Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

dimanche 10 décembre 2006

Nouvelles diverses- Science, OGM, Santé, contreverse...

Nouvelles diverses- Science, OGM, Santé, contreverse...

Chill out over global warming

Sur le réchauffement de la planète..

The only inconvenient truth about global warming, contends Colorado State University's Bill Gray, is that a genuine debate has never actually taken place. Hundreds of scientists, many of them prominent in the field, agree.
Jun 6, 2006 09:43 AM PSTCategory: SCIENCE/HEALTH
We just came out of an ice age. Of COURSE the Earth is getting warmer. And the geological record shows that the Earth gets warmer and colder in roughly 100,000 year cycles, corresponding to long period oscillations in Earth's orbit around the sun.

But politicians who want your votes and charlatans who want your money will use every change of the thermometer or barometer to sell you a product or an ideology, most of them devoid of any real value.

There is no "balance" of nature. Nature is change. Nature is chaos. Nature will never stand still and it is only the height of human arrogance and conceit that thinks nature can or should be frozen in a particular configuration.

Trafficking in women a worldwide epidemic

Le traffic de femmes est beaucoup plus répendu qu`on ne le penserait.

Trafficking in women a worldwide epidemic, Malarek saysUp to ‘10,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone’

Australians Obtaining Organs From Executed Prisoners:

Un autre article sur les acheteurs d`organes prélevés sur des prisonniers exécutés en Chine. Ceux-ci sont autraliens...

Australian doctors have said Australians have gone to China to receive organ transplants from executed prisoners. Australians are going to China for organ transplants knowing the organs are from executed prisoners and the numbers are likely to increase according to transplant surgeons in Australia.

The Logic of "Humanitarian Intervention"

La logique "d`intervention humanitaire": un beau concept, mais une réalité et des objectifs réels bien différents de ce que cache cette belle étiquette... Le Canada glisse dans cette logique de plus en plus.

On his recent speaking tour across Canada, former Haitian minister of defense Patrick Elie, an elected representative in the first government of Jean Bertrand Aristide, was asked by a member of the World Federalists NGO to support Canada’s new “Responsibility to Protect” (RtP) doctrine. The idea behind the “RtP” is that other countries should intervene in the politics of a sovereign country if they perceive instability or a human rights crisis.

Earth's Ozone Layer Appears To Be On The Road To Recovery

La couche d`ozone se rétablit depuis des années. Ce n`est plus à la mode. Maintenant on parle de réchauffement cataclysmique de la planète causé par le CO2 produit par les humains et leurs machines. Et oui, il faut s`y faire.
Et après on tombe sur des articles comme le suivant qui nous disent qu`en fait, les vaches produisent plus d`émissions de CO2 que toutes nos voitures!
Et ben maudit, il va falloir commencer à manger plus de hamburger pour descendre les vaches du monde entier, parce que les vaches font fondre les glaciers dans le nord. On ne va quand même pas laisser les vaches détruire l`environnement et faire monter le niveau des océans! Je m`en vais direct au casse-croûte manger 10 hamburgers et faire ma part pour l`humanité!

Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars

Meet the world's top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.
Dec 10, 2006 08:09 AM PSTCategory: SCIENCE/HEALTH
I am not sure that is accurate. While methane from cows is a far larger problem than anything produced by humans, I believe that the total biomass of termites and their methane emissions greatly exceeds that of human or bovine.
And a side note about carbon dioxide; it STIMULATES plant growth, a good thing in a world where hunger remains rampant.

Le Big Bang, théorie plus que réalité???

Plus que notre science avance, plus que la théorie de Big Bang s`apparente aux anciennes conceptions telles que le Terre étant le centre de l`univers, et qu`elle était plate.
En fait, il semble y avoir plusieurs problèmes avec cette théorie...

ScienceDaily: Big Bang's Afterglow Fails Intergalactic 'Shadow' Test

The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang


NASA to build a permanently occupied base on the moon

La NASA planifie occuper une base permanente sur la Lune.

Pluto loses planet status

La planète Pluto n`est plus classifiée comme étant une planète et sera désormait appellé planète naine.
Pluto gets demoted as astronomers approve new definition for planets

Lioness in zoo kills man who invoked God

Le mec crie:" Dieu va me sauver, s`il existe". Ensuite le mec descend dans l`enceinte des lions, enlève ses souliers et va aux lions. Une lionne lui a carrément sauté dessus, projeté au sol et coupé l`artère carotide. Merci, bonjour et on repassera pour Dieu plus tard!

"The man shouted 'God will save me, if he exists', lowered himself by a rope into the enclosure, took his shoes off and went up to the lions," the official said. "A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery."

Well, that settles THAT!

Did Jesus Die on the Cross?
A Research Documentary on Jesus Surviving crucifixion and migrating to Kashmir with sub-titles in Urdu.

Est-ce que Jésus est vraiment mort sur la croix? Un documentaire intéressant à voir.

Posted Nov 22, 2006
Crucifixion takes a week to kill a healthy man, unless the legs are broken (which was not the case with Jesus according to the Bible). Yet the Bible says Jesus was only on the cross for a few hours before being declared dead. As reported in the Bible, Pontius Pilate (who we can assume knew a great deal about crucifixion) expressed great surprise that Jesus expired so quickly, but was restrained from further investigation by his wife.

Numerous ancient sources repeat the story of Jesus and his followers faking his quick death to get him off the cross while still alive. Even the new testament contains the recipe for "Wounds of Christ Ointment" (Aloe and Myrrh) suggesting that the post-crucifixing Jesus was not an ascended spirit, but a badly wounded man trying to get the heck out of Dodge.
Jesus' tomb can still be seen in Srinagar.


Did Jesus Die on the Cross?
26 min 21 sec

Vieille nouvelles de quelques mois, quand le film Da Vinci Code est sortit, mais pertinent ici dans le contexte de la contreverse multi-centenaires quand à la nature réelle de Jésus: un homme parmis les homme, ou un Dieu, ou fils de Dieu parmis les homme.

Quand plusieurs affirment que Jésus avait une femme et qu`il aurait même eu une descendance. Quand on comprend dans quel contexte la Bible a été écrite et par qui et pour quel motif, et qu`on en apprend plus sur la vie du vrai homme Jésus, tout cette histoire de religion tombe et tout leur pouvoir et contrôle aussi. Et pour ça, beaucoup sont prêt à résister. Ne pas changer les dogmes...

'Da Vinci Code' Called 'Real Danger' to Christians' Faith
Posted May 18, 2006 11:34 AM

So was Galileo.

'Work of the devil' - Christians blast Da Vinci Code
Say controversial film undermines Jesus' divinity.
Posted May 21, 2006

As the Da Vinci Code correctly points out, Jesus was not considered divine until he was voted such at the Council of Nicaea. And it is funny how the church doesn't seen anywhere near as outspoken over the molesting priests and the damage they inflict on the church's image.

Rejoinder to a Da Vinci Code article

The Jews And The Concentration Camps: A Factual Appraisal By The Red Cross.

Toutes les victimes de génocides poussent pour investiguer ce qui leur est arrivé pour pouvoir faire justice, pour pouvoir documenter historiquement avec des faits les circonstances menant au génocide et aussi souvent pour essayer de guérir de leur trauma. Cependant il existe une exception historique, un groupe de personnes qui clament avoir été victimes spécifiques d`un programme génocidaire, mais qui refusent absolument toutes investiguations entourant ce génocide en menançant quiconque voudrait faire des recherches sur le sujet d`emprisonnement, de destruction de réputation sur la place publique et en les accusant d`anti-sémitisme. Aucune question n`est toléré.

Et des questions, il devrait y en avoir. J`aimerais bien ça savoir ce qui s`est réellement passé en Allemagne dans les camps de concentration, mais une chose qui est sûr, c`est que la Croix-Rouge y était par contre. Dans ses rapports détaillés et neutre couvrant les années cruciales, la Croix-Rouge dresse un tableau assez surprenant de ce qui se passait réellement dans ces camps.

Une des choses les plus curieuse est l`absence de programme d`extermination que rapporte l`organisation. Enfin, je vous laisse explorer ça. Une chose est certain, à force de refuser de faire de vraies recherches neutres à propos de l`Holocauste, ça fini par avoir l`air louche, comme s`il y avait quelque chose qu`on ne devrait pas savoir.

The Jews And The Concentration Camps:A Factual Appraisal By The Red Cross.
There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany's concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948.

This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frédéric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lies its great value.

No Evidence Of Genocide

One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83).
Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber.

It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend.
Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) -

Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594).

Genetically engineered grass found in wild

Grass that was genetically engineered for golf courses is growing in the wild, posing one of the first threats of agricultural biotechnology escaping from the farm in the United States, a new study says.
Creeping bentgrass was engineered to resist the popular herbicide Roundup to allow more efficient weed control on golf courses. But the modified grass could spread that resistance to the wild, becoming a nuisance itself, scientists say.
Sep 4, 2006
This is far from a unique experience. Genes from genetically modified corn have been found in wild varieties in Mexico and in Canada, a rather amazing lawsuit occurred when Monsanto sued a farmer for patent infringement when his crops were found contaminated by modified genes carried into his field by the wind.

This is why allowing the "terminator" gene outside the lab carries such a risk. For those unfamiliar with this latest corporate tactic, plants grown from genetically modified genes that carry the terminator gene will not re-seed, thereby forcing farmers to always buy new seed every year. But plants grown from these seed carrying the terminator gene can escape, and carried by wind, insects, or birds, can render other plants for miles around unable to reproduce.

This will force other farmers who never wanted the modified plants to have to buy seeds as their natural crops grow sterile. Worse, as the case in this article proves, plants with no commercial value will be affected, and wiped out. Animals dependent on those plants will then starve, and whole segments of the natural food chain will collapse.

History is full of scientific disasters such as Thalidomide, which triggered an epidemic of birth defects, mercury in vaccines, which has been linked to the autism epidemic, and overuse of X-rays when first discovered, which created an epidemic of cancer. Far from being rational, corporations can be lured by the promise of profits into making reckless decisions (See ENRON), and the combination of the reckless lust for profits combined with the potential to drive whole plant species extinct seems like a formula for another disaster.

« Parce que j'aime la vie, je ne bois pas Coca-cola »

La multinationale est accusée d’employer des paramilitaires comme tueurs à gage

Avec la devise « Parce que j’aime la vie, je ne bois pas Coca-Cola », le syndicat colombien a lancé il y a deux ans la campagne internationale contre la consommation de la boisson non alcoolisée la plus bue au monde.
De plus, le syndicat a entrepris quatre procès contre la multinationale aux Etats-Unis, l’accusant d’avoir employé des groupes paramilitaires d’extrême droite pour assassiner, entre 1992 et 1994, neuf syndicalistes qui travaillaient pour la firme en Colombie et de poursuivre et d’intimider d’autres employés.

Maybe Some Benefit to Tinfoil Hats!

La pollution électromagnétique est beaucoup plus importante qu`on ne le pense et elle cause plus de maux que le monde ne le réalise. Nous sommes maintenant entouré et transpercé, baignant dans un jus de champs électrique. Plusieurs scientifiques préviennent maintenant qu`il y a un lien entre ceux-ci et la dépression, fausses couches et cancers.

Apparemment ces radiations peuvent influer sur nos systèmes nerveux centraux et nos pensées.

Electronic smog The curse of the mobile phone age: around your home there are countless gadgets whose electrical fields, scientists now warn, are linked to depression, miscarriage and cancer

Invisible "smog", created by the electricity that powers our civilisation, is giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life, new scientific evidence reveals.
The evidence - which is being taken seriously by national and international bodies and authorities - suggests that almost everyone is being exposed to a new form of pollution with countless sources in daily use in every home.

Effects of GHz radiation on the human nervous system: Recent developments in the technology of political control

Blair to target the ASBO babies

But the Prime Minister insisted it was right to force teenage mothers to accept state help even before their children were born - and insisted the reforms would continue 'long after I'm gone'. He highlighted young single mothers as being a particular cause for concern.

'If we are not prepared to predict and intervene far more early, children are going to grow up in families that we know perfectly well are completely dysfunctional,' he said. 'The kids a few years down the line are going to be a menace to society and actually a threat to themselves.'

Is It Raining Aliens?

Nearly 50 tons of mysterious red particles showered India in 2001. Now the race is on to figure out what the heck they are.

Black adults hear better than white adults, a government study found.

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