is toxic to wildlife, but the toxicity of the two combined is greater than the sum of the parts.
A fisherman we spoke with also noted that if dispersants are used, it saves BP money because they can hire fewer fishing boats – at $1,500 per day each – to skim oil.
On another BP front, we hear that BP is demanding that fishermen who they hire in the cleanup sign gag orders, agreeing not to talk to the media. Rick says it’s one of the many similarities to the Valdez spill. BP’s reading from the playbook Exxon wrote.
The rules are:
1 – Understate the amount of oil spilled and environmental damage done.
2 – Overstate the effectiveness of the oil company’s response (or more accurately, the oil company’s “response theater”).
3 – Try to buy off the locals for a pittance in exchange for waivers that they will not sue.
4 – Get as many people under a gag order as possible.
Rig Survivors Felt Coerced To Sign Waivers
Hours after they had been rescued, workers who survived an explosion on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico were asked to sign form letters about what they had seen and whether they had been injured.
Lawyers for the oil rig's owner, Transocean, requested that workers who had survived the blast sign the form in the wake of the April 20 blowout on the Deepwater Horizon. This was hours before the workers had been allowed to see their families.
Now some of those survivors say they were coerced and that the forms are being used against them as they file lawsuits seeking compensation for psychiatric problems and other injuries from the blast.
Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?
(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to commentators, including Paul Noel, a Software Engineer for the U.S. Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. He believes that the pocket of oil...
How big is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?
Webmaster's Commentary:
Map it over your home area.
BP Insider: Massive Dead Zone Could Be Produced by Gulf BP-Congress Catastrophe
A BP insider, providing information to OpEdNEws.com, reports that scientists and engineers, fearing the worst, have envisioned a worst case scenario,
"It could very well be that the entire Gulf and the East coast of Florida could become dead zones, with no aquatic life at all."
BP is not just the oil company with the worst safety record in America. It is also a criminal company, currently on criminal probation, with numerous other offenses as well. Any human with this kind of record would be jailed.
According to my source, the Macondo oil field, owned/leased by BP-- the one where the well is spewing a "volcano" of oil, at what some experts estimate, based on oil slick size reported by NOAA, the leak is "throwing off 25-26,000 barrels a day." That's over a million gallons a day, far more than the 200,000 most media organizations are reporting. Reportedly, when the oil was pumping out of the well, at the surface, it was coming out at a rate of 8,000 barrels a day. That means that, without pumping, just from the pressure within the well, after rising through 5,000 feet of ocean water, there was still 8,000 barrels a day of pressure. This suggests that the release at sea-floor level would be far greater. My source reports that the pressure in the well was reported to be 135-165,000 PSi. That's massive.
In addition, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig sunk with 770,000 gallons of diesel fuel on board. That may also be leaking.
The real danger, my source reports, is that the pipe and incomplete well-head will deteriorate as the highly pressurized mix of oil, dirt and rock that is spewing out of the wellhead abrades the ten inch pipe, then the 24 inch wellhead. If that happens things will get much worse. There are an estimated 44 million barrels of oil reserve in the Macondo oil field-- about 1.8 billion gallons.
BP goes back to dispersants, as it eyes options
Chemicals sprayed mile below sea level; smaller containment cap possible.
Less than a week after British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and unleashing what could be the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history, the company announced more than $6 billion in profits for the first quarter of 2010, more than doubling profits from the same period the year before. Oil industry analyst Antonia Juhasz notes: "BP is one of the most powerful corporations operating in the United States. Its 2009 revenues of $327 billion are enough to rank BP as the third-largest corporation in the country. It spends aggressively to influence U.S. policy and regulatory oversight." The power and wealth that BP and other oil giants wield are almost without parallel in the world, and pose a threat to the lives of workers, to the environment and to our prospects for democracy.
Sixty years ago, BP was called the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (AIOC). A popular, progressive, elected Iranian government had asked the AIOC, a largely British-owned monopoly, to share more of its profits from Iranian oil with the people of Iran. The AIOC refused, so Iran nationalized its oil industry. That didn't sit well with the U.S., so the CIA organized a coup d'é
tat against Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. After he was deposed, the AIOC, renamed British Petroleum, got a large part of its monopoly back, and the Iranians got the brutal Shah of Iran imposed upon them, planting the seeds of the 1979 Iranian revolution, the subsequent hostage crisis and the political turmoil that besets Iran to this day.
In 2000, British Petroleum rebranded itself as BP, adopting a flowery green-and-yellow logo, and began besieging the U.S. public with an advertising campaign claiming it was moving "beyond petroleum." BP's aggressive growth, outrageous profit and track record of petroleum-related disasters paint a much different picture, however. In 2005, BP's Texas City refinery exploded, killing 15 people and injuring 170. In 2006, a BP pipeline in Alaska leaked 200,000 gallons of crude oil, causing what the Environmental Protection Agency calls "the largest spill that ever occurred on the [Alaskan] North Slope." BP was fined $60 million for the two disasters. Then, in 2009, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined BP an additional $87 million for the refinery blast. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said: "BP has allowed hundreds of potential hazards to continue unabated. ... Workplace safety is more than a slogan. It's the law." BP responded by formally contesting all of OSHA's charges.
Will The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Be An Economic Disaster That The Gulf Coast Will Never Recover From?
Thousands of businesses in the region could go under before all of this is over, and millions could lose their jobs. As the gigantic mass of black oil kills and maims all the wildlife it encounters, and as it pushes dangerously close to the coastal wetlands, many residents are predicting that two of the most important industries in the region - seafood and tourism - will be completely and totally destroyed.
Did Goldman Sachs Really Short The Gulf Of Mexico?
H/T to Third Eye Child at Myspace for this link.
It turns out that Goldman Sachs really did place shorts on TransOcean stock days before the explosions rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks plunging while GS profits soared -- benefitting once again from a huge disaster, having done the same with airline stocks prior to 911 then again with the housing bubble.
A. True Ott, Ph.D., wrote the following to me last night:
I have confirmed that there were indeed numerous "shorts" placed on TransOcean stock just days before the "problem". Was it Goldman Sachs? That is yet to be conclusively determined (there is indeed a SEC investigation ongoing) -- but labeling something as "satire" is a lawyer's shrewd trick to keep from being sued for slander -- even if it is all true. Moreover, there were massive shorts placed literally seconds after the news hit the airwaves.
Who would dare to quote the actual e-mails from "Fabulous Fab", unless the writer would post them as a "satire" - especially after what happened to the Wall Street Journal writers who dared expose the 9-11 short sales involving Goldman Sachs. (They were assigned to Afghanistan, and had fatal "accidents" there.)
Dr. Ott has subsequently confirmed from two sources that Goldman Sachs was indeed in on the shorts being placed on TransOcean stock. (See Email from Don Nicoloff documenting Goldman Sachs short puts on TransOcean stock.) And he has confirmed that the comedian was aware of that as well.
Tainted nuke plant water reaches major NJ aquifer
Radioactive water that leaked from the nation's oldest nuclear power plant has now reached a major underground aquifer that supplies drinking water to much of southern New Jersey, the state's environmental chief said Friday.
The state Department of Environmental Protection has ordered the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station to halt the spread of contaminated water underground, even as it said there was no imminent threat to drinking water supplies.
The department launched a new investigation Friday into the April 2009 spill and said the actions of plant owner Exelon Corp. have not been sufficient to contain water contaminated with tritium.
Tritium is found naturally in tiny amounts and is a product of nuclear fission. It has been linked to cancer if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin in large amounts.
"There is a problem here," said environmental Commissioner Bob Martin. "I am worried about the continuing spread of the tritium into the groundwater and its gradual moving toward wells in the area. This is not something that can wait. That would be unacceptable."
The tritium leaked from underground pipes at the plant on April 9, 2009, and has been slowly spreading underground at 1 to 3 feet a day. At the current rate, it would be 14 or 15 years before the tainted water reaches the nearest private or commercial drinking water wells about two miles away.
But the mere fact that the radioactive water - at concentrations 50 times higher than those allowed by law - has reached southern New Jersey's main source of drinking water calls for urgent action, Martin said.
APNewsBreak: IAEA chief focuses on Israel
In a letter made available Wednesday, Yukiya Amano asked foreign ministers of the International Atomic Energy Agency's 151 member states to share views on how to implement a resolution demanding that Israel "accede to the" Nonproliferation Treaty and throw its nuclear facilities open to IAEA oversight.
International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano has urged member states to find a way to implement the 2009 resolution on Israel.
In a letter, Amano asked the foreign ministers of the 151 member states to share their views on how to persuade Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection.
IAEA: Pressure on Israel to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal
The head of the U.N. atomic watchdog is asking for international input on how to persuade Israel to join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that is sure to add to pressure on the Jewish state to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal.
In a letter made available Wednesday, Yukiya Amano asked foreign ministers of the International Atomic Energy Agency's 151 member states to share views on how to implement a resolution demanding that Israel "accede to the" Nonproliferation Treaty and throw its nuclear facilities open to IAEA oversight.
IAEA asks member states for help on moving Israel toward opening nuclear program to inspection
The head of the U.N. atomic watchdog is asking for international input on how to persuade Israel to join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that is sure to add to pressure on the Jewish state to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And you will not see this story on ABCNNBBCBS!
Israel official defends nuclear ambiguity as 'strategic advantage'
Islamic nations used the second day of the nonproliferation meeting Tuesday to call for a nuclear-free Middle East, while criticizing Israel for not divulging its nuclear capabilities and refusing to sign the nonproliferation treaty.
An Israeli official on Thursday defended the country's "opaque" policy regarding its nuclear program a "strategic advantage", responding to mounting international pressure calling for it to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The official noted that the treaty obligating nations to stop the spread of nuclear weapons was unable to stop countries like Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons programs.
Israel has said it would not sign the NPT until a comprehensive Arab-Israel peace deal is in place. But U.S. Undersecretary of State Ellen Tauscher said that the U.S. has been working for months with Egypt on the issue.
Barak: Israel to Keep Nuclear 'Ambiguity' with US Backing
Israel will keep up its longstanding policy of deliberate ambiguity over its nuclear program, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday, adding that US support for the position remains unchanged.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Oh? Then why did Obama ask Israel to sign the NNPT last year?
Israel to keep nuclear 'ambiguity'
Israel will keep up its longstanding policy of deliberate ambiguity over its nuclear programme, Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday, adding that US support for the position remains unchanged.
"This is a good policy and there is no reason to change it. There is complete agreement with the United States on this question," Barak told army radio.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Ehud Barak: We, the American Taxpayers, understand that there is no such thing as Israel's alleged "nuclear ambiguity" because it is based on a lie, and lie spun again and again to bilk the American public out of 3 billion dollars annually.
The Symington Amendment forbids the US from giving any aid to a country with nuclear weapons which will not join the NNPT, or allow inspections of its nuclear sites.
As the world has known from the late 80s from the revelations of Mordechai Vanunu, coupled with the confirmation of both former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former US President Carter, Israel has nuclear weapons. It refuses to sign the NNPT, and refuses to allow inspections of its nuclear sites.
Therefore, Israel is ineligible for any US aid whatsoever, which is why it continues to lie about its nuclear weapons, and the US government - at least to this point - continues shelling out the money, even though this is illegal under US law.
Israel primed for war on Iran: Netanyahu deputy
Israel is primed for a war on Iran, a deputy to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, in a rare break with his government's reticence as world powers try to talk Tehran into curbing its nuclear plans.
"There is no doubt, looking at the overall situation, that we are already in a military confrontation with Iran," he said. "Iran is the main motivator of those attacking us."
Webmaster's Commentary:
If Israel is hell-bent on attacking Iran, the problem is that they can certainly start a military assault, but all the wargaming has indicated that they cannot finish it without US military help, meaning that the US will dragged into this war.
Such a military confrontation may well have Russia and China join the fray, in Iran's defense.
What we are then looking at is the beginning of World War III, brought to you courtesy of Israel
Vanunu Sentenced To Three Months
Israeli sources reported that Nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, was sentenced, Tuesday, to three months imprisonment after he refused to perform community service in West Jerusalem, fearing harassment from fundamentalist Jews.
Yet, the Israeli Prosecution argued further than that and claimed that Vanunu can still harm the state’s security.
The Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem declined Vanunu’s request to perform community service in occupied East Jerusalem, and the court insisted that his service should be in West Jerusalem.
Copy Machines, a Security Risk?
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the good, old-fashioned copy machine. But, as Armen Keteyian reports, advanced technology has opened a dangerous hole in data security.
Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’
As our readers have already learned, Rep. Andre Carson gathered Capitol Hill reporters around him and told the tale of racial slurs and menacing crowds on the verge of hurling rocks at the congressmen. Our first few videos showed the congressmen coming out of the Cannon Office Building, walking down the steps and into Independence Avenue from various angles. None of those videos revealed the racial hatred Rep. Carson conveyed to reporters that day and none of the videos showed a mob rushing or in any way impeding the congressmen.
KERRY PICKET (Wash. Times): Do you think the people outside are generally dangerous or no?
REP. CARSON: Oh absolutely. I worked in homeland security. I’m from intelligence, and I’ll tell you, one of the largest threats to our internal security…I mean terrorism has an Islamic face, but it really comes from racial supremacist groups. (inaudible) Its the kind of thing we keep a threat assessment on record [for].
PICKET: From groups like this?
REP. CARSON: Oh absolutely.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US Government is terrified that the American people will wake up from their stupor and realize what the people of Iceland and Greece have realized; that government does NOT have a legal and moral right to loot the general population to shower money on private financial corporations to save them from their own recklessness and greed.
Couple Arrested At U.S. Border For Asking Questions
In another perfect illustration of why the U.S. tourist industry is in free fall, audio has emerged of a Canadian couple who were interrogated and arrested by immigration officials after they dared to inquire as to why they were being asked such pointless and invasive questions.
Attempting to enter the U.S. at the Niagara Falls border, the couple were asked where they were going, to which they responded the Niagara Falls shopping mall. When the immigration official bizarrely demanded to know what shops they were planning to visit, the situation quickly worsened.
After daring to ask why they were being bombarded with such ridiculous questions, they were told to exit their car and are taken inside for further interrogation by another official. When the Canadian man rhetorically asks, “what are you gonna do, shoot me” the officials claim he is threatening them before he is arrested.
Officials claim the man “assaulted” them because he backed away for a moment when being arrested. The officials claim that their victims are required to submit to whatever order they give no matter how ridiculous.
To underscore the ludicrous justifications officials use for harassing people, the officer claims he personally stops three terrorists a day entering the United States from Canada. One wonders whether he characterizes a “terrorist” as someone who doesn’t instantly obey his every inane command.
Despite his pleas, the man and his wife are thrown in jail, at which point the audio ends.
Let us not forget that the United States does not stand alone in employing semi-retarded jackbooted goons who specialize in harassing innocent people to enforce security at its borders.
Quebec student shaken by U.S. border ordeal
A young woman from Gatineau, Que., says she was strip-searched and stranded in Windsor, Ont., in the middle of the night by U.S. border officials.
"It was a horrible experience," said Nina Vroemen, 20, who was on her way to volunteer at a California organic farm. "There was no need for that humiliation and mistreatment of a young, female Canadian volunteer."
As of Wednesday morning, U.S. immigration officials had not returned calls about the case.
Vroemen, who studies theatre at Concordia University, set off from Montreal on May 5 on a Greyhound bus. She had found the volunteer job in California through World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, and planned to spend a month helping run art workshops at the farm. She thought she would explore the U.S. by bus on the way there.
'He was trying to make it seem like…because I was getting room and board, that was considered being paid. He told me that I was taking jobs from American citizens '— Nina Vroemen
"You can go to a farm anywhere in the world and help out," she told CBC's Ottawa Morning Wednesday. "You gain friends and experience…you travel, it's low cost and you feel good."
The bus arrived at the Windsor-Detroit border at
"He was trying to make it seem like … because I was getting room and board, that was considered being paid," said Vroemen, who had previously volunteered through WWOOF in Europe. "He told me that I was taking jobs from American citizens because I was going to help out on this community workshop."
'I watched the bus leave'
The guard asked for official documentation. She provided her passport and WWOOF membership, but he said it wasn't enough, and denied her entry.
Nina Vroemen had to sleep at a women's shelter after being denied entry to the U.S. at
She was told to take off everything except her jumper and was patted down. Then she was fingerprinted and photographed.
"This photograph is me in tears," she recalled.
With that image on record, Vroemen said she is afraid to cross the border again.
Border officials ordered a taxi to send her to the Windsor bus station, even though Vroemen said it was probably closed and she had no Canadian money.
When she arrived at the station, the doors were locked, but a security guard directed her to a women's shelter. The beds were full but she spent the night on the couch. The next morning, she managed to buy a new bus ticket and return home.
Vroemen said she doesn't think she will make another attempt to get to the volunteer job in California.
WWOOF recommends silence
Ryan (Leo) Goldsmith, program co-ordinator for WWOOF-USA, said the organization is distressed by the situation and is working on a solution.
"The problem is that U.S. immigration officials feel that working on a farm, even as an unpaid volunteer, is work that an American [should earn] a wage for," he said in a statement Wednesday.
"Our current recommendation, made clear on our website in various places, is to not mention WWOOF when crossing the border."
He added that the organization is researching how to present itself as an educational opportunity that does not displace farm workers.
Guantanamo hearing: Canadian teen was sedated when questioned
By Carol Rosenberg | McClatchy Newspapers
GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba — The first person to interrogate 15-year-old Omar Khadr — while he was gravely wounded and lying sedated on a stretcher — was an Army interrogator who was later convicted of detainee abuse, according to testimony Tuesday in a Guantanamo Bay courtroom.
The interrogation came on the same day that Khadr had been moved to the crude, putrid Bagram Air Base detention center in Afghanistan from an adjacent hospital where's he'd undergone four life-saving surgeries on his chest and eyes.
Defense attorneys said the testimony from a decorated Army master sergeant identified only as Interrogator No. 2 showed that the military had mistreated Khadr and created a coercive environment for his later confessions to throwing a hand grenade that killed U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer.
Defense attorneys said the testimony from a decorated Army master sergeant identified only as Interrogator No. 2 showed that the military had mistreated Khadr and created a coercive environment for his later confessions to throwing a hand grenade that killed U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer.
"You got a guy who is 15, seriously wounded, who has had multiple surgeries and that's the first time the United States government takes a statement from him to use in his prosecution," said defense attorney Kobie Flowers. "Now whether it is torture, cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment or simply involuntary ... I don't think any federal judge in the United States would allow that type of conduct."
Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled
Webmaster's Commentary:
If you look at this objectively, this guy wounds like a lot of Americans, losing his home, unable to find work, and angry at the US Government's wars based on lies.
Also, note what is ABSENT. There is no mention that he was a practicing Muslim. NO mention of a mosque, no mention of religion at all, yet FIX News as part of their war-hysteria, keeps referring to him as a Muslim terrorist.
My read is that Shahzad is another Joe Stack, who was forced to watch a lifetime of work dissolve before his eyes because the US Government destroyed the nation's economy, and Congress bet their own fortunes on the downfall. The media is trying to sell "terrorist" because they fear Americans understanding that their fellow Americans have reached the breaking point, and striking back at the bankers and the politicians is the nest logical step on the path to the collapse of the nation.
The chief suspect in the case of the failed Times Square car bombing is Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad, who has confessed to the plot. Much of the media has latched onto Shahzad’s Muslim faith and his Pakistani identity, making inflammatory remarks and suggestions about Muslims and Pakistanis.
Yet one fact being ignored in the American media’s sensationalist narrative about the failed bombing is that the man who was responsible for police finding the bomb was Muslim. The UK’s Times Online reports that Aliou Niasse, a Senagalese Muslim immigrant who works as a photograph vendor on Times Square, was the first to bring the smoking car to the police’s attention:
Times Square bomb used non-explosive fertilizer
New York City police investigating a botched car bombing in Times Square say the bomb contained fertilizer that was incapable of exploding.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This case just gets weirder and weirder.
Petraeus: Times Square bomber likely acted alone
The Times Square bombing suspect apparently operated as a "lone wolf" who did not work with other terrorists, according to the general who oversees the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But investigators believe he had some bomb-making training in Pakistan, a second senior military official said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Who is this "secondary senior military official", making the claim that Shahzad had bomb-making training in Pakistan, and why is he not sourced?!?
This is because the US government is trying to use this alleged, unsourced "link" as a justification for increased attacks against Pakistani targets, which has already been approved earlier this week.
Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group
A man arrested in Pakistan in connection with the Times Square car bombing attempt who had traveled with accused bomber Faisal Shahzad is a member of a terrorist organization that is controlled by British MI6 and the CIA.
'Severe consequences' for Pakistan over terror plots:US
Pakistan faces "very severe consequences" if a terror plot like the failed Times Square bombing was traced to that country, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in remarks made public on Saturday.
"We've made it very clear that if -- heaven-forbid-- an attack like this that we can trace back to Pakistan were to have been successful, there would be very severe consequences," Clinton told CBS's "60 Minutes" program, according to excerpts released by the TV network.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: watch for a major escalation of military confrontation in Pakistan.
And about this alleged "link" between Shahzad's family and Pakistani militants; in Pakistan, due to this country's grinding poverty coupled with government corruption, it is pretty darn hard not to know someone who is in the Taliban, or at least sympathetic to them in some way.
The lethal combination of those two elements in any society can make insurgency appear attractive.
US takes the war into Pakistan
The approval given to the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the administration of President Barack Obama to expand drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal regions is on face value a declaration of war by the US inside Pakistan. The move comes at a time when Pakistan is trying to win some breathing space to delay an all-out operation in North Waziristan, home to powerful militant groups and an al-Qaeda headquarters.
The CIA was given authority on Wednesday to expand strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles against low-level combatants, even if their identities are not known. Obama had previously said drone
strikes were necessary to "take out high-level terrorist targets".
Holder: Pakistani Taliban linked to Times Square bomber
As more evidence has emerged from the failed Times Square bombing plot, officials have changed their story as to whether the bomber acted alone. The Attorney General revealed Sunday that Faisal Shahzad was connected to the Pakistani Taliban.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So General Petraeus was absolutely wrong when he announced just a couple of days ago when he said that Shahzad acted alone?!?
These folks really need to get their stories straight.
And by the way, if Shahzad was trained in explosives by the Pakistani Taliban, we obviously have nothing to worry about from the Pakistani Taliban!!
US mulls force expansion in Pakistan
The US is looking to expand its military presence in Pakistan in the wake of the unsuccessful Times Square bombing that allegedly involved a Pakistani American.
Some officials within President Barack Obama's administration view the CIA program of "killing militants" through drone bombing attacks is not adequate in thwarting attacks on the West and that an "expanded training mission" by US special forces is needed to establish enough "confidence" in Pakistani military to launch offensives against militant strongholds in North Waziristan tribal region, The New York Times reports in a Friday article.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Curious, how the failed bombing attempt came right on cue as the "justification" for expanding the war in Pakistan.
US Threatens Pakistan Over Times Square Bomb
Today Attorney General Eric Holder signaled a new official stance on the attack, declaring on multiple Sunday news shows that the US now has evidence that the TTP was behind the attempt, called “amateurish” by police.
Exactly where the Obama Administration goes from here is anyone’s guess, but it is clear that at this point all eyes are on Pakistan and that the Obama Administration’s recent praise of Pakistan’s internal policy is over.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Exactly where the Obama Administration goes from here...." is not a guess: it's a certainty that Pakistan is next on the hit list for this administration, with American troops on the ground in Pakistan probably in the not too distant future.
Clinton: Pakistan Officials ‘Harboring’ Bin Laden
In perhaps the clearest signal yet that tensions between the US and Pakistan are on the rise, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accused unnamed parties in Pakistan’s government of harboring al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
“I’m not saying that they’re at the highest levels, but I believe that somewhere in this government are people who know where Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda is, where Mullah Omar and the leadership of the Afghan Taliban is, and we expect more cooperation to help us bring to justice, capture or kill those who attacked us on 9/11,” Clinton warned.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Forgive me, but has US Secretary of State Clinton gone absolutely barking mad, to make this accusation?!? There is the 25th Amendment in the US Constitution to deal with Presidents who can no longer fulfill their obligations; but what does one do with a Secretary of State who has obviously gone off the deep end, saying a fond farewell to fact and logic?!?
Madame Secretary, the world knows that Bin Laden died a number of years ago. And since you desperately want to keep this preposterous myth going that he is alive, as a geopolitical "gotcha!" card to play against recalcitrant countries in the Middle East, , let me share with you and the world, his yet obituary one more time:
"Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Paper:
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
News of Bin Laden's Death
and Funeral 10 days ago
"Islamabad -
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden."
So please stop waving the dead guy, Madame Secretary: you are making yourself - and this country - look like consummate, blithering idiots!!
Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for "War Crimes," Law Prof Says
Drone attacks haven't just become the primary weapon in the American bid to wipe out Al Qaeda and affiliated terrorist networks. "Very frankly, it's the only game in town in terms of confronting or trying to disrupt the al Qaeda leadership," CIA director Leon Panetta said.
But that "embrace of the Predator program has occurred with remarkably little public discussion, given that it represents a radical new and geographically unbounded use of state-sanctioned lethal force," The New Yorker's Jane Mayer recently observed. Before 9/11, the American government regularly condemned Israel for taking out individual terrorists. "Seven years later, there is no longer any doubt that targeted killing has become official U.S. policy."
Webmaster's Commentary:
This use of extrajudicial assassination by the US government has caused it to become the true "rogue nation" of the 21st century, reviled by people around the world.
Obama Jokes about Killing People via Drones
At Saturday night's White House Correspondence Dinner, President Obama delivered some very funny lines (written by others), but in about 10 jokes he jokes about killing people via drones.
He mentions that some hot teenage music group was at the dinner. He then mentions that his daughters were big fans, but warns the group to stay away and tells them he has drones. They sneak up on you, he says.
Now, if I am actually killing people (and sometimes hitting innocents) with drones, I would think basic decency would prevent me from joking about drones on a nationally broadcast event.
As a matter of fact, I can't see how you could ever joke about drones, if you really take seriously the fact that you put killer drones in the air to kill people.
Does this President have any clue as to how serious the use of drones is?
US deploys 1000s drones in Afghanistan
The US is deploying thousands of drones in Afghanistan, raising suspicions as to whether the move is aimed at monitoring militants or targeting another country.
US to expand Pakistan drone strikes
The US has reportedly carried out more than 100 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2008 [Getty]
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been granted approval by the US government to expand drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal regions in a move to step up military operations against Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, officials have said.
Federal lawyers backed the measures on grounds of self-defence to counter threats the fighters pose to US troops in neighbouring Afghanistan and the United States as a whole, according to authorities.
The US announced on Wednesday that targets will now include low-level combatants, even if their identities are not known.
Barack Obama, the US president, had previously said drone strikes were necessary to "take out high-level terrorist targets".
Conflicting figures
"Targets are chosen with extreme care, factoring in concepts like necessity, proportionality, and an absolute obligation to minimise loss of innocent life and property damage," a US counterterrorism official said.
But the numbers show that more than 90 per cent of the 500 people killed by drones since mid-2008 are lower-level fighters, raising questions about how much the CIA knows about the targets, experts said.
Only 14 of those killed are considered by experts to have been high ranking members of al-Qaeda, the Taliban or other groups.
"Just because they are not big names it does not mean they do not kill. They do," the counterterrorism official said.
The US tally of combatant and non-combatant casualties is sharply lower than some Pakistani press accounts, which have estimated civilian deaths alone at more than 600.
Analysts have said that accurately estimating the number of civilian deaths was difficult, if not impossible.
Obama widens drone attacks in Pakistan
The Obama administration has granted secret permission to the CIA to carry out more indiscriminate drone missile strikes in Pakistan, even as protests over civilian casualties caused by the attacks continue to grow.
Officials revealed this week that the US intelligence agency is operating under rules that allow it to target suspected "militants" in Pakistan based upon "pattern of life" analyses, without even ascertaining their identity. For the most part, they acknowledge, the names of those assassinated with Hellfire missiles fired from Predator and the larger Reaper drones are never known.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So now the US has signed off on extrajudicial assassinations of people they don't even know!!
The only thing this practice will guarantee is a perpetual haze of collateral damage, causing alienation of Pakistanis even further against their government and the US, causing them to commit even more acts of revenge against US and government targets wherever possible.
Intel officials: US missiles kill 10 in Pakistan
AP News
Suspected U.S. missiles killed 10 people in a militant-controlled region close to the Afghan border Sunday, the first such strike since an alleged Pakistani-trained extremist was accused of a failed Times Square attack.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The reason the US Government is trying to hard to create a link between the Times Square "Bandini Bomber" and Pakistan is to obscure the fact that up until now, the US has been killing large numbers of civilians with their robotic drones and in most cases, missing the intended targets entirely. By creating a pretext to portray Pakistan as a whole as the "enemy", the US Government hopes to regain the illusion of moral rightness in its continuing attacks on Pakistan.
Meanwhile, Pakistan says they have found no evidence to support the US story that the Bandini Bomber is working for the Taliban or anyone else in Pakistan, which means we have another "Saddam's Nooks" hoax on our hands!
US mulls new 'terror' laws
A bill has been introduced into the US Congress, to strip US citizens accused of terrorist links of their citizenship even before they face trial.
The proposed legislation comes as US officials continue to investigate possible links between New York bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad, and fighters in Pakistan.
Sen. Lieberman: Deny Citizenship to Suspected Terrorists
In addition to providing an excuse to expand New York’s electronic panopticon, last weekend’s fizzle bomb event has prompted the usual neocon suspects in Congress to call for severely rolling back the civil liberties of Americans accused of terrorism.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Then we can TORTURE them into confessing, which will prove we were right all along!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Schumer changes tune on stripping extremists of citizenship
A key US Senator who indicated tentative, early support for stripping US nationals tied to overseas terrorist groups of their citizenship now firmly opposes the plan, his office said Wednesday.
Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer had said Tuesday that he had not reviewed the controversial proposal from Independent Senator Joe Lieberman but "that sounds like something I'd support."
"Having learned about the proposal, the senator believes it would be found unconstitutional and would also be ineffective in this context," Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement.
Secret Erik Prince/Blackwater Tape Exposed
The reclusive Blackwater founder tries to ban journalists and recorders from his speeches in front of friendly audiences. This time he failed.
In the speech, Prince proposed that the US government deploy armed private contractors to fight "terrorists" in Nigeria, Yemen, Somalia and Saudi Arabia, specifically to target Iranian influence. He expressed disdain for the Geneva Convention and described Blackwater's secretive operations at four Forward Operating Bases he controls in Afghanistan. He called those fighting the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan "barbarians" who "crawled out of the sewer." Prince also revealed details of a July 2009 operation he claims Blackwater forces coordinated in Afghanistan to take down a narcotrafficking facility, saying that Blackwater "call[ed] in multiple air strikes," blowing up the facility. Prince boasted that his forces had carried out the "largest hashish bust in counter-narcotics history." He characterized the work of some NATO countries' forces in Afghanistan as ineffectual, suggesting that some coalition nations "should just pack it in and go home." Prince spoke of Blackwater working in Pakistan, which appears to contradict the official, public Blackwater and US government line that Blackwater is not in Pakistan.
Prince also claimed that a Blackwater operative took down the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President George W Bush in Baghdad and criticized the Secret Service for being "flat-footed." He bragged that Blackwater forces "beat the Louisiana National Guard to the scene" during Katrina and claimed that lawsuits, "tens of millions of dollars in lawyer bills" and political attacks prevented him from deploying a humanitarian ship that could have responded to the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami that hit Indonesia.
Several times during the speech, Prince appeared to demean Afghans his company is training in Afghanistan, saying Blackwater had to teach them "Intro to Toilet Use" and to do jumping jacks. At the same time, he bragged that US generals told him the Afghans Blackwater trains "are the most effective fighting force in Afghanistan." Prince also revealed that he is writing a book, scheduled to be released this fall.
Hearing prayer shuts off believers' brain activity
When some religiously devout people hear a charismatic healer speak the word of god , the regions of their brains involved in skeptical thinking and vigilance appear to shut down. Uffe Schjødt of Aarhus University in Denmark and his colleagues scanned the brains of Pentecostalists while they listened to recorded prayers from non-Christians, "ordinary" Christians, and a healer. The brain activity changed only in response to prayers they were told came from the healer. According to Schjødt, the same deactivation may occur in response to the words of physicians, parents, politicians, and other charismatic leaders. The researchers published their results in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. From New Scientist:
Parts of the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices, which play key roles in vigilance and scepticism when judging the truth and importance of what people say, were deactivated when the subjects listened to a supposed healer. Activity diminished to a lesser extent when the speaker was supposedly a normal Christian.
Schjødt says that this explains why certain individuals can gain influence over others, and concludes that their ability to do so depends heavily on preconceived notions of their authority and trustworthiness.
"Brain shuts off in response to healer's prayer"
Was Yesterday’s Stock Market “Glitch” Really Big Banking Blackmail?
Hmmmm…. what else happened yesterday, PRIOR to the vote in the senate and Bernie Sander’s meeting in the White House? Hmmm…
Could it be the “glitch” in the supercomputer that crashed the stock market by nearly a 1000 points in a few minutes? Could that have had something to do with it?
Could it have been Goldman Sachs and the big 6 mega banks sending a message to congress that if they think they are going to break up their hold on this nation, they will bring it all down with their stock market manipulating supercomputer?
How did all this happen late yesterday afternoon? What was the threat that forced all of these legislators to vote against the will of the people and to suddenly side with the corrupt banks? How on earth did all this happen LATE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON?
Hmmmm…. what else happened yesterday, PRIOR to the vote in the senate and Bernie Sander’s meeting in the White House? Hmmm…
Could it be the “glitch” in the supercomputer that crashed the stock market by nearly a 1000 points in a few minutes? Could that have had something to do with it?
Could it have been Goldman Sachs and the big 6 mega banks sending a message to congress that if they think they are going to break up their hold on this nation, they will bring it all down with their stock market manipulating supercomputer?
Nesto calling these trades “bogus” drew backlash from the host and CNBC veteran Maria Bartiromo, who said those trades sounded like “market manipulation” to her.
“ That is ridiculous,” Bartiromo replied. “I mean this really sounds like market manipulation to me. This is outrageous.” Business and Media Institute
Hmmm… I think we might be onto something.
Think about it… all that money poured into the CEOs and banking bigwigs bank accounts in the form of record-setting bonuses. Why is that important? Because if they chose to gut the economy, if they chose to trash the markets by 10,000 points in one day, they will be in their private jets by noon and super wealthy in another country sipping single-malts on the sea-shore by dinner.
And we will be left to fight for the scraps while the dollar becomes virtually worthless.
That was the threat yesterday. While the MSM was busy blaming the working class Greeks who are being robbed right in front of everyone’s eyes, our congress was busy quietly handing over control of the nation to a bunch of criminal bankers who caused all of this in the first place.
The market didn’t crash by a “glitch” and it wasn’t the European Union or Greek riots either… it was terrorism. It was a message: Don’t Fuck With Us. Congress got the message and acted accordingly.
The banking oligarchs sent a clear and unmistakable message that they could drop this nation’s economy into the toilet at any time they wished and if congress thought for a minute that they really ran America, they had better rethink that position.
That’s what happened yesterday.
It isn’t a “coincidence” that the super-computer “glitch” happened a few hours before that senate vote and just a while before the White House had a chat with Sanders about his Audit the Fed bill. It was financial terrorism, pure and simple.
Dow falls almost 1000, PPT shoves it back up 600
Webmaster's Commentary:
ABCNNBBCBS trying to dump the blame on Greece.
I mean, stop and think. France and Germany are Greece's big creditors, with the EU the backstop for that. There is little direct economic linkage from Greece to the US.
The only reason the riots in Greece would drop the US Market is if the banks are terrified that Americans will follow the Greek and Icelandic example and simply refuse to pick up the tab for the fascist economy any longer.
Wall Street takes investors for wild ride
CNBC reported that the wild ride, which played out largely from 2:30 to 3 p.m. ET, might have been caused by human error when a trader hit B for "billion" in a trade instead of M for "million." CNBC said trading sources told it that the error may have happened at Citigroup, the nation's No. 3 bank company.
Citi said it had no evidence of a bad trade but was looking into the situation, a spokesman said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think Bernanke sent Obama a warning to back off the audit of the Fed.
As Dow Swings, Obama To Come Out Against Audit the Fed Today
The Dow is swinging wildly–down as much as 980 points within the last hour–largely due to insecurity about the situation in Greece and shaky retail sales. And according to Brad DeLong, who is generally pretty tight with the White House, Obama will come out in opposition to Audit the Fed this afternoon.
Webmaster's Commentary:
BINGO! The drop on the DOW was Bernanke's reminder to the White House that the Fed and not DC actually runs the nation.
Time to pull all your money out of the bank, RIGHT NOW!
Bernanke Warns Against Move to Audit Fed
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sought Thursday to head off legislation that would subject the central bank's monetary policy decisions to congressional audits, warning it could stoke inflation and threaten economic stability.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Now there is another theory for today's DOW; a "warning shot across the bow" from the money people that they will crash the economy rather than allow a public examination of how they all got so rich. Kind of like a corrupt CEO that loots his own company, then torches the place when the auditors show up.
Trading error blamed for market plunge: CNBC
A trading error at a major firm was to blame for the day's market plunge, CNBC reported on Thursday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And I will explain why on today's radio show!
Citigroup Trading Error Cause Market To Crash? Citigroup Says No
Mr. President: Unplug the F*ing Computers
Shall we talk about RISK in the markets and in particular high-frequency trading and direct-exchange connected computers?
What happened? Part of it was right here:
That trade appears to be part of what set it off.
The DOW (and other indices) dropped hard. The response in the computers connected directly to the exchanges was instantaneous and produced this:
A computer-driven bid collapse followed and the result was a more than 1,000 point selloff.
No, that's not the ONLY oddity. There were plenty of wild moves in both option premia and the FX just before it all went down the toilet - but the computer trading systems, with no humans actually feeding them orders - that is, autonomous robots - did exactly what they were programmed to do. When the bids were exhausted some stocks actually traded at effective zero:
There is absolutely no protection against this sort of thing in the market for the average investor, or anyone other than the HFT boys. Stops don't work as there's "no bid" during these events - there was LITERALLY no bid in the futures for about 30 seconds, then no offer on the way back up. Globex (the E-Mini S&P 500 futures) were deeply involved, with the bid and offer stack basically gone during the middle of the event.
This sort of thing has to be stopped.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US did unplug the F*ing Computers afetr the last time they nearly destroyed the stock market. But like the repeal of Glass-Steagal the prohibition against direct-exchange connected computers was repealed after the Wall Street boys "donated" enough money to members of Congress.
Congress passes a law to get votes, then repeals that law to get donations
Today There Were Literally NO BUYERS On The Stock Market For a Period of Time
CNBC now saying some stocks actually dropped to ZERO for a period of time today....
They can't understand what happened...
They said their were literally NO BIDS.. NO BUYERS..
That means liquidity totally dried up in the market..
STOCKS WERE COMPLETELY WORTHLESS for a period of time today..
NYSE joins cancellation action
The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq OMX Group say they will cancel trades involving stocks that saw sharp volatility at the height of the market’s steep intraday decline Thursday afternoon.
The NYSE Arca unit of NYSE Euronext (NYX) and Nasdaq, as well as other markets, planned to cancel all trades executed at prices that were greater than or less than 60% away from the last printed price prior to 2:40 p.m. Eastern time, up to 3 p.m.
The cancelled trades could change how the major indexes actually closed. For instance, there was a questionable trade in Procter & Gamble (PG) that many in the market blamed for accelerating the selloff, which, at its nadir, saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average off 998 points. It eventually closed down 347.80 points to close as 10520.32. There were also market rumors that a trader made an erroneous sell order for billions of shares of the e-mini futures traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. CME Group (CME) said in a statement that its markets functioned properly and without issue.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Now NYSE also!! Never has this happened that I can remember!!
Congressional Hypocrites Were Betting Against Stocks As Country Collapsed
Remember all that scorn in Congress about evil shortsellers betting against America and bringing the country down?
Well, it turns out Congress-people did it, too. And they used derivatives to do it, which they now say they abhor.
Jason Zweig, Tom McGinty, and Brody Mullins in the WSJ:
Some members of Congress made risky bets with their own money that U.S. stocks or bonds would fall during the financial crisis, a Wall Street Journal analysis of congressional disclosures shows.
Senators have criticized Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for profiting from the housing collapse. And Congress is considering legislation to curb Wall Street risk-taking, including the use of financial instruments known as derivatives and of leverage, or methods that amplify returns.
According to The Journal's analysis of congressional disclosures, investment accounts of 13 members of Congress or their spouses show bearish bets made in 2008 via exchange-traded funds—portfolios that trade like stocks and mirror an index. These funds were leveraged; they used derivatives and other techniques to magnify the daily moves of the index they track.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I am relinking this because this is an important story. When you have a Congress that is betting their own fortunes on the collapse of the economy, then they will vote to continue the policies that have collapsed the economy.
Please share this important story with all your friends.
Just take a moment and check out some of the folks that have been betting against America….
*A Wall Street Journal analysis of congressional disclosures shows that 13 members of the U.S. Congress or their wives were engaged in substantial short selling during the financial crisis of 2008.
*An individual by the name of Jeff Greene made hundreds of millions of dollars during the real estate collapse by making huge bets against the residential housing market. Now he wants to use some of that money to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida.
*Goldman Sachs openly and brazenly bet against its own clients as the housing market began to implode back in 2007 and 2008, and they made a TON of money by doing so.
*John Paulson (with the assistance of Goldman Sachs) has quickly become one of the richest men in the United States by betting against America. Shorting the subprime mortgage market enabled his firm, Paulson & Co., to make 15 billion dollars in 2007. John Paulson alone made approximately 4 billion dollars that year.
*Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Saturday that he’s bearish about the ability of all currencies to hold their value over time because of massive deficits being run up by governments in the wake of the global financial crisis.
*The Federal Reserve holds credit-default swaps on the debt of Florida schools, and on debt owed by the states of Nevada and California. So the Federal Reserve would profit if one of those states defaulted on its debt.
*JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup are offering “municipal credit default swaps” that enable investors to make big money if U.S. states and cities end up defaulting on their debts.
It is one thing to make a legitimate profit on an investment. It is another thing entirely for the biggest financial institutions in the United States and our politicians to be making massive amounts of money off of the economic collapse of America.
You see, those making huge bets against the U.S. economy also have an incentive to do what they can to make those bets profitable. So for those who have the power to do so, does there come a point where they give the U.S. economy a little “push” in the wrong direction so that their bets will pay off?
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is why the Congress and the White House are doing absolutely nothing to turn the US economy around; too many are benefiting from the real financial hurt in which so many Americans find themselves right now.
Congress Refuses to Outlaw Insider Trading For Lawmakers
Even a cynic can find Washington's hypocrisy shocking at times. The Wall Street Journal reports today a House bill that would force lawmakers to make greater disclosures on financial transactions and disallow them from trading on nonpublic information is going nowhere fast.
That's right. Members of Congress are currently allowed to profit on insider trading!
Senate Sells Out to FED; Adopts Sanders' 'Auditmania' Amendment
Though the measure was always popular, it faced extraordinary opposition from the White House, Wall Street and the Fed itself. Late last week, in a move that defused the opposition, and may have saved Wall Street reform legislation, Sanders agreed to limit the scope of the audit to emergency lending only, exempting other Fed activities.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Auditmania: Not the real audit, but an incredible simulation!
Ron Paul ~ Unhappy About The Senate Vote on the Vitter Amendment to Audit the Fed
Watered Down Audit the Fed Bill Passes, Ron Paul Says Senator Sanders is a Sell Out
Basically, the Fed will now give us the names of the banks they lent to and tell us how much money they spent on office supplies, but no real information will likely be shared with the public. This is 21st century government transparency.
U.S. Senate rejects broader Fed audit amendment
May 11- The U.S. Senate rejected an amendment on Tuesday that would have exposed the Federal Reserve to broader scrutiny by Congress, which critics said would extend to monetary policy decisions.
(Imagine our complete lack of surprise)
American Taxpayers Looted To Bail Out The Euro
American taxpayers have been freshly liberated of hundreds of billions more dollars as part of the IMF’s new bailout package which is principally going straight to European banks, in addition to the Federal Reserve program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe, in a move that represents little more than a desperate effort to save the Euro and rescue the credibility of economic global governance.
US trade deficit biggest in more than two years
The US trade deficit widened for the second consecutive month in March to its highest level since December 2008, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.
The trade shortfall increased 2.5 percent to 40.4 billion dollars from February, the department's seasonally adjusted data showed.
Brown to resign as UK prime minister
UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is stepping down after his party was defeated in parliamentary elections last week, he said Monday.
"As leader of my party I must accept that that is a judgment on me," he said.
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